■ ■■ --------------------—• J Subscribe fur the Post, only $1.50 per 0* SUMMONS. Special City Election, next Thursday. year. Dave Thompson came up from Sisson In tit« circuit court of Oregon for Jackson I r County. Medford is having an epidemic of Thursday, to visit his family. At the old George Lewis stand W. T. Grieve. Plaintiff. Judge Day went toPld Hill appear and answer the complaint of plaintiff E. Y. Parham of Marshfield was in within the time required the plaintiff, for want Magazine was in town Saturday. TWEV WULTREAT YOU RIGHT were visitors at the county seat Thur.i- thereof, will take judgment against you for the th.: city Saturday. Mrs. P. Sw ayne who lives near Grants day. Geo. L. Davis, Preaident Oregon full sum of $130.00, for $25.00 attorneys fees and Jacksonville The Boss lias reduced the price on E. H. Helms, Vice-Prceidenl for the costs and disbursements of this action Pa-s is visiting relatives here this week. Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Rose of Seattle, I bis fai cy Chinaware. Hi 11. Coleman, Secretaru to be taxed. This summons is served upon you i The Boss for candies, nuts, fruit uncle and aunt of M>s. R. J. Burnett I by publication in the Jacksonville Post a news- Mrs. Iluston of Applegate was a cal ­ WHILE IN MEDFORD were visiting in Jacksonville recently | paper published regularly in raid county, once a vegetables, in fact everything that is I ler at this office Tuesday. nice. The recent rains will prove of great ' w,ek for aix consecutive weeks, by order of Hon Call and see Mack in front of barn, II K. Hanna. Judge of said court, said order FOR RENT House and value to gardens and all growing crops, Mark Whipi le and wife of Wot lville Wearie s for Chili Concarne . . i having been made and entered on the 11th day of but will no doubt injure considerable May 1909. were visitors at t'le county Beat Tues­ I Phone 171, Jacksonville. and hot and cold lunch. Em­ Mrs. S. Neil of Ashland war. in And Latest Styles of Wall hay. Gus Newbury, Attorney for plaintiff. 3-7t- day. ployment office in connection Satur lay on land buisness. Paper, Call on or Address Mrs. Dora Wainright and mother, MACK WILL CET TOU WORK Subscribe for The Post and ask your W. M. Kahlu of Central Point F pent Mrs. Fawcett and Miss Cora Basye, neighbor to do likewise, only $1.50 per NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION j a few hours in town this week. have gone to Crescent City to remain DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR. U. C. year. IL K. HANNA jr. Moving Pictures and Songs, nt U. thu summer. Land Office at Roseburg, Oregon, May 11, 1909. Calif, Chas. E. Rose of Sacramento, Jacksonville, Oregon Notice is hereby given that Lawyer was in attendance at the court house S. Halltonigffit. Admission 10 15cents. SYLVESTER M. WERTZ of Ruch, Oregon, who, on June 25, 1903, made WANTED—16 inch fir wood in ex­ Saturday. Office: One block south of depot. THE CHURCHES gOM tend Entry. No. 12869, S. R. 03525. for change for printing. Apply to Jack­ J. II. Fitzgerald and family of Med- NWV4 of SW’4; W' j of NWV$; Lot 6. Section 4. JACKSONVILLE, OREGON ----- o ----- sonville Post. Township 39 South, Range 3, West, Willamette ford visited at the home of Adam There is no better time to Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make Mrs. G.E. Neubcr and (laugh tei, Mrs. Schmidt Monday paint your building than at Presbyterian Church, A. E. REAMES Final five year Proof, to establish claim to the the present time and you The date for the special city election Ella Cook and Fleta Ulrich have return­ o — land above described, before the Register and Lawyer cannot set better paint Receiver, at Roseburg, Oregon, on the 2Gth day has been changed from June 19, to ed from Sqaw Lae. than we nse. R ev . R obert E nnis , P astor . Practise in all State and Federal Court« of June. 1909. W. M. Champpell and wife mil Miss Thursday, June 24. Sabbath school, Sunday morning at Claimant names ns witnessess: L. Garriron of Hutton Cal. are visitin ' Kahler Block JACKSONVILLE ..DECORATING.. Prof. Ritner of the Ashland Commer­ Miles Cantrill, of Ruch Oregon. W, S. Mc- 10 o’clock. Intyre, of Jacksonville, Oregon. Mrs. Sarah cial College made this office a pleasant friends in Jacksonville. There is nothing that will Preaching service, Sunday evening Cantrill, of Jacksonville. Oregon. «L. M. Me- Mrs. G. L. Davis and daughter re­ add more to the appear­ visit Saturday. GUS NEWBURY Intyre, of Jacksonville. Oregon. at 8 o ’ clock. ance of a house or fence Only $2.25 cash in advance, secures turned from Portland this week. Mr. BENJAMIN L. EDDY. Attorn ey-at-Law than a new coat of paint. Prayer meeting Wednesday evening Register. both The Jacksonville Post and Pacific Davis met them at Medford. It is the foundation of all at 8 o’clock. Will Practise in All Courts in the State MINERSNOTICE Notice of Location decorations. Monthly for one year. Office on California street one You are invited to attend these ser­ Read ournew clubbing offer,Oregon’s both Quartz and Placer, for sale at this PRESERS ATIVE vices. block seuth of the court house office, JACKSONVILLE POST. greatest magazine and the Post, both ----- ----- Mrs. B. Steadman who has been vis­ Paint will not only add to one year for $2.25 cash in advance. 1 Mower and Rake, nearly new $ 40.00 the appearance of a build­ DR. T. T. SHAW Al. Leurned is the Boss, he has fruits iting friends in Jacksonville for several Methodist Church, 1 Heavy Hack, with top......... ing but will preserve tho 50.00 weeks returned to her home et Anne- vegetables, candies, soft drinks, post —o — wood and prevent disease. Dentist. 1 single buggy, in good order.. 20.00 cards, fancy dishes, cigars and tobacco. heim, Cal. Tuesday. R ev . G. A. G ray , P astor . 1 Atlas Engine, 10 horse power / Paper Hanging and Interior Decorating Office in Ryan Building, California St. Mrs. L.J. Sears who has been spend­ The holiday season is over and the Sunday school, Sunday morning at 1 Atlas Boiler, 15 horse power \ 600.00 Upf taira 1 Power Jig Saw....... ............... ing the winter in Me lford is now with Boss has a few things left over which 10 o’clock. 40.00 must go. A fresh supply of candy has OREGON JACKSONVILLE her daughter Mrs. R.T. Burnett of this 1 Barley Roll, 18x18................. 75.00 Preaching service at 11 o’clocjc Sun­ 1 Saw Table................................ 25.00 been received. city. E.C. Eschelman of Portlf.nd Supreme day morning. 1 Turning Lathe................. . 10.00 Chautauqua, Ashland, Oregon. June Epworth League Sunday evening at 1 Cornmeal Mill, complete with Instructor of the United Artisans, will 7th to 17th. Better than ever, which That Bolter________________ 100.00 means A-l. Write for printed mat­ be in town Tuesday eve. June 22 and 7 o’clock. Deliciotte would like to have a full attendance of 1 Centrifugal Pump, 1'/, with Preaching at 8 o ’ clock Sunday even ­ ter. ttefreehirg all Artisans and all others who are in­ ing. pipe--.......... . ................. 15.00 Dish Mrs. N. Pernoll of Applegate was a ■ insurance at Odd terested in fraternal 75.00 Prayer meeting, Thuisday evening 56 feet Shafting and Pulleys__ visitor in town Tuesday, while here she What nicer dessert could you have for Sunday dinnerf Fellows hall. 1 New Wood Saw Table ......... 25.00 at 8 o’clock. called at this office and renewed her < 1 Hand Power Rip Saw _____ 10.00 The recent fire at Central Point subscription to The Post. Your presence is desired at these 1 Hand Power Cut Off Saw ... 10.00 illustration of the meetings. should serve as an Oh, Johnnie, where are you going? 1 Hand Power Mortise Machine risks incurred in a town without fire 7.50 ----------- »®.---------- qO down to tho Boss for ice cream. 1 Fanning Mill_____ ________ 10.00 protection or adequate water supply. What do you go there for? Mamma We venture the assertion that 99 per If You arc Worth $50,000 Don’t Read I Ladies’ Bike______________ 7.50 “S says it is the best. This. Three lots on California street. cent of Central Point’s residents would If you have any item of news inter­ now vote for water One of the best wells of water with esting in character kindly hand it to FOR SALE—Two and one-half acres This will not interest you if you are 500 feet of tunneling, sufficient water our reporter or send it to this office we in city limits, two story house, out worth fifty thousand dollars, but if to supply a city of 1000 inhabitants. will appreciate the favor. buildings, water tank and gasoline you are a man of moderate means and Have been sprinkling the streets of D. E. Grant the miner and prospecter pumping plant, good family or­ cannot afford to employ a physician Jacksonville from this well for several of Jackson Creek, whose mind was de­ chard and garden spot. Most d6- “ when you have an attack of diarrhoea, years. The finest of water with build­ ranged a few months ago, died at the sirable location in the city, for sale you will be pleased to know that one ing, sheds and barns. Insane Asylum at Salem June 14-09 cheap. Enquire of Jacksonville Real or two doses of Chamberlain’s Colic, Address Lock Box 24 or call on Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy will Paul Neff, Esq. one of Medford’s Estate Company. C. ULRICH, Jacksonville cure it. This remedy has been in use prominent attoneys was in town Satur­ Beginning to-night Mr. S. P. De Ro- for many years and is thoroughly day on business with the circuit court boam will begin a series of "Moving Express, Freight, General Delivery. Teaming to in regard to Medford’s school affairs. Picture and Illustrated Song” shows in liable. Price 25 cents. For sale ail Parts of the Country. Nothing too Heavy or City Drug Store. the U. S. Hall, new films have been se­ It’s Luck to Smoke Puck too Light. Agents for Colestin Mineral Water. cured and the entertainments promise The Better than 5c Cigar to be exceptionally good. Every Sat­ FOR SALE 20 acres of young or- JACKSONVILLE OREGON chard adjoining city limits, on coun­ urday night, admission 10 and 15 cents. The Cigar in the Green Box ty road; fine location; deep level Traveling Necessaries Mrs. H. G. Henry came down from loamy soil; % mile from postoffice, Ashland Tuesday to take up her resi­ Trunks courthouse, high school; leading va­ dence with her daughter Miss Grace Successor to T. J. Kenney Suit Cases riety of fruit; 6 acres pears, 10 acres Henry, who is a stenographer in Reames’ apples, 2 acres peaches, some bear­ Valises office. ing trees, alfalfa and garden patch; Leather Bags good 4-roona house, barn, outbuilding, For Carbolineum to spray your Mr, Beekman accompanied by his wife Nunan Taylor Co. chicken houses for lice ana mites. household goods, farming tools, 1 and their daughter Miss Carrie left Sat­ Trunks and roots of fruit treeB Jacksonville. cow, 20 chickens, 3 wells wells to urday for a trip to Portland and Seat­ painted with Carbolineum will irrigate portions of land if necessary; We are sending out statements to a not be bothered with borers. It tle. They expect to be absent several $350 per acre, terms. Jacksonville is also a good wood preserver for number of subscribers who are in ar­ weeks. HOT OR COLD BATHS rears. These are not duns, but simply Real Estate Co., Adolf Schulz, man­ II shingled roofs and fence posts. II WANTED--We want men or women t( ager. statements showing date to which sub­ II Agency for to represent us in every community. scriptions are paid according to books You can make from $200.00 up mon­ ¡I in this office. If there is any mistake, Southern Oregon Laundry Oregon Jacksonville, thly. Pleasant work. Address C. please notify us in order that we may YOU NEVER CAN TELL B. Jones, Medford Oregon. just exactly the cause of yonr rheu ­ correct the same. The Postal Depart­ Say! Did you see that new Oliver ment at Washington, has made a ruling matism, but you know you have it. JACKSONVILLE OREGON typewriter at this office? We can sell that all subscriptions to weekly papers Do you know teat Ballard’a Snow you an up to date machine for a small must be paid in advance, or at least Liniment will cure it? —relieves the payment down anil 17 cents per day within one year, in order to allow mail­ pain- reduces the swelling and limbers until balance is paid. Jacksonville Post. ing al publishers’rates. We are try­ the joints and muscles so that you will Office one block south of Courthouse You should see our display of Silver­ ing to comply with the ruling, so we be as active and well as you ever were. JACKSONVILLE, OREGON ware, Odd Spoons, Odd Forks. NEDVI- send the statements. Jacksonville Post. Price 25c 50c and $1.00 So'd by J. W. Filings made on homesteads ind timber claims. Robinson. DEK The Jeweler has them in many Correct plats weekly showing all vacant lands. handsome patterns. Call in ami exam­ Notary Public and Cun*evan«er A WRECK ine these goods; no trouble to show Inégal papers of all kinds mad« out. Special SALESMEN WANTED. No house is the only fit description for the man them. to house canvassing. Call on business attention given to papers in settlement of «.dates. Abstract of Land Titles T Leave your watch, clock, or jewelry or woman who is crippled with rheu­ men, professional men and others at Orders for all kinds of Rough and Dressed matism. Just a few rheumatic twinges Moat complete of abstract books in the in need of repnir at O. NEDVIDEK’S their place of business. You can make couuty. Abstract set Lumber Promptly Filled may be the forerunner of a severe at ­ made promptly and accurately. at Jacksonville, on your way to Med­ $50.00 a week. Experience not neces­ tack-stop the trouble at the start Real Esta/e aud Insurance ford and it will be ready upon your re­ sary. We equip you fully with sample Quality turn, all work Guaranteed, charges with Ballard’s Snow Liniment. Cures and sample case. Fine, pleasant work. Fine list of county and town property for sale Quantity the rheumatism and all pain. Price 25c and rent. reasonable. Fred J. Fick, Contractor and Builder Your own boss. Work when you 50c and $1.00 Sold by J. W. Robinsen. Money Loaned A representative of The Post is call­ please and go where you please. You Warrants bought and sold. Collections made. ing upon residents of the city and vicin­ I deal with the best class of people only. Taxes paid. R*nh collected. Prompt reply to all R ity soliciting new subscriptions and | When your days work is done you letters. Charges reasonable. collecting for those in arrears. We are References I have your money in your pocket. Be not dunning” anyone but simply trying ' independent. Investigate this, En- Hon. II. K. Hanna judge Pt judicial district and any Jacksonville business man. to get the subscription list on a busi­ j tirely new proposition. Address, ness basis. M. C. Young, Mgr., 162 Ohio St., More than nine out of every Chicago. LOCAL NEWS j J j Ì Do Your Business Í Blacksmith Shop Í Bank oi Jacksonville i For Paper Hanging C. F. BOWMAN Painting Season For Sale 4 Chappell & Fick ICE CREAM W. C. DENEFF & COMPANY Id Charles F. Dunfoi d DRA Y AGE ^Abbott Hardware Barber Shop andJa,lh,..^m I SILAS J. DAY Lumber SHINGLES ten cases of rheumatism are simply rheumatism of the muscles, due to cold or damp, or chronic rheumatism. In such cases no internal treat­ ment is required. The free application of Chamberlain’s Liniment is all that is needed and it is cer­ tain to give quick relief. Give it a trial and see for yourself how quickly it relieves the pain and | soreness. Price 35c; large size, 50c. TRAIL LUMBER CO. Of Interest to Farmers and Mechanics Farmers and mechanics frequently meet with slight accidents and injuries which cause them much annoyance and loss of time A cut or bruise may be cured in about one third the time usually required by applying Chamber­ lain’s Liniment as soon as the injury is received. This liniment is also valu­ able for sprains, soreness of the mus­ cles and rheumatic pains. There is no danger of blood poisoning resulting from an injury when Chamberlain’s Liniment is applied before the parts become inflamed and swollen. For sale by City Drug Store. JACKSONVILLE’S NEW MARKET JACKSONVILLE, OREGON. Rough and THE CENTRAL MEAT MARKET Dressed Lumber of All Kinds ESTIMATE FURNISHED THE BLUE JAY POSTAL SHOP Head Quarters for Scenic and Novelty Postals. Wholesale and Retail business. Send us a Trial Mail Order. Our Aim is to Please.' 31S>; Main St. JLJUJ" - —'3-='- ——L-J Medford, Ore. ;• I Will make it a practice to always have on hand the choicest cuts of beef, pork, mutton and veal, fowls when ordered Sausage our specialty Bradburn & Billings, Proprietors I f