Jacksonville post. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1906-19??, November 21, 1908, Image 3

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T. L. De Vore, Jacksonville, Ore
Shoe and Harness Repairing
Harness Goods for Sale. Sole Leather for Sale.
Ryan Building
Opposite U. S. Hotel
Family Trade Solicited
Agents Albany Beer
The Dayton Or., Optimist has made
a change in its size. It was formerly
Ol FICIA^ PAPER OF THE CITY OF JACK­ a six column paper but now it reaches
our table with only four.
The last issue of the P ost was a lit­
tle late in reaching its readers, and
the only excuse we have to offer is
that—well; we "pied” a form.
Published every Saturday by the Post Pub-
ishing Co.
J. B. Barnes, Editor
Admitted as second-class matter at ‘Jacksonville,
Bryan went into this campaign feel­
ing confident that the third time is the
charm, but when awoke on the morn­
ing of November 4, he found that the
$1.50. catcher cougnt the third strike.
One year, by mail...........................
The four stamp mill recently owned
by Albert Gangwisch was sold to Dick
Roch last week and moved to Thomp­
son Creek.
Revival services nightly at the Me­
thodist church.
The “Valley Record, of Ashland, has
recently installed a "Linotype”.
Bert Yocom sold a nice load of hogs
to the local butcher Monday. Bacon >
time is nearing and hogs are in de-
Nunan - 7 aylor Co
The old stamp mill known as the
Beekman and Huffer mill, was sold to
Dr. C. R Ray and moved to Palmer
Creek. The mill is a three stamp mil)
formerly used in the Opp mine in this
All kinds New and Second Hand
Goods bought and sold. Want
to buy Junk. Old copper and
Rubber bought.
■ ■ —
Did it ever occure to the reader that
a railroad was never built to a city un­
less the people assisted financially?
When the O. R. & N. was built farm­
ers donated from five to fifty bushels
of wheat, and many Southern Oregon­
ians delivered wheat to Ashland and
Phoenix to help defray the expense of
this road. If you want an electric line
don’t be backward, assist it all you
The Civic Improvement Club will
plant shade trees along the road lead-
ing up to the cemetery.
Jay C. Sexton, cashier of the Bank
of Jacksonville, is engaged in the coun­
ty clerk’s office arranging the files in
the new steel cabinets.
There is considerable building activi­
ty in the southern metropolis, Ashland.
There being several brick buildings
under course of construction.
Rev. G. A. Gray is conducting a seri­
es of meetings at the Methodist church.
They will continue for some time.
----------- ----------------
Copyright 1908,
Dutchess Mfg. Co.
Easy in
Any Position
Dutchess Trousers are always comfortable
They are cut to fit, shrunk to shape, made
to stay. The best made for durability, every
pair warranted, 10 Cents a Button, $1 a Rip
As I have retired from the jewelry I
business in this city and my future |
location will be at Klamath Falls Ore-1
gon, I wish to announce that all repar­
ing and jewelry sold and guaranteed
by the undersigned will be cheerfully
made good shou! J there be any defects
in it in any manner. I wish to thank
my many patrons and friends in this
community for their patronage during the proceeds of said sale be applied as follows, scribed real property, to-wit:-
The n V» of theNWV«, the SEH of the NEW, the
>wit: first, to the satisfaction and payment of
my stay in your city. Geo. H. Hay- t the
expenses of said sale with the costs and dis­ fractional SW*4 of the NEV4 and the fractional
bursements of this suit and the attorney fees; NWV4 of the SE*4 and lots 8. 12, 17 and 18 and
The price placed on human life is too
cheap. In the court room in San Fran­
cisco a man (Haas) deliberately shot
an attorney in cold blood, for no other
reason than the attorney, Francis J.
Heney, would not accept him as a jur­
second, to the payment of plaintiffs’ judgment
It developed that this man Haas had
There is a report that I am handling herein, and the residue, if any, to be applied as
been in the penitentiary and theiefore
the court may direct. And for such other and
G<x>d full-weight bread at the Boss. Mr. Schiller's bread, there is no truth further relief as to the court may seem just and
was rejected by Heney as a juror,
whereupon Haas became angered and
procured a revolver. After practicing
square loaves from Allen & Reagans. This summons is published in the Jacksonville
Post by order of the Hon. H. K. Hanna, one of
shooting at targets for about a week,
the judges of the above entitled court, which said
he proceeded to the court room and
was made and dated in chambers on the
FOR SALE-One $50.00 No. 4 Sharp­
deliberately shot a man.
I 13th, day of November, A. D. 1908, wherein it is
less Cream Separator, 4 good milk MAIL SERVICE
I ordered that you appear and answer the complaint
I do not believe that once a criminal
cows and a number of young Stock,
and supplemental complaint on file herein on or
always a criminal, but I do believe
DISCONTINUED before the expiration of six weeks from the date
Call on or write. Adolf Schultz.
that some men are criminals for life,
prescribed in said order as the date of the first
Jacksonville Ore.
and these men Bhould be segregated
The early morning mail from Med­ publication of this summons.
from those who will reform, and these WANTED—A girl to work in restau­ ford will be discontinued after Novem­ The date of the first publication of this sum­
mons is November 14th., 1908 and the date of the
rant. Apply at Mrs. Gran*.
men placed beyond the power of par­
ber 21. This has been an unnecessary last publication on or before which date you are
doning pen.
expense because very little mail is required to appear and answer is December. 26th.,
Something must be done. Crime is
handled on this stage. It will throw A. D. 1908.
H. K. HANNA Jr..
spreading too fast. Our jails are over­
more mail on the railroad, which will
Attorney for plaintiffs.
crowded, and by men who have been
Office one block south of Courthouse
in jail before. Is the law too weak?
have no assurance of it arriving on
I do not believe that a twenty-year
Notice for Publication.
sentence is any more beneficial to the Filings made on homesteads and timber claims.
I Department of the Interior. U. S. Land Office
criminal than a five-year sentence. If Correct plats weekly showing all vacant lands.
at Roseburg. Oregon, Oct. 28. 1908.
$700.00 will buy 21 acres of Bear
Notary Public and Convevancer
a man cannot reform in five years he
Notice is hereby given that
creek bottom land if taken at once.
Legal papers of all kinds made out. Special
cannot reform in twenty.
Let us consider the social problems attention given to papers in settlement of estates.
of no . 3814 North Cheyenne St.. Tacoma Wash-
Adolf Schulz Mgr. ington, who, on Oct. 27 1908 made Timber Claim
Abstract of I .a nd Titles
of the day: It is human nature (made
entry. No. 02033 for N1^ of S wV«, n wVi of S EH
so by society, or by a class of people Most complete set of abstract books in the
and S w!4 of N E*4 of. Section 10, Township 38.
couuty. Abstract made promptly and accurately.
who feel that they are a little better
S, Range five west of Willamette Meridian, has
Real Estate aud Insurance
than any one else) to want to be the
filed notice of intention to make Final Timber
Fine list of county and town property for sale
Claim Proof, to establish claim to the land above
best in their particular vocation. Let and rent.
described, before E. D. Briggs. U. S. Commis­
man be what he is. If you are a mill­
In The Circuit Court of the State of Oregon
Money Loaned
sioner, at Ashland. Oregon on tho 16th day of
ionaire the diamond upon your breast Warrants bought and sold. Collections made. for Jackson County.
January 1909.
does not make you honest nor does it Taxes paid. Rents collected. Prompt reply to all
Claimant names as witnesses.*
Frank Greive. of Ashland. Oregon Sanford S.
make pou any better than your neigh­ letters. Charges reasonable.
McKercher, of Ashland. Oregon Duncan T. Mr-
bor. It is the greed for fine clothes
Laura G. Gardner and 1. W. Gardner
Kercher. of Ashland. Oregon Pearley G. Pack­
and jewelry that sends many men to Hon. H. K. Hanna judge 1st judicial district and George Churchman. Guardian of
ard. of Ashland. Oregon.
the cell, simply because he tries to im-
George McCarthy.
mitate that which he is not. Let the
Assignee’s Notice to Creditors.
great social functions of the day be
Notice of Final Settlement.
To Laura G. Gardner and I. W. Gardner and
less advertised and the people adopt a In the Matter of the Assignment of T. J. Ker- George Churchman. Guardian of the person and In the County Court of Oregon for Jackson
insolvent, in which William Ulrich is As­ estate of Florence G«>rge McCarthy, a minor, County.
more common style of dress and within ney,
and which proceedings are pending in , the above named defendants:
In the matter of the estate of John Beckner,
a few years crime will be reduced.
Missouri has a republican governor.
Some men are too lazy to go out and
meet returning prosperity half way.—
The trans-continental railroads are
preparing for a Westward rush of
homeseekers next spring. Welcome to
the Easterners.
Bryan says that he will be in Wash-
rgton on March 4. The people can
iook for a mammoth campaign issue
In 1902, from the Commoner on the
cruel inhuman treatment accorded the
people by listening to an inaugural
in Section 27 in Township 36 South of Range one
(1) west of the Willamette Meridian.
Taken and levied upon as the property of the
said Geo. R. Wilkerson and Dosie Wilkerson or so
much thereof as may be necessary to satisfy the
said judgement in favor said plaintiff with inter­
est thereon, together with all costs and disburse­
ments that have or may accrue.
Dated at Jacksonville, Oregon, Oct. 26, 1908.
W. A. JONES. Sheriff. By R. B. DOW Deputy.
Thia distressing disease results from
a disordered condition of the stomach,
and can be cured by taking Chamber-
lain’» Stomach and Liver Tablets. Get
a free sample at Robinson's drug store
«nzl few it
costs of this writ which said judgement was dock­
eted in the clerk's office of said court on the 19th
day of October. 1908.
Notice is hereby given, that by virtue of saki
execution and in compliance with the command»
of said writ, I will on Monday. November 30. 1908
at the hour of 2 o'clock P. M. of said day at the
front door of the Court house in Jacksonville.
Jackson County, Oregon sell at public auction
to the highest bidder for cash the following de-
Notice for Publication.
that the lands described below,
N embracing
90 acres, within the Crater
h o
for the sale of ail of said property therein descril»-
ed. to-wlt: The N. W. '* and the N W < .f
8. E. V» of Section 21, and the 8. E . U of the S.
W H of Section 16. Township 33 South of Rang*-
2 West of the Willamette Merer!Ian in Jackson
County. State of Oregon and that the same be
sold as upon execution and according to law and
the practise of this court, to satisfy the judgment
of plaintiffs' herein, interest, attorney fees and
the costs and disbursements of thia suit and thst
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for
the CountY of Jackson.
Martha 8. Stunkard. Plaintiff,
Matthew Stunkard, Defend­
To Matthew Stunkard, the above named de­
In the name of the State of Oregon, you are ~
hereby required to appear and answer the com­
Timber Land, Act June 3. 1878 — plaint of the above plaintiff in the alx>ve entitled
court, now on file with the Clerk of said Court,
Notice for Publication.
within ten days from the date of service of this
United States Land Office, Roseburg Oregon, summons upon you, if served in Jackson County,
April 29. 1908.
Oregon; but if serv«i in any other county in the
Notice is hereby given that in compliance with State of Oregon, then within twenty days from
the provisions of the act of Congress cf June 3, the date of the service of this summons upon you
1878, entitled “An act for the sale of timber or if personally served on you out of the State of
lands in the States of California, Oregon, Oregon, then within six weeks after the date of
Nevada, and Washington Territory,” as ex tend­ such service; and if served by publication thereof,
ed to all the Public Land States by aci of then within six weeks from the date of the first
I publication; and you are hereby notified that if
August 4, 1892,
you fail to appear and answer said complaint, as
Douglas hereby required, the plaintiff will apply to the
this Court for relief demand«! in said complaint, name­
office on Nov. 21. 1907, his sworn statement No. ly. for a decree dissolving the marriage contract
9812, for the purchase of the Southwest ’4 of existing between Plaintiff Martha S. Stunkard.
Section No 24, in Township No. 39, S. Range and defendant Matthew Stunkard. and for the
No. 5 W. W, M.. and will offer proof to show costs and disbursements of this suit to be taxed.
that the land sought is more valuable for its
Under and by virtue of an order made by the
timber or stone than for agricultural purposes Hon. L. K. Hanna, a judge of said Court, dated
and to establish his claim to said land before on the Kth day of Oct., 1908, this Summons is
Register and Receiver at Roseburg Oregon on serv«i on the defenciant by the publication there­
Thursday, the 19th day of November. 1908.
of for six consecutive weeks in the Jacksonville
He names as witnesses: w. L. Miller, of Ap­ Post, a weekly newspaper printed and published
plegate, Ore. Geo. Turner, of Roseburg. Ore. at Jacksonville, Jackson County Oregon, and the
F. Ruch, of Applegate. Ore. George W. Sparks defendant by said order is required to appear and
of Applegate. Ore.
answer within six weeks from the date of the
Any and all persons claiming adversely the first publication hereof.
above-described lands are request«! to file their
Date of first publication Oct. 10, 1908.
claims on or before said 19th day of November, I
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
---------- a-
National Forest, Oregon, will be sub­
ject to settlement anti entry under the
provisions of the homestead laws of
the United States and the act of Jnne
the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for ' In The Name of the State of Oregon: You and deceased.
Jackson County. Notice is hereby given by the each
___ — of , you
are ----------
- required
------ to
— ------
notice is hereby given that the undersigned 11, 1906 (34 Stat., 233,) at the United
undersigned Assignee, that T J. Kenney of and answer the complaint filed against you and administrator of the above entitled estate has States land office at Roseburg, Ore­
Jacksonville, Oregon on October 15th. 1908, ex­ each of you in the above entitled court and cause filed his final account with the clerk of said court gon on Dec. 28. 1908. Any settler who
ecuted and delivered to William Ulrich, a gener­ Within ten days from the date of the service of and the court has fixed Monday the 9th day of was actually and in good faith claim­
al deed of assignment, for the benefit of all his this summons upon you. if served within Jackson November. 1908 at 10 o’clock A. M. of said day as ing any of said lands for agricultural
creditors, and that thereafter, on October 30th, County, State of Oregon, or if served within any the time for the final hearing of the said final i purposes prior to January 1, 1906, and
1908, the selection of Baid Assignee was confirmed other county within thia state, then within Twen- account. All persons interest«! are hereby noti- , has not abandoned same, has a pre-
by an election of the undersigned by the credit­ 1 ty Days from the date of the service of this sum­ fled to make or lile their objections if any they I ference right to make a homestead
ors of the said T. J. Kenney, and that said mons upon you; or if served by publication, then have to said final account on or before said date entry for tne lands actually occupied.
Said lands were listed upon the appli-
William Ulrich is now duly appointed, elected, on or before the last day so prescribed in the or­ and time.
' cations of the persons mentioned De­
qualified and acting Assignee of the estate of der for publication of said summons; and you and
October 10th. 1908. »
low, who have a preference right sub­
said insolvent. All of the creditors of the said each of you will take notice that if you fail to so
ject to the prior right of any such
T. J. Kenney are hereby notified to present appear and answer said complaint within said
Administrator of the astate of John Beckner.
i settler,
their claims, under oath, to the undersigned. time, plaintiffs will take a default and a decree deoMMd.
or applicant is qualiffed to make
Within three months from this date. This no against you for the relief prayed for in their com­
. homestead entry and the preference
tice is pubH«hed in the Jacksonville Post, and plaint. and supplemental complaint towit:
right is exercised prior to Dec. 28,
the first publication thereof is dated this 7th day
That plaintiffs have judgment against each of
t ¿ / , on
me taritin
on which uaic
date the
lands will
will be
of November. 1908.
said defendants, Laura G. Gardner and I. W.
um Newbury. Administrator
to settlement and entry by any
Gardner and each of them for the sum of Two
' nt the estate of Arthur Pool,
qualified person. The lands are
Hundred and Ninety-five Dollars and Seventy­
follows: Ursurveyed, but what will
eight Cents with interest at the rate of eight per
probably be, when surveyed, the W. %
‘ eent per annum from the 10th. day of August. ;
Colds and Croup in Children.
j 1904. on Two Hundred and Fifty Dollars thereof,
of NE. % of SE. K; the NW. « of
Geo. R. Wilkerson and Dosie Wilkerson.
"My little girl is subject to colds,” and at the rate of six per cent per annum on
SE. <4; of SE. Ki the NW.
of SE.
Dollars and 8eventy-five Cents thereof I
ssys Mrs. Wm. H. Serig, No. 41 Fifth Twenty
By virtue of execution duly issued by the clerk 'A; and the N. % of SW. H of SE. %
from the 23rd. day of December. 19>6 and at the
St., Wheeling W. Va. “Last winter rate of six per cent per annum on Twenty dollars of the Circuit Court of Jackson county. State of of Section 26, T. 38 S., R. 3 W., W.
she had a severe spell and terrible and three cents thereof from August 6. 1908. and Oregon. dated the 26 day of October. 1908 in a M., listed upon the application of
certain action in the Circuit Court for said county
cough, but I cured her with Chamber- for the further sum of Fifty Dollars as attor ey and
State wherein the above mentioned plaintiff Charles William Thurman, of Ruch,
fees and for the costs and disbursement of this
Iain’s Cough Remedy without the aid suit
to be taxed; and for a decree against each, recovered a judgement against Geo R. Wilkerson Oregon, who alleged settlement in
of a doctor, and my little boy has been all and every one of you. the above named defen- j and Dosie Wilkerson for the sum of Two thous­ 1905. Fred Dennett, Commissioner of
prevented several times from having dan fa, decreeing that certain mortgage described and eight hundred seventy nine and 86-100 the General Laud Office. Approved,
($2879.86) Dollars with interest at the rate of six
the croup by the timely use of this in plaintiffs' complaint to be a first lien upon the , per
cent per annum from the 14th day of August. October 10, 1908, Frank Pierce, First
premises herein and in said mortgage and com- •
syrup. This remedy is for sale by the plaint
described and that plaintiffs' said rrort- 1908 and Twenty-one and 10-100 ($21.10) costs and Assistant Secretery of the Interior.
City Drug Store.
gage be'orwkjeed and that the u«ual decree be ma e Two hundred fifty ($250.00) attorney fees and
Si-k Headache.
BENJ a MI n L. EDDY Resister.
J. M. LAWRENCE, Receiver.
wiih ii
Notice of Filing Plat of Survey
Department of the Interior. Unit*«! Staten I .and
Office. Roseburg. Oregon. October IS, 1908.
Notice in hereby given that Section* 23. 24. 26
and 20. Tp. 39 8. R. 7 Went, W. M have been
surveyed. and the plat of survey will be filed in
thin office on November 24. 1908. at 9 o'clock A.
M and on and after such date we will be prepar­
ed to receive applications for the entry of lands
Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Offic
at Roseburg Oregon. September 23. 1908.
Notice is hereby given that.
of Watkins Jackson Co., Ore., who, on October
22. 1903, made homest<?ad application, no . 1318»’,.
8. R. 01359, for the South East '4. Section 4 Town­
ship 41 South. Range 3 West Willamette Meridian,
has fil«l notice of intention to make Final five
year Proof, to establish claim to the land above
describ«!, before W. H. Cannon U. 8. Commi.H-
sioner. at Medford, Oregon, on the ÿih day of
December, 1908.
claimant names as Witnesses:
Dick Traverse, of Watkins Oregon. William
G. Kiney, of Watkins Oregon. Edward Spencer,
of Watkins Oregon. Sylvester A. Smith, of Wat­
kins Oregon.
Timber Land,
June 3, 1878 —
Notice for Publication.
United States Land Office. Roseburg. Oregon,
April 29. 1908.
Notice is hereby given that in compliance with
the provisions of the act of Congress of June 3,
1878. entitled “An act for the sale of timber lands
in the States of California, Oregon. Nevada. and
Washington Territory,” as extend«! to all Public
Land States by act of August 4. 1892.
of Albany, county of Linn State of Oregon, filed
in this office on Dec. 26. 1907 his sworn statement
No. 9829, for the purchase of the N E V« of Section
No. 8, in Township No. 41 South Range No. 3
West. W M, and will offer proof to show that the
land sought to more valuable for its timber or
atone than for agricultural purposes, and to es­
tablish his claim to said land before the Register
and Receiver at thia office in Roseburg, Oregon,
on Saturday, the 21. day of Novemlier, IW*.
He names as witnesses: E. E. McKinney, of
Sublimity, Oregon. H W. Smith of Turner. Ore­
gon G. W. Kearns, of Grants I’ass Oregon. C. J.
Cameron of Gold Hill. Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lands are requested to file their
claims in this office on or before said 21st day of
November. 1908.