Evolution of Advertisement. No More Corns Bunions Just Received at NUN AN- TAYLOR CO.’S Men’s New Shoes in the Following Styles Young’s O-So-EZE Flexible Soles, Vici Kid 4 4 4 Orthopedic Patent Calf, Glove Kid Tops 4 4 < 4 í 4 Orthopedic, Patent Leather, Aristo Toe Buchingham & Hechts Orthopedic, Mirror Calf, English Toe 4 4 4 4 << Vici Kid, Blucher 4 4 <4 4 4 < 4 Rifle Calf, Balmorals 4 4 4 4 44 4 4 Velvet Tans Also Napa Tans in High Medium and Low Cuts. Once Used Always Worn Geo. <« H. 4 YL Jacksonville, Oregon. The word "advertisement." which meant special notice, was not used in our modern sense uutll about 1GG0. The term adopted was "advice.” The fees wore distinctly heavy, and a curi­ ous fact is that it does not seem to have occurred to the promoters to charge for space or the uumber of words. Important "advices’’ or those | by 1 mportant people seem simply to have been put in capital letters and allowed more space without regard to price.—From “A History of Eng­ lish Journalism.” by J. B. Williams. Arrested A cough that has been hanging on for over two months by taking Bal­ lards Horsehound syrup. If you have a cough, don’t wait—stop it at once with this wonderful remedy. Splendid for coughs, cold on chest, influenza, bronchitis and pulmonary troubles, price 25c 50c and $1.0J per bottle. At City Drug Store. Yes, I have it in any color and quantity you want at prices as low as the same grade can be had in Portland. Now is TO) 9 A. Our paint com- the time of year 0. pares favorably to paint the house. a * with other brands. We assure courteous treatmennt and prompt attention to every order and guarantee satisfaction. Ko* - S 1 n ? Frt d J. Fick, Contractor and Builder. ■ Jacksonville’s New Market f Will please everybody with the Choicest cuts of trs BEEF, PORK, MUTTON AND VEAL Enough For the Present. According to the Saturday Evening Post, a Washington negro thought he was a prizefighter, so some of the lo­ cal sporting men matched him. He couldn’t fight, us was soon shown. In the first round bis antagonist swung on the negro and knocked him sprawl­ ing. The negro remained perfectly still. "One, two, three!” began the referee, nhd then he noticed there was nothing the matter with the negro but fright. “Ain’t you goin’ to fight no more?” he shouted. "Yasir,” replied the negro; “I'm goln’ to fight some more, but not tonight” At lowest possible prices. Fowls when ordered 'Vfi Don’t forget the plaoo THE CENTRAL MEAT MARKET Bradburn & Billings, Proprietors THE RECEPTION Croup Causes uneasy nights but if you will use Dr. Bell’s Pine-Tar-Honey it will relieve in a few minate3. Thrre is nothing better. Guaranteed by all dealers. For sale by City Druj Store. LUY & KEEGAN, Props. Family Trade Solicited Leatherback Turtle. Estate of Matthias S. Welch, dec’d. Order of court confirming sale of per­ sonal property. Official Paper of the City of Jacksonville, Oregon In the matter of the estate of James A. Cardwell, deceased. Order of court A weekly newspaper published every Saturday at the county seat of Jackson appointing E. B. Hanley administrator County, Oregon. D. W. B agshaw , Editor. de-bonis-non with will annexed. In the matter of the guardianship of Entered as second-class matter June 22, 1907, at the post office at Jacksonville, John A. Peninger, an insane person. Oregon, under Act of Congress of March 3, 1879. Order denying the petition for sale of real property. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1910 -:-JACKSONVILLE POST-:- A marine creature hard to keep alive In captivity is the leatherback turtle. The leatherback Is a sea turtle, and it is the biggest of all the turtles. It grows to weigh a thousand pounds or more, six or eight times as much as a man. Sole Agents Albany Beer Ä Change in Southern Pacific Time Table. J. W. ROBINSON, M. D., Proprietor Effective January 1st, 1910. NORTH BOUND TRAINS. SUBSCRIPTION: One year by mail $1.50. Advertising rates furnished on application. COUNTY COURT. (Adjourned session, Feb. 12th.) The time for the city election is drawing near; in ad­ The following bills were allowed: F. T. Smith $60.50 dition to the candidates named at the mass meeting last J. W. Myers 77.50 18.65 week three additional names have been added by petitions, G. S. Butler James Howard 6.00 as provided in the city charter. Lance & Co. 5.85 The ticket as it stands now is: For Mayor, T. T. O. Winters 13.65 112.50 Shaw; for Councilmen, Emil Britt, C. F. Dunford, Fred Underwood Typewriter Co. Margaret Wooley 33.36 Fick and Wm. T. Grieves; for Recorder, B. M. Collins T. H. Simpson 149.50 10.00 and H. G. Dox; for Treasurer, James Cronemiller; for Boys and Girls Aid Society Lewis 25.00 Marshal, John Huffer and M. D. Jones; for Street Com­ Newt D. W. Beebe 2.00 missioner, James Young and B. E. Haney. C. F. Young 11.00 7.50 As the charter allows the filing of nomination papers B. N. Butler Luke Ryan 3.75 up to seven days prior to the election, candidates have Kilman Stationery Co. 11.00 until Monday evening in which to file certificates or peti­ G. W. Taylor 95.75 tions, and it is possible, though scarcely probable that J. B. Webster, Clyde Barnum, H. B. Tronson, Frank E. Hall, R. H. Robin­ more names will be added to the list. son, J. G. Medley, and A. E. Stevens The candidats named are all good men, qualified for were appointed deputy fruit inspectors. the positions, most of them have been tried in the posi­ County warrant No. 6015, issued to Lance & Co was ordered cancelled, as tions for which they have been named, and it is up to the the bill had been already paid. voters to choose as they may deem proper. Frank Grizes, Jack True, and E. E. Houston were appointed viewers on The Albany Herald publishes a letter from a sub­ the change of road asked for by D. W. Wheeler. scriber in another state in which he says: The plat of Oak Park addition to “I would like to have a paper that tells the truth, when people are sick Central Point, was presented, and ap­ or die I like to know what disease they had. I would not like to go into a proved by the court. country where the paper did not give this, as a person could not know how to take precautions against disease.” No. No. No. No. 18...............................................8:^4 A.M. 12 Shasta Limited.......... 2:36 A.M. 16 Oregon Express........ f:2l P.M. 14 Portland Express. ...8:39 P.M. 5 No. No. No. No. 11 Shasta Limited.......... 5:47 A.M. 15 California Express. .10:35 A.M. 13 San Fran. Express.. .3:32 P.M. 19 Ashland Passenger. .11:22 P.M. SOUTH BOUND TRAINS. Latne Shoulder. This is a common form of muscular rheumatism. No internal treatment is needed. Apply Chamberlain’s Lini­ ment freely three times a day anl a quick cure is certain. This liniment has proven especially valuable for mus­ cular and chronic rhumatism. For sale by City Drug Store. City Drug Store Handles a full line of School Supplies con­ sisting of Books, Tablets, Pencils, Penholders etc. Novelties, Stationery, Cigars, Toilet Ar­ ticles, Perfumes, Magazines and Periodicals ; A New and Complete Line of Post Cards REAL ESTATE Romes the Famous in Rogue River Valley Graphophones THE CLIMATE And a Full Line of Records Have Just Been Received Is all that one could desire—mild and invigorating—and ia most favor­ able for fruit, grapes and general farming. A crop failure in the vicinity is unknown. SEEING IS BELIEVING. and can be found either at the Second Hand Store or the Furn­ iture Store formerly conducted by the Medford Furniture Co., situated on Oregon St., Jack­ sonville, Ore., where may be found a line of Furniture, new and second band, Whips, Har­ ness, Gloves, Men’s Working Shoes. Shoes a.id Harness made to Order. Reason Enthroned. Reqairing Neatly Done Better tell him to come here Bro. Shewman, no pre­ Because meats are so tasty they are Yours Respectfully, caution will be necessary, diseases are unknown here in consumed in great excess. This leads T. L. DeVore our town, when a person dies in Jacksonville it is from to stomach troubles, biliousness and constipation. Revise your diet, let old age or accident, and the Post “tells the truth.” reason and not a pampered appetite Dr. Bell’s Antiseptic Salve control, then take a few doses of Good for all Skin Diseases. Estate of Daniel McKinnon,deceased. Chamberlain’s Stomach and Liver Tab­ THE COURT HOUSE Final report of administrator filed and lets and you will soon be well again. approved. Try it For sale at City Drug Store. In the matter of the last will and Samples free. Items st Initrast to Jacksor. Coun'y testament of M. V. B. Soule, deceased. Tax Payera Order appointing Diedrich Lehners as DIED executor of said estate. JOHN DUNN1NGTON, Prop.\ SLOAN—In th is city Februa-y 12, at 173 Estate of Wilson Bowman, deceased. MARRIAGE LICENSES North st., Mary P. Sloan, aged 40 Dealer in Inventory and appraisement tiled. years, daughter of the late George F. W. Hearst and Georgia Nar Velio In matter of the estate of Dovie All Kinds of Fresh and Ross, of Jacksonville, Ore., and wife G. Clyde Briggs and Daisy M. Saw­ Neil, a minor. Orber appointing Do­ of W. B. Sloan, mother of Mrs. Anna yer. Cured Meats, Choice vie Scales as guardian. Abrams, Mrs. Lillian Brandes, Mrs. — e---------- Estate of J. W. Clark, deceased. Or Grace Greene, and George Murray,sis­ Lard, Etc. der appointing March 14, 1910, as the ter of Mrs. W. N. Mitchell.of this city, CIRCUIT COURT day for final settlement. and Mrs. Caddie Benson of Ellensburg. Jacksonville. -•- Oregon Wash. Funera' services will be held In the matter of the estate of Marie NSW CASES at the Portland Crematorium at 2 P. Chenowith, deceased. Order appoint­ Martha M. Johnston vs Wm. P. ing March 25, 1910, as the day for final M. Tuesday. February 15. Friends Johnston. Suit to partition real estate. hearing. invited. Jacksonville and Roseburg Complaint filed. papers please copy. Oregonian. Estate of Joe Fazio, deceased. Or­ Harley C. Hutchinson vs Martha L. der discharging administrator. Hutchinson. Suit for divorce. Com-1 Estate of Mary J, Dagg, deceased. Worn Out plaint filed. Order appointing March 25th as the That ’ s the way you fuel about the Succeed when everything else fails. Charles H. Smith vs Lydia A. Smith. day for final hearing. In nervous prostration and female lungs when you have a hacking cough. Suit for divorce. Complaint filed. weaknesses they arc the supreme Estate of Mary A. Young, deceased. It’s foolishness to let it go on antitrust remedy, as thousands have testified. Report of executor filed and approval. to luck to get over it, when Ballard’s FOR KIDNEY, LtVER AND PROBATE COURT Estate of Martha J. Minnick, dec’d. Horehound Syrup will stop the cough STOMACH TROU3LE In the matter of the estate of Enoch Order appointing Sterling C. Minnick and heal the lungs. it is th« beet r.'cJLine ever sold Price 25c 50c and $1.00 per bottle j Wheel» r,'dec eased. Inventory anti ap­ administrator of said estate and fixing over a druggUt'x counter. bond at $3,300. I At City Drus Store. praisement filed. We have a large list of property to select from. Stock Ranches, Farm­ ing and Fruit Land in the best locality. Mining and Timber Land. City Residence Property in Jacksonville and Medford, Oregon. If You Want to Buy or Sell, See Us or Write Ask for Our Circular Jacksonville Real Estate Company ADOLF SCHULZ, Manager Jacksonville Meat Market Barber Shop HOT OR COLD BATHS Agtnt for Medford Domestic Laundry JACKSONVILLE. OREGON A Splendid Overal COPPER OVERALLS