----------- A_____ t ——:-------- :— Struck a Rich Mme. The Best Hour of Life Executor’s Notice To Creditors. < CCI TON TRUST S. W. Bends, of Coal City, Ala., says is when you do some great deed or dis­ I n tus county court or obecon . for jacxbon | COUNTY he struck a perfect mine of health in cover some wonderful fact. This hour In th.; matter of the estate of Anna Henry. /> the latest says the Detroit Dr. King’s New Life Pills for they came to J. R. Pitt, of Rocky Mt., N. • deceased. XVV ClZfft FRESH FRUITS cured him of Liver and Kidney Trouble C., when he was suffering intensely, ' Notice is hereby given that th© undersigned. Daily News. after 12 years of suffering. They are as he says, "from the worst cold I ever Samuel Boussum has been duly appointed by the r- Fine Cigars, Tobacco and Smokers’ Articles the best pills on earth for Constipulion, had; I then proved to my great satis­ County Cfiurt of Jackson County, Oregon, Ex- Malaria, Headache, Dyspepsia, De­ faction, what a wonderful cold and I ecu tor of the estate of Anna Henry, de- The latest trust to be launched is bility. 25c. at City Drug Store. ' ceased. All perso.is having claims against said cough cure Dr. King's New Discovery estate are hereby notified to present the same, one which embraces cotton mills, sales is. For, after taking or.e bottle, I was duly verified to the undersigned. Executor agencies, plantations and all the count­ entirely cured. You can’t say any­ of said estate, at hi* residence in Jacksonville, less thousands of spindles that weave Belter Feeding. within six months from lhe date of the thing too good of a medicine like that.” j ; Oregon, ¡'TOO varieties of cotton fabrics like first publication of this notice. Dale of first pub Its the surest and best remedy for dis ­ 1 ¡cation is July 30, 1'JlO. ir- magic, gays the Detroit Daily News. SAMUEL BOU8SUM. Executor of •i From a letter written by Dr. Withy- eased lungs. Hemorrhages, I.aGrippe, The capitalizali‘>n is ^20,ne box and used about two-thirds of Hall's Family Pilis for constipation. STOMACH TROUBLE it and my eyes have not given me any It is the best medicine ever sold trouble si.ice. ” This salve is for sale OH. BELL’S ANTI-PAIN over a druggist's counter. For Internal and External Pains. 1 by all dealers m ciìoice candies IK. C. Deneff & Co Barber Shooand Bath Room The Enterprise Lunch Room -and Bakery B ity Drug Store A New and Complete Line of Post Cards Screen Doors BEST GRADE essi-a-asiaBai Charles F. Dunfor d DR AY AGE TILE FOR SALE County Seat Real Estate Office TWO HORSE OVERALLS Electric Itters Luy & Collins