Jacksonville post. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1906-19??, June 26, 1909, Image 2

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    N unan-Taylor Co.
Offer this week all White and Summer
Goods at special prices
White figured Lawns now al 8 l-<3c, 10c and 12 l-2c per yard.
Pink figured Swiss 12 1-2 and 15 cents per yard.
Striped and figured Organdies 10 to 15 cents per yard.
White Pique Waistings 12 1-2 to 25 cents a yard.
White Nainsooks 10 to 20 cents a yard.
Mercerized Waistings 12 1-2 to 25 cents per yard.
5 yard Silk Waist Patterns Regular $5.00 goods now at $3.50 per pattern.
We invite your inspection and will
be pleased to show our complete Line
of Summer Dress Goods at prices
that defy competition.
D. land in Sec 31-38 8...........................1
H. E. Conger to F. M. White, Bond
for deed, land in Twp 37-2 .......... .600
Wilhe-lim Goiner to H. E. Conger,
Right of way Twp 37-2..........................
U. S. Morris to John De Roboam,
W.D. lot 10, blk 2, Ross add. Medford,
............................................................. 300
John De Roboam to W. II. Hamlin,
W.D. NW '4 of NE X Sec 8-35-4 also
lot 10, blk 2, Ross addition Medford,
............................................................. 325
Max J. Jacoby to Gold Ray Realty
Co. agreement, lots 1 to 16, blk 27,
Tolo.................................................... 800
Myron W. Tuttle to Harry H. Tuttle
Power of attorney, Tuttles adddition
to Medford...............................................
D. M. Parry to C. F. Barber, Kight
of way over land in Sec 10-38-2........... 1
Clyde E. Payne to Emil Peil, W.D.
lot 10, Blk B, Meikel & Payne add to
W. W. Gregory to J. A. Bothwell, W.
D. SW K of SE J4 and W J4 of SE %
of SE % Sec 32-36-1......... ................ io
H. G. Mathes to M. W. Wheeler, W.
., D. L. Claim No 55 in Twp 37-1
.............. 1000
N. E. Phipps to Belle Cochran, W.
D. lot 2, and 3, blk 4, Wests add Mid-
ford ............................................
Geo. F. Doman to G. E. Morow, W.
D. land in Twp 39-1............................ 10
L. F. Lazier to Rogue River Can­
ning & Evaporating Co. land in Twp
Why Do You
No. 20 Roseburg Passenger .7:41 A.M.
No. 12 Shasta Limited.......... 9:25 A.M.
16 Oregon Express........ 5:24 P.M.
14 Portland Express. ...8:39 P.M.
You Ruin Your Health
6 Loaves for 25 Cents
Jacksonville Bakery sen, Prop.
LUY & KEEGAN, Props.
Family Trade Solicited
Sole Agents Albany Beer
Change in Southern Pacific Time I
Worry your life away these warm days over
a hot stove baking
supply in the city to select from.
Jacksonville Post
A weekly newspaper, published every Saturday
at the eounty seat of Jackson Co., Ore.
D. W. Bagshaw, Editor.
Entered as second-class matter June 22, 1907,
at the post office at Jacksonville, Oregon, under
Aet of Congress of March 3, 1879.
SATURDAY, JUNE 26, 1909.
€>■• year, by mail.............................................. 11.50.
Advertising rates furntehed on application
for the orchardist must have a scien-1
tific knowledge of soils, of fertilizers,
of vegetable and insect life and of
climatic influences. It is a business Items of Interest to Jackson Coun’y
Tax Payers
man’s work for it requires as high a
degree of business capacity and train­
ing to handle the modern fruit farm
as it does to couduct a bank, a store
or a factory. It is the one line of
agricultural work that cannot be done
Thomas Hardy and Lucy H. Carson.
by ignorant foreigners nor by cultus
Franklin W Maple and E*ra Pillsbury.
Americans for it takes brains as well
as muscle to care for an orchard, It
George F. Lindley and Luretta May
is a specialist’s work and is one line Martin.
of the food production industry that
Ernest N. Biden and Elya Wiley.
will never be over-done and the profits
Oswald R. Messner and Maple Peil.
in it will always be big and sure.—
Fruit Grower.
11 Shasta Limited.......... 5:50 A.M.
15 California Express. .10:35 A.M.
13 San Fran. Express.. .3:32 P.M.
10 Ashland Passenger. .10:45 P.M.
Note carefully No. 20 does not con­
nect at Roseburg with trains for points
North, No. 19 runs only'lo Ashland but
■leaves Portland 8:15 A. M.
Shasta Limited No’s. 11 and 12 are not
intended for local travel and parties
boarding same must apply for reserva­
tion in advance, if same is available
parly may board train. It is not the
intent to carry much baggage on this
train, baggage will follow.
For local points passengers should take
trains 19 and 20 and 15 and 16. Going
North the Portland Express only makes
the larger town stops. No. 13 however
makes about same stops as formerly.
For additional information as to what
trains stop at different points call at
or phone the depot.
The coach heretofore carried on No.
225 is discontinued, local freights will
pass Medford during the day instead of
night of night as heretofore. The
above is the best mail service and train
service Rogue River Valley ever had,
letters mailed in Portland before 5:30
P.M. will reach Medford 5:50 following
morning. Trains 11, 12, 13, 14, alone
carry United Stales Mail.
H. S. Tuthill Company vs M. Elwood
and H. L. Getchell. Action to recover
money. Complaint filed. Undertak-
ing for attachment, and affidavit filed.
Summons issued.
Cora Turner vs Howard Turner. Suit
for divoce. Complaint filed and sum­
mons by publication ordered.
H. W. Dean vs J. H Johnson andjl.
A. Seuborg. Action to recover money.
Complaint filed.
(George H. Smith and H. T. Haswell,
partners, vs M. Hege. Action to re­
cover money. Complaint and verified
Stomach Troubles.
account filed. Undertaking for attach­
cures of stomach
ment filed. Summons issued.
troubles have been effected by Cham­
Western Electric Works vs J. H. berlain’s Stomach and Liver Tablets.
Fitzgerald. Action to recover money, One man who had spent over two
Complaint filed
Undertaking for thousand dollars for medicine and
attachment and affidavit filed, Sum- treatment was cured by a few boxes of
mons issued.
these tablets. Price, 25 cents.
Victor Land Co. vs Rogue River Samples free at City Drug Store.
BETTER TELEPHONE SERVICE W. D. Boyce, publisher of the Chi­ Lumber Co. Complaint filed.
cago Saturday Blade, is planning an
The new Oliver Typewriter, latest
improved can be seen at this office.
A representive of the telephone com­ | expedition into Africa which will eclipse
We have secured the agency for Jack­
pany has been in town this week, try­ the one headed by Mr. Roosevelt, i(
Sabra A. Coleman to Ersula J. Dean,
ing to arrange for an all night service, carried out as planned. Mr. Boyce Q.C.D. Right of way for ditch............. 1 sonville and surrounding country and
would be ple ased to receive yourjorder.
also arranging for the installation of a | proposes to take telephoto cameras,
Granite City Saving Bank to G. S.
Jacksonville Post.
new and up to date switch board. I the latest inventions in photography,
Butler, deed, lots 1, 2, blk A. Rogue
Some difficulty was encountered in ob­ and by the use of captive baloons, high
River Valleys Orchards’ Co. tract . .10
taining a new room for the exchange, in the air will take pictures of the in-
J. C. Eminck to C. H. Snyder, lease,
the company not wisting to install a I habitants of the jungle, as well as of
lot 6, Blk 15,Medford.............................
costly equipment in the frame building
Sarah N. Strange to Charles Pope,
now occupied, wishes to secure a room tains which will later be used to illus­
W. D. land in Sec 8-39-1..................... 10
in a brick building where the fire risk
Mary A. Sutton to Rogue River
pedition will start about Sept. 1st.
will not be so great.
AND VICINITY. I have engaged
Lumber Co. W.D. S H of N E % Sec
While the lines at night will not bo
service of I. H. Baxter of Ashland,
13-34-3................................................... io
kept so busy as in the day time, there
Ore., who is a first-c)as3 shoe and
A few more finger boards along the
Simon Whitestine to C. H. Gillette
will be many instances in which the country roads would be appreciated by
et ux, Q.V.D. NE !4 of NE '« Sec 6- harness maker. All work guaranteed
night service will be found very useful. travelers. Old residents of ¡course,
40-2........................, .......................... 25 first-class and done on short notice.
We hope the council and citizens gen­ know every cross road within miles of
Give him a trial and you will not have
Emory M. Cheadle to Lookojt Lum­
erally will give - the company all the their home but newcomers making
te wear out one pair of shoes going
ber Co. W.D. SE % Sec 20-34-4......... 1
aid and encouragement possible in their their first trip along a road are often
after the pair left for repair.
effort to install better service.
at a loss to know which road to take. Q.C.D. land in Twp 37-2....................... 1
T. L. DeVore
Thomas J. Williamson to James W.
Second Hand Store
Fourth of July managers at Cen­ Gillett, Deed, land in Twp 37-2. interest
tralia, Wash, have planned a baby
Corner Oregon and Main Sts., Jack-
John C. Walker to H. H. Lampman,
The council of our neighboring rity, show as one of the attractions on In­ W.D. land in Sec 26-33-2................ 2000 sonville, Oregon, where you will find a
complete line of Whips, Harness
Gold Hill, is considerably excited over
___ , dependence Day, but cannot find per-
W. A. Jones to August Betz, Sheriffs Goods and Second Hand Goods of all
| sons willing to act as judges. They
the cow question according to the
deed, S q of NE
Sec 16-35-1....5.03 kinds.
News. "The question now is whether evidently fear the “wrath to come”.
Sabra A. Coleman to E. G. Coleman,
it is expedient to compel the owners of
Q.C.D. land in Twp 38-1....................... 1
cows to keep them from annoying
The Garrett shootinglin Portland is
Elmer E. Coleman to E. G. Coleman,
other people, or whether they should an exemplification of the “Unwritten Adm. deed, same land...................... 572
be allowed to still run at large and law”. The victim of an outraged
B. F. Benson to N. J. Reasoner,
make a farce out of the term city as husband's vengeance is ¿dead but the deed, lot 1, blk A, Rogue River Or­
applied to Gokl Hill, and the town it­ I real sufferers still live.
chard Co’s, tract.................................. io
self a joke with all progressive com­
A. W. Dresser to Frances E. Metz,
munities.” Shut them up by all
Mrs. Gould, with her d-essing bill of Bond, lots 3, 4, 5, blk 6, Kendall a a<kl.
Dealer m
means, neighbor, a cow running at $40.000. per year is a luxury beyond Medford............................................ 1200
large is no joke to the man who owns the limit of some men's ¡incomes—es­ Jonn Thompson to James Taylor, j
All Kinds of Fresh and
a vegetable garden.
deed. SE >4 Sec 10-41-1.................... 1800
pecially newspaper men.
Cured Meats, Choice
Geo. IV. Thompson tJ James Taylor,
Fruit growing is a gentlemans's
deed, land in Sec 32-37-2...................... 1!
Lard, Etc.
work, for it requires a person of re­
MINERSNOTICE Notice of Location
Henry Humphrey toStephan Gardner
fined, cultivated taste to successfully both Quarts and Placer, for sale at this W.D. land in Twp 37-1.........
2000 Jacksonville.
G. C. Taylor to W. W. Taylor, Q.C.1
carry it on. It is a scientists work office,
Secretary Ballinger having approved
the location maps of the rights of way
THE NEW CHARTER through the Dechutes Canyon it would
seem that there should be no further
obstacle in the way of building the
As was expected, the charter amend­ Harriman road into Central Oregon.
ments were approved by the people It is stated that condemnation Buits
Thursday by an overwhelming majority. covering almost
the right
The total vote cast was 104, of which of way needed have already been in­
102 were for the amendments and 2 stated and that preparations are being
against them. The total vote was made to begin work at an early date.
somewhat smaller than the usual num­ The movements of the company in re­
ber cast at general city elections but gard to the building of the road are
the proportion in favor of the amend­ being watched with interest by the
ments was greater than had been ex­ people of the entire state. Meaning as
pected b> friends of the measures.
I it does, so much toward developing
The returns convey a distinct compli­ vast ereas of unimproved land and
ment to the members of the town board j affording transportation for the pro­
and the City Attorney, showing that ducts of land already occupied it is al­
the voters had full confidence in the most impossible to over-estimate the
measures proposed and that what they | benefits which will accrue from the
done had been wisely and well done.
completion of this project.
To the People
of Jacksonville
Meat Market
J. W. ROBINSON, Propietor
$26,400 66 acres, 27 acres in young orchard, 39 acres in alfalfa. Good
improvements. All farming implements and household goods
with the place. On county road near town.
$6,000—1714 acres, alfalfa and fruit.
Good buildings. Adjoining
city limits.
$7,000— 20 acres in orchard, leading variety. House, barn and out­
buildings. On county road just outside city limits.
$4,500 —28 acres, alfalfa or fruit land. All level, black loamy soil. Near
town, good location.
$10,500— 35 acres, orchard, vineyard and alfalfa. Good buildings. Fine
location, 2 miles from town.
$2,025 45 acres unimpiovcd land. Wood enough to pay for clearing.
Best of fruit land.
$4,000 120 acres, 25 acres in alfalfa, more easily cleared. Good ditch.
Good buildings. Stock ranch.
$600 —80 acres, homestead relinquishment, 10 acres cleared. Some fruit
trees, house, barn, live spring, two cows, one mule, pigs and
We have a large list of other property not herein specified. Im­
proved and unimproved at reasonable prices. Stock ranches, farming
and fruit land in the best location. A crop fr:|ure in the-vicinity is
If you want to buy or sell come and see us. Our prices are right.
Jacksonville Real Estate Company
Summer Rafes East
During the Season 1909
Via the
Southern Pacific Co.
OMAHA and Return - -
KANSAS CITY and Return
ST. LOUIS and Return
CHICAGO and Return - -
And to other principal cities in the East, Middle West and South
Correspondingly low fares.
On Salt hint 2, S; luly 2, 3; August 11, 12
To DENVER and Return -
On Salt May IT, luly 1, August 11
Going transit limit 10 days from date of sale, final return
limit October 31st.
These tickets present some ery attractive features in the way
of stopover privileges, and choice of routes; thereby enabling
passengers ‘o make side trips to many interesting points enroute.
Routing on the return trip through California may be had at
a slight advance over the rates quoted.
Full particulars, sleeping car reservations and tickets will be
furnished by any Southern Pacific local agent, or
WM. McMURRAY, G eneral P assenger A gent , P ortland , O re .
Of Southern Oregon Q