the general good of the country in which JOHN W. OPP we live and have cur being we must emphatically state that this has got to People who overheard them, IS DEFENDENT a bestopped. day or two previous to their departure Suit for $15,000 Damages Is Soon to be Tried in the Circuit Cour . John W. Opp, formerly of this city, who recently sold his interests in the Braden mine at Gold Hill, has been made the defendant in a $15,000 suit for dam­ ages. The plaintif is James Robbins of Gold Hill. to the mountians, say that they started out with the intention of ruining the fishing business in Jackson County. So it was not an accident, but the clever, villianous scheming of those two areh- ccnspirators. The proof is strong against them, as the Post has been working on tl>e case for several days. Last Monday the writer succeeded in witnessing the catch; in fact it was brought into this office in a paper sack. In order to ascertain whether or not it was the genuine article or just an empty sack, we put a powerful microscope on the fish and discovered that it was no exaggeration. The horrible truth was only to plain. There it a lay, a beautiful specimen of a frog pond minnow, almost hidden between the folds of the sack. But it was there! As soon as Franc's J. Ileney has finished prosecuting the San Fracciseo grafters an effort will be made to secure his services here in Jack- sonvil.e. He is badly needed during the fishing season. A $25.00 phonograph and 10 records for $21.25 at the Singler Music Store. Fresh bread at the Boss. F ound Ladv’s purse, containing small sum of money and trinkets, Ice Cream Cones at the Boss. Call at Schulz & Co., describe property Ice Creatn Bricks for family consump­ and pay for this notice. tion. The Boss The Singler Music Store was the Send your orders for sheet music to first business house in Medford to pat­ Singler’s Music Store,, Medford. ronize the Post. Call on him and show There is comfort even in hot weather him you are from Jacksonville. by using one of Conklin’s hammocks. All prices from $2 up Business Pointers. L ost —In Jacksonville, Julv 4th, gold bracelet, set with three diamonds. Finder leave with R. B. Dow and receive liberal reward. Fred J. Fick Contractor & Builder ... On November 27th oi last year an explosion occurred at the mine. The giant powder thawer, which was estab­ Perhaps you re.d abracer something Estimates Furnished on lished at the mouth of the main tunnel Kinds of Building that will give you energy, life and ambi­ and within a few feet of the blacksmith tion. A suggestion try I. W. HARPER shop, was a very flimsy affair. Pieces Jacksonville, Oregon of tallow candles were put in and about whiskey. Sold by E. H. HELMS. the |>owder and just under it to thaw the sticks of dynamite. The workmen were in the habit of removing such portions of the powder as were required, and some portions usually remained ^^0 which in time would drip, and on Nov­ ember 27 these caught fire. The foreman, coming out of the tun­ I.ate Legal Decisions. nel at the time was warned by one of Synopses of Land and Mineral De- the men. He ran to the thawer and cisions, Furnished the Post by Wood­ uncovered the burning mass, which was ford D. Harlan. Land Attorney, Wash­ covered with some light fabric. Then ington, D. C. ...... At Jacksonville’s...... he started to run into the tur.nel, but C oal : Failure to file declaratory state­ was caught within a few feet of safety. ment within sixty days after date of James Robbins, who was bla :ksmith,in actual possession, and make payment company with several others who were It is a well known fact that for high class workmanship, within one year from expiration of the in the shop, and Caral Darling, his as­ time for filing, renders the land subject trimming and designing Miss Chapman stands in her town sistant, received notice of the danger to the entry of another who has com­ without a rival. . and started to run to a place of safety, plied with the law. Styles are Correct Quality Positively the Best but were also caught by the expios'on. F lnal P roof : Final proof taken Foreman Dawson recieved the princi­ Prices the Lowest pal injury on the back. Caral Darling without authority or notice is void. Astonishingly big bargain sale will begin Monday, June 17th, False swearing in making final proof, received the charge in his face. During and continue for several days. Pattern Hats, Ready-to- is punishable under the law. the run he, with the others, looked Wear Hats. Frames. Flowers and Novelties at prices so Final proof though technically com­ over his shoulder. He lost ai. eye and low that the poorest purse can easily afford to buy. Early plete, is not always received. received severe injuries about t e face. Buyers get the Flyers. Ready-made proof, submitted before Robbins’ face was cut so severely that the attesting offic.r without proper Mrs. M. Reeve, Saleslady none of his friends could recognize him. Miss K. Chapman,. Forelady cross-examination should not be accept­ One eardrum wa’ ruptured, pieces of rock entered both eyes and ga hes ex­ ed. M ineral : land chieflv vnlonb'- tended across the face in several places Two others received injuiies of less everiiy and were soon about, but thest Jacksonville, Oregon First Door West of Postoffice three were in a cr.’t cal condition o.} some weeks. Sveral me nt hr after the accii en J - - - Opp tendered $1 0 to Robbins, vhkll Land containing guano may ba he refused. Within the past few weeks Rcbbins tered as mineral land. has employe! Att rney I lanchard of The Weather. Grants I', ss, and he in return has em­ Following is the report of U. S. Vol­ ployed Co'.vig and Durham of Grants unteer Weather Observer E. Britt; for Pass and Medford. Jacksonville, for month of June, Lati- Opp is reported to be wo'th about tude 42 deg. 18 min west; longitude 123 deg. 5 min. north. $200,000. Able attorneys are ined up on both DATE MAXI- MINI- PRECP- CH R C T’R MUM TAT’N OF DAY MUM sides, and it is expected that several years will elapse before the case is 1 ........ Clear 59 84 46 84 settled, as it may go to the highest 3 2 ..... 48 87 80 57 4 legal tribunal. Part Cloudy 52 ! Semi-Annual Sale of .... • • • MILLINER Y Leading Millinery Parlor Chap man & Reeve o . Mill i THE BOSS CANDY KITCHEN Fishing Easiness Ruined. We r< gret to cl n nicle the fact that it will be us< less for any of Jackson­ ville’s people to contemplate a fishing trip anywhere within a radius of a hun­ dred or two miles, for Roy Ulrich and Dan McQuade have returned with all the fish (here were. It is to be regret­ ted, we s.iy, because a whole lot of poor people in this vicinity needed a rest and a few thousand t out, but they will have to worry along here at home for a few years now until George Neuber stocks some moreof the streams. There ought to be a law regulating this matter; there ought to be an article in the fish law prohibiting the depopulating of all the streams. Both the above named gentl ■ n >n r* fr ids of the writer and we hope they will understand that this is not a personal matter, but for 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2 ) 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 ....... ........ . ......... ........ . .......... 77 67 €5 76 75 63 69 58 58 66 65 75 88 91 88 81 71 71 71 83 90 95 93 82 82 79 ’ 52 47 42 49 51 47 36 40 55 44 48 48 53 57 52 48 45 42 49 57 56 57 52 46 49 .02 .12 .16 .29 .06 .06 .01 . Cloudy Cloudy Clear Clear Cloudy Cleat ■■ Part Cloudy Clear Temperature — mean max. 77.16; mean min. 48.83; mean 62.99. Max. 95 on 26 min. 35. on 14; greatest range 40 Precipitation Total for month. .67 inches. Greatest in 24 hours. .24 inches on Uth. 7 days precipation. 19 days clear. 3 days partly cloudy and 8 days cloudy. ; The Best Ice Cream in Town Fine Home Made Candies Cigars, Tobacco, Pipes, Etc. Green Groceries,Fresh Fruits a All Good Things to Eat at THE BOSS 4. LEARNED, Prop’r All *7