ANOTHER R. R. LINE TALKED OF Hon. vV. A. Carter of Gold Hill and Eastern Capitalists are at the Head. mer, who is now making his home in ✓---------------------------------------------------------------------- Eugene, will soon take up his residence there and will buy a fruit orchard, building a mansion there. Palmer and wife, accompanied hv his mother Mrs. Potter Palmer, cf Chi • tgo, left for Medford this afternoon to visit friends, By buying a so-called “cheap” Stove or Range but before they left Mr. Palmer assured all you make is a mistake. By buying a good a reporter that he has no intention of making that place his home. He is one—a Charter Oak—you do not even make a satisfied with Eugene as a place of mistake; you only save fuel and trouble and residence and intends in the near future money, in the end. A. 0. Houston will sell to purchase property for a dwelling you a Charier Oak Range, and anything that house. His sawmill enterprise will re­ you need in the line of HARDWARE, TINWARE quire his attention the greater part of his time and he cannot afford to reside GRANITEWARE AND CAMPING OUTFITS anywhere else. Eugene Daily Guard. I also carry the celebrated UN-X-LD Cutlery. Do Not Make a Mi stake According to advices received in this city this week it will will not be long before a company of eastern capital­ ists will be formed for the purpose of building a railroad line from the Rogue River Valley to the coast. A number of capitalists, assisted by W. A. Carter See Dunford & Overholt about that of Gold Hill, are already investigating the feasibility of such a line, and it is 8-room, two-story frame house. Fine expected that before long <»n announce­ well best in town- stone cellar, out­ ment will be made of the results of buildings, lot 100x100 feet. Ideal loct- their investigation. Mr. Carter recent­ tion, small fruits and berries in cult: ly returned from the east where he vation. Price $1300. went to confer with his associates. According to their investigations so SUMMONS far, it is stated that the line will be run from Gold Hill, passing near Cen­ tral Point on the west and striking , In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Jacksonville on the east, thence on to Jackson County. Phebe M. Dekum, Plaintiff Applegate and the coast. vs. SUMMONS Willis anti Il is apparent that the scheme of get­ Willis Wright, Wright, trustee. Defendants ting to the coast is the only solution of the present difficulties with reference Suit in equity for the foreclosure of a mortgage. to transportation and that the Rogue To Willis Wright, and Willis Wright, trustee, the above-named defendants: River Valley will never be developed IN THE NAMEOFTHE STATEOFOREGON:— until there is some means of transpor­ You and each of you are hereby required to appear tation provided that does not now ex­ in the above entitled Court and cause, and answer I the complaint tiled therein against you. within ten ist. days from the date of the service of this summons The amount of capital required to upon you. if served within Jackson county. Ore­ build a road to the coast is not great gon; or if served within any other county of Ore­ and upon investigation Mr. Carter has gon. then within twenty days from the date of found that the funds can be had when the service of this summons upon you; or. if served by publication, then on or before the last day pre- the case has been properly presented. scribed in the order for the publication of said A competent engineer has been re­ summons; and you will take notice that if you fail tained and he is preparing to investi­ I to so appear and answer said complaint within gate the various routes. He has been said time, plaintiff will take default and decree against you for the relief prayed for in her com­ instructed to report on the shortest plaint to wit route that can be constrcted from Rogue That the plaintiff have judgment against you and each of you in the full sum of four thousand one river. Already investigation has shown that hundred and fifty-e ght dollars, and the further sum of four hundred and fifteen dollars as attor­ a road will have an immense tonnage ney's fees, with interest upon both sums at the to start with. rate of six per cent per annum from September It is now thought that the Pacific & 30, 1907, until paid, and have judgment against you for the costs and disbursements of this act­ Eastern will d > nothing toward running ion t > be taxed; that that certain mortgage de­ their line to the coast for several scribed in said complaint be foreclosed and all of months, as the failure of the Oregon the property described therein, to-wit: Lots 1, 2. Trust & Banking Co., put quite a dam­ 3, 4. in block 1. all of block 2. all of block 3. all of blocks 4. 5. 6. 7. 8, 9. 10. 11. 12 and 13. and lots 2 8. per on their enthusiasm. 4. 5, 6. 7. 8, 9, 10 and 11 in block 14, lots 1, 2, 3, 6 Rumors of an electric line to run and 7 of block 16; lots 1, 2, 3. 4. 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and from Grants Pass to Ashland via Jack­ 11 in block 18, all of blocks 19. 20, 21. 22. 23 and 24; j all of said lotsand blocks being in bekum’s addi- j sonville is also in circulation. Better Than Spraying. W 1. McIntyre, the enterprising fruit grower, has probably discovered a simple remedy for all diseases of fruit trees, one that is easily and cheaply applied and one that will no doubt, bring about better results than the various sprays now being used. H s remedy is simply to dig the ground away from the roots of the tree and place a thick layer of wood ashes around them. Mr. McIntyre's theory is that all disease germs, of a neces­ sity, seek the roots of the trees during the winter, following the sap. upon which they subsist, and accordingly in the spring they follow the sap towards the branches of the trees, By apply- ing the ashes to the roots, the germs are unable to pass through the ashes, as the winter rains cause a lye to soak into the bark. If the germs are not killed by the lye from the ashes, they cannot go further down than the top of the ground, consequently there is noth­ ing to live on, so they are killed in that way. Mr. McIntyre has experimented to a great extent along this line and has found the ashes scheme to be a great success, and it is his intention to treat his entire orchard to this system. tion to Gold Hill, Jackson County, Oregon, as shown on the plat of said addition on file at the office of the recorder of conveyances of Jackson County, Oregon. Also all of that fractional part of the south one half of the south east quarter of section 16. twp 36. S R 3 W. of W. M . in Jackson County. Oregon, that lies north of said addition and containing seven acres, more or less. Also all of that certain parcel of land described as ful- 1 >ws: Commencing at the S W corner of lot 4 n block 5. at the point where the south line of said lot joins the section line; thence along the section line 102 feet; toence east 29 feet along the north I ne of said lot; thence south 100 feet; thence west 6 feet to the place of beginning; all being in the town of Gold Hill, as shown on said plat on file with the County Recorder for Jackson County. Oregon. Also lots 1. 2, 3. 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. 9, It' and 11, in blk 15 of said Dekum's addition to the said town of Gold Hill. Jackson County. Oregon, as shown by said plat; be sold in the manner provided by­ law and the proceeds of said sale be applied, first, to the satisfaction of said judgment and the costs > and expenses of this suit and said sale, and the balance, if any there be. lie paid to the defendants I herein. And for such other and further relief as J to the Court may seem just and equitable. This summons is published in the Jacksonville ' Post by order of the Hon. H. K. Hanna, one of the | judges of the above entitled Court, which said or- I der was made and entered in chambers on the 2nd day of October. 1907, wherein it is ordered that I you appear and answer the complaint on or before the expiration of six weeks from the date pre- sbribed in said order as the date of the firt publi­ cation of this summons. The date of the first publication of this summons is October 5th. 1907, and the date of the last publication and by which date you are required to appear and answer is November 16. 1907. REAMES & RE AMES. Attorneys for Plaint.ff. The Medford paj ere have printed Send your orders for shéet music to stories to the effect that H> nore Pal- Singler’s Music Store. Medford. Every piece warranted. Prices reasonabls and satisfaction guaranteed. Don't forget the name • • • • • A D. HOUSTON Harnen» Shop in Connection Masonic Huildina THE BOSS CANDY KITCHEN l he Best Ice Cream in Toun Fine Home Made Candies Cigars, Tobacco, Pipes, Etc. Green Groceries,Fresh Fruits Ail Good Things to Eat at THE BOSS 4. LEARNED, Prop’r Just Received A New Lot of Heinze’s Goods Heinze’s Sour Pickles, bulk, 20c qt. Heinze’s Sweet Pickles, bulk 25c qt Also Apple Butter. Mustard, Olives, Pepper Sauce, all Kinds of Pickles, Malt Vinegar, Etc., in Bottles. Everybody knows what Heinze's Goods are ULRICH BROS. The Place Where You Get Fresh Groceries. I