W anted : homestead Om ir Conger will leave today I e Cream Cones at the Boss. I Salem on a visit with his parents. Superintendent P. H. Daily and L. MENT sufficiently low in . warm as Ashland. H. Pert pickin <1 paragraphed by the > Mr. and Mrs. Lee F. Chancy of Briggs are over on Butte creek on a Post’s persistent pencil pusher. R seburg were visiters in this city last visit to the schools in that di. .net. Says 1 to myself— Sunday. Mrs. Th, s. Robertson of Gold Hill I Ice Cream Bricks for family consump’ Says I — E. W. Anderson, the mining man, visited at the home of Mis. Anna lion. The Bos3. The Post is the paper to buy— came town from the Blue Ledge district Broad a couple if days this week. Says 1. County Judge Dunn was a visitor at to spend the Fourth. A. D Smith, of the Portland Tele­ Ashland last Monday. County Assessor Applegate returned John X. Miller, mayor of Trail, was gram circulation department, attended Mrs. Wm. Hanley of Burns was the dowrn this week to spend the Fourth the celebration in this city on the Wednesday from a trip to the Buzzard mine on Elk creek in which he is one guest of Miss Issie McCully last Sat­ and meet old friends. Fourth. of the owner. The mine has been urday. J. H. Clark, the owner of tie Lone bonded to eastern capitalists. C. W. Culy, the enterprising Apple­ C. H. Dutton and son, Lawrence, gate farmer, was a business visitor in Pine mine at the mouth of sterling Because of the loss of a day or two came up from Kennett to spend the Jacksonville last Monday. creek, went to Grants Pass Thursday in the Pi st office it was necessary to Fourth. on a business visit. George Brown, the Eagle ” Point omit a great deal of news in order to James McDonough and wife of Ruch farmer, was a business visitor in this L ost In Jacksonville, Julv -1th, gold get out on time. The paper will were Jacksonville visitors the first of city the first of the week. bracelet, set with three diamonds, resume its usual size next week. the week. Jas. S. Kirk’s famous Toilet Soaps. Finder leave with R. B. Dow and A number of newspapers throughout receive liberal reward. Mr. and Mrs. John Devlin have gone This week 25p box. Lay in a supply while this section “have had it on reliable to Portland fo visit with their son, the price is right, at the City Drug W. H. McDaniel, one of the success­ authority” that the R. R. V. Ry. John Devlin. ful Applegate gardeners, assisted in company will electrify their road: that Store. Charles Garrett came up from Cali- John W. Opp. the mining man. whois Dunnington & Deniff's moist goods they will run branch lines to every fornia last Wednesday to spend the now residing at Ashland, was a bus­ emporiam on the Fourth. town and hamlet in Rogue River Fourth with his parents. The m -rry-gj-r «and will remain in valley, etc., etc., etc. As a matter of iness visitor in this city the first of the Jacksonville for a few dais as the fact no information of any kind has “In the good old summertime” is the week. greatest danger of fire. See Daily & F ound —Pocketbook contaning small renter of the machine believes that been given out. It is safe to say, how­ Briggs for Fire Insurance. sum of money. Owner can have same the various entertainments last Thurs­ ever, that the line will not be electri­ Fred Sturgis, the enterprising and by calling on P. H. Daily, describing day did not take all the spare nickels fied. it is true that the road will be in town. greatly improved, with new equipment, energetic rancher, of Trail, was trans­ property and paying for this notice. The R. R. V. Ry. carried about 1800 trackage, etc., but it will be as a steam acting business in this city the first of Frank Humphrey and wife came down the week. from Butte creek to spend the Fourth people from Medford on the Fourth road. Manager Estes states that it is the Ed Hubert and family came over in Jacksonville and Medford. Frank is without an accident and on time as per from Klamath county to attend the one of the excellent timber cruisers their schedule. The P. & E. also ran intention of the P. & E. company t > excursions from Eagle Point to connect build to Butte Fallsand Jacksonville at Fourth of July celebration and to visit for the Iowa Lumber & Box Co. once and that the delay will be limited with the Jacksonville train. with friends for a few days. E. L. Jones, the estimable manager to the time necessary to complete the of the Copper King mine in the Blue Wm. Deneff returned on the 3rd from preliminary arrangements. The Butte Joe Broad, who has been employed in the mines at Kennett, Cal., came Ledge district came down to spend the San Francisco where he has been in Falls line will be extended beyond the up to spend the Fourth with relatives. Fourth in Jacksonville, He confirm i attendance at the bedside of his wife “Sticky” this fall and will be complet­ was recently operated ed to the Falls in the spring. The He will probably not return to Califor­ the reported rich strike in that who property. upon for appendicitis. Mrs. Deneff is Jacksonville extension will be pushed as nia. A number of Jacksonville Elks improving rapidly and will soon be able soon as the route has been determined Found—Lady’s pocket book contain­ to return home. upon and as soon as completed the ing some change and keys. Owner can among whom were T. J. Kinney, Marve Taylor, Gus Newbury, Robert C. H. Bays», the erstwhile black­ train service will be commenced and a have same by calling at this office, proving property and paying for this Burnett, Evan aud Clarence Reames, smith, who has been running a quartz, rapid transit schedule, commutation attended the meeting of the Elk’s mill for Messrs Hawkins & Morris of tickets at ten cents for the trip to be advertisement. lodge at Ashland last Saturday night, San Francisco, owners of the Star sold good for the month in which issued. There were so many people who where six candidates were initiated. mine on Thompson creek, was in town All the trains will make suburban stops attended the celebration that it was Sergant R. S. Dunlap, oneof Jackson­ this week to spend the Fourth and visit and several stations will be located at impossible to think about getting any part of the names of the visitors, ville’s old time and prominent citizens, with his fam'ly a day or two. Mr. different points along the line. It is who has been at the Soldie-.'s Home at Bayse says that owing to a lack of the intention of the company to help There was certainly oodles of 'em. Roseburg for several months, is visit­ water the m ¡1 has been closed down build up the section between the two Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Lohr of West ingin this city. Sergeant Dunlap is an and that work of developing the mine towns, and thereby improve the pretti­ Fork, Douglas county.came in the first est section of the city. Tribune. old Mexican War veteran, and for will be pursued until next fall. of the week on a visit with Mrs. Lohr’s nearly forty years was the sexton at parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Howard. the Jacksonville cem te y. Miss Elva Lohr of Los Angles accom­ The Juveniles waxed it to the Med­ panied them. » ford Walkovers last Saturday after­ A boy’s coat was left at this office noon. The score was six to eight. 5 esterday which was picked up in the None of the Jacksonville boys are over street. A letter in one of the pockets is fourteen years of age, while, from ap­ The Dox xMillinery Store offers for a addressed Clarence Copeland. Talent. pearances, the Medford boys ar? fr m The owner may have it by calling at fourteen to eighteen, few days Unparalelled Bargains in Dress But the Jack- I he Post office. sonville kids beat 'em, as Jscksonville and Ready-to-wear Hats. Now is your Place this beside your Montgomery beats everybody. Great is Jackcon- opportunity to secure a beautiful Sum- Wrrd prices and freight. A fine ville! mer Hat at a ridiculously low price couch 30 in. wide. 6 ft. 3 in. K. K. Kubli, wife and two ch'ldren 1 jog steel construction. Roll edge pat- came down from Portland the first of the te"n. Value only $10.75 Besides you week to visit relatives, and to spend leave your money in your home market the Fourlh. They were a • om anied where it will circulate back to you. by Mrs. Phil Metscham and daughter. Conklin’s Furniture Store. Dorothy, of the Imperial hotel, v ho w ill i Noel Graves of Patterson creek also v'sit here for a short time. Mr. Calif., formerly of Jacksonville, while Kubli is about to close a di d on the standing by his team last week, g< t Golden Standard mine on G t’ls creek kicked, sustaining severe injury. It in which he is heavily interested. appea-s frem the report that the team — The second baseball nine went over ' c . l ----------------------------------------------------------- Carted to run. Mr. Graves caught to Gold Hill last Sunday and scored he lines, hitting the nigh horse as he the greatest triumph of the season by did so. The animal kicked him three shutting out the Gold Hill team en­ times ere he fell. The team ran to the tirely, while the Jacksonville bojs barn and was caught wedged in the succeeded in running in eleven big doorway. tallies. Everybody played ball. Will A. T. Lundgreen, the miner, is down Mclntiie did the work in the box w hile from the Blue Ledge district. Mr. Ephriam Wilson caught, and both of Lundgreen has just taken the contract them deserve mention for their good LUY & KEEGAN, Props for 100 feet of tunnel work on the work. There was but few errors on the Blue Canyon group, and 70 feet on part of the Jacksonville boys, and they the Estacado. These properties are are beginning to play the game like owned by Medford people as are • the professionals. They say they want to Badger and Medford Copper. ' 1 his give the first nine a run for their ‘«r ». ' latter is also in good ore, and Sullivan money some time in the near future, end Buck, who are operating in the to a game between the two home teams Blue Canyon, have struck good [ aying will probably be arranged some time j V c.e. | within the next few weeks. ALL AROUND THE TOWN [ i . i Big Reduction in Hats The Dox Millinery Store r Jl/E RECEPTION SOLÆ AGENTS ALBANY BEER