Oregon Historical Society JACKSONVILLE, K, JACKSON COUNTY, OREGON, MARCH 25, 1911 NO. 47 i settled fact—and the promised influx TEACHERS’ CERTIFICATES of homeseekers during the summer it matter, “and there is now a provision is no difficult matter to forsee pro­ | in the state statutes that school dis­ sperity dealt out in larger packages Laws Enacted by Siate Legisla­ List Drawn For March Term of tricts may vote free text books, in Two New Concerns Shy ease the pupils are unable to provide Central Oregon Welcomes than ever before. ture, in Effect May 20. Circuit Court. thefil themselves; or the board may Their Castors Into The Hosts of Homeseekers. Advance proof sheets have been re­ provide them, upon written recom­ ceived by the secretary of the Grants mendation, of the clerk of the school Ring. Mining Men Hold Meet Pass commercial club, for the 48-page ftaiph Dean, Ceptral Point; W. M. board, for indegent pupils. (Continued from last week.) I publicity booklet, descriptive ef Grants Hevener, Ashland; J. J. Murphy, Ash­ ing. CERTIFICATES OF GRADUATION. Pass and Josephine county, which gives “ Personally I am not in favor of a Two new real eatntls concerns have land; J. E. Hart, Eagle Point; David :ompulsory free text book law, so I , promise of being the most elaborate (1) Upon application, any graduate opened up for business during the Dorn, Watkins; Fred Fridegar, Med­ do not mourn the demise of the one [ and altogether handsome piece of ad- of a standard college or university, ford; E. L. Hackett, Ashland; A S. last week, the first is Jason Hartman, Portland, Or., March 24 (Special) — | vertising literature ever gotten out in who has completed 120 semester hours presented in the legislature this year. the Veteran bridge builder who has Barnes, Ashland; L. Waterman, Talent: I think the optional airangement in Although the whole state has its full the valley, says the Courier. in education, shall be granted without W. B. Beebe, Ashland; J. H. Car'ton, opened an office in the ilyan building the present law is sufficient to meet quota of new settlers who are taking Medford; L. Neeley, Ash ’ and; L. B. T. J. Westerford brought 45 coyote examination, a one-year state certifi­ opposite the U. S. Hotel. conditions |in Oregon as they now advantage of the low colonist fares, pelts to Canyon City this week on cate, valid to teach in high schools Brown, Medford; A. S. Furry, Phoenlk; The second is stvled the Rogue exist. Our text books are not fre­ Central Oregon towns are especially only. River Realty Co. and ¡ b composed of Mark Welch, Medford; W. T. Houston, quently changed. They are adopted busy welcoming the newcomers. Large he received the bounty of $2.50 each, (2) The holder of such a certificate H. K. Hanna, Jr., a well known at­ Central Point; Emmett Beeson, Talent; for periods of six years at a time, and additions to the ustial accommodations says the Eagle. He has been trapping shall, after six months of successful J. B. Hamriek, Central Point; Fred this past winter in the vicinity of Day ­ torney, O. N. Nelson, manager of the at the close of such periods there are are being made to house the home­ ville and has toured into the county teaching experience [in Oregon, be Silas J. Day Abstract Co. and D. W. Kleinhämmer, Buncom; E. L. Balcom. not often many changes, the old books seekers and extra efforts are being for botifity oVef 1W scalps. He is granted without examination, a five- Medford; D. H. Barneburg, Ashland; Bagshaw, editor of the Jacksonville being continued. Thus the matter of made to care for their wants until past mastdr at this art and knows the year state certificate, valid for teach­ L. Neidermyer, Jacksonville; H. G. Post. they shall become permanently set- covote and his habits as well as the ing in high schools only: and after 30 expense is not a great one. The new company has opened an Mathews, Ashland; T. J. Perry. Sams tied. months successful teaching experience Valley; W. C. Green, Medford; W. best instructed naturalist. “Some people, I know, fe»l that the office With Mr. Hanna, in his rooms in Oregon shall be granted, without Homesteads are being taken in large W. Eddington, Sams Valley; A. C. present provision is a sort of charity over the Bank of Jacksonville. Sheridan Sun: The Sheridan Sun examination, a life state certificate, numbers, irrigation lands are being If prospective investors do not find Hubbard, Medford; A. Andrews, Med- law, and therefore make undue sacra- gives an elegant writeup of that city’s valid for teaching in high schools only. bought and new town: are building fo;d; Geo. Beers, Woodville; Geo. fices in order to avoid the appearance property to suit them in Jacksonville, fruit industry; especially exploiting (3) Upon application, any graduate it will not be for the lack of real Lance, Jr., Gold Hill; H. P. Anderson, of accepting aid not required by their because of the rush of imn.’grants who the Clear View Orchard company’s of u standard norma) school, shall be are following the railroads into the Medford. neighbors—sacrifices they would not estate agents. holdings, 3000 acres, being pushed into granted without examination, a one- >- have to make if all were alike furnished interior. Trainloacfs of supplies, build­ fruit as fast as money and men can do year state certificate, valid for teach­ ing materials and agricultural imple ­ with free books. But we buy the the work. Twenty-four photographs ing in any grammar school, or in any For Diseases of the Skin. ments are going in and the long- books at practically wholesale prices; Buncom Reports. delayed awakening of Central Oregon illuminate the article. Yamhillers one-year, two-year, or three year high Nearly all diseases of the skin such I do rot think school boards could buy has arrived, after that section has know that the soil beneath and around school. The holder of such a certificate Correspondence to the Post. as eczema, tetter, salt rheum and them in large quantities any cheaper lain dobmunt for ages awaiting the our town can produce as much and as shall’ after six months successful barbers ’ itch, are characterized by an than the individual can how secure | whistle of the loCetnoiiVO, good fruit as Sheridan or any other teaching experience in Oregon, bo W. T. Bostwick was in Medford intense itching and smartihg, which them, place on earth. And it is coming. Tuesday. granted without examination, a five- “The sense of ownership in books! fiâtes (Or the Oregoti Development year state certificate, valid for teach­ Wallace Haskins was a caller at often makes life a burdeh and disturbs W. R. Green, who came to Rainier League convention at AstOria have Wilber Cameron’s ranch the first of sleep and rest. Quick relief may be and their care is, I think, an important been fixed for Monday, Tuesday and recently from Boston, has started a ing in any grammar school, or in any had by applying Chamberlain’s Salve. matter for the child’s development, one-year, two-year, or three-year high the week. It allays the itching and smarting and is not possible, of course, where . Wednesday, August 14, 12 and 16. shipyard on a small scale, and has school, and after 30 months ¡successlul Elden Jennings accompanied by his almost instantly. Many esses have there are free text books. This will be while the Astor Centennial succeeded so well that, the Review teaching experience in Oregon, shall wife and family were visiting Mrs. been cured by its use. For sale by is in progress and convention visitors reports, he intends to keep adding to “More important than this, however, will give a part of their time to this his businers until the city has a com­ be grantee without examination, a A. B. Saltmarsh last Sunday. City Drug Store. is the very real danger of disease in­ historic celebration. The convention plete ship yard fitted to handle or life state certificate valid for teach­ W. R. Garrett and Ernest Foreman fection from books handed down by dates were decided after n conference construct any kind or size of a boat. ing in any grammar school, or in any made a trip to Jacksonville last Satur­ the school district from one generation between the Astoria Commercial Club He will also act as agent in shipping one-year, two-year, or three-year high day. CORVALLIS LETTER of pupils to another. Thorough fumi­ and the Centennial management, mosts, spars, and smaller ship-sticks school. Hollis Parks was in town Monday All certificates issued bv the super­ gation will, it is true, minimize such to eastern shipbuilders. He has looked intendent of public instruction shall bv evening. Salem will have a horse show on danger; but that is not an easy task, the river over from Portland to Astoria registered annually in the office of thu helix Cimborski made a flying trip Desease in Free Test Books. and few school districts would be likely April 7 arid 8. It is expected the and is satisfied that the old river and county school superintendent of the to Jacksonville Monday. event will bring oilt rt fine display of to attend to the matter as faithfully marine men told him the truth when county in which the applicant intends Prof. Ressler Thinks Law draft, carriage and riding horses and Ben Collins of Jacksonville was out as necessary. they said that Rainier had the best a campaign will be started right away to teach. in the Applegate country Sunday. Is Sufficent. “The danger of Infection is great; to raise funds for awards that will water and the best harbor along the Nothing in this act jnvalidat es the Mrs. R. J. [Jennings visited Dora Columbia river.—Journal. the need, of free text books is certainly insure a large list of entries. life of any oertificate now in force in Cameron .Tuesday. not a pressing one; and the present this state, and all persons who have RedmOnd will have a double-barreled Oregon Agricultural College, Cor­ law makes sufficient provision where Miss Ella Parks commenced a three partially completed the examinations months term of school on Forest Creek vallis, Ore., March 22. The danger there is necessity: these it seems to Celebration oil July 4th, and Indepen­ for state certificates and state diplo­ BALL GAME dence Day will not be its Ofil.V signi ­ of disease infection, the lack of press­ me, are reasons for a fair degree of last Monday the 20th. mas under the laws now in force shall I Miss Esther Pursel was a recent ing necessity, and the satisfactory satisfaction with the present status ficance. The Unlocking of Central be allowed to completo the examinations Oregon by the railroads and freedom terms of the present law are the baBis of the free text book queStioh in Ore- visitor at Wilber Cameron’s. under the rules and regulations now from its king isolation will be the Jacksonville School Boys VS. upon which Prof. E. D. Ressler of the governing the same. Present holder William Louden was up from {Kerby department of education at the Oregon gon?' chief reasons for the jollification. Central Point. The of state certificates shall be allowed to and says he expects to move his family, Agricultural College rests his convic­ Redmond is on both the Oregon Triink secure life certificates by passing a mother and father up on Little Apple’- A Pleasant Physic. and the Deschutes railroads and it tion that the state has lost nothing Score 32 to 1. satisfactory examination in botany, gate near the Pursel ranch soon. vital though the defeat of the free When you want a pleasant physic sees a great future now that outlets plane geometry, and general history. Mr. znd Mrs. J. Parks were visiting text book law proposed in the legisla­ give Chamberlain’s Stomach and Liver have been made to the outside world. on Big Applegate last week the guests ture this year. The school boys crossed bats with Tablets a trial. They are mild and Mining men of the state met in of Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Buck and family. “We have had the free text book gentle in their action and always pro- Portland during the past week to make the school boys from Central Point The Masque Ball. Mrs. Josie Stansell is quite ill at question under consideration in the duce a pleasant cathartic effect Call J ptan3 for the entertainment here of Saturday afternoon resulting in the her home on Applegate. past two or three legislatures,” said at City Drug Stote for a free sample. ■ the Northwcgt Mining Congress on score of 92 to 1 in favor of Jackson- —------- - ------- '■------------------------ ~ i May 16, 17 and 18. At that time it is ville. The Masque Bal), given by the The Central Point boys were handi- Athletic Club, in the U. S. Hall, expected to have each district of the / » state represented and large numbers capped however by [not having their Friday night was one of the m< it of outside mining men will be enter­ regular pitcher which of course weak­ successful social events of the season. ened their team. The Jacksonville Many of the maskers were arrayed in tained. boys played A very good game. fancy costumes making the ball room Special fares have been made by the present a Mardi-gras like appearance. railroads for travel to the Portland Prizes for best sustained chai actus Rose Festival, JtihB 5*10; • rate of were awarded to L. I. Brown, Lewis one-third the usual tariffs for the Toll of The Tall Timber. Ulrich, Misses Laura Neuber ar.d rour.d trip having agreed upon by the Frances Kenney. The proceeds of tbo various lines, Oregon, Washington, Oregon has more standing merchan­ ball were for the maintenance of the Idaho and British Columbia will get table timber than any other State in baseball team. benefit of these reduced fares, We have on display for your inspection New Spring Goods the Unicm. Salem lay» tiairti td a Unit|ue dis­ There are approximately three hun­ in every department. tinction artiohg all the csjiitai titles of dred and sixty-seven billion feat, board Fire insurance in reliable companies, the United States. It has made a measure; of standing timber in Oregon, written at this office. greater net gain in population than eighty per Cent of which is located in any other slate capital. Salem shows Western Oregon. additions to her population amounting Five-eighths of Oregon’s forty thou­ to 231.9 per cent during the ten-year sand square miles of timbered area perion, as given in the figures of the his be in set aside as forest reserve. census. No other Btate capita) comes Climatically the Cascade Range of Jacksonville People Give (redit anywhere near ¡this record. mountain» divides Oregon into two Where Credit is Due. widely diverse districts: Western Ore­ gon, with its moist, mild climate, and Oregon Sidelights. Eastern Oregon, with its almost per­ People of Jacksonville who suffer • - - - with sick kidneys and bad backs want petual suxshine. A rich and fertile soil, an even a kidney remedy that can ba depended Aurora is to have a newspaper again. Work is being rushed on the new temperature, and an abundance of upon. The .best [is J Doan’s Kidney of precipitation in Western Oregon Pills, a medicine for the kidneys only, Rogue river railroad. present ideal ttofiditiohS for the growth mode from pure roots and herbs, and A Santiam log drive now under ope eration and that will take 100 or more of the DouglaB fir, which forms seventy- tho only one that is backed by cures days, amounts to more than 12,000,000 nine per cent of the forest growth of in Jacksonville. Here’s Jacksonville Western Oregon. Aside from the testimony: feet of lumber. Douglas fir. the principal varieties of Frank Kasshafer, Applegate Road. Grants Pass Courier: The orchard commercial timber fourd in the Wil-1 Jacksonville, Ore., says: “For years men of the county are rushing things lamette Valley, Southern Oregon, and I 1 I was a miner and no doubt this work just now in order to get in "their fruit All goods guaranteed and prices reasonable. Call and the Coast district«, are sugar pine. my kidney and bladder trouble trees so as to get the benefit of the ; 1 spruce, yellow pine, hemlock and cedar. leamod ‘ . trouble. The first symptom was palu fast approaching growing season. It our line before buying elsewhere ' In Eastern Oregon, the drought- I is pleasing to notice the improved ' resisting yellow pine form« eighty per1 ■ and stiffness in the small of my baric method of planting trees this spring I cent of the standing timber, while the especially severe when 1 first arose in the mor ping. I also had much trouble, over former years. i moisture-loving Douglas fir forms but from the kidneys, but it did not take Deer Creek correspondence of Rose- eleven per cent of the forest growth. [Joan s Kidney Pills long to bring me berg News: The spraying with lime- Fred Lockley, in the Aptil Pacific relief. Whenever I catch cold and sulphur solution is about completed in Monthly. i feel any slight recurrence of .my <11 this neighborhood; several old orchards complaint, I take Doan's Kidney 1 ills have been cut dewn, fence corners end they relieve me." have been cleared up aud altogether ’ Medicines that aid nature are always i For sale by all dealers. Price 50 the community has done a great deal j moat successful. Chamberlain’s Cough cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, lx1 ad inti Merchants Remedy acts on this plan. It loosens New York, sole agents for the Uniiad toward making thia a fruit section. The Silverton Appeal boasts of that I the cough, relieves the lungs, opens town’s'natural advantages, concluding: the secretions and aids nature in re­ States. Remember the name-Doan’s- and With the an uunt of public improve-, storing the system to a healthy con- take no other. ments now in view—all of which are u Edition. Sold by City Drug Store. NEW REALTY FIRMS JACKSON COUNTY JURYMEN ! Prof. Ressler today in discussing the PORTLAND LETTER SPRING GOODS Ladies’ and Misses' Oxfords and Pumps in Patent, Suede, Velvet Tan Gun Metal, Etc. Children ’s Sandals, Patents and Vici Kid. Men's Patent, Gun Metal and Ulrich Brothers ONLY ONE “BEST”