Jacksonville post. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1906-19??, September 04, 1909, Image 4

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    The steamer Ohio, from S;attle, for Why UiLgfiels Recommend Cham­
berlain's Colic, Cholera and
Valdez, Alaska, which struck at Spire
Diarrho «Rem dy.
Island, south of Ketchican, Alaska,
4 i
a TT~1
In The County Court Of The State Of
Oregon bent First Apples Five lives were lost. The passengers,
Oregon, For The County of Ja?ks>n.
druggist of Portsmouth, Va., says.
In the matter of the Last Will and
“For the past six years I have sold and
to China.
One thousand lives lost and $2,000,000. recommended Chamberlain’s Colic, Testament of Milton J. Hampton, dc-
Admission 50 cts
worth of property distroyed is tha re­ Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, It is ceased.
Notiae is hereby given that the
Spokane, Wash., Aug., 31(Speiia!) sult of a cloud burst at Monterey, Mex­ a great remedy and one of the patent
medicines on the market. I handle undersigned has been appointed execu­
The National Apple Show Bulletin, ico, last week.
issued in connection with the second
A severe shock of earthquake was some others for the same purposes that tor of the Last Will of Milton J. Hamp­
pay me a larger profit, but this remedy ton, deceased, by the County Court of
competitive exhibition, open to the felt at Panama, Monday morning.
is so sure to effect a cure, and my cus­ the state of Oregon, for the county of
world, in Spokane, November 15 to 20,
A disasee resembling cholera is
tomer so certain to appreciate my reco­ Jackson. All persons having claims
when $25,000 in cash prizes and pre­
mmending it to him, that I give it the against the estate are hereby required
miums will awarded in 20 classes, will ported at Hoquiam, Wash.
Richard Schmidt was killed and Hen­ preference.” For sale by City Drug to present them, with the proper vouch­
say in its September number that Ore­
ers, to the undersigned as such execu­
gon sent the first consignment of com­ ry Prettyman seriously injured in a Store.
tor, within six months from the date
mercial apples to China. The full text collision on a logging road near Kelso,
hereof, at the office of Dr. T. W. Hes­
of the article, prepared by R< n. II. Wash. Monday.
Ten thousand street car employers
ter, Jacksonville, Oregon.
Rice, secretary-manager* of the show,
have rejected a compromise wage scale
By Virtue of an execution duly issued
A lvin C lark ,
"It is not generally known that the and threaten to go on a strike.
by the Clerk of the Circuit Court of
Executor of the Last Will of
first commercial shipment of apples to
A subscription has been started to a the County of Jackson, State of Ore­
Milton J. Hampton, deceased.
China was made from Grants Pass, fund for the erection of a monument to gon, dated the 2nd day of September, Date of first publication, Sept., 4, 1909.
FIREWORKS will be the most gorgeous and mag­
Ore. Hon. Henry D. Miller was ap­ George C. Eccles the wireless telegraph I 1909, in a certain action in the Circuit
nificent pyrotechnic display ever seen on this Coast. This
pointed consul general to China and operator who went down with the stea­ Court for said County an 1 State where­
stationed at Neuchwang, during the mer Ohio off Steep point Alaska last in George L. Helms as plaintiff re­
will interest the whole family. Reduced Rates on All Roads.
Department of the Interior,
covered judgment against James
early part of the Boxer rebellion. Ow­ week.
Helms for the sum of Nine thousand u. S. Land Office at Roseburg, Oregon.
ing to the disturbed condition of the
July 31, 1909.
five hundred twenty-five ($9,525.00)
country he did not proceed immediately
Notice is hereby given that Clinton
Dollars and costs and disbursements
to his post of duty but spent a number HORSES AT THE
taxed at Twenty-three and 75-100 Textor, of Buncom, Oregon, who, on j
of months upon special assignments
PORTLAND FAIR ($23.75) Dollars, on the 10th day of November 6th, 1903, made Homestead ;
and a large part of the time in the
May, 1909. Notice is hereby given Entry, No. 13226, S. R* 03612, for!
Southern provinces. At the close of
that I will on the 2nd day of October, j SE % of NW bi, NX of SW X, NW X
the Boxer war he proceeded to Neuch­
wang and took up his duties.
The horse show at the Portland Fair 1909, at the front door of the Court ' of SE X. Section 12, Township 40
“Counsul Miller and his brother and Livestock Exposition, promises to House in Jacksonville in said County, j South, Range 3 West, Willamette
Important Announcement
Frank J. Miller, were both interested eclipse any former event ever held on at 2 o’clock in the afternoon of said Meridian, has filed notice of intention
Prof. Lloyd Bridge, of Rochester, N. Y. has been secured for Prin­
cipal of the Commercial Department. Mr. Bridge is most highly en­
in an apple orchard at Grants Pass, and the Coast, not barring the Lewis and day, sell at public auction to the high­ to make Final five year Proof, to es-
dorsed by E. E. Gaylord, ex-President of the National Business
est bidder for cash, the following de­ 1 tablish claim to the land above de-
as a result of Henry Miller’s travels it Clark show.
Educators’ Association, Prof. Zaner, Pres, of the Zanerian Pen Art
| scribed, before W. H. Canon, U. S.
Perhaps the largest exhibitor of scribed property, to-wit:
occured to them that there ought to be
School, S. L. Williams, Pres, of the Rochester Business Institute and
a market in China for Oregon apples if standard breeds will be F. E. Alley of
Beginning at a point 10 chains east
others. Mr. Bridge has taken two post-graduate courses, and being an
experienced business college teacher and an expert penman, he will be
they could be properly packed and ship­ Roseburg, Oregon. Mr. Allen brings a of the Northwest corner of Donation I the 14th day of September, 1909,
a decided acquisition to the commercial school fraternity of the coast.
full complement and enters in all class­ I Land Claim No. 69 in Township 38
Claimant names as witnesses: Albert
Prof. Bridge is an experienced instructor in Calisthenics, Gymnastics
“A test shipment was made and es from the colts up to aged horses. South of Range 1 West of the Willam­ | B. Saltmarsh, of Buncom, Oregon.
and Athletics, and the young men and women of the Ashland Commer­
particular attention was paid to the His record in the show ring last year ette Meridian, Jackson County, Oregon 1 Charles S. Buck, of Buncom, Oregon.
cial College will have an opportunity for the best training in these
lines. Term opens Septemper 6th.
manner in which the different varieties is still fresh in the memory of fair go- which point is the Northwest corner of Albert D. McKee, of Buncom Oregon, j
His horses were admired by the land of Henry Helms as described Samuel M. Carpenter, of Buncom, Ore-
stood the test of travel and climate. i ers.
P. HITNER, A. M. President
One hundred boxes of all the standard thousands at Salem and Portland, and in Volume 62 page 337 Jackson County ■ gon. Horace McLaren, of Jackson­
■ -Í;
varieties, with the day of picking, this year he will equal if not surpass Records. Running thence south 5.51 ville, Oregon.
B enjamin L. E ddy , Register.
packing and shipping noted, were ship­ his former showing and winnings.
chains; thence meandering Wagner
Among other exhibitors of standard Creek south 80 deg. 51 min west 1.22
ped direct to Shanghai.
"In packing, the precaution was breds are, L. C. McCormick, W. L. chains; thence South 59 deg 15 min
taken to leave the apples under the Whitmore, J. P. Porter all of Portland, west 1.37 chains; thence south 30 deg
trees until the following day. They J L Eidson, Silverton, Thos. II Brents, 35 min west 1.79 chains; thence south
In the Circuit Court of Oregon for i
Heft r thing
were then taken in upon a large straw Walla Walla, Wash., Paul Wessinger, 48deg30min west 2.30 chains; thence Jackson county.
floor and graded by hand. Every box Portland; C. X. Larrabee, Home Park, south 84 deg west 1.35 chains; thence Myrtle M. Painter, plaintiff, vs Albert
was shipped within two weeks of pick­ Mont.; Edward Auld, Edmonton, Cana­ south 53 deg 30 min west 1.74 chains;
Painter, defendant.
ing and no apples picked later than the
thence south 61 deg 04 min west 2.47 To Albert Painter, the above named
There are more to hear from.
last of September.
chains to the East line of Donation
The Clydesdales will be represented Land Claim No. 64 in said Township
“Contrary to the prevailing opinion
In the name of the state of Oregon,
among growers, the Ben Davis stood by J. D. Gordon & Son, of Newburg, and Range; thence south 10.50 chains You are hereby required to appear and
the test of shipment and climatic con­ Ore. Mr. Gordon made a trip across more or less, to the center of the answer the complaint of plantiff filed j
ditions better than any other variety the water, bringing out a new impor­ County road; thence north 52deg west in the above entitled court and cause '
and it was proved conclusively that it tation with which to meet all comers. 1.92 chains to Wagner Creek; thence within six weeks from the date of the
should be picked before maturity to II. C. Constance of independence will meandering said creek south 17 deg 55 first publication of this summons upon
have four head; HughJNesbit, of Chim- min west 2.75 chains; thence south 9 you which is the 31st day of July, 1909.
obtain best results.
“The Miller brothers continued to ucum, Wash., will be on hand; D. M. ' deg 45 min west 4.34 chains; thence And if you fail to appear and answer
supply apples to the China trade for Dryden, of Woodburn has a fine aged south 31 deg 30min west 1.86 chains; within the time required, for want
from seven to eight years after the Clyde; Wm Boyd, of Hastings, Ore., | thence South 16 deg 45 min west 3.37 thereof the' plaintiff will apply to the
first consignment, with profit and sat­ will have Bruce and others to hear .chains; thence South 29deg 20 min court for the relief prayed for and de­
west 2 chains more or less to the manded in her complaint-viz- For a de­
Me Laughlin Bros., of Columbus, right of way of the 0. & C. R. R. Co., cree of divorce disolving the bonds of
“ 1 he Chinese like the large, highly
colored and cheap apple and the Ben Ohio, will show a large number of j thence South 40 deg 45 min East along matrimony heretofore and now existing
Express, Freight, General Delivery. Teaming to
Davis met these requirments better heavy horses. They are well known said railroad 1.50 chains, more or less between the plaintiff and defendant
than any other. In the large cities and exhibitors and have won at any show to the South line of said Helms Land; and for the care and custody of the
all Parts of the Country. Nothing too Heavy or
in the seaports where there is a con­ of consequence.
thence East along said line 6.75 chains, minor child of plaintiff and defendant.
too Light. Agents for Cölestin Mineral Water.
J. Crouch & Son, of Lafayette, Ind., more or less to the center line of the
siderable European population there is
This summons is served by publica­
a demand for fancy and high grade have been importing horses for years Wagner Creek County road; thence tion in The Jacksonville Post under and
apples as well.”
and are well known at every show and North 47 deg along said road 705 feet in pursuance of an order of Hon. H. K.
fair of importance.
They have a to the intersection of the center line of Hanna, Judge of said court made on
branch barn at Portland and Sacramen­ the main County Road leading through the 29th day of July, 1909.
to, Cal., and will have a big exhibit.
A Burnt Child
Talent; thence following said road in a
Gus N ewbury ,
A. C. Ruby & Co., our home im­ Southeasterly direction to the South­
Attorney for Plaintiff.
dreads the fire. The dread is wholesome
but not the burn; that can be healed and porter, will have the largest exhibit west corner of land now owned by E.
instantly relieved by applying Ballard's he ever put out. He will show several A. and F. F. Dodge as described in
Snow Liniment. Be prepared for acci­ of the heavy breeds and has a brand Volume 55 page 99 Deed Records of
I Jackson
Notice is hereby given that sealed I
County, Oregon; thence North
dents by keeping a bottle always in the new importation for the fair.
H. C. ( ampbell has mammoth Span- 4(j(|eg 30 min East along said Dodge proposals to purchase $25,000.00 of
house. Best for sprains, bruises, cuts,
scalds, rheumatism, neuralgia, bunions ish Jacks & Belgians which always at­ land 18 chains to the center channel of municipal bonds of the City of Jack­
tract much attention.
Bear Creek; thence meandering said sonville, Oregon, will be received,
— any and all aches and pains.
Percherons will be shown by Mc­ creek in a Northwesterly direction to opened and considered at the office of
Price 25c, 50c and $1.00 sold by J.
Laughlin, Crouch, Ruby and several the North line of said Donation Land the City Attorney of Jacksonville, Ore­
W. Robinson.
Agent for
other breeders.
Claim No. 69; thence West on said gon, on the 29th day of September
Taken all together it will be one of Donation line 21 chains, more or less to 1909. $5,000.00 of said bonds shall be­
Southern Oregon Laundry
the best horse shows held on the the place of beginning, being parts of come due and payable on the 10th day
General News.
Pacific Coast and it will be worth go­ Sections 23, 24, 25 and 26, said Town­ of October in each of the years 1914
ing miles to see.
and 1919, and $7,500.00 in amount of
ship and Range.
Records at the courthouses in Wash-
Also beginning at the Southwest said bonds shall become due and pay­
ington show a decreae of 50 per cent in
corner of Donation Land Claim No. 68 able on October 10, in each of the years
marriage licenses since the new marri-
Two More Stars for Old Glory in said Township and Range and run­ 1924 and 192J. Said bonds are issued
age law went into effect.
ning thence North along said line to under Chapter XI of the City Charter
An order issued last week by the San
the South line of the Wagner Creek of the City of Jacksonville, Oregon.
Marcus A. Smith served Arizona as County Road; thence East to the South Interest at five per cent per annum,
Diego, Calif, police department forbids
Yes, I have it in any color and
women appearing on the streets in ki­ Delegate to Congress for eighteen line of the right of way of the O. & C. payable semi-annually. The city coun­
you want at prices as low
R. R. Co.; thence south 40deg 45min
regarded as hopelessly Democratic. East 1500 feet to the West side line of all bids
grade can be had in
The state board of health has formal­
H enry G. D ox ,
Last November, to the surprise of eve­ the land of R. J. Edwards as described
Portland. Now is T)
1 Our paint com-
ly asked that the officers of all railroads
City Recorder.
rybody, Smith's normal plurality of a- in Volume 58 page 285 Deed Records
pares favorably
running through New Jersey, install free
of charge, individual drinking cups bout 1500 was wiped out, and the Re­ of Jackson County, Oregon; thence
to paint the house.
with other brands.
South 22deg west along said West
which can be thrown away after use.
courteous treatmennt
was elected, with a plurality of 700— line of Edwards land, 25 chains, more
----- o-----
Joseph Ganvitte of Spokane, was simply because the people believed that
and prompt attention to every
hanged at Walla Walla, Washington the Republican Party had put the State­ or less to the South line of said D.L.C.
Presbyterian Church,
order and guarantee satisfaction.
No. 68; thence west on said South line
hood plank in its platform in good faith. ¿ chains to’the place of beginning. ’
James Hopkins a Spokane attorney New Mexico has been counted safely ' Also; Government lot One in Section
R ev . R obert E nnis , P astor .
Fred J. Fick, Contractor and Builder.
and notary public has been disbarred Republican for years, but last fall W.
Sabbath school, Sunday morning at
26 and the Northwest quarter of the
on account of “moral turpitude and vio­
H. Andrews had fight of his life to Northwest quarter of Section 35 in 10 o’clock.
lating his oath as attorney.’’
secure reelection as Territorial Dele- ' Township 38 South of Range 1 West of
Preaching service, Sunday evening
Johnie Stopleton, the young son of gate. Since then, Colonel Max Frost, the Willamette Meridian, containing 51 at 8 o’clock.
a prominent citizen of South Bend, known variously as the “Mat Quay of acres.
Prsyer meeting Wednesday evening
Wash, was kidnapped Saturday.
the Southwest,” the ' Blind Boss of f Also; the Northwest quarter of See- at 8 o’clock.
New Mexico,” and the “Blind Editor I tion 25 and the Southeast quarter of
You are invited to attend these ser­
of Santa be, has been compelled by
Southwest quarter of Section 24 vices.
ill health and failing intellect, to retire and Government lot 3 in Section 24. all
Methodist Church,
from active life. Totally blind, para- ¡n Township 36 South of Range 1 West
lyzed to such an extent that he could of thc Willamette Meridian, Oregon,
not walk a step, nnd otherwise afflict­ containing 236.68 acres.
R ev . G. A. G ray , P astor .
ed past ordinary p iwers of endurance,
school, Sunday moming at
THE TWOHORSE BRAND he was one of the most picturesque and Taken and levied upon as the property
10 o’clock.
Will make it a practice to always have
remarkable person ill ties in American
Preaching service at 11 o’clock Sun­
thereof as may be necessary to satisfy
hand the choicest cuts of beef,
politics. For mote than a quarter of a
the said judgment in favor of George day morning.
mutton and veal, fow’ls when or
century he was th? unquestioned dicta­
Epworth League Sunday evening at
L. Helms against said James Helms
tor of Territorial p ditics, by virtue of
Sausage our specialty
with interest thereon, together with 6:45 o’clock.
his abilities and i f his absolute control
all costa and disbursements that have
Preaching at 7:30 o’clock Sunday
of the Mexican vote. No worthy suc­
or may accrue.
cessor to the fallen leader has appeared
* *
W. A. JONES, Sheriff.
Prayer meeting. Thuieday evening
and it is not likely that New Mexico
By R. B. DOW, Deputy.
at 8 o'clock.
will soon again see his like.—John L.
Cowan in The Pacific Monthly for Sep­
Dated at Jacksonville, Oregon, Sept.
Your presence it deaired at these
2nd 1909.
T he Second An n u «a I Sept. 20’25
6 Horse Races Daily
National Live Siock Exhibits
Balloon Racing
Chariot Racing
Fascinating Midway Features
Commercial College
Charles F. Dun for d
Barber Shop and„^^m
|ill 11 T
fl | [|T
jmt *
Bradburn & Billings, Proprietors