Oregon Historical Society City Hall JACKSONVILLE, JACKSON COUNTY, OREGON, NOVEMBER 19, 1910 VOL. IV. found gold in two different creeks. One BULLETIN they named Canyon creek, and the oth­ er Josephine, in honor of a young lady CorrMpondence to the Post. who was a member of the party. This Issued by Oregon State Dairy To Medford’s dead fireman Wed­ In Southern Oregon, by James was the first gold found in Oregon. M. R. Buck tarried in Ruch Tuesday. Association. Afterwards Sailor diggings, Aulthouse H. Twogood. nesday — Stores closed J. Goldsby and family were in Med­ and many Other good diggings were Ï8 to be higher—Taft and ford last week. struck. I was with the Joe Knott Elaborate preparations are .being Arthur Kleinhammer made a busines When mv brother, O. B., and I party in February, 1852, and we were The funeral of Warren Bodge, who Hitchcofck decide to raise trip to the city Thursday. was injured in Saturday night’s acci­ crossed the plains in 1851 there was no the first white men to ever make the made for couducting the 1910 session John Cantrail made a business trip dent and died on Monday, occurred settlement west of the Missouri river trip up Galice creek, where we found of the Oregon Slate Dairy Convention. Tate. As was announced some time ago to Central Point last week. until we got to the great Columbia good diggings. Wednesday at 3 o’clock. the officers of the Association decided river, where Dr. Whitman and family Halsted and Vannoy had the only The funeral services were held un­ J. Parks still continues hauling cream to accept the invitation of the Eugene President Taft and Postmaster Gen­ once a week to Jacksonville. der the auspices of the Elks lodge. had started a mission to try to civilize two log cabins in the Rogue river val­ Commercial Club and hold the meeting the treacherous red man, as early as ley in 1851. It seems to me like a eral Hitchcock reached an agreement The service was held in the Presby ­ Joe Daly spent several days at the as to the recommendations the presi­ Lyden House in Jacksonville last week. terian church, Rev. Shields conducting 1836. We had a rough trip over the fairy tale when I read about a fruit in that city on December 8 and 9. Mr. D. C. Freeman, Secretary of dent will make to corgress regarding it. The body lay in state far several Cascades, arriving at Oregon City ranch being sold there for $168,000, Ralph Jennings is busy building his the Eugene Commercial Club, was in­ August 20, 1851, and losing everything and land near Medford producing $500 a change in the eecond class postage new barn and will soon have it com­ hours. Portland last week visiting the cream­ rates as affecting magazines and other pleted. ' A large crowd of friends and brother we had trying to help others. At this worth of fruit per acre. periodicals. members of the Elks, Knights of time Oregon City was the commercial Early Settlement in Southern Oregon. erymen and making arrangements f r Mrs. C. C. Pursel was visiting her Pythias and the Medford fire depart­ center from whence all goods went It was in the fall of 1851 or early co-operation in holding this convention. Mr. Taft will recommend that the mother and relatives on Big Applegate ment marched to the Odd Fellows’ south to the Willamette and Umpqua spring of 1852 that gold was first dis­ Eugene, as every one knows, is a live magazines be required to pay the pres­ last week. city and is bidding for convention.-'. cemetery where the remains were valleys. Losing ffiy tools, I could get covered in the Rogue river valley. It ent rate of 1 cent a pound on all read­ They will extend a royal welcome to tlo work and times Were dull «nd money Hollis Parks and Fred Combest are was found on a little creek in paying buried. ing matter and a much higher rate, to the dairymen of Oregon on this oc­ Out of respect to Mr. Bodge and as Scarce; There was no Portland then, quantities by a man named Jackson, bo determined later, on the advertis­ In the mountains at this writing riding casion. A splendid hall will be pro­ an appreciation of a man who was only on paper; There was nothing who called it Jackson creek, close to ing pages. Each magazine will be re­ after cattle. vided for the convention session, and doing anywhere ih the northwest; where Jacksonville, the seat of Jackson Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Buck and family killed in performance of his duty, all quired to send a copy of its current is­ also for the display of dairy machinery We heard of real gold mines at county, is located today. Sterling and dairy products which will be on sue to the postoffice department each of Upper Appiegate were visiting Mrs. business houses in Medford closed creek was located by Mr. Sterling from three to four o ’ clock. — Sun. Buck ’ s home folks Sunday. Yreka and in southern Oregon. Sam week or month, as the case may be. hand. Hadley and I had a slight attack of tno later. That proved rich and built up There the publication will be dissect­ Mrs. R. J. Cameron who has been on There will be a list of premiums Jacksonville. I yellow fever. We rigged up a tent ed. The reading matter and the ad­ the sick list for several weeks is in Pine-Tar-Honey offered fof creamery butter and also In 1851 there was no sickness on th« and with two pack and two saddle vertising sections will be separately Medford taking medical treatment. Will break up the worst cold and allay plains, but in 1852 there was a big im­ for dairy butter, and cream cheese, weighed and the amount of postage W. R. Garrett is now working the throat irritation. This remedy quickly horses started south to the new migration, and people died by the hun­ and for display of dairy products. Eldorado. Traveling up the valley we computed by the number of magazines road up Big Applegate and his son A feature of the convention which cures coughs, Colds, Grippe, and all found it very sparsely settled. Many dreds of cholera, and all owing to the sent out. * Charlie is digging nis crop of potatoes. throat and bronchial troubles. fact of their not taking the precaution will be different from anything in the sections of good land could be taken Newspapers will not be affected. history [of previous sessions, and of Lee Saltmarsh accompanied by his up by immigrants, lived on five years of providing themselves with a bottle unusual interest at this time, will be a The average haul of the newspapers mother was trading and visiting in and it was a donation from our dear of Perry Davis’ pain killer. In Chicago demonstration of the effects of tuber­ PLACED IN TOMB is but 300 miles, while the average in Jacksonville Tuesday and Wednesday. | old Uncle Sam. In the valley we came during the summer of 1849, when the culosis in dairy cows. Several animals haul of the magazines is 1,100 miles. to Eugene Skinner’s place, where he epidemic -------- was — raging, there were 30 will be slaughtered under the di­ Mr. Hitchcock told the president that had taken up a section of land. He 1 deaths in one day. I was taken with Pioneer of 1860 laid to rest in rection of Dr. E. E. Lytle, State the plan of separating the reading and Electricity. had a leg house and barn and part of j the cramps one day; I took a big jolt Veterinarian. This will be an object advertising matter in the magazines his yard was fenced, where he raised | of Perry Davis' pain killer, laid down cemetery al this place lesson to dairymen which should be a was entirely feasible and he believed I gardeh truck. Today Eugene is a big on a lounge and went to sleep and drawing card to every dairyman in The electrical reducing furnace is it to be the proper solution of the waked up in the evening feeling as | City with ar opera house. Oregon. problem. The hauling of the magazines gaining a firm foothold in Russia. George Brown, an aged and respect­ We then traveled south over the frisky as a young colt. Last spring the first furnace, with a Creamerymen and buttermakers of in the mail has proved costly to the ed citizens of Edgle Point, who died ! In ths spring of 1852 a big immigra­ government, and both the president capacity of three and a half tons, Was Saturday, was interred in the beautiful j ! Calapooia mountains, up ths creek to tion from the Willamette valley went Oregon will meet in Eugene Dec. 7, to the north Umpaqua. Here We ferried complete an organization and discuss and the postmaster general believe it installed at a steel works near St. cemetery at this place Monday. to Winchester, which was then the' out to what is today called Josephine matters of importance to dairying. has entered largely into the deficit Petersburg. Permission has just been Mr. Brown was born in Yorkshire, county. There was no county then, no shown each year in the postoffice granted to two other steel-producing England, in 1833, and came to America, county seat of Douglas county, a town sheriff or tax collectors, but a happy, Dairymen are invited to attend this of one log house. The county reached meeting, which will make really three department. This deficit has been plants to install electric furnaces. with his parents in 1842. In 1858 he from the Siskiyou mountains on the happy people. The valley and villages largely decreased during the past year, The type adopted is the Heroult. was married to Miss May Tinker of south to Calapooia on the north, 300 settled up very rapidly, many coming days convention. What is said to be the highest The Eugene people write that they a saving of $11,000,000 having heen Racine, Wis. In I860 he removed with up from around Portland and that sec­ reported as a result of economies put electrical sign in the world was recently his family to Oregon, settling at this miles, and from the Pacific ocean on tion—Dave Birdseye, Colonel G. W. T’ are preparing to accommodate one into effect by Mr. Hitchcock. The erected by the Prudential Insurance city where he remained until 1880 the west to the Rocky mountains on Vault, Captain Angel, the Millers, and thousand delegates to this convention, adoption of a new rate for the maga- Company at Hoboken, N. J., where when hs removed to Eagle Point where the east, enough territory to form 15 many whose names I have forgotten. and I wish to make a personal appeal or 20 states like New "Jarsey.” Five to the dairymen of Oregon to be present. zines, Mr. Hitchcock believes, will en- it can be viewed to good advantage he has since resided. miles farther south we found Deer C. C. Beekman is the only one left Let us make this the biggest convention tirely wipe out the deficit and put the from New York City. The principal Mr. Brown has been a useful citizen, whom I know of from Yreka. My dear postal establishment on a self sustain- feature of the sign is the large illus­ prominent in affairs of the county; in creek, likewise Aaron Rose and family, good friend, a banker today, rode the ever held in the West. Dairying is who Were our traveling companions tration ef the rock of Gibraltar, out ­ not on the best footing and many are ing basis.—American Press. 1904 he.was elected county commission­ when We crossed the plains, Ros« had first pony express from Yreka to of the opinion that it is growing worse. lined with electric lamps. The sign is er, and has held other positions of located a half s.-ction donation claim, Jacksonville. Considerable dairy legislation is being erected on a tall building, the top of trust and honor. He leaves four sons which today is i he present site of the planned, some of it of the most per­ (Continued Next Week) the rock rising 200 feet above the nicious character which will do harm Every Body Needs and six daughters to mourn the loss town of Roseburg, the county seat of ground, and the sign is designed to to the industry. Let us meet in a of a kind parent. a good salve and Dr. Bell’s Antiseptic withstand a wind pressure of 250 tons. ___ " i I hese matters, and Douglas county, but the same territory body, consider decide c on ” ••*'*••* what kind of legislation we Taxes In Douglas County. Salve is the best. It is a creamy snow Altogether 3,000 electric lamps are is now carved up into a doser counties. want, Then we will go to the legis- white ointment. Guaranteed for all used, consuming 100 horse-power. Sick headache. Traveling on Up south Uffipsqua lature with ---- sufficient fo.ce to carry skin diseases. 25c sold everywhere, The lighting equipment is sufficient our ideas through and prevent any This distressing disease results from river 28 miles we came to the mouth The Roseburg Nows calls attention or any bowel trouble Dr. Bell’s Anti­ to illuminate a large town. The a disorded condition of the stomach, of the big canyon, over a horrible toad other legislation from being passed. CARLE ABRAMS, Secretary. Pain acts like magic, relieves almost principal words in the sign are written and can be cured by taking Chamber­ of 12 miles on the old immigrant trail. to the fact that railroads of Douglas instantly. /' " ‘ all external with letters ten feet high. Scientific lain’s Stomach and Liver Tablets. ’ I do not see how it was possible for county are assessed six times what i Salem, Ore., Nov. 8. 1910. Also _ good^for they were eight years ago. What a pains. Sold by City Drug Store. ». American. Free samples at all dealers. Try it. I people to go over those roads with “phat take” the assessor's job must ■ wagons. In 1852 I saw a man start have been then! The News says that I over that road through the canyon with assessed value of the county has j two yoke of oxen and a good wagon jumped from $23,000,000 to $33,000,000 I and at the end of two days he got in the last two years. It would be Many a Jacksonville Citizen I through with only the front wheels. interesting to know what proportion Finds the Struggle Hard 1 Here we found Mr. and Mrs. Joseph of this was cinched on the farmer for ■ Knott, who crossed the plains in 1850 improvements and what proportion With a back constantly aching, | from Ottumwa, Iowa, and had located went on the back of the timber trust. With distressing urinary disorders. i a ranch, built a log tavern, and called In 1909 the farmers paid out nearly Daily existence is but a struggle. I it Canyonville. They had three grown $30,000 on improvements and personal No need to keep it up. I children, Levi, Jack and Libby, whom property just to help .out the land Doan’s Kidney Pills will cure you. I Vince Daviscalled "Si«." She married Speculators of Douglas county. —Ex. Jacksonville people endorse this ! Bob Ladd, a wealthy banker of Port­ ciaim: land, The rest of them all crossed the Jesse Freeman, living at the Sterling, great divide years ago, and I am the Rev. Irl R. Hicks 1911 Almanac Mine, Jacksonville. Oregon, says: “I only one left. actually believe that Doan’s Kidney Pills saved my life. I suffered from After getting through thecanyon we The Rev. Irl R. Hicks Almanac for kidney disease for a long time before traveled down Cow creek seven miles, then crossed over the mountains and 1911, that guardian Angel in a hundred I realized what it was. I thought at on to Grave creek, where we found a thousand homes, is now ready. Not first the symptoms would pass away, beautiful little valley with a gigantic many are now willing to be without it but instead they increased in severity oak tree and a grave right beside the and the Rev. Irl R. HickB Magazine, ] until I was suffering untold agony. I road. Clover grew to the height of six Word and Works. The two are only was treated bv physicians and used inches and it was an ideal camping One Dollar a year. The Almanac is ( many remedies but obtained no relief. Monopole Seeded Raisins, 1 lb. pkgs. Monopole Currants, 1 lb. pkgs. ¡ground. Did we camp there? I should 35c prepaid. No home or office should , My worst troubles were pains in my Thompson’s Seedless Sultana Raisins (bleached) in bulk I say not. No ofte would aare to camp fail to send for them, to Word and back and limbs and irregularity of the ; there on account of the Indians. It Works Publishing Company, St. Louis, kidney secretions. I was unable to London Layer Raisins, bulk. Tea Garden Mincemeat rest or sleep well on account of the considered the most dangerous Mo. _ pains and was stiff and lame at times j point on the road. On south seven milles Deafness Cannot be Cured Candied Citron, Orange and Lemon Peel, etc. as to be unable to get about. At one we crossed Jump-off Joe and Louse time I was laid up for several weeks creeks and came to the Rogue river. by local applications, as they cannot Pressed Figs in 1 lb. pkgs, 1 Here we found Ben Halsted had estab­ reach the diseased portion of the ear. j and unable to work. I finally learned lished the first ferry on the trail be- I There is only one way to cure deafness, | of Doan’s Kidney Pills and as they Eastern Cranberries, tween Oregon and California. We anj ¡hat is by constitutional remedies. were so highly recommended, I pro- 1 crossed here and went down seven Deafness is caused by an inflamed cured a box at the “ e City Drug Store Sweet Potatoes began miles and found James N. Vannoy, Jim I condition of the mucous lining of the and JL ----- ” using them. This remedy Tuft & Co. had taken up a splendid Eustachian Tube. When this tube is seemed to be just what I required, for ’ ranch and put in a ferry. Both were j inflamed you have a rumbling sound in less than two weeks the beneficial All the Above Are New Crop and Strictly Fresh Goods as good men in principle as ever lived, I or imperfect hearing, and when it is results were apparent. I continued | and both are now dead. From here we entirely closed, Deafness is the result, using the remedy, improved steadily traveled up the Appiegate into the Illi-1 an(j unless the inflammation can be and by the time I had used seven box. s nois valley, which we followed up to a taken out and this tube restored to its I was better than I had been for years. point where Kerbyviiie now stands. normal condition, hearing will be I am now absolut fly free from any We struck off north and found Sam destroyed forever; nine cases out of symptom» of kidney trouble and give the Fry, who was running a horse corral. ten are caused by Catarrh, which is 1 credit to Doan’s K: !:>ey Pills. Plenty more proof like this from It seems as though a small company i nothing but an inflamed condition |of I Jacksonville people. Call at The City of California miners, during the month mucous surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars Drug Store and ask what customers of August, 1851, left Yreka and trav- I eled north in search of gold. They for any case of Deafness (caused by report. For sale by all dealers. Price 50 ! traveled on the old Hudson Bay trapper ca’arrh) that cannot be cured by Hall’s trail over the Siskiyou, down Bear Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars free. cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo. F. J. CHENEY & Co., Toledo, O. New York, sole agents for the United (creek, and right by Jackson creek, State». Sold by Druggists, 75c. i where there were good diggings, and on Remember the name—Doan’s -and to the Illinois valley. Here they went , Take Hall's Family Pills for consti- i take no other. iS Wv— north over pretty steep mountains and! pation. MAGAZINE POSTAGE I Buncom Reports, EARLY DAYS LAST HONORS A HARD STRUGGLE fjfi M M Thanksgiving .1 DELICACIES J' w M H !!U ii •J I Ulrich Brothers, Staple and Fancy Groceries