Jacksonville post. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1906-19??, February 12, 1910, Image 1

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    Oregon Historical Society
NO. 41
I are right for them. Lobsters demand
I a rocky bottom, without silt deposited
by nearby rivers, which is the case at
; Yaquina. This is the reason assigned
Portland Will Hold Big In­ j for the failure of experiments made
i heretofore in trying to grow eastern-
dustrial Exposition Next i lobsters in Pacific waters. Senator
Bourne has been agitating the matter
Fall—2000 Delegates Will j , and
has secured the promise of Fish
Bowers to make the ex-
Attend Y.P.C.E Conven­ j périment at Yaquina.
j Special round-trip excursion rates have
I been made from the East to Portland
Portland, Or., Feb. 10 ( Special ) — ' by the raillroads for the annual Rose
i Festival in June and the national con­
A big industrial fair, representative
of all Oregon, is being planned for vention of the ancient Order of Hi­
Portland this f all. As yet plans are bernians in July. Both of these events
will attract large numbers of people-
tentative but it is practically certain
that the exposition will be held and and the rates are to be as attractive
that it will be a big success is assured as those made last year for the Alaska-
from the interests that are behind the Yukon-Pacific exposition. These fares
should be the means of giving thous­
of tourists their first view of
It is expeeted to hold the fair during
Oregon during the coming summer.
the first ten days of September;
It is expected that over 2000 deleg­
Manufactures of the state will be giv­
en a prominent place in the display ates will attend the annual state con­
and the co-operation of the Portland vention of the Young Peoples’ Christ­
Manufactures' Association, a. strong ian Endeavor Society in Portland Feb­
organisation that has done a great ruary 15-17: which is likely to be the
deal to build up manufacturing of all biggest assembly of the organization
kinds, is probable. The varied product ever held in Oregon. The session will
and resources of Oregon will be shown be held at the Presbyterian church,
and it is believed the exposition will Twelfth and Alder streets. While in
demonstrate the progress Oregon is the city the Endeavorers will be enter­
making in a striking way.
tained by a reception and banquet by
Planning to increase failing lobster the Y. M. C. A.
supply, the United States Fisheries
Oregon roses are to .have a wider
Department will transplant a carload fame than ever very soon for the
in the waters of Taquina Bay. Wheth­ beautiful blooms that have made a rep­
er the lobsters will thrive there is utation for Portland as a rose center
not yet known but is thought conditions are to be copied by Paul de Longpre,
the celebrated painter of roses. The
well known artist planned to coma
here on February 22 at the time of the
annual rose planting but was unable to
carry out his intention and will come
during the Rose Festival in June. He
will paint some of the famous flowers
he will see here.
Buncom, Oregon, Jan. 28, 1910.
Came to my place two years ago:—
One dirty gray horse, about
high, weighs between 900 and 1000 lbs.
No brand or marks, the horse will be
four years old this spring.
The owner is hereby notified to come
forward, prove property, pay charges,
and take him away, otherwise he will
be disposed of according to law.
A. D. M c K ee .
(First publication Feb 5, 1910.)
Are in Fine Condition. One
of Them in Business
More Than Fifty Years
We desire to Call attention to the
statements of three banks; Beekman’s
Banking House, Jacksonville Office and
Farmers’ and Fruitgrowers’ Bank,
published in this issue of The Post
The first two are located in this city,
and have been established for some
time, Mr. Beekman having established
his banking business in 1856. This is
one of the oldest banking institutions
Hows This?
in the state. Mr. Beekman occupies
We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward a unique position in commercial circles,
for any case of Catarrh that cannot be being president, vice-president, cashier,
cured by Hall’s Catarrh Cure.
director and sole stockholder and owner
F. J. CHENEY & Co., Toledo, O. of his bank; the only instance of the
We, the undersigned, have known F. kind in Oregon.
J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and
The Farmers’ and Fruitgrowers’
believe him perfectly honorable in all Bank is located at Medford and has
business transactions and financially been in operation about two months.
able to carry out any obligations made | The statements published show’that all
by his firm.
\ three are in a healthy flourishing con­
Walding, Kinnan & Marvin,
dition are carefully managed and en­
Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. titled to the confidence and patronage
Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken intern­ of the public.
ally, acting directly upon the blood and
mucous surfaces of the system. Testi­
monials sent free. Price 75 cents per I
Buncom Reports.
bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Take
Hall’s Family Pills for consumption.
Correspondence to the Post.
Bank of Jacksonville
Benj. M. Collins, Cashier
Now Connected With
Capital Stock, $50,000.00
Officers and Directors:
------------------------------- —...............
GEO. L. DA VIS, Ptes.
L. E. WAKEMAN, Cashier.
L. L. JACOBS, Asst. Cashier.
Bacon, Hams, Shoulders,
and Lard
NOTICE:---Beginning Jan. 17 our store will
close at 6 p. m. except Saturday night
Leading Merchants
We are having some very nic«
weather at this writing.
M. R. Buck was in Jacksonville last
| Saturday.
| Joe Goldsby and Joe Daly were down
to Ruch Monday.
Mrs. W. Dunlap is spending a few
weeks in Jacksonville having her teeth
Charlie Garrett is working for
Arthur Kleinhammer.
Ed. Saltmarsh was down to Buncom
Mr. Foreman called on neighbors
last week.
Preacher Gibbley held services at
the upper school house last Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Amos McKee of Upper
Applegate passed by Ruch enroute to
the city last Wednesday and met with
friends who were glad to see them.
Ralph Jennings made a business trip
I to Cameron’ b last week.
We are sorry to learn that Mrs.
Jesse Hamilton has the Scarlet fever.
Mrs. Dr. Cameron has been quite ill
with diptheria but is all right now, we
are glad to say.
We wish to say that Charley Coppie
is much improved and will soon be well
Mr. and Mrs. Louden Were visiting
on Little Applegate last Friday and
1 Saturday, the guests of Mr. and Mrs.
I C. Pursel.
Bert Goldsby has a fine pet coon if
i any one needs a good chicken catcher
I would advise you to come soon, as he
, is for sale cheap.
W. T. Bostwick is hauling cream to
Williams creek now.
Hollis Parks is doing lots of grub­
bing and clearing on his place with the
intention of farming on a larger scale.
I B. E. Handy and Ren Byrum passed
I up Big Applegate the 7th, enroute to
j Mr. Honeyman’s on Star gulch.
E. H. Kent and E. N. Prevolt made
a business trip up Applegate.
Buck brothers are doing quite a lot
of clearing on their farm near Buncom
this winter.
Jesse Hamilton has sold his farm on
| Applegate to Anderson brothers of
j Phoenix, for the consideration of
j $12,000, so we understand.
Offenbacher brothers has also bought
J the J. O’Brien farm on Applegate.
Haskins brothers have a contract
grubbing on the R. J. Cameron farm.
T. L. DeVore of Jacksonville is mak­
ing Sunday trips out to Bishop Creek.
It looks as though John would have to
get a move on himself.
W. Yocum, one of the wide-awake
farmers and wood choppers of Bishop,
| has employed Geo. Dailey to do hit
I saw filing.
George Anderson of Yacamah rc-
| turned to Ruch a few daya ago.
Won’t Need a Crutch.
When Editor ). P. Sossman, of Cor­
nelius, N. C., bruised his leg badly, it
started an ugly sore. Many salves and
ointments proved worthless. Then
| Buck lens Arnica Salve healed it
' throughly. Nothing is so prompt and
sure for Ulcers, Boils Burns, Bruises,
i Cuts, Corns, Sores, Pimples, Eczema,
1 and Piles. 25c at City Drug Store.
Jacksonville Office
Farmers’ and Fruitgrowers’ Bank
Watkins Items.
Correspondence to The Post.
The weather is very warm at this
at Jacksonville in the State of Oregon, writing.
Henry Stephen and Ralph McKee
at the close of business,
passed up Applegate enroute to Hut-
January 31st, 1910.
ton. Cal., recently.
Dave Dorn, who has been working
I Loans and discounts.............. $21,638.34 near Jacksonville, left for Glacier,
' Bonds, securities, etc., City
Wash., recently. While there he will
and County Warrants... 2,852.78 be employed by Mr. Berg to operate a
I Banking house, furniture,
diamond drill.
and fixtures...................... 7,608.27
Misses Pearl McKee and Della Coff­
Due from approved reserve
man and Mrs. Raymond Phillips and
children spent Sunday with friends
Checks and other cash items
near Watkins.
Gold Dust.............................
Anthony Watkins passed down Ap­
Cash on hand..........................
plegate recently enroute to Jackson­
Cash short.......... . .................
Expenses • •*
Mr. and Mrs. James Louden returned
Saturday from a few days visit with
their daughter, Mrs. C. C. Pursel of
Capital stock paid in... . ........ $10,000.00 Little Applegate.
Undivided profits, less ex­
Mr. Frank Zell went to Jacksonville
234.89 Sunday, suffering with a severe tooth­
penses and taxes paid....
Individual deposits subject to
check................................ 51,242.93
Mrs. and Mrs. Campbell were trad­
Demand certificates of deposit 340.00
ing with Medford merchants recently.
Total................. . .......... .61,817.82 I John and Katie Byrnes were visiting
friends near Watkins Sunday.
Mrs. E. R. O’Brien and children are
County of Jackson,
spending a few days with friends and
I, Benj. M. Collins, cashier of the relatives on lower Applegate.
above-named bank, do solemnly swear
Miss Katie Byrne spent Monday
that the above statement is true to the
night with friends near Watkins, the
best of my knowledge and belief.
Benj. M. Collins, Cashier. guest of Miss Addie Dorn.
Bert and Ernest McKee were smiling
CORRECT Attest J ' L
G - E
D avis .
on friends near W atkins Sunday.
Subscribed and sworn to before me
Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy the
this 7th day of February, 1910.
Most Popular Because it is the Best
H. K. Hanna Jr., Notary Public.
“I have sold Chamberlain’s Cough
Remedy for the past eight years and
REPORTOFTHECONDITlON OFTHE find it to be one of the best selling med­
on the markets. For babies and
young children there is nothing better
in the line of cough syrups,” says Paul
Allen, Plain Dealing, La. This remedy
not only cures the coughs, colds and
croup so common among young children,
but is pleasant and safe for them to
L. E. WAKEMAN, Cashier
take. For sale by City Drug Store.
L. L. JACOBS, Ass’t Cashier
Medford, Oregon, January 31st,
Loans and discounts............ $62,361.12
County warrants................. 10,450.00
Furniture and fixtures...... 7,517.67
Current expenses.................
Due from banks (not re­
serve banks)................... 4,254.22
Due from approved reserve
banks................................ 60,425.44
Checks and other cash items 15,868.77
Accrued interest paid........... 1,024.79
Cash on hand........................ 10,794.00
Gold Dust.............................
Capital stock for Jackson­
ville ................................. 10,000.00
The new Oliver Typewriter, latest
improved can be seen at this office.
We have secured the agency for Jack­
sonville and surrounding country and
would be pleased to receive your order.
Jacksonville Post
For many years science has studied
liquors result, the whole world uses
whiskey where a stimulant is wanted;
in bad cases of sickness it does not in­
jure nerves and tissues like cocoa wines
and other drugged compounds. The
HARPER brand is the best on the
market. Sold by E. H. HELMS.
Lots of it in Jacksonville But
Capital stock paid in....... ...I 48,000.00
Daily Growing Less.
Deposits................................. 136,195.53
Cash over...............................
The kidneys cry for help.
Not an organ in the whole body so
delicately constructed.
This Bank has been open 32 days,
Not one so important to health.
The kidneys are the filters of the
Average gain per day
$4,256.11. Watch us grow When they fail the blood becomes foul
OUR MOTTO:-Conservative Rank­ and poisonous.
There can be no health where there
ing and Fair Treatment to Our
is poisoned blood.
Back ache is one of the first indica­
tions of kidney trouble
It is the kidney’s cry for help. Heed
No. 145
Doan’s Kidney Pills are what is
Are just what overworked kidneys
at Jacksonville in the State of Oregon
at the close of business,
They strengthen and invigorate the
January 31st, 1910.
kidneys; help them to do their work;
never fail to cure any case of kidney
Bonds, securities, etc.......... $107,000.00 disease.
Read the proof from a Jacksonville
Cash on hand and due from
approved reserve banks.. 57,853.60 citizen:
A. D. Houston, Merchant, formerly
Total................... ..164,853.60 living in the North partof Jacksonville,
Ore., says: ‘‘About a year ago I suff­
ered severely from backache and kid­
Capital stock paid in............ $50,000.00 ney disease. The actions of the kid­
Surplus fund.......................... 23,132.07 ney secretions was very irregular and
Due to banks and bankers... 1,061.08 I was otherwise run down. I procured
Individual deposits subject to
Doan’s Ridney Pills at the City Drug
check.............................. 89,660.45 Store and since using this remedy I
Demand certificates of de­
have not had the slightest symptom of
posit............................... 1,000.00 kidney trouble and have felt better in
every war. I am glad to endorse a re­
164,853.60 medy of such great merit as Doan’s
Kilney Pills.”
Plenty more proof like this from
County of Jackson, )
Jacksonville people. Call at The City
I, Henry G. Dox, cashier of the above j 1 drug store and ask what customers re-
named bank, do solemnly swear | port.
that the above statement is true to the
For sale by all dealers. Price 50
best of my knowledge and belief.
cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo,
Henry G. Dox, cashier. New York, Sole Agents for the Unit­
Subscribed and sworn to before me ed States.
this 8th day of February, 1910.
Remember the name-Doan's—and
H. K. Hanna Jr., Notary Public, i j —ke no other.