Jacksonville post. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1906-19??, July 06, 1907, Image 6

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    early in the morn.
We’re going to have a got d time as
sure as you are born.
So we re all go ng to Jacksonville, the
city of mining fame;
It has made history for our county and
gave us a great name.
We’re all going to Jacksonville on
Thursday morning next.
To hear our famous governor stand up
and read his text.
He’s sure to tell us something to make
us glad, you know,
So we’ll hit the trail for Jacksonville
where we are bound to go.
Box E lder .
i o^ram of Teachers’ Meeting.
Sijt. P H l ailyin outce th - fol
!< ving asamjng the instructors for the
:i-:tiu il Ja-ksonC runty Teachers’ Insti-
tite to be held at Ashland. July 9, 10
and 11.
8. F. Mulkey, President State Nor-
i ml, Ashland: W. F. Cameron, Superin­
tendent Ashland City Schools; M. B.
Signs, Suderintendent Medford City
k-hools; J. C. Carnard, Central Point,
Oregon; W. C. Hawley, Congressman
First Cong. District. Oregon; A. J.
Hanby, Principal Central Point Public
S hools; A. O. Freel. Pincipal Gold
Hill Public Schools; A. C. Joy, Princi­
pal Pedagogy State Normal, Ashland;
W. T. Van Seoy, Civics and History,
■ date Normal. Ashland: Miss M. A,
I. User, Principal Training Department
date Normal, Ashland; Hon. C. B.
Watson, Ashland, Oregon; Prof. J. F.
Havard, U. of O., Eugene; F. Berchtold,
A. C., Corvallis; Mrs. Rosa Deyeo.
.an Francisco; P. Ritner, Principal
Ashland Commercial College; Chas. IL
I mes’ Instructor in Music.
The following is the general progrm
row arranged.
Court House Notes
A special session of the Circuit Court
was held last Widnesiay, July 3rd,
for the purpose of hearing the case of
the Schenectady Trust Co. vs New-
York & Western Mines Co. and Harvey
Book and Richard E. Loeben vs. New-
York & Was tern Mines Co. As t' e
defendants did not appear an order of
default was admitted in both cases.
Opening Exercises 10:00 a. in.
< organization
Essentials of American History............
....................................... B. F. Mulkey
Manual Training............ W. F. Cameron
Nature Study..................... J. F. Bovard
Marriage1 licenses were issued June
29, 1907. to Ephriam Chapman and
Miss Maud Sims; Wil! E. Meader and
Elsie Tucker; July 1. 1907, to C. O.
Rodgers and Lou Brown; James A.
Rhoten and Nora r’ole.
A marriage license was issu.d on tl e
3rd to Luke Wright and Etta Blake.
Opening Exercises 1.30 p. m.
Articles of incorporation of the Ore­
Language.............................. M. B. Signs gon Consolidated Gold Mines Co., were
I ’omestic Science
Mrs. Rosa Deyeo filed with the connty clerk yiserday.
I eading and Phonics...................
The incorporators are James F. .Ve kle,
......................Emma C. Wickersham M. E. Meikleand Maurice J. Gjodheart
all of Ashland.
Opening Exercises 9:00 a. ir.
I• istory and Civics (new text)..............
Probate Matters.
.......................................... J. P. Wells
In the matter of the estate of John
Address (to be selected).................
W. Cunningham, order of publication
W. T. Van Seoy of notice of settlement of flrda
Physiology...........................A. O. Freel account.
A merican Literature . . J. F. Berchtold
In the matter of the estate of Ann
Carr, deceased, last will ar.d testament
Opening Exercises 1.30 p. m.
Commercial Arithmetic......... P. Ritner ordered to probate.
Pedagogy................................ A. C. Joy
Real Estate.
’ ivies . .
Hon. W. C. Hawley
to J. E. Wright, lots
English Literature
B. F. Mulkey
3 to 5, blk. 12, Phoenix, $25.
A. F. Garrison to R. A. Duncan:
Opening Exercises 9:00 a. m.
History and Civics. ..
J. P. Wells mining land, $4.
Malinda J. Breeding to W 1. V; vter;
l anguage.............................. M. B. Signs
sec. 32, tp. 33, 2 e.
l oading ar.d Phonics......................
Butte Falls Sugar Pine Lumber Co.
.................. Emma B. Wickersham
Domestic Science Mrs. Rosa Deyeo to F. D. Netheriand; lots 7 and S, Ilk.
19. Butte Falls. $15,
Josephine Poe to Ando Penwell; I t
(. oiogy.................... Hon. C. B. Watson
12, blk. 1, Medford, $1.
I iw of Unity in School Life..........
B. F. Mulkey
Prof. Ritner of tne Ashland Commer­
A Brilliant Writer.
The following ‘ pome" was received
b. the Post through the postoffice
.- ednesday morning, with an Ashland
dr? line and a red two cent stamp
i - the right hand corner of the envel-
■ ••. showing that it came through
without a hitch as first class matter.
l; ■ ause the postuffi.'e department ad-
■ges it "first • class” we herewith
x • ■ it spa - *. even though it is too late
•r the Fourth.
cial College was at Jacksonville last
Friday on the way to Applegate n the
interest of his school. The com nence-
ment exercises of the College occurred
last Friday in the assembly r > >m of the
institution. The exercises were opened
with prayer by Rev. F. N. B iker.
Misses Cora Carter and Josephine
Baker furnished excellent mssi- for
the occasion, and Hon. C. B. W i‘sen
delivered an inspiring addrisg Pr f.
Ritner then delivered diplomas t > the
thirteen graduates as follows; Mabel
Galey, Floyd Edgington. Merle Fendall,
Frances Mulit, Bettii Schields, Annie
O'Brien. Mina Uetz. Millie Ad Ils n.
Donna Pruett. Bonnie Ruble. Ruth Van
Dyke. M ible Parsons an 1 Lillian
Jensen. The eight tirat mention? I are
located in excellent positions. Every
indication prints to a larger an I mire
sjc -essful year be'inning Sep’..* nber 9,
19)7 than ever. A parting reception
was given th? students at the home of
Prof. Ritner on Friday evening, which
will be remembered with pleasure.
I co nag d >w.i to Jacksonville
II bring our fol«« along:
ve’re co ning down from Ashland
levs 5 M) strong.
A e’rec miing do.vn on horse back,
. wagon and by steam,
the inetr. pods of the valley
>u'll se? our bonne’s gleam.
Slks are round ng up the boys
om a l around the town;
■ al! going to Jacksonville w here
icy do things up brown.
• cjmng from the city we’re
>ning from the field;
■ cin'nj, father Kinney, to make
Editor Nicke'l and fan'ly were up
>ur ball team yield.
from Medford the tirst of the week on
we'll a1! start to Ja.’ksonville a brief v’sit.
nice assortment of Fruit
Cans, Fr t Jars, Pre srving
Kettls o -iall kinds Agate
Ware due to arrive shortly
[Masonic tiuilding)
Nunan- Taylor Co
Depa rt m en t Store
... Offer to Our Customers Unusually Good Values ...
Ladies Spring Suiting. 36in wide........................................ 25r yd.
All Wool Waisting in Beautiful shades.................. 25«* yd.
Bizarre Cloth Cotton Waisting................................ 25«* yd.
Cotton Challies......................................................... 5«' to 12'.V yd.
Figured Organdies. Batiste and Dimitys.
India Linons.............................................................. 10«* to 25«* yd.
Persian Law ns, Nice cloth................................................... 15«* yd.
Corded Piquas, very fine...................................................... 25«* yd.
Our spring selection of White Goods you will find very desirable
and of the latest weaves.
Ladies' Parasols, white and in colors.
We are agents for Black Cat hosiery and have a complete line.
Prices.................................................................. 10<* to 25«* pr
Ladies’ and Misses’ Bools, Oxfords and Slippers, white and
black, for summer wear.
We also carry in stock and offer you for sale:
Menn' and Hoys' Clothing, Gentlemens’ Underwear.
Mens' anil Hoys' Fine and Coarse Shoes.
Hatt, Caps, Helts and everything needed for man’s com­
fort in nearing apparel at prices yon will find reasonable,
quality considered.
Asking a share of your patronage, we assure you our aim will be to
please you.
Awaiting your pleasure,
N n n ct n - Taylo r Co mp a n y
Hr have a bran new stock of fancy
Hose, Neckwear, Shirts, Oxfords,
liais and everything that makes
1>OU look dressy £ Come in
and lei us shew you our goods
We are agents for the International
Tailoring Co., and if you need a
Summer Suit of the latest pattern
we can get it for you at the right
price and guarantee you a fit
Cronemiller’s Old Stand