Oregon City press. (Oregon City, Or.) 1896-1???, November 16, 1898, Image 2

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Published Every Wednesday.
Mauhick K. Bain, -
Entered At the postoflice in Oregon City,
Or., as second-class matter.
One veer (In advance) fl 00 J
Hix itioiif l.n " " 60 j
Tliree month ' " 23
It not paid in advance fiOcentsa Millntml
will lie chained for coh! of keeping the
account and to make good tlie losses
tlint are aure to occur with deferred
Many Hrllcloo get into print nltont tlie
reckless slntiijliter of Kmne birds liy so
rallcd pot hunter out of season, but not
one word liaa heon aaid about tlie "true
p rtmian," who goes out and kill 60
and 6) in two or three day hunt. The
men that hunt out of aftaaon are
usually farmers or their aona,whoar
compelled to feed the hirda (lame
bli'rla need further protection by shorten
ing the season and redu lug the num
ber to he killed. No hunter ehould he
allowed to kill over 60 in one saason.
Many hunters now kill aeveral hundred
during the Reason and the bird are get'
ting very scarce aa a result.
A loiter from Capt. Pickena in another
column explains in full what he did
with tlie funds entrusted to him for the
member of Company I. This should
et at rest any who imagined the funds
k'd been misappropriated. After read'
lug letters from Pickena, Campbell and
Ih iifrom some privates in the ranks one
cannot fail to notice, that while the let'
tera ar verv different in many respeots,
they confirm euch other in regard to the
funds. The privates who are most dia
satisfied are thoBe who cannot under
stand tl at officers at a salary of f 150 per
month can live better than a private
who relies upon Vuule Sain for his
Real Estate Transfers.
The Clackamas Abstract A Trust Co.
w hich furniahea this report, la the owner
of the copyright to the Thome system of
abstract indexes for Clackamas county,
and has the only complete aetof abslracta
in the county; can furnish Information
aa to title to'land at once on application.
Loans, investments, real estate, abstracta
tc. Office over Dank of Oregon City..
J and K Wslfard to A C Wright,
s'j of nwU and nwjf of ne1 and
ne. of nw, aec 12, 0 a, 2e $1000
M J Aliiright to O P Logan, 7)4
acres in Marvuaui elm 100
J F Mortenson to W Morteuson,
20.00 acre, aec 8, 6 , I e 360
L Miller et al to E Rings, se.1;, of
ne'4 and ne of se!, sec 20, 4
s, 1 e
A W Kit lis to E Rkien. seV nl ne.1
and uoa of so.1, sec 20, 4 1, 1 e. 1
G Freeman, to J T Soorle. lot 5. blk
9, Caneniali 66
SI II in d K Flanagan to L Horn-
ichuch, lot 8, blk 14, County Add 050
A and F, CroBsan to C N Daley,
no'i of nwjj, aec 21; also 6.8
acres 230
L Wilkinson to E Oliver, ei w) of
nek', tec 6. 4 s, 2 e 350
L Wilkinson to K Oliver, w,' of
wjjj of lie1, sea 0, 4 s, 2 e 450
Sunset Ld Co to Kittie Paine, lot 2.
blk 6, Sunset City 350
Orewnn City to It V Rons, p.irta
ut blk 8 and 27, Oregon City 280
J W Junes to A J mien, 25x124 ft,
e comer blk 140, Oregon City. . . 600
J E Nichols to C TBwigert, .',
aec 0, 2 s, 7 e 400
A N Willis to A BiibcIi, )i of blk
107, Oregon City 1
B and M Rasmnssen to E Mass, lot
1. blk 13, Willamette Fulls 005
U 8 to M M Austen, se of ne, e'u' of
e'a of fle'4' and Bw'a' of se'j, sec
33,6 s, 2 a Pat
J C Bradley (refeiae) to B N Siefer,
'a ' e.lu', aec 2. 2 , 3 e 000
E E Charman to Ira Wiahart, lot 0,
blk li, Clackamas Heights 100
AVm MeMastera to T M Baker, e,l
of se,'u', sec 9, 3 b, hv '. . 1
K M Hurl man (by sheriff) to It O
Sabin, n1, of Be1, sec 12, 0 s, 2
e; also 1 acre in Roht Allen elm
and 43.74 act as in Marquam elm. 090
Q W Maxon to C A Gove, lota 1, 8
and 10, blk 0, Marehbaiiks 1
U S to 11 Mazingo, ne4' of aec 28, 0
2e pHt
J F PuBold to U M Forater, 12th int
Silver Thread Mining vim 100
J F PasoM to J C Wakefield, 12th
ins in Silver Thread Mining elm 100
J F PasoM to M K Ri anion, 12th
int in Silver Thread Mining elm 106
W 8 Gaylord to T E Gaylord, lot 2,
blk lO.FallB View 1
T IMdntyie to J O Melntyra, 100
acre in Fordyce elm, ex 32 28 10
J N Bealtie to A L Beattie, lots 2,
3, 4 and 5 blk 0, Bealie Add. . . . GOO
J N Beattie to J B Beatie, lota 6
and 0, blk 2, Bentio Add
G Knight to A T Knight, 2,'B' acres
in J 1' J.eo vim 160
E U Burghart (by sheriff) to II W
Cooke, vu olaej and a' ofsw!
22, 2 8, 6 e also lota 6, 0 and 7,
Sec 30, 2 s, 5 e 1200
M Weston to Ray Weston, 40 acres
in M Brown elm 200
i N Bealtie to L E Beatie. lota 0
and 1, Ilk 7, lot 3, blk 3, Beattie
Add ...
Land Okmcb at Okkqon, Ohkoon,
Hovemher 0, 1898. Notice ia hereby
given that the following-named settlor
has filed notice of his intention to make
flual piool In support of hia claim, and
that anil! proof will be made before the
Segister mid Receiver at Olefin City,
Oregon, December 23, 18'JS, yiz;
William U- Henderson, H. E. 0758, for
the lots 3 and 4 of sec 12, lp 4 a, r's e.
He nanus the following witnesses to
prove his continuous residence upon and
cultivation of aaid land, via: Robert
Shockley, ot Highland, Oregon, Henry
Turner, of Highland, Oregon, John
Kithens, ot Highland, Oregon, and
liauri nce Baker, of EMwood, Oregon,
Ciua. B. Moohes, Register,
From All Quarters for the Press
A New Corp of Writer Give the News
of th County A Letter From
the Model Village.
We are enjoying lovely weather, the
kind tt at makes a nne of tlie men think
of the wcaiher we had buck Fust when I
w as a hoy,
The tanners in tl in lot-ait aro very
busy sowing fall whe.it.
The Literary and Debating Society has
reorganized wilh A. M. Kiivhem, preti
lent ; F. ltiebboff, vice M-ident j Mis
Wrigley, secretary; J. Sprague, ser
geant a', arms; Henry Reed, Annie
KoadarinJ and 8 Kirchem, committee
on program. Tlie question chosen for
discussion next Saturday night is, Ru
solved. "That the United Slates
Should Own ami Conduct the Nicaragua
Canal." This is a quest on of great Im
portance and should be well studied by
Marsh Fre.ike has move! on the
place recently vara led by J. Diimal,
who went to Now Wli.il i om , Wash,
with a view of locating.
It is reported that cuphl is working on
the hearts of (wool Logan's young peo'
pie. We hope to hear wedding bells
Mr. Wells, one of Clackamas county's
most enterprising young men, passed
through this locality last Saturday.
Miss Lizzie Wilson left on Monday of
1 int week for Sprague, Wash , where she
will spend some time visiting her sister,
Msr. Folsome.
Fred Brown is again seen on the
Streets of Logan.
Itevs. Willey and Helmn of Oregon
City, preached to a very attentive au
dience last Sunday.
November 14 Moonlight.
List week Robert L. Pollock returned
home from Montana, where he had been
for several months on business.
Hon. and Mrs, E. L. Mintie returned
this week from Livingstone, Mont ,
where they had been for several weeks
visiting their daughter.
Last Thursday Wm. Evans and family
moved from the old historic Portland,
House into one of Mrs. Lemery's
houses in tlie new town.
We hear that the fouudrv la to start
up soon on a big contract for new pipe
Last Tuesday Mr. Habersham of Port
laud visited Oswego.
Mrs. M. Blauken, who has been ill for
a long tune, is slowly recovering.
Saturday evening a surprise was given
Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Heininger at their
new home. Those present were Mr. and
Mr llennlnger, Mr. and Mrs. J. Gardi
ner, Mrs. Andrews Mrs. Kelsey, Mr.
and Mrs. Russel, Mr and Mrs. C. B.
Hall, Mr. and Mrs. Garfield, Prof, ami
Mrs. II. T. Evann, Hon. and Mrs G, W,
Proaaer, Mr. anil Mrs. (lower, Hon. and
Mra. F. L. Mimie,Missea Nellie Younger
and Ruth Rogers A very ploasant lime
waa spent witli conversation, charades
and music. As usual the ladies had
provided a bountiful supply of delicious
Miss Elsie Walling received several
gold nuggets from Klondike this week.
Next Friday evening, Nov 18th, tho
Patrons ol Husbandry will huvo a urn ml
entertainment at tho Oswego Grange
November 14.
About 25 young people gathered at the
residence ot Mr. Miller's Friday evening
to surprise Miss Laura, it being her birth
day. Social games were indulged in un
til 11 o'clock when adulicioua lunch waa
spread. After the rendering of some
very nice music by Miss Mahlo
Miller and Miss Julia Wetzell, they de
parted for their re pectivo homes.
Mias Elgiva Mullin, who is teaching
at Barlow, spent Saturday and Sunday
with her parents at Milwaukie.
Mr. Burkemeire was in Portland
Mra. Rosa is in Portland at the bed-
Bide of her daughter, wiio ia very ill.
Miss Edna Rosa visited her sister
Saturday evening.
Mr. and Mra. Amos, of Arazoua, are
visiting at Mr. James'.
A large circle of friends gathered at
the residence ot Mr Atwood, of Min
lliorn, Tuesday to celebrate his birth
day. An enjoyahle time was had aa
Mrs. Atwood is it tine musician and the
guests took advantage of their opportu
nity to hear some good music, Fred
Roger aang n very pretty boIo, also
Mr. Campliell, and Mr. Orookshank
and Sam Wilson ontrbuted a duet.
A number of Artisans visited the Sell
wood assembly Monday niKl,t and en
joyed the hoapitaliiy 0f thuir brothers
and sisters,
November 14 WVuns.
The frost v weather has come again.
A company of hunters, consisting of
Mr. J. and 0. Marqnam, J. Rosa and
Mr. Osb returned home from the moun
tains wilh two tine iteer.
Theru is one of the ileum of tho last
week'a paper, I would like to correct in
regard to oursoeial. It ia to be Nov. 23,
Instead of the 25th,
Mra. Johnson, ol Washington, spent
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, 1). Garrett.
Farmer Jones made a flying trip to
Silverton thia week and on his return
was met at tlie gala by his two children,
who said there was a burglar in ih
house Mr. Jones told tin children to
e'ay out side w bile he went and investi
gated and that if there was no more
than seven bur.brs in the house he
would lix them. Mr. Jones picked up
an ax and ran to the door and stood
'eadv w.th his weapon drawn, and out
walked an old hog with its bead in a
a yeast j.ir. Thii ia the way Mr. Jones
killed tlie seven burglars.
Prof. Boyle, of Wilhoit, spmt Sun
day witli hisfrii'irl, Warren Gray.
Mia. bin Fellers, of Buttoville, has
hecii visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs.
Gnrrett near Maniniiiu, the past two
George Robison, of Milk Creek, has
b.'i'ii quite sick with blood poisoning,
but ia impiovliig.
Miss Edith Dart and Miss A by Laffer
ty, of Wi huit, left
last Monday for
Portlan I.
Rev. ShulfO, of Marqnani while hold
lug mo ding lit Molilhi, was called np 'ii
to unite Miss Jennie E. Moore and O.
E. Ehyatthe home of Mm Moire on
Sun hiy at 1 o'clock, After auMiul dinner
and a pleasant timo, Rev. Slinlse and
two daughters and Prof. Eby anil bride
returned to M irquuiii. where Mr. Eby
is engaged in teaching school,
Roy Grav is making a sin r; visit
with his piirents here to ai'oiul his
father's bed-id his futlier beiiu very
November 13.
The weather is fine and the people of
these parts aro taking the advantage of
it by getting thoir crops In while the sun
shines. iMot of the people have their
potatoes dug, hut they have not yielded
as well as they did In former years.
School is progressing nicely in the
new school house, with Miss Waldron
as teacher. She ia giving good satisfac
tion .
Morris Cadanow lias returned home
fur a few days' visit.
James Kernes ia working at Rocky
Point in a saw mill. He expects to
build an addition on his house.
Rev. John Park is still making
shingles for a li iriiig.
November II, '03. S.et.
J. Marouey bus returned fioin the
toll gate, where he acted its gate keeper.
Jack Desi'loizcr drought the had news
tluit the house of .Mis. Cooper ami all
her earth y posessiona were consumed
by the raging (lames. As Vrs Cooper
and her little children ar.i now in des
titnle circunn-tunco a relief committee
solicited fur their aid, w hich was liberally
responded to amund here.
Dr. Chas. Pyffer was again arrested
for being callel Dr. w ith out a license,
This is the third time an effort has been
mado to deprive Dr. Pyffer ol hia title
and prevent him from practicing. So
far lie has ndver been found (fiiilty and
it was only a heavy expense to the
county on account of aoino timid being
to satisfy his selfish propensities! Dr.
Pyffer lifts nover posed as a doctor anil
only attended people when com pel led to
in a case of necessity .' Tlie sympathy
of every one here ia with him and it is
hoped that he will win his case.
Last Saturday evening a debating so
ciety waa organized, with Alsa Thomas
as temporary president and R. Jonsrud
as temporary secretary. The question
for debate is Resolved, "That I lie Sign
of the Times Indicates a Downfall of the
Government" waa selected and A Thomas
and F.d. F Bruiia were chosen lend
ers for the next meeting, which will lie
held on Saturday at 7 p. in.. Novem
ber 20.
The Christian Endeavor Iniye elected
new ullicera as follows: President, Miss
SiiBio Mnroney; vice presidend, R.
Jonsurd; secretary, Edward F. Brunes,
social committee, Joel Jurl ; prayer com
mittee, Mrs. J. N. Foster.
The Sandy Athletic Club hold a very
interesting meeting last Thursday
Dining the evening boxing was wit
nessed by a number of spectators. I'lllie
Welsh, the champion heavy weight,
liiwo Rome very interesting anil
scientillc points ami blows w tli itlovcs.
There will he grand lull at Mink's
hall, Saturday November 10.
November 12.
Miss Millie Her ia visiting her cousin,
Miss May Cahill.
Our road supervisor, W. S. Rider,
has been doing some much needed ork
on the New Era road.
Henry O'Connor and niece, who have
been visi iug Mr. O'Connor's mother,
Mrs. Stoker, have returned to their
4iouie in Montana.
Mr. and Mrs. T. D. Ostium have re
turned from Morrow county. .Mr, Ox.
born has sold his farm and intends to
locate in this vicinity.
K. M. Waldron and T. 0. Oshorn wnie
doing tiusiii"8 in Poitland Fri lay. t
Misses Laura and Flora Rider were
visiting the rids or, Mra. EllaCnteser. of
Nov 10 Yklm.v.
The mill is running on full time.
John Davis lias moved into hia new
Mr. Ronald and Ids sons, Frank and
Robert, are cutting shinge timber for
li. Dodge.
Mrs. Sharp, of Frog Pond, has been
visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Julius Priester.
Arthur Forbes has returned from
Eastern Washington.
It froze iio one-eighth of an inch
lust Sunday night. It looks like winter
is approaching in our town.
Maple Lane has quite a flourishing
literary society.
Mr. Dodge with a force ol hands has
been repairing tlie road from Cedar Vale
to the IlghlJu'd read. It is greatly
llliprUVCII LilCIUU, IJVV woiwio w
Was needed.
John Welch expects to leave our vi
cinity soon." He has accepted Uncle
Satn'a gift of a a home ot his own. We
wisli him success.
L. A. Forties male a trip to Newherg
this week.
Ell Criawell has moved out to his
farm, and. in now rusticating in our vi
cinity. Mrs. Colhitt is on the sick list.
November 8 Scnooi, Bo .
T il i pla ! ia lf inil.M southeast of Ore'
gon City, four miles northei-t ol iVo'.ilhi
ami Ihree miles west of Cotton Here
20 ye ira ago was Cutt'ngi.'ille pHtoifl
on th i old Cutting don itini la id slaim.
and fur many y -km lln old strip 1 1 grist
mill was a lind mart to pio ien of the
Willainet'e valley (Ion. Unas II ihnan
now owoed this splendid proptrty and
Mrs. Holiuan is the po-tina-der.
There has been quite a good doal of
improvements m.ide in ibis vicinity
during the pieaent season.
Ciias. Hobnail has b.iilt a flue
Jas. Hall is erecting a new residence.
F. M. Maught has added much to l he
beauty of his already cozy home by the
erection of a new picket fence around
hia lawn.
Miss Li ura Wright is visiting friend
at St ay I ou this ve"k.
Last Tuesday Wm. Tinnerdelt met
witli a painful accident while pulling
down on a heavy pry polo tho pole
slipped and crushed hi nose quite
badly. On the same day R, I). Wright
met with a similar accident, except that
the pole cut a deep gash on the top of
hia head. ,
On Monday the son of Frank Klincr,
who waa visiting hia grand pan-nts, Mr.
lind Mrs. J. II. Comer, fell from the
porch and broke his arm. Dr. Leavitt,
of Molalla, set it
This place has recently offere' evcrnl
sacrifices to hymen's altar. Miss Ada
Tre I linger has inurrie i an employee at
Maddock's restaurant and bade adieu to
this town, and 'Collins Williams kivw
weaiy of bachelorhood unit wed the
charming widow of the late Dave
C dlihan. On tha 22 ult. , F. R. Wri-bt
and Miss Grace Powell, of M niiior. em
baiked upon Um uiiitnmoni.il mil How
is that lor a backnou is settlem -nl ?
And aiill there are moie to follow.
In a few days Albert Durt, tlie genial
and popopular miller al Union Mills,
will vacate his old stand and move to
Chirks, to engage In the mercantile
business. He also contemplates
erecting a new roller jrist. mill. If he
should we "Ml him success.
The Cotton Literary and Debiting So
ciety' meets at 7 p. m. on Wednesday of
each weak. Brenton Vedder. principal
ot the Colton academy, is president, and
the'o club has an eloquent stuff ot
; November 12 TuotNix.
Mrs. Deeth is on (he sick list.
S.las Wright is putting up a fine wood
shed, which will add a Kreat dial to the
appearance of his already beauiiful
Dan Graves came homo on Sunday
an I brought with niui hia wife and win
Mrs Jas Haiiuagcn spent Monday
and Tuesday of last week in Portland.
Some of the young people of Libera)
and vicinity spent quite an enjoyable
evening at Wm. More 'a mi Saturday
List, Iheiv being games for amusement
ami a very nice lun li served.
' Johuie Rhodes spent, a few nays las'
week in Portland visiting liis Mstcr,
Mrs. R. ScliulU.
Nuvembor 14 Si'Nhkam.
Our little town has been untiMially
quite along the line of start ling evtiii s.
No literary society bus been started
jet, but have no doubt but that theie
ill .he one before long.
The Maccabees seem very quite just
at retent, do not unike the uois they
I I at one time, bill perhaps later ill the
i-ca-on they will wake up.
The Rock Creek Sunday school is
having well aitended meelings. Willi
the officers they have the school is sine
to progress.
A very pleasant farewell party was
given on last I'riday evening to Le is
Deardorf and . family, who intend
moving in a few days to Mt. Tabor.
Mr. Barton is kept, very busy lately.
He has finished a large granary and
now is constructing a ileal woodshed
for F. II. Featheis
Ex-Postinagier J C. Elliott went to
Oregon City Mondav on legal husiuct-s
F. M Osborne and wife made a flung
trip to tlie county seat Monday,
November 15.
Notice of Final Settlement.
In the County Court of the State of Ore
g"ii for Clackamas County.
In the matter of the estate of George
Freeman, deceased :
Notice ia heiehy given by Mary Free
man, administratrix of said estate, that
she baa preseted and tiled in the above
entitled Court her tinal account as such
administratrix, and that the said Court
has oidered that Monday, the 5th day of
December 1808, at 10 o'clock a. m . of
said day at the Couat room of said Court
be fixed as tha time and place for the
presentation of objections lo aaid final
account. Mary Fkkkman,
Administratrix of the Estate of George
Freeman, deceased.
Dated this 27th day of October, ISflS.
lly Trrnsnrrr'a Nulle.
Notice is hereby given that there are
sufficient funds on hand in the general
fund of Oregon City to pay all outstand
ing wairauts endoised prior to Septem
ber 1, ltf.m Interest cease with the
date of this notice.
H. E. Straiuht,
City Treasurer.
Oregon City, Oregon. September 10,
Writes and Explains How the
Money Is Used.
The Men In Good Health and In no
Need of Assistance Quite a
Fund on Hand,
Manila, Piiiui'I'inks, Oct. 3, '03.
Mrs. M. Jennie Sullivan, Treasurer
Meado Corps Vohmteer Auxiliary, cf
Oregon City, Or -Dear Madam: I have
the honor to acknOA lede receipt of post
office money order for the sum of forty
dollars, (fM). Many thanka for the
same. We did not need llie mouty, a
I have on hand nearly 270, and besides
we h ive something overall) in savings
froun ur rations, Wo now get more foo l
ban we can eat, so we sell the surplus
and make a fund of it for future uni.
TIih money or bud, which has been
furniilied us by kind frb-nds Is tin can e
of cunsiilerablo miiioyunce lo mu Some
o' the men think I ought to dish it up
lo II. em and li t them spend it in having
a good lime, I have my own notions as
I to how it should he handled "and there
by hangs a tale."
Those kind of men think they are not
getting what is llielrsbaie. Yet all the
fresh biead, fresh beef and vegetables
t ey a e all the while we were in San
, Francisco was bought out of that money.
On the Sydney coming here I had to
pay ovei !(:i0 lor ine.iN lor the sick.
In the company 1 have organized a
hospital corps. The members are
Sg't. Stilliuacher, Privates Norris and
Poindexter; this is for the men, who
sr.- ill enough to go to the hospital, but
win need particular attciv.iou to foal,
W e have a large chest, (with a lock),
an i in ii keep f e tood things such as
beef tea iu chih, soup, rice, trackers,
eggs, a iv thing in fact thai we can find
that is good for sick men.
One oi the four -n e i gr's on duty as
iiursi- each dav, aa here is never a day
witli no sick. So you can sea that there
is a little stream ot go d t.iings going
into the chest ai.d out again all the time.
II 1 should let yds money, which has
been intrusted to me, be wasted, we
would a on be without these necessaries,
an I i he Lout only knows when we will
gel out . f thia sun-baked, fevcr-bur.ied
hi ii, which mars our far earth
By tlie way, speaking of Rea Norris
a- one of the nurses, I want to particu
larly inent'.oii his name. He has tlie
largest heart of any one I know ; al ways
looking (lit to do son ething for a sick
coiniade, and he does it like a proles
si'iiial; besides he is a thorough soldier
do n ; his (1 ny, nhd when things come
rough, he tikes I is uiei.biiie like the
truo soldier he is. Poiiidexter also de
serves mention for caie mid kindness to
the sick, 'With two or three exceptions,
I am proud of nil my boys. There are
immv, who will receive mention later.
Kimliy toll all, whe wj.1'1 lo, Unit
they can with pei feet safety, send money
to 1 heir Iriemla by post office order, and
if au one wishes te send money to tlie r
relatives they can do so d.rect in tneir
name just us tafely as if they were in
San rrtineisco.
It is very uiilialtliy lu re, and we have
12 lo 20 sick in tlie company ue.irly all
the lin.e. Six are now in tl.visio 1 bos
pitnl mostly AH any, Oi., men. All,
oweve . ate getting w. ll lust, and no
one . dai'geroiislj ill now ,
1 diink I hu e given you nil the infor
m i'ion p siilil as per your request. We
are all delh ed to know that so many
at home think of us.
All the bovs unite in saying Ih it there
is no place iike Oregon and no people
like Oregon people.
1 also want lo mention tlie tai l that
the story published 111 the New Yolk
Sun that derogatory lo litis regiment
is a base lubrication, w itboiil one word
ot truth and U a Utile piece of spile ork
on the part of Mr havis, the Sen coi
0 .ire-pomlen . His talk nboilt the dis
cipline ol the navy an I among LI iu regn
biis .s simply "rot"
I think our regiment veiy favorably
compares with any in the F.glith Army
Again thanking oil ail foi your kind
ness, 1 remain, Verv respectfully and
sincerely yours.
Capt Co. 1 2nd Ore. on li S. Vols
Headquaili r Second Regiment Oregon
U, S. V., Cuaitel ue Kspana, M.miia,
P. I., September L"Jtli., 'i)8
Special Order, No 158.
Commanding oithvra ol compa icg
A, B. C, I), K, F. G. H,
I, K.'L and M, S vond Reiiiiii it,
Oregon U. S Volunteers will pieseiit
lo the coniniaiidiuuollicerfor inspection,
on the 1st. day of October, tin account of
all company funds, specifically selling
forth all moneys leceive l and disbursed
since date of muster.
By Order of Col, Summer,
F. P. Chowne,
Fit st Lieut, and Adj. ,2nd Reg. O U.8.V.
In quantities to suit at 8 per cent, on
real estate security. Apply lo 0. H.
Dye, Oregon City, Or.
JlX. everywhere for "Tne Sb ry of the
Philippines" by Mil rut Halstead com
missioned by the (government, aa Of
ficial Historian to the War DepartrKenl.
Tlie hook was w ritten in army ramps at
San Francisco, ou the Pari lie whli Gen
eral Merritt, in the hospitals at Honolulu
in Hong Ivoiik!. in the American tienclies
at Manila, iu llie insurgent ramps with
Aguinahlo, on the dock of the Olyinpia
nitli Dewey, and hi the roar 01 battle al
Manila. Bonanza for agents. Brimful
of original pictures taken by government
photographers on the spot Large book
Low prices. Big profits. Freight paid
Credit given. Drop all trashy nuothcial
war books. Outtii free. Address, F. T.
Barber, Secy'y., Star Insurance Bldg.,
j Chicago,
fin Drttml Work. ArtMIc Gold Crown md
Jtrldgti Hoi Jr.
Otriee om Hnrenth St., ivr S. P. Drpot.
Hwelul ttiillott glvrn to Fiobuto Ituelnr.
1 1.0
oioisro lluullf)' Bunk
Vp Hlulr.
(, It. DIMICK,
Drpniy Distv.ct Attorney.
Il'ill VrnrtUv In nil I'lmrttat tho Stuff, Cir
cuit and DImi li t Court ot tho
Vnltod Mute.
Otrlro over Hunk ot Orog-on City.
rill prurtler In nil tho court ottho otnto
CmtMd Mock.
IV. '' I'JIEX,
A TTOUMH'-A 7 -LA tl'.
J.tfCffitr littl tiling, Opposite
Oiffcmu City,
Just Arrived
We have just received, direct hum the
Eastern factory, a complete line of .Men's
and Boys'
Furnishing Goods
for fall ami winter.
A Full Line of Shoes
lla just In en placed in stock and will
he sold al Rock Bottom Prices Please,
give us a call and he convinced.
I am now located in the Califield bldg
next lo Huntley's.
The Shirt Maker
Gents' Shirts and
Ladies' Shirt Waists, to order.
(ioodiinngh Building, Room 207,
Fifth street, opposite Postollice.
Portland, - Oregon
In 1 the words, yon iive us the priv
ilege to serve your Grocery and Table
Delicacy supplies and we'll repuv yon for
the confidence rvp ied inns. Hear in
mind, wo don't say ihttl we'll let yo have
two pounds lor Die Price of one, but w e
do say. n.o.it emphatically, that if vou
dent with us any h-ntith of time, you will
be benefited in a telling measure. The
I'liieiicss of our tiroceries is our boast.
Seventh Street Grocer.
If llie shoe fits, wear it. Unless the
sies' lbs you don't want it. Price is not
enouiih of an inducement to make you
aaiMled wilh an uncomfortable or un
worthy shoe. Here ia a line where you
will lind shoes to lit the peculiarites of
he most peculiar feet. Also to lit the
most peculiar mind and pocket book.
We'll please yon for we have the stock
to please yon with.
Do Yoti
Know the News
You can have it all for
in the Evening Telegram of Port"
land. Oregon. It is the larges1
evening newspaper published in
Oregon; it contains all the news
of tho state and of tho nation.
Try it for a month. A sample
copyVill be mailed to you free.
The Telegram,
Oldest Bank in the City.
rW up t's Vapllnl .
urplnn . . .
$1)1 OOO
Capital, - - 1100.000.
riMKNAtrr a okihk.i. i kkio hi sians.
Loans made. Bill- (li-" nme-f? Make
collections. Hiivsnnd sells t i.H.iingi' on
all points in Hie C nil cd Slates l nroo
and Hong K liu Dei osiis reved snlc
to check Biiok .-e ".., l m.
I' M.
1) ('. I.ATonirrra . . fresidi nt
F.J .Mkvkk 1 iishier
F. E. Donaldson, At
Spenki.iu nl
Tliere are n 1 eomraM'"- -, few
good, as the
and tie'
All of them. TIM I' Ti.tl'.Di.e . ! I 11.' r
Auror Hotel
H. WILL. Manager.
Dluln ilium revolves pttraonul
sup " ision Tables well sup
plied with seasonable delicacies
Rooms are all newly fnrniahod
nd flrat-oluss.
A wf'l-stocked bar la conducted
for the accommodation of the
Aurora Hotel
and Restaurant.
Iacob (iiitsy,
Pkoi i h ma
Rates 11 Per Day mid Ppwafta
Livery and Feed Sinlile in CimneeiiiHi
With ihe House Horses and I'.iiKJies
to Let al lieaMoniiMe Hal .
Bar supplied with l!u llnesl n inos li'
qilors and l ijinrs. cinhardi I'.eei on
W Utliv persons in thi- stale In
nuinaue our busim as in tluer ow r and
nearby counties. Ii is niiinlv "thru
work c.nlnrted at home f alary
straight !f!i00 a year and exieosej
definite, hon.ilide. no mo e, 1 o les
pahiry. Monthly 5 Refere
rloe aelf-adilressed stimrs'd pin
Herbert K. Ile a, Prest , D. j
Are you inteiesh d i t p iri'ers? We
have the Blirkeusderf'T, m-kiuiw Inlged
the ban best. 01,1 ))t- mil' Toe p'ice
is $35, the writit'i! vi iMe, -iMMmi
used, priniinu 'lirei t ir.nn 'lie yi'e. milk
ing a clean pi i 1. !' w r 1 t is I'llt six
pounds on ii .t 1 11 firry
around 'i;h h. all at l i . t'ursa
oflicea d rxa n e .
Assignee's Sale of House and lots.
The following pr. p rtv 1 nth red for
HALS S' ll MCsT UK Ull.l) "S lo i I' se Up
the e-tale "f K K biams io"lveiit
deotor. Any to.i-o'i Ide otl'. i will he
occepled .tor tlie lode of said pinneily
or any purl o( same:
lion e and lo. 7. ' ek 14!) ci I
Lot 6 of bl"i k 81 ol Oivuii.. Ci!.
Lot 1 of block t), Falls View Addition
to Oregon Cily
House and loi If ,.l o. k 8 o W.llain
ette Falls.
Lot 11 of block "II.'' Clackamas
For terms, prices and parliclilBra call
on or address, Tims. F Ryan.
As ignee of e.'a'e of F. E Williams.
Who does not like to tear a witty
story a fine sunn, speeches bi anions
men, music by Sousa, U. N Murine and
Gilmore'a Grand Conceit hands? Buy
a griipliophoue and vnll rin or ter them
out to play and ini' a your own
pleasure. Yon can buy a tine Faille
grn hnplii lie, the la'es' mi ilrl for 1 1 2,
at Burineister & Aiolre-ei 's jewelry
store. Slop and litsr il
Notice to Tax Payers.
Notice is le retiv b'Yh'i n. ihe tax
pa' ers of Chi. ka 1 a . uin.u ib .t lb
Fqu.dialioii lli.irl fur - i 1 i- mi-y i
ronvei.e on the L'4'" 'V 1 "''i Ii r
IS)H and coniieue ii. s-ou im- wr
week All pr 1 erU iih r
qm sted to up, ear l.tre t e tt.-. r ' and
i X unine the aseiiii-ot r.. I - il.at ao
etfrs iii ascs aeot ieay crrerle '
L. Slot T.
Couuty AattMKtr.