Kailways In Holland. Of the railways in Holland E. V. Lucas writes: “Tbe trains come in to the minute and go out to the minute. Tbe officials are intelligent and polite. The carriages are good. Every sta­ tion has its waiting room, where you may sit and rend and drink a cup of coffee that is uot only hot and fresh, but is recognizably the product of tbe berry. It I- impossible to travel tn the wrong train."—Exchange. Orders for ail kinds of Rough a nd Dressed Lumber Promptly Filled q X shingles Not at Fault. Proprietor of tbe Clarion (angrily)— What did you mean by telling II. B.. tbe man who asked If there was mon­ ey In mushrooms, that there would be more money for biui in toadstools? Editor of the Question and Answer Department (with air of oue who knows be Is in tbe rlgbtl-Because, sir. I looked up II. B. In tbe directory and found be was an undertaker.—Puck. COMING COMING COMING NEW Fred J. Fick, Jacksonville's New Market Rae * Suicide is not nearly the menace to increase in population that deaths among infants are. Eight out of ten of these deaths are directly or indirectly caused by bowel troubles. McGee’s Baby Elixir cures diarrhoea, dysentary, sour stom­ ach and all infants of this nature. Just the thing for teething babies. Priee25c and 50c per bottle. For Sale at the City Drug Store, -----------------------—- Latest Styles and Choicest Colors in Carefully Selected Fabrics (Aity Contractor and Buildc' Will pleasa everybody with th) Choicest cuts of BEEF, PDRX, MUTTON AND VEAL At lowest possible price-. Fowls when ordered 1j At NUN AN-TAYLOR CO Jacksonville, Oregon B voice. While vve are deeply grateful and fully appreciate the kind offer, we beg Ondai Paper of the City of Jacksonville, Oregon leave to state that while we do feel the need of the moral support and en­ A weekly newspaper published every Saturday at the county seat of Jackson couragement of our sister towns, we County, Oregon. D. W. B acshaw , Editor. are not in such financial straits as the article would imply, and we suggest Entered as second-class matter June 22, 1907, at the post office at Jacksonville, that Ashland use the postage to circu­ Oregon, under Act of Congress of March 3, 1879. late the next recall petition; as to con­ ditions here— our people have still a SATURDAY, MARCH, 12, 1910 few pennies left— sufficient for post­ age at present, as to paint we don’t SUBSCRIPTION: One year by mail $1.50. Advertising rates furnished on need to use it— the plain unvarnished application. truth is all that is required here, and as our people are early risers we must We have received a copy of H. R. 21761, a bill intro­ decline the ofTer of the alarm clock, better keep it at home brother— your duced by Mr. Hawley, on February 24, providing for the town needs several. opening to settlement of the Klamath Indian Reservation, In conclusion we desire to say: that the future will prove that Jacksonville in Oregon, and for other purposes. and her commercial club are not mori­ While as yet we have been able to give only a hurried bund, but very much alive. Come over examination to the proposed measure, we find that it cov­ brother and give us the benefit of your experience. JACKSONVILLE POST-: ers the ground pretty thoroughly, providing for the allot­ ment of lands to all Indians who are entitled to the same, also providing for setting aside sites for public buildings, water works, etc. and for the appraising and disposal of the remainder. The bill has been referred to the Committee on Indi­ an Affairs and ordered printed. Citizens of the state should write our representatives at Washington urging the immediate passage of this bill, as it is an undisputed fact that the opening of the Klamath Reservation will be a benefit to the whole state adding largely to the popula­ tion and advancement thereof. bond fixed at #2600. Estate of Ellen Jacquist, deceased. Order appointing Jennie Faucett ad­ Item* of Intertat to Jackaon Cous’y ministratrix and fixing bond at $6000. Estate of Ella Carney, deceased. Or­ Tax Payer* der appointing Charles Carney admini­ strator of said estate with bond in sum of $200. THE COURT HOUSE MARRIAGE LICENSES In matter of estate and guardianship Thomas N. Anderson and Mrs. S. A of J. D. Evans, an insane person. Or­ Wilson. der setting March 19, 1910 as the t:me Charles Blass and Minnie Zimmerlee. for hearing the petition for appoint­ ment of guardian. CIRCUIT COURT Don’t forget tho place Muskrat as a Delicacy. Deafness Cannot be Cured. The majority of persons are disgust­ ed by tbe mere thought of eating musk­ rat. but undoubtedly tills is due to the prejudice against the name of rat. However, they are greatly mistaken iu disliking this rodent, for it is one of the cleanest of living animals and is de­ licious when properly cooked. Tbe muskrat's borne is built of marsh grass heaped into a mound and situated nbove the level of high water. This bouse is dry and warm, and tbe in­ terior is always spotlessly clean. Feeding entirely upon tender roots and herbs, this peculiar little animal Invariably scrubs thoroughly in the water every bit of food before it Is eaten. He Is cleaner than many a hu­ man being. —Harper’s Weekly. THE CENTRAL MEAT MARKET Í1 I Bradburn ¡i» & Billings, Proprietors g LUY & KEEGAN, Props. Family Trade Solicited Sole Agents Albany Beer Lovers of good health should prevent sickness instead of letting themselves get sick and then try to cure it. So long as keep your liver, bowels and stomach in a i--------------------------- healthy and active condition you won’t get sick. Ballard’s Ilerbine relieves 1 constipation, inactive liver and all stomach bowel troubles. For Sale at the City Drug Store. m I D — City Drug Store J. W. ROBINSON, M. D., Proprietor Handles a full line of School i Supplies con- sisting ig of Books, Tablets, Pencils, Pencils ls, Penh Penholders * ' etc. Novelties, Stationery, Cigars, Toilet Ar- tides, Perfumes, Magazines and Periodicals Change in Southern Pacific Time Table. Effective January 1st, 1910. NORTH BOUND TRAINS. No. No. No. No. 18 12 16 14 ..................................... 8:04 A.M. Shasta Limited...........2:36 A.M. Oregon .Express.........5:24 P.M. Portland Express. ...8:39 P.M. No. No. No. No. 11 15 13 19 Shasta Limited...........5:47 A.M. California Express. .10:35 A.M. San Fran. Express.. .3:32 P.M. Ashland Passenger. .11:22 P.M. SOUTH BOUND TRAINS. A So wllen Jaw. is not pretty nor pleasant. Whether it’s caused by neuralgia, toothache or acci­ dent, Ballard’s Snow Liniment will re­ duce the swelling and relieve the pain. The great and sure cure for rheumatism cuts, burns, bruises, scalds any and all aches and pains. For sale at the City Drug Store. by local applciations, as they cannot reach the diseased portions of the ear. There is only one way to cure deaf­ ness, and that is by constitutional reme- bies. Deafness is caused by an in­ flamed condition of the mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube is inflamed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing, and when it is entirely closed, Deafness is the result, and unless the inflammation can be taken out and this tubo restored to And a Full Line of Records its normal condition, hearing will be Have Just Been Received destroysd forever; nine cases out of and can be found either at the ten are caused by Catarrh, which is Second Hand Store or the Furn­ nothing but an inflamed condition of iture Store formerly conducted the mucous surfaces. by the Medford Furniture Co., situated on Oregon St., Jack­ We will give One Hundred Dollars sonville, Ore., where may be for any case of Deafness (caused by found a line of Furniture, new. catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall’s and second hand. Whips, Har­ ness, Gloves, Men’s Working Catarrh Cure. Send for particulars free. Shoes. F. J. C heney & Co., Tolede, Ohio Sold by Druggists, 75c. Shoes a ad Harness made to Order. Rcqainng Neatly Done Take Hall’s Family Pills for consti­ pation. Yours Respectfully, Graphophones T. L. DeVore A New and Complete Line of Post Cards . __ . _ REAL ESTATE Homes in the Famous Rogue River Valley THE CLIMATE Is all that one could desire—mild and invigorating—and is most favor­ able for fruit, grapes and general farming, A crop failure in the vicinity is unknown. SEEING IS BELIEVING. We have a large list of property to select from, Stock Ranches, Farm- ing and Fruit Land in the best locality. Mining and Timber Land. City Residence Property in Jacksonville and Medford, Oregon. If You Want to Buy or Sell, See Us or Write Ask for Our Circular Jacksonville Real Estate Company ADOLF SCHULZ. Manager The Weather. Estate of August Meyer, deceased. Following is the report of U. S. Vol­ SUTHERLANDS EAGLE EYE SO Good for Nothing but the Eyoa unteer Cooperative Observer, E. Britt; Berenice Dahack vs Irvin Dahack. Inventory and appraisement filed. for Jacksonville, for month of February Suit for divorce. Complaint filed and Estate of Emanuel King, deceased. summons issued. Administrators second report filed and Latitude 42 deg. 18. min. north; longi­ tude 123 deg. 5 min. west. W. R. Yockey vs M. F. Eggleson. approved. DATE M A \ 1 MINI­ PREC’P- CH R’CT’R Action to recover money. Complaint MUM MUM TAT’N OF DAY Estate of Huldah Colver, deceased. filed, summons issued. Answer filed. Order for partial distribution. 1 ......... 36 22 2 ......... 42 16 Medora Berry vs Jeremiah Nunan. JOHN DUNNINGTON, Prop.', 49 21 Estate of Tilson Smith, decease!. 3 ....... Action to recover damages. Complaint Dealer in 4 40 24 .... cloudy Order appointing appraisers. 5 29 51 filed. 6 40 cloudy All Kinds of Fresh and 51 32 ....... clear In the mattorof the guardianship of 1 ........ State of Oregon Ex Rel Howard vs 52 8 27 ......... cloudy Joseph Welch, an incompetent. Hear ­ 51 41 9 Waitie Howard. Affidavit filed and or­ Cured Meats, Choice 10 41 29 ing of petition for sale of real estate 11 der to show cause issued. ......... M 35 ... clear 62 continued until April 8. 12 32 clear Lard. Etc. Jackson County Bank vs J. F. Hutcha- 55 13 S3 14 4» 31 cloudy .30 Estate of Almira Sturges, deceascxl. son. Action for money. Complaint 15 41 57 •• Jacksonville. 16 42 24 Oregon filed. Affidavit and undertaking for at­ Inventory and appraisment filed. 46 J 17 34 Part cloudy IM tachment. 46 39 .76 49 19 31 .10 (den Fabrick vs Laura Gardner. Ac- ' 4«« 30 C’.vudy 21 48 2J Declined Wi'h Thanks. tio i for money. Complaint filed. 22 56 15 .07 ckv.ly Sì ... 56 4< Emma F. Hall vs Harry R. Barbour 02 24 42 .96 25 4/ 1 37 Suit to quiet title. Complaint filed. 46 34 « ... The Ashland Tidings in its iss le of .11 •• 44 •U Thursday, contains an article under the 28 66 49 Part Cloudy .16 29 caption "Moribund ” in which reference PROBATE COURT 30 Succeed when tv-ryihing eloe fails. is made to the commercial club of this 3! In nervous prcsoatl -n and female Estate of Claus Kleinhammer, dec’d. city, stating that a requisition for book­ weokiic^se* they are the supreme Temperature mean max. 47.61; mean I remedy, r.i tl.< . mdi have testified. Fil’ d account of executrix filed an! ap­ lets, etc. had been promptly honored, min. 31.32; mean 41.12. Max. proved. Order discharging executrix. and that a cart* blanche order author­ min. Io, on 2; greatest range 2S 4 ?OR FlOfL’Y. *.9 75:1 AND syo.-.iACH 1JL£ Estate of John B. Brown, deceased. ising our club to call upon the Ashland Precipitation Total for month. 2.’’J it is the be-Jt r ,.c ever sold Petition for appointment of admit iitra- organization for postage paint, alarm inches. Greatest i.i 21 hou.s, .95 inches o».r a J.’ufcjc.t u counter. trix. Famie L. Brown appointed, with cluck, etc. had been included in the in- on 24,. NEW CASES Jacksonville Meat Market Barber Shooand Ba,h ■ FRANK ROBISON, *—*«■•»*'**■ Room Proprietor HOT OR COLD BATHS Agent for Medford Domestic Laundry I JACKSONVILLE, oregca J fTHEIV\PROVt0 ' -^—0’ •JZJL I o A Splendid Overal for every use. Cut generous­ ly full. Two hip pockets. Felled seams. Continuous fly. talikMdlain ’A MURPHY. GUNII CO. Manufacturers laihm» tsurt.