Oregon City press. (Oregon City, Or.) 1896-1???, October 12, 1898, Image 3

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    Local and General.
Hay, Oiila, Lime and Cement a
Harris' Grocery.
Fresh, reliable grass seeds nt bottom
prices. I Inrris' Grocery.
Only high crHle sewing machines fur
f25 at lielliiiny A tuch'n, on easy terms.
Iiev. Dr. Hut1r will conduct service
at the Parkpince chapel next Sab'mth nt
4 p. in.
Hlg;het ranh price paid fur second
hand household goods, t Hellomy &
A fine, line of Smyrna rugs has just
lieen received, at Hie Oregon City Auc
tion Honre.
Genuine Java, roasted cuflee 20 cents
per pound; Arhuckles coffee 10 cents per
pound at Harris' Grocery.
Bngar has advanced iiL'ain. but we are
still selling 20 pound light brown for
$1 00. Harris' Grocery.
Tho Southern I'ucifii! Company's
gang, of painters is at work spreading a
oat of paint on the depot building.
A big line of all-wool ingrain carpets
just received, at Oregon City A net Ion
House. Goods sold cheap. Easy terms
Fine silk umbrellas, lnrgest stock in
the city. C 'ina in and see the prices,
Burmeisler A Androgen, the Oregon
City jewellers.
The legislative delegation and the
clerks appointed from this county spent
Sunday in this city and returned to
Salem Monday.
In 1807 the sheriff issued 5,(137 tux re
ceipt, in 1808 Sheriff Cooke lins if sued
3,083, a gain of 340. This is indicnlivo of
better conditions among the people.
The East bide Klectrio Coin puny
lias leased the lower floor of the
Armory building for a feight warorooin.
The change Is a decided improvement.
Sheriff Cooke has started out. to collect
the taxes on rsoiial property. Cost
are added for the cx'r.i work. The .tux
dodger is having a hard time of it this
Two prominent members of tl e
Missouri legislature are lion. A, T,
Sober, of Carthage, and Hon. A I .
Hooze, of Miirysville. Good team to
Arrange a "pair." -
The bop market is b 'Her at present
han for several seasons. A choice hop
will sell readily for 15 cents. There is
good money in hops at that price us tl e
ost of raising is near 7 cents a p mud.
The contract of improving Abernetby
treet is still uncompleted and the street
closed to travel It i s ii I the con
tractors are waiting for crushed rock.
The crusher is at present engaged in
crushing rock fur the .Singers hill.
The city is preparing to improve the
sewer on the hill near tho coiner of
Center and Seventh streets by
straightening (lie channel. At present
there are two sharp curves which came
drift (o accumulate and stop up the
The new fire alarm bell bus arrived
nd will be placed in position lit once on
the old tower. It is claimed that the
bell can be beard six miles, wl en in po
sition. The old one will be placed on
i he blufT, to be used when iires occur on
(he hill.
Mrs. Ed.. Fields has received some
souvenirs from her brother. Adolph
imdiienier, who is wiib (he New York
legimoiit at Santiago, tini'ing ihem is a
j)ic of wood from the tree under which
4 he exchango for Lieutenant llobsju
was made.
Chas. Lescor is again in trouble. Ap
parently this young man is trying very
hard to break into the penitentiary and
the sooner be lands tbero the better ae
far as the people are concerns 1. Such
" ins are an expense and nuia.iuce in
. frame is up for a large residence
on Washington street, being built by
Robert Ciiulield. There is not a vacant
house on the bill and a building
boom is hound to start in soon to pro
vide honii'S f r the newcomers t' at are
4'oming in from the ICust and South.
The steamer Hong, which was sunk
at the upper end of the locks by sirlkim;
on a rock, was finally rained on Satur
day. The damage to the hull is flight
and the cost of the repairs will he small.
The raise of the water caused by the re
cent rains delayed (he work.
The following will be the subject a of
discourse at the First Congregational
church next Sabbath : At 10:30 a. m.,
"The Christian for the Times," at 7:30
p. m., a talk on "The Healing of
Diseases W ithout Medicine." Y. P. S.
C. E. at 6:30 p, in. The public is
cordially invited to all these services.
Dr. W. G. Parker has rented the
office formerly occupied by the late
Dr. Paine and has hung his shingle out
for practice. The rooms huve been
tastefully fitted np. With the Doctor's
known skill in medicine and his exten
sive acquaintance in this section lie will
undoubtedly receive a fair share of work
in his line.
Last Sunday was rally day at the
Congregational Sunday school, and was
a grand success, there being a large at
tendance of both parents and children.
On Friday evening the children are to
be given stereoptican entertainment in
connection with a social at the church
by 'the young people, and a splendid
time is anticipated.
John Noble has returns 1 from an ex
tended trip to Eastern Oregon, where he
went with a view of locating. He says
the wind in always blowing up in that
country. It blown from the east for a
while and iIhmi turns around and blows
from the wo-t. ThetJht winds are hot
in summer and cold iri winter, while the
west wf1U are cool in summer and
warm in winter. The sand is fine ami
the wind forces it in to every crack and
On Wednesday,- October 12, an im
xrtant meeting wUl be held at the Sal
vation Army hull. Brigadier Stephen
Marshall, assisted by the headquarter
staff, w ill lead the meeting and swear
in different recruits as soldiers of the
world-wide Salvation Army. Captain
Gertrude Bailie, who has been in
charge of the Oregon City corps for the
lust two months, will farewell that even
ing ami Ichvo the next day for a much
needed furlough at her home in Cali
fornia. All are Invited to attend this
Louis Nobel Inn returned from Daw
son, on the Yukon, and, while he states
that tbero are good opportunities there,
is glad to got back to Oivgn City again.
I Hu hni brought homo Lite copies of the
throe local newspapers pulil hIiimI in
I Dawson, the Klondike Nugget, Yukon
I Midnight Sun ami llie Klondike Miner.
The latter is sold at 2" cents per cope,
being a new venture in the Klondike
metropolis, while tho two former neie
selling at HO cent per copv. Mr. Nob 1
says they are well supplied with pro
visions, having enough tilisl two yean
The work of Improving the Sing -r hill
road is about finished, the crushed rock
has been put on and the building of the
culvers completed. The contract ex
pires on Suliir lav. ' Tho road is a credit
to the city and will be of great benefit to
all who have occasion to go up or down
the hill. The criiHhcd rock on the sur
face will last for vears if a little care is
given it and repairs made when they
should he. The walk along tho road Is
proving popular, many are now using it
in preference to the stairs. The stops
on Seventh and Eighth s'reets, tho Bap
tist slide" nnd the walk lending down
Tenth street alfiirds amph means of
reaching points on the bluff in the
neighborhood of Seventh i-tivet
Personal Mention.
Chas Wilson visited friends in Salem
a few davs last week.
Miss Clara Fisher is the guest of hir
cousin, Mrs. J P. Lovett
Prof Strange is recovering from He
operation tint ho had performed.
Mr. ami Mrs. William lilair. f Weston,
aro veiling iclatives in this city.
E. W, Dixon left Saturday for Seattle
and will he absent several weeks.
Miss Miry Cnnyers went, to St
Helena Siturday, returning on Mondaj .
Hcv. and Mm. lioyiil, of Salem, are
visi ing their ilnnghtor, Mr-i. Il.O'.i r .
Clyde tlunt'cy r.-turuel Satndu
from Alhiiuy, where he spent Severn'
dajs. .
J W Colo ami M. F McCo-vn re
turned Saturday from a few days outing
at M.dalla.
Mr. and Mrs. .1 Gaming and children,
of Portland, spent Sunday with relative
in this city.
Dr. J. H. Miller lias retnri ed and can
bo fni n 1 in hia office on Seventh
i-treel every day.
liudolph Zimmerman, the Needy Ian
nirvmaiiy was in 'Oregon City Tuesday
on a business tiip
Mrs. H. C. Uanicby, aged 70 an
Oregon ph'Uccr, of Silvcrton, is visitirg
her son, Max liamsby, '
Mrs. It. L. Ilolman and two children
returned Saturday from a month's id
with relatives in Seattle.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Fields and duughtir
left Saturday (nr Junction City, where
they will ivside in the future.
Mrs. Dr Liniiingcr and son, of Albany,
spent several days last week with Mrs.
Geo Warner and Mm. II. Moody.
Willi Winter, known its Diamond
Willie, the handsomest man on the road,
was doing Oregon City on Tuesday.
Miss Stella Welch, of Silverton, who
hits been visiting her cousin, Mhs Josie
Newton, returned home Tuesday inorn
i ig.
Geo Zicglar, a prosperous hop raider
and dairyman of the Barlow section,
was transacting buMne-s in Oregon City
on Tuesday.
Mrs. N. U. Lang and son returned
Monday from California, whine tlioy
spent several months visiting relatives,
and friends.
I) W. Kiniiair I and party have re
turned from Eastern Oregon and left on
Monday for Olympia, where Ihoy have
8oinu surveys to check up on.
Henry Meldrnni, special examiner
of government surveys, has returned
from North Dakota, where hu has been
busy fo llie past two mouths inspecting
newly surveyed tracts
J. II. Walker returned Monday from
a hunting trip up the valley. He
brought back a gunny sack full of bi'ds.
It is re arte I tliat they are quiteche.ip
in the upper end of the valley.
Mr and Mrs. Henry M. Murphy, of
Olympia, were in Oregon City Tuesday
calling on Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Pilslinry
and Geo. Smith. Mr. nnd Mr?.
Murphy are on their wedding trip,
having been married in Portland Mon
day evening. Mr. Murphy is the fore
man of the Washington Standard.
F. J. Louis, who has been in Hunt
ley's drug store for some time, has re
signed his position to accept a position
with the Parke Davis Drug Company.
Mr. Louis will be on tho road most of
the lime, his territory covers Oregon,
Washing, Idaho and Montana. He will
make his headquarters in Porllard.
His many friends will regret to have
him leave the city, but rejoice to hear
of liie securing such a good position'
Huuiaue Society.
On M'-nday evening a branch of the
fluniHiio So ii ty was organized with the
lolliiwing illuiri: Mies Aiinita Mi
Cauer, president ; Gi orge A. Hardin,',
vice president ; Itev. A J. Montgomery,
secretary; Mayor E. G. Canfield, treas
urer; 11. C. teiens, J. II. Smith, Mrs.
E. G. Canfield', Dr. W. E. Carll, and J.
E. Hedges, trustees. It was decided
to call t lie new organization the
Clackamas County Humane Society.
The City Fathers Have an Im
portant Session.
The County Court Audits Many Bill
Road a and Petitions A
Two Day Session,
The city council met on Wednesday j
n'ghl of last wce'i. Mayor Caulield pre- j
aidcl and nil the members of thecoun
i eil were present.
The minutes of previous meeting wore
, read and approved.
Hie recorder's report for llie p'lst
month showed that It. L. llohnan had
pa:d f" for a billiard labbi lie ji 8 1 and
Pellomy & llusch $1 (ii) for express li-
icne l ive imrial permita had uecu
i sue I.
Tne following bills were allowed:
W 1. Suidow, street f 1)7 30
Electric lights Hi4 15
WiUnu ACcoke, hardware 4 (15
Ed Story . 1 00
Charman & Co, cement 2 50
(eo ISrouglitou, lumber 1 04
Press, printing 11 0(
Pope & Oo, hardware 30 70
.1 Mines Uoake, repiirs 17 nd
Chas Burns, chiol of police (0 00
Ed Shaw, night watchman (ii) 00
Iti me Curry, recorder 25 (10
F C Gadke, repairs 1 25
II E straight, treasurer 40 0)
W F .McCown I 00
White Bins, pbiiisaii lsM'cifti:alion 10 00
Water commission , 23 50
.1 II Smith, engneeriiig 12 50
L Dirklemau 3 0)
Tile finance com rnii lee't report shone I
llie treasurer's report wan correct and on
motion of II. E II irria wiw accepted
The finance coininillee' report on
road fund reid and apnr ived.
The treasurer's qn irterly report was
r. ad and loferred to the fi'Mince com
mittee. Application for license from A. Knapp
John Kilcv, J. N Miller and 1. G.
& M Kaiubo were read und on motion
A petition was presented by the
property owners for an are light at the
comer of Eight h and Main at reel, the
expense to be paid by them. On motion
of Laiouretle the recorder was orded to
instruct the P. G. E Company.
On request of Dan Lyons for the turn
of fliiOO i in roveiiieiil on Singer bill, re
quest was granted and recorder ordered
to draw warrant for Hie saino
The ordinance giving II. W.Uossa
. I ii i I claim deed lo certain lots in Oregon
l.'ity was read ails' place I on final pas
sa e, nil being favorable to it.
The ordinance authorizing a franchise
or a Meet railway to W. II Burghait,
n-inl, was ordered pnl 1 sited. It n
pctu'a in full on t'e first page
An ordinance to regulate (he fre de
partment and for it to be under Oregon
Ctly jurisdiction was ordered pu
lislud. It appeals in full on the first
page. .
The s'reet committee reported favor
alily on an ordiiiacne 1 1 build a road
from South Main stieel to Center
on t e bluff, E E. Churman having ae
cured $805 in private subscription
toward the expense of 'aid road. The
s niiu being ordered published.
A petition was presented by Chris
Schuebel asking for repair on sidewalk
f.oin beau of Sevouth street to Ely.
Tne street, committee was order to inuke
r paiis, expense not exceed to $100.
Mayor Ciiuliel I called alteiiiion to the
the necesaity of a walk from luihoad
track to Main etieet on Tenth street and
it was ordered that the city proceed
to b iild a walk six feet wide on city
properly and lo notify the other owners
to do the same.
It was ordered that an electric light be
placed al the foot of Singer hill.
On motion the meeting adjourned.
; npervia r Deiiison was instructed t
repair the Howard hill.
Supervisor Cooke was ordered to re
pair the Deep creek hill.
Jas Edwards, an indigent flick p mm,
was allowed $10 per month.
Supervisor Cramer was instructed lo
put in a culvert at Clacksiuas station
1! F Siniili was appoiii ed snpi rvUor
to hill vacancy made In the lesignation
of Geo A Kiiizcr in the, Needv district.
Mrs. II S. Si range una appointed
leputy ci iinty superintendent.
The Deep creek bridge was accepted.
The bill for extra work wus laid over.
County aid fo Mr. and Mrs. Kainsden,
Miss W. J. WVston and Mrs. Green wu
discontinued. The repairing of the Aurora hill was
left wit i Commissioner Marks.
Petition for work on the Shuck's hill
was disallowed.
Supervisor Currin was granted $33 for
hauling gravel in district 4.
J II Smith was ordered to make a sur
vey of a feasible grade up the Deep
creek hill.
Majorie Caulield
Mvrtle Currin
Iff 75
15 7ti
2(1 75
15 00
21 00
24 oO
30 00
33 00
b8 00
18 HO
IS 00
3 00
15 50
0 50
42 00
21 00
21 00
2 50
41 00
12 0)
47 75
35 (
10 0
5 00
5 00
11 50
4 50
Ina Chase "
.1 II Wright
A D Gi ibblo "
A D Burnett '
F E Thomas "
S J Garrison "
O W Uobbins "
II Thieaen "
Edmund Koss "
L II Kirchem "
Eli Criswell
E W Uainlolph "
J A Randolph "
II B Ilankins "
M K Shipley "
W H Young, inane
C 11 Isom, sheriff
Irvin, Hodnon Co, stationary
Glass & Prudhome "
CG Huntley "
C'rnriar-llerald ."
E A Soinmer, insane
W E Carll
J 11 i'mith, survevor
II S Strange, superintendent
G B Dimick, district attorney
F T Griffith
E L Shaw, B and G Aid society
Eli Maddock "
Chas Burns "
6 00 ;
10 00 j
n nA .
2 20
0 00.
J C Newberry, r and b 1 00
Mrs. Wlnssett, pauper 13 0"
" Collins " 5 07
State Lescar " 25 00
C Schuehel J P ct 40 35
" " 15 85
21 40
I. Stout, assessor 24 00
J .1 Cooke, sheriff 74 04
C E Burns, reform school 1 0
P.ellomy & (Su ch, election 50
K L Kusscll. pauper 7 00
Geo II Bote & Co B & B 4r
Noliliils ( 80
J E McCoy, r and b 0H7 0 1
W I) Cooke 4 55
.1 Shade treasurer's acct 1 00
It I'oniv A Busch, c h 3 00
II W Ti em bath " 1(1 00
T P Wilson " 14 72
Nehren . " t 00
M C Str ckland, coroner 14 00
The following amounts have teen ex
pended in the road l i ' ric t ;
No 1,1 35; No 2, flO; No 3, 2(1 l!l;
No 4, tKI05;No 0. ft! 50; No 10,
fll 50; Fo 11, f 10 50; No 13, 10; No
14, 4 50; No 15, 25; No 17, 1 70;
No 18, $50 17; No 23. $31 80; No 20,
05; No 27, $101 IT; No oO, $13 50;
No 35. $10 00; No.H, $40 25.
BABBEIt At Elliott Prairie, on tho
4th hiBt., Lnzetta E., wile, of O. L.
Barher, aged 38 years, 11 months and
9 days.
The deceased leaves, a husband, seven
children, a mother, Mm. Gnmley, of
Canity, and two brothers, Goerge Gour
ley, of Canhy, and Douglas Guurley, of
Arlington, Or.,
The funeral was hel I Thursday, in
terment at Canby cemetery.
Mil, I. I H In Portland, on llie Dt Inst ,
sirs Emma Miller, agivl 33 years.
rs Miller was a daughter of Mr.
und Mrs. .Inliua Crazier. The funeral
was hld o.i Wednesday.
BEV.lNN- At Maple Lino, on the Cth
hist., Fannie J. wife of Silas D. Bev
iiiib. aged 30
The funeral w is held on Saturday
from the family resilience.
Socials. 1
On Monday eyening the members of
the Methodist church held a harvest
festival. There was a abort litorary and
musical program and refreshment were
On Tuesday evening the ladies of Hie
Easiern Siar Chapter entertained their
iriemls at a social meeting.
On Wednesday evening (lie members
of the Tent of Maccabees held a social
meeting and served refreshments. A
most enjoyable time is reported.
On Thursday evenieg, the members
of the Women's Belief Corps will give
an enter-oinniet and social in Willam
et e hall. The adiiiiiwion will be 15
cents The proceeds till go toward
providing the ri emits from Oregon C.iy
with uecesFaries for their comfort when
t icy reacli Manila. They sail from
San Frantisco on Siimliy (lie llith Inst.
T.ie piograni will consist of vocal and
iustiuine..tal music including a bimj
On Friday evening the ladies of the
Degree of Honor will give a social
dance at Willamette hall. Admis ion,
including supper 2o cents.
Court Ilonso Notes.
George Oldright, a native of Great
Britain declared hia intention ot be
coming an Ameiicau citizen.
Maicell Koerner, a native of Ger
many, and John M. Brooks, a native of
(real Biitaiu, were granted full papers
on the 10 h
L 'cation nolicea were filed by C. P.
Ilaigh, A. T. Flegel and J. M. Couro for
placer mining claims on the i-outli Fork
of the Mohilla, near the mouth of Ogle
Teachers' Association.
The Clackamas County Teachers' As
sociation will le held at CartM on
Salur ay, October 20. Following is the
program :
History .Chas. Tallman
Maxwell's Grammar, How lo
I'eauli it Shirley Buck
Methods of (ieoraphy
Miss Gertrude Finley
Hygeueof the Schoolroom
Miss Lizzie McDonell
Beecher's Projuct
A man, who is under aire t down in
New .leisey says that a tro'ly car would
u t hold all the wives he has married
nd now they actually are about
p mishiiig that fellow further.
Bids Wanted.
Bids will Ise received al tho Bank of
Oregon City, until 2 p. in., Saturday,
October 15, for the completion of fence
at Mountain View cemetery, according
to instructions of cemetery committee.
J. Boakk,
A. Mii.n,
Oregon City, Or.. October 10, 1898.
Tho merchandize business of Thomas
Charman & Son having been sold, all
persons knowing themselves to bo in
debted to Tims. Charman & Son, or
Thomas Charman personally, will call at
his office at his old place of business and
settle or mako satisfactory arrangements
forssme. After 30 days from this date
all accounts will be given our attorneys
to colllect. James P. Lovbtt,
For Thomas Charmam.
September 30, 1898.
Just Arrived
We hav just received, direct from the
Eastern factory, a complete line of Men's
and Boys'
Furnishing Goods
for fall .and winter.
A Full Line of Shoes
Has just been placed in stork and will
be sold at Kock itottom Prices. Please
give us a call and be convinced.
I am now located in the Cntifield bldg.
next to Huntley's.
From All Quarters for the Press
A New Corps of Writers Give the News
of the County A Letter From
the Philippines.
The weather has continued fine during
the past week and many of the farmers
are busy putting in Ihe fall grain, but
iloiids aga ii apiwar lo remind us that
winter is il 'se at hand.
The dime social given by the ladies
of Liberal on Saturday evening last was
a .rand sucies-, the net proceeds
amounting to $10 25 A few more
such suceensful and enjoyable
event and the church in iy be made
quite comfortabe, which will baa great
improvement to Liberal and sunound
ings. Levi Stebinan is under Die weather.
Mr. and Mrs. Deetb, of this place, are
visiting the Exposition nt Portland this
October 10.
Mrs. Minnie Gibson is visiting her
mother, Mis Mary Daniels.
A iiumlicr of our young people went
to the entertainment al Liberal Satur
day night in spi e of the rain, and all
report a good time.
Miss Harrington, of Union Mills, was
visiting Miss McCowu Saturday and
October 10.
Hubtinrd has a new fire apparatus, as
yet they have no regular fire house and
aro keeping the apparatus at the black
smith's. At a meeting held on Monday
night Milt Kesler was elected chief, W.
II. Tuttle assistant chief and David
Scholl secretary.
Geo. Coffenberry has j'lst completed
his new residence and has also built
a n'ca fence around It, Mr. Coffenberry
says ho is doing no business, but we
think appearances are to the contrary.
On Wednsday, October 5, at Ihe res
idence of the Urdu's father, John Towler,
Mi-s Cora fowler and Alfred Wolfer were
united in marriago, Kev. Dick, of the
Congregational church, officiating. The
hiide was becomingly attired in cream
silk and wore a corsage boquet of cream
carnations. The house was tastefully
decorated with flowers. Immediately
after the ceiemony dainty refresh
ment were served, after which, the
young couple took the afternoon train
for Portland, where they will spent a few
days. Mr. and Mrs. Wolfer will reside
on Geo. J. W oiler's placa at Ihe Mineral
School commence.! Mmdiiy, Tnf.
Conrad, the princiial, occupies the Cal
vert hall, while Miss Lizzie Illlganl
Miss Ida Yodur occupy tho school house
Tlicro are 80 pnpiU enrolled this year.
Mis. Moore, of Gaston, is visiting
Mih. G. J Wolfer this week.
Mrs. John Will has returned bom
from Salem, where she visited her son,
George Will.
October 8.
Mr. Cornshack is putting up a fine
residence on his place east of Needy
This is one more proof of the improved.
financial condition of our country in
J. W. Yoder, who has been in Salem
all dimmer, is home again and is hav
ing some of the royal sport. lie was
out on the prairie one day last week
and bagged 18 of the beautiful birds.
He also look in Ihe State Fair of which
he does not speak very highly, ex
cept the evening entertainment by Ed
ward Shields & Company, which he
says was excellent, particularly the
singing by Mr. Whiting.
S. B. Martin, representing the
Willamette Tent & Awning Company,
was in our liitle burg Wednesday. Mr.
Martin has been slaying in Hubbard for
the last week with iclatives who run
the Ohio Mouse.
8. E. WooBter, representing Lang &
Company, Portend, was in Needy
Wednesday afternoon buying dried fruit,
lie offered a very fair price and a num
ber of parties sold.
Our ' postmaster is having a well
F. E. Fish is putting up a nice resi
dence on his piopeity southeast of town.
Can't keep the prosperity from crop
ping out.
October 8,
Farmers Were rushing the cattle dur
ing the few One days.
School commenced October 3d. with
C. M. Crittenden as principal and Per
Garret assistant. The attendance was
.igbt to begin, as many of the larger
scholars are busy at home.
Mr. Moulton, the new merchant,
seems to be getting on to his job; though
at first it was hard on his nervous sys
tem. Collins Graham, of Butteville, was a
pleasent caller at school Friday after-
And the smell of dried apples is in the
Davis and Co., are running their dry or
full blast. We also notice the smoke
curling from Mr. Kitten's fine dryer from
early morn until ihe evening shadows
The dance at the hall Saturday night
was a pronounced success, many fine
baskets wf-re sold The highest
pi ice paid was $2 70 to a lady from
Woodburn. Surely prosperity or some
thing is working the anatomy of the
young man who can afford $2 70 for a
Miss Carrie Adams and Miss Onah
Ridings, of Gladtidlnga, were visiting at
Mr. Richard Garrett's Saturday and
We are sorry to announce the death
of Frank Taylor's little girl, aged 2,'j
Octolier 10
Me-srs. J. C. and Green McMurry
nve returned from a six weeks' visit in
the East. They attended the Exposi
ti hi at Omaha and report that Ore oi:
hits a t.o d exhibit.
Qu'tH a number if our people have
ii'iend'-d the Exposition at Porllind and
think it good.
Elmer Toug spent Saturday and Sun
day in Portland visiting his sister, and
alao look in Ihe Exposition
Or ii GriffHii has hired out lo work for
Win. Derby, of Gresham.
MNa Pea 1 1 Lovelace, of Portland, is
is visiting her mother for a short time.
Miss Delia Nuwell went to Portland
last week to work.
Dr. Ilomsteud leaves us this week to
be nbsunt four months. We wish his
speedy return.
Octolier 1 1 .
Marquam is the place for accidents.
F. J. Ridings, whilu riding lioilie from
GlddlidingH with u basket of fruit at
tached to tho front of bis wheol, tried
to make a quick turn In the ro id, but
ju-it then some one tried to pass. Such
collision. Frank lamle I on his head
and the apnles rolled in every direction.
The rain of last week affords the farm
ers an npp irtnuity to b 'gin p'ovring.
Mr. and Mrs. VanWey have returned
to their home in Oregon City after a
pleasant visit among their friends at
Mrs. Nannie Griffith has relumed lo
Portland after visiting her relatives and
f'iends at Marquam.
Mrs, Ruth I Iowa, while on the way
home from the Portland Exposition,
heard of the sad news of the death of
her niece.
A. Grav has relumed home from tho
ho pita!, but is slill very low.
Mrs. Emma Vantresa is very ill.
Mrs. Emaline Lukins and daughter
have returned from a pleasant visit with
relatives in Portland.
Our new pastor, Rev. Sulse, has
two daughters tint are excellent mu
sicians, which aids the Marquam choir a
great deal.
The I. 0 G T. Lodge meets the first
and third Wednesday of each month,
with 38 names on roll.
The Epworth league meets every Sun
day evening with n good attendance.
I. D. Larkins lost a valuable horse
this week caused by blood poison.
October 10.
Mr. Ileunimein has sold a large
amount of prunes lately.
A. Rissetl, of Canby, is visiting his
daughter, Mrs. Weldon Shank, for a
lays. Mr. Bissell is one of a few of the
survivers of the Mexican war.
Our prosperous blacksmith, who was
spending!! few days fishing, has returned
witli hia genial smile and has the usual
Hall story to tell.
What is the matter with Frank? He
is learning to smoke cigars.
I). Sl ankand nephew, Lester, stopped
over night in MPwaukle whild ou a visit
to tlui Mechanics Fair.
Milwaukie has a very lively and enor-j
A fine 8-day Striking Clock, with alarm, $5
A 1-day Striking Clock, with alarm, $3.50
A fine Nickel Clock, with alarm, $1
A fine Nickel Clock, without alarm, 75c
Everyone Guaranteed to Give Satisfaction.
Burmeister & Andrcsen, - Jewelers
Old lUbeat Tlour
Made by the Patent process, is a perfect flour.
Wheat is not thoroughly matured until it has
gone through a " sweat " in the bin. It does
not make a strong flour, is, in fact, immature.
The wheat from which "PATENT" flour is
made is all old stock. Ask your grocer for
PATENT brand, made by the
Portland Flouring Mills.
f 444 f44 - - f - fi444444 - f
We nil know that Granite Ware is very low in Price and still
lower in Quality. In order to put a first class Article In the
Market we have secured a car load of the celebrated Scotch
Granite Ware, every piece Guaranteed.
This ia the first time lhat this celebrated Ware has reached
our town in such Quantities. We therefore in vile evey ilonse
keer lo pay us a Visit and Inspect this Ware whether vou In
tend to Buy or not. The Price is only a trifle Higher, but ia
Quality fur abend of the old Ware.
I BELL0MY & BUSCH, gLftys. 2S2SS2 I
. 4444444444444444m44444444444444444mU $
getic Christian Endeavor, which cm
with a series of very fine leadings, one
chapter being rend each Sunday. Every
one seems to edjoy u and gecs to bear
the continued story.
Tacre will be service Thursday night
at 8 o'clock, conducted by the presiding
Elder. All are welcome.
Manila Crrresdontlcnco.
Sevoinl letters were received from
Manila on Sunday, among them one
lor T. 1'. Randall from Everett Hick'
man. The men nie comfortably
quartered aro only reqni'cd to do light
(lu y, Ihe principal part of which il
guard d ity. They have some 20,000
Spanish prisoners to look after. The
im u are granted many privileges and
havj ample oppoituuity to study the
natives and their methods of business.
Hickman as well us several others have
seen all they want of cheap money, freo
silver. Hickman says: "Had a ten dot
lar bill the other day and it was shout
the size of the Oregon City Herald.
While in the Hong Kong bank ws
shown all over The building is about
as large as the Oluckamas county conrt
house, and they have 75 or 83 men em
ployed. Quite a number were counting
money, they had just received a ship
ment of silver from the mint, but they did
not take time to count it. Two men with
scoop' shovels were piling it onto a pair
of rcales, one taking the weight, another
hooking it, another holding a sack and
still another carrying it away. You can
imagine how cheap it is when one of our
one cent pieces gets two of theirs, five
d dlars of our gold gets ten thirty-five of
their money. One has got to carry
pocket full of one and two cent pieces all
the time as cigars sell for from oue to
five cents each and other articles In pro
portion. If yon do not have the right
change they try to dim flam you. Bryan
should come here if he wants cheap
money. A Colonel's pay is about tVlOO
per month and they pay every two
months, it would be quite a joke to pay
him in silver." Many souvenir) are be
ing picked up and enough Mauser r fles
were secured lo man all the American
troop i there. The city was well pro
tected as far as arms and ammunition
are concerned, but the men lacked
nerve and ability to handle Ihe guns.
The men expe t to be home by Christmas
and will le glad when they are turned
loose They ate erfectly willing to
fight but do not like garrisin duty.
worttiv persons in this state to
manare our business in their own and
nearby counties. It is mainly otnee
work conducted at home. Salarv
straight $900 a year an expenses
definite, honafldn, no more, no less
salary. Monthly' $75. References.
Enclose sell-addressed staniied envelope.
Herbert E. llesfl, Prest., Dept. M.
A Good Thing In Pairs
Good things of this kind must comevin
pairs. 'Twould bo o ld if they did't.
Wo have a few odd things, but they're
in pairs too. A few bargains to close
out, and fome odd sizes. If you. can
Und your size among them, yorj'IT be
getting a good tiling cheap.
- f44444 - M - M - H'f44 - H