Jacksonville post. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1906-19??, June 26, 1909, Image 1

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VOL. Ill
Seventeenth Annual Re-Un­ Portland Contractor Shoots
Employe for Breaking
ion of The Soldiers’ and
Up Home
Sailors’ Association Will
Be Held at Jacksonville,
Harry E. Garrett, a teamster in the
Sept. 13 to 19.
employ of R. T. Dickerson a street
The building erected at the Alaska-Yukon-Paciflc Exposition for the
exclusive use of the Hawaiian Islands, occupies a prominent position on
the Court of Honor next the central government structure.
Hawaiia has prepared a more extensive and comprehensive exhibit
of its marvelous resources than for any other world’s fair. It will show
all of Its native fruits and vegetables; will offer an aquarium of live fish,
and in various other ways interest the fair visitors. Fruits will be
served by native girls and native orchestras and singers will be always
on hand. A tank in the center of the structure will show the islands as
they rest in the Pacific Ocean.
Upwards of $100,000 has been expended in assembling Hawaii**
The officers of the Soldiers and Sail­
ors Association met here on Friday
June 18 1909 to make arrangements for
the 17 Annual Encampment, which will
be in Jacksonville Sept. 13 lasting for
one week.
The following were the officers present
A. C. Spencer of Ashland, .Colonel J.
Adams of Phoenix, Lt. Colonel C. Per­
kins of Central Point, Major P. Hull of
Medford, Quarter Master and E. E.
White of Ashland Adjutant.
The officers expect the coming en­
campment to be one of the most enjoy­
able re-unions ever held by the associa­
Cattle Eat Lye
contractor of Portland, was shot and
instantly killed in that city by his em­
ployer, early Monday morning.
The cause of the shooting was Dick­
erson,s belief that Garrett maintained
improper relations with Mrs. Dicker-
son and was instrumental in her insti­
tuting suit for a divorce.
After the shooting Dickerson re­
paired to the county jail where he gave
himself up to the sheriff. ,Mr. and
Mrs. Dickerson had been divorced once
and afterwards remarried. Ugly ru-
mors are in circulation regarding im-
proper conduct of Mrs. Dickerson and
the murdered man.
News of the Sfate
NO. 8.
Orchards Are Sold
Over $200,000 Paid for Four
Orchards in This Vicinity-
135 Acres Sell for $80,000
Several large sales of orchards and lands are reported
this week, the total price for four of which exceeds
two hundred thousand dollars. The sales referred to
being the following, viz:
The G. A. Morse tract, situated about four miles
south of Medford, containing 145 acres, of which 135
acres are set to fruit, sold to C. F. Rowell and E. M.
Soboda for $80,000.
The Will Stewart orchard, situated about a mile and
half from this city, containing 170 acres, sold to E. M.
Daggett of Minneapolis. The price is said to be $85,000.
Part of the old Gordon ranch, southeast of Jackson­
ville, containing 212 acres, forty of which are in fruit,
sold to G. A. Morse for $30,000.
Tract northeast of this city, owned by J. M. Root,
sold to M. B. Glover for $6,100.
M. P. Ensele, who resides on the
The Rhinehart family, which has re­
Applegate road West of town, called lations all over the country are holding
at this office Monday, and stated that a picnic on re-union, lasting all this
he wished to correct certain reports in I week, at Pendleton.
regard to the loss of some cattle, re­
The Coos Bay Coal company, with
ported to have been poisoned, the fol­
principal offices at Portland, was in-
coroporated Thursday.
ahead with the construction of the The cattle were out at pasturage and
Pacific College at Newberg, confer­
gravity water system through the M. When found Thursday evening were
degrees on four graduates, Thurs­
F. Hanley place on Little Butte creek.' lying near the spring on the Pat Ryan
The standing of the teams of the
The Tribune says this means that Flat, dead. An examination led to the day.
Valley League now is-as follows
The annual convention of county
the matter will be de'ayed until it is belief that the cattle had been poisoned.
I which is being carried on openly in that
Won Lost
Pct carried into the supreme court and a
Mr. Ensele removed part of the school superintendents will be held at
General News.
Grants Pass.... ....... 3
600 ruling obtained, which will require at stomach and the tongue of one of the Salem, June 28.
Medford............ ....... 3
600 least two weeks, and if it loses there, animals for examination by a veteri­
Charles Knoop, a Lane countv farm­
Joshua Klein, the “erratic mental
Central Point... ....... 3
Prominent Japanese merchants of healer,” threatens to return to Ta­
600 or the attorneys fail to get it into the nary surgeon who promptly pronounced er was fined $200. by the Circuit Court,
Jacksonville .... ....... 1
200 supreme court, the matter must lay it as his opinion that lye had been the last week, for selling prune brandy of San Francisco have sent a reporter to coma.
over until the September term of the cause of the animals’ death, that after his own make.
Honolulu to investigate and report on
Charles E. Hughes, governor of New
The schedule for the season is as circuit court, when the condemnation swallowing sufficient lye to burn the
The Underwriters Rating Bureau has the merits of the Hawaiian strike.
York, will visit the A.Y.P. fair on
proceedings will be heard and decided. tongue aud stomach as shown by the promised residents of Bandon, a re­
Centralia, Wash, will start a publici­ Monday, Aug. 2nd. The date of his
sample the animal would not travel duction of from 15 to 25 per cent in in­ ty campaign. Funds for that purpose, visit has been set apart as New York
May 23—Central Point at Grants
far but would quickly succumb.
Pass, Jacksonville at Medford.
surance rates.
amounting to $400. per month have day.
They say all whiskey is good whis­
Mr. Ensele Is utterly at a loss to un­
May 30—Grants Pass at Jacksonville,
Olmsted the landscape gardner who been subscribed by business men of
Two workmen employed in grading
Medford at Central Point.
camps near Bellingham, Wash., were
“Some’ means “HARPER,’ the others tained the lye, but desires us to state drew plans ror Lewis & Clark and the the city.
June 6—Jacksonville at Central
are ‘also-rans.’’—Call for HARPER that he does not suspect anyone of in­ A. Y. P. fair grounds, will prepare the
The site of the town of Roosevelt, ground to death under the wheels of
Point, Grants Pass at Medford.
plans for decorating the O. A. C. Idaho, is now a large lake, formed by Great Northern trains Saturday.
at E. H. Helm’s.
tentionally poisoning his stock. The
June 13—Jacksonville at Grants
the damming of Mule creek, the result
cattle, four in number, were valuable, grounds at Corvallis.
Pass, Central Point at Medford.
The prune crop in the region around of the massive slide of talc, earth, Chamberlain's Cough Remedy the Best
one bei )g a specially fine Jersey cow.
June 20—Medford at Jacksonville,
Albany, promises to be the largest rocks and timber that wiped out build­
Grants Pass at Central Point.
On the Market.
within the last ten years.
ingsites and property on May 32.
June 27—Medford, at Jacksonville
Chamberlain’s Cough
Q. L. Robertson a former employee
Central Point at Grants Pass.
it to be the best on
writes -My wife has discovered that
of the Corvallis & Eastern Ry. Co. has vice at Washington, D. C. show that
the market,” says E. W. Tardy, editor
Snow Liniment cures “Poison Oak
Beginning Sunday, June 27, 09, mail brought suit against the company for
Poisoning”, a very painful trouble. will close in the morning (North bound $11,000. damages for injuries received tne state of Washington led all others of The Sentinel, Gainsboro, Tenn.
Will Stop Work
She not only cured a case 'of it on her­ and Eastern mail only) 8:30 A. M. in an accident at Albany, last Novem­ in the production of rough and dressed “Our baby had several colds the past
lumber last year, with Louisiana close winter and Chamberlain’s Congh Rem­
self, but on two of her friends who sharp, and in the afternoon (South ber.
second. The two states named each edy always gave it relief at once and
Judge Hanna of the Circuit Court were poisoned by this same ivy. Price 'bound and Eastern mail only) at 2:15
The state game warden has decided producing about one-tenth of the out­ cured it in a short time. I always rec­
has denied the petition of the city of 26c, 50c and $1.00 Sold by J. W. Robin- P. M.
that boys under 15 years of age not re­ put of the whole United states.
ommend it when opportunity presents
Medford to pay a certain sum of money
John F. Miller P. M. quired to have angler’s licenses.
Abraham Rosenthal, of Chicago was itself.” For sale by C;ty Drugstore.
The Salem Journal gives the follow­ arrested recently charged with picking
ing names as probable candidates for pockets and upon examination of his
Wherever possible farmers should
governor, vii! Frank Benson, J' H, pockets was found to be possessor of
Ackerman, Atty. General Crawford, bank books showing a deposit of $30,- irrigate. It will in most cases double
crops, and in many cases treble or
Dr. Withecombe, Grant B. Dimmick 000 to his credit.
quadruple them, immense volumes of
and George J. Cameron.
Senator Brown’s amendment placing
The Haines Bank, of Forest Grove, print paper on the free list of the tariff water are going to waste all over wes­
which failed during the panic of 1907, bill, has been defeated by a vote of tern Oregon that could be utilized for
this purpose. To put it on the land
has already paid off 75 per cent of its 29 to 52.
will in some cases be quite expensive,
indebtedness in three payments of 25
The plant of the Western Saddlery but what of that if the investment will
I htermatiohal T ailoríng C o
per cent each.
Co. at Winnipeg, the largest of its pay from 20 to 100 yer cent annually,
Drain boasts of being free from debt kind in Canada, was destroyed by fire
as it will?—Ex.
of all kinds and a balance of $4,300. in Wednesday, loss $500,000. Six hun­
the city treasury
dred men are thrown out of employ­
It is reported that the Greenback ment.
mine, 20 miles north of Grants Pass will
The State of Washington has sold
soon be put in operation again by its three million grain .bags, for delivery
old superintendent, C. W. Thompson, before September 1st.
Tax the Women of Jacksonville
who has taken a lease on the property.
Up to noon Monday the Tacoma po­
The young Men’s Commercial Club lice had made 27 arrests of men and
the Same as Elsewhere.
of Marshfield, has taken up the good boys, charged with smoking cigarettes
road question an <1 efforts are to be contrary to the law passed by the last
Hard to attend to household duties
made for the improvement of the roads legislature. Each one was fined $2
a constantly aching back.
between that city and Roseburg.
and costs.
A woman should not have a bad back,
Plans are being formulated fur the
Bill Matthews, a notorious cattle and she wouldent if the kidneys were
holding of an apple fair at Albany.
rustler and desperado, Is held at Twin well.
Tne government dredge Mathloma is Falls, Idaho, for compl.city in the Un­
Doan’s Kidney Pills make well Kid­
at work in the Willamette river near ion Pacific train robbery at Omaha.
It Matters
Salem, clearing the river of snags and
Charles Weaver was arrested at
Mrs. J. H. Baussum, living Corner
debris which make navigation difficult. Aberdeen, Wash, Monday morning Twelfth & C Sts. Medford Ore., says:
Dufur boasts of a strawberry plant charged with stealing a horse from ■ “I suffered so severely from kidney
liveryman at Chehalis.
trouble that I was unable to do my
800 well formed berries
housework. My kidneys were very ir­
Fred Rosk, a Finlander living on
Portland's chief of police has issued
regular in action. My back pained me
an order strictly prohibiting the explod­ claim near Yacolt, Wash, fell from
severely when stooping or lifting and
ing of any fireworks in the city, on any ladder and broke his neck, last week.
day other than the Fourth of July
Mrs. Mary Adelia Robings, aged 71, sharp twinges would shoot through my
slipped away from her house at Wil­ loins. I ran down in health and at
times felt very miserable. Doan’s
Theodore Zimmerman makes com­ lows, Calif, and eloped with the man of
Kidney Pills were fiinally brought to
plaint to the .railroad commission that her choice, Monday, The elopement
my attention, and I procured a box.
Exquisiteness of design: Trustworthiness of fabric: Cor­
a carload of household goods shipped
helped me from the first, I con­
March 25, from Phillips, Wis. to Med­ children who opposed the match.
rectness in style: Perfection in fit: Elegance in finish.
tinued taking them and was entirely
ford, Ore. has not arrived. He says
Winatchee, Wash, is to vote on the cured. I have often recomended Doan's
that the freight was prepaid.
license question under the new local Kidney Pills to other sufferers.”
IN SHORT all that is best and latest in high class
Cottage grove has decided to pave option law Aug. 24,
Plenty more proof like this from
Metropolitan City tailoring, the result of Seasoned, Ex­
Main St. from the S. P. depot to the , Government land in the northern part Jacksonville people. Call at I he City
perience Unrivalled Equipment, Straightforward Business
bridge which spans the Coast fork of of Klickitat county, Wash, will throw i drug store and ask what customers re­
the Willamette.
Methods, at Competition-staggering prices. Call and see
' open for settlement, July 23.
Mrs. Antoinette Stiles, of Portland
For sale by all dealers. Price 50
Thomas J. Anders, an old pioneer of
this magnificent new line at
is the Grand Matron of the Eastern the Northwest and an ex-judge of the cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo,
Star in Oregon.
supreme court, state of Washington, New York, Sole Agents for the Unit­
died at Olympia last week, aged 71.
ed States.
Remember the name-Doan’s-and
A grand jury has been called in
Subscribe for the Poet, only $1.50 per
Anaconda, Mont,, to suppress gambling take no other.
always THE BEST.