LOCAL NEWS Your summer outing all sizes of duck Wall Tents for sale. Nunan-Taylor Co. Jacksonville. William Redanz of Ruch, was trans­ acting business at the court house Thursday morning. John Devlin, an aged and well known r esident of the Applegate ■valley, was in tovzn Thursday. The lecture on South Africa, given at the court houne Wednesday evening was attended b’ a fair sized audience. The lecture was interesting and we'l delivered, but the pictures shown on the screen were not very distinct owing to some defect in the lantern. Lynn Purdin, the talented editor of the Central Point Globe, was married at the court house, Wednesday, to Miss Ivy O. Dungey. The Post joins a host of friends in wishing Bro. Purdin and bride a pleasant voyage on the matrimonial sea and a safe anchorage in the harbor of Haopiness. BUSINESS LOCALS. Mason’s Fruit Jars With Caps and Rubbers Complete. Half gallons $1.25 Doz 1.00 << Quarts Pints .75 Jelly glasses .50 U .25 4Í Mason’s jar caps Economy jar caps .20 44 Best quality jar rubbers three dozen for 25 cents NUNAN-TAYLOR CO. Jacksonville, Ore 10 it lit in tn m ll.ll MIDSUMMMER iati Circuit court convenes next week. IIow did you like the hot weather? Judge F. M. Calkins was in town Saturday. AT B. E. Haney was a visitor at Med­ ford Saturday. , Mrs. C. D. Stout was a visitor in ï Medford Tuesday. R. B. Dow returned from Ashland, Ladies’ Colored Silk Gloves, Tans, Greys, and Browns, at Tuesday morning. 35c., 55c. and 75c., Regular 75c. and $1.00 Goods George E. Neuber was in Medford Ladies ’ Combination Underwear, $1.25 to $2.50, reduced Wednesday afternoon. DIED John Norling and W. J. Butterly NEWBURY— At her home in this city from $2.00 to $4.00 Get your ice cream at The Boss. were in town Tuesday. Thursday, July 21, 1910, Mrs. Mary Corset Covers, 35c« to 75c. formerly 50c. to $1.25 Call at the Boss, for some of that Peter Ensele was transacting busi­ Newbury. delicious candy. White Embroidered Skirts, $1.25 to $2.50 all reduced ness in Medford, Saturday. The Boss has a fine line of fresh can­ Harry Williams of the Blue Ledge 25 per cent Recovers From Heat dies. fruit and nuts. district was in town this week. Ladies’ Silk Waistings, Silk Poplin, White Swfaà, ‘Colored J For Sale—A first class family cow. W. R. Coleman went to Ashland The following from the Central Price reasonable. Apply to Dr. T. Wednesday to.visit Chautauqua. Lawns, Corded and Brocaded Pieties Point Herald of last week will be of W. Hester. The open season for killing deer will all reduced 25 per cent interest to many of our readers. Chamberlain’s Stomach and Liver commence Monday, August 1st. The many friends of James Grieve, Tablets gently stimulate tt e liver and All Our Children’s Wash Suits at 5i)c. Regular 75c., Work has been commenced on the carrier on R. F. D. route No. 1, will bowels to expel poisonous matter, foundation for the cement sidewalks. $1.00 and $1.25 Goods be glad to know that he is rapidly cleanse the system, cure constipation Mrs. W. K. Coleman visited relatives recovc ring from his serious heat and sick headache. Sold by all dealers. •All New und Up-to-Date Goods. Lots of Other Bargains too at Phoenix, several days this week. prostration of last Saturday, and that IN WINTER its a cold. IN SUM ­ Numerous to Mention. Come Early and Often. S. E. Dunnington and J. M. Dews his friends hope to be able to take MER its bowel complaint. Be good to drove to the Applegate valley, Sunday. him to the mountains within a few your poor old stomach these hot days. Our thanks are due Uncle Jimmy days, where he will spend the rest of Don’t ask it to assimilate raw, rank, the hot season.' Mr. Grieve was over ­ Twogood for several copies of Boise, come near Tolo, and for .many hours nondescript whiskies. Give it good, JACKSONVILLE, OREGON papers. his life was despaired of. This was pure, gentle old. I. W. HARPER Dr. T. T. Shaw an I family enjoyed his third attack and he will try to For Sale by E. H. Helms. an outing in the Applegate country i The world’s most successful medicine keep in the shady places until Old Sunday. for bowel complaints is Chamberlain’s Sol lets up a bit. Hon. T. Cameron attended the Rep­ Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. ublican State Assembly, at Portland, It has relieved more pain and suffer­ Old Ulceis Thursday. Are unsightly and dangerous. Dr. ing, and saved more Jives than any The mercury registered 102 in the Bell’s Antiseptic Salve will heal them other medicine in use. Invaluable for shade at Beekman’s bank Tuesday promptly. It is clean a..d pleasant to children and adults. Sold by all dealers. use. 25c a box at City Drug Store. afternoon. For sale- Millinery stock and fixtures BUSINESS CARDS. in Jacksonville, Ore., No competitor. Although this has been termed a “wet Reasons for selling: Must retire. town”, the people are eagerly demand­ Mass Of Flames Call or address: Milliner, Jackson­ ing water. A. E. REAMES ville, Oregon. A T Miss Lena Downing visited her Lawyer Soreness of the muscles, whether brother L. E. Downing at Central ! A news letter dated at Calgary, Alberta, July 16, says: “That ths induced by violent exercise or injury, Practise in all State and Federal Courts . Point, recently. foothills of the Ro:kies are a mass of JACKSONVILLE Miss Cora Linn of ‘his city and Mrs. flames, for forest fires are raging is quickly relieved by the free appli­ Kahler Block David Linn of Eugene were visiting in through the heavy timber belt which cation of Chamberlain,s Liniment. This liniment is equally valuable for The Only Beach in the Pacific Northwest Medford Saturday. GUS NEWBURY lies along the boundary between Al­ muscular rheumatism, and always The salary of Medford's postmaster berta and British Columbia. Where the pretty Water Agates, Moss Agates. Moonstones, affords quick relief. Sold by all dealers, Attorney-at-Law has oeen increased $200. per year, These fires have been burning sev­ Carnelians, and Rock Oysters can be found. the road between Lost — July .9, on Will Practise in All Courts in the State making it now $2600. eral days, but it was only last r.ight Jacksonville and Buncom; A razor, OUTDOOR SPORTS OF ALL KINDS Mrs. B. E. Haney went to Portland I that they assumed serious proportions. razor hone, and a package of fishing MEDFORD, OREGON. Monday, as a delegate from the local ! Already the loss to the timber has buckle. Finder please return to Frank Including Hunting, Fishing, digging Rock Oysters, Boating, i been heavy. To the southwest of Prid- Robison at Barber Shop. lodge, Degree of Honor. Surf Bathing, Riding, Autoing, Canoeing and Dancing. Pure H. K. Hanna H. K. Hanna, Jr. Judge Neil returned Wednesday ! dis a bad prairie fire is running and mountain water and the best of food at low prices. Fresh Teething children have more or less HANNA & BANNA from a few days outing spent at the will soon meet the fires in the bushes, diarrhoea, which can be controlled by Crabs, Clams, Oysters, Fish and Vegetables of all kinds daily. that the situation is^serious iB admitted. Chautauqua, at Ashland. IDEAL CAMPING GROUNDS, with strict sanitary regula­ Lawyers Owing to the dry weather, the bush is giving Chambe. Iain’s Colic, Cholera tions, at nominal cost. The framework of the new steel and Diarrhoea Remedy. All that is in just the condition wheu bad fires Office in Bank of Jacksonville Building tower to support the water tank at necessary is to give the prescribed Three Day Saturday to Monday Rate may be expected, and especially when JACKSONVILLE, OREGON the court house is ebeing erected. Low Round-Trip Season Tickets aided by a wind such as was blowing dose after each operation of the bowels from S. P. points, Portland to Cottage more than natural and then castor oil Moxie Smith went to Butte Falls today.” Grove inclusive, including branch lines from all points in Oregon, Wash­ also from all C. A E. stations Albany and to cleanse the system. It is safe and with a view to establishing a barber DR. T. T. SHAW west. Good going on Saturday or Sunday, ington and Idaho on sale daily and for return Sunday or Monday. sure. Sold by all dealers. shop in that metropolis, Tuesday. Work 24 Hours A Day. Dentist. Wanted: Either a cook, or girl to I Mr. E. C. Hoggsett of the Rogue The busiest little things ever made are River Valley Abstract-Title Co. was Dr. King’s New Life Pills. Eyery pill wash dishes. Good wages and time Office in Ryan Building, California St. taken suddenly ill Tuesday evening, is a sugar-coated globule of health, off each day. Enquire of Jacksonville Upstairs but is reported better. that changes weakness into strength, Post. ' JACKSONVILLE OREGON When the stomach 'fails to perform Harry L. Miller of Burlingame, languor into energy, brain-fag into Calif, who had been visiting his mother mental power; curing Constipation, its functions, the bowels become de­ and brother in this city left for his Headache, Chills, Dyspepsia, Malaria. ranged, the liver and the kidneys con­ D. W. BAGSHAW from Albany, Corvallis and Philomath, with corresponding low rates gested causing numerous diseases, home the first of the week. 25c at City Drug Store. NOTARY PUBLIC AND CONVEYANCER from points west, in effect all summer. Call on any S. P. or C. & E. i The stomach and liver must be restored Adam Schmitt left for Portland, Agent for full particulars as to rates, train schedules, etc.; also for Fire Insurance Monday morning as a representative Dr. Bell’s Antiseptic-Salve to a healthy condition and Chamber­ copy of our beautifully illustrated booklet, “Outings in Oregon,” or lain’s Stomach and Liver Tablets ca’i Good for all Skin Diseases. to the grand lodge, A. O. U. W. which Office with Jacksonville Post write to be depended upon to do it. Easy to convenes in that city this week. take and most effective. Sold by all JACKSONVILLE, OREGON WM. McMIJRRAY, Call at A crew of men are busily engaged General Passenger Agent, dealers. putting in a septic tank in the north­ Portland, Oregon east corner of the court house yard. All Skin Diseases SUTHERl*ND8 EAGLE EYE S4UI Good for Nothing but the Eyes John Dunnington accompanied ¡by Yield readily to treatment with Dr. — And examine our line of Furni­ Mrs. Reeve, Miss Della Reeve, Mrs. Bell's Antiseptic Salve. We guarantee ture, Carpets, Rugs and House S. E. Dunnington. and Miss Katherine it. 25c a box. Sold by City Drug Furnishings. i Chapman, enjoyed an outing on the' Store. Little Applegate, Sunday. Latest Styles, Best Prices I have just opened a shoe C. G. Swartzfager who has been We have a line of fine Kitchen Card of Thanks. Ranges, for sale at living prices shop in Abbott’s Hardware running a stage for the past four The undersigned hereby thanks the Store where I am prepared years at Steamboat, is in town. He members of the Jacksonville Fire removed from Steamboat three weeks to make Department and other citizens for ago having finished his mail contract. And the latest and best Records. their valuable services in assisting to NEW BOOTS AND SHOES Call and see us. No trouble to Mrs. Hattie Moore of Baker City, extinguish the recent fire on Britt’s Family Trade Solicited show goods. arrived Tuesday, having been sum­ In a workmanlike manner. hill. E. B ritt . moned on account of the illness of her Repairing done promptly, T. L. DeVore I mother Mrs. Mary Newbury. She Prices reasonable. Twenty-Five Cents is the Price of Peace. , was accompanied by her niece, Miss ■ Change in Southern Pacific Time I The terrible itching and smarting, I Ruth Peter. incident to certain skin diseases, is Table. Miss Louise Jones, the popular! almost instantly 'allayed by applying Effective January 1st, 1910. operator at the telephone exchange Chamberlain’s Salve. Price, 22 cents. Dr. Bell’s Pine-Tar-Honey left Monday afternoon for the north, ; i NORTH BOUND TRAINS. For sale by all dealers. For Coughs and Colds. to enjoy a well earned vacation. Miss 1 i No. 18.................................... 8:04 A.M. Leona Ulrich will have charge of the ; No. 12 Shasta Limited.......... 2:36 A.M. Proprietor office during her absence. Mrs. Mary Newbury, mo'her of No. 16 Oregon Express......... 5:24 P.M. Every woman may not be hand­ Attorney Gus Newbury is reported No. 14 Portland Express. ...8:39 P.M. some, but every woman should HOT OR COLD BATHS SOUTH BOUND TRAINS. very ill at her home in thia city. Mrs. keep with care the good points Newbury is eighty years of age and No. 11 Shasta Limited...........5:47 A.M. nature has given her. No woman Agent for JOH.V DUNNINGTON, Prop.', has been in rather feeble health for No. 15 California Express. .10:35 A.M. need have sallow skin, dull eye, Dealer in Medford Domestic Laundry some time, her recovery is considered ■ No. 13 San Fran. Express.. .3:32 P.M. blotchy complexion, who pays doubtful. No. 19 Ashland Passenger. .11:22 P.M. proper attention to her health. All Kinds of Fresh and Where constipation, liver derange­ A little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. OREGON ¡JACKSONVILLE, ments, blood impurities and other Anderson, the people owing the merry- Cured Meats, Choice KILLT he COUGH irregularities exist, good complex ­ go-round, is reported ill at the Lyden Lard, Etc. House,in thiscity. These peopfe come and GUBE we LUNGS ion, bright eyes and sprightly movements cannot exist. Internal I here from Ashland about July 1, and icrangeinents reveal themselves sooner Jacksonville. - •- Oregon the little girl was taken ill shortly or later on the surface. Headache, dark after their arriqal. ings around the eyes, sallow skin, a con­ Jsts) CHOICE CANDIES stant tired feeling—mean that the liver □3. BELL’S ANTI-PAIN This is the season when the resident ICC Vf FRESH FRUITS and digestive organs are needing help and of the town flees toward the mountain For Internal and External Pains. correction. Chamberlain’s Stomach and and streams, and after sweltering in Liver Tablets give this necessary help. Kfflf so«a«ioo They Fine Cigars, Tobacco and Smokers’ Articles work in nature's own way. They do not Two in One a camp ten degrees hotter than his I merely flush the bowels but tone up the lirer and residence at home, returns bragging | stomach to fulfill their proper functions. So mild Dr. Bell’s Anti-Pain is both an internal ANO AIL THROAT AHO LUNG TROUBLES and gentle do they act that one hardly realises about the fine time he had and the rGUARANTEE!) SAT/SFACTOR y ' that they have taken medi'-tne. Chamberlain's and external remedy. It is an antis- Tablets can be relied upon tc relieve bibousneea, nice cool place in which he spent his indigestion, constipation auj dix iin ass. Sold ev­ , eptic remedy and destroys disease . OR MO NEU REFUNDED. • vacation Sold by City Drug Store. I ery whsve. Price 25 cents. !! CLEARANCE SALE NUNAN-TAYLOR CO. NUNAN-TAYLOR CO. it il SPEND THE SUMMER NEWPORT, Yaquina Bay ! I A Sunday Excursion Rate of § I I DEVORE’S New Shoe Shop Graphophones THE RECEPTION LUY & KEEGAN, Props. I W. R. Sparks i A Handsome Woman Jacksonville Sole Agents Albany Beer Barber Shop Room Í Meat Market II W. C. Deneff & Co