LOCAL NOTES Ice Cream Bricks for family consump­ tion. The Boss. Send your orders for sheet music to Singler’s Music Store,, Medford. Riley Hammersly, of Gold Hill, was a business visitor at Jacksonville the first o, the week. Mrs. W. P. Holt of Eagle Point vis­ ited over Sunday with Dr. T. W. Hes­ ter and family. There is comfort even in hot weather by using one of Conklin’s hammocks. All prices from $2 up. Miss Cora Bayse, who has been visit­ ing friends in Medford for a week, has returned to her h 'me in this city. Attention is called to the ad. of the Nunan-Taylor Co., this week. They ard offering low prices in fruit jars, etc. Miss Lena Bostwick, who has been residing in Portland for the past year, returned this week to her home at Ruch. Eric Anderson left Tuesday night for the Blue Ledge Copper Extension prop­ erty where active development work is soon to start. J. T. Inman, the Ashland carpenter, has moved his family over from Ash­ land. They are occupying the Basye building on 2nd. street. Attorney C. L. Reames was called to Berkeley last Sunday to the bedside of his mother who is said to be quite seri­ ously ill. He expeccs to be gone a week or ten days. The regular meeting of the I. F. G. T. Club was held at the home of Miss Cora Bayse. The new officers were in­ stalled, and the regular routine of busi­ ness transacted. After the meeting dainty and delightful refreshments were served by the charming hostess. A large delegation from Jacksonville will help Medford celebrate during Car­ nival week. The fruit growers of this vicinity should attend by all means, for they will be able to glean a vast amount of information. They will hear some able addresses regarding fruit culture, besides a good, big entertainment is be­ ing prepared so that the entire time will be one of enjoyment. The second baseball nine went over to Gold Hill Inst Sunday and played the Hill-arious boys a game that was good for sore eyes. The score was 6 to 1 in favor of the Jacksonville boys. Had it not been for an error on the part of the second team it would have been a com­ plete shut-out. But the boys are satis­ fied. Next Sunday they expect to play the Central Point team on the Central Poiut diamond, and intend bringing home a lot of scalps. George E. Neuber has started devel­ opment work on his claims adjoining the great Blue Ledge. John Huffer and Ed. Day left Wednesday morning for Joe Bar where Waite and Campbell will meet them with pack horses and will take their provisions to the mine. E. L. Jones, who has made so many successes in that district, will superin­ tend the work. These claims lie direct­ ly south of the Bln? Lelge mine and it 3 possible to walk on the same ledge ill the way through both properties. Mr. Neuber has been offered fabulous >rices for his claims, but has steadily refused, preferring instead to develop he property himself. A tunnel will be tn on the property to disclose the ore 1 jdy, and work will necessarily have to I > hastened as snow begins to fall early that section. As soon as the rigors i ' winter drives them out of that place, ■ ■ >rk will be sharted on Squaw creek • here Mr. Neuber also has some valu­ able claims. Fresh bread at the Boss. Mrs. W. H. Barnum returned last Tuesday evening from a couple of weeks’ visit at Portland. Constable C. H. Simons of Ashland was a business visitor in this city last Wednesday. Efforts are being made by some of Jacksonville’s enthusiastic citizens to secure a visit from Vice President Fair­ banks on August 5. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Ulrich moved in­ to their new home this week. They are occupying the new residence recently erected by Mrs. Kubli. Barlow & Hostetter, the up-to-date painters, have finished decorating the I. 0. 0. F. hall. It now presents a very handsome appearance. Dr. Dixon and family of Grants Pass were the guests of Dr. T. W. Hester and family the first of the week. Mrs. Dixon is the sister of Mrs. Hester. Schulz & Co., this week moved their stock of groceries and dry goods to the Ryan building where they will be found prepared to serve their customers. They expect to secure larger quarters later on. “Papa” Schmitt left last Sunday for Newport where he went to attend a session of the Grand Lodge of Red Men. He remained five days. “Ma­ ma” Schmitt accompanied him to Medford. Emil DeRoboam has sold his ranch to a Portland land company, who, it is said, will cut the land up into 5, 10, and 20 acre tracts and place them on the mar’ et. The price paid for the ranch was $14,000. C. P. Briggs and L. Briggs, the for­ mer’s father, are sojourning in the Butte creek section this week. They will remain for another week. C. P. B -iggs will probably locate him a quar­ ter section of land. Aug. D. Singler, proprietor if Sing­ ler’s Music Store, Medford, was look­ ing after business interests in this city the first of the week. Mr. Singler is a hustler and is going to make good in his new enterprise. Mr and Mrs. J. K. Reeves and chil­ dren left Monday morning for Williams treek where they went for the benefit of Mr. Reeves’ health. Mr. Reeves is 90 years old and the heat of the vallev is too oppressive for him. J. W. Obye, the mining man, was a visitor in this city the first of the week. Mr. Obye and associates will probably soon take over the Lone Pine copper mine at the mouth of Sterling creek, and do some active mining. C. W. Conklin, “the furniture man,” went to Medford last Wednesday to lay a handsome carpet. Mr. Conklin is a business man of great ability and has customers all over the county. He has the goods and offers them at right prices. It has been suggested that each busi­ ness man sweep and clean up in front of his place of business once a week so that the street commissioner can haul the rubbish away. It would be but a few minutes’ job and the appearance of the streets would be greatly improved. Mr. Haney will co-operate with every­ body in this and we are sure that every business man will do his share. Let’s start it going. E. H. Wetzel, a wealthy mining man of Southern Oregon, is in Portland ne­ gotiating a mining deal. Mr. Wetzel declines todisckse the names of the properties which he has under consider­ ation, but says it is not the Blua Ledge mine, as has been reported. He is en­ thusiastic over the future of the c .pper belt in southern Oregon, and says that many fortunes will be made in that ter­ ritory in the next few years.— Portland Journal. A $120 organ. It’s at the Singler Music Store, Medford. A $25.00 phonograph and 10 records for $21.25 at the Singler Music Store. Andrew Cantrall, the well-known and prosperous farmer of Applegate was in town yesterday. “In the good old summer time” is the greatest danger of fire. See Daily & Briggs for Fire Insurance. Miss Bessie Nickell was over from Medford yesterday on a visit with her sister, Mrs. Lewis Ulrich. Homer Angell of Portland was in Jacksonville the first of the week, look­ ing up titles to O. R. & N. R. R. lands. Gus Newbury has been “under the weather” for several days this week and has been unable to attend to busi­ ness. Miss Alberta Stacey of Sam’s Valley is visiting at the home of A. D. Hous­ ton. Miss Stacey is a half sister to Mr. Houston. F ound Ladv’s purse, containing small sum of money and trinkets. Call at Schulz & Co., describe property and pay for this notice. The Singler Music Store was the first business house in Medford to pat­ ronize the Post. Call on him and show him you are from Jacksonville. Just received at C. W. Conklin’s a large shipment of Japaiac. It rejuvi- nates all things about a home from cellar to garret. As essential as a cake of soap Mr. and Mrs George Lewis, the newly- married couple, returned last Friday night from their visit to Klamath coun­ ty As is customary they were chariv- aried upon their arrival. Mr. Baxter of San Francisco, an old time friend of T. J. Kenney, came in the first of the week and will goto Cin­ nabar for an outing. Mr. Baxter is a druggist at the bay city. Lost—On the car between Jackson­ ville and Medford, a small tan money­ purse containing one greenback and silver change. Finder please deliver to the Post and receive reward. Lucerne Rolison of Portland, accom­ panied by a Mr. Bigelow, was a Jack­ sonville visitor last week. Mr. Rolison was in Southern Oregon on a visit with his mother, who resides at Medford. Andy Bridgeman, the estimable and Lewis Ulrich as manager of the Jack­ pleasant book-keeper for the Blue Ledge sonville baseball team was presented Mining Co., who had his leg broken this week with a handsome gold ring, some two months ago, is visiting in a raised “J” on the outside and en­ Jacksonville. He has not yet discard­ graved on the inner side, “Presented to ed his crutches. Lewis Ulrich by the Jacksonville Base John Blauuw, the Tacoma booster, ball Team. ” entertained the members of the Com­ A great deal of material for the vault mercial Club Thursday night with a to be built in the new bank arrived highly interesting and instructive ex­ Thursday and work will be started temporaneous speech on boosting. And Monday. Mr. Davis states that a con­ his words did not fall upon unheeding crete sidewa k will be built on their ears. property in front of the bank at once, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Deneff returned and numerous other improvements ad­ Thursday evening from San Francisco. ded. The building will also be painted. Mrs. Deneff is getting along nicely ano Mrs. K. K. Kubli is having her house is regaining h.r health as rapidly as pos­ near the corner of California atid sec­ sible. It will be remembered that she ond street remedied and repainted. underwent an operation for appendici­ Her other new house on Third and Pine tis in a hospital at the bay city. is now complete, and is a neat and Installation of officers of the I. O. O. handsome dwelling house. Wright & Stout are the excellent carpenters w ho F. lodge was held Saturday and the fol­ have her work in charge, and the ar­ lowing officers were installed. A. I). chitecture bespeaks the fine workman­ Houston, N. G.; T. W. Hester, V. G.; ship of these gentlemen. Mrs. Kubli » James Cronemiller, Secretary; S. J. contemplates the erection of several Day, Treasurer. Coffee and cake was more dwelling houses, which is positive­ served after the installation. The “Kid” team of Central Point ly the best proposition that can be found in Jacks onville. There is a big cameover to Jacksonville last Sunday demand for residence houses and every and w 'Hoped the third nine to a golden one that is built will be occupied before brown. The “third” team last Sunday- the paint is dry. Jacksonville’s popu­ consisted of who ever happened to be lation would be doubled if there were handy. “Slats” Wilson and Mike Broad houses enough to accommodate them, were the catchers, while “Buck Dun­ and Mrs. Kubli, by her enterprise and ford and Leslie Stansell ilid the twirling progressiveness, is filling a long felt in the pitcher’s box. ’Twas a real warm game, the score being 17 to 12. want. Ice Cream Cones at the Boss. Henry Wendt was a business visitor at Medford the first of the week. H. H. Goddard of Talent was a busi­ ness visitor in this city last Wednesday. Wm. Joy of Ashland was a business visitor in this city the first of the week. Wm. Cameron, the Uniontown ranch­ er, was a visitor in this city Thursday. Constable Kassahafer is now acting as city marshal during the absence of Marshal Huffer. Misses Nellie and Emma Wulf left last Thursday for Colestin where they will remain for a couple of weeks. W. H. Barnum is re-painting his residence property on Oregon street, which greatly enhances its appearance. Mrs. J. Russell, Miss F. Nunan, and Charles Nunan have gone to Newport to remain for several days during this hot weather. Charles Prim, Jr., who fell from a tree last Saturday and dislocated his hip, is getting along well. Dr. Hester is in attendance. Mrs. John Huffer and children will leave tonight for Portland on an ex­ tended visit with Mrs. Huffer’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Christian. Miss Gertrude Biedie of Ashland, who has been visiting at the home of Miss Minnie Bauted of Poorman’s creek, re­ turned home last Thursday. Perhaps you need a bracer something that will give you energy, life and ambi­ tion. A suggestion try I. W. HARPER whiskey. Sold by E. H. HELMS. Herbert Cole, bottler of the famous Colestin mineral water, the water that ought to make Colestin famous, was a visitor in Jacksonville last Wednesday. Fletcher Linn came down from Port­ land last Wednesday. He was accom­ panied by his brother, George, of Eu­ gene. Their mother, Mrs. D. Linn, is seriously ill. Jos. Pope has moved his family into his residence on Oregon street. He has had the house remodeled and re­ painted and it now presents a very nice