LOCAL NEWS i Octobet, 5 to 10 1911. ing of c -.mpaign contributions. The Weather. Change in Southern Pacific Tine Medford and Jacksonville Miss Gretchen Puhi who has been That Ti mm ny man who ate fifty Following is the report of U. S. Vol- ’ AUTO LINE Table. visiting her uncle Fred Puhi near Med­ seven ears of corn in a contest should I unteer Cooperative Observer, E. Britt; Frank Kiser was in Medford Thurs­ ford returned home Monday. F. C. GORST, Manager hold himself in readiness to be called i Jacksonville, for month of July Effective January 1st, 1910. day. I Latitude 42 deg. 18. min. north; longi- Mr. Rhinehart is preparing to open west to act ns a human corncrib. The UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE W. H. Venable cf Ruch was in town the mines recently leased from the Jack­ farmers will need a few cribs this fall. NORTH BOUND TRAINS. I tude 123 deg. 5 min. west. Thursday. Leave Medturd 1 DATE MAXI­ MINI­ PBEC’P- CH ’It’C’T 20 Portland Passenger......... 8:04 A.M. sonville Mining and Milling company. We have y et to see —but the sport is l.v. Jacksonville MUM MUM TATN OF DAY Miles Cantrail of Ruch was in town Among those from Jacksonville in young—a horse advertised for sale 7:00 a. m 8810 a. m. I 24 Grants Pass Motor......... 10:21 AM. ill ......... Saturday. 41 clear 79 9:10 •• 9:30 •* Medford Friday were Miss Anna Broad, with a special recomendation in the 32 Grants Pass Motor............4:48 P.M. 4 4 8d •'-9 [2 ......... ’.0:30 11:00 87 50 Judge Colvig was at the court house Mis» Louise Enseley and Geo. E. Neu- form of a guaranty that he will not 3 12:00 p. m. m. 16 Oregon Express.......................... 5:24 P.M. 12:30 91 53 4 ......... act skittish when an aeroplane falls in ber. Wednesday. 97 58 5......... , 1:30 p. m. 2:00 i < 2-16 Oregou Express........................ 5:34 P.M. 88 58 1 6 ......... his immediate vicinity. ** 3:30 3:00 W, M. Colvig of Medford was in this Mrs. G. Treffren and granddaughter 45 72 7 ......... 12 Shasta Limited (Mail only)2:âë A. M. 4:30 5:00 4 '* 4 80 41 8 ......... Perhaps those shark» who sold Florida Miss Mildred Thrasher of Grants Pass city Monday. 45 86 9 ... 6:00 6:30 land that was under water will point • < » « 89 40 10 ......... SOUTH POUND TRAINS. 7:30 8:00 The September term of court will are visiting Mrs. Charles Dunford of 52 92 1 |il ......... out that their sirculars said the land this City. 9:30 « 4 9:00 i i 58 98 • J12 ......... begin Monday. « 1 » < 62 trace part cloudy 23 Ashland Motor.................. 8:45 A.M. |13 . ... 16 12:00 11:00 Mrs. M. Reeve went to Hornbrook did not need irrigation. 98 61 clear [14 ......... Harvey Lewis of Butte Falls was in 12:30 a. m. 1:30 a. m. 15 California Express ........ 10:35 A.M. 63 '15 ......... 101 i Star gazers are informed that there Monday to meet her daughter Mrs. . town Thursday. 64 105 .16 ......... LEAVE HOTEL MOORE 31 Ashland Motor................. 2:24 P.M. 100 69 17 ......... Charles Wood who is coming here for . are now ten comets to be seen in the 60 , Frank Cameron of Union Town was medical care. 18 ......... 96 ! skies, if you only know where to look 13 San Francisco Express...3:12 P.M. 60 94 19......... in town Friday. 91 54 20 . for them. At all events it is excellent 11 ¿hasta Limited(Mail only) 5:47 A. M. Miss Pearl Ross of Central Point 85 53 21 ; Mr. Will McDaniel of Ruch waB in 48 90 22 ......... spent Sunday in Jacksonville the guest weather for being out doors. 100 54 23 ......... ’ town Thursday. The President evidently thinks that $>art cloudy 64 95 24 ......... of Miss Annette Pen inger and Miss We have now in stock 65 91 Gus Newbury of Medford, was in Laurette Neuber. i there are a few Indians besides the clear 58 92 94 52 town Thursday. at our kiln, a large quan­ 27 28 ......... V. C. Gorst left Monday evening I dead ones who are more or less good, 99 57 ......... 92 61 29 ......... Mrs. Will Barnum was a Medford for Portland where he will purchase j I So he has decided to pardon a couple 30 . 93 52 tity of first class drain visitor Monday, * 89 52 31 ......... another car to put on the run between of them who are now doing time in j prison. tile. Sizes 3 to 8 inches. Policeman Hittson of Medford was this city and Medford. Temperature—mean max. 91:08; mean When the president goes out west in town Monday. Mr. and Mrs- B. F. Mulkey have re­ min. 55.09mean 73:44; Max. 105on 16th For sale at reasonable i after having vetoed the tariff and re- It means economy—-it means satis, W. F. Drake of Meadows was in j turned from Monmouth, where they min. 41, on 1st; greatest range 46. I call bills he certainly will be kept busy faction—it means a beautiful, lasting prices. Call and ex ­ town thiB week. had been called owing to the death of Precipitation — Total for month, I doing some explaining. finish on your floors, to know the differ­ trace. Greatest in 24 hours. J. F. Hale Esq. of Grants Pass was Mrs, Mulkey’s father. amine, or send us your Congress prolonged the extra session ence btforl you buy. in town yesterday. D. H. Cronemiller and Fred Hoff­ I so far that some of our constructive Common varnishes are brittle and order. O. Winter of Ashland was a visitor in man left yesterday morning for Thomp­ statesmen barely have time to rebuild soon show unsightly scratches. son creek where they will camp and en­ this city Thursday. Jacksonville Brick, Tile their fences. Elastica Floor Finish is so tough joy a few days hunting. Judge Watson of Ashland was in that nothing mars it. Heels, scraping A bumper apple crop is promised & Lime Company. Chas. Nickel and family of Sterling i town Wednesday. from al) parts of the apple growing We have on hand for sale the following chairs, casters, leave no marks. were in town Wednesday and expect i Common varnishes turn white under sections of the country. There’s ai Miss Issie McCully was a recent blanks viz: to take housekeeping rooms at Mrs. I lot of consolation in cider. visitor at Medford. water. 9 Kate Hoffmans for the winter. Lease,| Elastica Floor Finish never does. Work on the Drum Point railroad is Mrs. M.M. Taylor is quite ill at her Mr. H. Cantrail, uncle of Mrs. R. B. once more going to begin to commence. It is water-proof. home on Second St. Mortgages, Dow of this city, arrived from th; east Common varnishes and wax need “Vite President Sherman has come Bill of Sale,] Mr. H. Aiken of Medford was in this week and will visit relatives liv­ constant care and refinishing. out against Reciprocity says headline. ” Jacksonville Friday. Agreements. ing in this region for awhile. Elastica Floor Finish keeps its Chris Keegan and family are enjoying Miss Catherine Chapman who has been Come out of where? Hadn’t heard Warranty Deeds, original lustre. It outlasts any finish from him for so long we thought he an outing at Eileen. quite ill with appendicitis has gone to i was permanently lost. Quit Claim Deeds, ever before offered. It saves work Mr. A. S. Klienhammer of Buncom Grants Pass to stay with her sister, Anyone sending n «ketch and description may and saves expense. Chattel Mortgage, ascertain our opinion free whether an Mr. Taft’s explanation department quickly Mrs. Tryer, while convalescing. was in town Thursday. invention is probably patentable. Connnunica- i We cannot overstate the importance Acknowledgements, tlonsstrictly confidential. HANDBOOK on Patent« bids fair to suffer from overwork be­ sent free. Oldest agency for securing patents. Mr. J. J. Buchter manager of the of knowing the facts about floor fin­ Mr. Sam Rogers of the Blue Ledge Patents taken through Munn & Co. receive | fore he leaves the Whitehouse. Real Estate Contract, special notice, wit hout charge, in the Pacific Tel. and Tel. and C. E. Ander­ ishes. Come in and ask us. was in town Wednesday. The esteemed Norfolk Virginian ■ Location Notice—Placer, son foreman of the same company Porter J. Neff, Esq. of Medford was Location Notice' Quartz, •f Medio ad were in this city, Thursday. Pilot, is seeing frost upon the pumpkiut A handsomely ilhistrptod weekly. Largest cir­ at the court house Monday. and call it “cold white flour of the culation of any •cienilllc journal. Terms, |3 a Satisfaction of Mortgage, year; four months, fl. Sold by all newsdealers. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Beekman accom­ H. D. Norton. Esq., of Grants Pass, fairies,” Almost like having the pie panied by their daughter Miss Carrie, crust baked and ready, eh? Real Estate Agents Contract, MUNN ¿Co. 30 ’ “ ” 'New York was in this city, Thnrsday, Branch ORlco. 625 F Bi.. Washington, D. C. left Tuesday for San Francisco where Mr. O. N, Nelson and daughter were i they expect to remain for a few weeks The senate threatens to make Notice Application for Liquor License THIS PAPER REPRESENTED FOR FOREIGN Medford visiiors Thursday. Look for this Trade-mark on a Yellow Taft’s arbitration cake all dough. At reasonable prices. We intend adding ADVERTISING BY THE visit. Label All others are imitation». " Everybody imposes on a goodnatured other blanks as fast aj possible until Miss Francis Kenney was in Medford Robert Maine of Nebo Ill., an experi­ man these days. the line is complete. Blanks of special Saturday evening shopping. enced teacher and friend of our town­ form printed to order at short notice. Miss Lena Downing of Forest Creek man, Benj. M. Collins is expected here When a girl is crazy to go off on a Sold by GENERAL OFFICES was in Medford Wednesday. NEW YORK AND CHICAGO shortly to take charge of the Ruch long visit it’s a sure sign she's not JACKSONVILLE P0S1. Fred J. Fick. leaving any real beau behind her. Mark Watkins was looking after school. BRANCHES IN ALL THE PRINCIPAL CITIES business interests here Monday. As soon as a married woman gets I James Lewis ot San Francisco one of Miss Ada Elmer visited with Miss the first settlers in the Rogue River val­ $60.00 saved up she becomes oppressed Daily at Eagle Point, this week. ley,is visiting former scenes and shak­ by the thought that she is merely Miss Mollie Ray of Ruch has been ' ing hands with old acquaintances in accumulating a fortune for the second When the bones ache and the joints are Inflamed, with much tenderness at the affected parts, you need a powerful penetrating agent to overcome visiting Mrs. Butler of Meford. this vicinity. wife to spend. the attack. Mr. Theo. Cameron and son Donald, Buffalo Bill has got the “ positively Mrs. Benj. M. Collins gave a “water­ made a trip to Waldo, this week. melon party” at her home Tuesday ev- my-last-appearance” habit bad. Even Born—Tuesday evening—to Mr. and enmg. A number of ladies and gentle­ Patti has nothing on Billum. Mrs. W. P, Bailey—a daughter, men were present and report a very Meanwhile Mr. Lorimer continues to Mr. Harry Porter and Smiley Childs pleasant and enjoyable evening. be senator. of Medford were in town Sunday. Phil A. Daum, of Carroletod Ill. an Anyway, the men who have been in­ Misses Rose and Katherine Buckley old friend and schoolmate of Mr. and vestigating Mr. Lorimer’s election of Ruch were in town Wednesday, Mrs. Benj. M. Collins is visiting with deserve a vacation. IS A PAIN RELIEF OF CREAT EFFICACY. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Grieve have re­ them at present. Mr. Daum arrived from the east Monday and will Its wonderful penetrating power affords a most gratifying sense of relief to the afflicted, It eases turned from a trip to Union creek. pain quickly, subdues all inflammatory conditions and rapidly restores strength and comfort in the State of Ohio, City of Toledo, 1 ss. Mr.s D. W. Bagehaw who had been probably stay a month. aching joints. It Is equally effective In relieving neuralgia and sciatica, Rub It in well, gently but Lucas County, \ quite ill this week, is reported better. Mr. Gilmour, representing Morris thoroughly; Its healing and strengthening influence is manifest as soon as it reaches the nerves at the Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he seat of the disturbance. A few applications controls the disorder and restores normal conditions. Walter Bostwick and Ralph Jennings Bros, the Portland bond buyers, was in is senior partner of the firm of F. J. As a household remedy for curing cuts, wounds, burns, sores or the hundred and one accidents that town this week conferring with the of Buncom, were in town Saturday. are always occurring to the flesh, it has no superior. Cheney & Co., doing business in the Geo. W. Cherry of Medford was mayor and members of the city, council City of Toledo, County and State afore- transacting business in town Monday. regarding the waterworks bonds. Sat­ sa:d, and that said firm will pay the Put Up in Three Sizes, 25c, 50c and $1.00 per Bottle isfactory arangement3 were made where H. J. DeArrnond of Medford was by the council expects to receive the cash • u n of One Hundred Dollars for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot transacting burincss in town Thursday. for the bonds within thirty days. JAMES I'. DALI.ARI) ST. LOUIS, MO PROPRIETOR be cured by the use of Hall's Catarrh W. E. Crews, Esq. of Medford was for Sore Eyes, Granulated Lida, IledneNN or the Eyeball, Weak Sight, Smarting Sensation« In the Eye«, The new front in Luke Ryan’s build­ Cure. FRANK J. CHENEY. transacting business in this city Thurs­ une Stephens Eye Salve. It I n a remedy of prove ing on California street ¡3 nearing com­ Sworn to before me and subscribed day. pletion, the glass is being placed in pos­ in my presence, this 6th day of Decem­ S old A no Rgj^QHMENDEohv J, A. Robertson and J. A. Perry of ition and painters are at work giving ber, A. D. 1886. Butte Falls were attending eourt Thurs­ the woodwork the finishing touches. (Seal.) A. W. GLEASON, day. When finished this will be the most at­ Notary Public. O. C. Boggs of Medford was transact­ tractive looking store building in the Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken inter­ ing business at the court house Wednes­ city, Who will be the next to improve? nally, and acta directly on the blood day. Several parties returning this week and mucous surfaces of the system, Freddie Collins is spending the week fro n the Josephine county caver, re-1 »•nd for testimonials free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. with Otto and Leland Cantrail on Apple­ port a most enjoyable outing. The i Sold by all druggists, 75c. Take gate. • forests, mountains, caves, e’.c., com-1 P. S. Steenstrup has returned from bine to make this section the ideal, Hall’s Family Pills for constipation. a trip to New York and other eastern “stamping ground.” Mr. Smith, the] cities. government guide, has done every­ J. A. Lemsry, Esq., of Ashland, was thing possible to make the caves per-| transacting business in this city Wed­ fectly safe for the public. All are loud nesday. ¡in his praise. H. F. Magoon, one of the Aihland Benj. M. Collins, the genial cashier Examination and advice cost you nothing and may save you many dollars. police force waa at the court house i of the B nk of Jacksonville may have C’ Thursday. i missed his proper vocation. While he My office, the most up-to-date in Southern Oregon, is fitted with all modern Mr. anrf Mrs. Robert Raybould re­ ! filh the role cf brnker very si.tisfact- turned from a trip to Thompson creek, I orilv, he should have entered the rail- electrical appliances and thus enables those living out of town to have their ' way service as general passenger agent Thursday. work done promptly and get home the same day. Compare my prices with Mrs. L. F. Stevens of Ashland, visit­ I for some of the larger companies. , THE MERRIAM WEBSTER? ed friends in this city, several days Since coming to Oregon, Benj. has been busy disseminating information regard­ others and see if there is any reason why you should pay more. All my work this week. Reran*« 14 •* • NEW CHEA- DC cause tjon , covering every The Bank of Jacksonville will in fu­ ing this slate in his former home w th field of the world’s thou«ht, is ABSOLUTELY GUARANI EED. Lady attendant. action and culture. The only ture close at 3:3>> instead of at 4 as , the result that Illinois people are com- new unabridged dictionary in ! ing continually, to make this state heretofore. THOSE LIVING OUT CF TOWN WILL NOT BE KEPT WAITING many years. | their home. Keep up the gold work Dr. T. W. Hester of Grants Pass Ben there is plenty of room for more. Roranu 14 defines over 400,000 pecausc worda; more than ever was shaking hands with friends in this Full set of Teeth on rubber plate.......... $7.50 22-karat Gold Crowns. ......................... $5.00 before appeared between two city Saturday. Best set of Teeth on rubber plato....... $10.M covers. »700 I'agea, 6000 11- Porcelain Crowns ................................. $5.00 luatrationa. Mr. William Cameron of the Ap­ Bridge Work (per tooth) ......................... $5.00 Bank Clearing* a! Bank o! PAINLESS EXTKATION - - 50c. plegate was transacting business in Raeanso * on,y Gold Fillings............................... $1.50 and up JacktoKvillr. for week ending pecause 14 '* 4h tbo new dictionary All other w >rk in proportion town Thursday. Silver Filling ............................... $1.00 and up page. A “Stroke ot Genius." Aug 31, $14,434.36 «• 1 TILE FOR SALE AVast Difference in Floor Finishes LEGAL BLANKS Scientific American. a • FLOOR FINISH BALLARD’S SNOW LINIMENT CITY DRUG STORE ? First Class Dental Work At Honest Prices Consult Me W ebsters N ew e Before Going Elsewhere t I nternational D ictionary Mrs. Bert Childers of Klamath Falls I is visiting her sister Mrs. Ralph Jen-I nings of Buncom. James K. Darnell was commit- ed ts the state insane asylum at Salem Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Ike Coffman accom­ panied Dr. Hester on his return to Grants Prss Saturday. The W. C. T. U. of Oregon will hold a State Convention in Medford, Ore., I Electric Sparks. Dr. Aked, John D. Rockfellow's p is tor complains that his church has no place in which to pray. When a man really want» to pray any old place will do. Good trusts should never do things they are ashamed of, even in the tnak-| Rsranio *• Bn encyclopedia In pecause n a gm