Oregon City press. (Oregon City, Or.) 1896-1???, November 30, 1898, Image 3

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Local and General.
Lyon coflee, 10 cents per packago, at
Harris' grocery.
Don't lorget the Roys' Brigade ut the
Armory, Dec. 2.
David Cnahin war admitted to full
citizenship on the 20th inst.
Get your sugar in a clean store al tlio
uniallcst price, HarTis' grocery.
JWe are headquarters for liay, oats,
rolled barley, etc, Harris' grocery.
The OihuoiiIhii is kept on file at thiti
office (or Uih benefit of our patron.
Separate Company F will give a grand ' all ages and conditions. Tho Ore
ball al the Armory on CloiMiinis Kve.. 1 gonian in speaking of the company who
Onlvbigh crate sewing machines for Hr8 Informing thin k al the Mar
25 at nellomy&llnKch's, on easy terms. ,l'""n ir""'1 tM e-k "": "Ti,e
. , . , , compiny is much lamer than iihii.i1 and
Doll beads, largest size and lowest ,,,,,, ; . , ,
, i includes a Marks and PhineiH, who are
prices ever known, at the Hticket More. ... . . . .
aclim v fiiiinv. w hi u the distruisiin' v
Look out for the Eastern Star enter-
lainment on December 1.
It will bo
Highest rash price paid fur second
hand household goods, at 15c Homy &
A big line of all-wool ingrain carpet
just receive 1, at Oregon City Auction
ionse. Goods sold cheap. E.isy terms
y ven.
A line of new stoves will be sold at
V ry low prices have been received, at
the Oregon City Auction House.
Tracy's dairy butter is the best made
in this county. Get it at Harria'
Bioks, balls and dolls we inik a
specialty of fir the holidays, at the
ltacket Store.
A fine line of Smyrna rugs lias jnat
been received, at the Oregon City Auc
tion Horse.
Holiday goods at prices surprising,
and styles to suit suit one and all, at the
ltacket Store
The Boys' I'rig.idu received a very
fl ittering n ili e from the Oregniiian on
tlmir wink al the Exposition.
Dj not. fail to bear Mr. Clark, (lie
vikmI soloist, at the Hoys' Brigade Drill
i n Friday nLhl, December 2.
Come and seo our goods. If vu don't
want to buy we lake pleasure in allow
ing the goods, ' the Racket Store.
Fisher's Mandolin Club, of Portland,
is expected to coma with (he Hoys'
lirigide on Friday night, December 2.
Knii baby cliques, hoots, an I mitten",
all prices, Faciuninrs nil color nod
Jiau.l kujt skirts, at the Racket Ft re.
If tlio the weather permit1 Company
B, of the Itoy ' Ilrimdo. w ill march
up Wain gin el Friday evening. Don't
fail to see them.
The I tower re-tanra"t muli r the man
iwenietit of Mrs. L Crabill, furnishes
the besi 2) cent meals in the city. All
w hite help ( i.M I table service.
Two bu nlred dozen bnnkercbief,
1 eiicH, gents mid clnlilien. Catton,
linen and embroMeried wiss, nlrfirio. ,
' the Racket Store.
The txhibition drill at the Armory,
Dec. 2, wil b interspersed with musical
selections. Admission 25 cents, childien
15 i e ns.
For rate FiiRt-clna spring wagon, at
balf piece. A light hack double harness
go id condition, cheap. Apply at the
Press ollice.
Wood Choppers. Ki lit nr 10 enn i-e
cure work fur the winter. 70 cents for
cord wood and $1 for railroad woo I.
Board al 1(2.50 per week. AplytoV.
II. Wickham, New Era.
Best American light and dark
pi-ini pr vnrd
American Indigo print 4c per yard
Wide derunin Indigo piinis, 7c per vard
Heavy ontiiiu flannel, 4, OSj. 8aper yd
Heavy quality npron Gingham
3 and 5 c per yd
At the Sacrificed S.le of the Chai man
Miss Kilharine Li Barre, of the
Chicago school of oratory, will appear
on the program of the Boys' Brigade
Drill. m Friday night, December 2
Mii-g Im Bui re is always rap'urously en
roled. Services will be held in St. Paul's
Episcopal church every Sunday at 11 a.
m and 7:30 p. m. j Sunday school at 10
o'clock. Service every Friday ever ing
at 7:30. All seals free Strangers eor-
It is tlie primary duty
of every woman to wt ar
in her face the lilies
and roses of health. It
is one of woman's nat
ural missions to please,
and one of the first at
tributes of a pleasing
woman is a complexion
that shows the bloom
of health.
No matter how beau
tiful a woman may be
at the outset, if she
suffers from weakness
and disease of that
delicate and important
f OTiraiii?m mai i
ir1 threshold of human
life, she will soon show
traces of suflcrinir in
her face, and very shortly become hazard
and homely. She will lose her animation
of manner, the sparkle will fade from her
eyes and the roses from her cheeks, her
form will lose its roundness and her step its
sprightliness. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pre
scription imparts strength, health, vigor
and virility to the feminiite organism. It
allays inflammation, heals ulceration and
tones the nerves. It makes weak women
strong in a womanly way and able to bear
the burdens of maternity. It banishes the
suffering of the period of gestation, and
makes baby's advent easy and almost pain
less. It restores the lost complexion and
imparts strength, vitality and health to
the entire system.
" I am very thankful for what Dr. Pierre's
Favorite Prescription has done for me," writes
Mrs. Etta E. Smith, of Grenola, Elk Co., Kans.
" About a month before I was confined I had
such pains that I could stand up only a Utile
while at time. I could not rest at night or at
anv other time. I could scarcelv eat anything.
I began takiug Dr. Pierce s Favorite Prescrip
tion and after the second dose I felt heller.
From then until I was confined I carried all the
water that was used up a long hill and worlird
in the Rarden every dnv. besides my other work
and did not feel at all bad. When the baby was
Vni I had a verv easv time. The women said I
had an easier tvne than anv onr they ev-r saw
for the first time. The baby is very healthy. J
pot np when she was five days old. After two
davs I began my own work and felt stout and
For a free, paper-covered copy of Doctor
Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser
send si one-cent stamps, to cover mailing
only. Cloth bound V stamps. Address
Pr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N-Y. A medical
library in one 1008-page volume.
dially welcome, Rev. I'. K. If .umiioixl,
Heavy crash rollertoweling. .4c per yard
4-4 bleached muslin 6c per yard
Cabot W muslin 4c per yard
411-inch pillow case muslin, 10jt! per yd
Double width sheeting. . . 12,'fe'o prr yarJ
Cotlon balling 4c per roll
10 4 grey or white bl;inkem,4 K,06cpir pr
lied comforters. . .35c, ftl.s, 7'ic, $100 each
These are a few of ti e bargain at ih,
Sacrifice Hale of the ('barman Stock, by
the Portland Dry G od Store.
"Uncle Tom's Cabin," like the regu
lar old-time circus, ever hus been miicc
its initial production n drawing card
,,,,( Hi.mn are not io positively burrow-
ing as of yore. Tlio spectacular features
of tha show are the military spectacle,
"Remember the Maine. " A particular
good Cakewalk and an animnt"d music
sheet." On next Monday evening they
will give a performance al . Shivuly's
The price of iidmiNion w ill be 50 cent
for anv part of the house. Scats on sale
at the postotll
Bankruptcy Court.
On the 2,1 1 mat. E. M liner lied a p
tilion in bankruptcy and was iidju Iged a
bankrupt. The case w as referred to W as
! lor-nce Olson, referee in b,nkiu.iv.
Liabilities $1200, asi-ots $750. An exemp
tion of $170 is claimed. Petitioner testi
fied lie bail no money to pay fees.
On Monday testimony was taken in
tha case of J. Schwartjs, a voluntary
bankrupt. belor. Rehired Olson. Owing
to the papers and books of Schwartz not
being at hand, the court adjourned until
2 p. in. Thursday. The testimony went
to show that the liabilities amount to
ab nit $10,000 nud the asset arc estimat
I at $5000, lint no inventory lias been
Personal Mention.
Jiiilgi G E. Havre went to Sib in
Tuesuiu on le.'itl business,
Mrs Tons. Puscy of Barlow is visi iiu
her daughter, Mrs. Ha Icy.
C. (1. Huntley returned Monday from
a duck bunt down the Oohlnihin
Miss Coalfl'i't, of Portland ,'wa vi il
ing friends in Oregon City Suudav.
M'S. Ed. Howe, of Seaside, i the
guest of her aunt, Mrs. F L. Cochran
T. P. Randall spent Thanksgiving day
at the Manhews Iioiiim, m ar Bill.-ville
Representative Knurf, of Sloff irl, wa
visiting Oregon City friend Wednesday.
Miss Myrtle Rain-by of Harlow was
visiting Oreiroii Chy lelaMve-" stveral
days il is week. '
Mia A Idie Clark sim'iU Hi" latter
part lust week with re'ntic s i Polk
Howard Brownell und nv C'lnrk
came from Forest drove to spend
Thanksgiving with their parents.
Mrs. 11. dill of Cinny wis in Oregon
City vicit.ing Saturday. She wa on bur
way to I'm I lain; to visit hr mother.
Win. Hailow has returned from Srat
lU, where he has brfen vbiling hi sinter,
Mrs. Jane Hedges, who is quite low
with consumption Mias Hedges, now
at Pueblo, t'ooiado, is gradually im
proving K. M. liaiul and family nf V.nconver,
loriii.'i ly of thisciiy, weie visiting Oregon
City rehiMvcf, on Thursday lust. Mr
Hands ad charge of the re. ent campaign
in Washington an I is duly ei.liiled to
ci mil l Im the hig icpul.licaii vicnn.
l.iuulciuint W A. llunlle aiiived
home this morning 'fivin Manila. In
Hpenkinif of the (begun buys, l.ieu'eminl
lliimley say- t hut ibe me well quarter
ed and 1 1 , H L none o( the members oi
Company 1, either' from this city or Al
bany, have been selioii ly ill.
David Henderson relur I Thursday
from a nip to Alaska, lie was employ
ed at the White Pass. There is no doubt
of the richness of tho country, but as in
everything else there are many d:ap
poiiitments. Dave preferred steady work
at good wages lather than run chances
on striking a good claim.
A large ami well assorted stock of
choice fivsh groceri.8, which we ate
closing out ut the following prices while
they last :
l lli cans baking powder 15c each
Worcestslnre sauce
Pepper box blue
Corn starch
Baking soda
Large bottle of pickles.
Choice rasins
.lii,' per botile
2c per box
. .3c per park ate
,.7o per package
. , ,3c per puckiue
. . .7c per package
. . ..l ie per ii-'Ule
. .4c per pound
Choice teas 25c and 35c , r pound
100-lb eack of stock sail. . . 40c
50 lb sack of dairy salt . .35
And all all other groceries ai the s. me
reduction, at the Portland Drv (i.ioos
Store, purchasers of the Charman Stork
of General Merchandise, at t lis oil
Boys' 8 Brigade Drill.
Company B, ol Portland, First Bat
talion, First Oregon Regiment, United
Boys' Brigade of America, will give an
exhibition drill in Oiegou City, at the
Armory, Friday evening, December 2.
This company gave a drill at the late
Portland Exposition before a large Hiid
enthusiastic audience. Tlie exbi'iitiun
will consist of tlie physical drill whh
arms, given to music, movements in the
school of the company, a fkiimiHli drill
attack and repulse, and the liopiiHl
corps drill, showing how the wounded
are borne from the bloody (root eal'ely
back within lines- Tiie company ia 30
strong and the liofpital coips enrols
10 girls who will appear in tlie regula
tion uniform of army humbs . Th-i drill
will tie interspersed wild numerous
musical selections by local aud Portland
talent. Admission, adults 25 cents,
children under 15 years 15 centi.
On Saturday evening a meeting was
held in Wetnhard's hall for ttie purpose
o' nominating candidates for the coming
city election.
The meeting was called to order by J.
C Bradley. Attorney A, 8, Dresser was
choen as chairman aud Attorney B. C.
Curry as secretary.'
Attorney C. I) Latourolte was nomin
ate I for mayor without opposition. lie
was calloil on for a speeh and in r.i
ipone thanked his brother attorneys
and others present (or his nomination.
I In defining bis position on the moral
question be said he believed Omgou City
should have amusements, witli a due re
gard to the protection of the youth, so
1 1 nit it would not be necessary to go else
where for these amusements. In regard
to the finances, he believed the city was
advancing and iinprovments should be
kept up w ith the growth of the city and
no uljgardly policy followed.
Tor treasurer (feorge Hyatt was put In
nomination, defeating Hi Straight by 9
Atbrney Dim irk. Attorney Scbnebel,
Chris llartman aud D. W. Klnnaird
acted as tellers.
Ward meetings were then held and
nomination made for councilman.
In Ward N j. 1, J. C. Bradley acted as
chairman, Nominations were made and
the count of the ballots showed the fol
lowing result: Dr. Powell 40, F. Bnsch
37, Chris Schuehel 30, Fredericks 11,
scattering 3. Powell and Busch were
declared the noinineas.
1 1 r Ward 2, Attorney Dimick presided.
The count of the ballots showed II. E.
Harris with 39 voles, C. O. Huntley 25,
Ed Stoiey 19, A. W. Cheney 17. E. E.
Charman 14, blank 2. Harris and Hunt
ley were declare I the nominees. The
in letittg was called to order and the
nomination ratified. -
T ie following were appointed an a
co umittee to conduct the campaign : At
torney B C. Curry, Attorney (J. B. Dim
ick. i Attorney Chris Scbnebel, D. W.
Kiminnd and ,1. C. Bradley.
The circuit court was adjourned Satur
day until January, when a short session
.till he In Id to clean up the docket.
The following ordeis were made : f
Dan Lyo vs Jas lla'y, judgment by
default, foreclosure. ;
J din Duffy v.!ns Shaw et al, correct
ion oi dii" 1
J. K ."Storey vs John R. Abb t', cor
rection ol lied.
Henry I. Hayes vb Win Butcher et al,
o iiiliruiniiou ol sale,
J 11 I'oo.eioi v D D Magone et al, di
ttuli oi i red nor j.
iU S nitli vs Lucy Fletcher et al, or
i, r ol s ile,
F C llurk vs J 'hu L Euins et al, cer
reclii.1l ol (Iced,
W P Lord el al vsTIi Charman et al,
order of forerlosuie and delicicncy judg
ment. deorue Webber vs llelaua b Kinoar-
son, extendi in of time.
Arthur V Brown vs Maud Row h e et
al. order for partition of property.
Jacob Spangler vs Jeremiah Johnson
t al, judgment by default.
McMioiivilleColl 'go s R R Slaub et
al, fin lings an decree.
Elb-n Ann Yewdall v Win J Evans
et al, roniiruia'ion of sale.
J A Thayer et al vs J G-Eehlor et al,
continuation ol sale.
I'D Thompson v Mary J Robbins et
al, oro.r for pailition of property i J E
liirquam, I D Larkim and J Tabor ap
point, d releree,
M liter oi a-u!umeut of E E Williams,
onh r . pp oviim cale of real iite, at
torney a le -s. issignee fees allowed and A
di'.i.leud ol 23 c nl" on the dollar.
M E Litikeret al vs V J Evans, judg
ment for $130, execution io iue
Slate vs James Shaw, dismissed.
Matter of npplieatioii of Mary Brand
berg, an inmate of Magdalen home,
committed from Portland ordered re
leased mid delivered to I he sheriff or th 8
county and returned to Portland b r
d A Rorkwood v Wiii II Smith et al.
order of foreel ihu re.
Matter of BPsii!inenl ot Oiegou City
Sa h & D or Company, assignee 'lis
John W.-iMiiandle v Colin'y, (lis-uii-sed
B C l.awler v S F Hubbard et al.
d inurrei sustained and given further
i i mo to p'ead.
Win Lord et nl vs Geo Pfiter judg
ui. nt hi' (I diiiilt.
The f dlowitu cases came np for tiial:
State vs.lolin Bib-ch. not liiiilty.
Iknrv Nine vs C W Nohl It et al, lor
injuries mtuine I last aiiiumer from the
npsetlini.' of the Wilhoit stage, judg
ment was ulven the dfen lant. duiC
Brownell, A S Dresser and U B Dimick
appeared for the defendant.
State vs A lam E Ackerson, charged
with rape found giiil'v of assault, and
fined $7
fUate vs (' I'liiffer. for practicing medi
cine wii.li'.ut a license, was found not
John Everhart and U W W'ahbon,
jurymen, w re held over for the January
teim of court.
Just Arrived
We have jut received, direct from the
EaBteru factory, a complete line of Men's
and Boys' -
Furnishing Goods
for fall and winter.
A Full Line of Shoes
Hun jiiKt lueu placed in eba-k and will
be sold al Rock Bottom Prices. Please
give us a call ami tie convim-eil.
I am now iocated in the Call field bldg.
next 10 Huntley'.
On Monday avonln n convention was
held in Weinhard't ball for the purpose
of nominating a non-partisan ticket to
be vote I on December 5.
Tlie meeting 'wa called to order b
Qeo. A. Harding, who stated the reasoi
for calling the meeting ami nnnouueed
us the first business tin election of a
! permanent chairman.
j C. II. Dyo wa elected chairman and
i M Boil.tck secretary .
I It. Koernar was nominated for mayor
without opposition and was called upon
for it speech.
He said; "Gontleni )n I highly ap
preciate the favor you bavo conferred
upon me and I promise, if elected, to
carry on the affairs of the city on the
same lints as my predecessor, an ad
ministration free of extravagance and
licentiousness in every form."
Wheeler Church introduced a resolu
tion indorsing tho administration o(
Msyor Caulleld, which was adopted.
J. A. Thayer introduced a resolution
favoring the est tblishin of a thiid waul
(or Ely and FalU Viev an I pledg
ing the meeting to use best endeavors
to have a bill introduced at the next
session ol the legislature for that pur
po?e, which was uniiiinioiiMly adopt "d.
II. E. Straight was nominated for
The mesting was divided into war la
and tlie following coiiucilmeu werede
dared nominees;
First ward C. Scbnebel and B. Zutn
walt. Second ward J Roake and E. E.
The following standing committee wa
named; C. H Dye, W. E. Carll, F. A.
C. Schuehel f.iilel to qualify and F.
Busch was placed on tlie ticket.
Mr and Mis. C. Pope have relumed
from a trip to the Sound and are resid
ing at the resilience of C. I). Latouretle.
The November meeting of tlie Clacka
mas Comity Teachers' Association was
held in the school building at Sunnyside
November 20, 1893.
A large number of residents of Sunny
side were preBcut and showed much in
terest in the 8tihjcU discussed.
As tlie president and vice-pre-ident
were both absent, the Association was
called to order by Secretary Fannie O.
Porter. A. C. S 'range was chosen presi
dent pro tern, after which the minutes
of the previous meeting were read and
Miss Kat' Caeto and Mcrpih. Ingram
and Stahlnaker .were elected to member
hip in the association.
It was decide I to omit the December
nnetiiig. Mi-s Kate Casto extended an
nviUlion lu the assocllrtion to meet at
Mt Pleasant in January. The invitation
wuatii cepted, an I Miss Casto ami Mes.-rs,
doi.ro aud Zimer w.-r,! asked to prep ire
a suitable progiam for the occasion.
The regular program wus opened by
singing "America." Mrs. HnnUr acted
.is organist. Mr. Shirley Buck made an
excellent Inlk on orthography. Misses
Porter, Casto und Rowen and Messrs.
Moore. Slahliiaker, Sunnier, Wilds, Zin
ser and .Strange toi k part in the discus
sion which (ullo e I.
On motion (he association then ad
journed to discus an excellent dinner
which had been prepared by the hospit
able people of Sunnyside.
Ti e nfsocialion was called to order by
President Strange, and the audience sail
"Battle Hymn of the Repuhliu" and
"Seeds nf Prjinisd."
"Diagraming" as the subject of it talk
by Miss Jennie Boweii. She advocated
following the exact system outlined by
the text book. Mmse Porter and Fran
cis and Messrs. Zinser, dibson, Strange,
Bowlaud, iooru, Ingram and Stahlnaker
also poke on llie subj ct.
Piof Zinser made an interesting and
instructive talk on "Fractions" The
subject was dismissed by Mess s. dibson
and Rowland. Words ol encouragement
to the work of tho association were spok
en by Messrs James Bes.-lieu, Thomas
Wiles an I Charles doll.
A resolution thanking the good people
of Suiinysiilu for their kindness and hos
pitality w is unaiiimou-ly adopted.
On motion the as-oeiation adjourned
to meet al Ml. Pleasant the last Satur
day in January. The program will be
published later.
HAINES Al Elyvilleoi the 20'h inst.;
to the wife of Rev. Haines, a uirl.
The Shirt Maker
Gents' Shirts and
Ladies' Shirt Waists, to order.
(oodnongh Building, Boom 207,
Fifth treid. opposite Postollice.
Portland; - Oregon
worthy persons in (hi stale to
manure our ' business ill Ihetr own and
iieohy coiinlie. It i mainly olllre
woik comlncted at home. Salary
stiahilil tUOO a year an expenses
definite, iMinafidc, u re, no less
Hiil.rv. Monthly $7o References
Enclose s li-hddressed stain ied envelope.
Il rliert E. Hers, Pre!., Dept. , M.
To Whom It May Concern-A Snap.
1 High Ann Househol I.
1 Huh Arm No. 7 American.
1 Singer.
2 Wheeler A Wilson.
If Rgrcesble easy terms will be given
at the Oregon City Auction House.
Fine China.
Ilnrdly anything on tlie table gives
a better impression of refinement than'
Fine Cliinu.
This need not to menu co.slly wnre.
Tlie table ware we want to ell you
will la.st you twice an long as inferior
grade? and costs but very little more.
It is worth twice as much as tlio
cheaper kind.
Our 100 piece tienil-porelain dinner
set, handsomely ornamented, U now
on exposition in our show window,and
costs only $7.50.
Chinese Matting.
Wo have just received 500 l!olls of,
Chinese Matting which wo will fell at
10 cents a yard.
Opposite the Court
Oregon City, -
Repairing a Specially.
Main street, near 10th, "Oregon City.
5th and Main Streets.
In quantities to suit nt 8 per cent, on
real estate security. Apply to C. II.
Dye, Oregon City, Or.
City Election Notice.
Notice is thereby given that there will
be a general election held in Oregon
City, Oregon, on Monday, the Tit h day
of December, 1893, between the hours of
nine o'clock a. m. and seven o'clo.tk p.
in., for which election; there have been
designated tie following polling places,
Ward No. 1 The Cataract Engine
House, corner of Main and Third streets,
in said lily.
Ward No. 2-rThe Fountain House
Company's Engine House, on Main
street, between Seventh and Eighth
streets, in said city.
At said lime and places the following
officers w ill be elected by the duly ouali
fiuil voters of s.ild Oregon City :
A Mayor for a term of one year.
A Treasurer for a term of ouo year.
Two Coiinciliiien for the First Ward
fi r a term of two yeiirs,
Two Ooiinciluieii for the Second Ward
for a term of two years.
There have been appointed by the
City Council of said Oregon City the fol
lowing persons to act as Judges and
Clerks of said election :
Ward No. 1 M. E. Willonglihy, J. (.
Pilsbury, 0. W. Fredricks, Judges; J.
W. Iio.itiiuin, N. Moody, Clerks.
Ward No. 2 -U. II. Wishart, C. C.
Rabcock, sr., John (J. Porter, Judges ;
T. 8. Li.wivnce.G. II. Bestow, Clerks.
Published by older of the City Council
of Oregon City, made at a regular meet
ing bel.l on Wednesday, November 2,
18U8. Rrccb C. Cukhv,
City Recorder.
Oregon City, November 23, 18J3.
The VioU Roller Mills. Water power
the year round, capacity 50 barrels per
day; also IWd acres of lmid, warehouse,
dwelling house and lilacksinuh shop.
Everything In Cnt-cla3 order. For
terms, e.ill on or address, Clias. Miller,
Viola, Clackamas County, Or.
When in-need ofprinied stationery
call on the I'tuas.
Oldttibeat Tlour
Made by the Patent process, is a perfect flour.
v Wheat is not thoroughly matured until it has
gone through, a " sweat " in tho bin. It docs
not make a strong ilour, is, in fact, immature.
The wheat from which " PATENT " flour ia
made is all old stock. Ask your grocer for
PATENT brand, made by tho
Portland Flouring Mills.
A fine 8-day Striking Clock, with alarm, $5
A 1-day Striking Clock, with alarm, $3.50
A fine Nickel Clock, with alarm, $1
A fine Nickel Clock, without alarm, 75c
Everyone Guaranteed to Give Satisfaction.
Burmcister & Andresen, - Jewelers
Land Ofmcb atOhkoon Cirv.Oiiiwor,
November t, IttiM. Notice is hereby
given that the lollowing-iismcd settler
has filed notice of bis intention to make
liniil proof III support of his claim, and
that said proof will be made before the
Register and Receiver at Oregon City,
Oregon, December 23, 181M. vis:
William V. Henderson, II. E. 11708, for
the lots 3 and 4 of sec 12, tp 4 s, r 3 e,
He names the following witnesses to
prove his continuous residence upon and
cultivation of said land, h: Robert
Sliockley, of Highland, Oregon, Henry
Turner, of Iliiihlaml, Oregon, John
tlilhons, of Highland, Oregon, and
Lawrence Raker, of Elhvood, Oregon.
Cuas. R. Mooiiks, Register,
Notice of Final Settlement.
In the County Court of the Slate ol Ore
gon for ClackaniHB County.
In tho matter of l be estate of Cioorgo
Freeman, deceased :
Notice is heiehy given by Mary Free
man, administratrix of said estate, that
she Iihs preseled and filed in the above
entitled Court her linal account as such
administratrix, and that tlie said Court
has ordered that Monday, the 5th day of
December 181)8, at 10 o'clock a. m.. of
raid day ut the Count room of paid Court
bo fixed as the timo ami place for the
presentation of objections: to said final
account. Mary Fbbkman,
AdininiHtratrix of the Eslate of Ueorge
Freeman, deceased.
Daled this 27th day of October, 18U8.
i'llj Trenitiirer'n Nolle,
Notice Is hereby given that there are
ullieient funds rn band in the general
fund of Oregon City to pay all outstand
ing wairants endnmed prior to Decem
ber 1, 18!(i. Interest cease with tlio
date of this notice,
II. E. Stiiaiuiit,
City Treasurer.
Oregon City, Oregon, November 22,
PJ pi e CC?
The price at which wo arc selling
Iron bed.steuds, white enamel finish,
brass trimmed, is a revelation. Theso
are safe goods to buy. There are no
defects in construction or finish. Ev
erything is as it should be. We soil
Iron Beds from 83.50 up.
m .r.-,mu. I I
Wo are prepared to furnish Lnco
Curtains, Draperies, Upholstery Goodt
and Trimmings in greater variety than
any previous season and ask those con
templating furnishing to niako us a
call before purchasing. We sell, for
instaace, Lace Curtains 31 J inches
wide and 1 yards long for 50 cents
a pair ; we also have curtains for 8 a
every where for "The Story of llie
Philippines" by Murat Halslead, com
missioned by the Uovornmetit aa OI'
llcisl HiHtorian to llie War Department.
The book was written In army camps
San Fraiicbcn, on the Pacific with Uen
eral Merritt, in 1 lie") hospitals at Ilonluluk
in Hong Kong. in the American trendies,
at Manila, in tlio insurgent, camps witlv
Aguinaldo, on the deck of the Olympic
witli Dewey, and In the roar of battle at
at the fall of Manila. Bonansa for
sue n In. Hii in fill ol o'iglna picture
taken by government photographers on
the spot. Large book. Low prices.
ISigprollts. Freight paid. Credit given.
Drop ail trashy unollluial war books.
Outfit free. Address, F. ,b Barber
Sec'y,, Star Insurance Rldg., Chicago,
Gladstone Cars
East Side Rallwty
7 :0ft AM 7 :00am
7 :f)0 7 :45.
8:35 8:3ft
0:20 0:00.
10:05 10;0O
10 :50 10 :4.r
11:35 11:30.
12:20 rut 12:15 I'M
1 .05 1 ;00
1 :5Q 1 :45.
2:35 8:3(1
3:20 3:15.
4:05. 4:00
4:50 4:45.
5:35 5:30
(1:20 6:1.
7 :05 7 :00
7 :50 7 :4
8:2(1 S:3Q
!;15 0:15
11:30 10:30
12:fiQ 11:40
""'Only to MIL
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6:110 a m 7:00 A m
7 :00 8 :20
8:10 0:10
10:05 10:35
10:1)5 lll:-'0
1 1 AO 112:05 ph
12:45 I'M 1:00
1 :50 2 :20
2 :40 3 :0j
3:25 4:10
4:20 4:55
5:40 0:10
7:10 i0li!L
Southern Pacific RR
0 :27 a m 8 :40 a m
11:52 I'M 3:.'d PM
Steamer AItona
M:0Da in 7:00a ui.
1 :'M p in. 11 a.m.
1:30 p.tn.3:30p.in