0,er°n *'«•«<* bucete VOL. VI JACKSONVILLE, JACKSON COUNTY, OREGON, JUNE 29. 1912 PRESBYTERY MEETS NO. 9 'This sulphurization of asphalt has even and twelfth grades to the high school GRANGE [, E .Sb: ES been applied with good effect to elat- course. I | erite and similar hard asphalts from Baker Democrat: The movement of eastern Utah. The extension of this Baker county stockmen to replenish For Good Toads Endorsed by License Minister to Preach ' interesting bessemerizing process holds the range that has been so badly de­ ; out attractive possibilities—for exam-, pleted the past two or three years, is l/ofe Rejoicing at Rev. Central Labo' Council ! one that is timely, or else a meat fam­ pie. that the same raw material may | Held Monday Night. Final Portland People to View Shields Decision. of Portland. be used in both the elastic tire of the ine would not be far otf. « automobile and the road over which it Estimate on Gravity Wa­ I Central Oregon, Battle- Bethany Presbyterian church of runs. Grants Pass enjoyed a mortgage burn­ The Presbytery of southern Oregon W hereas ;—The Oregon State Grange ter System Presented. The chief feature of the asphalt in­ ship Oregon to ing function Wednesday night and later has now before «lie people uf Oregon, met in special session in the First dustry in 1911, as shown by an ad­ presented George Cramer, for 16 years ! good roads measures giving the voters Presbyterian church of Medford, Ore., vance chapter from ‘‘Mineral Re­ in July. the church’s financial mentor, with a of the stale and each county lull power on Tuesday at 11 a. m. Rev. J. K. sources,” published by the United An adjourned meeting of the citv loving cup. Baillie, D. D., of Phoenix, was mod­ States Geolugieal Survey, “The Pro­ council was held at City Hall Monday to locate and secure roads « f seivi.e Eugene Register: Every cyclone that and benefit to lhe farmers, and erator. Rev. O. T. Morgan, Ph. D., duction of Asphalt, Related Bitumens, 1 evening: Present Mayor Shaw; Ccun Portland, Ore., June 25 (Special) — was examined in theology and licensed and Bituminous Rock ,” by David T. | cilmen Britt, Fick, McIntire and Ul­ The most extensive “Seeing Oregon »» j passes over the middle West makes W hereas : 'the organized workers to preach the Gospel with a view to i Day, is the greet extension of the use j rich; Recorder Dox. trip ever undertaken from Portland I Oregon’s population more permanent. j of the farms aim .he cities ot l.irtgon, ordination at the tall meeting of the of residues from the asphaltic varie-! 'l he principal purpose of the meet­ will be the big excursion to Lakeview There is considerable comfort living in 1 lighting .’•boulder lo s'm.ulder, have se­ Presbytery. | ties of petroleum as binders in the j ing was to hear the final estimate and | next August. Business men of the a country where a cyclone celler is a cured and are rtli.ii.ing the Oregon The Presbytery found the charges i surfaces of macadam roads in order I report of the engineer in charge of lhe metropolis will go by automobiles, strange and useless curiosity. system of p.« pie’s rule; th«.ref are be aguinsl the brethren ot Coos Bay false ! to prevent the rapid deterioration of construction ol the gravity water sup­ euvoi iug about 2,000 miles. Alternutc Klamath Herald: The report comes I it and unfounded and dismissed them. ] these roads from automobile traffic, ply system mid to consider the report routes Will be taken coming an«l going, 1 from Bly that Mrs. E. Casebeer, whose R esolved :—By tho Central Labor By a vote the Presbytery expressed its , i The asphalt nsed for this purpose on and acceptance of the distributing so that an immense area of the state home was burned Monday, causing a Council of Poiti.ind ami Vicinity, in rejoicing that the Rev. Weston F. showed a g»iu in quantity from 159,424 system within the city. 1 will be covered. At Lakeview the loss of about $10,330, is to erect a ho regul ¡r session assmibkd, that wo Shields has decided to remain with the tons in 1911) to 334, «51 tons in 1911. | The gravity system iiowever proved l Central Oregon Development League tel building in Bly. Last August the urge our members ami ti e friends» of Medford church. Fourteen ministers It is noted also that the importation I so interesting that the acceptance of i will be m session August 20,21 and 22, only hotel building at Biy was burned. the Oregon system to endorse, by their and two elders were in attendance. — of soft asphalt from Venezuela, which I the distributing system was deferred j and the journey will cover ten days. Fossil Journal: C. C. Scott of the signatures, the Grange roi.d bills and Sun. is admirably suited for this purpose, is ' until some subsequent meeting. No Some will go bv train to Bend, others forest service, who recently returned i t0 carefully scrutinize and s -called protests or objections have been filed ! by auto, and all will leave Bend and to Fossil, bringing with him a bride, home rule for harmony road measures, increasing. within the time specified and it is ' motor southward to Lakeview, follow- nus been appointed by the stute sor- , ‘ initiated or to be initiated, 'o defeat BINDERS FOR ROADS likely that the wuik will be accepted ing different routes. Returning, the ester as supervising warden for Wheel- , the Grange bills. ---------- ----------- — PORTLAND MAYOR INDICTED without cavil. | Klamath country and Crater Lake will i er county. He will have charge of all The report of Mr. Osgood showed be visited and delegates from Portland siate, county and private patrol work. Important Uses of Asphalt Not­ APPROPRIAI ION LOST the work done, material used, etc. in will take the train at Bend for home. — Journal. detail: the total of work, material, etc ed in Repoit of United On Accouni of Attempt to Bribe Secretary C. C. Chapman, of the i furnished by Jacobson-Bade Co. Oregon Development League, is mak­ Small Changes. No Read around L. in of Ciater States Geological Sur- I amounted to $37,441.67; this does not ing plans for the trip and tnose who go Deputy District Attorney. I inciude the work done or material will have a better knowledge of In­ Lake This Year. ve'/. I furnished by Mears which abaunted to terior Oregon than ever before. It was a sulstitiai rainstorm. Portland, Ore., June 27.-Mayor some $7,400 making the total cost of Among the incurable diseases is love. Portland will have a big apple show Rushlight, Chief of Police Siover and gravity supply $44,841 The frit nds of Crater Lake bate lost A by-product of the oil industry is | Captain of Detectives Baty were in- j The Taftiles cuuiun’e be either Included in the estimate of $37,441.67 next winter. The time has been fixed their fight for an aj pr »priatiun to fast supplying the demands for as­ I dieted today by the county grand jury bullied or seared. tentatively as the last week in Novem- phalt in the United Slates. Asphalt in connection with the charges made is an allowance of $105q.66 represent-' i ber. Business men of ihe Rose City Campaigning becomes easier fur. builds roads and nnd;a other in preve- | ing the difference in cost of excavating ments in Crater Laue National l aik commerce has always been guided by Deputy District Attorney Collier j are working on the details. Good Debs every four years. I I for lhe present at least: rather by the uses to which the mate- | that city detectives acting under or­ the city reservoir between what it prizes will be offered and it is expected It seems safe fur the Democrats to would have cost if only earth had been This news ia cuntu.ne : in ti e fulkw. rial could be put than by the discovery ders had attempted to bribe him. The encountered and what it would amount to make the affair a big success. It be even "fooler” than usual. ing Washington disp. tcT : of new deposits. Thus asphalt was exact charge is nut known. will be under the general direction of to a pi ice paid per yard for solid rock ‘‘Whoever win or lose the fight, ‘"lhe house has r> jet led Congiess- first brought to this country from the Cliftord Maddux and Frank Reed, exeavation. As the bid of Mr. Mears ! I the State Horticultural Society and each, pray Gud, a gentleman. ” i man Hawley’s amendme it to the sun region of the Dead Sea and elsewhere I former police offeers, also were indict­ [ busine.s interests and commercial I and also of Jackson-Bade Co. named a Parker—Parker? O yes, he spelled dry civil bill for $5U,0W for Crater in lhe East for making asphalt var­ ed. All the defendants are charged i bodies will co-operate fully. a ilat price for construction cf the l Lake Park. The aim ui t cm riea fur Bryan one presidential seuson. nish-, and especially for “japanning” with attempting to bribe Deputy Dis­ City reservoir, including excavation, The first great dairy show ever held metals. Asphalt found in an impure trict Attorney Collier. The Port of Tillamook is also knock­ i lhe park is $3,aik. Ti e bill More recently the petroleums from fering of money to Collier was part of bonus of $2030. over and above the' ' ■ eastern states as well. From present minority can’t out vote a majority. ' has passed the senaie but lhe house California »nd Texas has furnished, a plot to ’’get the goods on Collier” aE amount of Mr. Mears bid, in order to I indications, there will be the greatest turned it down. The J.'i.O.l) ■•entitu id in the course of their utilization, large a grafter and arrest him. C ' Don ’ t worry too much about father Chief of > make up or cover any deficiencies in display of dairy stock, dairy products in the regular appropriation for the supplies of asphaltic residues. A Police Siover and Mayor Rushlight ad- the same, and dairy machinery eve/assembled on I maybe he’ll have a sort ot' vacation, park will barely cover the running ex­ man who has shown his genius in mitted knowledge of the plot say it too. I After considerable discussion a war- the ___________ r. There ____ will __ ___ Pacific SI ip. also be a penses of lhe stiperm leoucnt and no many other lines, Walter R. Jenney, was legitimate to use such methods as rant was ordered drawn for the amount big sale of dairy cattle cattle at the It is worth something to live among improvement cun be macle Ibis year.— was among the first to conceive the they believed Collier dishonest and I oj the estimate less the $1055.57 in I show and the executive committee has I or near to partially green-wooded Ex. idea that this asphaltic material could thought they could thus expose him. [ dispute, and which matter was held , adopted tne rule that every*hing offer­ slopes. be “bessemerized” —that is, blown fur further consideration. j ed for sale must be guaranteed against i If young people in Oregon couki only I with air in a wav that would make it : The bill of T. W. Osgood for balance tuberculosis for three months after the be appreciative, they needn’t envy the Dyrentcry is always ser'or i au I often a sticky and even elastic to a certain During the summer months mct:..rs of (|ue on engineering, was allowed in **■- the | 8a]e> dnngeroiis <1.;«er>e, but :. < m l.n cured. I angels any. extent. Elastic material for roofing young children should watch for any unnat­ Oh «i,.l>erl«iiii's Colic, I hole: l nini ! -in: rliot a nnR " sum of $602.81. Oregon has a good chance to win the and even substitutes for rubber in au­ ural looseness of the bowels. When given Remedy line eili.' I it -"’en men m «lignant Evelyn must be pretty welldow ” and ! national prize for advance in earth i out; pictures of her are not published end epidemic. For sale by nil deulers. tomobile tires have been obtained prompt attention at this time serious :-oeble may be avoided. Chamberlain’s Colic, Chol­ Among the happy Oregon men are education this year. The slate tom- I in all the newspapers any more. from asphaltic residues by this blow­ era and Diarrhoea Remedy can always be Why ask your friends to go on your j mittee has unde way an exhibit snow­ the hopgrowers. ing process or by treating with sulphur* depended upon. For sale by all dealers. bond'? I can furnish you a surety left It is a pity that a young widow ing how 75,000 boys and girls of the bond. slate have beer. interested in lhe new ! a lot of money on condition that alie I). W. B a GSIIAW. the I doesn ’ t marry again can ’ t break competitive gardening contests and | will. how 10,(WO Portland School children were enlisted in similar work in this I If the women suffragists win in Ore­ city alone. Perhaps no other state gon, m.iy Mrs. Duniwuy be alive and j ever gave such liberal support to this well to rejoice in the triumph of her j j movement at the outset. The next long battle. • sttp, it is expected, will be to make Cannot Girls are also winn;ng oratoricalcon- Jacksonville Citizens fl | this industrial education an integral | tests in the colleges. The bays are too Doubt it. rf| 1 part of tl.e state school system. Doans Kidney ' busy with athl-alics, perhaps; the girls Fur the first time in its history the may even beat them there yet. —Ex. Pills were used—They ! famous battleship Oregon is to visit its Cured. . own state. During the Elks reunion, Buying Orchard Lands. in July, lhe historic old fighting ship will be brought to Portland harbor, i The story wns told to Jacksonville where it will be much admired by nil Lewiston, Idaho, June 22, (Special) — residents. loyal Oregonians. Naval officials have Time has Htrengthunec the evidence. at last given their consent to the re-' Lewiston business men, in response to Hus proven the cure permanent. quest that the Oregon be brought the call ot the Lewiston Orchards Association, this week purchased or­ The testinioney is from Lilis locality. here chards tracts in excess of 100 acres in The piool convincing. Headquarters have been opened at tracts of five and ten acres each. The Mrs. J. H. Baussum, Central Ave., Portland for the World’s Christian land purchased was sold for $503 per Midfore, O i l -., says: "I WHS so b: d Citizenship Congress that will be held acre and the Orchards association wil with l.niiiey trouble that I could n o in late Jun'; ana early July next year. 'secure as commission to be used in the do my housework. My back w.e Rev. J. S. McG.iw, of Pittsburg, is in erection of a drying plant $1,003 as the weak ami puimul and in the morning charge and he will organize a commit­ result of yesterday’s elTot ts. In dis­ I when 1 gol up, 1 was lame ami sure. tee of 100 to manage detaiis of the cussing the matter, one of the mem­ The kidney Sci-retnins Mere unnatural conference. It is proposed to bring to bers of the committee expressed the and my health siead.ly run down unlil 'he convention many of the most opinion that one-third of the 5‘H acres I was hardly able ,o get about. While prominent churchmen and leaders in to be sold to secure the $2),UJJ was in that C'Uiuitiuii, I read about Duan's 0 reform movements of the whole world. practically disposed of. Kidney Pills and got a box. I ft It The sale of the land was regarded as I better from the time 1 commcnci d particularly suggestive of the confi their use and it was nut long until I Oregon Sidelights deuce of of the Lewiston buxines« men wan curid. I am i:i a position to rec­ in the Orchards lands. Practically ul ommend Duan's Kioiivy Pilis to atty- The Elk« of Pendleton arc aiready | the business men witnessed the open I og of the tract five years ago w.ien (Statement given Sept. 14, 190?.) the land was placed on the in iritet al RE I.NDOH8EMENT billed for June 28. $300 per acre Trey have watch,» 1 th.- When Mrs. Pmusium was interviewed A state bank with $15,303 capital has development of the district arid hav. on let-tier 2G, 19' 0 she said: “i»iy been established at Aumsville by J. H. I witnessed the UUVaiiCe in Valu.i io i- ¡a'eier t ndoiselnenl ol Duan's Kidn -y ti. H. and D. M. Ib senl urg. unlil the land first planted and so..: P Im still l.-j .'s good. Since this T. K. Murry, for the past year with has oeen resold it pruei ranging from letnudy died me 1 have hud au further the Grants Pass Daily Courier as city $1,000 io $l,uoo p«r aero. A numbe. attacks <>f kiili.ey con.plaii t and I editor ra« gone to Signal, Ariz., where of the members of the committee wl; > have enjoyed good health. 1 «Io no* Pioneer and he Will engage in mining. purchased three and four years ago u h dtnle to say tlmt Doan’s Kidney T. H Ellis, a concrete contractor at puces ranging from $450 to fi5J pei Pins art- b- nelicial tor all d Hi-ulttes, laueoil • J weak ktdi.eys. ” , F ¡gene, has organized a co.nia.-y foi ( acre have since ref used $1,«MJ hoi sale by all dealers. Price 50 the purpose of oit'ding on street im­ $1,200 uer acre for their land MllH there was no hesitancy on the pari Ü. cents, Fusie.-Ai .HTi an Co., Buffuio, provement work in Eugene. the Lewiston dealers to pay $500 New York, auL agcii.s f«M’ the United At a special election at Dufur, on acre for the land that is farther QUC States. July 15, the patrons of the schools will | I then tho land first offered for $300 per Remember the name—Doan’s—and PORTLAND COUNCIL MEETING LETTER THE BEST PRCCF Rolled ¡arley, Bran, Shorts, Wheat All Kinds of Chick Food Baled Hay, at lit Ml w m H I decide whether or not to add eleventh 1 acre. I take no other.,