Oregon City press. (Oregon City, Or.) 1896-1???, November 09, 1898, Image 3

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    .Local and General,,...,
Lvon coffee, 10 cents per package, at
Harris' grocery. '
Higaland Orange filed articles of in
corporation Monday.
You can get all kind of yarn at all
prices, at the Racket Stoie.
A new line of fleeced wnppers fust ar
rival, at die Hueket Store.
For. low prices and good quality of
goods, go to the Racket Store. .
' Get your sugar in a clean atom at the
smallest price, Harris' grocery.
We are headquarters for day, oats,
rolled barley, etc, Harris' grocery.
Only higli urate sewing machines fur
$25 at liellomy 4 Hunch's, on easy lernis.
The county court !h in session today.
J.ittle business of iini'orlunce is to come
lip. ; ; . . . r
Rev. Butler will" conduct lerviee at
the lWk place chapel next Siin lay at 4
p. Dl. ... i
Hand knit skirts, dress skirts, nicest
in town and lowest prices, at the Racket
damage xa done,, The horses were
frightened by a wood saw.
River steamers will bt put on the win
ter schedule in a few days anil the run
extended to Harriaburg. The boats
operating on the river are the Ruth,
Albany, Pomona and Gypsy.
The N. P. R.' R. has reduced the rale
on apples to Eastern points to 00 cents
a hundred. There is a good demand
in the ICumI for Orefion fruit, but freight
rales are against the shippers.
Men often forget they were boys with j
short legs only a few years ago. For in
stance the man who strides along the
, street at a r.ipid pace while the little fel
low at his side is ki pi at a biibk liol in
. order to keep up with his sire.
Council mot in. regular session,
Wednesday evening, 2nd Inst., witti all
(ember present but Councilman Metz
ner. Minntes.of previous meeting want read
and on motion of Councilman Liitour
etlo the oriioii referring to the re
moval of the liulit from head of Sixth
street was ordered strckeu out, lao mat
ter having boing misundeistoo I.
A peli.ion for a liulit at the comer of
Second and J, Q Adams strea's was re
ferred to coiniuiitee on stress an I p ih
lic property.
Apiilii'ation of K. Mallhiea for renonal
Services will be held in St. Paul's f huiK.r lie-use. LrtH,l
Highest cash price paid for second
hand household goods, at Bellomy 4
Tracy's dairy butter Is the best mnde-
m mis county. Uet it at Harris
grocery.' "
A One line of Smyrna rugs has just
Deen received, at the Oregon City Atic
t ion House.: ' ., ,
' . The Foresters . will give their fifth an
nual ball on November 24th in Wein-
liard'a hall,;.
Iluiery for the old - and the young,
wool and cotton. : All prices: at : the
Racket Store.
Word has been received here that
George Hamilton is in the hospital at
Dyea with typhoid fever.
The circuit court granted six divorces
on Tuesday, while Deputy Clerk Cooper
issued three rua'riagM licenses. "
A big line of nil-wool ingrain carpetH
just received, at Oregon Citv Auction
House."" Goods sold cheap. ' Easy teruiH
Kiven. ...
Comity Treasurer Shade linn issued a
call for all road warrants and for general
furii) warrants endorsed prior to October
B. 1995.
For Sale Frist-class eprng wagon, nt
half piece. A light hack double harness
good condition, ' cheap. ' Apply at the
Press lfice. ......
Fine silk umbrellas, largest stock in
the city. C me in and see' the prices,
fiiirmeisler A Audrexeu,' the Oicgon
Cityjowollers.;.' ..' ':)-'
The transiort St. .Paul, will sail for
Manila Nnveiltlief,;!;.' yiiiSV ill l,H an
opportunity lo. tend Chrjsimas pieseu s
to the voliimeers', i ;' ;i-r.. j. ,;'
On Tiieiday the. Ftufe; of JoWpli
Schwartg ' was :. attached - in ;oidXr! '.V'l
Ccdien, i Qcii'-A Jo;V .fci- so rH
on Merchandise;'.' . : . .;' ,." .'', '
The Dewey' reslauraiiiib r the tnan
aement...of Mrs. L. Cr.ihill, furnisheH
the best 25 cent meals in the city. All
white help,, Gyod table service. . -
"Each member of the Dewey team is
more than anxious that his name appear
on the cup," says the .Telegram. . How
are the substitutes going to be provided
There will he a special meeting of
Multnomah Ledge No. 1, A. F. and A
it .. u... i . ..i . . . i
u cHiiiruay ivrfiiiug. .worn in tlie
,E. A. Visiting brothers cordially in
vited to attend.
The postmaster general has issued an
r lr to all postmasters at . monev or
r oflices to cash pension checks. ' This
will be a great conveience and saving
to the pensioners.
The Humane Society, for the preven
tion of cruelty, to animals, held a meeting
- Monday evening and ' considered the
constitution. Articles of incorporation
are being prepared.
Wood Choppers. Eiht .or 10 can set
cure work for the winter. 70 cents for
rprd wood. and $1 for railroad wood.
Jtoard at $2.50 per week. . Apply to W
II. VVickliaui, New Era. .
A team belonging to W. M. H blnson
fell over the. embankment near V. P.
Haw ley's residence on Tuesday.. ; Little
Father Time's
-scythe is a
weapon that no
man can es
cape. Sooner
or later it must
! lay all men
) low.
With prema-
Unrc death it is
T different. Nr
I ture intendi
that every ma-
Blioiua live it
long and useful
life, and die a
feaceful, pain
ess death.
Men defeat the
intention of a
Providence by
the manner in
which thev
live, their disregard of the laws of health
and their utter failure to protect health
when it is threatened and restore it when
it is lost. The most common result of neg
lect of health is 'that dread disease, con
sumption. Not many years ago it was con
sidered incurable. Now it is known that
Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery will
cure 98 per cent, of all cases if taken in
time, mat is its recora during a period ot
! of the thankful patients
1 ' JlMSi
.1 .W.
Episcopal church every Sunday at 11 u.
in. and 7:30 p. m. ; Sunday school at 10
o'clock. Service every Friday ovei ing
at 7:30. All seals fiee Siraugem cor
dially welcome. Iter. P. iC Hammond,
The East Side Itahwuy Company has
been thoroughly overhauling their road
bed and trestle, and now it is rumored
that the running time is tobecutdown to
45 minutes. At present it is about one
hour and l'o minutes. This will be 11
great convenience for travellur.4.
The Rev. Dr. Butler will have the fol
lowing as the subjects of sermons at the
Congregational church next Sunday
At 10:30 a. in., "God's Providential
Care,-" at 7:30 p. in., "Young Men and
the Church," a talk especially to the
youiig men preparatory to the Y. M. C
A. week of prayer. . The public is
cordially invited.
A letter hat been received from J. W.
Meffatt stating that the members of
Company I are doing well but are
anxious to return home, now that the
war is over. He is banker for the men
and has considerable money oil deosit.
The moneys intrusted to J. VS. Campbell
and himself -tere loaned to the men, but
have all been repaid, and are now held
by hiin. . ,
i Mm. C. J. Suable, and MUs Eva Hud
Snn bntli of Illinois, who are . traveling
for j. J. Moore & Co were in this
city Momlav. They both say Oregon
City is the prettiest place they have
seen in' their travels.' They left for
VVoodburn Tuesday, where they will re
main a few days visiting Miss Hudson's
.; The people of Clackamas county have
many surprises in store for them when
hey start to purchase holi I ay goods.
The enterprUiug firm of Bellamy &
Busch has ini ported a large stock of dolls
from Germany. The' prices at which
they, are to lie sold will surprise the na
tives.' ' The' importation also included
many elegant pieces in uliiiiaware.suited
for presents.
II. L.Reese, who is biiyinit hops for
Luce, the hip .broker of New York and
London, was., in Oregon City last week
Ho hiis paid J7.'.i .cents for-inany lots
1. 1 ...1 t..i. : . a 1
pitrfiuiBuu, wiiu;ii in bite tup puce mr
the season. ' He estimates the cmp of
the state at 05,000 bales, witli 501 (1 bales
yet in tlie gspwers hands.' T'herearea
few bales of !)?a left.'' .v.
Tlie soldier's ball on Friday evening
was a success financially ana socially.
About $100 was realized to pay for the
ChriHtmas presents sent llio volunteers.
The Auxiliary. Corps is entitled to great
credit for their timeless efforts to relieve,
in a measure, the discomforts of the
troops compelled to exist In far away
The basket ball game Saturday even
ing between the Oregon City Y-. M. C.
A. team and the Portland boys was very
hotly contested throughout. The sub
stituting of fresh players by the Portland
club was all that enabled them to keep
up with the local players. The rcore
was a lie on the 40 minute play and an
extra 10 minutes was necessary to de
cide tlie game, the Portland winning by
one point.'
Mrs. Win. Barlow, Mrs. M. W. Shep
paid, Mrs. J1. Clarke' and Miss Dorothv
Ciark formed an interesting group at the
photographer's last week. Mrs Barlow
is .tlie mother, grandmother and great
grandmotl.cr, respectively of the other
members of the group.'-' It is rare that
four generations of a family are living at
the same time. Mrs. Barlow is a pio
neer of 52 and enjoys excellent health
for one of her years.
Letters have been received from Mr.
ami Mrs, C. N Harlow and Henry Pusey,
who are at Dawfon. They are in ex
cellent health and well pleased with ihe
liuiHiiess prospect in Hint counliy. Mr.
Harlow lias a stock t make up, unit
1 1 esses and i-pi'in beds. The trip up
the-river from St. Michaels was a long
and tedious one, The boat ran out of pro
vinions and fuel. The passengers took
charge and footed the bills. Tim le't'-r
was brought out in 19 days.
' All sizes of kid fitting corset" and the
popular style short corsets, at tin
Racket Store.
The Oregonian is kept on file at thi
office lor the benefit of our pairons.
thirty years. Manyc
have permitted the
and photographs to be reproduced in Dr.
Fierce s Common bense Medical Adviser.
Any sufferer who wishes to investigate,
these cases may secure a copy of this book
fret, by sending 11 one-cent stamps to
rover cost of mailing only, to the World's
Dispensary Medical Association, Buffalo,
N. Y., and then write to the patients them
selves. In consulting Dr. R. V. Pierce by
letter, the sufferer consults a skillful spe
cialist who for thirty years has been chief
consulting physician to the great Invalids'
Hotel and Surgical Institute, at Buffalo,
N. Y. With the assistance of a staff of able
physicians, he has successfully treated tens
of thousands of cases of bronchial, throat
and lung affections. He will cheerfully
answer letters from all sufferers, without
charge. Address the Doctor as above.
" I had brotichttis for eighteen years and I was
treated by three physicians, out all failed,"
write David Wartzcn'lnft, Ksq.. of Shoemakers
ille. Berks Co, Pa- "They told mt there was
no cure lor -me. I then used Dr. ricrcr's Oolden
Medical Discovery, and was entirely cured. My
Weight is now, m pouud"
Ed. Boyles, aged 23 years, sou ol
Martin Boyles, was accidently druwixd '
tiiis morning by being swept over
the falls in a boat..
Boyles in company with Ed. Brown ;
was at work with some logs at ihe brink
of the falls. There was some water run
ning over the falsework, but the men did
not consider it sullicient to carry ti e
boat over, and tlie men concluded i
anchor. Boyles was at the nais ami
started to pull up a few feet to a good an
chorage, the our locks slipped and the
next instant the boat a 1 iirrn-.l over
the falls. Brown, who was standing 1111,
jumped to a ledge of rocks, Bojlea held
tothelioat. When the taut came up
Boyles was cliinring lo the de. The.
boat was swept under a seem I lime, it
hail been turned over and Unties was
not wit rr it. p to press Injur the body
had notieejvo)i!VOiki''.''W'. -
Keciirdi-r'ii report was r.-a l nil I or
dered pi, iced on lile It allowed 7 buri ils
had been issued
Tlie committed en the purchase, of a
tiro bell ma le a majority r. port favor
ing t ie nceep-ancM of ths iieN C mucil
tiian liln made a verbal icpoit, oppos
ing the acirep'aiice. On motion majori
ty report was adoptee1.
The finance committee reported favor
ably on the following hills:
H U Curry, recorder f 2d 15
Chns Burns, chief of police 00 00
F T Griffith, attorney Iocs 20 00
P lleinuirlgarn, nieaN 0 00
Tims Miiler, ex night Watchman. 2 00
E llechner, " " . 2 00
John Duffy, wood.. (I 00
O C Iron Works ... 7 00
G II Bestow, lumber 1 50
Kuterprlsn, advertising 1 !!5
L Diukleman, cleaning streets. . . 35 00
G A Harding, i.imi 1(H)
Lak in & fii bell .... . . .355 00
U N Green, drniatfe 3 75
Wilson & Cooke, hardware 2 a
W I. Snidow. street commissioner 8.1 15
P G i: Co, electric liuhls 173 53
E L Shaw, nlulit watchman 00 00
B F Linn, liimlwr 4 50
E Olds, ciduBBlks.... . 20 0:
Proos, advertising and Job work. 12 00
O C Iron Works 35 43
John Bitltic r, snpt. Singer hill. . . 50 0 I
Pops 4 Co, hardware 24 12
TH Lawrence, carpenter 113 30
Dan Lyons, Singer hill 1440 00
h Olds, Aberuethv road 360 00
The claim of II. Sloper for damage to
horse was referred to city prosecutor.
The ennsideraiiou of the ordinance
regulating tho Burghardt electric line
was po-tpooed for one month.
The fire ordinance was read as pub
lished. A number of firemen were pres
ent ami made speeches in opposition to
the ordiuanco and offered amendments
covering the objectionable features.
The ordinance ns amended is us follows: