TAKE NOTICF. Administrator’» Final Notice. A Dreadful W ound Voting contest is now open for God­ Administrator’s Notice To Creditors. I IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF ORKOANs dess of Liberty at Jacksonville July 4. I n the county court of ouegon , for jackson IN THE COUNTY COUHT OF UKEGON FOR IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF JACKSON JACKSON COUNTY. Votes 10 cents each. Contest closes from a knife, gun, tin can, rusty nail, COUNTY the matter of the application of H. L. HUI to By J. G. Martin. 6 F. M. June 28. Tickets on sale at fireworks, or of any other nature, de. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has In the matter of the Estate of J. B. White, d .*- ■« In gi.if-r tide to the following described land«, situat'd in Jackson Connty. Oregon, towit:- i Denneff's and Lea med’s stores and at mamh prompt treatment wi.h Buck- been appointed by the County Court of Jackson ceased. E ditor P ost , J acksonville , ore . Notice is hereby given that the ur.der>igned Thc south half of the south-east quarter of Sec­ County State of Oregon, Administrator of the I was made the recipient of a m Mt U. S. Het.I. len’s Arnica Salve to prevent blood Estate of Mary L. Buck deceased. All persons administrator of said estate has filed in the above tion twenty-one (21) and the north half of th« orth-eaet quarter of Section twenty-eight (28) delightful surprise Friday morning in ------ ——--------- — entitled (Jaurt his duly verified final account of having claims against said estate are hereby noti ­ poison or gangrene. It’s l he quickest, ihirr - h ce (33> sou’h of Range one his doings us such administrator and the court n Township the nature of a kind thoughtful invi­ went of the WiEa.nette Mer.d.an, containing A Woman's Great idea surist h.*aler for all such wounds as fied to present the same to the undersigned, duly has fixed Tuesday July 5th at 10 o’clock in the Ltit D »ac;es: verified, at Talent, Oregon or to his Attorney J. tation from my unexpected friend visit­ . ¡8 how to make herself attractive. also for Burns, Boils, S uxa, Skin Erup­ vs. forenoon at the court rocm of said court in Jack­ or to the city Mr. A. D. Wilde of Pasa­ I But, without health, it ia hard for her tions, Eczema, Chapped Hands, Coins A. Lemery at Ashland. Oiegon, on or before six sonville, Oregon, as the lime and pla :e of hearing G. R. Pittman, Su de Pittman. John W. Pittman, months from the date hereof. May 21. 1910. ft-cron Wail an i Jane Doo Wait, his wife, whose dena Calif, to accompany him fora days to be lovely in face, form or temper. or Pile'. 25c. at City Drugstore. J oseph T. B uck . Administrator of the of sail final account. Ail persons interested arc u ne name is t nkimwn b» applicant. George Pitt- ride to the Antioch country where he A weak, sickly woman will be nervous Estate of Mary L. Buck, deceased hereby notified to present their objections to said nan. Lewis Pittman, John Pittman and all whom final account to said court if any they have on oi t may c ;r.cara. «10 'end ants. has land interests that he wirhed to and irritable. Constipation and Kidney TAKE NOTICE. before said date stnd time. investigate. We left the busy city of poisons sho.v in pimples, blotches, skin That on the2 » I ty of May, 1910. an application Gus N ewbury . Administrator ol Light Spa ks NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Medford at 5 a. tn. wrapped in its eruptions and a wretch • I oo nplexi-m. the Estate of J. B. White, deceased. was filed by said II. L. Hill in the Circuit Court jf Jackson County. Oregon, for initial registra- 01042. morning nap and in order to get all the But Electric Bitters always prove a .ion of the title of the lands above described. pleasure of sightseeing and enjoyment godsend to women who want health, 3/ out Associate Editor. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, Notice of the Filing of Final Account Now. unless you appear on or before the 16th Champ Clark says he would be ! WÍ1- U. 3 LAND OFFICE AT ROSE BURG, OREGON. IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON. lay of July. 1910, and show cause why such appli­ p issible from our limited time our beauty and friends. They regulate FOR JACKSON COUNTY. route led us out on the smooth Jackson­ I Stomach, Liver «and Kidneys, purify ling to serve in Congress, salary or no April 28. 1910. cation shall not be granted, the same will be ville road that we might make a circuit the blood; give stron * nerves, b ight salary, The lecture graft is a good NOTICE is hereby given that Voluntine Com- In the matter of the estate of Jarr.ei R. taken as confessed, and a decree of the court will best, of Buncom, Oregon, who on Sept. 19 1906. \>e entered according to the prayor of the applies« McCarron, deceased. < f the Rogue river vallev proper, and i eyes, pure breath, smooth, velvety thing in itself. made Homestead application, No. 14163, for Lots Notice is hereby given that I have filed my ticn and you will be forever harped from disput­ give my California friend an early ¡skin, lovely complexion, good health. Senator Raynor has hung out the land 2, Section 4, Township 40 S. Range 2 W. I final account as the administrator of the estate ing the same. morning glimpse of our earthly para­ I Try them. 50 c. at City Drug Store. Democratic “Welcomo to our City” Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of intention of James R. McCarron, deceased, and that the WITNESS my hand and the seal of said court dise, dotted on the right and left by sign for the Republican Insurgents. to make Final five year Proof, to establish claim County Court cf Jackson County sitting in pre­ hereto affixed thia 25 day of May, 1910. to the land above described, before the Register bate has appointed Thursday, the 30th day of (Seal) W. R. C oleman , County Clerk. cities whose church steeples could be They did not accept, however. and the Receiver of the United States Land Office, June. 1910, at the hour of 10 o’clock as the time, seen in the distance glistening in the The petty grafter in the New York at Roseburg, Oregon, on the. 7th. day of July, and the County Court Room of Jackson County, Oregon Sidelights. early sunrise, with modern city and Notice Of Guardian’s Sale. Oregon, as the place for hearing any and all ob­ city administration has no chance to 1910, at 10. A. M. More homeseekers from Dakota have escape from Mayor Gaynor’s net. Claiment names as witnesses: farm residences nestling among groves jections which may bo made to said final account IN THE COUNTY COURT FOR JACKSON COUNTY, Jacksonville, Oregon. and for the settling of said final account, ai.d for Harley H. Hall, of of ornamental trees and clean fruit arrived at Stanfield. OREGON. Mr. Hammerstein got a very high Joseph F. Hall, of Jacksonville, Oregon. my discharge as administrator. orchards, surrounded by alfalfa and Fine new potatoes were dug around note for his opera holdings In the matter of the Guardianship of Eva I. of Buncom, Oregon. Fred Combes t. All persons interested in any way in said es­ grain fields with the valley checkered Hermiston last week. Buncom, Oregon. tate, are hereby notified to govern themselves in Walker. John R. Walker, Minnie F. Walker, Don­ Cyrenis Com best, of Elder Bryan rises to protest against al 1 D. Walker and Bessie Walker, minor children. BENJAMIN F. JONES, Register. accordance wi.h this notice. wi:h endless lanes and newly improved Central Point is one of the rapidly the appointment of Governor Hughes NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN Ihat pursuant Jacksonville Oregon. May 26th, 1910. county roads, which my California growing towns cf Oregon. to the order of the Hon. J. R. Neil, County Judge to the Supreme Bench. A3 protestant R ichard J. M c C arron . friend acknowledged, though with EXECUTOR’S UN AL NOTICE. for Jacksen County, Oregon, made on April 23rd, Grants Pass people are also agitat- and objector the common law candi­ Administrator or the estate of James R 1910, and enter :d in Journal 20 < f the above en some reluctance, surpassed southern I n the county court of O regon , in and for McCarron, deceased. ing a railroad to the coast. date of the Democratic party has never JACKSON COUNTY. titled court at page 467 there>f, directing the sale California for pure air, cleanliness and if the premises hereinafter described on the Bumper hay and grain crops are ex been more fully wrong, and that is Estate of Kinder B. Boaz, deceased. thorough cultivation. terms hereinafter set forth; and I will on and SUMMONS. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned saying a lot. We had a remarkable fine clear view pected in Powder river valley. exeeutor of the estate of said decedent has filed IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF after July 2nd. 1910. sell at private sale, to the A sign of Myrtle Creek ’ s growth is Some of our public servants are in the county court of the State of Oregon, for of Jacksonville, our beautiful historical highest and best bidder for terms cash in hand, OREGON, IN AND FOR THE COUNTY all the right, title and interest of the above shamefully underpaid. At Wheatfield, Jackson County, his final account of his adminis­ county seat from the Ilanley Butte a new lawyer and a new dentist. OF JACKSON. named minor children, viz; Eva I. Walker. John nestled among the shady groves of thq Grant county is sparsely settled, but in Pennsylvania, the postmaster gets I tration of said estate, and the county court has In the matter of the application of H. L. Hill to R.-Walker. Minnie F. Walker, Dona’.d D. Walker, 18 cents a day, and a man who prefers fixed Thursday, June 30, 1910, at 9 o’clock in the regis’er title to the following described lands, and Bessie Walker, in and to the following de­ foothills 5 miles west in the distance, is out of debt and has $90,003 ahead. forenoon of said day, in the court room of said in Jackson County, Oregon, towit whore place and name will always hold scribed premises, to-wit: Commercial men are coming into Sil­ the vicissitudes of private life can get court, in the court house at Jacksonville, Jackson situated the key to Southern Oregon’s pioneer ver Lake numerously, two dozen last $3.00 a day in any wheatfield in Kansas. County, Oregon, as the time and place for hear­ The south half of the south-east quarter of Sec­ All of the Jesse Hiatt Donation Land Claim tion twenty-one (21) and the north half of the Number 43 in Township 39 South of Range 2 East history. All the members of Secretary Ballin­ ing of said final account. week. north-east quarter of Section twenty-eight (28) of Willamette Meridian, and containing 157.67 All persons interested are hereby notified to Our next place of importance was in Township thirty-three (33) south of Range one acres, more or less. ger ’s Ananias Club are large and robust make, or file their objections to said final account Redmond is to have a brick plant; (1) west of the Willamette Meiidian, containing suburban city of Central Point, which specimens, it seems. Also, the following parcel of land, to-wit: Be­ wit'll the saiJ court, if any they have, on or 1 Mì­ expects to turn out 400,000 brick in 160 acres. ginning at the southwest corner < f the aforesaid from the many newly painted business fore said day and time. Senator Clapp insists that he cannot vs. donation land claim No. 43; thence scuih 85 links; Dated at Jacksonville, Oregon, May 23, 1910. and residence buildings, cement walks four months. G. R. Pittman, Susie Pittman, John W. Pitt­ thence south 41 deg and 45 min east, 21.84 chains T. J. K enney , Some young and tender lettuce raised be read out of the Republican partv by man, Theron Wait and Jane Doe Wait, his wife, new steel water tank and a general anybody. In fact, this game of Clapp Executor of the estate of Kinder B. Poaz, ci f- whose true name is unknown to applicant, George to the east boundary of D »nation land claim No. near Corvallis is 16 inches high and 28 development of the surroundings the 42 in said Township and Range; thence north in and Clapp out does not appeal to the ceased. Pittman, Lewis Pittman, John Pittman and all traveler would be led tc believe he was inches across. along «aid east boundary line of said D. L. C, No. Senator at all. whom it may concern. Defendants. 42; 16.29 chains to the northeast cornor of said D. passing through a new city of a few I A 1000 acre ranch near Langlois, SUMMONS. To G. R. I’ittman, Susie Pitman, John W. Pitt­ Mark Twain died worth a million, or L. C. No. 42; thence west between D. L. C. Nos. years building, whi h my friend re­ Curry county, will be divided into five TN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE man, Theron Wait and Jane Doe Wait, his wife, 42 and 43, 14.55 chains to the place of beginning so, it is said.' It is just as well to bear whose true name is unknown to applicant, George marked was the most centrally located and 10 acre tracts. i OF OREGON. FOR THE COUNTY in mind, moreover, that Mark never Pittman, Lewis Pittman, John Pittman and all and containing 18.80 acres of ¡and. more or less. OF JACKSON. place for a big city he had seen in the Also, Lot numbered Five and the Southeast 14 William Hanley sent through Vale made any of his money by whining. whom it may concern. Defendants. Dora S. Sutton, plaintiff,. valley. This remark caused a little for the stock yards at Ontario about IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON: of the Northwest Vi of Section 20 in said Town­ vs, ship 39 South, Range 2 East of Willamette Merid­ A man of the name of Booze has coolness between us for I at once 4500 head of cattle last week. | You and each of you are hereby required to ap- defendant. beer convicted of felony, in New Jersey. To O. O. S. S. Sutton, I pear and answer the application or complaint ian, containing 46.20 acres, more or less. thought of my home in swift Medford, Sutton, defendant; Also Lots numbered 1. 2, 6. 7 and 8 in Section 19 More than 10,000 voters have signed Booze is indicted from one end of the filed herein on the 25th day of May, 1910, within 5 miles in the distance. In the name of the state of Oregon: You are the petition for Williams county, near­ country to the other every day. six weeks of the date of the first publication of in said Township 39 South, Range 2 East Willam­ hereby required to appear and answer the com ­ But the most attractive fascinating ly 2000 more than necessary. this summons, and if you fall to so appear and ette Meridian, and containing 114.64 acres, more plaint filed against you in the above entitled suit sight to be seen by us and one that Nevertheless, we are firm in the on answer for want thereof the applicant will apply or less, together with one half of the water right or before six weeks from the date of the first The new Curry county bank at Gold faith that straw hats will be reason­ to the court for the relief demanded in said appli­ out of Neil Creek cans rd us to halt, was the big clean publication of this summons, which is the 7th day Excepting and reserving from the above de­ thrifty heavily loaded apple and pear Beach received $5000 deposits lhe first ably numerous around and about the of May, 1910; if you fail to appear and answer, cation or complaint, a succinct statement of scribed tract a parcel of land described as fol­ which is as follows, towit:-For a decree of the the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief orchards on Baar Creek, one mile north week, far more than was expected. the streets by July 4, anyway. court registering the title to the lands above de­ lows, to-wit: demanded in the complaint, namely; A decree an­ After living in Jackson county 51 of Central Point, whose surface seemed No man in this country ever will have nulling and setting aside the marriage relations scribed in the name of H. L. Hill, the applicant Beginning at the quarter section corner be­ to be as clean smooth as a fashionable years a man has applied for naturali­ the temerity to assert that Col. Roose­ existing between the plaintiff and defendant, and named in said application, and you will be forever tween Sections 18 and 19 in Township 39 South. Range 2 East of Willamette Meridian in Jackson barred from disputing the same. house carpet, for there was a perfect zation papers, so that he can take a velt is in any sense a local issue. for the custody of the minor child, Edna Sutton. County, Oregon; thence east 4 20 chains; thence This summons is published for six weeks in The This summons is published by order of the Hon. sameness as far as the eye would carry homestead. Jacksonville Post by order of the Hon. F. M. south 10.70 chains; thence north 55 deg west, 4.90 Mr. Rockefeller says the world is you. We noted many new houses being While sinking a well 16 miles from getting better; and Miss Ida Tarbell J. R. Neil, County Judge, made on the 2nd day Calkins, Judge of tbe above entitled court, made chains; thence north no deg 45 min west. 13.50 of May, 1910. The date of the first publication is and entered on the 27th day of May. 1910, and the chains to tbe place of beginning, and containing carved out of the Chapparal and oak Condon, a man, at the depth of 95 feet, says so, too. Guess it surely must be. May 7, 1910, and the last publication is June 18, first date of publication of the same is the 4th 4.99 acres, more or less. grub thickets by ’some ambitious Mis- I struck a ledge two [feet thick that is 1910. That bids for sai l property may be submitted day of June, 1910. The railroad bill in the Senate is H. L. DE ARMOND, Grants Pass. Oregon sourion we supposed. We halted in the believed to be copper ere. WITNESS my hand and the seal of said court to the undersigned at the United States National traveling on a freight schedule. Attorney for plaintiff. middle of the Bybee bridge' that spans Bank of Ashland, or to H. D. Norton at Grants hereto affixed this the 27th day of May, 1910. A man v.ho has visited tie cement They say that society women in New the beautiful Rogue, that my friend dam in the Rogue river says that lit- (Seal) W. R. C oleman , County Clerk. Pass, Josephine County. Oregon- Dated June 3rd, 1910. J. R. Neil, M. Purdin. might see her clear crystal water and eraly millions of fish are beating their York care more for their pet dogs SUMMONS. W illiam A. W alker . Guardian. Attorneys for applicant. get a glimpse of her spackled trout. braina out in an endeavor to make than for their hair, ¡but its false. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF OREGON FOR It will be interesting to the public to We foun 1 the Mo I »c Orchard and Dev­ their way up the river. And there is JACKSON COUNTY. elopment Company of the north side nothing being done to provide an ade­ know that the Nicaraguan army now The Christian Church a corporation, Plaintiff, numbers 2,000 men and only has one vs of Rogue river nuking many permanent quate fishway for them. genera). It usually numbers 1000 J. C. Cowles and Irene Cowles, Defendants. i nprovem Jilts and changes on their All that remains to mark the place Generals to one man. To J. C. Cowles and Irene Cowles, the above newly acquired property by planting named defendants:- of one of the richest pocket discoveries o it 53 acre pear orchard, removing In the name of the state of Oregon.-You and of gold ever made on the Pacific coast old Ian 1 marks of plum an blessing to all our family,” long the valley has laid dormant. i In the matter of the Application of Annie I her In husband, the nameol the state of Oregon—You ard — Journal. writes Paul Mathulkn, |of Buffalo, N. i Maria Parker to Register Title to the following each of you are hereby required to appear and j described real property, situated in Jackson answer the complaint of plaintiffs filed in__ Y. Easy, but sure remedy for all the I County. Oregon, to-wit: Lot numbered Four (4) above entitled court and cause within six weeks How’s Thu? St >mach, Liver and Kidney troubles. We offer One Hundred Dollnrs Re­ I in Block number Three (3) of Barr's Addition to from the date of the first publication of this sum- Only 25c. at City Drug Store. the Town (now City) of Medford, Oregon, more mona upon you which is the 30th day of April. ward for any case of Catarrh that can- I particularly known as Parker Place, according to 1910, and if you fail to appear within the time not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. 1 the official plat thereof, now of rec >rd. I required and answer, for want thereof the plain- va. | liffa will apply to the court for the relief prayed F. J. Cheney Ai Co., Toledo, O. All whom it may concern Defendants. for and demanded in their complaint, to-wit: For We, the undersigned, have known . ' a decree of the court for the sale of Lots one and TAKE NOTICE. F. J. Cheney for the last 15years, and , Now on the 28th day of May. 1910. an applica- two in section 81 and lot four in rection 30, all in believe him perfectly honorable in all : tion was filed by the said Annie Maria Parker in ! township 82. south of range three east of the Express, Freight, General Deliver}’. Teaming to I •’witK strength end ease business transactions and financially th« Circuit Court of Jackson County. Oregon, for Willamette Meridian, in the manner provided by all Parts of the Country, Nothing too Heavy cr Initial Registration of the title to the land above law, and that the proceeds of the sale be applied they always please" able to carry out any obligations made 1 described. to the payment of the costs and expenses of suit too Light. Agents for Cölestin Mineral Water. by his firm. Waiding, Kinnan 5- .Marvin, Now. unless you appear on or before the Sth and attorneys fees, ar.d coats of sale, and the Wholesale Druggists, day of July. 1910. and show cause why such'ap­ balance I m * divided among the plaintiffs and de- JACKSONVILLE OREGON plication shall not be granted, the same will be fvndanta in proportion to the interests which Toledo, O. each ha.i in the said property and according to taken as confessed and a decree will be entered Hall.s Catarrh Cure is taken internal­ accoiding to die application and you will be fore- , the laws of the state of Oregon. This summons ly, actin;: directly upon the blood and ever hatred iron disputing the same. is «erved by publication once a week for six con- MAM BV mucous surfaces of the system. Testi-1 WITNESS my hand and the seal of said Court si cutive weeks in the Jacksonville Post, published at Jacksonville. Oregon, by or ler of lion. F. M. LEVI STRAUSS ®, CO. affixed thia th« Sist day of May. 1910. moniale sent free. Price 75c. per bot- hereto 1 W. R. C ullman . County Clerk of Calkin* Judge of raid Cvcit. t aid order having