That if it should be found that you bank of said Forest or Jackass Creek northwest corner of the northwest SUMMONS. If you are ccnsidering the purchase have any right, title or interest in any of a typewriter, call at this office and I n the circuit court of the state in what is known as the Forest or quarter of section ten -10- township | of said real or personal p 'operty that, Jackass Creek Mining District in Jack- thirty eight -38- south of range three examine the new Oliver. son County, Oregon, and described as -3- west of W. M. in Jackson County within a certain time in said decree to OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY ' follows: j Oregon, just above the junction of the l be specified, you be lequired to pay in­ Early Rose seed potatoes. Mrs. C. D. Reed and daughter, who I left and light hand brunches of Forest to the above entitled Court on behalf of have been spending the winter OF JACKSON. in San Commencing at the confluence of Onion sets. All kinds of the plaintiffs, the sum of $26,347.85 and l Poorman’s Creek and Jackass or Forest or Jackass Creek, and extending iri an Francisco, returned home Monday Marie H. Vance, and David L. Hyatt | Creek, and running up said Forest or easterly direction to a point in section interest thereon a the rate of six garden, grass and flower evening. as guardian of Albert S. Vance, a mi­ [Jackass Creek, eight hundred [800] three -3- towi ship thirty eight -38- [ per cent per annum i rom October 12th. 1909; ai d the further sum of $340.60 seed. C. L. Munson, representing the Pa- nor, Plaintiffs, -vs- Fred J. Blakeley, 1 yards, to and joining the old boundary south of range three -3- west of W. M. taxes and interest thereon at six per Sterling Mining Company, an Ore­ I of the old A. W. Sturgis claims; the where the said water ditch and water cific Paper Co. of Portland, was calling The gon corporation, the Merchants Invest- said claims herein described being and right are joined and reinforced bv that cent per annum from October 12, 1909, Nunan Taylor Co. together with the costs and disburse­ on his customers in town, Wednesday j ment & Trust Company, an Oregon cor­ : extending in width so as to and includ- certain ditch and water right, taken Jacksonville, Ore. afternoon. poration, and T. N. Barnsdall, Defend­ | ing the channel within said claims ac­ out of the right hand bank of the right ments of this suit, and such additional ' hand fork of said Forest or Jackass sums, with interest at six per cent per Hon. Theo. Cameron and Mrs. M. M. ants. S uit for strict foreclosure . cording to the old iocal Jaws and regu­ Creek at a point near the middle of the annum from date of disbursement, as How does the ticket suit you? To T. N. Barnsdall, the above named lations of the said mining district. south line of the northwest quarter of shall have been expended by the plain­ Get your legal blanks at this office. Taylor attended the banquet and dance defendant: All fractions lying and being in the section three -3- township thirty eight, tiffs, after the institution of this suit, of the Mystic Shriners at Ashland in the performance of the annual as­ W. T. Grieve was at Medford, Tues Tuesday night. I n the name of the state of ore - John McKee claim, and the Wilson south of range three -3- west of W. M. sessment work upon the mining claims day. gon : You are hereby required to ap­ claims, being fifteen [15] rods wide, . j in Jackson County, Oregon, and ex- Joseph N. Miller, a well known more or les3 at the north end, and run- I 1 tending thence in a southeasterly direc­ above described, and in caring for and G. S. Butler of Ashland was in town school teacher of Butte Falls, was in pear in the above entitled court and ning to a point at the sonth end being tion to the said point where the said repairing the water ditches and other cause and there answer the amended Thursday. a part of the southwest quarter of sec- ditch and right join the above describ­ property above described. attendance at the teachers’ examina­ complaint of the plaintiffs therein on j | tion fourteen [14] in Township thirty-[ ed water right and water ditch, the That it be decreed that if you make file against you, on or before the last Mrs. M. M. Taylor was in Medford, tions this week. date prescribed in the order for the pub eight [38] south of range tnree [3] said two rights extending from the said default in the payment of each or any Wednesday. This is examination week for the lication of this summons. The date west of W. M. in said county and state Junction of the said ditches by means of said sums, or the whole thereof, or Ed. R. Wall was a business visitor at school teachers of Jackson county, and of the first publication thereof as the same was located by S. R. Coff­ of a common ditch, in a southeasterly I that if you fail to pay all of the said is Saturday, January 1st, 1910, and the man and S. C. McKee on November direction, down to and upon the mining 1 sums into said court for plaintiffs with­ Medford, Thursday. as a result, our streets are thronged date of the last publication thereof is 27th, 1893, and recorded in Vol. 6 of ground known as the Sturgis mining in said specified time, that you bt by Call at the Boss, for some of that with “school marms. ’’ Saturday, February 12th, 1910. Said the Mining records cf Jackson County, ground in the said section ten -10- said decree foreclosed of any right, ti­ delicious candy. order prescribes that said summons page 553 thereof, together with all township thirty-eight-38- south of range tle or interest in or to any of the real or For that Terrible Itching. shall be published for six consecutive other placer mining interests in said three -3- west of W. M. the said ditch personal property above described; t hat Engineer Osgood of Medford was in being about two and one half miles it be so decreed that if you make all of weeks and designates Saturday the 12, district. Eczema, tetter and salt rheutn keep town Tuesday. One placer mining claim containing long and carrying oi.e thousand -1,000- said payments into court for the plain­ their victims in perpetual torment. day of February. 1910, as the last day tiffs within the time specified in said ten [10] acr _‘s, situated in Forest Creek inches of water. Mrs. C. L. Grant was a visitor at The application of Chamberlain’s salve for the publication of said summons. And you are hereby required to so ap­ Mining District, Jackson County, Ore- I ( I That certain water ditch and water decree, that the plaintiffs deposit with Medford, Monday. court a deed to said property, run­ will instantly allay this itching, and pear and answer said amended com­ gop, and described as follows: | right taken out of the right hand bank said ning to such of said defendants as shall B. F. Mulkey was at Medford Tues­ many cases have been cured by its use. plaint on or before said 12th day of Beginning at a Stake and pile of of the said Forest or Jackass Creek be­ be decreed to be entitled to the same, February, 1910. day afternoon. stone at the southwest corner; thence low the junction of the right hand left said decree to provide for the delivery For sale by City Drug Store. A nd you will take notice , that if north 1500 feet to a stake and pile tff forks thereof at a point near the south­ of said deed. That it be so decreed W. E. Kahler of Central Point was stone; thence east 300 feet to a stake east corner of the northwest quarter of Mrs. William Hanley of Harney you fail to so appear and answer said and pile of stone; thence south 1500 section ton -10- township thirty eight that if you fail to make said payments, in town Wednesday. amended complaint within said time, the and the whole thereof, within said time, county, who has been visiting her par ­ plaintiffs will apply to the above enti­ feet to a stake and pile of stone; | -38- south of range three -3- west of said real and personal property belong Mrs. Nellie Newbury was a visitor W. M. in Jackson County, Oregon, and ents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cameron of led court for the relief demanded in said thence west 300 feet to place of begin­ to the plaintiffs in the proportion alleg­ at Medford Thursday. ning in section 14, township 38 south extending from the said point in a ed in the amended complaint; that by amended complaint, to-wit: Applegate, has returned to Portland. of range 3 west of W. M. in Jackson southeasterly direction for a distance said decree plaintiffs have strict fore­ W. R. Coleman was a visitor i at That an accounting be had between County, Oregon, said claim was loca’ of about one and three uuarter miles to The voters of the town, at the con­ Medford, Sunday. plaintiffs and the defendant, The ted by J. H. Caton and L. D. Caton on and upon that certain mining ground closure of the contract set out in and vention Thursday night, endorsed the the Sterling Mining Company, an Oregon July 18th, 1900, and is recorded in Vol­ known as the Sturgis mining ground, attached to said amended complaint; Miss Stella Levy made a trip 1 to work of the present council by nomi­ corporation, as to the personal prop­ that the plaintiffs have such other and Medford, Monday. ume 11 of the Mining Records for said water right and water ditch carry­ nating them for another term. It was erty described in Exhibit “B” attack­ Jackson County, Oregon at page 260 ing five hundred -500- inches of water. further relief as shall be just and equit­ able, and have judgment for their costs George A. Owings of Medford was a a well deserved token of recognition as ed to said amended complaint, and thereof. That certain water ditch and water and disbursements against those de­ visitor here, Monday. to their services during the past year made a part thereof, and that plaintiffs That certain tract of mining ground , right taken out of the right hand bank fendants who appear and defend herein. have restitution for the whole of said as follows, and lying and be­ of said Forest or Jackass Creek at a Mrs. R. B. Dow was a Medford vis­ This Summons is published in accord­ Judge Hanna and son, Herbert, have I personal property. That it be decreed described ing in the Said Forest or Jackass Creek in the southeast quarter of sec­ ance with an order of the Judge of th* itor, Tuesday afternoon. formed a partnership under the flame that y°u “ave no right, title Or interest Mining District, itl Jackson County, point tion ten -10- township thirty eight -38- above entitled court, which order re­ and will occupy ; ?.ny k,n.d or character, in or to any The Boss has a fine line of fresh can­ of Henna & Hanna, south of range three -3- west of W. M. quired it to be publishers above spec­ „ ’ , „ , °f the real or personal property in the Oregon, to-wit: in Jackson County, Oregon, and ex ­ dies, fruit and nuts. offices in the F ruitgrowers s Bank, j amended complaint described; and ified, and requires you to so appear and Beginning at three pine trees at ttie tending thence in a southeasterly direc­ J. W. Opp left Tuesday on a busi- This week they moved in the books, j which real and personal property is northeast corner of the Rav and Hoff­ tion for a distance of about one mile answer said amended complaint on or before February 12th. 1910, and pro­ etc., of the judge, and now have the ! situated in Jackson County, Oregon, man mineral entry and runntng thence ness trip to New York. north to the old A. W. Sturgis mining and carrying about one thousand -1000- vides that in default thereof judgment most complete library in this part of and described as follows, to-wit: inches ot water. and decree shall be taken against you O. Harbaugh of this city, was a vis- The west half of the west half of claims; thence west to what was the state. That certain ditch and water right as above provided. itor in Medford, Wednesday. section five [5], township thirty-eight of known as the Kubli claim; thence south Said order for publication was made range three [3] west of W. M. contain­ down the old Kubli line to the Ray and known as the Manville ditch anil right President Helps Orphans. Mrs. M. D. Jones and son are visit- ing one hundred and sixty and 45-100 Hoffman entry; thence east and to the taken out of the north bank of the said in Chambers by the Hon. H. K. Hanna, Hundreds of Orphans have been [160.45[ acres. ing relatives at Hugo, Ore. place of beginning, containing five [5] Forest oF Jackass Creek in Jackson Judge of the above entitled Court on The west half of the southeast quar­ acres more or less, being the same County, Oregefl, at a point about two the 30th day of December, 1909, based A young son of Mr. W. McIntyre is helped by the President of the Indus­ trial and Orphan’s home at Macon, Ga. ter and east half of the Bouthwest quar­ land conveyed to H. Stevens by H. D. hundred and fifty -250- yards below the upon Motion and Affidavit therefor. reported ill with scarlet fever. Russell oh October 3rd, 1894, together Al. Sturgis mining claim and ex­ O. C. B oggs , who writes: “We have used Electric ter of section three [3], township with all the rights of flume and dump old tending to and upon the mining ground A young son of W. I. McIntyre is thirty-eight [38] south of range three A. E. R eames , Bitters in this institution for nine years. [3], west of W. M. containing one hun­ and all other rights mentioned in cer­ herein mentioned, being the ditch and reported ill with scarlet fever. Attorneys for Plaintiffs. tain articles of agreement recorded in water right conveyed by George W. It has proved a most excellent medi­ dred and sixty [160] acres. Vo). A. of the Miscellaneous Records Cripp to William Pence on November Mrs. B. M. Collins visited friends in cine for Stomach, Liver and Kidney Iney Northwest quarter of section ten [10] for Jackson County, Oregon, at page 23rd, 1895, and by the said William Took All His Money. Medford a few days this week. Troubles. We regard it as the best I township thirty-eight [38] south of 427-428 thereof. Pence to A. W. Sturgis in July 1897. Kor . range three [3] west of W. M. con- ¡ Often all a man earns goes to doctor, J. L. Hammersley of Gold Hill was family medicines on earth. It invigor­ That certain tract of mining land in Also that certain water ditch and or for medicines, to cure a Stomach, taining one hundred and sixty [160] visible on our streets Tuesday. ates all vital organs, purifies the acres. the said Forest or Jackass Creek Min­ waterright on the west half of the! Liver or Kidney trouble that Dr. King’s Misses Peeler and Mahoney of Butte blood, aids digestion, creates ap­ The south half of the southwestquar- ing district, Jackson County, Oregon, southwest quarter and east half of the southwest quarter of secion three -3- New Life Pills would quickly cure at petite. To strengthen and build up [ ter oMheVouth*wes¿quarter or*ection and described as follows: Falls were in tpwn Wednesday. pale, thin, weak children or run < down ’ ! *«---- three [3] . township thirty-eight [38] I Beginning at a post from which the township thirty eight south of range slight cost. But Best for Dyspepsia, George H. Merritt of Central Point t for > sout*1 °t range three [3] west of W.M. [ quarter section corner between section three -8- west of W. M. in said mining Indigestion, Biliousness, Constipation, people it has no equal. Best visited friends in town this week. fourteen [14] and twenty-three [23] district in Jackson County, Oregon. Jaundice, Malaria and Debility. 25e female complaints. Only 50c. at City I containing twenty acres. Wm. Campbell and family of Hutton Drug Store. East half of the southwest quarter township thirty-eight [38] south of Also chat certain ditch taken out of at City Drug Store. range three [3] west of W. M. bears I and the southeast quarter of the north­ the right or east bank of the right are visiting friends in the valley. west quarter and the southwest quar­ east twenty [20] chains and South ten hand fork of Forest Creek, in Jackson A. C. Hough of Grants Pass, trans­ ter of the northeast quarter of section -10- chains, also a yellow pine four -4- County, Oregon, at a point about one DR. T. T. SHAW fourteen [14] township thirtv-êight [38] inches in diameter bears north two -2- hundred yards above the north line of acted business in town, Tuesday. degrees east — links distance; thence the west half south of range three [3] west of W. M. the southeast quarter The Odd Fellows had work in the Dentist. north thirty-five chains where a post is of section three -3- township thirty We have on hand for sale the following containing one hundred and sixty [160] set initiatory degree Saturday night. for corner from which a white oak eight -38- south of range three -3- acres. blanks viz: -12- inches in diameter bears west of W. M. at a point in the Office in Ryan Building, California St. Those certain eight [8] placer min­ twelve M. M. Taylor, of Nunan-Taylor Co., north ten degrees east, sixty-five northwest quarter of said section three Lease, Upstairs ing claims in the said Forest or Jack­ -65- links -10- has been ill several days this week. thence west five -3- and extending from said point of ass Creek Mining District, located chains to a distant; Mortgages, for a corner from diversion in a southeasterly direction JACKSONVILLE OREGON Gus Newbury of Medford made a September 9th, 1875 by J. Beckner, which an alder post Bill of Sale, ten -10- inches in dia­ down to and across said land. A. Klice, J. Ford, A. Dews, A. W. meter bears ¡south Bhort visit in town Tuesday morning. Agreements. four -4- degrees Sturgis, L. Sturgis, H. Sturgis, and Also all of the interest ever owned Insure your buildings in the Saint seventy-five -75- links distant, W arranty Deeds, N. B. Wright, and which location no­ west, H. K. HANNA Jr. and from which a black oak four -4- by the said A. W. Sturgis in anil to Paul Fire and Marine Insurance Co. tice was recorded on September 9th, inches Quit Claim Deeds, in diameter bears south sixty- two certain mining ditci es known as 1875 in book Three [3] page 243 of the | E. S. Smith of Big Butte attended Chattel Mortgage, -67-degreeB west,forty-three -43- the Logg and McDonald ditches tak­ Lawyer Mining Records for Jackson County, Beven distant; Acknow ledgemen ts, thence south thirty five en from the east fork of Forest the teachers' examinations this week. Oregon, said claims being known and links chains to a corner in said Forest Creek in Jackass Mining District. Office in Bank of Jacksonville Building Real Estate Contract, designated herein as the old A. W. Stur- i -35- President Davis of the Fruitgrowers’ Also the right to use as a right of Creek; thence east five -5- chains to gis Claims and described as follows: Location Notice — Placer, Bank at Medford, was in town Tues- the place of beginning, containing way for tailings a strip of land twenty OREGON Commencing at a point where the seventeen ana 50-100 -17.50- acres, said -20- feet wide and extending ten -10- JACKSONVILLE, Location Notice Quartz, day. old location notice was originally I claim being recorded in Volume 4 of the feet on each side of the center of Satisfaction of Mortgage, Mrs. E. J. Kubli and Miss Stella posted, at or near what was at the Mining Locations for Jackson County, Poorman’s or Forest Creek where the Real Estate Agents Contract, A. E. REAMES time of said location known as the Gin ' Levy were shopping at Medford Mon- I same passes through the west half of Oregon at pages 117 118 thaeof. Notice Application for Liquor License i Hung claim in said Mining District, on day. Donation Claim No. 40, township That certain placer mining ground thirty eight -38- south of range three Lawyer At reasonable prices. We intend adding ' , " northerly of — said ’ - bank —- -- -- - Forest ----- - or Mrs. Jno. S. Orth and daughter of other blanks as fast as possible until | Jackass Creek, and extending thence partly upon the northwest quarter of -3- west of W. M. The right to use Practise in all State and Federal Court* Section ten -10-, township thirty-eight said northerly bank of said Creek, said strip of land through west half of Medford spent a few days in Jackson­ the line is complete. Blanks of special down a distance of eight hundred [800]yards, -38- south of range three -3- west of Donation Land Claim as right of way Kahler Block JACKSONVILLB ville this week. form printed to order at short notice. with width of channel, and taking in I W. M. and described as follows: for tailings is confined anil restricted to Eugene Thompson and family visited JACKSONVILLE POST. and including in width said channel, I Beginning at a post on or near the such use of the same for the tailings and according to the old local laws of the last described land and from which a miningdebris from the property above Arthur Lewis and wife at Medford a said mining district. post and monument of rock bears north described herein. This right of way is GUS NEWBURY few days this week. Those two certain placer claims lo­ seventy two -72- degrees west, three conditioned thatsameis kept open; tail­ Baby Hands thirty four -334- links and run­ ings are not to be dumped on or allowed Attorney-at-Law Mrs. W. C. Reagan of Medford vis­ will get into mischief—often !♦ means cated December 27th, 1875 by George hundred W. Stevenson and recorded December ning thence south four and one fourth to accumulate in said right of way, nor to ited her brother, John Huffer and fam­ a burn a cut or a scald. Apply Bal­ 27th, -4 1-4- degrees west ten and fifty one 1875 in Book Three [3] of the Re­ Wil) Practise in All Courts in the Stat* injure adjoining lands. ily, the first of the week. -10.50- chains, to a post; lard’s Snow Liniment just as soon as cords of Mining Locations for Jackson hundredths Also all of the right, title and interest thence north seventy five and one half MEDFORD, OREGON. Oregon and described as fol­ owned by the said A. W. Sturgis, VALENTINES- Call and see the the accident happens, and the pain will County, -75 1-2- degrees west four andfifty four ever lows: in and to a certain right of way for tail ­ fine assortment of valentines. All up- be relieved while the wound will heal Commencing at the north line of j one hundredths -4.54- chains to a post ings, dump and flume across and over to-date subjects. At Deneff’s. quickly and nicely. A sure cure for what was at the time of said location from which a fir tree thirty six -36- the land formerly owned by H. D. Rus­ known as the Jesse Titus and Daniel inches in diameter bears north seventy William Cardwell, an attorney of sprains, Rheumatism and all pains. Hopkins claim, on the north of said five and one half -75 1-2- degrees west sell E. J. Russell and H. Stevens. Price 25c 50c and $1.00 a bottle. For Also all of the right.which the said A. hundred ten -110. links; thence Roseburg, was renewing old acquaint­ Forest or Jackass Creek, and extend­ I one And Latest Styles of Wall W. Sturgis had under that certain con­ north four and one half -4 1-2- degrees, sale by City Drug Store. ing up the bank of said Creek for a ances in Jacksonville Wednesday. tract or instrument of record in Volume Paper, Call on or Address , ten and seventy five one hundredths distance of 200 yards, being in width 1 A. of the Miscellaneous Records of If you want to buy or sell anything, FOR SALE—S. C. White Leghorns, wide enough to include the channel ! -10.75- chains to a post; thence south, Jackson County, Oregon at pages 427 seventy two -72- degrees east, four and from a needle up to a gold mine or (295) strain.) Cockerels $3 to $5; running along the said bank. 45-100 -4.45- chains to the place of be­ and 428 thereof. Two bank claims on the north bank ginning, in sections tnree -3- and ten fruit ranch, advertise in The Post. pullets $1.50; Eggs (15) $2; day-old Also all rights of way for tailings, », chicks $1.50 dozen. Buff Orpingtons, of Poorman’s Creek, commencing at a -10-, township thirty eight -38- south of mining debrisand all rights and privil­ » Mrs. Geo. Woodson and little son, Jacksonville, Oregon large pine tree situated on the south­ 1 range three -3- west of W. M. in Jack- eges for the dumping of tailings and mi­ Cockerels $5; pullets $2.50; eggs (15) west end of the said claims in the said 1 who have been stopping some time ning debris from said property, which ———I son County, Oregon. ■ ■■■■ I ■■ ■■ I ■ $3; day-old chicks $3 dozen. Order mining district,, Jackson County Ore­ the said A. W. Sturgis ever had or in with the former’s parents, Mr. and gon; thence up the north bank of Poor­ That certain placer mining ground which he ever had an interest. chicks now. 1000 skunk skins, want ­ Mrs. Owen Keegan, returned to their ’s Creek, two hundred [200] yards in the said district beginning at a post ed. I buy furs. W. T. G oodman , man Also all other water rights, ditches, home at Sams Valley first of the week. to a shaft where a stake is set for the set on the east or left bank of said flumes, flume rights, rignts of way, Box 412, Grants Pass, Oregon. upper comer of said claims; the said 1 Jackass or Forest Creek Mining Dis­ dumping I have just opened a shoe mining privileges, and claims being one hundred [100] yards in trict 6.36 chains south of the northwest easements and shop in Abbott’s Hardware of every kind, nature and corner of the N.E. ¡4 Of N.E. J4 of sec­ A Common Cold. width. tion fifteen -15- township thirty-eight, description, which the said A. W. Stur­ Store where I am prepared Two certain placer mining claims in -38- south of range three -3- west of gis owned, or which he has used or op­ We claim that if catching cold could be to make the said Forest or Jackass Creek Min­ W. M.; thence with the variations of erated, in connection with the mining avoided, some of the most dangerous ing District, Jackson County, Oregon, 19 degrees east and running as follows: property commonly known as the Stur­ Every woman may not be hand­ I located by John McKee and William north sixty -60- degrees east 4.55 chains gis Mine. NEW BOOTS AND SHOES and fatal diseases would never be heard of. A cold often forms a culture bed some, but every woman should [ Ray, October 6th, 1874 which location j to a post set for a corner from which a Together with the tenements, hered­ In a workmanlike manner. is recorded in Book Three [3] of j white oak four -4- inches in diameter for germs of infectious diseases. Con­ keep with care the good points ) notice Repairing done promptly, the Mining Location Records of Jack- i bears north eighteen -18- degrees east itaments and appurtenances belonging nature has given her. No woman sumption, pneumonia diptheria and | son County, Oregon at page 248 there- twenty -20- links distant; thence south to, or,in any wise appertaining to, any Prices reasonable. starlet fever, four of the most danger­ need have sallow skin, dull eye, I of, and was recorded on October 19th, thirty -30- degrees east 9.10 chains to a of theproperty herein described. Also, 2000 ft. 16 gauge steel pipe, double blotchy complexion, who pays uiveviiy h “ /- 1875, said claims being two hundred ous and fatal diseases, are of this class. post set for a corner from which a yel­ dipped, size 16 to 18, 500 It. 16 gauge The culture bed formed by the cold proper attention to her health. [200] yards of bank claims on the north low pine tree thirty six -36- inches in unilipped pipe, size 11 and 15, 3 No. 3 ■ constipation, liverderange- ^a"k Xtin^1 °r diameter bears north thirty seven -37- | Fisher Kingbolt bail-bearing Giants, favors the development of the germs Where constipation,liverderange- degrees west eighty -80- links distant; 1 Electric lighting plant, 1 donkey en ­ impurities and other channel along said bank for the said I I thence south sixty -60- degrees west of these diseases, that would not find ments, blood impurities^and gine, 1 mining derrick, complete, 1 COM QM j lodgment. There is little danger, how­ irregularities exist, good compler.- distance of two hundred [200] yards. I 4.55 chains on the north boundary of Blacksmith shop and tools, miscellane­ ion, bright eyes and sprightly That certain placer mining claim i John McKee claims to a oost. (no tree | ous small tools, picks, shovels, bars, ANC Çy ever, of any of these diseases being as the A. W. Sturgis placer ■ near;) thence north thirty -30- degrees hammers, chains, pulleys, ropes, blocks contracted when a good expectorant movements cannot exist. Internal ■ known claim, and embracing a i 1 west 9.15 chains up the creek on the I derangements reveal themselves sooi er mining cough medicine like Chamberlain’s or later on the surface. Headache, d; ric portion of section fourteen [14] in i left or east bank to the place of begin- I 1 steel range, dishes and cooking uten­ sils, 2 rocking chairs, 1 roll top desk, Cough Remedy is used. It cleans out rings around the eyes, sallow skin, a c in­ townsh p thirty-eight (38] south of ning called and known as the Savage 1 lamps. 2 quilts 1 dresser, 200 ft rubber range three [3] west of W. M. in the stant tired feeling — mean that the li rer > and Miller claims, and located by the these culture beds that favor the de- hose. 1 extension table and chairs, 1 dish ti________ District of ______ Jackson i | above description on January 13th, i closet, 1 center table, 1 clock, 2 bed­ digestive organs are needinj help ind Poorman’s Mining velopement of the germs of these die­ and correction. Chamberlain’» Stomach And County, Oregon, as the same is des­ 11876, and recorded in Volume three -3- i steads, 1 mattress, 1 pillow, carpets, 1 eases. That is why this remedy has Liver Tablets give this necessary help. cribed in a certain patent from the II of the Mining Locations for Jackson team horses, wagon and harness, 2 cnD/f OÜCHS 50<&«t00 proved so universally successful in pneu­ They work in nature’s own way. They do not United States to A. W. Sturgis which i County, Oregon, at pages 260 and 261 ) plows, 1 Big Four mower, 1 hay rake, merely flush the bowels but tone up the liver and patent was recorded on the 12th day of FORJOLOS |Fy vn r FW.L ’ thereof. monia. It not only cures your cold stotnach to fulfill their proper functions. So. mild ' 1 single buggy and old harness, 1 iron IND ALL1HB0ATAHD LUNG TROUBLES and sentie do they act that one hardly realizes October 1899, in Volume 37 at page ! i That certain water right and water scraper, 4 cows. 2 calves, about forty quickly, but minimizes the risk cf con­ that they have taken medicine. Chembc riaio’s 233 of the Deed Records of J ackson 11 ditch taken out of the right hand bank I , cnicnens, chickens, auoui about 25 ¿o tons ions nay, hay, ao 40 tiers tiers oi of can be relied upon to relieve bib- usness, County, Oregon. GUARANTEED SAT/SFACTOPY tracting these dangerous diseases. For I Tablet» mdiyestion. constipation and dizziness. 3old I of the left hand fork of Forest and I wood, «teck of miacellanedus goods in I sale by City Drug Store. ery where. Price 25 cents. Eight [8] bank cl... ... Wt the north i' Jackass Creek at a point near the store, LOCAL NEWS LEGAL BLANKS / For Paper Hanging C. F. BOWMAN New Shoe Shop A Handsome Woman W. R. Sparks newdbcovw wa hum