LOCAL NEWS Zack Cameron of Applegate spent a few hours in town Monday. Miss Edith Hammond is spending the week with Ashland friends. Lay in your Winter’s reading now while you can get it for so little. Note the new ads. in this issue ol the P ost —and they all bring results. John W. Neilson of Gold Hill was in Jacksonville Tuesday on professional business. Mrs. H. K. Hanna left for Oakland Cal., Monday morning where she will spend the rest of the winter. Experience is the only teacher in handling and buying fruit and vegetab­ les, 1 have had it—Boss. L. C. Washburn a prominent farmei ---- of Rogue River transacted business in our city Monday. The Emerick serves meals at all hours. Everything neat and clean, prices reasonable. 11-tf Mrs. Richard Bland (nee Mrs. Anna Martin) of Grants Pass visited rela­ tives here a few days ago. Mr. James A. Kiser of Medfora spent a few days with his brothel h rank Kiser of this city this week. Miles Cantrell and Herman Offen- bacher of the Applegate country were trading with our mechants Saturday. County Judge Jewell of Grants Pass was a recent visitor in Jacksonville as was also attorney’s Durham, Nor­ ton and Colvig. Dr. Lockerage of Grants Pass was in town Monday attending Win. Owens who is ill with pneumonia at the home of W. T. Grieve the county assessor. Chuck Wilcox who has been spenc- ing the holidays with relatives in Jack­ sonville left Saturday for Oakland Cal. where he will resume studies at Si Mary’s College. Sidney and Clara Abbott who have been spending the holidays with their parents in this city returned to Cor­ vallis Sunday to proceed with their Btudies at the O. A. C. FOR SALE—Two good farming horses weighing 1200 and 1300 pounds. One set of harness. One three-inch low wheel wagon. Call on or address Adolf Schulz, Jacksonville Oregon. Mrs. Chas. Delin of Portland and Miss Leona Gleason lately of Cleve­ land Ohio, who have been visiting Medford relatives this winter, were calling on Jacksonville friends Mon­ day. The firemen’s ball given on New Year night was a grand success both socially and financially. Everyone seemed to be well pleased. The net financial results amounted to about $26. There’s always something missing without I. W. H arper whiskey. It’s so old and so extensively used every­ where that we should find it hard to get along without it. Sold by E. H. H elms . About 40 people from Jacksonville attended “The Alaskan” at the Med­ ford opera house last Saturday night. They speak in the highest terms of the play and think it the best comic opera ever played in Medford. Among the number attending from here was: Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Miller, Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Neuber, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Campbell, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Cole­ man, Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Burnett, Mrs. Chas. Prim, Mrs. W. C. Lang, Misses Prim, Donegan, Wendt. Sears, Jones, Neuber, Nunan, Neil, Messrs Neil, Davis, Shaw, Donegan, Potter and many others. i » The people of Astoria should, one and all, tiiank Mr. Evans for what he has done for them. He built them a rail- ro id, one of the finest in the state. H j brought #50,000,000 to the city and only asked a paltry few thousand dol­ lars from the citizens who will receive every cent of it back with good inter­ est. With modern electric cars running upon our streets, connecting several smaller towns of the valley Jackson­ ville would grow more rapidly than any city in the valley. Should Cap. Evans return to this city next spring and offer one half the proposition he offer­ ed last summer we should jump at it. He has made good in Astoria and can make good here. A town cannot grow and prosper without rail facilities and the more railroads and the better the equipment the more rapid and solid the town will grow. Think it over and boost for an electric line, boost hard and we will get it assist the proposi­ tion financially, and you will get every cent of it back in cash with interest besides developing the country and the town. If every citizen in the city would put up #2.50 each we would have an elec­ tric radroad here within four months. See what they have done in Astoria. De same man who caused that line to be built offered the citizens of this town the same proposition and they rejected it. The $2,500 of stock sold brought $50,000,000 to the city. 4 OFFICIAL DIRECTORY UNITED 01 1\ 1ES 'ren’dent................................. . Theodore Roosevelt /ice- President...................... Chas. W. Fairbanks Secretary of State................. .. Elihu Root Secretary r»f Treasury.......... ■ G. B. Cortelyou eeretary of War Luke E. Wright attorney General.......... Chas. J. Bonaparte '«»stmaster General ......... Von L. Meyer •eeretary of Nr.vy ......... V. C. Metcalf •« t rotary interior .... Jxs. G. Garfield ecr«’t«i’v <>f Agriculture Jas Wilson •retary of Commerce, O. V. Strauss h ief Ju tice.. Melvin V Fuller ■»pat ion Warner............... U. S. Pension Com’r S. Richants . U. S. Land Cum'r I ATE OF OREGON I. S. Senators Founded in 1878 by the emiaert fi< r.eer sec man, James Vick. It is a Heme Magazine Chas W. Fulton Jonathan Bourne ■p. in Congrt i.S. Ut D . W. <’. Hawley Geo. E. Chamberlain ■'ec. of State............................... Frank W. Benson tale Treasurer ......................... Geo. A. Steel ttorney-General...................... A. M. Crawford late School Supt..................... ...J. H. Ackerman tate Printer............................... . . Willis Duniway up reine Court R. S. Bean,... ............... C’f Justice F. . A. Moore Justice Robt. Eakin Justice Will R. King, Com’r W. T Slater Com’r J. C. Moreland, clerk 'airy ami Food Com’r J. W. Bailey o. p. Hoir *uor Commissioner a il road Com’rs......... Thus. K. Campbell Clyde B. Aitchison Oswald West ate Game Warden R. O. Stevenson mk Examiner.............. James Steel ' a it* Engineer ........... John H. Lewie xAto Land Agent......... .. .C. V. Galloway led. Slate Lund Board ... G. G. Brown .. C. J. Korinuk late Veterinarian FIRST JUDICIAL Don’t Take The Risk. When you have a bad cough or cold do not let it drag along until it becom­ es chronic bronchitis, or develops into an attack of pneumonia, but give it the attention it deserves and get rid of it. Take Chamberlain’s Cough Re­ medy and are sure of prompt relief. From a small beginning the sale and use of this preparation has extended to all parts of the United States and to many foreign countries. Its many remarkable cures of coughs and colds have won for it this wide reputation and extensive use. Sold by City Drug Store. Worlds Events one year *51.00 Home Herald 13 numbers $ .50 Vick’s Magazine or.e year $ .50 Jacksonville Post one year$1.50 Lame Shoulder. This is a common form of muscular rheumatism. No internal treatment is needed. Apply Chamberlain’s Lini­ ment freely twice a day and a quick cure is certain. ThiB liniment has proven especially valuable for muscu­ lar and chronic rheumatism, and is sure to give quick relief. Chamber­ lain’s Liniment is also most excellent for sprains and bruises. Price 25 cents; large size 50 cents. For sale by City Drug Store. The Boss has reduced the price on his fancy Chinaware. This offer is for old and new Subscribers. Come in earl} Great half price other ested are hereby notified to make or file their ob jections if any they havo to final account on or before said date and time. January 4. 1909. KATE REED, Administratrix of Estate of Carlos Duane Reed, deceased. —......... ♦----------- Notice for Publication. Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at Roseburg, Oregon. Oct. 28, 1908. Notice is hereby given that EMMA WAYNE REED of No. 3814 North Cheyenne St., Tacoma Wash­ ington, who, on Oct. 27 1908 made Timber Claim entry. No. 02033 for n ’X i of S W*4, N w ' i of S EVi and S w'/f of N E’/i of. Section 10, Township 38. S. Range five west of Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make Final Timber Claim Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before E. D. Briggs, U. S. Commis­ sioner, at Ashland. Oregon on the 16th day of January 1909. Claimant names as witnesses; Frank Greive. of Ashland. Oregon Sanford S. McKercher. of Ashland. Oregon Duncan T. Mc- Kercher. of Ashland. Oregon Pearley G. Pack­ ard. of Ashland. Oregon. BENJAMIN L. EDDY. Register. Jacksonville Notice for Publication Department of The Interior U. S. Land Office At Roseburg, Oregon, Nov. 6, 1908. Notice is hereby given that JOHN C. NELSON of Portland. Oregon, who, on November 5, 1908, made Sworn Statement, No. 02165. for NW 1-4, Section 24, Township 39 South, Range 5 West, Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make Final Proof, to establish claim to the and above described, before Register and Receiv­ er. at Ri a ¿burg Oregon, on the 23rd day of March, 1909. Claimant names as witnesses: George R. Hamersly, of Roseburg, Oregon David Martin, of Roseburg, Oregon Charles E. Carlson, of Portland, Oregon Robert A. Preston, of Myrtle Creek, Oregon. BENJAMIN L. EDDY. Register. Administrator’s Notice In The County Court of the State of Oregon For Jackson County. In The Matter of the Estate of James F. Man­ kins Deceased. Henry Mankins, the Administrator of the es­ tate of the above named decedent, having filed herein his duly verified Final Report in the mat­ ter of the said estate, public notice is hereby given that the Honorable J. R, Neil as the judge of the above entitled Court has set and appointed Saturday the 23 day of January 1909, at. the hour of 10 o’clock A- M. of said day as the time, and the office of the said County Judge of Jackson County, Oregon, in the Court House in Jackson­ ville, Jackson County Oregon sa the place for the hearing of said Final Report; ail persons in­ terested will appear at said time and place and make any objections they may have tn the aj - proval of the same. Dated at Jacksonville. Oregon, December 21. 1908. Henry Mankins, Administrator of the estate of James F. Mankins, Deceased. Medford, Ore. The Astoria Leader prints a long H. K. HANNA jr. article from the pen of F. L. Evans, Lawyer captain of industry, in which he thanks Office: One block south of depot. the people for what they have done for him. This is pecular proceedings. JACKSONVILLE, OREGON ! |William Ulrich is now duly appointed. elected, qualified and acting Assignee of the estate of said insolvent. All of the creditors of the said i T. J. Kenney are hereby notified to present , their claims, under oath, to the undersigned. I within three months from this date. This n<> . tice is published in the Jacksonville Post, arid I the first publication thereof is dated this 7th day , of November, 1908. WILLIAM ULRICH. Aaaigne ' HAIL LIMBER CO. _________________________ JACKSONVILLE, OREGON. Rough and Dressed Lumber of All Kinds ESTIMATE FURNISHED America’s Greatest Weekly THE TOLEDO BLADE TOLEDO, OHIO. ■ The Best Known Knews- paper in the United States •gister.... •ceiver ... ................ B.L. Eddy ....J. M. Lawrence JACKSONVILLE. lenry G. Dox................ rank Kasehafer......... )r. J. W. Robinson... lenry G. Dox.............. I. M. Cronemiller.... John HuflTer................ leo. L. Davis................ ¿mil Britt..................... •’red J. Fick................ T. J. Kenney................ Sam Walsh.................... Geo. Lewis.................... ......... Justice of peace ...................... Constable ............................ Mayor ...................... Roeorder .....................Treasurer ........... Chief of Police ................. Councilman ................. Councilman ................. Councilman ................. Councilman Street Commissioner ........................... Sexton Sugar Pine Shakes.............. #10 00 M. Cedar Posts........................ 15^ each Ewe Posts........................... #1.25 each For sale in quanities to suit Nunan Taylor Co. Popular in Every State. Headache For Years any disagreeable after-effects, as they do not derange the stomach nr bowels; just a pleasurable sense of relief follows their use. G< t a package from your drug­ gist. Take it according to direc­ tions, and if it does not benefit lie will return your money. tate Senator.... .................. L. L. Mulit, Ashland epresontatives, ................... M, Purdin, Medford D. II. Miller, Medford J. A. Buchanan Rose hui g oint Rep....... o. Judge......... J. R. Neil. Jacksonville lerk................ . . .W. R. Coleman. Jacksonville horiff.............. . ......... W. A. Jones, Jacksonville ecordor........... .. . R. T. Burnett. Jacksonville rcAsurer........ J. M. Cronemiller, Jacksonville J. P Weite. Jacksonville ehool S'.ipt.... is. lessor........... W. T. Grieve, Jacksonville urveyor.......... ............ F. A. Grisez, Ashland ......... A E. Kellogg. Gohl Hill kroner............. ’onunissioners,... . J. Patterson, Talent James Owens, Wellen ......... Chas. Tull. Medford ,G. W. Taylor, Jacksonville Circulation 200,000 In many respecta th# Toledo Blade is th< mott remarkable weekly newspaper publich- i ei in the United Stater, It is the only I newspaper especially edited for National cir- ! culation. It has had the largest circulation 1 for more years than any newspaper print­ ed in America. Furthermore, it is the cheap- 1 est newspaper in the world, as will lie ex I plained to any person who will write uf for terms. The News of the World so ar­ ranged that buisy people can moro easily comprehend, than by reading cumbersom col­ Dr. Miles»’ Anti-Pain Filin relieve p;...i. umns of dailies. All current topics madt For headache Dr. Mil»*s' Anti-i aln i’llln plain in each issue by special editorial mat- I tel written from inception down to date. The only paper published especially for pe<- plc who do or do not read daily new»- ' papers, and .vet thirst for plain facte, That- this kind <»f a newepaper is popular i¡ I proven by the fact that the Weekly Bla