I At the Ontario Agricultural College PAPERS FROM THE RAILROAD OPENS ASSASSIN HAAS in ten years 30 cuttings, yielding over OLD WORLD FERTILE COUNTRY TAKES OWN LIFE 5 tons an acre, were made. An experi­ By JimM Dryden. ment showed its great soil enriching Plenty More Like This in Jacksonville. (Continued from last issue.) We are in receipt of a bundle of (Special Correspondence.) Haas, the man who shot Francis J. qualities. Wheat grown after alfalfa Scores of Jacksonville people can Interest in the joint meeting of the Heney committed suicide in the county tell you about Doan’s Kidney Pills. the farmer. Forty cent butter and a yielded 61.5 bushels per acre and after newspapers from foreign countries sent to this office from the Chamber- jail at San Francisco. Lying in bed State Horticultural Society and the scarcity of good fresh milk is the evi- timothy sod 42.1 bushels. In the two Many a happy citizen makes a public succeeding years the alfalfa sod pro­ lain Medicine Co., Des Moines, Iowa. Northwest Fruit Growers’ Association he pulled the covers over him, placed I statement of his experience, Here is dense of a lack of green food. What is needed in the valley is the duced 30.2 bushels of barley and 24 Anyone wishing a bundle of these odd is universal throughout this part of the a derringer to his head and fired, kill a case of it. What better proof of forage crop that will utilize the soil bushels corn, while the timothy sod ■ papers may have the same by sending United States and British Columbia. W himself instantly. merit can be had than such endorse- How Haas got hold of the revolver ment? and furnish green food and pasture produced 19.7 bushels barley and 17.9 ! | 10 cents to the above address to cover The State Association holds a conven- ' the postage. tion in Portland Tuesday, December with which he killed himself is a my- during the dry season. Will alfalfa bushels corn. The three crops on the , K. Boaz, Retired, living on the East fill the bill? If alfalfa could be raised alfalfa sod were worth about $90 while i To an American newspaper man it lst, this is followed by two days’ stery. No one was allowed to come or side, Jacksonville, Ore., says: “I suf- is interesting to note the manner in meeting of the Northwest, Association. K° from the institution. Sheriff Dolan extensively and successfully it would those on the timothy sod were worth which the colonial English newspapers Convention and exhibit will occupy two sa‘d that he would have every man in fered a great deal for several years change the face of nature and add im­ about $58. are made up. They still cling to the floors of the Woodmen’s Hall, Eleven- j hi® employ placed under ban until the from kidney and bladder trouble. The At the Oregon Agricultural College mensely to the value of the farms in most annoying symptoms were the too the Willamette valley. It would cheap­ alfalfa has been growing successfully methods which were practiced in this th and Alder Streets. A night session alleged carelessness on the part of the frequent passage of the kidney secre­ country fifty years ago. will be held in the Convention Room lf un guards was explained, for several years, and tests are being en the production of pork and beef and tions, over which I seemed to have no It is difficult to conceive how the on Tuesday, and a reception will be mutton. A good summer forage crop made by the agronomists with differ­ control and sharp shooting pains in the read-rs of some of the papers manage tendered to the delegates to both con­ ent varieties to determine which will is the one thing needful. Grandfather knows good whiskey and small of my back. My sleep was brok­ to handle them. Imagine a man in a ventions on Thursday evening, Dec- 1 Alfalfa has been grown for two thou­ suit the conditions best in the state. , since he was a boy harper has been en and my general health became his ........ choice, Its good enough for me. sand years in the Mediterranean re­ The station men are glad a( all times ' crowded street car trying to read a ember 3rd, by the Portland Commer- .... greatly run down I tried many reme­ gion. It has been grown successfully to answer questions in regard to its paper whose pages are 38 inches long cial Club from 8 to 11 o’clock. 7' The and for You too, in short it is the best dies but was unable to obtain relief and 29 inches wide. prizes for this show are very much the . _ guy hahper from E. H. H elms . in arid American for half a century. cultivation. and my condition gradually grew seri­ The Chamberlain Medicine Co., ad­ most valuable ever offered ™ ' and ' an i en-' A few miles from Corvallis, Mr. W. A gentleman traveling over what was ous. I was almost discouraged when vertises in papers printed in 32 differ ­ ormous rmous aiienuaiice attendance is anticipated. anciduaieu. 1 r .. , . c — . then regarded as a land unfit for set­ H. Hamlin cut this year 200 tons of al-' The Albany Apple Fair occupied the Change ID SoUtnCm Pacific TifflC I learned of Doan’s Kidney Pills, and tlement in Western Nebraska by rea­ falfa hay. It yielded about 21- tons to ent languages. The Chinese paper “Sin procured a box at the City Drug Store. Wan Pao, ” is an odd thing. center of the stage in Oregon activi­ the acre in two cuttings. Before seed- ; Table. son of its aridity discovered a thrifty Within a week I felt the beneficial With few exceptions the advertising ties. Albany gave Portland, Eugene; green alfalfa plant growing where no ing to alfalfa the land had been “crop­ effects of this remedy and in a very SOUTH BOUND TRAINS. other green thing could be found for ped out.” In fourteen years fourteen; pages would give our ‘ad’ writer the and Salem an object lesson in enter-! short time, I was entirely free from miles around. That was a demonstra­ grain crops had been taken from the nightmare. They seem to have little taining that it will take these cities a No. 15 ...................................10.35 A. V. the trouble. I can highly recommend conception of the value of space or at ­ long time to equal. The town is grow- No. 13 ................................... 3.20 P. M tion that satisfied the gentleman and , land, and Mr. Hamlin explains that on , Doan’s Kidney Pills and will do so on he purchased a large tract of land for j richer land the yield is much heavier. | tractive methods of presenting either ing and building hard surface pave- No. 225 (coach for Ashland) 10.15 P. M. I every opportunity.” the text or the illustrations. ments, while apples shown were equal I NORTH BOUND TRAINS. a trifle. On the same land he has since He further explains that the oldest1 For sale by all dealers, Price 50 fed fifty thousand sheep in one season stand yields the best, showing that it; A collection is on exhibition at this to the best. No. 14 ................................... 9.49 A. M. cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, office and any one desiring to look over The Oregon Star Dairy Association on alfalfa. Alfalfa goes down into the | takes several years on certain classes 1 No. 16 ................................... 5.24 P. M. | New York, sole agents for the United papers may have the privilege of has been recognized by the Agricul­ 1 depths of soil for moisture and through I of soil for the alfalfa to make a good the Note carefully that No. 16 North I States. tural Department at Washin ;ton, D. |1 doing so. wireless communication with the at­ | growth. I bound leaves 15 minutes earlier than I Remember the name Doan’s—and C., and assurance is given that Govern­ It looks as though an alfalfa cam- mosphere brings down from above food | take no other. heretofore. ment experts will participate in the 07 STEPS which feeds the plant and enriches the ; paign would be worth millions to this No. 13 arriving at 3.20 P. M. will j * ' state. soil. The Oyster season is now open and convention on December 10th at Salem. When in Medford stop at the Emeric A rate of a fare and a third for the have the Portland dailies of that morn- Since 1891 the acreage of alfalfa in [ 1 Luy & Keegan handles the famous ■ ■ I w^ere the 6nest of meals are served Kansas has increased from 34,388 to ASHLAND COMMERCIAL CLLEGE Eagle brand of oysters. Take a can round trip has been made from all ings issue. | and most corteous attention giver. points in the State. 615,000 in 1906. A recent bulletin from , I of these large Eastern oysters home These changes effective May 17, 1908. i Tiy us and see. 11-tf Ashland, Oregon- Klickitat County ’ s citizens joined in ! that state says of alfalfa: “The steer j to fry, 3tew or for cocktails. Something Special a monster optimistic rally at White ' feeders and mutton feeders of Kansas, Salmon, Washington, last Saturday. ! Colorado and Nebraska would be lost Business and Shorthand Training, thor- , CUT FLOWERS Expert publicity men and railroad ctfi- ' without it.” ough and practical. I C’als were present from Portland to; At the Kansas station it is stated: 6 months scholarship............$45.00. Cut Flowers, Funeral Remberances, take part in the event, which was one ' “A gain of 800 pounds of pork was 9 months scholarship........... 60.00. Potted Plants and Bulbs. Phone 606 of the most successful ever held in the made from a ton of alfalfa, and a lit­ ! Note the Special. 25 “Evergreen State.” tle less than that amount of gain was All students who secure a nine Medford Greenhouses. In the line with the general railroad made from an acre of alfalfa pasture. ” months scholarship and enter Septem­ development of this Northwestern Again, “we found that 100 pounds of ber 7, will be entitled to the combinrd What Would You Do? country was the completion of the rail­ of the year to use varnish in painting your house, it will prevent the alfalfa hay saved 96 pounds of corn.” course to July 1, 1909. This gives you In case of a burn or scald what would road from Elgin to Enterprise, which Figuring on the basis of these experi­ an extra month. Come and investi- moisture from soaking into the wood. ments it is stated that “with green al­ j gate. Address, P. RITNER, Pres. you do to relieve the pain? Such in­ affords an easy market for the Wallo­ juries are liable to occur in any family wa Valley. The final terminus will be falfa producing ten tons per acre and everyone should be prepared for Joseph. (20,000 pounds) it would produce 2000 ; them. Chamberlain’s Salve applied on No more interesting talk was ever pounds of pork, which, at 4 cents per a soft cloth will relieve the pain al­ made before the Portland Ad Club pound would be worth $80 per acre.” Fred J. Fick, Contractor and Builder. most instantly, and unless the injury than the address delivered by Dr. W. Director Burkett of the Kansas Sta­ is a very severe one, will cause the T. Williamson on “Suggestion the tion says: “By promoting the succes- parts to heal without leaving a scar. cheif force in advertising.” Members VS ful production of alfalfa the Station For sale by City Drug Store. 53 per thousand and their friends filled the hall. has not only extended the dominion of an imperial forage crop, but in so do­ -------- »------- PETER ENSELE & SONS The Jacksonville bakery will retail ing has discharged its own entire ex- Are prepared to furnish high­ Owing to an over supply of bond bread, and pastry at the bakery in the p..per we will print, for a short time The pense, and in addition has added mil- grade brick. Order from C. Ulrich future. Mr. Larsen is a good baker Mail Order Bond letter heads for $3.75 lions of dollars to the wealth of the and is turning out high-class goods. per thousand, any color. Document state.” bond $3.50 per thousand, this is what a great many offices use for their Iead- ;ng bond. We want to turn out 50,000 For Fine Wines, Liquorsand Cigars. letter heads next week. We have fiat and bond paper of all kinds with en­ DUNNINGTON & DENEFF, PROPRIETORS velopes to match. Don’t overlook this Pure Mineral Water Don’t Forget to Call on the Medford Tea, offer if you will be in need of letter Jacksonville, Oregon Bottled at the Spring heads soon. You can well afford to Coffee anb Chjna House. i __ lay in a year ’ s supply now while we and Delivered to We carry all kinds of dishes, art ware, pattery and are printing them at this figure. Other Your Residence fresh bonds at the same reduction. These Christmas goods. Largest dish houre in Southern Oregon are all water marked goods and of and Sparkling. Trading stamps given with all purchases good quality. Order From 216 W. 7 St. Medford, Oregon CASE AFTER CASE ALFALFA FOR OREGON This is the Time T IS NOT EXPENSIVE BRICK! BRICK! Criterion Saloon Cölestin CIIAS. F. DUNFORD. WHEN IN MEDFORD YOU! WILL HUNT FOR OIL AND COAL C. H. Pierce of the real estate firm of Pierce & Son will organize a com­ pany for the purpose of locating oil and coal. The company will also hand­ le orchard and farm lands. The company will probably take over 500 acres of land now owned by Mr. Pierce, east of Medford. It will be a stock company organized for $60,000. ....Hot Tamales • • HOT SOFT DRINKS AND OYSTER COCK TAILS AT Candies, Nuts, Oranges & Ice Cream Nervous _________ _____ Collapse “I have traveled for thirty years continually. I lost a great deal of sleep, which together with constant worry left me in such a, nervous state that finally, after having two collapses of nervous prostration, I was obliged to give up traveling al­ together. I doctored continually but with no relief. Dr. Miles’ Nervine came to my rescue—I cannot describe the suffering which this Nervine saved me. Whenever I am particularly nervous a few doses relieve me.” A. G. C. LIBBY, Wells. Me. There are many nervous wrecks. There is nervous pros­ tration of the stomach, of the bowels, and other organs. The brain, the kidneys, the liver, the nerve centers are all exhausted. There is but one thing to do— build up the nervous system by the use of Dr. Miles’ Restora­ tive Nervine. Its strength­ ening influence upon the nerv­ ous system restores normal action to the organs, and when they all work in harmony, health is assured. Get a bottle from your druggist. Take it all ac­ cording to directions, and if it does not benefit he will return I your money. REAL ESTATE $6000 5000 1500 3750 2750 8000 3000 2750 4000 3250 10,500 1650 4500 5500 2500 3000 55 acres, fruit, alfalfa, grain, near town. 30 acres, 10 acres grapes, balance esily cleared. 80 acres, 15 acres cleared balance timber. 120 acres. 35 acres meadow, good ditch, stock ranch. 25 acres, alfalfa, good ditch. 40 acres, in orchard, near growing town. 60 acres, best of orchard land, good location. 26 acres, 10 acres in trees balance timber. 12Vj acres, orchard and alfalfa, an ideal home. 160 acres, good fruit land, good location. 35 acres, orchard and alfalfa, good improvements. 13 acres, orchard land on good road, near town. 28 acres, alfalfa or fruit land, fine locality. 20 acres, alfalfa land with improvements, near town. 10 acres, in alfalfa best of land near town. 5 acres, in alfalfa and fruit, good 8 room house. other out buildings, near town. We have a large list of other property not herein specified. Im­ proved and unimproved at reasonable prices. Stock ranches, farming and fruit land in the best location. A crop failure in the vicinity is unknown. If you want to buy or sell come and see us. Our prices are right. Jacksonville Real Estate Comnnnv ADOLF SCHULZ, Manager