Oregon City press. (Oregon City, Or.) 1896-1???, November 30, 1898, Image 2

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Published Kvery Wednesday
Mackick E. Bain, -
Entered Bt the postoflico in Oregon City,
Or., br second-clues matter.
One vear (in advance)
Six months " "
Three months ' "
If not paid in Advance SOeeittsadditional
will fie charged for coh! of keeping the
account and to make good Die losses
that are sure to occur with deferred
On Momlay, the 5th of revinW, Or
rgon City will elect a new cot of city
At present the prinoipil Interest is
centered in tlio' candidates for mayor.
This can be accounted for in the speech
es made by tlio candidates in accepting
meir nominations, iney promised, if ,i ' i.a i,,,.,,.,.
Good weather is past and wi mint ac
custom ourselves to gloomy days ami
Wng dismal evenings. .
Thanksgiving was observed as usual
liy the iroo i people of Logan, mid many
hciv me turkeys slain.
Mr. and Mrs, Kiehlioff an I family
.Mr. and Mrs. Buyers and V. An-tin
spent Thanksgiving da veiy pleasantly
f 00 , ul ll ili'lniii'.
BO I Mr. an t Mrs. II. 8. Salisbury, the
2") lato bride ami groom of liUibt me
sp-nt several days last week vi-itnig
tli' ir nnrle, M. II Uichholl.
Mr atrl Mrs Hampton came to their
home last Wednesday. We bid Inem
Harding Orange is preparing a flue
program to he given Satur lav aberno ij
DOJeiniier 6 A (,sal lunu Is ex
P"Cled an Logan can tutHHt of people
Kith much ability if placed nmler cir
cumstances to make their ability known.
Quite a nuiiilier of young pe ple vi-iled
the literary and dohate at the Hatchery
wliO"l hone ln-l Sa'uiihiy evening and
r 'port a very ei.j ivahle time. Much in
terest wan shown liy Ihc lonng people of
Hid district, ' which adds ai uiiich to
the hiici e H of ihe evening.
Kev. Nntley, of I'oriland, preached to
a very appreciative audience list H1111-
electod, to carry out exactly opposite
policies. Thei' language was plain and
uiimistakablo and showoil liolli gentle
men to have the courage of their convic
tions. The only thing left is for (be
citizens to decide which policy they wish
to be governed by.
Mr. Latouretto took the ground that
"the city should be provided with amuse
ments with a due regard for tlio protec
tion of the youth, so it will not be neeos
sary to go elsewhere for minis tiiients."
That is certainly subject to but one con
miction vicious aniusonuuits nre the
only ones from which the youth should
be protected.
Now, as to his financiul policy, "Ore-
Kon City is prosperous and no iilggH-lly
policy of government should bo favored,
but one with a view to the growth and
prosperity of the city." Thii is similar
lo the policy pursued prior to 1897, and
under which the aim mil increase in the
city's debt amounted to about $8000.
The taxes must bo increased to make It
less now under a similar form of govern
ment. At prcsont our taxes amount to
40 mills.
Let m turn our attention to Mr. Kner
ner nnd his policy as outlined by himself:
"If elected, I will carry on the affairs of
the city on the same lines i.s my prede
cessor, free of extravagance and licen
tiousness of evory form."
Any schoolboy can understand thai.
There is no equivocation or evasion to
catch yob's. We nil know the policy
pursued during the past two years by
which Ibeciiy was rid of excessivo vice
and the floating debt was materially re
duced. Tin. election ol Mr. Koerner
means a still further reduction of our
mv new, an t consequently reduced tax
es ami a continuation of our present
November 28
Thanksgiving w.is a beautiful dav and
your correspondent fuels thankful fur
thai, if lis hail no other caue for lliank-
InlnsKs, hut one can en) iy lite when
their hiii rounding are jut such us they
are content with .
Mrs. 15. Orde and sou, Rwn, in 1 do
a flying trip 10 Lihr.il last Hun lav.
They went to s 'e Mrs. Do Ige's grand
Sons, the Graves twins.
John Welch has left us and gone to
the Santiim country, where lid will
make bis future home.
Mr. Eraukliu is ni-n'iiij away from
our vicinity.
Elmer Mayville, of Liher.il, is working
for Ephrain Dodge in Ihe shingle mill.
Arthur Korlies want hunting Thurs
day lie thinks thii a gul place to
hunt in, but the il'idiiu is not so g'0 I
as he failed to catch any game.
The Maple Lane I.ileraiy Association
was almost drained out last Friday
night, but they expect to swim tonight
Novemb ,r 25. Sciiooi.nov,
goes to Mr. Henderson's quite often.
That is right 1'ciutor, lint .Mr. Hemici
sou has a real good looking daughter.
About two weeks ago I'M, I'ark went
10 ;regmi city, not telling ins parents
diil wuai lie would lie home in a lew
ilavs, tint when they heard from him he
had lur 'd to an English vessel for a six
months' trip. We are sorry tu have
him go, hut wish bun su.'cesi.
Mat l'ark and s:lcr spoilt Thursday
evening with J Kernes.
A, J. (iiinils'alr must biexpeting
com weather liy tn way he Is getting up
November 20
Springwalor is prospering.
Thanksgiving was nuiellv. but nle.is
aimy spetu nero
C'liirird S'ipo, recently from East-rn
Wasliington, has returned to our town
.Missus Tennie and Zona Mtvfl
were the guests of Mrs H. Tucker last
Mr. Albright's new residence Mill
soon be completed. We welcome him in
"'if 'iiirici, mil wna' is our l'iiiii is
l, cv' loss.
nv. tvaiiHii. who has Keen awiiv
from Liberal several week'", has ii-
tiirne I,
Master George Lewellen spent Thanks-
viug with Ins uncle. Mr. Hale, id
Curriim ille.
Our farmers are still hauling dried
fruit to I'or'land, where they command
the best prices
There is Sunday school every Sunday
at tne rivsbvteri.in church, with Win.
Cornell lis superintendent.
Young people's meeting is held at 7
lock p 111., fSuoilav evenings at the
The nvmbera of the Athletic Ama
teur Society, which ineetH Krid iy even
ings 111 Win. Lcwclleu's hull, manifest
their interest in Ihe work by the active
work taken by each.
Messrs. Livermove have purchased
a new chop mill, with nhiili Iheyarn
Ji dug good Kink. Thev will soon have
their new saw mill in running older.
November 28 An Ohmkhvkm.
- mu! ! .. inn PArn,ITrrrmre!rmr-R-jl--
"ie tine, and consequeully im reuseil
The taxpayers anil fatliPis c our city
are masters of the situation ami can ami
m say iy iheir votes which policy is to
lie aaopie.i. iin, iH ll0 r,ersonal matter
w iween the ciindidat.es, but one solely
recording the good goyoriimeiit of our
city. There is 110 middle ground.
Fathers, mothers, taxpayers, how will
you decide?
Another of our lodges enterlained
about 50 quests from l' rtland.
What is Ihe mutter with our t ew
P'ofessor? lie weirs a long face au l
ays he is uiisai'cused
Miss Uoss reports her sister imp ov-ing.
Sever d new men have b 'en a 1 do I ti
the East. KnU HiiUay Gomfiany's list.
F. O. Paino has depiried for Eti'tern ;
Ore ion on a ple.1s.1re trip, alter w liich
he wi l visit his ol I Iioiiih in the I'ist.
A very nice party was given ti Mi s
Hose Scott list Wednesday evening
nv lier irieints An elegant supper was
served by experienced and witly waiteis.
All exposed a dclihttul time and
wished Miss Uose many luppy returns
of this pleasant uccasion
W. Shrink is taking a few days outing
Some nf the ladies of the Inner part
ftfiV... 1 .'""'-jlKmwujim t.i litUili- Jlitt..
1.. in siieoi tor ihe car barn
about & -.U0 every morning.
Lap. Ims bee,, out fishing, idcass
The ball given at Liberal ball 011 No
vember 23 was well a'.te iided and all re
port having had a very pleasant lime,
J'any of the p op'e from Liberal at
lendud the basket social at Mtilino las'
fanirday evening. Toere were quite a
number of huhkcls end all sold well.
' Edwarl Young arrived home hi-t
Tliu-sdiy, having sp"iit the summer in
Kasiero Oregon and Washington. We
are 11 I gin i to note his le'uni.
Mi s lllauch Dyer Hpsut the Thanks
giving 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 y h at her homo in Oswvgn,
Mrs L. W. Deeth made a flying trip
to Oregon City and 1'ortlriiul Hie last nf
the week lo visit her daughter, Miss
II I Hinwii, who U unite ill ill Oregon
Mr. and Mrs Win. (ierluiuser are re-
lining over lli arrival of twin girls.
All urn doing well.
November 28 Si shkam.
I hcaid the f-ong of tlio saw and x nl-
mosl d.iy and night.
M. hhafer & H ,n are doing a flomisb
ing business cutting wood. The old uiun
says be intoning young again
Messrs. Collar.l and Hhafer. Jr , nnidi
a filing nip to Cortland the first pari
of the week with 11 fuur-heise team
loaded with saner kraut.
John Kekel bad the misforlune to
lose hi old sorrol mare IliU week,
caused by a Shot gun. The neiglibors
s,vinpailii.e with him in bis bereave
ment. Business is progressing, wlie.it and
fall ( it's are all sowed and woo I chop
ping ia the work of the day.
The religious people of this commu
nity are attending the Laplist confer
ence at n'afPiid Una week.
We are glad to see the smlliii" face of
Vlr. Eller, tl e paimur, in our nctlon
Mis riar. h Weber, of Portland, was
visiting her parents, Mr. ami Mrs.
Kinder, the p 1st week.
Thanksgiving was passed in the usual
old fashioned way bv the people lu re,
toasting their shins by ihe fire while
tlie turkey was baking.
Should these items pass perhaps we
may try again, tor the ohl saving is,
11 at llrsl you iton t cucceeit just keep
on sucking,"
November 20 SuuscuiHicn.
MiVk Nellie Bicon, Wesly Bacon. Dur
ing: the evening the following officers
were elected; K. McGugin, president;
I'M. F. Bruiis vice president; Miss Tallin
Uruns, secretary ; Wesley Bacon, mar
shal; Geo. Epp'i'Siin, treasures.
F E. Mo iiiin, who has been at work
in Eastern Oregon, h.iu returneii home
to stay.
John Kopper'g smiling face is with
us no more, he has gone 011 a furlough
to IVitlaud.
Miss Birllia Marks, our successful
school teacher, lias j'isl closed a very
successful 1 1-tu of school in district
No. 4U.
MlVs Annie I'r.ipk, of I'oiilaiid, is
visiting her sister, Mr'. J. U Duncan.
November 28
Married in Cortland, on the 24th Inst.,
by Kev. F II. l'raiht, of L'ockwood,
Miss I.ina Borges, daughter of Carl
Borges, and Curl Matthias, sou of I'rilz
Matthias, of Damascus. Mr ami Mrs.
Matlhlas will reside in I'oill.iud.
Christian lleiser is rep n-ted seriously
The masquerade ball in llillenry &
enthers hall on the 24il inst , was u
grand success.
The fanners of this neighborhood have
boon hauling oir their produce nnd tire
sotn m l.rtt behind w i h their fa 1 work
Fall wlieat is looking well The grain
acruage will be shonl an average, liille
cle iiMig having been done.
November 28
leavts orders for tlsh
. Loyd Ittnal nnd Tlioinnson MeMrmn
havo returned fiom a two Hecks' (riling.
I hey brought, back a Connie of fledr lid
compeimalion for their trouble.
MiMS Alazo Watkins. of Cort.l.in.l lu
Vl-Hing Miss Eduii Boss.
November 2(1.
Messrs. Hamilton and Walker have
built a new fruit dry r
There was a dance given by Mr. Har
vey and Bert, Multoou on Thanksgiving
night. Those pre-ent rep irt Inning
had a pleasant lime,
-Some of Ilia iieiL'bi,ir.s snent Thanks-,
rheie was p eailimg at Ihe M K
church last Sinday evening by lev.
Messrs. Broeks,
in nr.T nm'"" ' 'l''t at Ihe rale of
""; tnr- wnsrover the olllee
seeking spirit is uppermost t,,lt p,,e iB
inorehkoly to incur debts w hich w ill he
...lurnn 10 pay. Baloin Sentinel.
Oregon City had a similar experience
from 1802 to 1800, bnt ie election of
Mayor Cauflold nnd the adoption of the
eonoinicBl and moral policy, th gyg,.,
line undergone n complete change. The
city's debt wnB materially lemoned dur
ing the past two years.
The nominees for eonucilmen are nil
well known citizen. Mr. Bum wait is a
young man of good morals and business
oility. Mr. Busch is known as
itraightforward, honorable business man.
In the second ward the nominees ate
men who Have had experience in public
nuairs ana are known as shrewd am
lapauie 111 the con.luct of the affairs of
ne city. All these candidates can bo
ucpemioil upon to upholJ the policy out-
lit,...! I... 11 e '
"" f ivoerner, our next mavor.
no 10 unlaiiits
We hear
weather arornd ( 'niton .
Tim r.,ll.... . .1 , .
-.Yv-.i,,,, iMiimiiiig v illi) is haviiig
very lively (lisciisiona this winter. The
next question for debate is Ucsolved,
I hat the Uod Man has In en Badly
1 rellt.ei " I 1 1 ... I. ,
1 "as cnosen as
ui.mr on urn aiiirnmtive side am
I . (jalinel on the negative. The society
kiiu mi einuiiaiument ami basket
social on the evening of December :'8.
in lloniii'v bulchered 11 line lot
g" nisi i iicauay.
A. L. Bell and faniilu I,,., -I
on the Jackson place.
Bert Calmer and Gus Gottberg ,0
cutting loga for TiiiiiniBlat and Alunsou
saw mill, which i rnnniug at. lull blast.
J. GorlnHt IH t ltt.lMi lilt u iiinif !.
fence, which will urnniiv in
Allen and Tennv
w ith Iheir fail dies sneni il,,.i.. Ti 1.
g'ving at Mr. lie km m's at Kmlhind.
Mr. Miller killed his pot bear I i,st
Wednesday f lV the Thanksgiymg dinner.
November 2(1 Ghi,i:niioiin.
Not having s -en miy news from N 01m
and we w ish the many n-a lets of Ihc-e
columns to know there is Hindi a place.
So though! v woulil sen I you a few
notes of our city and lis citizens
Siono is silu iied, well j m ail nr mod .
We h ive the suburbs of Siriiutow 11,
Lower Logan and a verv small comer
of Damascus. The prini-ipil Im Mios
is Salmon hatching 1111 1 farming. Any
one ivisiiing to kuoiv more of the city
1 can call or write.
XV. Mumpower is slowly re'oy ring
his health after a s.'Vere sick sp -ll
S. W. Wat's wears a verv hroul siniln
these dais ft isatiotlu r girl
' Mr. and l(r K. K. D'u t, of Molallu,
Mr E. Spngue and f.imilv sp nt
Thanksgiving w tl, Oiuinlp. .-p.-ague at
Itedlilll I.
Bay, th- 2yearold Hou of L. I) Mun -power,
is very low with w liooniug coii-.h
The ball at Liber d Wedncs lay even
ing was attended by some of our boys
and they report having had a good lime.
Mrs. Dan Graves and the twins were
visiting at Clnl Graves' last week.
Our school well has been walle.l iil,
brick ami a now pump put in. This
shows that the school hoard has Ihe in
terest of the s diool , heart, and their
'droits to make this a convenient and
neamiiui Bcliol house should be
predated by all its patrons.
H uDo q -nte sick from
'iigmg to
Germany l.isi
many social
the duties with
Tl !... "7"
nominees lor city treasurer are
young men, full 0f ambition. Mr
mrnignr, the pips0lt m.llmi)ullti 1u8
conducted the nfl'aira of the olllee in a
uiKhiy satisfactory manner in the past
an if elected v ill continue along those M'l'or.iliye ayatein
Air, iiyiiltismi untried man in
puunc ouice, tint has hel
positions, pcrforining
M- I.'....".. .. .
nas ueen cliairmanof (he
n.iauce committee and by ja t.Bre ,
m.p -. vising ineexpen vs of Ihe city
lunda lina .... : 1 '
- ... fcu lnu reputnlion of
... me watchdog of tho treasnry."
Ieisenttllcdto much credit for the re-
uuiruuu 01 me city ilebt.
Are Ihe cite lv..u 1. . i.s .1
1 , , , ' "'Ku r ivoerner
I'lungeu 10 reduce thei,,.
Are tlin etii, . .
1 - luu IUM ' l-Htuuretle
1'i.-),bu 10 increase tlieni.
M nrren
T7i , : ' " "' ,c i e Mcrv of Ho.
I hl inn I... Hi .. . ul '"C
i '" "v ."iirai I In st.. .,
looks of his farm
Frank and Susie Arquett are home
from the Columbia, where they have
oeuu employed lor some tune.
Frank Bobson n, rm )t,
B.mney retnv.ie 1 from ihe nioaiiiai.is
ycsler.lay with a line deer.
The people of Colton w ill endeavor to
''"i d a ball this winter. We hope (hey
will succeed as this part of the co.iiiiry
Is gren ly in e0, of a nine.. I.,r ,
meelings without ilisl iii'liiiii 11 it . I
Ing disorder among the school books.
the citizens of Coll tin n ml i, .!:.,,.
neighborhoods hel.l u . f
Saturday for the nn.ww.. ii,.....i...'.
II. with Ihe el., 1
purchasing pormhle saw mill i ,
ed for the henellt of .
11 ..!. I I. "
J. Hail Mtiii iiuiflii 11 fit-in.. i.. 11 . .
last week.
Novum her 2(1.
Otis Morris is working for Mr. Dimiek
of Canbv.
The roads uru getting verv n111d.lv ,l
the river is r.iisimr inni lK.
Our school observed Thanksgiving ,y
rendering a short but appropriate pro--
gram on Wednesday iifioiuoon. The
program, though no time hml I
Kiven to practice, went off well and near
ly every one took part. At the
close of tho exercises Mr. Hema, the
chairman, gave a short talk for the hen
ui mo iciictiur anil pupils. School
was men dismissed for the Thanks
giving holidays.
Most of the farmers here have finis e I
their tall plowing and sowing, d
"cany ail ihe wheat is up llMil okll(!
'and fever, I r.:.
the sri ne tiouhU
Tlio wives of Ihe two Germans, who
live on I ho plm e formerly bid
J. Bowaiis, arrived from
School ih progressing nicely under the
managoinetil of M;s8 McLaughlin
mi. Hanson, lately fiom Nebraska
IIIOl ii.w.n I - I , .
"""'is iiuvaiiiage 01 itie rainv
weather while the ground is toll to giub
"mps, u lakes the Nebnkan
rustle things in this country.
'Pi 1.. '
naiihsgiving was very quiet
uig. hum,, ftnv nltended the
ade ball t Damascus and
Thanksgiving was observed bete
mostly by faui ly reunions and neigh
borly gatherings. Tho ihiy was an ideal
one, that is f r Oregon, being bright and
balmy as a May morning, and every
body see ned to wear a glad coiiuloiuince
reili.iug 110 doubt that we 'iave iiiiiny
Ibihgs lor which we thoiild ju lliankfid
and that God helps th ,e who help
A few of the nearest neighbors of Mr.
and .Mis. E. 1'', While look dinner with
tin in, il being also the aiiiiiversiiry of
Iheir wedding.
Ther- was appropriate Thanksgiving
exercises at the In ion school. Alms
Ityers teems to have ihe good will ot ull
ami is a successliil teacher.
Charlie Curghaidt and Ed. and Mart
(iiillio have ii'turiied from the mountains
and brought back several liophys of
their prowess as nimroils. They -ay
they could have killed many 111010 deer,
but did 110' kill more than they needed
an I could pack out, Ihey also icport
finding whole carcasses some not even
skinuiM. I ins is not right nu.l no good
Citnieii will thus violate tho law, and
no true spoilsman will wantonly slaugh
ter game Ihey camiol use.,
i Mrs Griffin, who sullWed auorber
stroke of paralysis last week is some bel
ter, and her many friends hope she may
: Tee ner tlie use ol her liinhs.
I I'm nk I ein in died at bis home In
Garlicld precinct oil 1 lie 2lt. inst, and
was I lined Wednesday at Damascus.
( Many ol his old Iriemls and loriuer
! neighbors here attended Ihe Mineral.
! Lev Itii'li preached llie tuneial ser.uoii.
j tiny While, who ran a ihre-hiug en
gine last season in 1 he I'. douse country,
! is at homo and has so la 1 it coven d lli.it ,
j he can Walk about ihe bouse. lie got
j .t-1 p r day 1111 ' I the i 11 llniti 111.it ul'v rheii- I
I 111. 1I1-111, bill Ihiu .s less wages wiihuot j
jibe lie lllii.it sin is In be prefer -d He
isii ' old web loot is good enough lor
j b in.
I Max Mild mis has been helpii g his
luoilii r in nu , ;. II Burgh , rd . or to
I iniil, Inn lias eoin lu 'i-d be will not be
( c inr 11 oiillei and has gone lurk lo (he
! gou City ili'gusied He say he likes an
; honerjl calling, and therefore re ires-to
j the haunts of : 1 10 polilieians Max is a
j hustler when it, comes lo sl.nging lot)
pound grain bags.
Supei visor Cooke has a for e of men
j digging ami carting a pari of the Kngle
I ('fees pii'cincl, over inio the Daiuas
I en mh ilno't kao.v iib.'i her tlii-is
laufnl, 1iul presiiiu -ibe c-iurt knows its
1 bu-i'iess. If tbiH thing eo it.inues Ihe
I new bridge will be pissabl.? 111 time an I
Ihe main sirem of Marlon op 1 In irallic,
Now, if the enuri will e.-tahli-h a roid
with a 1(1 per cent gui le 110 Deep Creek
lu "1'cn 11 ami iiniuv c-ti.ens o
hoib pipeineiM w ill be beneli'lted lln-re'iv
Novo nb.-r 2S n..,. J
all are prepariiiL' for the wilder which
is closing in. The river has com
menced to freeze and ihe bonis have
quit running. There is sufficient pro
visions there to lint the people three
years, the only sitirles that lire scarce
being butler, Si. Charles cream and to
bacco, but nearly eveivone has it w inter's
supply slorvd away.
A laundry lisi and restaurant bill of
fan' were unclosed In give an ii'ea ol
prevailing prices: Fol owing is a few
laundry price; V Idle shirt $1, col
lar f)0 cunts, cuffs 50 cents, socks 2!)
cents, underclothes f l, lace euitains Sf2..rH
to fS, bnlspieads $1 .BO, skirts $1 lo 3,
aprons ii ecu's lo 50 cenis. I'Vesh meat
is q o ed at tl to $1 CO per pound,
bacon 50 cents, pugar go ciii's, bu'ter
milk fredi !f4 per quart, pot los 60
cents per pound, onions SO cents, bain
and two eggs $1 50, app es 2") each,
spring chicken 4, Bliave 50 cent ', 1 air
cot $1. (having bv the hour $10. lab r a
$1 per hour, cord wood $40 per cord,
table bo ird per weeli $ 55, rooms $15 and
M'. Cusey stales that t lie climn'e
agrees wiih him and that he is getting
Oldest Bank In the City.
Pnrf nJ Cnxh VuplM . $110 OOO
ni.iw tUt OOO
Capital, .... f 100.000.
Loans made. Bills discounted. Makes
collections. I'tiysand cells exchnngo on
all points in the United States, Europe
and Hong Kong. Deposits received sub
to check !ii n 1 open from 0 A. u. to
1' M.
D. C. Latockkttb President
F. J .MiiVi;it Cashier
fine Dental If ink. AvtMIe Colli Crowns ami
lMilz H oik.
Orrirc on tti-rrntli St., near S. P, Drjmt.
(i, 12. HAYES,
la irrcii.
Sprclul attention given to Vmbate lltiMtm'efn.
F. E. Donaldson, Agt
Jitok Store
d, b. DimcK,
Dt'ptily Distv ct A ttovuey.
trill Vinrih-e In all CtiuriH of tho Slutt; Vlr.
cii't unit IHntilrt Vimit of tlin
t nltptl Sfiife
Office over Hunk of Oregon City.
filtOirXHLL ,f VAMl'ItELL,
P'lll prartlee In alt tlie courts of the state
OlirteW lllovk.
Speaking ol
There are no companies better, few eo
good, as Ihe
and the
All of them, TIME TUIICI) and EIRE
TEhTED. 11. L. Kkm.y, Agt.
jr. s. 1 "iu:x,
J.tg;iv lliilUUrff, 0.sre
Ori'ffun t'itv.
New Aurora Hotel
H. WILL, Manager.
Dlnliiff room receives personal
supi'i'vision. Tables well sup
plied with Hoa.sonahlo delicacies.
Rooms are all newly furnished
mid first-class.
A Wf'l-stocked bar is conducted
for tho accommodation of the
, A.' .H' 1
I.v days bay,.
I ecu very
The pint
D.'iith has again ,., ,. ,.,,.
ihty. Mr . iir..v die. I hisi iv.,.1,..
oMoel;. aflcr a Lnu i,.i, .,..
Ulll't-I'ill eie:,lle II. , I.......'.'
" H10' I1."- lailnersau I two sous to
...."ii 11 ,Ks, also h great
"en b, as ne was well liki
Kiieiv him.
day at 1
in which li
keil bp all who
lane Tliomn-on is' viuliii,,, 1,..,.
son in Salem. Kim uin ,-....;..
Boveral ,t,8.
Mr and Mrs. Frederick Blair left
here Sunday for Oregon VWv.
I nil L. .Marqiiani, of Salem, has he
visaing in.iiids mid relatives this
in our
1 masquer
roport a goo I
M Snores and M Tl, ,.,
f Spring-
n ml
mid Mrs
iroin inline,
were shut and
Have a good
Beaver Creek I.ileraiy
every Tuesday evonin',
S iciely
at 7'b'O
r.,.,11 1, in me l is I'l'e 0.1. ...1.... ..1 .. ,
On T.. 1 1, - ' "." mill I OIIIIUI
v .. ....-way, I'cccninei (i, wb am
lo huva 11 in,,,. ..I I.. 1. . ....
. . ,. ,.i, in i,H 1 ,, ,11,11 1 iu I' ll.
1, 1 . .... .... wuesi 1011
is, Kesolved "Thin 11, u m.... .1. .. 1.1 .
I, w . . 1 v .1.11111111 1 1 a 11 1 a
... men wiih (he
..: 1 : ' i". '1 -' 1 oi tier
1 ii mail
1.. 1 . ...
-'". u-acner, i 111. Hayhurst lias ,1...
l inen to stay on tliis side of tlie river dur
mg me rainy weather. He. is slopnng
-on 1,. r .Armstrong and family, where
lie ex ects to remain this term.
November 2 1.
I run " l'h.. u .1..
ins in this debate geia the pump
lor their nirisirmn, pi, tl, oilier
paving for ii. a,i, 11
I w,iscl.ose,. leHderontheallir,,,,ivt,(,idu
n ut (.has l-orhes on Ihe negative side.
mem nin also oj a irood mm,,.,,,
N., I
'wvniorr o
i , r ", ,hB uv''no.,cnt, H of
b ua ll.slonantoilic War Dcpartmen
li e book was wri, l,, , llr,y . T
Ban I'lancsco. on the Pacific Vi , e
e a Meriitl.in lhehospllalsait Iq, ,
n long Kong in the Anieiiean tieue
. MuiijlH, u, ihe iuHurgen, ,.,, ,?
Ak u aldo, on the dock of the Olyn ,
M iia li '""' ": """-"" Ule'i
til - i" ,"l""""H '.r agents.' J!,i,iul
O igH.alpicl,t,,aken by govern,,
rlii..L. ,1... Y 7 "nouieiul
VT Y""o nee. AiUlress
J aiber, hecy'y , Smr Insuran.:,,
K. T
It has been Mmm , i,,... ..1 . ...
f.K ,, ..vienuuosi Hleatlv
or he past two weeks, hut II,;.
lain lias ceased and the ......u..... ; ,
cooler, tlie imnind fi : .,
thaw ing dur nu t. I ... ..1 .. -,.
I'aid on Ihe h, il, " '",
Jack Wallace an. I I. 1. ...... .... 1 .
duo Ami.s
iirilnglou ol lluhh.,,,1 1 ,
bom their bun.. T, . ' L'.T . . ." "
geod success in I.,; ,,,, r i :t '"h
they tk 10 (ieo. II. K.. ' . " "
laiumd. S. lker has,. I. 0
'"". hut did not have,,,,,.-,.!,':'
and his party ollv K Uq
as he
and were out a week'
"easier C.nlanaw is
with his ,-v.. , li
ving trouble
"-tori,,, ,u;.rrij:
The people of this neigh bj, hood often
expres, M,ipiie t tint Ihe local banner,.
ings aro not repor e l for the p,vss.
Concluding it wrtH pil.t,v (lllB t) g iu,k
of energy, and having n energelie
streak, ,ve constructed the fol. owing
batch of news holes.
It I. IIMI . . . .
ic..e .nu 4 h heaiitirul little settle
ment, Hituated 011 Ihe summit t 11..
I loft v
- " "... ...... 1 i, nu Biaiius just
souOi of Willamette rails, or about six
miles west of Oregon City. It is one
"f Ihe niosi lovely .-pea Ibis side of no
where. The pPOd of ll, is viciniiy
can look mil over the mvnl .-..11.... ... .,.
"oilh and Hoiill, and tell what their far
mi tieighhor.s are ooin wlthoiil going
Kossiping around bis busy friends ask-
m hilu ri-iestions. Tin. people .le
nave excellent health and enjoy the
pleasant breezes that are symbolic of
this country
Mr. Antono Huffman has nccepled a
position in Mr, Mink's faiv mill.
Mr. Kekel has contracted to make
400 cords ol wood, and now can be
Last Wednesday, while Mr
"'ii t-rillin were absent
11...:.. .1 . . 1
mm nog ami a goose
some cliiikeiis taken.
nine l,ys, hut be careful of ihe gun, nnd
T" ""VISB "" wl"''' J"" leave the
CltV IlLMlill to Ull Illl.Ol., . I .
"k 10 iioikc your-
sei 1 os scarce around Mr. liiidins
Jhe Literary 11 ml labeling Society
1 Ht Hatchery ndiool Inaee lasi
Salni',1,,1' ,,l.,i.i , , ,,
, iiiiini .iiunipower was
ciecie.l president, Kred ltiebhuir vi,,.
president ,llu A I isa Mablo Byere (ecre-
ai. ihe qiiesiion debuted was He
dved,"That Circumstance Italher ihan
Naln, al Ability Determine Succse
I" J'ile." 1'ied Hiebluitr was leader on
Ihe allin.iativy aid,, i,,l i'.,, p;.., , -
- "'
on the negative side. After ihe debate
a (-hurt literary program was lendeied,
consisting 0( H)llllg ,, )LM.jla s'
ihe sociuly wi
November 28
meet evety two weeks.
Ton 1.
iiin i, were here visiti,,i, r.,.i.,
, . . . " iTium
i.Ti.ii,t,M JasL ween
Mrs. Louisa Thimina la m, ,
,1 . , l'" vei v ioiv.
Her daughter and nenlieiy. of Ilnl',1,,,,,1
were visiiing her on Sund.iv.
Ihe Ladies' Aid Snei.,i. 1 i.' ...1
r '.' """ i. 'won,,
League are nviui n f,,r 1 ,
next Wednesday evening. Novn,l,M,' 'in
Cai enter .lack and his unci,. m,e a
"K tup up siairs i, 0u,e,. ,llv to
civ Koine 0! Mr. Jaiti's i,,.i, 1,.:. ..
they gut near tlie t.-na n ilo.r I,,,,. .1..,
ai'penred, a suit, of chuhes I ein ' iiioved
y ll e wind which looked verv life hi,,.
them weiH hum. 11,.,.!
ventured on and sonn 1,.. ... .,
folly. ,u ,m"
The ladies of Ihe I. (I. f (: -r i.i
nave the boys a er.i,l u,
I'liday evening. A L,,l ,,.. i.'.'.i
"en prepared also. The members l,l,l.
tug ollic.s are i.sh,B: A ,, ,,il(.k
y- i-l ImmiIi.Ii lliirmoii, V. T. ; Tessa
L.rkius, seer-iarv: Hans nis,, ,,.
ant see.elaiy; Lillie lleiuly, tin ,,-i
secretary; (lav lavkiiw-
e,t Boss, mm'shal; Ai r t.-l
hPpmy marshal; u,er .Ma.quain. sen
Mnel; Mary Alhrih'. S .1 ir , I
an, ,.in(, ,...., ,,
--...w 1 riULL
Should have a soil nf Holiday aspect.
The slranger witliii. jour gn'cs should'
feel 1 lot I you know bow i0 purdiaso
lamiiy auppiics and Orocen'cs so us to
assume that llolidavness. Cm 1.,
and we will aid you with nil our ex-
perion ce in Choice (iroccr es and Table
Luxuries, how lo buy the prop-r things
...... . oniuuy 11:111 salislaction. Our
Orocery dainties eon tan every imagin
able item that goes to tiiako'your llol
day table particular!,, ,leiisiiig.
Aurora Hotel
and Restaurant.
acob Giksv, . . rnormitroa.
Hates $1 rerDnyand TJpwnrde.
Livery and Eeed"stbie in Connection
itli die House. Horses and Busies
..ti ui iieuHoiuihie uat'g.
Bar supplied with the finest wines, li
qnoisuiid cigars. Weinhardt Beer oa
Seventh Street Grocer.
the Circuit Court of the Mate of rw
iron, for Ihe Coiintv f Clackamas.
Minnie Be.id, plainlitr
Saintiel L. Iti-ad, def, n lain.
ToSaiiiuel L Itead.the above entitled defendant:
in the name of th
" "ithy persons in this state to,
manage our busiinaa ;., ti.oi.. 1
. ...... ... 1, nu 11,111
... ... ,,j , oil, Hies. II
woik conducted
.' k. li
filllto fl rir.,..
vnu are hereby cotniiiaiiiled ami required
lo appear and answer ll, ,.,, . i..i...
ItliMi Jlir iiiiQl i,.i. 41 .. 1 ' .
ifl miiinly o(Mce
riitnin C. I.....
sl,il., tnn ..ufjr
, , a year ami expenses
'hdinite, bonalide, 1,0 more, 10 less
"Mlary. MouMdy 75. Heferences. V.
close self-ail,
lle.he.t .1.- . . 7,"" "ve,ope.
;,. "ess, i resl ,
t bieago.
Dept Mv.
V . T.
'Vein! or LN.
Ths first 111 .eting of the S.iudv Deh.-n.
ing Cblh hold Siiindiy eveiiiii,-.,s
Kiaml suecess, no tietler inoel in,- of Un
kind was ever eni ned in Sandy. Ben
pie came regardless of the rain 11, eh.
ociig nar.iy a lurin house 111 tins d s
trio! In, 1.... ,
. " imi neill. SOUIHIIIII, J o a o ,.
No home 0 high or 11 ruble but Ihnnv
in lis mental mite, lu ,1,1 equilabl
judgment of the rikht. for tl, ones,
to be setileil was an elemental one
namely HesuKcd, 'That tho Sign, of 11,,.
Times Indieale a Downfall oftheiiov
eniment.'' ! Asa Thomas was the ,M ler
on the alluinativs si.lo and E, Hmus on
the negative side, and after a I n,g and
iietuiy (iiscnssiou was decide.! in favor of
the negative. After a recess ol li e
minutes lli question Kesolved, ' That
Literal uro had a dealer Civilix ng
Ellect on the Unman Kace than W ,r"
was agreed on for the next meeting ami
John Epperson was chosen on the
allirmat ve side and J, II. Revenue on
the negadvo side. The literary nnwra,,,
that followed was interesting. Music
was furnished by the Sandy el,!,, bs,l
and songs were well rendered hv Mr
aud Mrs. iMabv. M
. , ..,iw .UI.IUUIII,
farmers are
hill CI'oi'S. and
"f Uihis
""II in tl.e lead. Our
im-si an iiiroliel, ini'liiiL' lo
all ... ! ..... . .1
f.,11 , ... , , 1 ' ! 'g 1 ne
..,. uiun ot ivenii 101
' harles el. li has
bllil hug lately.
rin.. ne Ogle ,111, 1 .Miss liar,
"f Mulnm. were toe guests
M.'ivlielil 01, l'i.iiki..iviii - .1-."
Mis. James parrish, h
very ill. is ,w lv r,'e,n..,i,,
School is 1 rog,essi g i,.,.y under the
mnnagcnieiit ol Karl Elhotl.
e near thai J,,hn
' .',,. l.ee s. 01 r .nk
about II John?
AH the l!igl,,1(
which cemirise tie
ihe ihsirict me awai
them sin
answer Ihe
you in II e alioi'H ,0 iiiio.1
J suit, on ,r l-cfore the 1 lib , v of Janu
ary, IS!)!), that being 1 ,e time se, b, ,le
( ourt i which you ,e required to up-
twill' niwl n i,u.. ;.l , . . .'.
... .. ...,ncl sain oomplaillt. and if
V'i"' '',r 8'!'" "l,,e,,r 'd answer. Ihe
phuntiir ui l apply to Ihe Court for Ihe
rehef prayed for 10 ii: Kor a dissolu
Hon of Ihe bonds of matrimony now ex
isting between iilainlilF m,,l ,i.,r , ...
"d for general relief
ins summons Is publi,liH,l by order
o I he Honorable Thomas A. Mclbide,
Judge of the said Court.
S. T Jkkfiikvs,
A I fni'iiot, f.. , 1, ..:...:,
Ill ... . , . "": uo'lll.
iiiiuiu nun iiiaoil Una 25th
November, 18! IS.
In Ihe County C airt of Ihe Slte of Ore-
i v .1 '-"r,iin'ii7w.
V i.'l ' h rri 1 1 in a Ys
MfPSfm v.
Hi I iV'i i ; IL' . py k yi? b '
its XSM,
n 11
g"U, for t'laek.imas ('oiiniy,
XX. Toner, plaintiff.
. qui e often.
'.ills at
Mav Toner, defendant.
To Mav Toner, the abnv
fi-nilaiit :
In the name of the Slate
i ,vVeV , " .i'1.:! '""PP-ar,,,,.,
.. . . .. ... ..,,i,iiaoit itie , ag tins.
1 11
e limned
f Oregon.
the above entitled suit, on ihe lli,
ol Jauu.i, 1 lsno ...... .
., " "' "u iu n ie, 1011
I more than six weeks from ihe ,l,re of
he lust piil,c.,i:,i ol the summons, ,i
..'i- i.mu sei, 111 the court 11 nhieh v
me 10 p,-ar and answer said comnlaint
ll vou hul so i appear and answer
complaint, the plaintitf will u,,l
n I
school tea,-hers
cm rg, tic fills of
telle on., tlil
I"i.' rciioo.s, Me Wi ll
' ess
November 2.1
Dr. M
the L'lill,
Fro:ii Dawson.
C. Siriekland, on S.ilnrdav
ills!., reeeive.l u ,..tt '..'
1. , . . " "- ""O,
' insey, oaie i at IMw on. October
-0 the Idler had u , p.,si,.ge s,;np on
it, the poshiih.e having heC desiriyed
by fire a lew t'ays before. The pot
ollice stamp was sutlicient to g'-t it
through The lota hv I lie fire is em-.
mate I at a half rnilli,,,, dollars. 11 idi
was commenced at once although m.
tier is worth -00 m-r il
o ihe Court for the relist prayed t r
to-wit: lo dissolve Ihe bonds of matii'
nionv now existing hetwo,., ,011 and tlie
.......... i, r .,.,, iintheriind oth.
l.-ll-I lis l, n v hllllllMl . a
.... vuuri
ie shoe fits, wear it V,U ti.
shoe lbs you don't want it. PHee is not
ehoi.L-h of inducement lo make you
salished win, ,, uneoinforiable or un
W'rthy shoe. Here is a line where you
lll find shoes lo lit l. i:...:. . ..,
'"ost peculiar feet. Also to fit U,
peculiar mind and pocket book,
please you for we have ...!,
to jilease vou with
k Do You
I Knowthe jN"ews
Dawson lias
Lpnti'L0f -'000 and I CitJ' jellers,
seem jnt nnd equiiuble.
i his summons is pnblishel in p,.
anee of an order made 11, t. ni,v ell.
tit ed 8,t, for the service of the sa-ue bi
uhicuiion bv Honora'.le Thorns A. Mc
',"lfe "", "l"'VM -htitied Court
on the 2;,rd day of November, 1SSW. j
Wm Utni I
r. . , ,. rnev for Plain! iff. j
First pi.hheaiion of lis 8llllimo1
November o0, 1W. I
Vine silk uuibrIliis, largest stockTii I
the city. C ,1110 in and see the prices, j
i.u.meisier a Andresen. !!, n.
You can havo it all for
Per r"Cin V
Slonth UUl
in the Eveninor Telegram of Port
land, Oregon. It is tho large?1
venins' uewspapor published In
Oc-iro"; it contains all the newB
of the state and of tho nation.
n.v 1 1 ir a month. A sampla B
copy will be mailed to you free. S
Address , g
The Telegram, g
1 v