Oregon City press. (Oregon City, Or.) 1896-1???, November 30, 1898, Image 4

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    Saves Time and Monay.
It ii delightful weatbor to breathe
fresh, invigorating air, lot take care of
lurausgo, or else ht. Jacobs Oil mnet
take care of it and euro it promptly.
It savcB time and monoy.
When Ha floei,
"Does your huabnnd evor go to
churoli, Mrs. Badger?"
"Oh, yes, he goes quite regularly in
the winter time."
"Why does he go in the wlntor time
and not at other times?"
"Well, yon seo, he gonorally lias tho
quinsy when the weathor ii raw and
thinks he is going to dio." Chicago
Evening News.
t " -
The Best
Medicine Money Can Buy
Is Hood's Saraaparilla. It contains moro
enrative power, Is propared with grantor
care by educated and experienced phar
macists. It boe the greatest salon and
effects the groatast enrco. It is the medi
cine you should take to pnrlfy your blood
and make yourself strong anu healthy be-
Items or General Interest Gleaned
From the Thriving Paclflo
fore colder weather comes.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Bold by all dealers rrloo, l. Got Hood's.
Hood's Pills cure Indigestion. 2 cents.
A Principle of Life Illustrated.
Tliera are 'certain plants tho dod
der, for instance, which begin life with
the best lntontiong, strike true roots
Into the soil, and really appear as if
they meant to.bo Indopondont for life.
But after supporting themsolvos for a
brief period they fix curious- sucking
discs into the stem and branches of ad
jacent plants. And after a little ex
perimenting the epiphyte finally ooasos
to do anything for its own support,
thenceforth drawing all Its supplies
ready made from the sap of Its host.
In this parasitic stato it has no need
lor organs of nutrition of its own and
naturo takes thorn away. Thonce
forth the dodder is a plant without a
root, without a twig, without a leaf,
and having a atom so useless as to be
inadequate to bear its own woight.
Prof. Drummond.
The Salmon Pack.
The fall Sound pack, as glvon last
weeK, 10 ia5,000 cases, and the Fraser
river 84,600. The Columlba river pack
is given as 118,000, the largest in the
history of the river. The Trade Koala
tor estimate on August 27 was 600,000
for red Alaska, but later reports in
creased it to 840,000 oasos. So definite
figures for the total Alaska pack are
at hand. The Sound sockoye paok
was zou.ouu oases: Jfrasor river alone,
103,000; British Columbia (Including
me eraser), 414,000; Columbia river,
B,oao oases. Total pack last year.
an points, was given ot 8.121.117 onaes.
the fall pock of Pogut sound last year
wag izo.zuo oaso, with 87,600 for
Wlflapa and Gray's harbor; 68,050 for
Columbia river aDd a total of 206,628
08.868 of falls for the coast (not Includ
ing Alaska), against 264,600 this year.
Tire run fn the Gray's harbor district
has been good this year, and will prob
ably be 60,000 oaees.
Log Angeles Oil Ontput.
Tho oil producers' trnsteos have nub-
Hshed the regular monthly report for
October. The statomont shows that
16,086 barrols of oil were reoolved dur
ing tho month. During tho samo
period tho sales amountod to 22,782
barrels. The amount in storage on Oo
tober 1 was 82,230 barrels. The
amonjt on November 1 had fallen to
76,440 barrels. Virtually all of this
amount bolongs to the Oil Transporta
tion & Storage Company. A circular
Just Issued by tbls company shows that
it intends to go Into the oil buying and
selling business.
Orange Estimate.
The orange crop will be late this
year, and few will be fit to ship to the
Northwest for the holiday trade. The
Los Angeles Eiprens in writing np the
outlook says that tho total shipments
from Ronthorn California for the year
foot op, of (.!1 kinds of citrous fruits,
16,148 carloads, whloh is a large per
cent greater than for any previous 13
months. The coming crop Is expeotod
to equal last year's. There Is a good
demand for lomons, but this fruit Is
Portland Market.
Wheat Walla Walla, 69 60c;' Val
ley and Bluestem, 68o per bushel.
Flour Beat grades, 13.45; graham,
8; superfine, f 3.20 per barrel.
Oats Choice whito, 8940c: cholc.
gray, 8788o per bushel.
Uarloy Feed barley. 121(322: brew.
ing, 28 per ton.
JMlIlutiiffs-Bran. 116.60 Der ton; mid.
dlings, (21; shorts, 16; chop, fH-BO
per ton.
Hay Timothy, 19(3 10; clovor. 17
8; Oregon wild hay, 6 per ton.
nutter Fancy creamery. 608Blto!
soconds, 45380a-; dairy, 86(3400 store,
Cheese Oregon full croam. lKaiJnt
Young America, 12)o; new cheese,
10c per pound.
rouitry Chickens, mixed. 13(88.50
per doien; hone, 13.80(34.60; springs,
i.o5; goeso, t5.00fl.00 for old,
4,50 6 for young; ducks. 14.00(5
6,00 por dozen; turkeys, live, 13f
12o por pound.
Potatoes 60 60o per sack; sweets.
2c nor pound.
vegetables Beets, OOo; turnips, 76
per stick; garlie, 7o par round: oab-
bago, II 1.26 Der 100 oonndsi ranH.
flower, T6o por doaon; parsnips, 78o
por sack; beans, 8o por pound; celery.
70 76c per dozen; cucumbers, 60o per
box; peas, 88)t'c per pound!
Unions Oregon, 76ol per sack.
Oops 16 17o; 1897 crop, 4flo.
Wool Valley, 1012o per noundt
Eastern Oregon, 8(4 12c; mohair.
26o per pound.
Mutton Gross, best sheen, wethers
and ewes, 8Mo; dressed mutton. 7
Spring lambs. 7Mo nor Ih.
Hogs Gross, oholco heavy, f4.75
light and feeders, 8.O04.0O dressed,
o.oucjo.ou por 100 pounds.
Beef Gross, top steers, 8.80$3.78
cows, 12.80(33.00; dressed beef,
0(30$c per pound.
Veo.1 Large, 68c; small, fljtf
740 per pound.
English Breakfast
Ideal Blend
An Inch of rain fulling upon an area
of one Bqnare mile is equivalent to
nearly 17,600.000 gallons, weighing
140,y(SO,UOO pounds, or 64,844 tons.
ihe stability of the solar system
demonstrated by Laplace from Now
ton's law of attraction, is shown by M
H. Polnoare to bo a mistaken lnforonoo,
overlooking the modern oonooptlon of
When coming to Pan Franclsoo go to
Xtrookiyn Hotel, HW-2I2 Hush street,
.American or !?uixpouii plan. Itoom and
board $1.00 to t.fiO per day ; rooms 60 cents
w i.uu per ony; miiRio moals V!0 cents,
Iroo coach. C'has, Montgomery.
! I . .
voroiiiuin, Known nypouioticaiiy as
a constituent of the sun, has boon dls
covered by Profossor Naslni, of Padun,
m voioanio emissinns. It is a ens np
parontly muoh lighter than hydrogen.
No hnuiii'hoM Is comnloto wlthnnt n lint.
tie of the famous Jo.iho Moore Whiskey. It
Is a pure nnd wholeanmo atlmiilitnt re.i-
onuiifliidod liy oil physicians. Don't tig.
Klcot this neooHsity.
Furlongh and l.oave of Absonoe.
V 1th the return of tho voluntoers
from active duty the terms "furlough"
and "leave of absenco" havo boen om
ployod froquontly, and in many in
stances improperly. A furlough Is a
permission given by a commissioned
ofllcot to an enlisted man or noncom
missioned officer to bo obsont from
duty for a certain lonutli of tinio.
Leave of absence is tho torm uaod when
a like permission is glvon to a com
missioned offloor bv his superior. New
York Trlbuno.
New Fish Canning Concern.
A now incorporation has been
formed at Astoria, Or., to be known as
the Alasak Fisherman's Packing Com
pany, with a capital stock of 170.000.
divided into 140 sliuios of $500 eaoh.
The company will onguae in the can
ning, salting and freozing of salmon in
Alaska and elsewhore. The incorpora
tors are Theodore Sivorson, Christ
Christenson, John Nordstrum. Ole B
I Oleson, A. L. Clark and John L
Columbia River Shipping,
The following ships left Portland
last week, touohlng at Astoria: Th
British ship Mooltan oloarod for
Queenstown or Falmouth for orders
with 06,886 bushols of whoat, valued
at 157,600, shipped by the Portland
Flouring Mills Company. The British
shipNivelle, loaded by Balfour, Guth
rie & Co., finished also, and went Into
the stream, and thi Mozambique, with
a oargo of whoat and barley, oloarod.
New Conl Deposit.
Tho capitalists have rooently sont an
export to Investigate the deposit of
lignite coal that exists on Mallory
ridgo, noar Asotin, Wash. A tost was
made of the ooal, and It was pro
nonnoed all right, and from what can
be loarnod it is thought tho extont of
tho mineral body will bo moro fully
luquliod Into in the com so of a few
weeks. Tho voln is now openod up
for a distance of 10 foot.
Tooling llopi for llnttnr Prions.
Tho hopgrowors In tho vlolnitv of
Indepondonoo, Or., in order to take
advantago of tho raising market are
pooling tholr crops together and hope
to outuin 17 Ctmts. A recent Bhinmont
irom tiioro oonslstod of fivo carloads.
containing 801 bales of flrst-oluss hops.
more still remains in that city somo
uu naios oi nops unsoia.
Seattle Market.
Tomatoos, 60 8 Bo por box.
Cucumbers, 1016c poi doa.
Onions, 86 900 per 100 pounds.
Potatoes, 110(312.
Beets, per asok, fl.
Turnips, per sack, flOgOBo.
Carrots, per saok, 66a
Parsnips, por sack, fl.
Beans,- green, 2 (3 So.
Green cbrn, (1.26(31.60 per saok.
Cauliflower, 75o por doz.
Celery, 40(360o.
Cabbage, native and California
(1.00(31.60 per 100 pounds.
Apples, 60c(365o per box.
Pears, 76c$l per box.
Prunes, 60o per box.
Peaches, 76a
Plums, 60c.
Butter Creamery. B7o ter round:
dairy ann rancn, I80320o por pound,
Eggs, 82o.
Cheese Native, 1212o.
Poultry Old hens, 18o per pound;
Bjiruig vnicKenB, ioo; lurlceys, ltfo,
Kresh meats Choice dressed beef
steers, prime, 6J3 7c; oows, prime,
o$c; mutton. 7J$o; pork, 78o; veal,
I (S 80.
Wheat Feed whoat, $21.
Oats-'-Cliolce, por ton, (23.
Hay Pugot Bound mixed. $9.50(8
jo; cnoioe Eastern Washington tfm-
othy, (12.
Corn Whole, (23.60: crackod. t24:
feed meal, (20.60.
Barley Itollod or ground, dot ton.
(24(325; wholo, (23.
i lour Patent, por barrel. $8.60:
straights, $3,25; California brnds,
(3.28; buckwheat flour, $3.78; graham,
por barrol, $3.7&; whole wheat flour.
$3.75; ryo flour, $4.
Millstuffs Bran, per ton. $14:
snorts, por ton, $10.
I., . i f i . . .
a'uuu ijiioppcu loeo, fi7R?31 nor
ton; middlings, por ton, $17; oil cake
meal, por ton, $36.
Crop Bbonld Be Properly Bote ted
New IToney Beea from the Phlllp-plnea-Ho-w
to Care for Horae-To
1'revent Cows Jumping.
What tho rotation of crops Should bo
nrufit depend largely on tho quality and
condition, of tlw soil aa well as on Its
location, btrt experlonco has shown that
in order to economically cnltivato tho
crops must bo grown that will not
too snrloiwly encroftch on any oiw pat
ttcular elemimt In the soil to tho excia
slon of the othora That this Is not
moro geuenilly understood Is the cswiso
of uinoy fallun. A fa-rmor will find
ttnt plonvtng under cloref or pond or
softie other nltrogenotis plmrt has given
hhli a soJl oa which ho ral a fino crop
of corn, and Instead of bypg saUsfled
wrth this reenut ho must i.jds put the
wrui m corn sgara to stlJl further do
plof iM fortuity wfthotrt returning
anything to ft Tho result Is that while
he Mindly ot1oJnl a good second crop"
of corn, tho soil Is In procteoly lite Banie
condition m K wns before tho legumes
wm pnt Into ft, flud In order to keep up
Its fertility conslderablo moro tnusrt bo
Bpont on fertilizers of some sort. This
ewild hve been avoided had tho land
bivn pirt Into wheat and clover after
tho first ?ron of cornt not only avoided.
but he wmild have hod a second crop of
clover to turn nuder, which would haVo
added more fertility to the soil than
was taken from ft by tho com and
wteat crops, AUauta Journal
planter is to attract moisture,, which
euch soil usually needs. I'lnflter 1ms
been sold at the mills as low as $2 per
ton in winter when most of tho rock
grinding Is done. Ten or fifteen miles
a-way and In summer, when fanners
wanted to use ft on crops, tho price
would Jump np to $4.50 and even $3 per
ton. So thOHo who used much plaster
generally went with sleighs during a
run or good gJelghlng, when they would
sometimes draw two tons or more on
a load. A half bushel of plaster weighs
pretty near 100 pounds, so that a cood
deal can bo put in an ordinary sleigh
Italy's Aeoeinlon of Territory.
Italy has hail 294 square miles of
land added to its territory in the lust
70 years by the advance of the delta of
tho Po into the Adriatic sea. The
monsuroraont has been niado by Pro
fessor Maiinolli, who carefully com
pared the Austrian surveys of 1823
with the Italian surveys of 1893. New
York Sun.
Ripe Tomatoee for Christmas.
jseroro rrrwt comes pick ail sound
green frnlt from the vluee, and careful
ly wrap enefi one iu a GxO-fnch sheet of
wliito wax paper, taking caro not to
twist as in packing oranges. Bpread
out in a slnirlo layer on travs or In
shallow boxen, and placo In a partial
light In i cellar. To hasten ripening
they may occasionally bo cxposid to
the fmn half flh hour at A tlina Once
a wwk examine nnd pick out the red
6ia end those that mny decay. This
may be done easily, as tho trannnar-
oney of tho paper does not necessitate
unwrapping. Thus odd may have
constant simply of plump, palatable
ana ueautlful tomatoes till Christmas,
wan trilling expense or trouble. Amer
ican Agriculturist.
Eootorod to Health by Lydla XL
Plnkham'a Vegetable Compound.
"Can Do Sty Own Worfc
(Hunt Kant India Beea,
Ono of our acquisitions with tho
riilllpplDo Islands hi likely to bo. a new
specie of tho honey bee. It is one
half larger than the American honey
boo, with a much greater capacity for
making both wax and honey. In Ifs
wild stato It builds combs on largo for
est trees or In clefts of the rocks in tho
mountains oi the Island. As It goes up
the mountains for a dlstnnco of 6,000 i
feet, It is believed that ft can be accli
mated so as to live in the United States.
Str. Frank Benton of the Department
of Agriculture Went to tho Philippines
to Investigate these new klud of bees.
no reports them not to be easily Irri
tated. Unfortunately a swarm which
Mr. Benton captured In the Jungle died
on Its passage across tho Pacific. These
bees have a wasp-like figure, with or-
ange-colored bands encircling Its body.
The combs It makes are much larger
than those made by ordinary bees. If
ft clin bo domesticated In hives tho
hives must be very large ones. In fact,
a room would scarcely be too large, and
It might nccoramodafo several swarms.
There Is a difference of opinion ns to
nio proper time to nrano an orchard
out a good tlmo Is when the knife Is
sharp. Visit the orchard often aud cut
off all water sprouts and superfluous
Htnba that Interfere with their neigh
bors. Head the trees low. It will be
moro convenient to gather tho fruit and
storms arc not so hard on a low tree as
a high one.
A Big Horee.
The largest horse In America has
been discovered in Illinois. He stands
twenty hands high, weighs 2,500
pounds, and has never been either
broken or shod. lie Is nearly a puro
blood Clydesdale. Of course, he Is a
freak, and not likely to bo worth anr-
thlng except for exhibition purposes.
Mrs. Patrick Dankht,
Wost Wlnsted, Ocmm, writes i
" Deab Mr8. PmnnAM! It is with
pleasure that I writo to you of the
benefit I have dorlvcd from using your
wonderful Vegetable Compound. I was
very 111, suffered with female weak
ness and displacement of tho womb.
"I could not sleep at nigh t, had to walk
the floor, I suffered so with pain In my
side and small oi my back. Was trou'
bled with bloating, and at times would
faint away; had a terriblo pain in my
heart, a bad taste in my mouth oil the
time and would vomit; but now, thanks
to Mrs. Flokham and her Vegetable
compound, 1 leel well ond sleep well
can do my work without feeling tired
do not bloat or havo any trouble
"I sincerely thank you for the good
advice you gave me and for what your
medicine nas dono lor me.
Cannot Tralae It Enough.
Estobllihed 1780,
celebrated for more Js
than a century u i A
delicious, nutritious, f
and flesh-forming S
1 i V
vuvuHigu, mis our 3
well-known "ff
Yellow Label G
on the front of every
package, and our
trade-mark,"I,aHelle Si
Choco1atlere,"on the "5
GaX 2
Dorchester, Mass.
Is It WroiiK?
Uet It Right,
Keen it Rloht
Hoore'e Revealed Itmnody wllldolt. Throe
uuoca will mono you icei oettor. Got It from
yonrdriifrglBtorany wholcsalo drug noun, or
For Ban tTiumlseo Market.
Owing fo tho extromo dry sonson In
California during tho past year large
Bales of oattle for shipment to Califor
nia havo boon made in Oregon. Two
wholosolo bntohois of San Francisco
purchased 000 head of flno beof cattle
noar Lakevlow. Tho sule approxi
mates fau.uuo.
Honda Sold.
The municipal bonds of Groat Falls,
Mont, havo boon sold to good advan
tage In Chicago. The issue amounts
to f37o,000, on which a premium oi
f 10,105 was obtained, which added to
the accrued intorost mado a total of
1381,620.21 received by tho city.
Water Main Contract Let.
The olty eounoil of Now Whatcom.
Wash., has lot a contract for extondlng
me city water system 8,000 foot to J.
H. Thomas for 10,808. The pipe will
uo wooden-Btave, and tlio bond re
quired in tho sura of $30,000.
ClenrltiK-lloune liotiu-ne.
Victoria, II. 0., has had a clearing-
coiiBU ror two weeks now, and the vol
ume of business (hows a good increase.
i no returns fOT last woek wore t785,
185, while for tho woek provlous the
figures woro $700,553.
San Franoleco Martlet,
Hool Spi Ing Nevada, lOfflHsnor
pound; Oregon, Kastern, 1012o; Val
ley, 1G(!317c; JNoithorn, 0llo.
Millstuffs Middlings, fl921.00;
Drun, fio.ou(ss 10.50 per ton.
unions Yellow. 8045c por sack.
uuttor Fancy creamery, 24o;
oo seconds, zacsc28; fancy dairy, 21(3
wo; ao socouds, 20(M24o tier pound.
Eggs Store, 1822o; fancy ranoh,
Citrus Fruit Oranges, Valencia, 13
O2.60; Moxican limos, 85i)C.50: Call.
fornla lemons, 12.00(8. 800; do ohoioe-
f3.fi04.50; per box.
Care of a Horee.
The animals should be first watered,
then fed, and while they are eating
their com tie bed is turned up, tho
stalls mucked out, the fc? picked out
with the picker, and the soles, frogs
and walls well washed with the water
brush, tho Shoes being examined to see
that they are Ann and serviceable.
Thorough grooming with brush, curry
comb, sponge and linen rubber.
Sick and idhj horses require grooming I
as mnch as working animals do to keep
them In health. If horses srot more effl-
clent grooming there wotdd bo fewer
complaints M to "surfeit," pimples,
blotches, hldobotind, romrhness and
other things that affect tho health and
spoil tho appearance of the auhnul, and
thero would also bo less demand for
alterative and "condition" powders.
wuicn aro generally rendered neees-
.. in r ,., ....
ouijr uuruutfii euo sum becoming un-
boadfby owing to its neglected condition.
Tho cleaning ottt of tho fwt Is on Im
portant point that Is enthvit- neglected
with most of our form iwreee. Of
course, when out at paslure It rs not
necessary, but where horses are hi tho
stable continuously tho feet should bo
looked after better than they usually
are. Mark Lane Express.
Farm Kotee.
When a farmer's stock seems to be
all of one mold, and that a good one,
there are dealers ready to take them as
a lot, and at tho owner's price, A first
class animal Is sure to bring a good
figure, but he who has all first-class
animals usually obtains the top of the
While there are a gooa many kinds
of toadS, all of them bring sudden
death to every bug or fly which comes
within their reach. It Is doubtful If
the most industrious bird devours as
many insects in a year as the toad,
they are not attractlvo In annearaneo.
but we should never destroy one of
Miss Oertib DiWBra,
Fronklln, Nob., writes:
" I suffered for somo time with naln-
ful and irregular menstruation, falllnir
.i. . . . . .
vi wie womo ana pain in the back,
tried physicians, but found no relief.
I was at last persuaded to try Lvdia
ri. rinKnams vegetable Compound,
and cannot praise it enough for what
ii nas done lor me. I feel like a new
person, and would not part with your
meuicine. i nave recommended It to
several of my friends."
Bug weaving Is an art older than the
Pharaohs, and the history of the first
loom lies shrouded In oblivion.
Eaiy Work. .
Too muoh exorcise leaves one a prey
to soronoss and stiffness, but It is easy
work for St. Jacobs Oil to get the
musolcs back Into proper shapo and cure
the distress.
A process baa been recently perfected
by whloh thin shoots of absolutely
transparent oolluloid are silvored by a
similar procoss to that formerly used
on glass.
A Kaea Agalnut Fire.
The crew of a steamer from Spain dis
covered in mid o'ean that flames were rag
ing in the hold. For ten days they bravely
fought tho (lames. If men would fight as
persistently against disorders of the stom
ach, thero would be ftiwftr prrniature
deaths. TIjq beet weapon for such a light
is Ilostotter's Stomach Bitters,
The total number of ohomical works
reglstorod in all parts of Germany is
8,144, with 125,440 employes.
Avoid the Night Air.
Avoid the night air when damp and
cold, and you will often avoid having
nouralgia, but St, Jacobs Oil will cute
It no matter what Is the cause and no
mattor how long it has continued.
The holght of tho mountains In the
moon has been moasuiod. One has an
altitude of 83,000 foet, and several are
upwards of 80,000 fcot In height.
To Curo a Cold In One Day
Take Laxative liromo Quinine Tablets.
All dniRgists rofui'd money if It fulls to
cure. 2m,
Tho fominine enthusiasm over Schley
nurpasBoa that displayed toward Hob
on to a degiee whioh suggests an in-
inatlon to make a distinotlon botween
a liontonant and an admiral.
FITS P'y;m,n,n,"'r 0u'e". f"ofluiornirTouni
III after nrst rtay'a line of lJr. JUIiien ureat
Nerve l4P8torr. Biui for FlUcS: .io irla)
botileamltrontlHo. Ii R, E. 1L KliNJi. ltd. o.
arcti street, 1'lilludelplito,
The violet, for modesty and shy un-
obtrnsivoness, Isn't in it wilh a girl
who is wearing an old hat when every
one else has on new millinory.
If you want the best wind mill, numnn.
tanks, plows, wagons, bells of all sizes.
Doners, engines, or general machinery, see
or write JOHN 1'OOLIS. foot of Morrison
street, Portlund, Oregon.
Wo offer Ono Hundred Dolla Rntrini fnr mi
oaso of Catarrh that can not bo cured by Hall's
Catarrh Caro.
F. J. CHENEY & CO., Props Toledo, O.
Wo the undorHlirneil. hnvo knnu-n P 1 l'h.na.
mi tu, iinnt i
honorable In n
rears, and bollovo him porlectly
11 himlneRH Lrnnnnf-firttiB ami fin
ancially able to oarry out any obligations mode
uj biiuir mill.
W 1ST a TBtliX,
Wholcsalo IiriHRlsti, Tolodo, O.
Wamiino, Rinnan 4 Maiivin,
Wholesale DrugKlBti, Toledo, O.
nalra Catarrh Cllrp, U Inht-n ln,A.n.ll,. ailn
aireotly on the blood and mucous suracoa of
tllOHVfltem. PrlOA 7lr, nr Ha C..t l. all
drngplsts. Testimonials Irco.
uau's family fills -ro tho best.
Paper mudo from seaweod Is a crow-
ng industry in France. It is so trans
parent that it has been usod in place of
Plso's Cure for Consnmntimi baa heon
Ood-scnd to me. Wm. H MiClvlUn
Chester, Florida, September 17, 1805. '
Gilding Is easily applied to sisnsand
decorations by a new brush, which has
reel on the handle on whloh the
motalllo leaf is wound, one end b'olntr
inserted undor the tin of tho brush.
hlch slides along aud deposits th
foil ou the surfuoe underneath.'
lMdor Abrom PorRms of the Shakor
lottlomont, is 01 years old, yet fro
quently walks all the way to Concord,
ft. 11., a distance of ovor 20 miles.
James A. Davis, who died In Dor-
cnostor comity, Maryland, Inst week,
steered the first steamer that crossed
Lake Hrle. Chicago was then, he said.
i. . .i t , . ,
uui mrue oriox nouses.
Mrs. Nancy Carine Is dead at Dill
boro, Iud., aged 67. For 47 vcats she
had lived loss than a mile from a rail
road and within easy sound of tho loco-
motivo whistle, but nevei saw eilhor
road, car or engine. .
Mme, Eistorl, otherwise the Mar-
qmso (.'apranica del Grillo, is in Jior
77th year, and Is lyiim orltionllv ill
at itome, neing tnus unau o to aecont
the invitation of tho queen of Italy to
pass a few days with hor at Gressony,
To Keep a Cow from Jnmirtnit.
Make a good strong halter and stir.
ciiigiei make both of good leather or of
good three-fourths Inch ropei put tho
Surclnglo around iust bohlud tho fnre.
legs, having a good large ring fastened
to it onder the brisket. Tut the halter
on as on a horse, having a stout ring
uuder the cliln. Fasten a short chain
from Bio ring in the snrclngio to tho
ring iii the halter, having it short
enougn tnat she can not raise her head
moro than two feet from the ground, or
less If she Is Tery bad. The surclncle
where It crosses the back and the link
er on tho nose should be wrapped with
soft cloth to keep them from rubbing.
With this a cow can neither throw nor
Jump fence, and still she can throw her
nead around to her sides to fight off the
flies. Practical Farmer.
send for Catalogue.
SKO Market St.
san rrauolaoo.
ir-xotk ins KAMA
WIBtSWHlM All fist fails, fj
I J Boat Cui'cb Wrup. T,w.i, Ooud. Cue rl
Now Indllatrjr.
Ihe first shipment was mode last
woek from Port Moody to Vancouver,
U. C, of oil of cedar. A company has
noon organized to carry on tho Indus
try, and though now in its Infancy, i
possible great future is ahead of th
Frederick. P. Sanuuinet. father of 11
child i on with 28 grandchildren, ha
just uieu in nis porno, 4U03 Avails av
nue, St. Louis. His death Is the first
that has ocourrod in the family, in.
eluding three generations, for over'half
a contury. The Sangulnots have lived
In St. Louis all the time. Diirlno
Mr. Sangulnet's 78 years he has not
been ill a day, and until three weeks
as a
New City null Contract Let.
The eounoil of La Grande, Or.
last week awarded a oontraot for the ago. ftheu taken ill with Hv..r .0m..
AfAltl... r,4 n -I I. ..II . . .
u. a u vnj nun, io cost ws engaged in active business
JiU0U- clvi enirlnoer.
ino largest log drive forsovera years Mr. and Mrs. ftnmnnl Sni.. tt0v..ii
mi-, ... i ... , . . - 0 a. ..i i
riu iro uiuiikui auwn in 8 Beason nv nave been en ru tint. ih uniK i
.1.. -i.i.. a. ., ,.. - " .-. -...-......... ivwi niilll
uio oim. asn., sawmill, n will versary of their w?di Una nt Rl Lnffrtri.
oco, Brooklyn. Mr. Haskell is B0
years old, his wife 80. They are both
consist of 4,000,000 feet of logs.
undoubtedly thero will bo a great
niflii into the Atlin district, Alaska, in
the spring. The oouutry has proved
very iicn.
A consignment of 880.000 feet of fir
and oedar lumber, the product of the
Simpson Mill Co., of Ballard, will be
shipped from Seattle December 1 to
Honolulu, to be used by tho United
iStates government in the erection of
lar nom being infirm. The husband
uses no glasses; tho wifo reada i-nm.
fortnbly with them. They talk spirit
edly of the old days when Brooklyu
was a wilderness, and they are the l.in!
of their children, their grandchildren
ml their great-grand children.
Chinese laundrynien of Now York
tiave formed a trust, and Prieea have
been raised.
TNInsr Raw Bonca on th Pom.
The quickest and simplest method of
utilizing old bones Is to burn them In
the kllchen stove and carefully save
the ashes. In this war vou trot in tha
ash all tiie phosphoric acid and Umo
there Is in the bone, but you lose the
nitrogen, whlvh goes off as gas in the
smoke. Where tbe qimrwlty of bones Is
small, however, and especially If the
facilities required for other methods of
rising them aro uoit at hand, and If the
bones cannot be sold at a fair price.
this burning of them Is far batter than
to permit them to go to waste. Bono
makes an Intense heat, and as far as It
goes Is a valuable fuel. Every thrifty
farmer saves nil tho wood ash from
tho house, for It Is so rich In phosphoric
acid and potash that not a pound of it
should bo wasted, but every bit of wood
nsh (whether containing bone ash or
not) should be religiously preserved.
Every intelligent and thrifty farmer
knows the value of a dressing of rich
wood ash and fine bone meal. Except
for the loss of nitrogen by burnlna. this
home-made crtmbfnatlon of wood ash
and bone ash wfil accomplish nearly as
gooa resrults as the famous unleached
wood ash and bone meal mixture.
American Agriculturist
I'ae and Coat of Land Platter,
Land plaster Is sold very cheaply In
places where tho rock sirttabla for
grinding ft from abundant It ts
there, too, that It appears to do most
good, prolwbly tn part becnuso the
gypsmn rock has always enough holes
through It to make good drainage. Its
best effect is always found on light and
4ry soils, for one of tie properties of
The entire manurlal nrodtiet of the
dairy herd kept at Cornell University
Station was kept in a covered barnyard
during one Winter. (Samples were taken
from tlmo to time and analyzed. The
results based upon tie market price of
the then principal fertilizing ingredi
ents snowed tho manure of the herd
to be worth por cow per day 8.02 cents.
A cow that produces 2,325 quarts
yields- within a fraction of 5.000
bounds. A good cow should produce
6,000 pounds of 8.75 to 4 per cent. milk.
At $ cents a quart the cash value of
o,uw pounds of. mnu is ?09.75. With
good farm management such cowb
should be kept for $40, which leaves a
profit above the cost of tho feed of
$20.75. Tha labor cost should not ox
coed ono good man to fifteen cows.
Hoard's Dulrymaa
Very many people nro fond of a rood
garden, but think they can pot keep
chickens and have a garden, too, The
Maine fanner tells of a poultrymon who
Is noted for success in producing vege
tables. He grows twice as mnch on an
acre as formerly, ne keeps 100 fowls,
and has two lots of ground, ono belnrr
given up to fowls, while tho other is
used for garden, the lots being about
One and A quarter acres each. The next
year he turns the fowls on the ffnrdon
plat and uses for a garden tho pint then
vacated by tho fowls. By thus giving
np tho garden plat to poultry every
alternate year ho keeps the soil very
Oream loft to Itself win spontaneous
ly become sour; this Is the result of the
growth of lactic ncld bacteria, which
feed upon the milk sugar, and as a final
process convert tt Into a lactlo acid.
Other forms of bacteria are alwavs
present In croam; some have little or no
effect In the ripening process, while
others, If allowed to develop, produce
undesirable and often obnoxious fla
vors. To cultivate and develop these
"wild" germs Is called "spontaneous"
ripening, and Is often attended with un
certainty. Uood butter-making de
mands the nso of a "starter," either
houie-made or a pure culture. The for
mer should be made of selected skim
Carbolic salve should always be kept
ready for use at the cow barh. Bruises
And sores often occur In the best regu
lated establishment, and there Is noth
ing really better than a carbolic oint
ment for such cases. This may be pur
chased already prepared at any drug
store, or tho dairyman can easily pre
pare It for himself by simply taking
some vaseline or even lard and adding
fo it ft very small quantity of the acid.
Two or three drops of carbolic aeid
would be sufficient for ono tablespooh
ful of the vaseline or lard, only mix
thera thoroughly together. Such oint
ment Is A rapid healer and keeps flies
away rrom sores. It Is excellent for
man of beast. Practical Dairyman.
Always In dlrglng an nnderdraln the
lowest subsoil, often solid, hard and
without vegetable mold, Is more or less
mixed with that dug near the surface,
and which Is usually richer. In filling
the ditch this mixture continues, so
that the soil that was dug from the bot
tom of the ditch may often be in the
last spadeful thrown in. Yet it never
ha9 been known to make any differ
ence. Always crops of any kind show
a better growth directly over the drain
than they do on either side, even dur
ing the first Season's growth. After a
year or two the good effect of the drain
extends to and on either side, as the
soil freezes deeper when surplus water
Is romoved from It, and the roots of
plants can go deeper for moisture Or
plant food. American Cultivator.
Jt h&s been s&,'id of AmerUcvns thd.t they
are nation of dyspeptics." and it is true
that few are entirely free from disorders
of the digestive tract, Indigestion , Dyspepsia.,
Stomach.and Bowel trouble, or Constipation.
The treatment of these diseases,
with tath&rtic medicines too. often ao- d
firavates the trouble. , & SP
is the use of & remedy. that will huiiri i.n
fthe system, thereby enabling the various
organ io act as nature intended they should.
Such a remedy l& found in Or Williams' Pink
Pills for Pcle People? Mere istheproofv
In Detroit there are few soldiers more popular and efficient than Max
R. Da vies, 6rat Krgeant of Co. B. His home is at 4r6 Third Avenue. For
four yenra he woe a bookkeeper with the wholesale droit honse of Farrsnd,
Wlllinmf & Clufk, and he eay : "I have charged np many thousand
orders for Dr, Williams' Muk Pills for Pale People, but never knew their
worth until I used them for the cure of chrtonic dyspepsio. For two years
I suffered and doctored for that aggravating; trouble but could onlv be
helped temporarily.
"I think dyspepsia Is one of the most stubborn of ailments, and there
is scarcely t clerk or office man bnt what Is more or less a victim. Some
days I rtnid eat anything, whne at other times I would be starving.
Those distressed pains would force me to qnit work. 1 have tried many
treatments and remedies but they would help only for a time. A friend
Induced me to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People, and after tak
ing a few doses I found much relief and after using several boxes I was
cured. I know these pills will cure dyspepsia of its worst form and I am
pleased to recommend them." Dttrcil Mick.) Jnnutl.
Trie genuine pckaoelwAvs be&ri the tui iwvmi
At t druggists, ot tent pottp&id on receipt of put.5o(
v uun.uywt uMmiiiams maume lo.,Mhnu&dy,N.Y
You will find Coupons like this in....
Good for $ 4 O
Cut this out
and send ot
bring to
209-211 1st St.,
roriianu, ur.
Portland Oregonlnn, Tradesman,
Telegram and Times; AI:o In your
local town paper.
ikB8fl9.u!,k bout It. If yours Is among
the llrSt 100 coupons reaching us it will hi
accepted as part payment, nndor our easy iu
stallmont plan, for a flrat-class new piano.
TsIrA Yaiip rk.l..r..i v t . i
. Or. Luclwig, Kingsbury, or Hanlmau-th'ey aro tha
I best, retailed at 2U0, up. .
EVERYONE can have a piano now. and a good one too
Warshous8 Machinery, Chop Mills, Water Wheels.
Supplies of all Kinds.
Write for Prices
We carry in stock large supply of the above conveyers, both rluht and left whih
sell at greatly reduced prices. Also all slsos ol elevator bucket. Tani bolts.
W rite for price-list and discounts. ..uuTO
Willamet Iron Works
we will
Front and Everett Sts.
.It-ou made a noma
sieau entry prior to
June 22,1X74, lor !
than lllo acrtta.
an additional itntry.
t.7X,. j3JKnnie arm worth something.
W idows and minor orphans of deceased sol
dlors have same right. I will buy it. Do nm
jou aro entitiea to
Don't nejrlect yourself; it is the
perfect titling truss applied In
season which effects a cure; tho
imperfect never; 2,000 styles to
select from enables us to cnar-
anteeaflt.orno charee; if your I waste postago unless you mado an 'orlelnal.
driiffRlst c!oea not keep them entry aa stated above. em"-
write us lor directions for self
measurement; correspondence
wiuiueniiHi ana trusses sent se
cure from observation, to any
address; monev refunded if not
satisfactory. O. H. fVooriaril
"., Export Truss Fitters, 10
Second St., Portland, Or.
JJiUe COLLINS, Helena, Montana.
In every nr of pop com there art
grains that v. Ill Hot pop,
Men and women ara mnktno- frnm ti m
T-ftO per day selling our goods. No experience
necessary, fiend tUo cent stamp for a free
Uiii First 8t, rooms 1 i 18, Portland, Or. I V .
4T. . J In 1 te 1,..J
L- y Qng.i 3
flrHEvs Ohe'ci Oo.
I Hie for unriMnfai
ywfharpm. Inflammation
Irritation, or olc,ri,,3
ol mo coo. morobranoa.
ninwss, and not aatrio
Sold hj DraarUta,
r wnt in plain wrapper.
1 00, or 3 bottle., t2.75.
Urcalar tent oa rvuoct.
N. P. N. V.
KO. 49-'98.
EN writing- to advertisara plaaaa
mention this papes.
i :