Jacksonville post. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1906-19??, February 19, 1910, Image 1

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    Oregon Ilistolical
Northwestern states more for less di- demonstration. During the past 25
Miss Buelah Garrett smiled on friends
I rectly.
years, the institution has increased its
Miss Ella Parks was visiting friends
By clearing out the upper river, holdings of land from 33 to 233 acres;
in Jacksonville last week.
I steamboat navigation will be aided, the buildings from one to 20; faculty
G. N. Will Exploit Central I with a good effect on rates to and from from nine members to 91, and the stu­
I Ottis and Earnest Buck were visiting
the interior, while the improvement of dent body from 97 to approximately
their grandpa and grandma near Bun­
Oregon—O. A. C. Will the channel to the sea from the Colum­ 1400. The great good to this state re­ Must Reside in City for com
Celebrate Quarter Cen­ bia will facilitate ocean shipments both can hardly be over estimated.
Bostwick’s boys spent Sunday at
More Than Six Months Ruch.
to and from the Northwest states.
tennial—Big Appropria­ The Great Northern Railway will ex­ In the annual report of Master Fish
Jessie Hamilton of Ruch is now ill
Preceding Election
Warden, McAllister, lately submitted,
tions for Columbia River ploit Central Oregon, and has sent two it is shown that the 1909 crop of salmon
with scarlet fever.
men through that territory to get data harvested in the waters of the Colum­
We are sorry to report that R. J.
for bulletins and other railroad publica­ bia River, Oregon side, amounted to
Considerable discussion has been had Cameron is not much improved.
tions that will describe the country 17,604,997 pounds, which is a decrease as to the period of residence necessary i
Our friend C. C. Pursel was in the
Portland, Or., Feb. 17 — (Special) — thoroughly and tell prospective settlers of 858,549' pounds. The chief reason to render a person eligible to fill an of­ city recently.
That the Columbia River improvements
for the decrease is thought to be the
W. T. Thurman passed by Ruch re­
fared well in the Rivers and Harbors ley of the Deschutes River tributary to shortening of the open season by the quest we publish the section of the
bill now before Congress was the ad­ the Hill road now building up the Des­ Legislature. Blueback salmon alone
plain enough for any one to understand.
vice received in Portland this week chutes will come in for much favorable show a gain in the pack over 1909.
‘‘Sec. 10. No person shall be eligi­
from the capita). A total of $2,153,500 publicity and its resources, crop possi­
Successful Applicants.
ble to any office in said city who is not
is proposed to be spent on Columbia Riv­ bilities and general future will be told.
a qualified elector thereof and has not
Hows This?
er work and items provided for in the The Hill lines are taking an interest in
Oregon that will mean much for the
been a resident of the said city for
bill are as follows:
Following is a list of successful ap­
We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward
Wenatchee to Bridgeport, $25,000; state. At exhibit rooms in St. Paul, the for any case of Catarrh that cannot be more than six months preceding his el­ plicants for teachers’ certificates at
ection or appointment, and no person the semi-annual examination held at
Bridgeport to Kettle Falls, $50,000; Great Northern shows Oregon products cured by Hall’s Catarrh Cure.
shall be eligible to the office of mayor Jacksonville, commencing February
Celilo to Snake River, $90,000; at The and similar exhibits are to be main­
F. J. CHENEY & Co., Toledo, O. or councilman who, including the above
Dalles, $600,000; Cascades Canal, $5,000; tained by the railroad company in Phila­
9th, 1910:
We, the undersigned, have known F. qualification, is not a taxpayer in said
Vancouver, $7,500; below Portland, in­ delphia and Boston. These places will
cluding Willamette River, $175,000; direct a great deal of attention to the J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and city other than a poll tax payer.”
Butte Falls.
mouth of Columbia, $1,200,000; gaug­ opportunities in Central Oregon for the
Mrs. W. 0. Wheeler, Ashland.
ing $1,000.
Ella Parks, Buncom.
able to carry out any obligations made
Watkins Items.
If this money is appropriated, as now
Celebrating its quarter centennial as by his firm.
Mrs. Harriet Minthorn, Woodville.
seems likely, the improvements to the a state institution, the Oregon Agricul­
Oscar T. Morgan, Medford.
Columbia during the coming year will tural College will hold the most elabor­
Correspondence to The Post.
Parthena Smith, Talent.
Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O.
be lasting in their benefits and will be ate function ever given at the institu­
The weather is very cold at present.
of great advantage to the whole Paci­ tion at the close of the college year.
Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken intern­
Miss Maude Harr the popular teacher
Beatah Huebner, Applegate.
fic Northwest. The work is too impor­ President W. J. Kerr and the regents ally, acting directly upon the blood and
Wells O. Weeeler, Ashland.
tant to be claimed as a betterment by have taken steps to prepare a suitable mucous surfaces of the system. Testi- i is spending a few weeks with friends in
Mina J. Hall, Ashland.
any one state for an open river from observance of the achievements of the monials sent free. Price 75 cents per Ashland and Jacksonville.
Pearle Gillette, Jacksonville.
the Inland Empire to the sea will bene­ past quarter century and the faculty, bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Take j Frank Edwards the well known mer­
Audrey Harvey, Central Point.
fit almost every person living in the student b<>dy and alumni will join in the
Hall’s Family Pilis for consumption. chant of Hutton while practicing for a
ball game at Collings residence Satur-
Fern Stine, Medford.
I day was hit by the ball on the finger
Ray Whitley, Central Point.
George H. Grover, Eagle Point.
throwing the fingers out of joint and
breaking the bone near the first joint.
Edith M. Fish, Phoenix.
We hope however that it will hot be
Ethel Shaffer, Phoenix.
very serious and that he will be able to
Grace Polke, Medford.
play with us this summer.
Mae Howe, Ashland.
Grace Smith, Medford.
Mrs. Frank Zell left for Jacksonville
Nell B. Palmer, Ashland.
Wednesday where she will join her hus­
Emma Wendt, Jacksonville.
band from there they will continue to
Prievinlle Mr. Zell being called there
by the illness of his father whom we
Now Connected With
Marie Reese, Ashland.
hope he will find much improved.
Tillie Payne, Woodville,
Floyd Louden of Waldo was smiling
Hazel Toney, Derby.
on friends near Watkins recently. He
Edna Wiley, Ashland.
said that he would be back on Apple­
Ruby Lindsey, Ashland.
gate before long.
Olive Davis, Ashland.
The base ball boys are looking for­ Jennie Mahoney, Butte Falls.
Irene Darnielle, Jacksonville.
ward to pleasant weather as they are
Esther Beery, Jacksonville.
very anxious to play ball again. They
have been practicing some but can not
Miss Grace Polke of Medford made
play much on the account of bad weath­ the highest percentage of all appli­
........... ...........-.....
. . ..........
-... ..
cants, having an average of 95.7 per
GEO. L. DAVIS, Pres.
Mrs. A. D. McKee passed up Apple­ cent. Mrs. W. O. Wheeler of Ashland
gate recently enroute to Steamboat to stood second with an average of 95.3,
visit her daughter Mrs. Cora Culy of while Emma Wendt of Jacksonville
was third in the list with an average
that place.
L. E. WAKEMAN, Cashier.
R. E. O’Brien has returned from low­ of 94.6.
er Applegate recently. We are glad
L. L. JACOBS, Asst. Cashier.
to welcome him home again as he has
been away for some time.
Miss Emma Wendt the popular teach­
er of Jacksonville who has taught the Franchise for Flectric Road
last two terms of school at Watkins
Throughout Jackson Co.
? «a»V
M’Tw. 'mr. 't s' » •>
will teach the spring term here again
this year.
The American Development company
Bank of Jacksonville
Benj. M. Collins, Cashier
Capital Stock, $50,000.00
Officers and Directors:
Bacon, Hams, Shoulders,
and Lard
NOTICE:—Beginning Jan. 17 our store will
close at 6 p. m. except Saturday night
Leading Merchants
JSiSSSS? '________ __ ___________
Supreme Court Declaies
Crater l ake Road Appro­
priation Unconstitutional
Holding that the act of the last Leg­
islative Assembly, appropriating $100,
000 for the construction of a state road
from the Pacific Ocean to the Idaho
boundary via Crater Lake, to be uncon­
stitutional, the Supreme Court Tues­
day affirmed the judgment in the case
of J. K. Sears against George A. Steel,
as Treasurer, and F. W. Benson, as Sec?
retary, rendered by Judge William Gal­
loway, in the Marion County Circuit
The opinion was written^ by Justice
McBride, and it cites many authorities
compiled from other cases bearing on
the Crate: Lake case. The constitu­
tional provision for the laying out of
highways by a special act of the Leg­
islature was to prevent the “logrolling”
Legislators passing laws for this spe­
cial purpose. Legislative acts up to
the adoption of the constitution are set
out in the opinion which says that “the
practice of logrolling among the fath­
ers of the state was not confined entire­
ly to that species of employment neces­
sary to the clearing up of their farms. ”
Justice King dissented in that to con­
sider the act of appropriation unconsti­
tutional was far-reaching, on the ground
that it was not of purely local interest
to construct the road, but of entire state
For that Terrible Itching.
Eczema, tetter and salt rheum keep
their victims in perpetual torment.
The application of Chamberlain's salve
will instantly allay this itching, and
many cases have been cured by its use.
For sale by City Drug Store.
Old saws of all discriptions to be
gummed, jointed or filed. Your old saw
made as good as new at J acksonviile
Gumming and Grinding Works.
F. M. Roundtree, Manager.
Is a distressing disease. Dr. Bell’s
Pine-Tar-Honey relieves almost instant­
ly. We guarantee it to give satisfact­
ion. For sale by City Drug Store.
MINERS NOTICE -Notice of Location
both Quartz and Placer, for sale at this
When you travel, keep track of
HARPER signs. You will find Harper
whiskey on sale in practically every
town, city and village where whiskey
can lawfully be sold, This World Wide
popularity means something it means
you should buy HARPERS whiskey
from E. H. Helms.
of Portland, has applied to the county
court for a franchise permitting them
to build and operate lines of an electric
railway over and along the sixty-foot
roads of this county.
By the terms of the franchise the
company is allowed thirty days in which Nature Gives Timely Warnings
That No Jacksonville Citizen
time they are to select and designate a
through line from a point on Rogue riv­
Can Afford to Ignore.
er where it crosses the county line be­
tween Jackson and Josephine counties
DANGER SIGNAL NO. 1 comes from
to a point near the city of Ashland,
and a further period of time until Jan­ the kidney secretions. They will warn
uary 1, 1911, within which to build and you when the kidneys are sick. Well
place in operation five miles of said kidneys excrete a clear, amber fluid.
through line, no part of which is to be Sick kidneys send out a thin, pale and
within an incorporated town, and the foamy, or a thick, red, illsmelling urine,
further period of one year from and full of sediment and irregular of pas­
after January 1, 1911, within which to sage.
DANGER SIGNAL NO. 2 comes from
place in practical operation the balance
the back. Back pains, dull and heavy,
of said through line.
The franchise also provides that the or sharp and acute, tell you of sick kid­
Buncom Reports.
company shall have until June 1, 1910, neys and warn you of the approach of
within which time to select and desig dropsy, diabetes and Bright's disease.
Correspondence to the Post.
nate the feeders or connecting lines, Doan’s Kidney Pills cure sick kidneys
We are having a little blustry and the roads over or along which they and cure them permanently.
weather at this writing.
Mrs. Leda Powell, living at 250 Ash­
shall be constructed, and shall have
Hollis Parks was doing business in until January 1, 1912, to build and have land St., Ashland, Ore., says: “I am so
in practical operation all lines on the grateful for the relief I have received
Medford last week.
from Doan’s Kidney Pills that I gladly
Wilber Cameron was pleasing the roads thus designated.
The right is reserved to the board to recommend them. I suffered from severe
merchants in Jacksonville Saturday.
reject any or all of the selections made pains in my back, headaches and was
Dr. Cameron was called to see Jake by the said company, also the right to in a generally run down condition.' I
I Parks as he has been on the sick list direct the part of road, as to which was told to try Doan’s Kidnev Pills and
i for some time.
side, etc. of county road shall be occu­ dee ded to do so. 1 felt much better
Joseph Goidsby and Joseph Daly are pied by said electric lines.
from the first, and almost before I
busy grubbing and clearing off ground
The franchise provides that the coun­ knew it I was free from the trouble.
on Mr. Goldsby’s place.
ty board shall have full power and au­ I have not had any pain since and can
W. R. Garret is busy improving his thority to fix the rates for freight and conscientiously recommend Doan’s
place at Buncom.
passenger service over said lines, and Kidnev Pills as a remedy that acts up
to its representations. ”
B. Randolph is working for Frank may at any time adjust said rates.
Plenty more proof like this from
The foregoing extract contains the
people. Call at The City
Walter Yocum of Ruch made a spec­
ial business trip up Little Applegate I it was presented to lhe county court at drug store and ask what customers re­
the adjourned session, Saturday. Ow­ port.
last week.
For sale by all dealers. Price 50
ing to the lack of definiteness in regard
M. R. Buck and daughter Grace was to the identity, financial responsibility, cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo,
over to Medford Friday and Saturday. etc. of the promoters, no action on the New York, Sole Agents for the Unit­
Charlie Garrett was at Ruch a few matter was taken except to defer con­ ed States.
days ago.
Remember the name—Doan’s— an
sideration of the application until the
F. Crump passed by Buncom Tuesday. regular meeting of the board in March. (take no other.
Saved From Awful Peril.
‘‘I never felt so near my grave,”
writes Lewis Chamblin, of Manchester,
Ohio. R. R. No. 3. “as when a fright­
ful cough and lung trouble called me
down to 115 pounds in spite of many
remedies and the best doctors. And
and that I am alive to day is due solely
to Dr. King’s New Discovery, which
completely cured me. Now I weigh
160 pounds and can work hard. It
also cured my four children of croup.”
Infallible for Coughs and Colds, it is
the most certain remedy for LaGrippe,
Asthma, desperate lung trouble and all
bronchial affections, 50c and $100.. . A
trial bottle free. Guaranteed by City
Drug Store.