Image provided by: Friends of Jacksonville's Historic Cemetery; Jacksonville, OR
About Jacksonville post. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1906-19?? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 4, 1909)
LOCAL NEWS Henry Pernoll the noted base ball Looking One’s Best. Till ! CHURCHES. player attended the Native Daughters ----- o----- It ’ s a women ’ s delight to look her dance on Thanksgiving. best but pimples, ski i eruptions, sores Free silverware at The Boss’. Fresh yterian Church, Mrs. C. D. Reed and daughter Kath de have on hund for sole — o..... Get your legal blanks at this office. erine left for Oakland, Cal., thia week I and boils rob life of joy. Listen! Buck- Office ' block south of Courthouse len’s Arnica Salve cures them; makes R ev . Rot ert E nnis , P as ? O r the following blanks viz: Frank Robinson spent Wednesday in to remain a couple of months. ! the skin soft and velvety. It glorifies ' Sirbbath sch >ol, Sunday m jrning I JACKSONVILLE, OREGON Medford. at Tne parsonage at the Catholic church : the face. Cures Pimples, Sore Eyes, ¡ Warranty Deeds, I’il’n.: .. • o homestead--' and timber claims, Emil Britt was a visitor in Medford i- being repaired and put in order for Cold Sore3, Cracked Lips, Chapped i 10 o’clock. Preaching service, Sunday evening j Correct plats weekly showing all vacant lands. Monday. Mortgages, occupancy. Mr Hoef is doing the I Hands. Try it. Infallible for Piles. at 7:30 ’»’clock. Notary Public and Ccnverancer J. D. Fay of Medford was in town work. ! 25c at City Drug Stors. Lease, Prayer meeting Wedn< jiday eve’.ffta» Legs! pa rs of all kinds made out. Spccia Thursday. Mrs. Josephine Russell and Miss at 8 o’clo tk- i attention given to papers in sett’« rar'nt of estat- s. Quit Claim Deeds, J. D. Smith of Logtown was in town I rances Nunan left for San Francisco SALESMEN WANTED, No house You are invited to attend th .9e ser- Abstract of Land Title.-* Wednesday where they will remain to house canvassing. Call on business vices. Wednesday. Sal hfaction of Mortgage, Moot complete ; * of ah tract I v.ks in the — ------ ------------- ----- men, professional men and others at ; couuty. Abstract made pro: aptly and accurately. James Owens of Wellen was in town during the winter. i Agreements, Arguments of attorneys in the Helms their place of business. You can make Real Estate aud Insurance Wednesday’. Met 'lodist Church, , Bill of Sale, l ine list of county anil town property for rale The county court was in session case were heard in the circuit court $50.00 a week. Experience not neces — <> - . i and rent. this week and the matter held for sary. We equip you fully with sample Chattel Mortgage, Wednesday. K ev . P astor . further consideration. and sample case. Fine, pleasant work. Money Loaned Mrs. M. M. Roundtree was in Med Real Estate Conti act, Sunday school*.* Sunday morning at ! Your own boss. Work when you Warrants bought and ob.l. Collections made. Miss Lillian Pourke and Miss Bertha ford Monday. 10 o’clock. 1 axes paid. Rents collected. Prompt reply to all Acknowledgemen ts. Alexander of Portland who have been please and go where you please. You letters. Charges reasonable. Julian Abbott is reported ill with the guests of Mrs. Lewis Ulrich have I deal with the best class of people only. Preaching serv ice at 11 o’clock Sun References Location Notice — Placer Scarlet fever. day morning. When your days work is done you I returned to their homes. Hon. II. K. Hanna judge 1st judicial district have your money in your pocket, G. L. Davis left for Portland Wed Be I Epworth League Sunday evening at Location Notice—Quartz and any Jacksonville business man. Mrs. B. M. Collins visited fri >nds in nesday evening. Medford several days this week, at independent. Investigate this, En- 1 6:45 o’clock. Real Estate Agents Con Ashland will vote on charter amend tending the entertainment giveniby the tirely new proposition. Address, Preaching at 7 :30 «o’clock Sunday M. C. Young, Mgr., 162 Ohio St., ments Dec. 21. evening. | Pythian sisters Wednesday evening. tract, Chicago. W. M. Hodson of Medford was in Prayer meetings. Thursday evening Weakened systems needs a mature At reasonable prices. IVe town Wednesday. at 8 o’clock. wholesome, mellow liquor. That’s pre Alone In Saw Mill At Midnight cis.ily what the I. W. HARPER Whis intend adding other Clarence Reeve returned from Cali Your presence ¡a J desired fat these Please read I be heading over again. key is. Perfect as a beverage or medi unmindful of dampness, drafts, storms meetings. fornia Tuesday. Then iis tremendous significance will blanks as fast as possible or cold, W. J. Atkins worked as Night cine, Absolutely pure. Sold By E. H. Rev. Robert Ennis was a visitor at dawn upon you. HELMS. Watchman, at Barrel- Springs, Tenn. An Oliver Tvpcv ¡ iter—the standard Medford Tuesday. until the line is complete. visible writer ihe <100 machine—the H. K. HANNA Jr. Persons looking for the School Super Such exposure gave him a severe cold Dr. Conroy of Medford was a caller Blanks of special form most highly pcrfi ted typewriter en that settled on his lungs. At last he intendent ’ s office at the court house in town Tuesday. market—yaa/sy;,/- 17 cents a dan! Lawyer printed to order at short the The will find it on the second floor, Mr. had to give up work. He tried many typewriter whose conquest ef Mrs. Joe Russell was a visitor at remedies but all failed till he used Dr. the commercial world is a matter of Wells having moved upstairs Wednes notice. Office in Bank of Jacksonville Building Medford, Saturday. business history— yours Jbr 17 cents a King’s New Discovery. “After using day. day! Go to Abbott’s Hardware for a Mon one bottle he writes. “I went back to JACKSONVILLE, OREGON JACKSONVILLE POST. Free! Free!! Free!l! Free!!!! The typewriter that is equipped with arch Steel Range. work as well as ever.’’ Severe Colds, - scores of such conveniences as “The A set of Rogers’ Silverware, consisting I Prof, and Mrs A.C. Joy were visitors of knives, forks, spoons, butter knife, stubborn Coughs, inflamed throats and Subscriptions for The Youth’s Com Balance Shift” —“The Ruling Device” — “The Double Release” I he Locc- sore lungs, Hemorrhages, Croup and in Medford, Sunday. panion, received at this office. Price moti > e Base”—“ Elie Ant,,>• .-tin- Spacer” etc. will be given absolutely free to the A. E. REAMES Whooping Cough get quick relief and $1.75 per year, cash in advance. Miss Maud Pernoll of Applegate was holder of the lucky ticket, Dec. 25. “The Automatic. Tabulator ” — “ The prompt cure from this glorious medi Lawyer v» “Disappearing In- in town Wednesday. See Boss Learned. cine. 50c and $1.00. i] dicator'’ — “ The Deputy Sheriff Ulrich of Medford OFFICIAL DIRECTORY A. D. Houston who was in the Hard- I guaranteed by City Drug Store. free’ ' rractise >n all State and Federal Courts || Adjustable Papir was in town Saturday. ----- ! Kahler Block JACKSONVILLE PjS Fingers” — "The ware business in Jacksonville a couple UNITED ¡STATES V, S c i e n ti fi c Con - B. E. Haney and wife visited friends of years ago—but who is now located New Train Service On The Corvallis President...................................... William IT. Taft r’ dense.! Keyboard” in Calif, was in Jacksonville the first on the Applegate, Sunday. Vice-President................................... Jas. S. Sherman A. Yours for17 Cents ------- And Ectstern-------- Secretary of State...................................... P. C. Knox of the week. GUS NEWBURY Electric lights have been placed in 3 A Day Secretary of Treasury...................... F. MacVeach Several parties were in town this the Beekman Banking House. Secretary of War............................J. M. Dickinson Attorney-at-Law We announced the new sales plan re On Nov., 1st a straight passenger week looking for locations, among Attorney General.......................G. W. Wickersham SEE—Full line of air-tight heating Postmaster Genera!....................... F. H. Hitchcock cently, just to feel the pulse of the others the Beavenue tract recently train was established on the Corvallis Will Practise in All Courts in the State stoves at Abbott’s Hardware. Secretary of Navy............................... Von L. Meyer people. Simply a small cash payment purchased by Reames & Hanley was and Eastern between Albany and Ya- i — then 17 cents a day. That is the Office on California street one Secretary Interior........................... R. A. Ballinger The December term of the circuit inspected and a deal is under way for quina, leaving Albany at 12:35 P.M. | Secretary of Agriculture....................... Jas. Wileon plan ir. a nutshell. block south of the court house court will convene December 13. The- result has been such a deluge of I and arriving in Yaquina at 5:15 P.M. j purchase thereof. Secretary of Commerce..................... James Nagle i County Commissioner Patterson of Chief Justice................................... Melvin V. Fuller applications fur machines that we are The new Oliver Typewriter, latest Returning leave Yaquina at 7:15 A.M. ' Vespation Warner................. U. S. Pension Com’r simply astounded. Talent was in town Wednesday. The demand conics from people of improved can be seen at this office. arriving in Albany at 11:15 A.M., mak W. S. Richards.............................. U. S. Land Com’r DR. T. T. SHAW Gus Newbury made a professional We have secured the agency for Jaclt- ing direct connections at Corvallis and all classes, all ages, all occupations. STATE OF OREGON The majority of inquiries has come visit to the court house Saturday. sonville and surrounding country and Albany with Southern Pacific trains to Dentist. U. S. Senators............................... G. E.Chamberlain from people of known financial stand and from Portland and other s. p. Mrs. George Hoffman was taken to would be pleased to receive your order. ................................. Jonathan Bourne ing who were attracted by the novelty Office in Ryan Building, California St. Rep. in Congress, 1st D................... W. C. Hawley of the proposition. An impressive the hospital at Medford, Tuesday. Jacksonville Post points north and south. Upstairs Governor.....................................Geo. E. Chamberlain demonstration of the immense popular NEWPORT IN WINTER Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Burnet were Attention is called to a change in the of State................................... Frank W. Benson ity of the Oliver Typewriter. JACKSONVILLE OREGON Sec. visitors in Medford Wednesday even time card of the S. P. Ry. South State Treasurer...................................... Geo. A. Steel Newport is an ideal winter resort. A startling confirmation of our be Attorney-General........................... A. M. Crawford lief that the Era of Universal Type ing. bound train No 19 now leaves Medford! And the low rates now in effect from State School Supt...........................J. H. Ackerman writing is at hand. Buy 50 cents worth of goods at the j at 11:43 P. M. instead of 10:55 and No all S. P. and C. & E. Points, with the 1 State Printer....................................... Willis Duniway Boss’ and get a free ticket on silver- 18 leaving Medford at 8:04 A.M. reach improved train service now established I F. A. Moore Justice A Quarter of a Million People es Portland at 10:40 P. M. takes the places it within a few hours ride from Robt. Eakin Justice ware. are Making Money with Will R. King, Com’r the Valley, arriving there at 6:00 P.M. And Latest Styles of Wall Mesdames J. Nunan and J. O. Rus- place of former train No 20. W. T. Slater Com’r in time for dinner. Excellent hotel The Jacksonville Bakery is making a Paper, Call on or Address sell were visitors in Medford Wednes- J. c. Moreland, clerk specialty of fine Christmas Cakes, etc. accommodations at reasonable rates. Dairy and Food Com’r........................... J. W. Bailey day. For further particulars call an any C & Labor Commissioner...................................O. P. Hoff W. T. Bailey of Eugene is visiting Only firstclass goods used, and quality Railroad Com'rs........................... Thos. K. Campbell E or S. P. Agent, or write to Win. Mc guaranteed. Leave your orders now at the home of his son J W. Bailey in ........................... Clyde B. Aitchison Murray, General Passenger Agent, in order that you may not be disap Jacksonville, Oregon ........................... Oswald West this city. Portland, Oregon. pointed ns the demand promises to be State Game Warden........................ R. O. Stevenson Sam Kauffman of Applegate was Bank Examiner...................................... James Steel great. transacting business in town Thursday State Engineer.....................................John II. Lewis Owing to the increased volume of State Land Agent.............................C. V. Galloway The Standard Visible Writer morning. business, the Bank of Jacksonville is ' Oregon Agricultural Clerk State Land Board........................G. G. Brown The Oliver Typewriter is a money Miss Lelia Prim is filling the vacancy preparing to install the “Rand” system I State Veterinarian............................... C. J. Korinek maker, right from the word “go!” College Winter Courses So at the public school caused by the ill of bookkeeping on Jan 1st. Mr Jacobs easy to run that the beginners soon get FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT ness of Miss Neil. ham as you Judges II. K. Hanna.............................. Jacksonville ' in the “expert” class. of Medford has been assisting Messrs Let the machine pay the 17 Geo. Noland............................ Klamath Falls learn. Dr. F. G. De Carlow of Medford was Davis and Collins in making the change. January 4th to February 18th, 1910. Prosecuting Attorney........................... B. F. Mulkey cents a day- and all atore that is yours. JOHN DUNNINGTON, Prop. in the city on professional business Mr. Davis informs us that the business Where-ver you are, there’s work to U S LAND OFFICE ROSEBURG Pratical work, lectures and demon Tuesday morning. Dealer in of the bank has increased over 40 per Register.........................................................B. L. Eddy be done and money to be made by us strations will be given in such vital sub ing the Oliver, 'the business world is The Jacksonville Real Estate Co. has cent during the last three months. Receiver.............................................. J. M. Lawrence 1 calling for Oliver operators. There jects as General Farming, Fruit Cul All Kinds of Fresh and moved into new quarters, next door to The barber shop and bath room here JACKSON COUNTY OFFICIALS are not enough to s:q.ply the demand. ture, Animal Husbandry, Dairying, the telephone office. Cured Meats, Choice tofore operated by Wm. Puhi, was Poultry-keeping, the Business side of State Senator........................... L. L. Mulit, Ashland Their salaries are considerably above Representatives......................... M. Purdin, Medford those of many classes of workers. MINERS NOTICE -Notice of Location sold Thursday. The purchaser, Frank Lard. Etc. Farming, Forestry, Carpentry, Black- .................... D. H. Miller, Medford both Quartz and Placer, for sale at this Robinson needs no introduction to the ‘AuOlivcr Typewriter in Every Home’ smuhing, Mechanical Drawing, Cook Joint Rep.......... ............... J. A. Buchanan Roseburg office, JACKSONVILLE POST. people of Jacksonville as he has been ing, Sewing, Dressmaking, Co. Judge.......... ................... J...R. Neil, Jacksonvile Thai is our battle cry today. We Home Jacksonville. Oregon Clerk.................. ......... W. R. Coleman, Jacksonville have made the Oliver soon me in use Earnest E. Jones of Medford repre conducting a barber shop here for Management, etc. Sheriff............... ............... W... A. Jones, Jacksonville Recorder........... ............. R.. T. Burnett, Jacksonville fulness and absolutely indispentablc in senting the I. C. Schools of Scranton, sometime. Mr. Robinson will operate All regular courses begin January Treasurer.......... ... .J. M. Cronemiller, Jacksonvile business. Now comes the conquest of both places for the present but will 4th and end February 11th. Farmer’s Pa. was a visitor in town Tuesday. School Supt....... ................. J. P Wells, Jacksonville the home. Assessor............. ........... W. T. Grieve, Jacksonville The simplicity anil strength of the The school notes, which have hereto eventually consolidate the business of Week February 14th to 18th. Surveyor............ .......................F. A. Grisez, Ashland It is be Coroner.............. ................. A.. E. Kellogg, Gold Hill Oliver fit it for family use. fore been furnished by pupils of the the two establishments. We wish him I A cordial invitation is extended to all Commissioners, . ........................ J. Patterson, Talent coming an important factor in the home success. At the old George Lewis stand James Owens, Wellen public school, failed to materialize this interested. Stock Inspector, •......................... Chas. Tull. Medford training of young people. An educator week. Good accommodations may be secured Fruit Inspector. .............. G. W. Taylor, Jacksonville as well as a money maker. Choked To Death Our new selling plan puts the Oliver at reasonable rates, No age limit JOE APPLEBAKER, Proprietor The Boss is giving tickets with every JACKSONVILLE. on the threshold of every home in No entrance require Henry G. Dox.....................................Justice of peace America. Will you close the door of 60 cents cash purchase, entitling the is commonly said of babies who have aliove 16 years. Frank Kasshafer..........................................Con- tabic purchaser to one chance on silverware, diedot' the croup. How unnecessary this ments. Prominent lecturers have been Dr. T. T. Shaw...............................................Mayor your home or office on this remarkable All kinds ot blacksmithing Henry G. Dox..................................................Recorder opportunity? to be given away free, Dec. 25. I is. No child ever had the croup without secured for special topics. The in done promptly and at rea J. M. Cronemiller.................................... Treasurer Write for further details of our John Huffer...................................... Chief of Police Mrs. Goo. Hoffman had a suocessful having a cold or cough at the start. If structional force of the College num sonable rates. Satisfaction copy of the new Geo. L. Davis.............................................. Councilman easy offer and a fr> bers 100. Excellent equipment. you will stop the first symptom of the operation performed this week for the ■ guaranteed. Emil Britt...................................................Councilman Oliver catalog. Address A special feature is the Farmer ’ s Fred J. Fick .............................................. Councilman removal of a tumor. Dr. Clancy and cough with Ballard’s Horehound Syrup T.T. Shaw ...............................................Councilman The Oliver typewriter Company C. F. Dunford..........................................c ouncilman Conroy of Medford are the attending there is no danger whatever of croup. Week which conies this year Feb. 14th B. E. Haney............................Street Commissioner Jacksonville to 18th. Lectures, discussions, and a Oregon Sold by City Drug Store. physicians. G.M.Lewis............................................................ Sexton I 1526 First Avenue, Seattle, Wash. general reunion. Mr. P. Ensele wa3 a caller at this For further information address office Wednesday, renewing his sub FOR SALE—20 acres of young or Registrar, Oregon Agricultural College, scription to The Post for the ensuing chard adjoining city limits, on coun Corvallis, Oregon. year. Mr. En3ele informs us that he ty road; fino location; deep level has contracts for all the brick an l litne loamy soil; If mile from postoffice, that he can furnish- during 1910, con courthouse, high school; leading va THE tracts for 3,000.000 brick and 3,000 riety of fruit; 6 acres pears, 10 acres Are you over 18? bushels of lime being already secured. apples, 2 acres peaches, some bear Can you read and write? ing trees, alfalfa and garden patch; If so, there's no reason why When you want a good 4-room house, barn, outbuilding, State of Ohio, City of Toledo, { should not have a Government job - Lucas County, \ ss’ household goods, farming tools, 1 quick cure without any working few hours, getting pleasant cow, 20 chickens, 3 wells wells to Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he vacations, drawing big pay. loss of time, and one The leading magazine of the v :: t. B ¡duti irrigate portions of land if necessary; is senior partner of the firm of F. J. $350 per acre, terms. Jacksonville that is followed by no In 1908, 40,000 Civil Cheney &. Co., doing business in the fully illustrated. Interesting ./tories. Ar Real Estate Co., Adolf Schulz, man City of Toledo, County and State afore bad results, use Service Positions ager. ticles each month describing the resources said, and that said firm will pay the •urn of One Hundred Dollars for each Chamberlain’s the state and whole Pa 1 ( Were Filled Rich Men’s Gifts Arc Poor •nd every case of Catarrh that canrot be cured by the .-e of H Hi - C.■ ar: h bee', le this: I want to go on record cs Colic, Cholera and And Uncle Sam is still short-handed. Subscription Prit Cure. FRANK J. CHE Y. saying that I regard Electric Bitters as Once you get a Government position Diarrhoea Remedy. Sworn t o befoi me an ! . ibed one of the grea ec”. gifts that God h:s you cannot be removed except for By sjiecial arrangemen in my pre nee, h d . , Decem m i ■ to v.or.ian write > Mrs. O. Rhin - cause. There is no danger of being It never fails and is ber. A. D. 188 J. we oirer N. Y., “Í can put aside to make room for some vault pleasant and safe to take. (Seal.) A. W. GLEASON, rms do ne f> r one else. If you want to know how never Notary Public. It is equally valuable for ¡divine gives a to qualify for a Government position, me.” Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken inter worn: get in touch with vigor of body children. It is famous And The nally, and acts dire ■ ly ti ■ I quickly cures au-j j EARNEST E. JONES, for its cures over a large •nJ mucous suiiacea of the system, Nervousness, Sleeplesst ess, Melan- •end for testimonials free. cl, ly, Headache, Backache, Fainting local Representative of the Inter- part of the civilized Both Gn - Y< ir ior F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. and Dizzy Spells; soon builds up the nationr.l Correspondence Schools, world. Sold by all druggists, 75c. Take weak, ailing and sickly. Try them. | Box 106, - MEDFORD, OREGON Hall’s Family Pills for constipation. 50c. at City Drug Store. K---- - r LEGAL BLANKS ex \ ’AS J. DAY £ $¡00 Typewriter for 17 cents a Day! ¿2 F or Paper Hanging C. F. BOWMAN OLIVER Jacksonville Meat Market Blacksmith Shop Diarrhoea Are You An American? SPECIAL© • CLUBBING OFFER Pacific Monthly The Paci lie M ol * y Jacksonville u i