Jacksonville post. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1906-19??, September 18, 1909, Image 1

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    Oranti Historie»! S«*^V HjJJ
VOL. Ill
DESTROYED Term opened Monday—Fair The Kiser tract near Jack
Fire destroyes the Wilcox
residence near ball park.
Just at noon Thursday, fire was dis­
covered in the roof of the house near
the ball park occupied by Mr. Wilcox.
The alarm was sounded and although
quickly responded to, it was soon dis­
covered that it was impossible to save
the building and efforts were directed
to securing the contents of the dwell­
ing and preventing the fire spreading
to adjacent buildings.
Many willing hands made quick
work possible and most of the house­
hold goods were soon carried to a place
of safety.
The hose belonging to the fire com­
pany bursted at the very time it was
most needed, but men with buckets
sprang into line and assis ted in check­
ing the furthe.' progress of the flames.
A Hard Cider Case.
Quite a little stir has been caused
this week by the report that hard c der
w as being sold at the Grants Pass can­
nery, as a result of which, it is said, a
number of fellows loaded with this
kind of juice, were making things very
interesting at certain places on 6th bt.
Chief of Police McLane stated that for
some time he could not tell where they
were securing the stuff, but upon in­
terviewing the drunks, he became con­
vinced by their statements that they
were getting drunk on hard cider pro­
cured at the cannery. Mr. McLane
said he notified some of the officials of
the cannery, and he states that even
after he had informed them the hard
cider continued to be sold, and a war­
rant was issued by Police judge George
W. Colvig, for the arrest of Fred
Wichman, in charge as watchman at
the cannery. Outlook.
A Hurry Up Call.
Quick! Mr. Druggist—Quck! —A b<x
of Bucklen’s Arnica salve—Here’s a
quarter—For the love of Moses, hurry!
Baby’s burned himself, terribly—John­
nie cut his foot with the axe—Mamie’s
scalded—Pa can’t walk from piles—Bil­
lie has boils —and my corns ache. She
got it and soon cured all the family.
Its the greatest healer on earth. Sold
by J. W. Robinson.
Oh Mister! Howgoodthat ico cream
is at the Boss.
attendance of pupils—Ex­
cellent corps of instruct­
The regular term of the public
schools opened Monday morning, quite
a large number of pupils were present
at the opening. The session Monday
was taken up in arranging classes, se­
curing books, etc. but everything has
settled down to the regular routine.
The teachers in charge are A. C.
Joy, ■principal; Clara Elmer, Josephine
Donegan, Mildred Neil, and Elsie
Wright. The teachers have reputa­
tions for thoroughness and efficiency in
all branches of school work and with
the proper co-operation of pupils and
parents will make the present term
one of the most successful ever held in
the city.
Buncom Reports.
Correspondence to the Post.
Charley Garrett was smiling on
friends one day last week.
F. Kleinhammer was in the city yes­
The weather is quite cool.
Lee Saltmarsh was in Jacksonville
last week on business.
Elden Jennings and ’family were
down to Buncom recently.
Mr. Spicer and family of Poor Mans
creek were up Little Applegate after
their berries.
Mrs. Laura Ryan and children of
Jacksonville were visiting her mother
Mrs. Wm. Johnson of Buncom, re­
Joe Goldsby has invested in a fine
Miss Ella Parks will commence teach­
ing schoul at the Uniontown school
house the 20th.
Mrs. J. Parks was visiting her
daughter Mrs. M. R. Buck last week.
Joe D. Daly and friend Poston, have
gone to Smith River, to locate there
for a while.
Mr. and Mrs. Maud Buck of Buncom
were trading with merchants in Jack­
sonville, last Wednesday.
Mr. Hollis Parks and sister Miss Ella,
were visiting near Buncon last Sunday,
the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. Goldsby.
Charles Pursel had a narrow escape
the other day, while hauling a load of
lumber down Little Applegate, the
road being just wide enough to go
along, he drove a little too far and
turned his load of lumber up side down
in the big farmers ditch. Charles es­
caped all-right but his wagon was bad
ly broken.
sonville sold Tuesday-The
High price for Hood
River apples
price paid was $32,500
The Kiser tract of 137 acres, situated
about Li mile southeast from this city
was sold Tuesday to L. P. Hubbard of
There are 4 acres of old orchard and
about 50 acres of young trees on the
tract, balance is all good fruit land.
The purchase price is said to have been
Bank Elects Officers
With a capital of $50,030 and some
of the strongest men, financially speak­
ing, in the community, as stock-holders
the Farmers and Fruit Growers’ bank
was organized Monday afternoon. G.
L Davis of the Bank of Jacksonville
was elected president, L. E. Wake­
field, recently from Minnesota, cashier,
and L. Neidernlier, one of the largest
property owners in the city, vice-presi­
Other directors are I. W.
Thomas, W. H. Stewart, James Camp­
bell, recently from Minneapolis, and
A. C. Randall of the Talent Orchard
Among other stockholders are P. S.
Esterday, the Portland bridge contract­
ed C. H. Corey of Garnett—Corey
Hardware company; J. W. Pernoil of
Applegate, Emil De Roboam of Jack­
sonville, R. F. Antle, W. R. Coleman,
county clerk; J. E. Olmstead, J. G.
Hibbard, E. C. Ireland, Porter J. Neff,
Benjamin M. Collins, formerly city re-
corder, and B. F. Mulkey, district at-
The Home Stretch
The amusement feature of the Port­
land fair will be called the Home Stretch
There will be many kinds of attractions,
and all of a high class, and no one can
afford to miss this fine feature. There
will be something doing all the time
and whoever misses the Home Stretch
and the Portland fair will be doing
themselves an injustice.
Among 'some of the attractions arc
the Bronco Busters, Joy Wheol, Char­
iot Races, Music, The Bohemian Girls,
Crazy House, Hell, Merry Widow Cot­
tage, Plantation, Etc., Etc.
There will also be a wireless tele­
graph station and demonstrations will
be made daily.
The Union Meat Co. will have a fine
exhibit, and some of the coffee, tea
and spice houses will also exhibit.
lu -1
A Fine Line of
Men’s Sweater Coats
Children’s Underwear
Ulrich Bros
Leading Merchants
Veterans and Families Enjoying
Themselves in Annual Re-Union--
Notable Addresses Made by Local
and Visiting Orators, Etc.
The annual re-union of the Soldiers’ and Sailors’
Association was held in Ulrich’s grove in the suburbs of
this city this week.
Early Monday morning the veterans with their fam­
ilies, began to arrive by train and private conveyances,
the visitors continuing to come until the woods at the
grove were literally “full of them.” As announced last
week, Monday was devoted to locating quarters, making
camp, etc.
Tuesday evening at 7:30 a large and attentive
audience gathered around the speaker’s platform and was
called to order by County School Superintendent Wells,
who in a few well chosen remarks introduced the orator
of the evening, Hon. B. F. Mulkey, who in his usual
happy manner delivered a very appropriate and entertain­
ing address, reviewing briefly the history of our country
from the time of the Revolution when the population of
our country was 3,000,000, up to the present time when
we number more than ninety millions. The speaker re­
ferred to the different wars, stating that the preservation
of our country and the progress it has made is largely due
to these veterans and their comrades, men who left their
homes and firesides at the call of their country—and of
whom many never returned.
In conclusion, the speaker welcomed «luded the day’s festivities. As we
the veterans and their families to our go to press Friday afternoon part of
historic city and on behalf of the the exercises were unfinished but will
authorities and citizens extended to no doubt be in accordance with the
them the freedom of the city, with all above outline.
Taken as a whole, the re-union was
the rights and privileges of citizens
for so long a time as they chose to re- one of the most delightful gatherings
ever held in Southern Oregon, the
main with us.
Mr. Mulkey was followed by A. C. veterans are loud in their praises of
Spencer of Ashland, who in turn in- the hospitality of Jacksonville’s citi­
troduced the chaplain of the association, zens and specially appreciate the ser­
Rev. Robert McLean of Grants Pass, vices of the committee in charge.
The Post on behalf of the people of
who in an able and interesting address,
responded to the address of welcome Jacksonville wishes the old soldiers
and on behalf of the visitors thanked and sailors, their wives and families,
the people of this city and vicinity for many happy returns of the occasion.
the cordial welcome extended and the
efforts made for the comfort and
The waterworks bonds are advertised
pleasure of the visitors.
for sale Sep. 29th. Read the notice in
The exercises were enlivened by another column of this paper.
several selections rendered by the
MINERS NOTICE Notice of Location
Jacksonville Band under the direction both Quartz and Placer,¡for sale at this
of Prof. Norling.
Wednesday morning was allotted to
the reception of the North Dakota
Loss $10,000—Partly cover­ Association. In the afternoon a par­
ade to the school grounds and address
by Rev. McLean, followed by the
ed by insurance.
presentation of a flag to the school by
When Will Jacksonville People
the association and a flag shower.
A forest fire has completely destroy­ The evening program, began at 7:30
Learn the Importance of It?
ed the sawmill owned by the Woodville at the grove, consisted of some excel­
Milling company, situated about four lent vocal and instrumental music, reci­
miles from Woodville. The loss is in the tations, etc., under the management of
Backache is only a simple thing at
neighborhood of $10,000. which was Mrs. Caughthran. The drum corps first;
But when you know *tis from the
partly covered by insurance.
enlivened the evening by several pieces
The fire was observed at some dis­ of martial music, performed with a kidneys;
That serious kidney troubles follow,
tance, but it spread so rapidly that it vigor and vim which makes the listener
was impossible for the volunteer fire believe that the “old soldiers” feel a
That diabetes, Bright’s disease may
fighters to check it in its destroying great deal younger than they loox and be the fatal end.
You will gladly profit by the follow­
course. The mill was burned to the some of them look quite young yet.
Thursday an election was held with
The plant was a large one, having a
“Tis the statement of a Jacksonville
the following results: Commander,
capacity of 30,000 feet of lumber a
J. W. Hicks; Lieut.-Com., Isaac Wolfe;
Mrs. H. M. ShafTer, living on Ei.st
It will be rebuilt at once.
Adjutant,----- Holman; Quartermaster,
Main St., Jacksonville, Orc., says:
T. Smith; Chaplain, Robert McLean.
“My kidneys have been disorderel for
At 6 o’clock P. M. a banquet was some time but I paid little attention to
News of the State
served by the ladies of Jacksonville it, thinking the symptoms would dis­
which was thoroughly enjoyed by the appear, however, the trouble became
The Portland schools opened Monday veterans and their families and also by worse, the secretions being irregular
morning with an attendance of 16,600. numerous residents of the city.
in action and my back and head ached
Rev. Ward, pastor of a church at
At 7:30 a concert was given by the constantly. 1 was in a miserable con­
Freewater, Oregon, was arrested on a Jacksonville Cornet Band, directed by dition when I learned of Doan’s Kidney
charge of bigamy, Saturday.
John Norling, Ex-Bandmaster 45th Pills and procured a box at the City
Hood River schools show an increase Regt. U. S. V., who served in the Drug Store. By the time I had used
of 15 per cent in attendance over last Philippines during the Spanish-Ameri­ three boxes of this remedy in accord­
can war.
ance with the directions 1 was entirely
free from the trouble. Doan's Kidney
Picking prunes is the order of the
campfires were lit and a general good Pills effected a complete cure, and 1
day around Salem.
time was had.
am glad to recommend their remedy to
A four-year-old child was drowned in
The program for Friday consisted of I others.”
a creek near Astoria Sunday afternoon. installation of officers in the forenoon,
Plenty more proof like thia from
> —
for the afternoon at 1:30 a program of ' i Jacksonville people. Call at The City
songs by Jacksonville talent, speech by drug store and ask what customers re­
Good For Biliousness.
”1 took two of Chamberlain’s Stom­ Prof. Mulkev »nd music by the drum port.
For sale by all dealers. Price 50
ach and Liver Tablets last night, and I corps. Evening at 7:30 a program of
Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo,
feel fifty per cent, better than I have
for weeks, says J. J. Firestone of Al­ etc., under direction of the Medford New York, Sole Agents for the Unit­
ed States.
legan, Mich. “They are certainly a W. R. C.
Remember the name —Doan’s—and
fine article for biliousness.” For sale I After the exercises at grove were
| concluded a dance at Orth’s Hall con- take no other.
. by City Drug Store. Samples free.
We Are First
To Show
Fall Styles
.... In....
Portland, Ore., Sept. 16,(Special) -
Vacant lands of the state are being
settled in a way that has never before
been equalled. A private land com­
pany is opening up a huge tract around
Lakeview, the purchasers of contracts
now being on hand there in large num­
bers to take part in the drawing. On
September 15th the fall colonist move­
ment from the east started, when
thousands of new settlers will reach
the state to make their permanent
homes here.
The vacant wheat lands of Central
Oregon are being filled up at an un-
precedented rate, the coming of rail­
roads up the Deschutes being the cause
of a big boom in wheat growing in that
great undeveloped country. During
the past week a record trip was made
into the vacant lands about Bend by a
party of settlers who went overland by
auto from Corvallis. The trip was
made from Corvallis to Bend, 150 miles,
in one day and the next morning mem­
bers of the party filed on 320 acre
homesteads near Bend and will engage
in wheat growing. A tract of land of
250,000 acres in that district has just
been included in the new 320-acre
homestead law and is proving very at­
tractive to settlers.
New members it the Oregon De­
velopment League were enrolled this
week when the commercial bodies of
Milwaukie, Bend, Halfway, Silverton,
and Lents joined the state organiza­
tion. Live boosters in those cities have
organized clubs whose sole object is to
further the interests of their commun­
ity and by co-operation with the other
state bodies to advance the material
prosperity of al) Oregon.
What is said to be the highest price
ever paid for an apple crop anywhere
has just been closed for the Hood
River and Mosier Valley yields. J.^A.
Stemhardt, of the fruit-buying firm of
Steinhardt & Kelly, New York City,
visited both districts the past week
and contracted for the entire yield of
the Mosier and Hood River valleys at
better than $2.50 per box. As the
total crop will run up to about 150 car­
loads, the contract juat made will put
more than $200,000 into the pockets of
apple growers in these two districts.
Postmaster-General Hitchcock will
be in Portland September 22 and 23,
these two dates having been selected
for the annual meeting of the Presi­
dential Postmasters' Association in
this state. Mr. Hitchcock will attend
the sessions and while here will be en­
tertained at luncheon by the Portland
Commercial Club.
NO. 20