Jacksonville post. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1906-19??, July 08, 1911, Image 1

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    Oregon H «forical Society
« 5
NO. 10
Southern Oregon.
40,000 acres of dangerous logging I
was made right there would be little
A South Carolina minister prayed
It was in the Uniontown set* dement j debris. The state has had 23 regular
trouble In making her lay. How to I before proposiife to a young lady. She
that the first
«r.f alfalfa
oifnifo seed
«»cd was sown in ( wardens in the field, besides day labor
make the hen lay in winter resolves never heard his prayer, but the pro-,
itself largely into a question of making bability i; she was the one who answel-
In Rogue River Sunday After­ the Applegate Valley, as also the first, I employed by them. The Washington
in Oregon. This settlement i s located Fire Association had 80 wardens in, Experiment Farm Will Help the ben.
, ed it.
nine miles southwest of J acksonville June and it adding more, besides pur- *
Was Resident of
“I am inclined to think that the 56
Progressive Leaguers
Farmers of Interior Ore­ who said that the raising of the chicks have Wisconsin
and two miles up the App'.egate Val­ ■ chasing several new track bicycles lor'
given Senator La Follette a din­
Grants Pass
ley from Ruch postoffice, tliir, office railroad patrol. On the whole, all |
gon. Silk Worm Indus­ is the hardest problem, came nearer ner nomination for president. Mr.
being the successor to the U'.iiontown ' classes are more careful with fire than
hitting the nail on the head. ’ To get Taft, however, is several dinners
office, the latter bei ng discontinued in jn previous years. The chief excep-
a profitable egg yield under any con­ ahead in the race up-to-date.
try at Gresham.
Grants Pass, Or., July 4.— Miss 1892.
; tions to this are reported to lie in
ditions, the flock of layers must be
Mr. Bryan, a bit peevish at the turn
Mabelle Whipple, aged 17 years was
Theo. Cameron states that David improperly cleared rights of way and
frequently renewed. The old hen of events, declares that it is his sacred
drowned in Rogue River Sunday after­ Hopkins sowed an acre of alfalfa on
in the negligence of a few logging
Portland, Ore., July 4 (Special) — j doesn’t pay. For commercial purposes duty to advise tho democratic party,
noon, when her sailboat capsized. his place, the farm r.ow owned by
, operators to extinguish slashing fires Great benefit is expected to result (to it seldom Days to keep her more than which unregenerate organization re­
Miss Whiople, together with two James Buckley, and ar, acre was also
I completely.
Interior Oregon from the selection j | two years. This means that in a few gards it as a constitutional privilege
young men—James and Murray Neall, sown or, the farm cwned by U. S.
during the past week of the experi­ ' years the farmer has raised several 1 to disregard his advice.
brothers, of Medford—went for a boat Hayden by Jacob B.-r adwell, who had
ride on the Rogue River in a sailboat. charge of the place. Squire Hayden, which caused some alarm, but they ment station site in Harney county generations of fowls, and any mistake
There was scarcely a breeze and the as he was called, liv ed in Jacksonville ' were handled promptly by the wardens. near Burns. The location was picked in the breeding or raising is very soon
trio enjoyed the drifting of the boat. and was cashier in Beekman’s bank, Over 100 patrolmen have been put in by experts from the Oregon Agri­ evident. To be successful a poultry
Suddendly a gust of wind turned the then the only bar ik in all Southern the field already by private owners cultural College and a tract of 160 raiser must be able to maintain off-
sail striking Miss Whipple’s head and Oregon 3nd it yet is one of the leading • and the state forester has appointed acres was selected. A capable man | spring with the same vigor and vitality
throwing her to the side of the boat. banks of this section of the state. 17 district wardens. The Oregon from the college will be placed in as the parent; otherwise there would I Railroad Company Installs Cots
The weight was to much for the frail Squire Hayden ■died some years ago ‘ Forest Fire Association has organized charge and soil problems of the in- I soon be no eggs in winter because of
and Other Comforts.
craft and it capsized. One of the Jacksonville. — Rogue River Fruit­ three new cooperative patrols in Jack- terior will be solved. Proper dry lack of constitutional vigor in the |
son, Columbia and Clatsop counties.
farming methods will bo shown ahd stock.
brothers swam ashore while the other grower.
Lightning and brush burning caused j the station will serve as a nucleus for | “But it is not all in- the raising.
grappled with the girl and finally
Special provision for taking care of
a few fires in Montana but, as else a number of other experimental farms There is probably more in the breeding, babies and their mothers upon arrival
placed her on top of the capsized boat.
where, improved patrol service effected throughout Harney county. Later it and it is not so much a matter of the . at a railroad station is the latest ex-
She appeared unhurt and laughed at
their prompt extinguishment. The [ is hoped others will be established in breeds. No matter how they may bo | | periment that is being tried by the
the predicament. The youth who had 1
Northern Montana Forestry Association j Eastern Oregon.
raised, fed and cared for, some hen Southern Pacific Company at it*
gone ashore returned after taking off
has organized a new patrol covering
won’t lay, because they have not the I Sacramento, California depot. The
part of his clothes, but when only a i .
ji .41. sm .
A new industry has been started breeding or the laying capacity. On
few feet away from the boat the craft i sued by the Western Forestry Flathead and Lincoln counties with
near Gresham, where a Japanese the other hand, some will lay, almost J ! idea is only an experiment and is at
turned over, throwing his brother and
the suggestion of one of the patron*
The Association points out, however, woman has a thriving colony of silk in spite of neglect; that is a question ! I of the Southern Pacific Company.
the girl into the water, and the latter a.nd Conservation Association
that although conditions have been
of breeding.”
was drowned before she could be res­
A special room has been furnished
fortunate so far, and extraordinary ported cocoons this spring. The worms
One farmer replied to the question, I i for this purpose just off the mein
Portland, July 1—Throughout the effort is being made by all official and are now spinning their silk and will
that the problem with him was “To ■ 1 waiting room of the depot and two
Pacific northwest July hag begun with private protective organizations, dry i soon develop to the butterfly stage.
make the exit large enough for the | . women attendants, practical nurses,
almost no ’loss by forest fires so far hot weather is soon due. Success in
September 1 is the date set for hens, but too small for our valuable I I are always present to look out for tho
and wi th conditions unusually favor­ avoiding distress like that of 1910 de­ opening the railroad from Portland to cattle dog, and to have open front
needs of the women travelers who
able for p rotection, according to the pends mainly upon the care taken by Tilamook Bay from Portland.
house anil yet be protected from skunks, have their infants with them. Couches
ouiletin of the Western For­ campers, settlers and loggers, and
In Oregon Was Grown in Ap- monthly
have been provided for the convenience
The Pacific Highway Convention owls, hawks, and wild cats.”
estry & Conservation- Association is­ particularly upon extinguishment of
Another complained of the problem of ths mother's anil a number of
will be held in Portland August 4 and
incipient fires so they will not smoulder
piegate Valley.
specially constructed cots for the
from p mctically all private, state and and break out later when they can- arrangements will be made by the of shipping and marketing; another
Automobile Club and representatives has difficulty in getting on the market babies have been installed.
federal protective agencies. Slashing not be contx oiled.
In this manner, when a womun travel­
i from every prominent city on the the kind of feed he wants; and still
The proof is conclusive that to the fires w ere numerous in June but were
with a baby is compelled to wait ir*
Applegate Valley belongs the honor of preven ted from entering green timber.
the depot for her train or for the»«r
growing the first alfalfa in Oregon.
i downjin their cars from Seattle. Some hatching until ready for market, and who should have met her at the station,
As to who sowed the first alfalfa in month extinguished smouldering fires
she is provided with all the comforts
good work may be expected for good keep them free from disease.”
this valley and the year in which it
she would have in her own home
was done are facts now hard to inevitable dry spell to follow.
The nurses in charge of the room pre­
New York Firm.
determine. Experimenting with this
Idaho is reported in particularly
pare a bed for the baby and for the
projected along the coast line from
new forage plant was a minor incident good condition. There has been no
mother and they are allowed to rest
Canada to Mexico.
of which the early settiers made no loss except of a few cut logs. The
Thousands all over the United States
for as long a time as may be necessary,
note as they were making many such timber owners fire associations and the are taking advantage of a generous
That the whole state will be re­
There is a Chicago woman who wants apparatus is to be installed to facili­
tests of various grains, grasses, plants forest service have pushed work on offer of the Gotham Company 1165 presented in framing proposed good
tate th« beating of the food for the
get rid of her husband whom she
and fruits to find those ¡best adapted trail and telephone building to assist1 Broadway, N. Y. City, making request roads 'egislation is assured now that
infants and if the experiment proves
for their new farms. That the state­ patrol. Railroads and loggers have! for a beautiful gold-plated scarf-pin for Governor West has named a commission won on a bet. The moral is; never bet. to be a success it is possible that it
ments of the few remaining pioneers taken extraordinary precautions. Th? lady or gentleman, which is mailed to of prominent men from all parts of
Now that there is comparative peace may be extended by .the Southern
should now agree as to who reall.v chief complaint is that settlers are any one sending name and address free Oregon to assist in the work. It is in other portions of the globe, the Pacific Company to all of its princip u
sowed the first alfalfa in the Apple­ not complying with the law requiring ofcharge.
believed this will prevent a flood of Balkan war cloud comes back re­ stations.
gate Valley is not to be wondered at permits to burn slashings and that in | . This
_____ is made to introduce their hasty legislation at the next election freshed from its vacation.
The idea is not original with the
when it is considered that the event road building too much material is1 catalogue
of 'general
____ „_ ___
____ I merchandise, ar.d will give the entire state just what
If England were the United States' officials of the company. It was offer­
took place nearly half a century ago. fallen into the adjoining woods to be- household goods, jewelry, novelties, is needed for highway betterment.
it would have the coronation March 4 i ed by a woman traveler and is being
So far the Rogue River Fruit Grower come a menace when dry.
&c. Readers of this paper are re­
Mining men will meet at Grants thereby risking pneumonia missing a experimented with, as are ail sugges­
is able to get information on this
Washington has had many sharp quested to send name and address Pass on July 18. The recent finds of lot of fun.
tions that are offered in this way if
historical point from only three of skirmishes with Slashing fires, and j immediately, enclosing five two-cent
rich gold ore in Southern Oregon will
President Taft will have his re­ they appear to the officials to be
the early settlers of Applegate Valley. a few bridges and cut logs have been | stamps to cover packing and postage.
probably make the coffiing COhVehtlotl ciprocity help the south also. Like practicable.
Ihpre may be other pioneers yet living lost, but fire has been kept out of j Send to-day and receive without cost a very ihtehetting one. ihVitatiofis to
the sun it Will shine for »11.
who had a personal kuowledge of the gre en timber and much good was ac-I a piece of jewelry that [you will be attend the gathering have been sent
Lorimer doesn’t belong to the re­
(Jse print i i stationery; it adds dignity
beginning of the alfalfa industry in cort plished by the removal of about' proud of.
39-5 to commercial bodies and mining or­
signing school of politicians.
to your business. All kinds of office
ganizations of the whole coast.
Very likely if it were not for the stationery printed on short notice and
, Surveys of tho mouth of the Columbia coronation England would not have at reasonable price*. Jacksonville
' River. ccmplete during the past week, had the pleasure of seeking Jack Post
1 are expected to show an increased Johnson this lovely summer.
Strayed—One sorrel, bald face horse,
depth of the ship channel at the river's
Judge Gary of the steel trust likes
i mouth. A gain of 18 inches, or a total the Sherman antitrust law regulations three white feet, lame in right fore­
depth of 27.5 feet, is unofficially re­ so well that he would have another foot, 8 years old. Finder notify O. C.
Gooden, Ruch, Ore., and receive re­
ported. The measurements just made law passed to take its place.
ward. [
show that the sweep of the river cur­
Rodman Wanamaker has had his life
rent and the tides are effective when insured for $4,500,000. Probably he
CHAUTAUQUA, Ashland, Oregon,
confined to the channel and the in­ knows his own business, but that July 6-18. “Better than ever. ” Don’t
creasing depth demonstrates the value seems to be more money than a man miss it. Send to W. H. .Gillis, Sec­
1 of the jetty work at the mouth of the
retary, for Booklet.
car use after he is dead.
Even the United States Senators are
Portland expects to send two special beginning to come the people’s way.
trains to the Seattle Potlatch on July
Now that the sane Fourth Is well
21. The excursion will be made up of
established, some one should start a
prominent business and professional
sane Millinery movement.
Kieney Troubles May be Sapping
men. Besides, the Automobile Club
Many of the Church-goers |have ¡be-1
and the Press Club will send delegations
Your Life Away. Jacksonville
gun to take their annual vacations.
north in a flying squadron of autos.
Vice is a monster of so frightful a 1 People Have Learned this Fact ]
mien that to be hated needs.but to be |
What is Biggest Poultry Problem seen, but seen too oft, where license When a healthy man or >j.nan b->-
runs unchecked, police endure, then gines to run down without apparent
cause, becomes weak, languid, de­
Oregon Agricultural College, Cor­
It is no wonder Berger likes his job. pressed, suffers backache, dizzy spells
vallis, Ore., June 30—“The three pro­
blems in poultry raising that trouble It is quite a change from $30 a week and urinary disorders, kidney weak
as a newspaper man to $7,500 with , ness may be the cause of it all. Keep
the farmers of Oregon more than any
the kidneys well and they will keep
others, “says Professor James Dryden “extras. ’’
Some one says that there are just so you well. Doan’s Kidhey Pills cure
of the O. A. C. poultry department,”
are first, getting the eggs in winter; many germs on a dollar bill as on a sick Kidneys and keep them well. Can
second, lice and mites; and third, fly. Well, we swat the dollar bill, too, I Jacksonville readers demand further
! proof than the following statement;
whenever we can reach it.
raising the chicks.
Mrs. J. Waterman, of Phoenix, Ore-
About every time the Democrats do
Last week we gave the farmer's
opinions as to whether there was pro­ something that seems to them sensible, i gon, says: “1 have no hesitation in
fit in poultry keeping. The answers they find they have displeased their ! recommending Doan’s Kidney Pills, as
1 have had ample proof of their efficien­
to this question, this week, are de­ three-time presidential candidate,
Over-exertion or being on my
signed to show why there Is not more
With his long locks ahorn, Elbert
feet for any length of time, caused
Our Prices are Right
answers we received the following vaudeville stage as the famed Cherry my back to ache and sent sharp pains
through my loins. Frequent hoadach< *
replies: 62 said the problem wes, how sisters.
, and spells of dizziness also bothered
to get eggs in winter; 90, lice and
There is no chance that King George
mites; 59, raising the chickens; 24, will mark down his crown to $2.99 1 me. I knew that my kidneys were at
fault and hearing Doan’s Kidney Pills
hawks; 6, coyotes; 34, other vermin; I after the coronation,
recommended. I procured a
4. rains or wet weather; 20, feeding;
Aviators were not allowed to fly supply. I began their use and the
9, hatching; 58, miscellaneous diffi­
over London during the coronation, diffculties which had so long distressed
“To make the hen lay in winter is but Americans were permitted to 1 me were relieved ”
For sale by all dealers. Price 50
apparently the real problem; and yet throw their money at the birds.
Leading Merchants
Count that day lost whose low de­ cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo,
its solution depends upon the solution
of other problems. It is not merely scending sun sees not sume swatting ■ New York, sole agents for the Unitid
a question of earing for or making the of the fly pest done.
Remember the name—Doan's—und
hens lay. The problem goes back to
A few fall elections will show us if
the making of the hen. If the hen ' the breeze is still blowing democratic. i take no other.
We wish to call your atten
tion to our fine line of lunch
goods of every description
Special Attention Given
to Campers
Ulrich Brothers