Oregon City press. (Oregon City, Or.) 1896-1???, November 16, 1898, Image 3

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    Local and General., ,
When In nocd of printel stationery
call on tli Press.
You can got all kinds of yarn at nil
prices, at t!ie Backet More.
A new line of (leered wrappers just ar
rived, at (he llui ket Store.
For low prices and good quality of
Ifoodn, no to Hid Backet Kioto.
Get your Biicnr in a clean slum nl tlic
trallest rice, IluniH' giori-tv.
We are headquarters for liny, in'-,
rolled barley, etc, lurrin' grocery.
Mrs. McFarlin wan I he anlijo.'t
serion-f nurgical np.-rutioii Monday.
The Ornuonian is k pi on file at
of a
ollice for l In- beiielli of our pur ih.
Duly high crate sewinc i m i r I i m h fur
$ 25 at Bollnmy& IIiihcIi'h, mi eu-v lerin.
Hand knit skirt-i, dress akin., uicchI
in town and lowest prices, at Hie lliicki-t
Look out fur thu Ku 'er i ShirDutiM
tiiiniiient on December 1. I( will lie
Highest ciihIi prii e paid
hand lioiiHcliold gondH, at
f r secoiid
Belloniv &
Tracy's dairy butler Is Hie hn-t msde
in Hum cuiinty. Get it at Harris'
A line lino of Siiiviim riln Iiiih jilnl
been recered, al the Oicgun City Auc
tion Hom-e.
Iloat-ry for the old and Hie young,
wool and iol lull. All prices, ut tin;
Racket Store.
On TneMliiy Mrs. I'ryer was uperiiie I
on for a tumor. She in luing well and a
speedy recovery is promised.
All sizes of kii fitting cornets and tlie
popular style short comets, at (lie
Kackel Stuie.
It's enough to dUcoilra,!M the fool
killer when he looks ur mud and sees how
fur behind he is with hie work.
A line of new stoves will fie sold nf
very low prices havo been received, at
the Oregon City Auction House.
Mrs. Mollo), formerly Mrs. May, hud
tier left forearm broken Friday. Slio is
stopping willi her son, John May, at
A big lino of all-wool ingrain carpets
just received, at Oregon City Auction
House. Goods sold cheap. Easy terms
For Snle First-class spr'ng wagon, at
half piece. A light hack double harness
good condition, cheap. Apply at the
Press ollice.
Fine silk umbrellas, largest stock in
the city. 0 mu in and see the prices,
Burnicistor & Andrcsun, tlie Oiegun
City Jewellers.
Spain wants Fume money for the
Philippines bocniMit she dislikes the
idea of making lo e and aH'oclion Hie
coneii'eratioii in the deed
The Dewey restaurant under the tnaii
rWemeiit of Mrs. L ' Crahill, furnishes
the best 25 cent ineuls in the city. All
white help. Good table service.
Woid has been received i f the death
of lCrnesI Foster on tlie 11th of Octol ei ,
at Manila, ufier n few dav .illne.-s. .Mr.
Foster was tlie son-in-law of U. It. II
An illustrated hea'th till k will he given
to Indies in Khively's hall, at 2:30 p. in.,
Friduv, 'November Hth liy Mrs. I.ncv
Hitchcock. Suhj c , "Are Inherits I
Tendencies Incurable?"
Ilest American light aid dark
prinls ii?4i! per yard
American Indigo prints 4c per yard
Wide German Indigo prints, 7c per yard
lleitxy oiltiiu tluiiuuh-, 4,0,' i. Beeper yd
Heavy quality upron Gingham
3 and 5 c per yd
At the Siicrifi.'cd S.du of the Cliarmau
The vigilance conimitlee has ciieii
luled rt Hiibgcription paper asking fur xid
to fee an assistant lawyer to assist tho
prosecuting attorney in the c.isn of the
(Slate s. Walter W ' land Macksliurg
correspondent for tho Can by Inde
pendent. A lame bund of gypsies was camped
on Ihe West Side for several davs. The
young fi lks of Oregon City of nn in
quisitive turn had an opportunity to
Woman's oower is largely dependent
upon her ability to interest, entertain, at
tract and please. It is for this reason that
women strive to become accomplished.
They study in order that they mny converse
intelligently on all subjects. They strive
to become pood musicians, graceful dau
cers and amiable hostesses.
All accomplishments are unavailing if a
woman suffers from ill-bealth in a womanly
way The special weakness peculiar to the
womanly organism, will rapidly wreck the
general health. The sufferer will lose her
natural vivacity, her wit, her good looks,
and the ambition and power to display the
accomplishments at her command. Any
woman affected in this way should resort
to Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. It is
a wonderful medicine for ailing women. It
is the invention of an eminent and skillful
physician, Dr. R. V. Pierce, for thirty years
chief consulting physician to the Invalids'
Hotel and Surgical Institute, at Buffalo,
N. Y. It aims to cure but one class of dis
eases, and claims to be good for nothing
else. It imparts health, elastic strength,
vigor and virility to the delicate feminine
' organs. It prepares a woman for wifehood
and motherhood.
Mrs. Ramon Sanchn. Pennsco, Taos County,
IT. ilex., in a letter to Dr. fierce says: " From a
erate fill heart mv voice iroes an to r.od lth nieht
and dav 'a a solemn praver Hint lie may cuanl
your health and preserve vonr life. I heretiv el
press mv RTatitude lo voii for Ihe relief I have
received' from vour wonderful medicine. ' Favor
ite Prescription.' After suffering years of misery
I am to-dav a healthv and happy wife, and can
truthfully rVconvnctv' to women the use of the
Favorile FresrriptiJu ' as a regulator of the
monthly periods. '
The quick constipation - cure Doctor
Pierce's pleasant Pellets. Never gripe.
'peer into tlio future, being determined
entirely by the amount of money they
had to give away.
The regular meeting of the Meade
Corps Volunteer Auxiliary will be held
on Saturday afternoon at two o'clock in
the armory. All members aro requested
to be present. Important business to be
Services will he held in St. Paul's
Episcopal church every Sunday at 11 a.
m. and 7:..U p. in.; Miiniliiy school at 10 I
o'clock. Service eerv Friday evci ing
in 7:30
d ally v
All seals fiee
i lenine. liev. I'.
Stranger- cur
K. Iliiiiiinonil.
On Siilinliiy Hie body of I'M Boyle-"
was ivcnveicd by divers from I'nrtland.
Tim coroners inquest brought oik 'hat
dentil w:ts caused ( mi a Mow on the
lie "I aii l nut fi oin dr u ning. Itoyles
wus known us tin excellent winunur.
Toe funeral ana held Sun lay, liev,
ItllLg ofl'n illtlllg.
A huge and well assorted stock of
choee fresh groceries, which we are
closing out at Hie following prices while
they lust :
1-lh cans baking powder 15c caeh
WorcesHiire sauce 13' per bitile
Pepper bx blue ...
Porn st irch
Bi'i'ni sula
S ip dio
LariM hot' In of pickles
Choice rasins. ......
2c per box
. . ,3c per package
. . 7c per package
. . .3c per package
. . 4: pur poii ml
0 i -ice te.is 2'ic and 33c per pound
lOtl-lh suck of stock salt 40c
50 III sack of dairy salt .. .85.!
And all all other groceries at the g una
reduction, at the Portland Dry tioous
Store, purchasers of tho Cliarmau Slock
of General Merchandise, at I lie old
Personal Mention.
Mrs. It. Scott, of Portland, is visit
ing relatives in this city.
L. L. Moore, of Milwuukie, was in tl e
city Saturday on business.
Miss Burse Iiedilick was visiting rela
tives in Poitlnnd It at week.
A. S. Paly, of Can by, was in Oregon
City last Thursday on business.
Miss Mertio Steven has returned from
a visit with relatives in Portland,
Miss Maria Pratt was visiting relatives
In Portland a few days last week.
Mrs. I'plon, of Portland, is visiting
her sister, Mrs. C.I). Lntourclte.
Mrs. I In ml i ii , of Portland, is visiting
relatives in Oregon City for a few days.
Miss Ana B.iird, of Portland, was vis
iting relatives in Oregon City Saturday.
F. L. Chambers, of Kugone, was visit
ing in Oregon City a few days last week.
Henry Meldrum, special examiner of
surveys, returned Fiday evening from
J. P. Keating left Saturday for a two
weeks' visit with relatives in San
Mrs Ii. A. vtellH, ot I or' land , is
Ih ' guest of Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Chase
this week.
Win. llankins, who has been in East
ern Oiegoii timing the summer, returned
to Oregon City Friday.
M ss (iussie Humphreys, of Sp' iig
lield, Oregon, is the guct of .Mrs. T. Al.
Milli r for a few weeks.
Mrs. McKeen mid daughter, Miss
Grace, of lWtluml.aro the goes s of Mr.
and .Mrs. C, 1). L.ituiirette.
George Fields, of Moscow, Idaho, was
the guest of his aunt, Mis. Henry
Harding a few days last week.
incut ltamls returned ho ne Friday
evening from Idaho, w here he has been
surveying for several months.
J. E. liurnett, formerly in the Dewey
restaurant, is now running the White
House Lunch Counter at Salem.
Willni'd W. Austin, of Logan, was in
Oregon City Saturday Mr. Austin
reports Hiul his school is flourishing.
Mr. mid Mrs. J. C. Smock of Sher
woi d, were the gue.-ts nf Mr. and Mrs
Henry Harding the first of the week
Thomas Hague, of Oldh.lin, England,
was the guest of his cousin, Mrs. E. E.
Charmiin, the latlur part of last week.
Mi.-s May Pilshury, who Inn benu
the guest of Mr. and Mrs .1. G. Pilsbury
for sovcral months, left Tuesday tor in r
home in Boston.
J. Upton, of Portland, has receiv'd
honorable discharge through Ihe secre
tary of war. He is siutioiied willi the
troops at Manilla.
Mr. anil Mrs. Geo. Simmons and
family have returned from Montana,
wtiere they have been residing for the
past six months.
Ex-Hailroad Coiiiniis.-ioner Eddy, who
lately purchased J. Coulter's property
on the east side of the Widumeitii, has
moved his family and household effects
to their new home. Canby Independ
ent. Y. . C. A. Notes.
Under the new usnaiiein oit the Y.
M. C. A. in the past three months tas
bad an increase in membership ot 52,
and have reduced the debt of the as
sociation $97.
The reading room has on file at pres.-ni
nearly 50 Of the leading papers and
maguzines of the country, to hic the
public are welcome. Those who are
socially inclined may Hill e ijov
nient in a game ol dominoes, c i--k rs,
chesa or i roKonole.
The 4t.li basket hall name bel e "
home team and llie
Portland l,iflt rrnlai
in a victory lor the
standing 17 to '.1. l it3
I lew ei -
tenin. n
DcWOVH, 10
enure -c
, 43 to 3D ill lavor of Oieu m Ci'v
come'led by ail presen' H1.11 'hi'
: ihe hardest fought tame t" t" pi
On tri'iay evening, Nuu mi i z':
P01 thin I V. M. C. A . will give tin
Y. M. C. A. a benefit, the pro e
go to the uw building fund.
I. 1
Special Held Tuesday Evening: A
Split up.
On Tuesday evening a special meeting
of the council was held to hear protest
against tho moving of the electric light
from Ninth slrsol to Tenth street.
Speeches wero made by II. E.
Straight, II. L. Kelly, C. II Dye and
' - """i" i,0,""K "I!"1""
niovtil of Hie light. The members ol the
I also expressed themselves in the
Keener inovod and Latoorette
seconded tun motion that the Ninth
tied lighi be not moved and that
a 3.' an le power incandescent light bo
p aced on Ten 1 1 streei and that the
Seventh street step lighi he moved as
recommended by street commiitee.
The ayes and nays wero called for:
Ilusch, Koerner, udii and Lntonrelle
voted ii e and Harris, Metzner, Uoake
and Wilson u.iv. Tlie mayor cast tlie
deciding vole in lavor of Ihe inolion.
Council mail Ko.ike moved, seconded
by Harris, that an are light be placed on
Fourteenth street in Kansas City and
two lights he placed in Klyville.
Koerner moved to amend by milling
two lights for Falls View, Ilusch
seconding the motion. The amendment
was lost although liusch made a slron
7c per imckate ar)lllllellt j ,t8 fttvor. 'r,e orj,m ,,10
li'i per bottle .. .. .,, ,i .. voe,i oll .i WM iMiired.
Koerner, Busch and Miln voting in the
A motion to pay for the Tenth street
light out of the road fund was declared
out of onler.
On motion council adjourned.
Heavy crash roller toweling, ,4c per yard
4-4 bleached muslin 5c per yard
Cabot W muslin 4c per yard
40-inch pillow case muslin, IOjC per yd
Double width sheeting. . . 12,'o'c prr yard
Cotton butting 4c per roll
10 4 grey or white blankeis,45i!,(l5cper pr
lied comforters. , .35c, 50j, 7 ic, $10 leach
These are a few oi the bargains at Ihe
Sacrifice Snle of the Charnian Stock, by
the Portland Drv G iod- Store.
Certificate Granted.
At the i xaiiiinaiioii held by Mrs. II.
S. Strange, deputy county superintend
ent, and assisted by the other niumhsrs
ot the board, the following persons wore
granted cerlillcutes;
First grade Miss Sadie II. Chase,
Oregon City.
Second grade Miss EstelleB. Parker,
Needy; Miss Mutlie) Telle'son, Logan.
Third grade Mrs H. 1J. Kinearson,
Oregon City; Miss Emma Wrigley, Lo
gan; Oscar Mcliride, Middleton ; Knox
Cooper, Carus; George FieHs, Slier
wood ; C. Smith, Lents.
Miss Alelha Phelps, Now Era, and N.
W. Bowland, Milwaukie, were recom
mended for state certill'iitos.
Auxiliary's Report.
The treasurer of Meade Corps Volun
teer Auxiliary gives tho following re
port of expenditures for Christmas hene
lit hall for Co. I, Second Hegiment O.
U. S. V :
Kiceipts from all sources. . .
.$101 CO
..$2n 00
.. 2 75
Mu- c
Cleir.ig hall
Mater al for decorating 2 05
Pirintiug 2 25
Miscellaneous (ribbon pencils, etc) 2 G2
0 dozen pair socks. 8 02
0 '
0 '
(I 1
0 '
6 '
' boxes writ in i paper 0 00
" liunkeichicfs 0 3D
' paper safety pins 2 30
11 cans of peaches 0 00
" bottle chow chow 10 50
' cakes toilet, soap 3 24
1 can sardines 0 00
pounds of prunes, donated by
F. Andrews, of Oregon City, Or.
50 pounds of prunes, donate 1 by
Mr. liutty, of Canity, Or.
Freight on Christmas box to San
3 50
Total $!)1 73
Balance on hand 0 27
Mus. M JiiNNiic Sullivan, Treiis.
Marr!ug;e Licenses.
Tho following marriage licenses have
been issued by County Clerk Dixon :
Florence L Melton and Mibs Fox on
the Dili.
Laura Johnson and Win. M. Moore on
the Dili.
Dim .Vthev and in. G. Borland on
the lltll.
Jennie E. Moore und O. L. Eby on
ha 1 1 tit.
Mary E. Jennings ami Nicholas Birt
diet, mi the 14tn
, Ji lure dnrgaret Clumbers to John
Miller to lot Ii .
Kiithrvn Lalourette Ward and Charles
Wesley P pe on the Kith.
I!0 W M A N VO lil'l I A l.-A t Can hv ,7.11
the 0 h iust , George) Itmvniau and Mi-s
Clara A Vurpiial, ltev A. A. F.ngel
hari, of the Evangelical i-hurdi ut
Caub , otllejatin.'.
IIU 1 NDEK.SN-Al Kilv r Lake,
On von. on III- 10 h mm!. iViii. llulf
an I diss Vimi An I rsou .
MOOKE-JiIIN-ON On IheOib Inst.,
it He resi lenceol ilm ori le's parent-,
lr .ml drs M ariO'l JoIiiisoii, of
t'l ukit'itas, IV in. dome and .VI ins
Lama .louiison, ltev II iwley of Seil
woo'l, olli 'iaiiug.
UIIOADES - tin the Ibili inst., at the
r. i donee of nis daughter, vlrs dar-.:ar-
Ha d iri, J.uroh S. Kuoale.,
1 . a'S.
In iVjm.ii it
1 II . : Ar o
Concern X
V 'i I'i 1.
1 il
Ar 11 So 7
2 Wii-n ei- t A' go 1.
Il agreeable ea-y ttut wrm b-
at the O cgou City Auciiou tlouae,
a Three Day Session
Move Mad to Cut Down the
penaes of Juatict Court
Usual Griat of Bills.
Viewers on the Oswego and Dayton
load reported favorably, and new road
ordered opened by petitioners and vol
unteer work, old roml to be vacated.
Supervisor SwaQord was instructed to
repair ruts 111 the Molnlla roa I.
Supervisor Hera was allowod $40 for
Hie opening of the Hood View road.
The Parrott creek bridge was accepted
on approval of the county judge.
J. E. McCoy was awarded a contract
for in pair of toe Clackamas bridge for
Supervisor Aschoff was allowed to use
$25 for repairing roads in his district.
Petition of A. Mather lor return of
illegal assessment denied.
The court made a ruling that all lands
purchased by the comity at the tax sale
would be sold on payment of bid und 10
per cent for costs.
Allowance to Mr. and Mrs. Able was
reduced to $10 per month.
Assistance to Mrs. Hunyon was dis
continued, S. l'oisythe, an indigent, was allowed
$5 per month.
The assessment on block 44, Oregon
Ciiy, was rained to $1100.
Supervisor Baker was nuthoriul to
fix chuck holes on the Shipley road.
Supervisor Buckner's report on the'
construction of bridge in his district was
For repairing Eagle creek bridge $100
was allowed J. E. McCoy, Balance to
be paid ufier approval of work by Com
missioner Morton.
Petition of Judge Morelund for rebate
of taxss denied.
The assessment of the Bull Run Pipe
Line was referred to the county Judge.
Eli Williams' bond as assessor wus
J. II. Smith's report on the Peep
creek bridge was accepted and the grade
w ill be reduced to 8 per cent, il now be
ing 11 per cent.
The allowance to Mrs. Jane Roberts,
over 100 years of age, was increased
from $15 to $20 per month.
David Morris wus allowed $7 per
month from Nov. 1, 18'JS.
Mr. and Mrs. Krager were allowed $7
per month.
The grading and planking of (he High
land road was referred to the county
The county surveyor was order to make
a profile of Ihe Molnlla river above
Wright's bridge.
Bill of Oregon City hospital for treat
ing Mr. Mai'liu 11 ml Clara . Chambers
was sent to Salem for collection.'
Allowance to Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Jones
increased to $10 per mouth.
Mrs. Freeman was 'granted $4 per
mouth for three montha.
The acceptance of the tax roll was. ap
proved, ...
The sheriff's report on the collection
of taxes for 18117 was left willi Judge
Hyan willi power to employ necessary
Matter of replacing Mr. Irving's fence
was lelt with Commissioner Marks.
A transfer ol $100 from general fund to
contingent fund was ordered.
Corduroy was allowed on dialling's
mill road for a distance of 200 yards.
The deputy district attorney was re
quested to bring cases in courts, where
least expense will be incurred, wherte
there is any doubt of conviction, or
w here proeculing witness is actuated by
any other feeling than that of strict jus
lice, that they insist on witness giving a
good and suflicient bond to rein burse
county for all expenses if conviction is
not secured. No expense bills will be
allowed where cases are not approved by
dislrict attorney or his deputy. All ex
expense bills shall be so made out as to
show facts attending arrest, distance
traveled by witnesses, etc.
S. F, Marks milage and per diem,
$17 00.
J. It, Morion milage and per diem,
J 1? McCoy, r and b $ 100 00
Muod ealiHhury, clerk
20 00
55 00
55 00
2 00
83 00
Josephine Peubody, clerk
Ina Chase "
C Scnuebel, j pel
" ' " ' 12 00
" " " 28 01
" " 43 (10
W W Jesse " 60 00
.1 W Grout, assessors 30 Oll
I, Smut " 252 00
M C Strickland, coroner 2!) 00
C Schuebol, j p ct 61 Oil
It J .Moore, thialle aect 0 00
I D Larkina, " 4 00
Telephone & Teleuram Co .... II 0!)
Courier Herald, lax list 1144 00
' stationary
U L llolman. pauper
Ii II YouiiiL, pauper
If L Ull-Sell " .
J II Smith r ami b
A W Fiance "
Wili-uii it Cooke "
Pope & Co " ,
0 C Iron Works "
ti H Holes & Co "
.IE McCoy "
Muud Salisbury, sheriff.
Will Miller "
Clyde Evans "
J K H'.vers " ,
1 Selling, piuper
.1 J Cooke. NlieritI r...
W 11 Young, rand b
Nobliti's stable, r and b
V K Hyde, sheriff..
Indigent soldiers
C II Isotn, sheriff. . . r
Press, printing and stationary . .
Enterprise '" "
Mr. Winesetl. pauper
ti!) no
30 Ot)
20 1)0
6 00
14 HO
2 00
7 00
0 00
2 00
13 00
40 CO
14 00
10 00
24 00
22 00
82 00
0 00
4 00
3 00
45 00
21 tiO
. 4 0d
23 no
4 00
....1 Cno.pers. Ei . hi or In can
work tor 1 ne winter. 70 cents for
wood und $1 tor railroad wood.
I ai i2.50 per week. Apply lo V.
co,, I
Ii Ml
II. vVickii.iui, New Era.
Lvoti offee, 10 cents p
j Harris' grocery.
package, at
They'll have. to print
N ... SOnE
?V1 A-rrrT
ion, IMC LHiCOl rnu,
KM r f. t . . .IX
Ar cue rrtoWCWITH QKII L
r . rt . 1 1
On oui' varx-anted ttove
With it's jerforated door.
No. 8 Stoves
V All.
Opposite the Court
Oregon City, -
KepairuiK a Specially.
Main street, near lOtli, Oregon City.
Ida Grjve va E W Grove; duoree
granted, plaintiff itiven custody of child.
John 11 Hinkle vs JACox,etal;
judgment by default.
Tlie jury in the Popp vs Pcrhle dis
agreed. tate vi John Wallers; plead guilty
and was given 30 days.
OtiHtaf Peterson vs Adam Trogr; or
der for sherifl's deed.
A W Lane vs Mary Lane; defendant
given custody of child.
Hodges vs Hess; diainisBed.
Jury was excusod from Wednesday
until Monday.
Henry Jewell va Annie II Whltlock,
et al ; dismissed.
Emily Erlckson vs Andors Erickson ;
divorce by default.
O. A. Itockuoo.! vs W II .Smith, et al ;
judgment hy default,
Minnie Crister, vs 8 J Crilser, divorce;
plniulifT lo havo control of minor child
ren, plead poverty, feus remi'ted.
Nora Stratum vs AI J McDonough;
Caroline E Jones Ag Cryrua Jones; re
ferred to A 8 Dresser.
(1 P Lark vs B S Bcllomy, et al ; dis
missed. Eliza A B Johes vs A B Jobe ; divorce
granted, phtintilT given cnatndy of
minor child.
Charles M West vs Annie West; di
vorce granted.
Electa Smith vs James T Smith; di
vorce by default.
A S Dresser was appointed guardian
ad litem to Austin children, minors, in
suit of Tillie B Mcl'iuldcn va Elms
Attain, el al.
b dinger vs Goorire 8am ; defendant
given to 18ih to flic answer.
State vs Lt-e Duck; dismissed,
Tho grand jury r.iporto 1 tho following
cases: ,
John Bahsch, indicted, plead not
uilly for aH,iulliiig lvUanl King with
ilaiicrotis weapon.
Win P Lord, et al, vs Thomas Char
nian; judgment hy default,
lien Thompson, stoaling bicycle.
Georgo Thompson, atcnling s.iddln.
Greenly Chote, killing dog; not true
Lor is Hinder, rape; not true hill,
Henry Suiathvrs, aHiiuH with danger
oils weapon ; not line hill.
Milo Miller, nu if; not true hill.
C I'hillcr, practicing nmlicino without
a liceuae ; indicted.
Adam T Acke-nn. Indicts Hoi aisault
with crimina! intent.
Cunt us AiiHtin, asfanll with dangcron
weapon ; not true hill.
State va. 10 E Mil tin, ilifcicliiiit,
chariied with uttoritu forced uiere
Tin. Irs'iiiiony went to nhow that a
cull n ty warrant otiiihialiy is-ue l lor f 2 10
had lieeu raised tu '.Vl 10 and sold to
Uhthe, of Porll.ind The plainliflf
claiming that 1m waa residing in Mult
u yiii ah county, thus throwing it out of
from $6.50 up.
" 1
1 tri
Old mftcat ?lour
Made by tlie Patent process, is a perfect flour.
Wheat ic not thoroughly matured until it has
gone through a " sweat " in the bin. It does
not make a strong flour, is, in fact, immature.
Tho wheat front which "PATENT" flour is
made is nil old stock. Ask your grocer for
PATENT brand, made by tho
Portland Flouring Mills,
A fine 8-day Striking Clock, with alarm, $5
A 1-day Striking Clock, with alarm, $3.50
A fine Nickel Clock, with alarm, $1
A fine Nickel Clock, without alarm, 75c
Everyone Guaranteed to Give Satisfaction.
Burmeister & Andresen, - Jewelers
thin jm isdiotior. The crime, if any, was
couitniti-d in Mu't lomah county, the
ji vv was Ins riicled to bring in a yetdkt
of not guilty, as tho Court had no juris
diction in tho matter.
Leitzel vsGlick; suit toiccover monoy.
Chas. I'hyllVr, plc.til not guilty to to
charges set for Tuesday.
Elizabeth A Brown, plaintiff, vs How
ard Brown, defendan' ; elaitlt.and Chas
E Unnyon appointed referee.
Black, plainliir, vs Black, defendant;
default, Chas D Ktluyou appointed ref
eree, Security Saving anil Truit Co, vs
Sophronia V Luclling; execution en
tered. The court will finish up the rema'ning
canes next week.
The Pulse of Jiuiv York.
On Fridav evening, l lint famous East
ern biicccSs, "The Pulse ol New York,"
will he presented here for till first time.
The piece is in three acts and may lie
described as a comic, illuBlr.itive review
of city life, full of up to date comedy
flashes, exciting episodes and sparkling
i-pecialties. Tlie cast his headed by
Mias Einyline Burr, tlie dainty star
Fotihrctte, ably auppirted by a big
comedy company, heatled by the famous
Lamb childieu. Heals on Halo at post-
wortliy persons in tins sin e 10
iniinae our liuwness in ineir own aim
ne.irby counties. It is niaiuly ollice
wotk conducted at home. Salary
Htrainht '.)00 a year an expensea
definite, hotiafldo, no inure, no less
Hiil..ry. Monthly $75. Inferences
Enclose iell-addresHed stamped envelope.
II. ihert K. Hens, Prost., Dept. M.
r : va 63' ml Ji
Tliis Elegant Hardwood
Suite, I'.evel Edge Mirror,
Fine Finish, only $15.
Here is a Christmas Tresent for the
whole family a chiffonier ought to be
tho family property. There the small
boy may keep his things, dear to hia
little heart ; the next drawer muy be.
occupied by the sistcr'a belongings,
and the top drawers for mama and
papa. We have a good stock of Chif
foniers, some as cheap as $5.50.
every where fur "The Story ut ilie
l'liilippiues" by Murnt Halstead, com
missioned by tlie Government as Of
ficial Historian to the War Department.
The hook was written in army camps at
San Friinchco, on the Pnciliu with Gen
eral Merrilt, in the hospitals at Honlulu,
in Hong Kong, in the American trenches
at Manila, in the insurgent camps with
Agninaldo, on tlie deck of the Olyuipia
with Pcwey, and in the roar of battle at
at the fall of Manila. Bonanza for
iini'iits. Brimful of ongina pictures
taken by government photographers on
the spot, Large book. Low prices.
Big profits. Freight paid. Credit given.
Drop all trimliy iinollicial war books,
Outllt free. Address, F. F. Barber
Sec'y., Star Ineurance Bldg., Chicago.
Gladstone Cars
r- il . .
East Side Railway
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