» plexioned player as either a “greaser,” or pretend to think him a “coon.” He may be more of a white man than some of the rooters, but that doesn't matter. But the visitor who gets mad, and talks Can Give any Other County Town back at the crowd is meat for these rooters. They fairly revel in repartee Cards and Spades and Then of the most stinging kind. They make Win in a Walk. all kinds of personal suggestions, prob­ Jacksonville is certainly a baseball ably the most common being that he town. The writer states without reser­ repress his temper by means of a sugar, vation that Jacksonville is the most teat. You talk about running for office partisian base ball town in Southern bringing out personalities and deficienc­ Oregon. It can give cards and spades, ies, both mental and physical. Politics and big and little casino to any other is not in it with a first-class, exciting aspiring or perspiring municipality be­ game of baseball, where the partisan tween the eternal snows and the banana passions are expected and given full belt, if there is such a tropical surcin­ . play. If any other town in the state gle, so to speak. Yes, Jacksonville is has reasons to doubt these statements partisan, in a baseball sense from the let them come up to this sunny burg top of its head to the sole of its feet. any Sunday this summer, and we will It has a bunch of the most conscience­ give them a lesson in inverted rhetoric less rooters, most merciless whoopers that will make their heads swim. Just up for its nine, and whoopers down of let them bring their baseball nine here the other nine, to be found on any map and see what we will do to them. If j in the state. This is not merely a they want to have a real good exciting speculative, tentative remark, but is time, a time in which every second will borne out by the opinions of visiting be strenuous and there will not be a clubs, and by visiting spectators. A dull moment, then as members of their Jacksonville baseball rooter who is in baseball nine whom they bring here, good health, who has come tu the let them be sure to have a very fat grounds determined to boost his town boy, one who will look like the prize club to victory, who has made up his porker at a county fair; next have a mind to give the opposing club a slide human skeleton, a man who is so thin down the toboggm, can make note he can't tell whether he has backache noise, can look more wild-eyed. car. get or s;o'nu.‘h-a:he and who rattles as he redder in the face, can appear the walks; next have a red-headed man living image of a wild man more per­ and a cross-eyed man—we can guy fectly, can yell louder, can dig up out them to the queen's taste; and let them of his unlimited vocabulary more orgi- be sure to have some old ex-leaguer nal personal remarks, and generally whose hair is turning w hite atound the hoot more derisively, catcall more temples and whom we c.t.i dub Methu vociferously, and mimic more outrage­ saleh and generally convince him thal ously than any baseball crank of any we think age in a b .je b.ulist is d s.ep- other known place in this portion of utab'e. Lot than being ad the
lla s attorneys fees Now therefore by virtue of sa:d exeetton and is retired. in co.np,'anc * with the c >mmand of said writ. I wil ’, on Tuesd’v. the Irtth day of July, 1907. at the Nor is the very thin visitor at the b it »o-.irof tw » o'clock P M.. at the front door of the ; subject fore ngratulation, for every Cou t House in the City of Jacksonville. Oregon. at public •auction subject to redemption to l now n i'dje tive or synony n f ,r the «•41 h » ••'■est bi'd< r f .r U. S Gold Coin, a’l the word ' thin" is dealt out to the h;q less v’" ¡il* nd in e < st whir h the said defendants. A '• 1 >ei t \V Me e sad Virgin i Mesers or eithc r visitor in large tablespoon fill doits. of hem. h ■! on the 7«h d-»y of May 19**7 or at * n v tbtrealter in a-d to the following «1.- That familiar old gag applied to a thin- an c bed o o’ erty. to wit: The E’-.* of the S W. ’« Section 33 Town- ■g cd fellow: that he will be arrested a dtleW ’«of the S F sh n : B < Rt-nre 1 East of W. M in Jackson Coun- o' vagrancy, because he has no visible y. O go 1. or any part »hereof that mar l>e nec- i leans of support, is still heard on our e c< j< ■ s ’ s. y to satirfv si id judgment, costs and accruing D H. JACKSON. a n > nd. Ti e t. in man gets it in about Sh riff of Jackson County. Oregon. . he same proportion ns the fat man. By G. R. Carter. Deputy. Th r ,.t "• si: • up a v ry dark coni- Jacks m . ¡lie Oregon. J une 20th. 1907. JACKSONVILLE’S PRIZE ROOTERS r , ** » C. I*. Bri inn. L. Briggs P. H Daily DAILY & BRIGGS REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE $ FARM AND CITY PROPERTY MINING & TIMBER ( I AIMS COLLECTIONS A SPECIALTY .4 Specialty of Fruit, Alfalfa and Stock Ranche» in the fanions Rogue River Valley OREGON JACKSONVILLE, Union Livery Stable r" Rigs on short notice for timber crui­ sers, commercial men, sawmill men, all kind of men or parties Horses fed at reasonable rates AZT. t. ' r--».- .... Geo. N. Lewis, Proprietor Barlow & Hostetter Painters Decorators Paper Hangers Sign Writers Estimates Furnished on Contract Work SCHULZ & COMPANY Headquarters for Groceries, Dry Goods, Fresh Fruits Confectionery, Cigars, Etc FIRST CLASS BAKERY CONNECTED AT KAHLER BLOCK JACKSONVILLE New Wagon & Blacksmith Shop OREGON • • • • • Heit Skilled Workmen Employed Fir»t Cla»» Rlack»mithing All kind» Wagon War*. Anythin, and Everything Repaired Honenhoeing Rig New Stock Labor & Time»aving Tool» Geo. N. Lewis, Prop (One Block .Vorth l\ S. Hotel' acksonville. Oregon I I