Oregon City press. (Oregon City, Or.) 1896-1???, November 16, 1898, Image 4

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    Oil cares
Oil cares
Oil cures
Oil cares
Oil cures
Oil cures
Oil euros
Oil ouros
Oil cures
Oil cures
Muscular aches.
Dld'nt Get liar Share.
Mrs. Nowcombo (as alio puts down
the family paper, fondly to her hus
band) 01), Herbert, if I could only
read each a lovely obituary notice in
the paper about you as I've just read
about a man down in Pittston. Some
how, blessings seem to me to be awful
ly unevenly divided nowadays. Judge.
Intho Blood
Scrofula lurks In the blood of almost every
one and unless Its poisonous taints aro
thoroughly expelled from the system, It Is
liable to break out at any time lh sores,
eruptions, hip dlsoase or some other pain
ful form. Ilood's Barsaparllla euros
scrofula promptly and permanently.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Is America's Greatest Medicine. $1; six for 13.
Hood's Pills enre Indigestion. 20 eonts.
Al Brother.
A ocrtaln curate was of1 a painfully
nervous temperament, and, In conse
quence, Was constantly making awk
ward remarks Intended as compli
ments to the bishop and others. Hav
ing distinguished himself in an unusual
dogroo daring the gathorlngof clergy to
an afternoon toa at the bishop's palace,
he was taken to task for bis tailings by
a sonior carato, who was one of his
companions on the way home.
"Look here, Brnco," said the senior,
decidedly, you are a donkoyl Why
cannot you keop qulot, Instead of mak
ing your asinine remarks? I am speak
lng to you now as a brother"
Loud laughter interrupted him at
this point, and for the moment he won
dered why. St. Louis QIobo-Dumoorat.
Piire Tea
In packages
at grocers'
A monster sowing nmchinn, weighing
thiee and one-quartof tons, Is in ueo in
Leeds, Enlgand. It saws cotton bolt-inR-
No household Is complete wilhont a bot
tle of the famous Jesse Moore Whiskey. It
is a pure and wholesome stimulant rec
ommended by all physicians. Don't ne
ttled this necessity.
The blttornoHS of a grain of stryoh
nine can be tasted in 1000,000 grains
of water.
To Cure a Cold In One Day
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets.
All druggists refund money If it falls to
cure. lioc.
A oubio foot of now fallon enow
weighs five and a half pounds, and has
13 times the bulk of an equal weight
of wator.
If you want the best wind mill, pumps,
tanks, plows, wagons, bells of all sl.es
boilers, engines, or general machinery, see
or write JOHN POOLK, foot of Morrison
street, Portland, Oregon.
In India the avorago duration of life
of thffiativea Is 24 years as against 44
in Britain.
I'iso's Cure for Consumption Is the best
of all cough cures. George W. Lota,
Fabucher, La., August 2(1. 18!lfl.
One Method of Treutniont. "
Jones Our mlnlstor is apt to take
an original view of any Bubject. lie
is to preach next Sunday on tlio para
ble of the prodigal son.
Smith I don't soo how ho Is going
to say anything new about that
Jones You oan't toll. Ho may
make his sermon an expression of sym
pathy for the fatted calf. New York
The Kulaer's Tour.
Tho Kaiser's Pilgrimage to the Holy
Laud has a prominent phtco in tho Issue
of Collior's Weekly for November 6.
There aro interesting pictures of the
gconos of tho emperor's tour, Including
one representing the women gathering
Btonos to repair the roads before the
emperor's arrival.
The drill of tho Roman soldier was
exceedingly sovoro. It comprised not
only the uso of weapons, but running,
Jumping, olimblng, wrestling, swim
ming, both naked and In full armor.
An iron-mill company In Ohio has
snceeded in making a fine quality of
oomont from furnnoo slag.
"A Perfect Type of the Highest Order of
Excellence In Manufacture. "
Absolutely Pure,
.Costs Less Titan OHE CENT I Cup..
Be sure Uut you get the Genuine Article,
made at DORCHESTER. MASS. by
cuius H.,if in fiSi
t Coiwh Byrup. TimtM iooa. w I
In lime. Hold by drntTBl.tft.
fit. Jaoobs
6t. Jaoobs
6t. Jacobs
St. Jacobs
8t. Jacobs
Et. Jacobs
fit, Jacobs
St. Jacobs
St. JacobB
H. Jacobs
I f - '
jlr vfiplj P if
rbankeslvlns Story Told by the Old
Nesjro for the Children.
N Old Unc" Kaetus
Petllbono's home,
a very modest lit
tle four-room es
tablishment, great
preparations Were
being made for the
Thank(flvliig fes
tivities which the
next day wns ex
peeted to usher In.
The morning camo and Aunt Tatty took
the opossum which Unc Ran had caught
and placed him In a broad pan and put
him In tho oven. After the opossum had
baked for a while she opened the oven
and put In the pan a lot of sweet potatoes
which had provlouely been boiled and split
and let them brown in the 'possum fnt
When the animal was done brown the
family and their friends jrnthered around
the festal board and the mlddle-elzed girls
and the Wg girls, the old folks and the
young folks pitched Into the dish and made
merry over the arrival from the South.
After the dinner they had some music,
and wound up with a dance. When the
dance was ended the visitors, to the num
her nf neven or elt-ht-Ieft with a chorus
of good-bys and jokes and the family were
left by themselves.
rut on some coal on uat nan, you uona-
pant," said Unc' Itastus. "My law, dat
possum remlne me or oie aukoushw, yas-
sah, It sholy do."
"Te 1 us 'bout t. na," said ua nne, anu
the other children clamored for tho story.
"Well." said Unc' llasltis, "down dan in
do Boston mountains whuh I'ze bawn we
dun llv' in one deso heah cabins, log cab
ins. Dcy chink up twix de logs with mud,
an bull a cuimiey on uo outstay. e an
had nine dogs au' fo-teen in dc fnmily. Da
wns cr smoke-house an chicken coop an
er ash-hopnaa uy uo camn on cr rawn
crib. We wui In de valley an' a mile down
de road live Eph Ruker an' his fai ily.
Long 'bout dis time de yeuh Eph an 'me
an' Wash Adama an' de Iteuzely boys we'd
staht out early In do evenln' aftnh pos
sum. Tain' no uso fow to go twel de
'slmmons Is ripe au' de froa' ripe do 'slm
mens. Ycssah, do free It rlpes do 'slm
mmm nn den de 'possum he gwyno come
out In de moonlight. Dey wu mons'ous
woods dah. Dey wus red 011K, biaca oaa,
pos' oak, gum tree, cllum, eyeiimo' au' a
lot ollmi.
Well, suh, we'd have 'bout foiity oops
mo er less an one (ie itenaety ooys ne u
foteh Mcig ole ninsket. Das au He gun
we got. Do moon he light up de valley,
de old 'broom sago' llel's dey layln' round,
an' at de aldge do flol's wua mos' oftcneat
de 'slmmon trees. Now, de 'possum love
slmmons. He eat berries, yassah, an
buds an' roots, but, my Lawd, he tine 'slm
mon tree dc darkest night evah blowed.
"De boys dey oft In dc woods ehasin'
'roun' do llel's au' tnrlu' up de groun' look
lu' for 'pissum. Pa jus' three klne 0'
dogs hi dat country. Da is de houn' dog,
do cur dog au' de tWe dog. Dc cur dog,
dey mos'ly call 'em niunl heah, dey
bes' fob 'iKuwnm. We llssen to dem craiy
dogs holhih an' bark. Dim Eph Baker he
say, 'Dos Tlge, de tritliu' seoiiu'rel.'
"l)en wo heah another bark an' ef we
heah dat dog hollah all de boys dey say,
'Das music. Das Bholy 'possum.' I gwyue
tell you we rar over de broom-sage au'
wo git ovab de fence an' dah by er big
'simmon treo dnh's musle. Hose, Venus
au' er lot de e-thuh dogs, Tige, he ain'
dah. Ole mist 'possum he up In tip 0' de
'slmmon tree, and I climb de tree au' soon
I ketch Mm. lie cWe un an' nlnv he da Id.
Yassah, he doan show no sign dat he llv-
In'. Den we sets de dogs goin' again, an' .
mebbe we hear off in dc aldge 0' de woods
boo-woof, boo-woof, 00, 00, 00, au' If dey
Is ernuddor dog go wah-ah orp-nrp-orp
klu 0' high, den das musle an' das 'pos
sum. Pea we elar de feucee an' run throo
de broom-sage an' when we Hud ole music
dey's 'possum dah.
"Well, suh, when we git all de 'possum
we want we go home, an' den I take big
ole 'possum in' dress blm an' stretch him
out on de roof of do smokehouse. In de
mornln' dny takes Mm an' day pa'blle 'im
to kit out du wile tawte, on' den day puts
Mm In old oven. De fat jes' bile out, on'
when de 'possum gettln' bake awhile yo
ole mammy take desc ycr long yams dat
been bile already au' put In de oven with
mitt' 'possum.
"Yo' ole mommy got turnips an back
bone, cabbage an' bamlxMio an' lye hominy
an' pone, corn pone. Well, mih, dcy ail
bus' deysetvee eatin' 'possum, an' gen-ally
has a little 0' dish yer apple-jack an' (ley
sweetena It with Masses. Yo' kin cat a
heap 0' 'possum, case It douu' hurt yo'.
When de 'possum all gone, all de sop
pl.innpft im. do Infers nn' de pnbbntro. de
hambone an' de backbone des out 0' de
u.'nv ili.n ilov idpnra nu-nv nil de dibhes an
de table an' dcy 'gins to pat juba an' git
de hddle an lie banjo down.
"llnT doiin ilnneo dose ver waltzes In my
time, Dey dance one at a time or maybe
rW'ii n linv on' a xrpnch (lev dances to-
gedder. But dejr dance. Dey doan slide.
Pey buck an' dey wing nn' dey double
shulllc an' puts In de fancy stope an' dc
res' dey pals nu' hollers. Pc fiddler he
got de flildlc way down on de lef arm, an
he snwln' away on 'Chicken In de Bread
tray,' 'Cottoneyc Joe,' 'Soapsuds Ovab. de
Fence,' or some 0' dey hoc-down tunes,
an' do banjo keepin' time. Pey loose dc
chlnkln' out de logs. Ohl my law, nil de
dishes jutnpln' in dc cupboard an' dc pick'
ninnies dey jumplu' up an' down yo kaln
hole 'em down. Ole Mammy Jupe de
real ole mammy bIio sit In de cornnh
snioklu' one 0' dose yore red clny plpoa
with one 0' dc cane stems dot dey cuts In
de cane-brake. De dogs dey outside
breakln' de 'possub bones an' growltn'
ovah de hambone. '
"When one boy get tlahd danclu' emud
der boy he step In an' dey des keep dancln'
au' slnglu' an' pat tin' all night yassah,
twell de ole red sun he showlu' dat he
gwyne come ovah de mountain. Pen dey
all slip away an' go whah dey can sleep
foh all day."
Mr. Itastus reached for his pipe. "Git
along to bed now, you chilleu," he said,
and there was a general scampering. The
old man puffed away remiulseeutly.
Former llnlton Find He Has Many
Kensone to He Thankful.
LAMED if I quite
agree with this
here way of rega
latin' our glvln' of
thanks by taw an'
p r 0 c lermatlons,"
said Farmer Bol
tou In a meditative
way to his wHfe.
"It looks too much
like sort I u' a stake
n' a servln' notice
that when Tou
reach it you must bow down an' make
your acknowledgment, no matter what
your real teclln't la. I can't see that
ml 4Wfi
sirSgiiW vjr ?"
1 1
we've got much ter be thankful fur this
year, Liddy."
"O, yes, we havo. We "
"IIol on, now, hoi' on, Llddy. That's
a way you have of rushln' mo with argy
ments an' downln' me afore I gets rightly
started. Jest wait till I git through. Our
crops was mostly a fuller, owln to too
much rain. What we did Imrvcst dldu t
really pay fur th' rotaln'. T1 ut two-year-old
colt was killed by llghtnln', mowt of
our stnndln' timber was destroyed by flre
an' a good many rods of fence went th'
same way. Now you cnu't honestly say,
Llddy, that we're as fur along as wj was
this time a year airo.
"I didn't know you were so worldly,
Josh. You talk as though we ought to
rebel ai?alnt Providence whenever the
credit side of our bank book doesn't have
a steady growth, We're both lit th' prime
of life with good health. We've been
given more time to pay off the mortgage.
None of the grent disasters we rend about
hna touched us. There Is plenty In the
cclhir and the granary to live on If we
were without a dollar. That stote of af
fairs would be a godsend to tens of thou
sands this winter, Josh. And you know
thut Jimmle pulled through after the doc
tor gave him up and is as hardy as a
"So he did, the blessed little Imp of mis
chief. But I won't dispute with yon,
Liddy. You don't give a feller no fair
chance. I was goin' to sell that 20-pound
gobbler, but we'll jest keep him fur a
center piece Thanksglvin'."
Our Thanksgiving.
We'd thought ou this Tbauksglyln' day
To eat our punkln pie
With dear old mother at tho farm,
As In the days gone by.
Dat greater Tower than wo bad willed
That mother shouldn't stay,
An' then we couldn't bear the farm,
When she had slipped away.
80 brother John, he seat me word
Ter visit him a spell,
An' eat Id style Tliauksvlvln' day
Up at his big hotel.
Well, seen a bill 0' fare as that
I never see afore,
With all the things I ever eat,
. An' several dozen more.
I labored hard to do my pari
At talk an' etiquette;
Though John wns hardened to tl.s world,
Sometimes his eyes wus wet.
I knew thnt though his purse could buy
The costliest kind ot dish,
Fer mother's rare Thnuksglvln' treat
Ha oftt'D felt a wish.
An' when I left him fer the night,
I couldn't help but say,
"It ain't the food ner ylt the style
That makes Thanksglvin' day,"
lfctrult Free Press.
Pumpkin I'tns and Thanksgiving.
With the pumpkin borrowed from the
Indian, and the Yankee Ingenuity thnt
grew np with the New Englander forced
to rely on his Inventive skill, tho pie was
nn easy creation. Tho pumpkin no doubt
wns one 'of the earlUnt of Its family, for
fruits when the white man came were
only such as lie found wild and they would
not keep through the fall and winter as
the modern genius has made possible. The
pumpkin, however, was a keeper, and
therefore available at late periods of the
year for pies and snuees, and It has never
lost Its place on the Thanksgiving table.
Nor, to do It Justice, is there any reason
why It-should. The pumpkin pic needs
no apologies on Thanksgiving or any other
Our Own Amrrlcnn Pay.
Nn nmttur wlint Its obsci''. orlirln. ths
American Thanksgiving Ib i n own Amer
ican day now, and, set in its thoroughly
Amnrlriin fltirrnundinca. It Is a chief
among all the happy days of the year. May
we all have opportunity and reason to ap
preciate and shore In many of them.
Signs of tho Times.
First Turkey Oh, cheer up, old man,
you are suiorstitious.
Second Turkey No, l in not supersti
tious, but wheu I pick up cranberries by
the kitchen door three days in succession
It makes me kinder melancholy.
The Nltfht Before Thanksgiving.
A Great Thing for the Pacific Conat
Would lie I'owerfnl Aid In
Western Development.
The Nicaragua canal Is a subject vor
much disoussed Just at this time on tlit
Pacifio coast.
From statistics cniofully gleaned by
the roost authentic authorities, jt is
shown that from the different nations
of the world and the islands of tho sea
there would pass through the canal a
possible annual trnfflo of 14,000,000
tons, a probable traffic of 10,000,000
tons, or a certain trafflo of 8,000.000
tons, on which, 11 a toll of 93.50 a ton
was imposed, an annual revenue ol
$20,000,000 would be obtained, or over
$19,000,000 over and above operating
expenses. A saving of $2.60 per ton
on wheat woulJ amount to, say, 7
oonts per btiBhul, and on lumber to $5
pet 1,000 feet. A careful examination
made by the Maritime Canal Company
show that a possible one-half of the
8,000,000 tons trniTIo, which Is claimed
will pass through the cnnal, Is Ameri
can commerce, either coastwise 01 ex
ports and imports. It soems to be fully
determined that If the cnnal is built at
all it must be built and operated as the
property of the United Ftntes govern
ment built with the people's money.
It should be open and free and without
tounago charge to all American cotn
meico, coastwise, exports and imports;
and to compensate ourselves for our
outlay we should lay a toll of nt least $3
per ton on all trafllo passing through
botwoon foioign nations.
It is estimated tl at It wi'l require
not to eoxeed $100,000,000 to con
struct the canal, although it is claimed,
In a recent statement raude by Lyman
E. Oooley, a celebrntod engineer of this
oountry, thnt, by reason of certain (lis
covories on the patt of the commission,
sout by President MoKinley to investi
gate the feasibility of the project, the
cost of the cnnal will be reduced much
below the figure of $100,000,000, on
account of fuvorahlo dredging in the
lower end of Lake Nicaragua, non-oxist
once of rock in the San Juan river to
Toro Rapids, good foundation fur im
mense dam at Ochoa, fuvorable condi
tions for embankments at San Fran
clsno basin, and a new site for a dam
at Tumbro Grenada.
The farmers of California, Washing'
ton, Oregon and Idaho, now further
from the world's markets than any
other agriculturists, would not only be
placed as near Lirerpool as their com
potitors in India, Chile and the Argen
tine, but they would also have an ad
vantage over their competitors of $3
per ton, or 6 cents a bushel; for the
wheat from India must benr $3 per ton
toll at the Suez oanal, anil we would
have the Pacifio South American states
pay $3 per ton on the Nicaragua canal
Then, too, our Atlantic and Gulf
ports would have this $3 per ton ad
vantage over all their British nnd
Europoan rivals in the great markuts
of Japan, Korea, Australia and the
Paolfic islands, as their rivals would be
compellod to pay the $2 por ton toll
whether they went to market via the
Sue! canal or the Nicaragua canal.
Still Short of Water.
Th Hrnncrht In fnlifnrnin this veni
has not yet beon relieved by fall rams,
and on Novembor 1 the South Yuba
Water Company served notice on all
tho minon which are ODorated bv its
power mat no more water coma do iur
niehed until after the rainy season had
fullv set In. as the comuanv could not
count on more than enough to fill
their oontiact to turnien nevana uity
and Grass Vullley with water for mu
nicipal purposes. This will hang np
nearly a thousand stamps in the dis
trict Knd of the Salmon Sonsnn.
ThA fliilmnn nnekinff Rnnson is At an
end, there being no more vessels due to
arrive from tho north, anil according to
the best authorities, says the .San Fran
cisco Cull, all tho canneries on the
coast nie 1,000,000 cases, or about 83
por Cent short of the 1897 paok. The
Alaska Packers' Association is some
48.000 ensos short, or less than 0 per
oent of Inst year's pack. About 19,000
barrels of Salt snlmoii were shipped
liOm Alaska during the season 01 jsus.
Shipment of Lend to Chlnn.
The Puget Sound Reduction Com
pany, of Everett, Wash., mado a ship
ment of 60 tons of lent! last wook to
the Amerloan Trading Company in
Shanghai, China. Arrniigemonts have
been made for weekly shipments to
China and Japan by way of the Cana
dian Paoifio steamship line.
Kew Brlekynrd.
A new brickyard will soon be started
at Port Orchard, Wash. The machin
ery has been ready for some time nnd
last week a consignment or. small tools
was received at the point.
Northwest Jottings.
Baker City is to have an extensive
oandy manufactory.
It Is estimatod that $30,000 net was
received by Ashland peaohgrowers this
Over 190,000 saoka of grain hare
been received for shipment at Almota,
Wash., this season.
A Urge portion of the Klamath In
dians ate buying flour and other sup
plies In Goose Lake this fall. Many
Indian wagons are going and returning
from Pine Creek milla each day.
The largest piece of coal that was
ever brought to Spokane is now on ex
hibition there. It weighs 1,400
pounds, and it took seven men to un
load It fiom the car and place it in its
present position. It was taken out of
the mine owned by the railroad com
pany, at Roalyn. ,
The Columbia River Logging Com
pany, of Golden, B. C, Is preparing to
do a big business this winter and the
East Kootenay Miner says they want
ISO bush men to work in the woods.
Wages In Washington lumber camps
have advanced 25 per cent, and logs are
worth $1.25 and $1.60 more per thous
and than they were a year ago.
The Cathlamet Logging Company has
closed down operations for the season,
having pnt in over 3,000,000 feet and
have timber enough to last two seasons
A new saw mill is being added to
Lament's shingle mill plant at Welser,
Whatcom county, Wash., which, when
finished, will be capable of turning out
80,000 feetot lumber daily, in addition
to tbf dally output oX 60,000 shingles.
A Missouri man filed as an answer to
ills wife's suit for divorce an agreement
signed by both "to disband."
Mr. Woodruff, the Now York man
who has aocumnlated 50 wives, simply
makes Chicago's Bates-Gates, of seven
wifo notoriety, look small.
"I have always had- a dosiro to go on
the stage," says tho St. Louis young
woman who was married last Saturday,
and is now seeking a dlvorco. She not
only wants to go on the stage, but she
wants to begin as a star.
Menstruation, the balance wheel of
woman's life, Is also the bane of exist
ence to many because It means a time of
great suffering,
While no woman Is entirely free from
periodical pain, It does not seem to hava
been na
ture's plan
that women
should suffer
so severely.
Lydla E. Pinlc-
h&m's vege
table Com'
pound Is
the moat
thorough fe
male regula
tor known to
medical sci
ence. It relieves the condition that pro
duces so much discomfort and robs men
struation of its terrors. Here Is proof:
Drab Mns. Pinkham; flow can 1
thank you enough for what you have
dono for me ? When I wrote to you I
was suffering untold pain at time ot
menatruationi was nervous, had head
ache all the time, no appetite, that tired
feeling, and did not care for anything.
1 have taken three bottles of Lydia E.
P'.nkham's Vegetable Compound, one
of Blood Purifier, two boxes of Liver
Pills, and to-day I am a well person. I
would like to have those who suffer
know that I am one of the many who
have been cured of female complaints
by your wonderful medicine and advice.
Miss Jennie R. Miles, Leon, Wis,
If you are suffering In this way, write
as Miss Miles did to Mrs. "Pinkham et
Lynn, Mass., for the advice which ahe
offers free of charge to all women.
A cannl connecting the Mediterranean
with the Rod sea existed as early as
600 years before the Christian era. Its
length is 03 miles.
Seem to Oet Ripe.
One compluint seems to get ripe In
autumn, and that is neuralgia. To
soothe the pain, strengthen the nerves
and rid the system of it, use St. Jacobs
Oil, the best known enre.
From China $450,009 worth of
human hair is exported annually. It
comes mostly from the heads of male
factors, paupors and dead.people.
How to
Get Strong
A v.tom whir h
Kas become run down
by the trying weather
of the bast summer
Is not in a condition
to meet the severe
winter of thisclimatj
and wilt easily fall a
prey to disease unless
a proper tonic is
Tills for Pale People
are the best medicine
jnthe world forbuild-influpandstTenothen-in
an enervated
Do not confuse
thoto hilU with nr-
inary purgative pills. They do NOTactontbebowels.theTeby
further weakening the body. They build up the blood and
strengthen the nervesi
Major A. C. Bishop, ef 715 Third Ave., Detroit, Mich.. Is well-known
civil engineer. He says: ''When I hnd my Inst spell of slcknraa and came
out of the hospital I was a sorry sight. I could not regain my strength,
and could not wnlk over a block for several wceka. I noticed some articles
In the newspapcre rcjrnrdlnsr Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pole People,
which convinced me that they were worth trylnff and I bought two boxes.
I did not take them for my complexion but for strength. After ualng them
I felt better, and know they did me worlds of good. I am pleased to
recommend them to invalids who need a tonic Or to build up a shattered
coaatitution." vttrtu ru rmi,
M All dTup;d,!t ov divtct from tht Dv. William MacH T
Cint Corr.pe.ny, thcnc.te,dy;rl.Y. Prict if ty Mrm per boa:
We carrv In stock ti lartre sunnlr of the above
ell at greatly reduced prices. Also all sizes of
nruu lur puue-uai anu uiscounis.
Fro.it and Everett Sts.
Buy Direct
And rata mtdrilpman'R nroflts. Men's fine tail
or-made suits, t3.3," to fU. Fit guaranteed. Cata
logue, samples, self-measurement blanks, etc.,
mailed free. Address J. LAN PIG AN, McKay
building, Portland, Or. Mention this paper
Male and female agenta In their own town
can make from Jo to (10 a day easv. Something
entirely new. No experience necessary. Send
for a free sample. KICK A CO.,
lx4 First St., rooms 1 and 18, Portland, Or.
Send tor Catalogue.
The "Amerloan Boy" battleship.
Every American hopes our school boys
will succeed in their efforts to raise $3,000,
000 to be used in building a battleship. It
costs great sums to build a warship, bul
you can build up vour health with Hostet
ter's Stomach Bitters at small expense.
This remedy Is fof all stomach, liver and
bowel disorders.
Rochdale' Mny Churohes.
The town in England best provided
with places of worship is the anoient
one of Rochdale, where thore are 145
churohes nnd uahpols. Fifty belong to
tho Church of England and 06 to the
Follow It Dp.
Sit down and cool off suddenly, and
then regrot it, for stiffness and soreness
Is bound to follow. Follow it np with
St. Jacobs Oil and yon will have nothing
to regret from a prompt oure.
The New Frank Leslie's Popular
Frank Leslie's Popular Monthly for
November is the Initial number In the
new and improved form of this long
time favorite illustrated family muga
zino, with a handsome cover in oolors
and gold. Its prico Is reduced to ten
cents, ono dollar per annum. This 1
unquestionably a wise and popular
move on the part of a the pnhlishorsi
and the rotnrn of Mrs. Frank Leslie to
tho eilitorship of the magazine asBtues
for It a future as brilliant as its past ,
has been prosperous. j
Bicycles are taxed In Shorohnm,
Mass., the average ossein en t this year
being $50.
100 REWARD 100.
The fesdors of this paper will be pleased to
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tares, and that Is Catarrh. Ilall'l Catarrh Cure
Is die oolr positive cure known to the medical
(taternllT. Catarrh belnir a oonstltulloiiel dis
ease, requires a Conttftnttonal treatment.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken Internally, acting
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strength bv building ud ths conitltutlon and
01 tne syitem. tnereuy aentrnying tne lounaa
anslttTng nature in doing ltl work. The pro-
nrletnfa have so mtioh faith In Its curative
powers, that they offer Ono Hundred Dollar
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of tebtlmonials. Adilress
F. J. CII ENEY A CO., Toledo, O.
Bold by flrngHlu,7oo,
Hall'iVamlly Pills ore the best.
Stockings were first used in the 11th
contury. Before thnt olotb bandages
were used din the feet.
When coming to fian Francisco go to
Brooklyn Hotel, 208-212 bush street.
American or European plan. Room ana
board $1.00 to f 1.60 per day ; rooms 60 cents
to $1.00 per day; single meals 25 cents.
Free coach. Chas. Montgomery.
Some scientists assert that the purest
air in cities is found about 25 feet
above the street surface.
PornmrtOTitly Cured. No flta or ncrvousnes
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Nerve Boston. Srrid for fllKK ae.oo trial
bottle and treutlne. DR, R. H, Kl.lNiC, Ltd.,
Arch street, Philadelphia, Pa,
Tho Aoolian harp was the invention,
It is believed, of Athanasius Kircher,
who lived In the seventeenth century,
and it is so called from Aeolius, the
god or ruler of the winds.
cnnvATar. Hnth i-iot mrA i.rt wMav . m
elevator buckets and bolts. '
Iron Works
If you made a home
stead entry prior to
Juno 22,1874, for leaa
thnn 100 ora.
you are entitled to an additional entry,
wntcn is assignaote ana worm aometmng.
Widows and minor orphans of deceased sol
diers have same right. I will buy it. Do not
waste postage unless you made an original
entry as stated above.
JKKK COLLINS, Helena, Montana.
Moore'a Revealed Remedy will do it. Throe
doses will make you feel better. Oet It from
ronr druggist or any wholesale drug house, or
bom Stewart & Holme Drug Co., Seattle.
tit Bi for QDnattiraJ
discharges, Inflammation,
irritations or olcertiouj
Of id n cod mftnbraaea.
PnintM axnil
, 8nt or pottonoDs.
Said bj bragtjlsta,
or aent In plain wrtpptfr.
ll.no, 6t I bottle. S.Tft.
Cirtuiar ant on rquvta.
N. P. N. V.
KO. 47
WBKK wrltlef to advertisers pleaee;
I fcl Dot to rtrlnr&
I1 fPrenata MOUffaa.
' I!
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