Jacksonville post. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1906-19??, January 27, 1912, Image 1

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    Oregon Historic.-.! '-cciety
< :D IT. B
.guard for the team declares that he j
ris much too fat for such strenuous ex-
• ercise, and he thinks he will reduce
Issue of Jackson County Road I some of his avoirdupois before he en-
i ters any more contests. Wilson who
Bonds turned down by
like McIntyre was there from the foul
I line throwing three out of four at-
Supreme Court
I tempts also succeeded in throwing
: four field baskets for the home team.
In an opinion written by Judge I The same teams will meet in Jackson-
Burnett and concurred in by Chief i ville in the early part of February.
The Local High Team who went to
Justice Eakin and other judges, the
court Tuesday afternoon I Central Point the sarnie evening was
rendered a decision reversing the I overwhelmingly defeated by a score
decision of Judge Calkins of the cir­ I 33 to ],
cuit court in th, matter of road bonds • Nuff said.
voted at a special election held in this
■■ ..
county last fall.
The cause of reversal was the ab­
sence of any provision in either the
amendment to the constitution or in
As threatened at Poi tland.
the Statutes authorizing the calling of
a special election for voting upon the
Only 25 want work.
question of creating an indebteiniBB I
in excess of the constitutional limitation I
Portland, Ore., Jan. 25.—The
vasion of 2000 jobless men on their
descent on the eity hail has hot ma-
i terialized and today the police and
Jacksonville Aiumnl defeated .1 city officials are breathihg easier.
¡The ‘‘riot of the idle” was promised
by Medford High School j by Several socialists and Industrial
i Workers of the World speakers here
j several days ago unless‘‘aid was ex-
One of the best contest, seen at j tended to the unemployed.”
Of 150 “unemployed” hei-ded into
the Medford Nntoriutn this season was
the Basket Ball gaffie Friday night; the bureau’s office by socialist lead­
ers, only 25 accepted jobs offered.
between the Jacksonville High School
remainder advanced various cx-
Alumni ahtl the Medford High Schobl C1
some saying that they were not
which ended in a Victory for the Med- ■ ■ cuses
ford High School by a BCohe Of 23 to j “strong enough” and others that
they ,,did not want to leave their
The Jacksonville tearti won the first , homes in this city.”
haff of the gtttbe by a score of 7 to 6, .
but for the lack of being in good con­
For the very best in cigars and to­
dition, and th At the Medford team put- bacco C. Shaw.
tlhg ih fr&bh nien in the second half,
turned the tables on the boys and the i MINERS NOTICE-Notice of Location
BeCohtl hnlf of the game ended in a I both Quartz and Placer, for sale at this
Store of 17 to 11 in favour of Medford. office,
State of Ohio, City of Toledo, )
Lucas County,
i s '
Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he
is senior partner of the firm of F. J.
Chenev & Co., doing business in the
City of Toledo, County and State afore­
said, and that said firm will pay the
sum of One Hundred Dollars for each
Dave Cronemillar who played left and every case of Catarrh that cannot
guard for the local team was in tie ‘ be cured by the use of Hall’s Catarrh
game all the time and it is due to Cure.
Dave s and Reis Chapmans good work
Sworn to before me and subscribed
that the Alumni was not defeated by ' in my presence, this 6th day of Decem­
a much larger score.
ber. A. D. 1886.
Chapman who with a little practice ! (Seal.)
Notary Public.
will make a star for the Alumni team. :
Hall’s Catarrh Cure iB taken inter-
McIntyre old reliable had hard luck in |
basket throwing landing only one field j nally, and acts directly on the blood
and mucous surfaces of " the
system i. i. !
basket, but was sure there on the
«end for testimonials free.
foul throwing, landing three out of
F. J. CHFN e Y & CO., Toledo, 6.
four attempts,
Sold by at! druggists, 75c.
Curlv Wilson, who played right
Hall’s Family Pills for constipation.
’ '
chartered a special car and traveled < DEAIH of FORMER RESIDENT
in comfort, being entertained at tin !
principal points along their journey.
What is probably the largest mobil-|
izat.on of the troops ever undertaken .
in this country in time of |>eace will
Medford, Mor day, aged 52,
be that in the Klamath Basin (
coming summer. United Slates re- 1
gulars and state militia forces i re to j
be gathered for maneuvers, The I The announcement M< nday of the
ground selected for the big camp .. is
is death of Mrs Sophia Krause, wife
about 56 miles north of Klamath Falls of Frank O. Krause of Medford, cast
near the Klumath Indian Reservation a pall over the hearts of many residen s
and convenient to the Crater Lake of this place.
Mrs Krause was a native of Jackson
National Park and the Cascade Forest
County and for many years resided in
this city. She was considered one of
Wenatchee will send a committee of
the finest vocalists and vocal instruc­
fruit growers to Portland to confer
tor« in Southern Oregon.
with representatives of other districts
The immediate cause of her death
of Oregon and Washington to form­
was heart failure, although she had
ulate a better selling plan for the
given birth to a child about ten days
combined products of the leading
previous to her death. She was aged
fruit growing sections. It is hoped
by consolidation of interests to per­ 32 years and 15 days and leaves besides
her babe and husband, a mother, two
fect a selling agency that shall bring
brothers, two sisters and a host of
aoaut a better system <>t disliibuli .n
friends and acquaintances to miur.i
than has been in use heretofore.
her untimely death.
A new perennial clover, of the alaike
Funeral services were held at toe
species, is reported from Tillamook Presbyterian church in Medford at 1:
County where it is claimed it yields 36 Thursday afternoon. Interment
enormous tonnage to the acre, while was had at the cemetery in this city.
.t grows the ; • ir around. The clover
has no seed, muom or rex and is
propagated by cutting up the plant
ELcInc Sparks.
and sowing the pieces. The depart­
ment of agriculture will make u!) 1
investigation of the new plant.
Dr Sun Yet Sen’s troubL- will come
Notes of the Game; Frank Coleman
th, reliable forward of the Alumni
was much over trained and failed to
score against the Medford High School
It was thought by a majority of the
boys that Frank had drank too much
milk ar.d and eaten one too many soda
crack crack crack crackers.
< l—ii—<W ■—<
NO. Ì9
When he begins to distribute a few
i hundred Chinese post offices among
4,000,600 democrats.
Mr Rider Haggard has been knighted
I Here’s a tip to Rudy Kipling to
Tdconia Building and Loan As- stop writing.
Col, Roosevelt is choppirt.’ wool at
sociation will open office
I his estate at Sagniore Hill but wait
until he gets out his saw.
< •
Guilt is always personal.
< •
Alt optimist is one. who enjoys t»
Th, Pacific Building and Loan as- ; good Snow storm without worrying
I would vote for a Republican for United States senator if the people < >
« »
their votes declared for a Republican, and I would be proud to do it,
: sociation of Tacoma has organized a about how sloppy the yard will be.
for I would simply be doing the will of the people.
I branch association in Medford with
Tho party emblem in municipal elections is an aid to the ignorant • •
j the following gentlemen as the local I A Chicago baby has bion picket
and those who corrupt voters and no help to upright and intelligent elec­
advisory board and managers: W. L. I out as the perfect type, 'which raises
tors. Both parties would be better off if they were kept out of purely
municipal elections.
Vawter, president of the Jackson the interesting question, 'wh.-lt tn llu
Tho people who support the government have to economize, Why « » I County bank; G. L. Davis, president perfect type of a Chicago baby?
should their public servants not do the same?
' of the Farmers and Fruitgrower’s
Governor Harmon has pardoned it
It is not the exiotence or discovery of wrongdoing that brings shame
bank; H. C. Garnett of the Garnett- chicken thief. That’s a bid for votes
to a state, but failure to put a stop to it.
Vorey Haroware company; J. H. that should alarm the Governor's op
We must make the state government more broadly useful, for its
powers are ample to grapple with many things which have been devel­
Cooley, president of the Medford , ponents.
oped by now conditions.
Lumber company; H. A. Thierolf, vice
There can be no rali$£ so k.ig as tho interests which profit through
It isn’t altogether tho collar button
president and manager of the Big
tariff laws are allowed to frame them.
< I
Pines Lumber company; the W. T. | that is driving men Insane. Dr. Mary
A lawyer's honor is his crown, and no hand but his own can ever dis* < >
crown him»
York Co., real estate dealers, and Walker to the contary notwithstand­
ing. The bum carburetor and tho
the Builders’ Spécialités company.
J. P. Butler of 726 West Fourth punctured tire are doing their share.
street has been appointed solicitor
Germany appareritly is tryi ng to
Go to Thompson’s for Post Card3.
for the company in Medford. The make pulp out of the Canadian-Amer­
A vital amount of ill health is due to im­
association guarantees 7 per cent to ican agreement os to print paper.
paired digestion.
the --j™.
, When
;• -—.......
— fails
but it has never paid less
8?8tem “becomes^derang'U’^A fJw'dcSif
Woodrow Wilson appears to have re­
than 11 per «ent. The association
dc3e8 of Irrigation Congress
his opinion of .Mr Bryan upward
Chnmberkin’s Tablets is all you need.
■a. They
will furnish outside money for
will strengthen your digestion, invigorate
I Woody wants the votes of the Bryan-
Aid State Development.
your liver, .-.nd regulate yourbowels, entirely
rni<u>r»hl<> feeling due
doing awav
away with that miserable
Rivals of the gr-1 he married kid­
to faulty digestion. Try it. Many others
Big Encampment
have been permanently cured—why not you?
napped a Kansas man, tied him to >«
For sale by all dealers.
Klamath Basin.
telephone.pole' «lapped him, kicked
him and then left him to freeze.
Have to ask Kansas the old quest-on
Portland, Or., Jan. 23(Special) — A To be pushed in Klamath Co. again.
permanent state organization that will
That New Yorker who cut off his
Several projects under way.
have considerable influence on Oregon
none while shaving has cause for com­
affairs ¡3 promised through the form­
plaint against Santa Claus for failing
ation of the Oregon Irrigation Con­
Klamath Falls, Or. Jan. 25.—The i to present him with a safety razor.
gress, which has been called for Feb­ year 1912 promises to be a record-mak­
Dr Owen says that Sir Frances Ba­
ruary 19, 20, and 21 in the convention er in irrigation matters. As soon as
hall of the Portland Commercial Club. the elements will permit the Reclama­ con devised an airship. If the doctor
All interested in irrigation are urged tion Service will begin work on the can prove that Bacon also invented
to attend ar.d suggestions will be wel­ Poe Valley extention of the main the moving pictures be can assist a
large number of interested persons
comed. The purpose of the congress
canal and on the Griffith lateral, to
is to have an effective organization carry water to about 5000 acres. The to forget Tnomas Edison.
to deal with irrigation questions and water to irrigate th, lands under the
Russians are hanging Persians be­
to secure the rights Oregon feels it»
the cause the Russians are strong enough
Griffith lateral will be taken from
self entitled to from tne Federal Gov­
Lost RiVer division dam. Ths con- to do so.
tractots have this »onerele structure
Indications are that Ihtre will be a about completed and the diversion
big attendance from all parts ot the canal is far enough along that the
state. Government < ffici ds and irri­ flood waters coming down Lost River
gation experts fro n all parts of the this Spring will be dumped into the
state will be invited to attend and the Klamath River instead of flowing into Scores of Jacksonville Readers
proposed organization promis.-s to Tule Lake as heretofore.
arc Learning the Duty of
make itself very useful to Oregon in
In the Horsefly district, organized
The Kidneys.
the work of future deveiopement..
several months ago under the state
A conference 1 eld at the Oregon
To filler the blood is the kidney’»
Agricultural College on Monday of has been done. The lands embraced
this week between the different in-" were at one time included in the Klam­ duty.
terests that are working for agricslt ath project under th, name of the
When they fail to do this the kid-
ural education in the state schools re­ upper project. Unless the cost of re neys sre sick.
sulted in partially outlining the corr.se ciamation should be far in excess of
Backache and many kidney ills fol-
of study. Livestock interests of Port­ what is generally expected it is likely low;
land have arranged to send out an ex­ that work or the Horsefly project will
Help the kidneys do their work.
pert hog raiser over the state to in­ be well under way by the close of
Doan's Kidney Pills have cured
terest boys in raising hogs. This will the current year.
thousands of severe cases.
be part of the agricultural work of
Proof in the foilowing:
the schools and contests will be ar­ the Klamath Basin have recently
L. H. Dyer, 77 Pine St., Ashland,
ranged, the winners in the various
Ore., says: “For five months I suffer-
classes meeting |in a county contest under the state irrigation act, and ered frem kidney trouble, The kid-
and the winners of these in turn will
ney secretions were unnatural and I
Government to get water from the
exhibit at the State Fair.
had pains that extended from the small
An Oregon hop yard has been sold
will of my back to the shoulders. My
for $130,000. This was the well known for
u head bothered me. My appetite failed
I Krebd farm near Independence, con-
and the kidney secretions contained
j sisting of 400 acres of excellent hop
sediment. Nothing helped me in the
land, together with all
necessary the best in the Klamath Basin. They least until I used Doan's Kidney Pills.
equipment. The buyers, an English
This preparation not only rid me of
company, will continue raising hops I and would be adapted to apples and kidney complaint but made me feel
on the tract.
better in every way.”
izes about 4000 acres directly tributary
La Grand business men have been
For sale by all dealers, Price 50
to this city will be placed under ir­
getting better acquainted with their
cents. Foster-Millburn Co., Buttalo,
state by participating in a special
New York, sole agents for the United
excursion that took them all over the
main railway lines of Western and
Remember the name—Doan,s —and
Latest books by standard authors
Southern Oregon. The excursionists at Thompson’s Confectionery.
take no other.
25c. Pair
Other Bargains Also
Ulrich Brothers
Leading Merchants