Oregon City press. (Oregon City, Or.) 1896-1???, April 26, 1899, Image 2

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Mai'iiii'i; '.At N
I'l m.isiiicii,
ouU.ide of whale and seals. Besides
these are the lumber, Ice and stono !n
diihtries. And yet Alaskan trade Is In
I ll.u r'ni'lv Infunev. Ami t.h f a Im n am-
plo of tlio expimsion I hat the douio
cra lc party claims Is sending1 'the
country lotho domnltlon bow-wows.
in Orfynn Cilv.
Or , in vccoiiil-cljif m matter.
That's the Kind the Soldier Gets
In a Court Martial
One y'-.ir fin advance).
Six IIIOIltllH " " .
,fi on
Tf ii
' im
Wilis '
in iiilv.imc ")0
'A 1 1 1 l-i' i liiu im ciihl of keeping I III)
iii'i iiiiiit Mini lo miike good the louses
tli.tt are hiiio lo occur Willi deferred
p.'i nielli".
t-orilB aililtiona
. There seems to be no doubt that the
Orogon regiment will soon be on the-
water, home bound. The announce'
inont was as unexpected as It was
welcome. Company I has not had a
man killed, although they have been
In the thickest of the fighting, and
? though many have been In thehosplta'
none havesuccurnbad to the diseases of
the tropics The company soems to
have had a charmed existence.
Ol.n.OX CITY, Al'lill. 2(1, ISO!).
f I i v
ml ln.-r itiiiin "burro of revo-
v..'A i..),1. havo lo go to work
1 v"'7,
flMfll l.l'i! Ol.MI'l'
oi'i'urrcd Dewey's
'. i. will lake jiliice
'' t. '. '.,. ':.! :tnj-
lui'ilitiir forth
I.llil'JS of
from tlio
ry, iru'li'
tlio Ping
A Jewish colonial trust of $10,000,000
which may be increased to 150,000,000
Is about to be formed for the purpose
of promoting the gathering together of
the Hebrews from all corners of the
world. The dream of rehabilitation
hag been enticingly present to the Jew
ish mind for many centuries. It
about as possible of realization as the
rocolonlzatlon of Africa by negroes,
whose ancestry have gone through the
fires of slavery. Having become im-
liut-d with the idoa of Ango-Saxon
life neither Jews nor the negroes can
ever return to old Ideas, old environ
munis nor old contentment.
of n:in:i
T!m (liiJVi'onri
not of kind oi
1 illy n. yun U tlio proa test prophet
llv. i'v siir'lo one of Ills
is has hud a retrograde mo
Olhor words 1ms gone back on
i ',. '. a'. !y )uld not have hap
pened by ehanco.
("i;'.!-i i n-turn receipts will1 reach
i'1,!!!.! diis y as-. Though prob-
nMy ninny times (ess than collected by
the Spanish it will do Cuba much
ir n il good for it will be spent for im
provi'ini'iit instead of being shipped
out of the country.
' In ii ullin, Kan., t ho complete niu
niripal ticket, of women was elected,
consisting of mayor, clerk and council.
Tim women drove their own carriages
at, I In; polls and eoralled tho voters'
iniu-u lulor the best approvod ward
ii-. U.v !) i. tliroitgh a blinding snow
'-:. :J. n action of this petticoat
govoniineiit will be watched with con
niileralile Interest.
ovldenco of tho hottest
m row In Czar Nicholas' peace
to meet in tlio Hague lioxt
Kivncli delegates will protest
eon a ri .'
a,;..!::..! Il!i-ii;,h occupancy of a purlin
of Africa, Chinese representatives vi
kick, tipaiiisii nieiiiiii'i's will lie sour
mill it is likely troops may have lo 1
eaiieu out t') proaervo order, I lie con
gross will lie like a convention of ear
nivoroiis animals seeking tu deelaro fn;
a vegetable diet
The water supply for the people of
Oregon Cl'y is not improving. A sur
vey roeontly made demonstrated that
It is not practicable t get water from
tlio Clackamas on a gravity system
'I'll'-re ar a fow other probable sourcos
ot u good water supply, among them
tho sinking of wells at Ely. The power
neoeabury to raise the water would be
slight and the wells would not need be
very deep. It is iionerHlly believed
that an unlimited supply of good water
can be had there at small expense. At
most a few hundred dollars would pay
lur sinking a well and establishing a
temporary pumping plant. The quality
of the water is good, and the country
Indicates it Is a water shed. It is possi
ble artesian wells could be found in that
seclon, the topography of the county
would Indicate it.
The "old soldier" who has been
ptirleiitured and held up to rldlenlo for
his pi on'usity to apply for pensions,
will havo a great sigh of satisfaction
when he learns that the "young
soldier" of tho war with Spaiu now
carries tho belt in that respect. Al
ready ovor 1 1,000 applications for poll'
slons have been filed, It will probably
be found that the "grub klekers," the
howlers against tho government
methods of handling campaigns, and
tho "embalmed beef" heroes aro
among the llrst applicants.
Italy is wrestling with a problem of
health, us shown by recent hoalth ro'
purls. It appears from thoso reports
that consumption kills about 70,000 of
tlio inhabitants each year and makes
nearly j,u(H),UiH) invalids In the same
period. This Information will startle a
great many pooplo who have boon led
to believo that "Sunny Italy" Is tho
Eden of Earth, In fact consumption is
a thousand fold more deadly than
smallpox, yet physicians aim to pro
vent tho latter by trying to forco com
pulsory vaccination ou tho pooplo,
while they are practically and con
fessedly helpless In face of tho former.
Alaskan expansion was profitable to
this country. Sooretary Seward paid
$7,200,000 for Alaska, comprising 3M,
629,000 neros, or about two cents an
aero. Tho Fur Seal Company slneo
the purchase has paid into tho treasury
$11,000,000 with 11,304,5113 still duo.
This represents over $33,000,000 worth
of furs marketed. One of many gold
mining companies paid its stock -holders
$0,025,945 before Klondike opened
up, Thus the region has produced at
least $25,000,000 to tho country. In
tho single year of 1804 tho fish product
footed about 13,000,000, and tliero is
still the value of $7,80Q, 000 placed; In
tho fisheries to be taken luto account
The people of Oregon City and Clack
amas county are more Interested in road
building today than ever before. It is
truo that in the past Oregon City do
nated some $20,000 towards county
roads, $10,000 for the Baker ferry road,
and it Is also true that she must donate
sevoral thousand more bofore we have
good roads to the various sections of
the county. At prosont all efforts are
being concentrated for tho completion
of the Molalla road. The county court
has npport oned a good sum, the Ore
gon City council has donated $500, the
t-iti.ens along the route have sub
scribed freely, the pooplo of Oregon
City ure pledged for a large sum and
all that remains m for the people of the
Molalla country to come to the front
with a liberal donation and tho road
will bo finished. It is true that the
route selected is not the one dosirod by
tlio people of Molalla and Oregon City,
but the grade is but little steeper and
is not as stoop as other grades on the
road nearer Oregon Ulty. The coin
promise was made in good faith and
we boiieVo tho people of Molalla, Milk
Creek and other Interested precincts
will come to tho front with sufficient to
finish this, tho most Impor'ant road
In the county.
ieme High Army Official! W Hare
Faced Military Trlbaaala em eH-
om Chajpea aaa Haw Thar War
Dealt Wltk-Oda CalaaUaaaaa,
r MjDtii -s'l salary, both impor-
Tlms. It. Rood's Ketirement.
The announcomont that Thomas B
Itoed is to become a moiubor of a New
York law firm moans his early retire
ment from tho houso of representatives,
of which body ho has been the dominat
ing figure for tho groator part of the
last decade. His retirement will re
move from political life one of the
brainiest men in the republican party.
Mr. lined is a man of strong intellectual
ability and discernment. He is a most
skillful parliamentarian .
Rebellion In tlio Philippines.
Evory day of fighting in the Philip
pines 8'rengthons the tie that binds
those islands to tho United States
Evory lite of an Amorlcan soldier lost
Ihero, every hardship and every sacri
fice on the part of the faithful bearers
of tho Stars and Stripes fastens the
Philippines more securely as part of the
dominion of tho United States. '
Tho bigger the price exacted from us
by the rebellious Filipinos for the peace
ful possession of that country, right
fully ours, tho more pressing will bo
this country's duty and the stronger
its determination to make that posses
ion peaceful.
Wo will havo peace in the Philippines
under the Amorlcan flag, and we will
have It at any price.
This Is in accordance with human
nature and with the national traditions,
and, considering tho state of the world,
it Is likewise in accordance with politi
cal wisdom and necessity.
Ilonor lo tho Americans who are
helping toward peace in the Philippines,
and shame on those who, by encourag
ing the deluded and half savage natives,
aro striving to prolong tho strife there,
and to end It in disaster and humilia
tion lo the United Stalest
tont things among
army men, are pnt In
jeopardy by courts
martial ; so rach
trial Is a mighty seii
ons and solemn thing to the men who
wear Uncle Sam's fighting uniform.
Even a civilian spectator must be im
pressed with the difference between I
military tribunal and the ordinary court
of justice. In the latter offenses against
the lives and property of individnals
re investigated. In the former assaults
on the fame and discipline of tbe na
tion'i Irmy, made by individual lapses
of integrity, discipline or good behavior
are probed.
In the civilians court the lawyers
make nse of ' wit, pathos, ridicule and
passionato appeal to the emotions. Even
the jndges fillip an occasional joke from
the bench to the bar.
But in tho soldier's court justice is
grim and stern and ever dignified. A
criminal's life may hang in the balance
amid jest and mental buffoonery, bnt a
soldier's honor and a soldier's salary
can be put to forfeit only with solemn
Even the drumhead justice of a cam
paign court martial, when the offense
demands immediate punishment, lacks
nothing in dignity, although the sur
roundings may be unconventional
A general court martial is a brilliant
spectacle. Gold lace and red tape
abound, and dignity of procedure and
demeanor dominates In a manner not
paralleled, perhaps, in any civil court
except tribunals like the United States
supreme court Here in a form to please
the eye better are the equivalents of ail
the adjuncts of the high civil courts, but
each in shape that makes the whole
saene most interesting.
Instead of a gowned judge one sees
the president of the court grim, per
haps, and well along In years, because
promotions in the army are slow and
the president must be of higher rank
than tbe other members, but resplen'
dent in all the glories of his full mili
tary uniform.
In place of the jury are the other
members of the court, every one of
them in full uniform, begirt with a
gold belt In a full court martial there
ore just a dozen of these officers besides
the president, and many an officer and
man has found in this sort of 13 gath
ering confirmation of the evil superst!
tion attaching to the number. The ar
ticles of war provide that when it can
be avoided no member of the court
hall be inferior in rank to the officer
Owing to the high rank of Briga
dier General Eagan it was hardly pos
sible to have all the members of the
court his official equals, but the list as
selected included four major generals,
five brigadiers and four colonels.
In a court martial may be determined
questions of life or death, matters in
volving imprisonment, fines or dishon
or. Bound by almost no rules of evi
dence, amenable to none for the exer
cise of their judgment, the members of
a court martial may probe straight to
the bottom of every piece of evidence
brought before them, sweep aside all
technicalities and finally render a ver
dict entirely in accordance with their
wn ideas of the rights and equities of
the United States and of the officer who
is upon trial. -
Standing between the court and the
power which appoints it is the judge
advocate. In the trial of the case the
judge advocate is the prosecutor. Like
a prosecutor of the pleas or a district
attorney, he represents the government,
and it is his duty to prepare and present
to the court all the evidence against the
accused. Once he had a more complex
duty to perform.
Not many years ago an accused offi
cer was without the right to be aided
by legal counsel, and the judge advo
cate was bound to look after his inter
ests as well as to formulate the case
against him. This was a duty so mani
festly impossible to perform properly
that the members of courts martial,
knowing that no man can fairly divide
himself into prosecutor and defender
at the same time, almost always be
came interested in protecting the inter
ests of the men brought before them,
and it took a strong case or a clever
judge advocate to get a verdict of guilty.
Now this has been changed, and it Is
the duty of the commanding officers at
the posts where such courts are con-1
vened to appoint suitable officers to act
as counsel to defend any defendant who
requests it, or the accused may employ
lawyers. General Eagan, for instance,
employed one of the most brilliant law
yers in Washington to conduct his defense.
Tbe judge advocate is also the re
corder of the court Under his direction
a record is made of all the proceedings,
even to the most minute, for before the
findings and sentence of a court martial
can be carried into effect they must be
approved by the officer who appointed
the court or, in the case of a death
penalty, by the president of the United
States himself. Even in time of war
there is no exception to this rule, ex
cept that spies, mutineers, deserters or
murderers or guerrillas convicted of ,
violating the laws and customs of war-1
fare may have the sentence of death ex
ecuted upon them uxn the confimla
.tion of the sentence by the officer com
manding in the field.
Whoever has the time and opportuni
ty to attend a court martial may see
and know evtfrythlng which takes place,
except the discussions held by the court
to settle disputed points as to the ad
missibility of evidence and the final de
liberations in reaching a verdict All
other proceedings must be held in pub
lic, and all the evidence must be spread
pon the record in open court, so that
there could never occur In this country
such a controversy aa that which has
stirred up France over the Dreyfus case,
where the evidence upon which he was
convicted baa been kept hidden even
from hfs friends.
Enlisted men may be tried for offenses
not capital before field officers' courts,
regimental courts and garrison courts,
but an officer may be tried only before
general court martlaL Such a court
iay be appointed by any general com
manding an army, a territorial division
or a department or colonel command
ing separate department but in case
such an officer be himself the accuser
tbe court must be appointed by the
president of the United States. The
officer who appoints the court names
the judge advocate.
There is one peculiarity of the courts
martial which marks them as widely
different from any of the civil courts.
They are double in their character. Iu
the trial of the greater number of the
charges made against soldiers these
courts act purely as tribunals of law,
but attached to almost every set of
charges against officers is one charge
the trial of which totally changes the
character of the court This is tho
charge of "conduct unbecoming an offi
cer and a gentleman," the same which
was brought against General Eagan.
There are no rules of law which do-
fine condnct unbecoming a gentleman
and an officer. The court martial be
comes, therefore, a court of honor in
dealing with this charge, and its delib
erations can be guided by nothing bnt
the judgment of the members them
selves. The charge Is, too, one of the
most serious in the whole military code,
for the usual penalty prescribed, upon
conviction, is dismissal from the service.
It may be of interest to note that
while the court martial of an officer so
high in rank as General Eagan bus
A hore in tbe lead mills in vnin when
the wheel luirse lnys lack in the breeching-.
A man's l.ndy is a (leal like a team-Df
hortcs. mid must work harmoniously. The
head may want to work, and strive ever bo
hai'l tu work, hill if the bodv is bulkv and
I Bick the h'v.il will make no progress.
I The man who is out of cnruliiiun physical
ly may as wi ll (five up trying to work men-
I tally. II'.- 'vili mt he uhle tu do good work,
or sHtisfactiiry work, and in the endeavor to
' do so will only do himself further harm.
'..The reason that men have nervous exhaus
tion and prnitration is that they try to work
the brain when the body is balky. The
riht thiiiif for a man to do when he finds
he is out of sorts physically is to (rive the
mind a little rest, and promptly resort to
the rtThl remedy for hin physical ailments..
Dr. Pierce's C.oUh-n Medtcitl Discovery is
the best of all-medicines for a balky body.
When the held aches, the appetite IB poor,
the sleep is restU-ns the nerves are shaky
and h.ith h-i''v and brain suffer from dull
ness and l:r,-hade, it is time to resort to
this preat n an dy. It restores the nppclite,
correct:! r!l !! onl-m of the digestion,
makes assimilation perfect, invigorate the
liver and purifies mid nourishes the blood,
, It is t'u li'ncd-nnV-er and flcsh-
bulld'-r. Ii is tiic I si of ikta-c tonics and
restuiatiivs i , ;:!..'. . l-.ili 1 ',-nnd Inin
alert fifl :'"'-.. M, ilirin? d.- ilei have
nothing ''just as jfonU."
"I suffered five' -,':irs xvitli mi ulivr find the
ncctor I'it'' '
lr. Julm .
Vn. " 1 tm.
Golden Rlnl
won!-! !' '
fur your mol
For Cj'ii
I'.i -. '
ural :'' " i
act K-JI....J .
vent aire.
1)11, J. U.MILLEIi,
fine Dental Work. ArtMIc Gold Viownt and
Jlrltlge Work.
Otflen on Btrmta St., nour 8. P, Depot.
Deputy District A ttorncy.
Will Praetle la mil ComrU at the State, Cro
1 rait (ltd niMrlct Court ot the
Vnlted Btatra.
Otltee on enntk tide ml Main atreet, between.
Sixth and Hereatb Streta.
Will praettta to all tme eenrta attaemtatm
CknHeU Meek.
Jiiggar Kulldlng, , Opposite
Oregon City.
my " j'i'l." writes
. .'. V "ii ."ii Co..
of tr t'i"rce's
el I a, a well. I
if it !:;...! nnl liecu
indigestion, Dr.
Ii :i;e liic mo.it nat
"c t-vr d"vicd They
iy,.iur.l cii'cct u tierma-
Oldest Bank In the City.
aid up Cana Capital
nrifiM t
$S0 0O9
fit OOO
ami p
i J y.,4.
leliv .ll.
oil nie'il
Ml froii at
ll U I
and Opinions
il Importance
Daily, l y mail, -Dailv
- ff! a year
lil, ifS a ypar
Capital, .... $100,000.
Loans made. Bills discounted. Makes
collect ions. Buys and sells nxehange on
all points in the United States, Europe
and llonit Kong. Deposits received sub
to cheek Bank open from 9 a. m. to
D. C. I.atourktti President
P. J. iMkykr Cashier
F. E. Donaldson, Agt
rarely ocenrred in the history of onr
army many men who afterward at
tained eqnal or even higher rank have
in their time faced a military tribunal
on just as serious charges.
No less a person than General Win-
field Scott was conrt martialed for call
ing a superior officer names to which
the snperior objected. General Scott
was snspendedfor a year and put in tbe
time studying tactics. He was a junior
oTlieer at the time his offense was committed.
Time brings forgetf nlness as certainly
as it assnages grief. There are probably
not many who remember that nine peo
ple out of ten once believed General
Miles' hitherto rapid promotion was
certain to be checked because of dis
pleasure visited upon him in a rather
marked way by President Cleveland.
How many men remember that Henry
C. Corbin, now the adjutant general of
the army and one of the most promi
nent figures now in the present army
controversy at Washington, was once
court martialed for alleged cowardice
in the face of the enemy.
General Russell A. Alger, the secre
tary of war, has had troubles of his
own in the past, ana one of tne Hrst
things which strike the man with a
good memory on reading the details of
the present army row is the fact that
General Wesley Merritt, senior officer
of the board appointed to try General
Eagan, is the man who, as a cavalry
leader, once declared that his present
chief, Alger, should be tried and dis
missed from the service for absenting
himself without leave from his com
mand during a critical period of tbe
war of the rebellion.
General George A. Custer, who made
the official report as Alger's command
ing officer that the present secretary of
war was absent without leave, was
three or four years afterward court
martialed himself.
As a matter of fact, courts martial
and threats of court martial, like wars
and rumors of war, have kept pretty
steady compaif with army officers since
George Washington took command of
the colonial forces. It is pleasing for
the populace and grateful to the ranks
to know, however, that the record of
trials in the American army falls below,
with'fill due allowance for smaller num
bers, that of the armies of Europe.
Captain T. B. Francis.
?Th?. Sunday Sun
; , is Hie c!rcuti'.-t S n.luy
N ispiiMr in the ,
i Oi hi,
Price 5o a Copy.
By mail, $2 a year.
' Address THE SUN, New York.
A Big Job
It would he a big job to tell
one-lnitiilreil people a day
anything that would interest
them in your goods.
Speaking of
There are no companies better, few so
good, as the
and the
A II of them, TIME TRIED and FIRE
TESTED. H. L. Kelly, Agt
Its Dead Easy
Tf done tho rit'lit way.
This paper will tell several
thousand at once.
For Sale A small team of matched
horses. C. P. Pollard, Willamette Falls.
Also carry a general line of Harness
Goods. All work and goods first class.'
cor 10th and Main sts.
Oregon City, Or,
V everywhere for "The Story of the
Philippines" by Mu rut Halstead com
missioned by the Government, aa Of
ficial Hiulormn to the War Department
The book was written in army camps at
San Francisco, on the Pacific with Gen
eral Merritt, in the hospitals at Honolulu
in Hong Kong, in the American trenches
at Manila, in ihe insurgent camps with
Aguinahlo, on the deck of the Olympia
wiib Dewey, and in the roar of battle at
Manila. Bonanza for agents. Brimful
of original pictures taken by government
phutograpliers on the spot. Large book.
Low prices. Big profits. Freight naid.
I Credit given. Drop all trashy unofficial
war books. Outfit free. Address, F. T,
Barber, Secy'y., .Star Insurance Bldg.,
J, Schatz,
Send a Boy.
No matter who you send to
do your marketing, you may
be sure that your basket will
show the same care as if you
had come in person.
We don't believe it pays to "work
off" 8Pcond class goods at first clnss
prices. If we haven't the article you
want,' in a good quality, we'll tell
you so but we won't send you
poor stuff.
Robertson's Grocery,:
Seventh St., A. 0. U. W. Bld'g
Tor Sale. . .
S 50 feet front in the ME. Church j
i block, corner 7th and Main sts . (
For particulars see J. L. Swof- S
t ford and Otto S. Oleson. f
Horse Shoeing
Wood Work,
All kinds of Fine Repairing and
We make a Specialty of Repairing
Oliver Chilled Plows.
C. A. W00LF0LK, Parkplace.