F j—.------------ : —--------------------- r LOCAL NEWS Beautiful Snow. Circuit court will convene Monday, Jan. 23. Deputy Sheriff Dow was at Chico, Cal. Monday. The county co urt held an adjourned session Monday. H. K. Hanna made a trip to Medford, Monday evening. Attorney Hammersly of Gold Hill was in town Saturday. Mrs. P. A. Hines is reported ill at her home in this place. Ross Thomas returned from a trip to Grants Pass, Monday. Mrs. Mary Miiller is reported ill at her residence in this city. Mrs. S. E. Dunnington visited friends in Central Point Wednesday. The regular examinations are being held in the public schools this week. A representative of the nurseries at Toppenish, Wash, was in town Thurs­ day. John F. Stolz, representing the Pacific Paper Co. of Portland was in town Thursday. Mrs. Ellen Kubli who had been visit­ ing relatives at Portland, returned home Wednesday. A “fracus’’ at an up-town restau­ rant created a ripple of excitement Sunday forenoon. Benj. M. Collins, cashier of the Bank of Jacksonville made a business trip to Grants Pass Tuesday. We received a letter this week from W. H. Clement, formerly of this city but now sojourning at Millville, Cal. W. S. Thompson of Spokane, Wash, who is looking over the valley with a view of locating, was in town Thursday. “Don’t hide your light under a bushel,” if you have anything to sell, or want to increase your business, advertise it. He who permits water from eave trough or elsewhere to flow upon the sidewalk in freezing weather is not onsidered as a “public benefactor.” No. 145 REPORT OF THE CONDITION OFTHE OFFICER j INSTALLED BEEKMAN’S BANKING HOUSE In Jac ksonville Lodge I. 0. O. F. at Jacksonville in the State of Oregon at the close of business, Jan. 7th, 1911. RESOURCES. U.S. Bonds, securities, etc. $117,000.00 Due from tanks (not reserve banks............................... 2,772.68 Due from approved reserve banks and Cash or. hand 63,164.80 -—Bi nquei Served n H tt JI Bl JI The installation of officers with a banquet foil owing was the principal order of busin ess in Jacks anville Lodge, I. O. O. F. Saturday nig ht, the follow­ ing are the na lies of ihe officers for ensuing term, viz: Noble Grand... • .................................. -AL Hege. Total........................182,937.48 Vice Grand.... • -........... Lewis Eaton. Rec. Secretary • • -............................ J'ohn Norris. LIABILITIES. 1 Fin. Capital stock paid in............... $50,000.00 Treasurer....... .................. C. D. Abbott. ........Jame s Cronemiller. Surplus fund.......................... 17,111.60 I Warden.......... Peter Fick. Due to banks and bankers.. 964.91 Conductor....... ............. ....... ........... C. H. Basye. Individual deposits subject to Chaplain ....... check...............................110,060.97 R. S. N. G.... .................. Lewis...Ulrich. • s....... F. M. Roundtree. Demand certificates of de­ L. S. N. G..... ..................... J. W Rock. posit...,......................... 4,800.00 R. S. V. G.... ....................... J. M. Rock. L. S. V. G,... .................. Alex Norris. Total.......... STATE OF OREGON, l.t JÏ County of Jackson, ) I, C. C. Beekman, owner of the abo ve named bank, do solemnly sw sar that the above statement is true to t he best of my knowledge and belief. C. C. Beekman, Own jr. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 13th day of Jan., 1911. D. W. Bagshaw, Notary Public. BUSINESS LOCALS Watches Repaired. Bring them to Rollins, Ryan Building, Jacksonville. Fire insurance in reliable comp anies, written at this office. The Boss has a fine line of fresh .tan- | dies, fruit and nuts. Lodge Gives Banquet Rnjh Rebekah Lodge gave a banquet after the close of the regular session Monday night which was greatly en- joj ed by those present. Two candidates were initiated and officers for the ensuing term were in­ stalled during the regular session. Following are the names of officers installed: Past Grand.. ... .Emma Dunford. Noble Grand ....... Nettie Jores. Vice Grand... ....... Blanche Hege. Secretary.... . .Margaret Taylor. Treasurer..., Lizzie Cronemiller. Warden....... .......... Ella Walsh. Conductor.. . ....... Clara Abbott. Chaplain....... .......... Mary Peter. R. S. N. G... ......... Alice Ulrich. L. S. N. G... ... Mattie Abbott. R. S. V..G, ......... Alice Hoefs. L. S. V. G. .......... Fleta Ulrich Inside Guard ............ Lulu Watt. Out Guard... ....... Lewis Ulrich. E. Mowery, Start the New Year on Correct Time We Carry a Choice Stock of watches and Clocks Perfectly regulated and guaranteed for one year INGERSOLL WATCHES YANKEE $1.00 ECLIPSE $1.50 ALARM CLOCKS DOTS $1.00 SPASMODIC $1.50 CYCLONE $2.00 8-Day Strike Hour and 1-2 Hour Carved Wood Frames $5.50 White and Black Marble Finish, Cathedral Gong Chimes, Duarte Black Enamel Marble Finish, Cathedral Gong Chimes, Dixon MINERS NOTICE -Notice of Locati on both Quartz and Placer, for sale at th is F. M. Roundtree, effice, JACKSONVILLE POST. Manager Secretary Insure your buildings, automobile, He Never Got His Money Jacksonville Construction etc. in the St. Paul Fire & Marine In- , About 4 inches of snow fell this surance Co. D. W. Bagshaw. Agent.. ! back. Sutherland's Eagle Eye Salve Company cured his eyes and he did not want it. week and as a result thereof coasting Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy never- | Painless and harmless. 25c. at the All Kinds of Cement Work. Walks has become a popular though somewhat disappoints those who use it for obstin­ City;Drug Store. Floors and Foundations. dangerous pastime with the youngsters. ate coughs, colds and irritations of the Copings of Artistic Design. Cement Postmaster Miller has on exhibition throat and lungs. It stands unrivalled For Sale at the postoffice one of the prettiest as a remedy for all throat and lung i Dr. Bell’s Antiseptic Salve plants we have ever seen. It is a diseases. Sold by City Drug Store. I Good for all Skin Diseases. OREGON JACKSONVILLE, large cactus in full bloom and is Wanted—Fresh milk cow. one that; j certainly a rare sight in mid-winter. will give not less than 4 gallons. Ad- i Hie Medford Sun of Tuesday gave dress J. M..Schmidt, Box 705, Medford, t a account of a scrap between a Oregon. prominent attorney and a leading hotel Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy is not: | man of that place which occurred a common, every-day cough mixture. Monday evening as the result of a It is a meritorious remedy for all the political discussion. troublesome and dangerous complica­ Attention is called to the statements tions resulting from cold in the head, | of the Beekman Banking House, ar.d throat, chest or lungs. Sold by City the Bank of Jacksonville, which appear Drug Store. For Sale—Tract of timber land in in another column of this paper. Both institutions are in a flourishing con­ Jackson County, Oregon, containing Leaving MEDFORD January 19th, tickets to Los Angeles and dition and show an increase in business. 160 acres, estimated at four million return will be sold for. feet yellow pine timber. A snap if Mess. Luy & Collins in this issue of taker at once. Apply to Jacksonville; the Post, advertise their agency for Pest. the sale of J. J. Case Co.’s machinery. Read in December, Sunset Magazine We understand also that these gentle­ men will have a shipment of automo­ San Francisco—The Exposition City Superbly illustrated in four colors— biles here in a short time. Now on sale—All News Stands—15. Stop overs at any point going or coming at A number of persons from thia ,city cents. attended the show “The Time, the any and all points desired. Tickets good via Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy is a Place and the Girl, at Medford very valuable medicine for throat ana Saturday evening. Among those either route going and returning. Thirty day present were: Mr. and Mrs. W. H. lung troubles, quickly relieves and Barnum, Mr. and Mrs. P. Steenstrup, cures painful breathing and a danger­ limit to tickets. Mrs. C. L. Grant, Mrs. Marie Ulrich, ously sounding cough which indicates Misses Flora Thompson, Ffeta Ulrich, congested lungs. Sold by City Drug This is the time of year to see San Fran­ Nell Palmer, A. A. Blackford, Messrs Store. cisco and Los Angeles; this is the time of year J. Percy Wells, O. Dunford, Ries They say all whiskey is good whiskey Chapman, John Barnum and T. W. only some is better thar others— ‘ 'Some ’ when people go south; this excursion affords all Fulton. means ‘ HARPER, ’ the others ar e ‘also-rans,’’—Call for HARPER at an opportunity to make the trip at a low rate. No. 63 E. H. HELMS. REPORT OFTHE CONDITION OF THE Full particulars can be had by writing or The new Oliver Typewriter, lat< 1st Bank Of Jacksonville improved can be seen at this ofli ce. calling at the S. P. ticket office or phoning 341. at Jacksonville in the State of Oregon, We have secured the agency for Ja< K- sonville and surrounding country a nd at the close of business, Those wishing to join the excursion should would be pleased to receive your orc. er. Jan. 7th, 1911. Jacksonville PV>st RESOURCES. leave their names, that sleeping space can be Loans and discounts............ $30,648.33 Have you a weak throat? If so, you provided for all. Don’t delay this. Bonds, securities, etc.......... 40.00 cannot be too careful. You car not Banking house, furniture, begin treatment too early. Each < '.old and fixtures ................. 8,051.28 makes you more liable to another ind Gold Dust..................... ....... 18.05 the last is always the harder to ci re. Due from approved reserve If you will take Champerlam’s Cov gh banks............................... 3,632.15 Remedy at the outset you will be sac ed Coughs that keep you awake at night also Checks and other cash items 1,126.48 much t.ouble. Sold by City Dr ug disturb the sleep ot the rest of the family. Cash on hand.......................... 3,898.97 Store. They can be stopped In a few minutes with Expenses................................. 938.75 Read in January Sunset Magazi oe Total............................... 48,354.01 LOS ANGELES—HOMELAND LIABILITIES. Superbly illustrated in four colors Capital stock paid in.............. $10,000.00« THE SPELL Undivided profits, less ex­ By C. N. & A, M. Williamson penses and taxes paid... 83.26 A Thrilling California Romance It is a Remedy of Great Relieving Power Individual deposits subject to Now on sale All News-star.ds —15c. in All Lung and Throat Troubles. check............... 35.049.09 The busiest and mightiest little thing Demand certificates of deposit 193.21. Ballard'« Horehound Syrup convey« a warming and relaxing In­ Time certifrcates of deposit.. 3.028.41 that ever was made is Chamberlain*!. fluence to th® congested lungs. Heals soreness, quiets tickling Stomach and Liver Tablets. They do sensation in the throat, strengthens tho voice, loosens phlegm ami Total........................... -. 48,354.01 the work whenever you require theii relieves all Irritated conditions In the throat and lungs. Keep a bottle In the house. It Is handy to have when needed and naves STATE OF OREGON, ) aid. These tablets change weakness f- ss a world of misery to the person affected. into strength, listlcssness into energy, County of Jackson, Put Up in Thr«« Sizes, 25c, 5Oc and gloominess into joyousr.es i. Their I, Benj. M. Collins, cashier of the $1.00 per Bottle. above-named bank, do solemnly swear actim is so gentle one don’t realize that the above statement is true to the they have taken a purgative. Sold by Buy th® 11.00 sine. It containn flvo times as much City Drug Store. beet of my knowledge and belief. as the 26c else, and you get with each bottle a Herrick's Red Pepper porous Plaster for the chest. Benj. M. Collins, Cashier. W hen You See the Bell J. W. Bybee JAMES F. BALLARD PROPRIETOR ST. LOWS, M0. CORRECT Attest:- John Dunnington On the bottle you have our guarantee Directors. that you are getting the best cough »■ OSO 6v Subscribed and sworn to before me and cold remedy. Dr. Bell’s Pine-Tar- ' Honey has millions cf satisfied users. thia 12th day of Jan., 1911. i .............. —----- — H. K. Hanna Jr., Notary Public. | Sold at City Drug Store. EXCURSION Los Angeles and Return Make your selection at once Nunan-Taylor Co., Jacksonville, Oregon A Call Will Convince You My Hardware Prices Are Right Chris Kenney $31.55 Ballard’s Horehound Syrup i I Ryan Bldg., Opposite U. S. Hotel January 19th, 1911 CITY DRUG STORE JUNIOR $2.00 "k Ask to see the stock of Electrical Goods at The Corner Confectionery Globes, Shades and Fixtures of all always on hand. kinds I Try our Candies, Cigars, Nutsand Fresh Fruits. We have just received • nice line of Soda and Fancy Crackers. E. A. Thompson Proprietor YOU CAN ORDERyour COAL ^TELEPHONE ? HE TELEPHONE is man’s best salesman. T the ? ; coal Many of his customers he never secs, for their orders come by wire and their checks by mail. if you move into a new house or have an un expected need of fuel, you can often save a day’s time by tele­ phoning your order. In the mining and shipping of coal, the Bell Telephone has become an important factor. Iho wholesale mar­ kets and sources of supply are kept in constant touch with the Bell Long Distance Service and tho danger of a coal famine greatly reduced. OTE PACIFIC TELEPHONE & TELEGRAPH CO. Every Bell Telephone ie Ike Center of the Syeiem Ii F