LOCAL NEWS LOCAL NEWS COUNTY BOOKS TO BE EXPERTED Herbert Cale of Colestin was in torn The temperance meeting at the Tuesday interviewing his numerous court house last Saturday night was The county court may have the coun- | customers. not very large owing to several other ty books experted. T. M. Wilson, haa : Mrs. Kate Hoffman, Misses I««ie : meetings in the eity on that same eve­ been communicated with regarding the McCully and Kate Cronemiller were ning. Mr. James R. Knodell is a very work and if he will agree to the terms ! shopping in Medford Wednesday mor- eloquent speaker and has addressed of a contract prepared by the county ninf. large audiences throughout this sec- court, the work will be startes. Win. Schulz and w’fe who have been tion of the state. visitlug friends on Applegate, came A musical treat was given the pub- BANK R0BBERS~ in Wednesday and left the same lie at the U. S. Hall last Sunday by IN PORTLAND for Medford. the Jacksonville Musical Club, under C. F. Leavenworth the mining ax- the direction of Mrs. Caughthran. The part has returned from a business trip program was well arranged and every­ The East Side Bank of Portland was body who attended was amply paid for held up and robbed last Monday after­ Portland and Seattle. noon. Three men entered the bank Miss Agnes Broad has gone to Med­ their time. The moving picture show continues and two were stationed outside as look­ ford where she will remain a few to draw a good crowd. The Haunted outs. The robbers took $14,743.90, weeks. For the Father--A Hat . . . $5.00 Gas Newbary has sold his ranch con- Castle picture with its dissolving effect $200 in gold was found on East Sixth street by a deputy sheriff. SSetinx of 50 acres located between was a hummer. the Mot her- -A Man’s Reefer . 3.50 Note-the new ads. in this issue of here end Medford for $10,500 to Mason Those holding tickets for the concert the Sister--Sweater (man ’ s style) 5.00 Leffland of Medford. Mr. Newbury the P ost —and they all bring results. Tuesday night can get them reserved cleared four thousand dollars by the The large printing press installed in at the City Drug Store. the Brother-A Tie ... .75 transaction. this office is doing excellent work. the Grandfather-^» pair Hose . 1.50 Mrs. Chas. Nickell and little daught­ Experience is the only teacher in It is a cylinder press of the two-revolu­ er of Sterling visited relatives in Jack­ Grandmot Aer-Umbrella (man’s style) 3.50 handling and buying fruit and vegetab­ tion type. sonville this week. les, I have had it—Bow. the Uncle-Vest . . 3.50 The Jacksonville Library Association Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Taylor, Mr. and the Aunt- Lounging Robe (man ’ s style) 4.50 will give a concert Tuesday night in Mrs. R. T. Burnett, Mr. and Mrs. C. J. i the U. S. hall for the library benefit, for the Cook- Gloves (manish cut) 1.00 Kenney, W. R. Coleman and Gus New­ 1 good program assured. bury attended the Elks Memorial ser­ Jicktontille People Should Learn to Dt- the Hired Jfan-Handkerchiefs 1.50 DIED vices at Ashland Sunday. led the Appronti of Kidney Disease. the Sweetheart-CoWox Bag 2.50 ! BEAVENUE -At Eureka California, L> Lytle and family left for Trek a Total $32.25 Thursday, December, 10, 1908, Ralf Cal., Thursday morning, Mr. Lytle are The symptons of kidney trouble expects to open a saloon In that city. so unmistakable that they leave no Beavenue. Saved by not having to buy for the ladies 17.50 The deceased leaves a wife and dau­ Gus Newbury went to Klamath Falls ground for doubt. Sick kidneys ex­ Total Cost $14.75 this week to look after a land contest crete a thick, cloudy, offensive urine, I ghter. He leaves several relatives in full of sediment, irregular of passage this city. case. Mrs. Chaa. Prim, Miss Maud Prim or attended by a sensation of scalding. Posters are out announcing the an­ and Mrs. John Miller wore in Medford The back aches constantly, headaches nual excursion to San Francisco which and dizzy spells may occur and the vic ­ Thursday. tim is often weighed down by a feeling will leave Ashland on December 26. Chaa. Basye has been in the Jump- of languor and fatigue. Neglect these Those who have not visited the “Windy Off-Joe country several days thia week warnings and there is danger of dropsy City” since the fire will have an op­ looking after mining interests. Bright's Disease, or diabetes. Any portunity to see the new San Francisco George Moritt who occupiea a posi- one of these symptoms is warning at a small cost. lien in I he Medford schools spent Sun- enough to begin treating the kidneys E. W. Walls, who is interested in day with his aunt Miss Issie McCully at once. Delay often proves fata). the Jacksonville Real Estate company in this city. You can use no better remedy than of this city, was transacting business George Henry principal of the Eagle Doan’s Kidney Pills. Here’s Jackson­ in the city Thursday. Mr. Walls is Point school spent Saturday and Sun­ ville proof: one of Jackson county’s most progres­ day at his home in Jacksonville. Mr. Mrs. M. H. Rountree, living dn the sive fruit raisers, thus he is enabled Henry is giving good satisfaction and North side, Jacksonville Ore., says: to tell the newcomer from practical ex­ haa already been engaged to teach "Backaehe and dizzy spells, made life perience what the soil will produce. the spring term at that Dlace. a burden to me for a long time. I suf­ This company has some very choice fruit and farm lands. J. P. Welle and Floyd Edgington fered so severely from dull pains in Miss Fay Sears spent Sunday with spent last Sunday at their homes in my back and hips that I could hardly get around. I was tierd and worn out and Medford friends. Ashland. | had no ambition to attend to m> or­ There’s always something missing A very enjoyable meeting of the dinary household duties. If I attempt­ without I. W. H arper whiskey. It’s “500 ’ club was spent last Saturday ed to stoop sharp twinges would dart so old and so extensively used every­ evening st the home of the Missess through my back and I would also suf­ where that we should find it hard to Prim’s. fer from dizziness. I used many re­ get along without it. Sold by E. H. Attorney W. E. Phipps of Medford medies but obtain«! no relief until I H elms . procured Doan’s Kidney Pills, on the waa in the county seat Monday. Mrs. Lewis Ulrich was in Medford M. M. Scott and Fred Minthorn of advice of a friend, at the City Drug Tuesday afterneon. Woodville were in Jacksonville on busi­ Store. The results obtained from us­ Mr. and Mrs Robert Burnett spent ing this remedy were better than I had ness Monday. last Saturday and Sunday with Ash­ hoped for. 1 improved from the time Chaa. Meeerve a prominent real land friends. zwtate man of Medford was doing busi­ I began using Doan’s Kidney Pills and T Mrs. Grant has moved her resturant when I had used three boxes I was ness in Jacksonville Wednesday. into the Dunnington & Deneff building completely cured. I cannot say too C. P. Briggs of Butte Falla was in much in praise of Doan's Kidney opposite Russells’s confectionery store. Jacksonville a few days this week on Pills.” The Boss has reduced the price on bueineee. Mr. Briggs is the postmast­ We are now offering one of the best For Sale by all Dealers. Price 50 his fancy Chinaware. er and druggist at Butte Falls. cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, There will be an excursion to San clubbing propositions ever offered the Mrs. Ed Hanley and children tarried New York, Sole Agents for the United Francisco in the near future, starting citizens of Jackson county. The club­ a few hours in Jacksonville Thursday States. from Ashland. The fare has been bing offer consists of three of Ameri­ of the year to use varnish in painting your house, it will prevent the morning. Remember the name—Doan’s and greatly reduced. They expect to ca’s leading magazines (all to one ad­ moisture from soaking into the wood. dress) and the Jacksonville P ost one take no other. start on December 26. The Rebesah Lodge of thia city held year for $1.75. their semi-annual election of ofliicora The Weather. “Our Day” recently consolidated last weak. The following were elected REPORTOFTHECONDITIONOFTHE Following is the report of U. S. Vol­ with “World Events” is a magazine of to serve the eneuiug six months: Hrs. 8EEKMA8 BANKINC HOUSE unteer Cooperative Observer, E. Britt; national events (historical,) and treats Raiasa Danford, noble grand, Miss I.eo- Fred J. Fick, Contractor and Builder. for Jacksonville, for month of August; on all prominent questions all over the at Jacksonvills in the State of Oregon, aa Ulrich, vioo-grand, Mrs. Lewie Latitude 42 deg. 18. min. north; longi­ world. An excellent magazine pro­ at the close of business, Nov. 27, 1908. secretary; Mrs. Elizabeth Cronemiller tude 123 deg. 5 min. west. RESOURCES. fusely illustrated. treasurer. DATE MAXI­ MINI­ ERECT- i ‘¡Home Herald” is a magazine for U. S. Bonds securities, war­ I'R'CTR MUM MUM TAT’N ' DAY John Orth wee over from Medford the home, along religious lines. Treats rants etc....................... $91,000.00 Thursday on business. 45 1 ....-TV 71 .12 . .Cloudy on the progress of Christainity in for­ Cash on hand and due from 60 2 ......... 41 .<2 1 eign countries. It also has short and 8 70 40 clear Lodge. No. 4, Royal Arch Masons, reserve banks............... 52,235.19 4 71 3< continu«! stories. “Home Herald” is held ite election of officers to aeree 6 ......... 75 «9 79 38 ........ a weekly magazine. the following year last Tuesday even­ Total......................... 143,235.19 6 7 .......... 89 42 Bought and Sold ■ «6 “Vick’s Magazine” is a periodical H ........ 45 ing: Emil Britt, high priest; T. T. LIABILITIES. y ........ 75 47 of progress, containing 36 pages, well Shaw, king; I. C. Ilobnett, scribe; C. Capital stock paid in............... I 150.000.00 10........ 70 48 59 51 .......... illustrated. Harness, and Harness Supplies, DeVilbiss Pliers, Carborundum C. Beekman, treasurer; James Crone­ Surplus fund.............................. 17,566.52 11 66 12 .......... 51 61 51 These are the three best magazines 18 ........ .07 .Cloudy Grinders for Grinding Plows and all Edged Tools. It will save its miller, secretary; David Linn, captain 1 Due to banks and bankers i 193.67 14 ........ 53 SO .Cloudy we have on our list of about twenty. price in one season grinding plow sheares. 51 af boat; C. C. Beekman, Royal Arch . Individual deposits subject to 40 18 .Clear 54 lrt .......... 36 Read the following list and judge captain; John F. Miller; master of first check................................ 72,875.00 17 .......... 58 38 .68 Lustrelac and Enamel and Carriage Paint 52 30 for yourself: 18 ......... .28 vial; J. W. Reblaeon, master of third Demand certificates of de­ 53 42 19 .. vail; Thee Cameron, guard. Paint Brushes. 61 35 21».......... posit. ............... . .............. 2, «00.00 21 World’s Events, 12 Numbers........ $1.00 60 .......... 29 K4 30 22 Home Herald, 13 numbers............. .50 The eeasi-annnal election ef officers 65 M Total........... .50 148,235.12 24 ......... Vicks, 12 numbers........................ ef the I. 0. O. P, lodge cccured et the 67 85 7ft 86 25 .......... Jacksonville P ost , weekly county aaeeflag last week: Charles Thjnford STATE OF OREGON. 74 41 , 36 .......... ! 88 r, .......... seat paper................................. 1.50 . Clear Jr., noble gr«nd; Frank Rountree, County of Jack von, ) sa: Ryan Building Opposite U. S. Hotel e- 40 53 ¡ 28 v1eo-tv»ad. Charlee Basye, secretary; 65 29 .......... trace 57 I, C. C. Beekman, Owner of the 80 $3.50 1 Lewis Ulrich, financial secretary; Silas 60 I St 1 above named bank, do solemnly swear SI $1.75 All to one address for J. Day, treasurer. that the ubove statement ia true to the Temperature—mean max. 64.54; mean Several Tungsten electric lamps have best of my knowledge and belief. This is the greatest half price offer min. 40.74; mean 52.28. Max. 89 on 7d, boon installed in the city under a pro­ C. 0. BEEKMAN. min. 28, on 21; greatest range 47. ever given the reading public in this mise that the light hill will be reduced. Subscribed u:id sworn to before me Precipitation Total for month, 5.41 county. Renewals will count the same as new The light bill will not be reduced, only this 9, day of Dec., 1908. inches. Greatest in 24 hours, 3.25 inches Save money for the light company. subscriptions. S ilas J. D ay , Notary Public. on 14th. A SUH ABLE LIST OF PRESENTS FOR THE F AMIE Y NEEDFUL KNOWLEDGE Come In and let us show you the many things that will make acceptable pres­ ents as well as useful ones. Always Willing to Show Model Clothing Co LEADING CLOTHIERS Corner 7th and Bartlett St LISTEN MEDFORD, ORE. f? This is the Time IT IS NOT EXPENSIVE Í All Kinds Second Hand Goods ; T. L. De Vore, Jacksonville, Ore. For Particulars Address Medford ....Hot Tamales • • • • Furniture Co Have 500 Beautiful Christina« Souvenir« to be given away FREE to every Lady who will call ami register name and address- YOU DON’T HAVE TO BUY HOT SOFT DRINKS AND OYSTER COCK TAILS AT However we carry the Best selection of Furniture, Carpet«, Wall Paper, Bedding etc., south of Portland. Candies, Nuts, Oranges & Ice Cream in Jackson County. RUSSELLS STORE *4 Freight Prepaid to all Rail Road Points Remington Typewriter Company Portland Oregon MEDFORD FURNITURE CO. MEDFORD. OREGON. Prompt Delivery