I • x- Notice to Creditors. IL K. HANNA BUSINESS CARd< I doctrines or teachings, we may be I the placing of monopolies and utilities I sure the true application will fit well. > and the supplle« of nature in the bands IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR JACKSON COUNTY. I of the people for the public good- The •.look. dJU GUS NEWBURY ... » t frisfir-WITI .. "In the- matter of the Estate of David Linn, bn n-nehi'-i .» tn-rrttie tilther- . apparent en- dece, lawyer | to upltnWer* jif iaM'_«t!a|l? become vlo- Attorney-at-Law ' den vor to Impress the" beholder. Its Notice is hereby jriven thdt the unclersitcnedf itirtbas-.of: the |gw..*ud resisters ;of, the has been appointod by the county court of the’ Will Practise in All Courts in the Statt gréM '-'thottth Wilt rerft ’ esentb its : ‘ chief I rf«, , , ! 4 - . I, ••« •«. ♦■ power. umm I to cfoak/ : ' | wjll. gf the. majority as expressed by state of Oregon for the county of Jacksoq^as , Office in Bank of Jacksonville Building' OREGON. MEDFORD. Applying tttbse symbols, we leant i the- ballot. Fear for the future will administratrix of the estate of David Linn, de-i I lead-the well rjeaniug masses to deeper- that ali’evil spirit. Influence, teachluè. Ail person« havlnr any claims a ralnat the said will emnv from the Protestant chnrcliijs Stluu: and .anarchy will result when OREGON JACKSONVILLE, BAGSHAW estate are hereby notified to present the sama I federated, from the Church of Rome, I Soflallsin falls. duly verified, to the undersigned, at her address Attorney at Law and from the Civil uutboritles. all In .«■ > Th. Cloud’s 8ilvar Lining. in Ja.-l -onvill-?. Oregon, on 0» before six tfi) ' If you have youngchildren you have per- I full agreement, tbe spirit of all will ' Horrible would he this outlook for months from the date hereof. NOTARY PUBLIC AND ¡CONVEYANCE!» .aps noticed that dhorilerii of Che •toni’wli tffe future i i be bojratftll: an air of:superlor wisdom did we not have the tnfalll- • CORINNE LIEN. ar» their most common ailment. Io correct cm... i Forenoon 9 to 12 and kbnwledge will be proudly ansum- We' Word oif God assuring us of a Administratrix of the Estate ot Da . id Linn. I .his you will find Cliamberlain’» Tablets ex­ Office Hours, j Afternool, 1;30 to 5 , | cel lent They are easy and pleasant io take, ed -ah will croak in harmony. All will glorious outcome! Dfvtne Wisdom baa D*cease»i. and mild arid jpmtle in efleet For aale by tell ot dire’results that would follow, withheld until our day the great knowl- Bank of Jacksonville Building. all dealers. involving the Interest^' of both the rirlge and skill which la at the same Noiiee of Sale of Real Property by ACKS0NVILL8. - -ORSGDN pfesebt find the future life, if tliélr time breeding milllonalri-s a nil tllacon- Administrator. Church«» of All Denominations and th» I còunsel be not followed? Howevet’ c6n tentsi Hui] God lifted the veil a thou­ Civil ,Poyy»r» of Earth. Aro About to 'Dieting th'e:'creeds, the differences will sand: yr firs sooner, tile world would IN THE COUNTY C.WRT OF THE STATE OF OREOON DI T T. saw FOR JACKSON COUNTV. Vinita In Common Cauae—Powerful | be Igrfori-ll-'ilri the gent-ifiit proposition baa«! lipcd up for Its Armageddon a In the matter of the estate of Chas. B. Tooth* But that ,1 Irifiuanc» Preparing For the Battle , tWnt trtH liltiif nheient nnlM ‘W disturb ithousaDd. • years pooncr AuiFeaix «nd v»l’:«Heirfono«iio» Dentist. would have liei-n too soon for the DI acker, doe-aced. aboi.’ broc .n«. h'tciiac, uilinf. of Armageddon—A Reign of Anarchy ed. or mrtki-d loto, or repudiated. Notice '« hereby given ’hat the un.lerslRned. rille purpose, liecniise Mi-ssiqh'« King ­ The Divine authority df tiie Church. 1 Will. Be tHe Result of the Warfare the administrator of the estate of Cjias. B. Too|h- ; Office in l’yan Building, California St. - iuA pci.iUd. anYf tlie'Dil'ffi'é right of kings, aside dom Is to be the .great Tbousnnd- aker. »1. - '■»» ie»f, will from and after the 1 rf speech lu ready to sacrifici- life and everything Hix ’Ctinreli in Kingdom power, and roy deceased, has rendered, presented and iiled for the lust book 'of tile' Bible, evldelitlj- on till- altar ot what they mistakenly that the Church has been reigning oti I settlement in the above entitled court and matter 6b his first and final account and report of his ad­ with » view to hldiiig certain tmpiir suppose Is Justice, .truth and rigliti-uux- tile earth ji .« Ills representative itaut tmths until the due time for thell- ness. under a Dl.vijié arrangement. . the strength of this delusion, .lews and ministration of said ehtate, and that Monday the revenfuient Biit'even In the duA time, l'or u lirici time, us We understand heretics have been persecuted to death 18th day of November 1912. at the hour cf 10 o’clock a. m. of said day at the courtroom of said the Bible assures us. “None of the' the Scriptures, these combined forces as opponents to Christ’s Kingdom. All court at the court house in Ja. k.;onvi’lc, Jackson Free the while we thoughtlessly repeated : wicked Rfuill understand" (Daniel xfl. of Armageddon will trtnmpli County, Statp of Oregon, har. boon duly appointed V. 10»—none who tire out of benrt har- spi-ecli, free malls, ajjd other libi-rtii-x the Lord’s prayer: "Thy Kingdom and fixed by the order of the Judge of tho above i «nouy w'lfh God—but only tlie wise o wiilch have còme to be the very breath come: Th.v will be done ou earth, us in entitled court as the time and place for hearing Hf* fiedpf*—the "wise virgin" class ol of the masses |n our day. will lit- ruth­ Heaven " We knew that the Redeemer objections to said account and report and for tlie Muster'* parable. lessly slmt off under the plea of neees said that He would come again to settlement, thereof and of said estate. A!l persons Interested in said estate are hereby ! I have long avoided presentation Of sity. the glory of God, tile commands make us Ills Bride and Joint heirs-, but SALE DATES We were notified that all objections to said account and | my understanding of our text and Itx of the Church, etc. AU will seem to be we Ignored the Scriptures report or gny jtem thereof must be filed on of i context. 1 take it up now b.v request serene, until the groat social explosion drunk' as the Scriptures symbolically Fr-inl point« South of before the date and time aforesaid. Ro-.ehura. Nov. 18. 19 and and because I believe It is due time to In our context described us the "great say. "nil nations were drunk" with the 20. and from point« north I Date of first publication hereof is October, 19th > be understood 1 disclaim any alleviai Earthquake " An "earlliqnake." In false doctrine It is this false doctrine 1012. of Rmebt-rg, including » point« on th-.- C & E . P. Inspiration. In some particulars my symbolic Inngunge. sigillile« social that will constitute the "frog" spirit' HERBERT K HANNA. R. & N . S. F. C. & W. views ngree with those of other Bible revolution, and the declaration of the which soon will begin to croak nud to Executor of the Estate of the abovo named and Flranch line points. For further details as to fares . from Nov. 18. 19. 2” and 21 with prepare for Armageddon students, and In other respects they context is that none like unto it ever decedent. final return limit of Nov. IB any specific station, train schedules, etc., The Bible presentation 1 r that the disagree. Each henrer must Use Ills before occurred (Revelation xvi. 18. cull on nearest Agent or write to own Judgment, do his own Bible study, 19.1 Jesus described ft as a time of world is a section ot thp universe In and reach his own eonclnsions. trouble such as never was since there rebellion against Divine authority, un­ IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE der Hie ciiplnlney of Satan and bls as- Kindly reuiomlM-t- thilt I am not re­ was a nation.—Matthew xxlv. 21. OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF John M. Scott, General Passenger Agent so.-lated fallen angels By Divine grace sponsible for the figures of speeelT used JACKSON. Tho Lord Will Gather Them. lesiis has already "tasted death for by tlie Lonl My interpretations do in­ The false, frog-like teachings will Lizzie Walpole, Plaintiff. deed constitute a terrible arraignment gather together into one host the great every man.' mid the merit of that sne- vs. of Institutions which we have nil rever the rich, the wise, the learm-d and the rltlce must, eventually, graut Adam and Harry K. Walpole, Defendant. enced and which embrace good people. kings of the earth, to battle At tills his posterity n full, fall’ opportunity To liarry K. Walpole, defendant for the attainment of everlasting life, above named: Of good words mid good Works God's juncture Divine Bower will step for who thus see the Divine program saintly people In these vnrlons Institu­ All In thi.- name of th.- State of Oregon, Ward, and our text tells us that //A; tion*. being comparatively few, are shall gather the marshaled hosts to mid are walking In the light may know Y >u a-■■ h.ireby nitiiied that Lizsie Walpole, as ol intil . has commenced a ignored when systems as a Whole are Armageddon to the Mountain of De something nt least respecting the "times mid sensi-iis' These brethren "are suit i-i -I e ircuit Court df the State dealt with In prophecy. strnctlon The very thing which they not In darkness, that that day [and of U- ' ci. in and 1’«'Jacksori CoU.'icy, Th» Dragon, B»a»t, False Prophot, sought to avert by (heir union, federa­ and that in pursuance of an order ma le that buttle ot Armageddon) should Our context tells its that three Im an. .ru’e-id a said ca'tfe by F. tion. etc., will be the very tiling they thh-f — un • ‘ ns a overtake" them pure »iiirlts iteuvhlngsi will go forth will hasten Ca kin?. Ju i te of said court, Other Scripture« tell us 2nd l.iy uf October, 1912, you from the mouths of tin- Dragon, the that God will be represented by the h wares. Armageddon Not Vet but Soon. q iir».d to appear in s ii i cause Roast nnd the False Prophet, anil these Great Messiah, and that lie will be on KxpreSS, Freight, General Delivery. Teaming to For forty years the Armageddon before ■■.■t vveekd frnrn th - firs three will be in accord, mid symbolical the side of the musses Thus we rend all Parts of the Country. Nothing too Heavy or caiion cf s imrTt in«, which < have been mustering for both torci-s iy the doctrines are represented by In Daniel Xll. I: "At that time «hall 'ion will n e ‘th dav nt too Light. Agents for Colestir. Mineral Water. "frog*.” These three doctrines are to Michael Itile Godlike one Messl:itl| sides i ot the cotitliet Strikes, lockouts 191!.. mi ’, answer the complain mid riots great and small, nave heen have a mighty Influence throughout the stand up" ilHHiitue niittioruv He will pl-iiiiiitf iii, d therein, and for -emit of civilized earth They are to gather take possi-sslon ot Ills Kingdom in a merely IncldeiitiU skirmishes ns the an« . ">f, on o- befo. 0 said time, iielllgel'eiit |i:irtfc-x crossed i-.1ch other's the kings nnd their armies to the great manner little looked for bv many of plaintiff 'ill npi iv io th paths Court and Army scmidais tn U.i TBliuf ” .a.led d and pri: Battle of Armageddon. those who errom-uiisly have bei-u TUe eceleaiiistlcul kings nnd prince«, claiming that they were Ills Kingdom, Europe ln«in'iiiicr Trust and Court ■ ■■in o • . I-' v. J, foi sciinihil« in America, have xtinken pule <::v T’ fro:-; 'U a. d for her c...«i3 a id and their retinues of clergy and faith limi mithoflzvd by Him to reign In IIIx Dyntiiuhv plots, cbnrg uisii'jr-'--’¡ie.H'3 in -aid suit. ili i untlileliee ful ndtierents. will he gathered In solid name ami III ill« «tend Lut. 1 this 2 d day of Octobsr, 1912. ell by turn» mi vHijiloyevs and on pin- phalanx—Protestant mid Catholic Tlie W J. Mo PRE, •leso« decimiti "Ills xeFtlint* ye are kings and captains of Industry, mid ns mito wlimn ye rendei service ” Some pinvi-rs. nave furtlipr shaken ronti A‘tp nvy for Plaintiff. make each dis many an can be lnfiuene«-d by them, may lie rendering service to S h I iiu mid deuce ami teiidi-d to will be gathered to the same side The tu erlur. wlm claim to lit- rpiid.-rtug trustful uf the other Bitter and angry SUMMONS. political kings and prince*. With nil servire tu Gnil mill to rlahtisinsnesfi: feeling’ on iM»th sidos are more and more mmnfest The does of battle are their bench men and retainer*, will fol- mid xouiv ii1 ol tiles.- luay tu’ Urrvjng lg low In line on the same side The inir.intly. n« did Smil nf Turan*, who dally tns ’illiliid more distinctly marked Aevei'tliele«» Armageddon cannot yet financial king* nnd merchant princes. "verily thought that tie did God « «efv lx- f'lii.-ht O'h<-r mutter* Intervene, and all whom they enn Influence by the Ice' In perseciitliig the fluir 11 The iii-corilihg t<- prophecy roost gigantic power ever yet cxcrels -‘h •’ sii le pilli’iple held« true reversely Gelil ill- time- linve «till two years to Arv-i Ltx, Minnie ed tn the world, will Join the RII III» As mi carili i king di«« imt liold him I he "Image of tin' Re; ’ »t" of our ■diet, Louise A. r.jv ’ns, run ■Ide. according to this prophecy. self ri-spi-nsible for tin- moral ehnrm'tef f. G-iulel. These "doctrlni-* of demon*.” rvpre- of‘each sold er who fights In tit« bat contest must yet receive I'.tr power willed by the "frogs." will lead many I’cs s.i the I tini dues not vouch fot the Thi- tniHi-r inn«t tie »rmixfoiii.ed from JX-rVniar.i To G.-fCh r Holmquist. Arvid Holrn- noble people In this great army to us­ ime »I elini'm ter of all who will enlist ii mere niei tlillllsni b> H living force quiat, E b a T. Luc. Minnie A. I’roti-Htrtiy Federation reiiIlzes that Ils -em’, b lank X. G alli t an»l L U suiue *n attitude quite contrary to aud tight on !!« side of any qm-sllun their preference. For a time the "His «ervuutx (hey are to whom they onninHUitli’ti will still be futile unless GuuleL ili-tF:,.:« nt«, and each of wheel» of liberty ntid progress will be render service." whntever tile motive it revive virilization- lllllesa its clergy In the n»m of the S ate of Orogon: d)m-tly 01 lndlrertly xhiill lie recog Yotl !' i- I •Ivbv require ! to npnear mai turned backward and medieval re- nr olile t tfiiimptlng them , . ‘ ngn ipswer 'he ■omplaint omplaint filed ngnintl y >u qizeil 11« possessisl of npostullc ordlmi strnlnts «til tic considered necessary T*’i- «mm- prliiclpli-s will apply In the ” . rt ■■ am and i-.-iugj, for wlf-pryserratlon - for the mnlnte- lombi« Battle nf Armageddon Goil x l1o:i and milluirlty ti> tench This the m the ibove entitled C;> t he time prophecy nidi ales will eo me from the on or before the last day of the namy of the present order of things. side of Hilt battle «III be tile peoples two Horned lieast. trillili. we believe. prescribed in the ord> r for pub icHtion lu giving this Interpretation, it 1 side nml ilie very nondescript host. ’f summons herein. t > wit, , symbolically represents the Chiiri h of li«*<-axiiry for us to Indicate arhat 1» Bit- penpli-t «III tie pitied lit t(n- Is-gln fore the I6t|a day of Novemb Eligkmd Jllgh teimleil activities of 1812. »aiddate being tn«»exp symlxillsed by the Drngoh, the Hi-nst. nlng nf the buttle. Amirehlxt« S lh - ìii I and the Fnlsc Prophet. Bible students 1st«, mid li”f h,at,led rndlenl« nf evet’.» Protestantism and Catholicism, opertlt- «¡X weeks from the date of the of nearly nil denomination» agree with si'hnol of reason nml unrem«>ti «’111 lie mg 111 eon Junction for flu- suppression publication of tn is summon!». And if o 'nil to apnenr .ini'' answer, for of hiimnu lllH-rtles. await th:« vivifying <<> n» that the “Dragun" of Revelation III the fiiveft”'it of Unit tintile The p'aintiff w il ap'-lv to J III« may come soon, won » i - eol represent* the purely ClVil Power. nmlmity of tly- pour and the inl’hlle of flic Image Pis-testmit Interpreters rc-c-a!’i «give but ArimiL'ishion cannot precede it. hut tn -Court f’-r t;i rei ei pta;,cJ lor in i .a-- ' ■ m— e nt nlniost mly price pi.- itl'.iff’s c»'mp!aint, ns follows: that the "Rcast like a | ,1 It-re A cu . « . all nmnls-r Gods must follow' perhaps 11 year after IL J-'or j u'gment against vou in 'he sunt latlon «III. 2- repie eits t' ,» P-le-lev »wording to our view of the Prophecy of >LM)().00 mid interest thereon fro-n •vn, <■ a I people, will at heart lie Rut fewer «till we fei-r, will I«- n i'.l.v Still another thing intervene* Al- the 16th day of June, 1911. in the sum longitrg for Mi-s-tnti « Klnzdi-m I'hesr tli High the .lew« nie grail mi I ly Hewing of $2K'.0b. and a reasonable attorney to «npport our view that Protestantism wHI tilde thyi Lord s time mid «nit pa 1« the “Image of the lte:i«t" (Revelation tfently fur It: .tilei will lie ot good into I'alestlne. gradually obtaining con fe ■ of fl’IO.OJ and the costs and accru­ will, thi In onr context given another murage, kuowluu Hie vat’mer outlined troi of th* land of Canaan and ai ing 'oats and dishir«enients in said name, “the False I’rophet.” We urge tn tile "mure sure iv -'d of pro| hvey.’ though ri‘(sirts sav Hint already nine .«nil to be taxed, and ask for a decree uu one io accept our Interpretation, to whleh tliev have done well to take teen inllllomiire* are there, neverthe­ of Cour; for the sale of the property desenbed in the said complaint, as nor shall we think hard of any who ho-'tl. "«• unto ii Hi less prophe<-y requires an evidently prov dni by law, ir foreclosures, and refuse It. We will neither «lander ty>r larger numla-r of weiiltbv Hebrews tv that you ai-.d each of you be birred rtatK pl.ir»» until the otherwise Injure them tmtv. nor threat­ 4|Mer I. U»‘ t-e there before thv Arnuigeddon crisis and forecl-sed of all right, title or en them with eternnl torture. They Indeed w-e understand equity of redemption in and to said Tho IIDISHV'« will I h > restie** nf thelr be reached have th«- same rlglil io their view« that premises described in said complaint, rentmlntn. but will I h - consefous of that "Jacob’s trouble" In the Hull and that a strict foreclosure be onler- I have, and the same right to make thelr own weakness a» rompami to thè laind will come nt the very close ot i-d «g*in«t you. and for such other re­ them known to other*, ¿ttid I. for Then Messiah'» King klmi« and prl-nes tftiaticlal. rellid-m* Armageddon lief as is asked for in said complaint. one will lx- very glnd to nmsnlor nnv «lui politicali whleh «vili thrn fluid dom will Is-glti to lie iiianlfestiMl Th's summons is published In the tills™ which op[>nni-nt« ntnv set forth Thenceforth l«rnel tn the land of pr»»m Jai'k-M»'iv>ile Post hv older ot Hon. J. sway. Resile* thè masse» nave no «« thi-lr hi'erpret«t1”ii« of opr text Ise will gniiliinlly rise froui the ««lie* R. Neil, fudge of the County C-urt of »ympaihv «uh miarchy. The» reali’»- of the past to the grrnnb-nr ot |>roph Jackson County. Orngon, which ».«id "Unclean Spirit» Like Frog».-- trnlv thit thè worwt forni of govern Through Its Divinely appointed nle" w .'. h n»xd-' «nd er'ered of reew*d Th,- «vnilmllxum nf Scripture r|"hi- meni 1« twqtdy o«»-t Dste ot th* first publication hereof When the Holy Nplrtt >l«--d h "frog ful but Invisible, will b'gin tn nth penreflil re :ld lll«tmi-nt of earth • af is tne 5th. day of October, A. D. 1912. • way the curse und to lift ap mankind b» *JMNbuil<-aHjr represent certs lit faira tur thè eliminatigli ot evll. for H. A. C anady . Attorney for Plaintiff. ARMAGEDDON OF THE SCRIPTURES Startling Presentation oí Com­ ing Events. D. W. PASTOR RUSSELL'S VIEWS. I ONE AND ONE «THIRD FARE R?SD TO PORTLAND International Dairy Show Pacific Lini Products Show November 18to 23 Charles F. Dunford DR AY AGE JACKSON VILLE OREGON Is complete without a fountain syringe and hot water bottle. we sell the famous Kant- leek goods, guaranteed for two years, Also have the cheaper kind. City Drug Store