Oregon City press. (Oregon City, Or.) 1896-1???, October 12, 1898, Image 2

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Published Kvery Wednesday
Maurice E. Bain,
Entered at the posloffice in Oregon City,
Or., as second-class matter.
onH in the city I'l.H Im inim n.t'iiufii e
soutl.en end of ll.e c'ly nre iilio db
playing a disposition to help themselves
by subscribing liberal ly toward the
building of a road at I lie south end of tlio
" Fuuusiihk. c ty 0 a. ciin dite Hie l.:o I j living in
the southern en I of the county. A s ifu,
easy rouie to llm city will biing trade.
Couipelilon in Ion great to Orel look
such important fcntiiivM us ru.idr.
One vear (in advance) $1 00
Six months " " fit)
Three monlhs ' " 25
If not paid in advance 50ceiitsad.lilional
will lie charged for cost ol keeping I lit-
account and lo make kooiI tliu losses
that are sure to oocur with deferred
An arliclemi tra'iin.r Iroin the big
daily would be very appropriate at this
books with linn, ami hnaliy go. n:i
scheme through, whereby I he slate ex
pends more than $1000 for books, Hire
quarters of which will probably uot 1 e
ojieneil during the session.
Are yon interested in typewrilers? We
have tlm Blickensdorfar, acknowledged
the handiest and be-l made. Fho price
h$'.5, the writing vi-il.lt, no ribbon is
used, pi inline direct Iroin the type, mat
ing a clean print. The weight is but tix
pounds, making it bandy to carry
around w ith you. Call at Tub Purss
olliceand examine it.
The Btate legislature on Saturday
closed the last chapter in u deal that
opened with the defeat of Senator Dolph
after lie had received (he nomination of
Hie republicans in causus. It has
always been claimed that the friends of
John II. Mitchell were instrumental in
ueieaung uoipn, ana the aciion ot a
number of members of the legislature in
refusing to organize last spring is ex
plained by those on the inside as a
' golden opportunity for some friends of
Senator Dolph to repay the act of
treachery. The eleclion of Joseph
Simon, a law partner of tfle late Senator
Dolph, indicates an evening up of mat
ten all around and should alto Indicate
that the republican party is again united.
Men that have been devoted to the
Mitchell faction assisted in the election
of Simon, not only by supporting him,
but by refusing to support Corhett. It
Is a little early for Inside information to
be divulged, aud until tlio whole deal
is known it is not safe to draw
conclusions, politics being a very uncer
tain business and worked In a peculiar
way. Tlis legislature has done well to
elect senator. If the other ai ts of the
session are along the same line Ihe ex
tra session will be looked upon as a ben
efit to the state. With the election of a
senator and the Portland charter out
of the way there will not be Hie opportu
nity of trades usually presented at lugis
lative sessions. The introduction by
Daily to abolish the railroad commis
sion, and which passed both houses, is
along the line of rjfor.n advocated by
the republican ciudid.nea durin.' the
last campaign. The law abolishing the
fish commissioner should nevtr have
.been passed and wnen the people have
had time to sludy the situation they will
ask for the re-establishing of the office
so that the farmers an I citizens may be
protected Iroin the many fraudulent ar
ticles sold unler aisumil label, for In
stance oleomargarine, filled cheese and
horse meat.
Tlio First Step.
'Tielting ihe people ino the store is
uot the who'e of successful nieicliinidls
ing,"sMiilH leading New York merchant,
"but It is Ihe fir t step." Ilmdly even
Hint. To i el the people into the store
the Mori must first call upon the people
at Ihoir holms It must call often
enough lo set i.p an acquaintance. lis
advcrlipeinent must he its visiting card.
It is curd lime now for all the business
intimacies to bo established this fall,
and October will set the card a flying
House concurrent resolutions No, I,
introduced by Curtis of Clatsop, finally
got through both bouses. It authorizes
aud instructs tlio secretary of hIhIo to
purchiifiR for members of both houses
110 sets of Hill's code. The agent of the
publication house was there and had the
I. JW T "4
bt;v'... v
The business men of the north end of
Main street are displaying enterprise.
A few weeks ago they subscribed funds
to build the steps up Eighth si reel, now
they have subscribed sufllclont to pay for
an electric light at the foot of the steps.
The steps are gradually gaining In pop
ularity and will bo the most traveled
There is too little
preaching of the
gospel of health. It
is the last tiling that
anyone thinks of
teaching, either to
man -child or woman-
child. It is one of the
most important branch
es nf an education.
Without health, a man
will be a business, anil a
woman a social failure.
When the body of either
a man or n woman is prop
erly nourished, the result
is the enjoyment of good
health. Almost all ill-health
is due to improper or in
sufficient nourishment. If
rtr "'c stomach is right and the
W liver is right, the blood will
receive its normal supply of the life-giving
elements of the food and the body will be
properly nourished. Dr. Pierce's Golden
Medical Discovery acts directly upon the
stomach and liver. It purifies and enriches
the blond. It is the great blood-maker,
flesh-builder, nerve tonic and restorative.
It promotes the natural activity of the en
tire nutritive organism. It pt.ts nil end
to the slow starvation that is at tl-e base of
many diseases. It does not make flabby
fat like cod liver oil, but firm, muscular
tissues. It does not make corpulent peo
ple more corpulent but builds up the sys
tem to the normal standard.
I was mil down with nervous nrostratlnn nnrt
female weakness, and kidney trouble," writes
Mrs. Mnr.imla Ramsey, of Sinnrtt, Wnrren Co..
Tcnn. "My Ixwels were constipated. My
whole system was wrecked. My friends thought
I would die. I had read of Dr. Pierce's medi
cines nnil sent for the 'Golden Medical Dicov
cry,' 1 Favorile Prescription ' and ' Pleasant I'cl-
lets.' In one week's time I began to sit up. In
two weeks I could sit up nil duy. alter being so
bnd that I had to be helped in and out of lieu. I
hnve taken four Ixittles of Golden Medical Dis
covery ' and two of' Favorite Prescription ' nnd
am lu belter health tlinn 1 have been fur years."
Constipation is the father of all manner
of maladies. If it did not exist, or was in
all cases promptly relieved, the majority of
medical books could be safely destroyed.
It is the easiest sickness to neglect and the
simplest to cure. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant
Pellets cure constipation every time. They
cure it promptly, completely and perma
nently. They never eripe, They don't get
yon out 'o nights. Oue "Pellet" is a
gentle laxative, and two a mild cathartic.
Druggists keep nothing else "j list as good. ' '
Ileal Estate Transfers.
The Clackamas Abstract & Trust Co.
which furnishes this report, is the owner
of the copyright to the Thome system of
iibslract indexes for Clackamas county.
and has I ho onlv complete set of abstracts
in the county; can furnish information
as to tille to land at once on application
Loans, investment", real estate, abstracts
etc. Ollice over liunk of Oregon City.
E L and J M Hamilton to M Mark,
Hark, It 2, blk 37, county add $
J and C A Kropf to N Bash, 3 acres
sec 7, 6 s, 1 e
J V Coper, to L Rotennundy,
acre, Marshfield
8 E Hpniihling to II Wirth, 30
acres In J Chit wood elm
S C I ,a wren -.re etui to C O Norbarg,
It 1, blk M0, Oregon City
C Meserve to J J Tingle, Its 9 and
10, blk 61. Glad-tone
TJ 8 lo J H llowland, blk 20, Oregon
J C Frost to F. Weiss, Its 1, blk 12,
A Scholh to F A Ely, tract in
Holmes elm
M Walton to C Ely, tract near blk
40, p44!, deedt
M llnlverson to M I'ederson, 10
acres In Led elm
M Seheer to A A Englohart, 2.48
acres in section 33. 3 s, 1 e
D Kveridge to C F Collins, lots
Jo, blk 5. lot 18. hlk 2, lots 19 to
32, blk 3, lots 8 to 14, lois 11 lo 14,
blk 5, Pliyisant Little Homes
K Marlcy lo II F. Murphy, 6
acres in sec 22, 3 s, 1 e
P H Murley lo II Huliimn, tract in
Geo Brock elm
B H Bellomy to J B Bellomy, life
lease, lots 14, 15. 10. blk 27.
Notice to fax Payers.
Notice is hereby given to the tax
pavers of Clackamas county that tin
Equalization Board for said eotinly will
convene on the 24lh day of October,
1898, and continue in session for one
week. All pr iperty owners aw re
quested to appear before the Board anil
examine Ihe assessment roll so that any
errors in assessment may be corrected.
L. Stout.
County Assessor.
Speaking of
There are no companies better, few so
good, as the'
and the
All bf them. TIM 15 TiilEI) and FIUK
TESTED. H. L. Kbu.y, Agt.
9111 practice Im all the conrlt of the etmte
Cuuflcltl Jllock.
Oldest Bank In the City.
Fiilil up Ciieh 4.'fltal
urplue . '
$m mm
$tl turn
The Shirt Maker
Gents' Shirts and
Ladies' Shirt Waists, to order.
(inodnnugh Building, Boom 207,
Fifth street, opposite I'oslollice.
Portland, Oregon
OHl'.'G'ON CITY. -
Capital, .... KM1.000.
Loans inii.le. IlilN discounted. Makes
collections. Huysiind nd Ik exchange on
all points in Ihe I'niled Stales. Europe
Mini Hunt! Rung. Deposits received Hih
to check Bunk open from 9 A. M. lo
J M.
I) C. I.AToiiitKTTK President
F. J .Mkykh t'abier
U I) Long to W H Mai-inn, 120hcich
l v Newman elm
A V Campbell to I M Turttor, 45
acres in sec 1,4 s, 4 e 200
U S to M E Muiphy, lots 3 and 4,
sec 4. A e, 7 e Fat
U S lo 0 L Curler, se4' of ne'4', lots
limit sen 4, t 3, swJ-4 of Se,1
set: 33, 2 8 7 e Pat
J M Boss to N P Ton Union etsl, s
2-3, blk 50, Clackamas Heights 2'
M and L A Roberts to I) C Lalour
elle, ns of awl-, sec 3 and n of '
el, sec 4, 0 s, 2 e ' 1
C F Collin lo C II Turner, lots 8 to
, 14, blk 4, Pleasant Little Homes 350
M L Horner to F Pasold, sw!j of
ne'4, nw1 of seti', se.t of nw4,
lot II, sec 27. 3 s, 3 e 301
T Howell to A A Dedinan, 7 acres
in sec 9, 2 s, 2 e 7000
W T Linn "to J Itogers, 20 aud 2 3
acres in sno 0, 4 s. 2 JB00
II Hughes to W II Pholp, uf
ne.'-f, of nw '4, sec 23, 3 s, 2 e 600
J Uoiieh lo F Bobeig, 69 acre In
see 3(1. 3 s, 1 e 1900
For your Green Prunes or
will Dry llieui on Shares
Apply at
Oregon Cily Woolen Mills.
New Aurora Hotel
H. WILL, Manager.'
Dlnliifr room receives personal
supervision Tables well sup
plied with seasonable delicacies.
Rooms nro all nowly furnished
and first-cluHS.
A wf'l-stocked bar is conducted
for thoui.'i'oitimodulion of tho
F. E. Donaldson, Agt
Assignee' Sale of House and Lot.
The following proprly is offered for
kai.ic and jiiti.t iib roi.D so as to close rp
the estate of 15. E. Williams insolvent
ileulnr. Any reaforiable offer will be
occepled for the whole of said propei I y
or any part of same:
House and lot 7, Heck 149 of Oregon
Lot fl nf block 81 of Oregon Vily.
Lot 1 of block 9, Falls View Addition
to Oregon Ciiv.
lion e Hiid lot 11 of block 8 of Will.. 111
el'e Fill's.
Lot 11 of block "H," Clacknmn
lleigbts. For lei ins, prices and particulars call
on or address, Thoh. F. Ryan,
AsHgnee of eslale of E. E. Williams.
Who does not like to dear a willy
story, a fine song, speeches by famous
men, iniisic by Soiisa, IT. S. Murine and
(iiimoru's Grand Concert bunds? Buy
a griiphophone and you can oy ler them
out to play and sing at your own
pleasure. You can buy a fine Eagle
griiphophone, the latest model for $12,
at Burmeister & Antlrexen's jewelry
store. Slop and hear it.
rime rcmtml Work. Artlntle fJW Ciwrw mill
JMilK Work.
OMre Hevralh St., near S. '. D. iot.
d. E. HA YES,
Special attention jtrelj to Vtohnte nurtures.
. opponlto llnnlley'fi Book Sum
Up Mtulin.
Aurora Hotel
and Restaurant.
A line of new stoves will be sold at
very low prices have been received, at
the Oregon City Auction House.
M PJt' l ? fl- J..-iiji.:ii ' "v" 1 I
I ATI ill lilKMV.
I'll! 1 I'll IIC roil
Bales fl Per Day and I'puards
Livery nnfl Feed Ktahle in Conneciion
With ihe House. Horses mid Buggies
to Lei ill KcusoiiiiMc lint's.
Q. it. DIMCK,
Deputy Ji(.tr H A ttornry.
Will Practice lu all Cnurtsof the State, Cir
cuit anil IHmrlct Court of the
I ult.ul Stutcg.
Ottlce over Hunk of Oregon City.
Har supplied with ihe Hnesl wines, li'
ipioisaiid cigars. V'einliarll I'eer or
T worthy persons in this stale lo
ninmiue our business in Iheir own ami
nearlij counties. It is mainly iillieii
wotk coivliicled at home. Salary
sliaiehl IfllOO 11 year and exiensis
Helinile, lii'll.ili.le. no mine, no lu-s
salary .Monthly if".'). Heferences. En
i l'i"" self-nddreise 1 st imped envelope
lleibeit E. lie s, Preet , Di pt M.
illX Irensiirer'n Nollre.
Notice is hereby given that there are
siillicient funds en bund in the general
fund of Oregon Cily to pay all outstand
ing wairitnts endoised piior to Scpliui-
ocr 1, 1U90. Interest cease with the
date of this Holier.
II. E SriiAKiur,
City Treasurer.
Oregon Lily, Oregon September 19,
1 stirt.
Notice of Final Settlement.
In ihe inatier of the cs a e of Cli 11 lei T.
Pilster, deceased.
Notice is hereby given that I have
filed my linnl npoil in said eslale in
the County Couit of Clai kiiiiins Connlv.
Urego 1, ami ihe Conr! has fixed .Mon
day, October 24. 1898 nt the ho r of 10
o'clock it. 111., as a duy iiml time lor the
heniiiiL' of ol.jeelions to said report if
liny llnre aie, and for the f-eiilcnient of
said cs'iite. IIeniiy Tmouk.
Executor j eaid I'stu'e,
II E. C'noss,
Atloinev for Hie Ksintn.
"Ill the Circuit, (j.inf, of the Stnlo of
Or. gon lot Ihe t 'oiiniy of t'ln. kaiuas.
D. boiah A." Boweu, fl .in tiir
James Shaw. Pelty .Shaw. J.uiie- W.
haw and Mrs. .lames Shaw, bis
wife. Henry tiiins, Sidney Smith. T.
P. Kainliill anu L. 15. Scl.nl , deteii l-
iints -To
James Shavv. defendant:
In Ihe name of the Stale of Oregon,
yon are heicliy lequircd in appear ami
answer Ihn complaint filed iigain-t you
in the above entitled cause bv the first
..a.i 01 tne llcxi li rin 01 Court iilli r the
expiration of the publication of this
summon, to-wlt: by Monday, Novem
ber 7, 1898, and if yon fail lo answer, for
want thereof ihe plaintiff nil! apply to
the on rt lor ti e lelief denim (led in the
complaint, lo-wit : for judgment against
you and H decree of this Court against
James rihaw: first, that plaintiff have
anl recover from the defomlaut J unes
Shaw, fJ2000, with Interest Iherenn from
thedth r ay of March. 1S9II, at 10 per
e 'til p"r annum ; and the further sum of
40l) being Ihn amount due on lour un
paid interest notes, and interest on f 100,
from ihe Otli ihiv of .March, lHiifl, and 011
f 100. from ihe '(lib day of September,
1!MI. and in fflOO from' I lit- tlth day of
iireh, 1807 and on 1'0, from ibe 0t li
ditv of Seplenil.er, 1H97, and on $100,
urn the (lib day of March, 1898, at the
'a'e of ti 11 per eei t p-r milium, and for
ihe furlher sum i f 20' us nHorney's
fees, nil iii V. H, to'd coin, together
uiih the cos's 11 n I disluirsenicnls of this
Hiiit.an ! for a decree foreclosing plaintiff'
ii'irluae upon Ihe following described
prop' t'iy in Cl.icknmas County, Oregon,
1 nal c rlit'ii real properly situate in
Wiiim lliirtv-two (:!2) in Towi shin Iwn
(2) Souili of HiuiL'e two (2) Fast nnd
S'clioii live (5) in low 11 -1 1 i p three (3)
South of Range two (2) ICast of Ibe Wil
lamette Meridian, in iho County of
Clucknmas and Smle of Oregon, nnd be
insr pur's of ihe Land Claims ol William
Holmes and Oeorgn P. Newell, and
biinnledai.il deseiibed as follows: to
wit : beginning at the northeast corner of
said Will am Holmes Donation Land
Claim and from thence running west
erly along the norlh honndiirv line of
-aid William Holmes Claim, twenty-six
CO) chains and filly (50) links; llience
south twenty-five (25) chains nnd sev
enty-two (72) links niore or less, lo the
norlh honuiliiiy line of Oregon t ity
Annex, according lo Ibe duly recorded
man or nlat thereof: tlieir-e ea--terL'
along said norlh boundary line of said
Oregon Cily Annex, tliirtv-lhree (33)
chains and ninety-three (93) links, more
or less, 10 liie norlheast cornerof said
Oregon City Annex ; tbooee southerly
along the east boumlaiy line of Oregon
Cily Annex, eigh.een (18) chains and
eiLdil (8) links, hi t or less, to a point
due cal of the noi l beast corner of the
Masonic Burying uroiim), as icferred to
in Ihe deed from James Clnk and wife
to Patrick Duffy, recorded in Book A,
pane 177 of the Records ol I kids of raid
Clackamas County, Oregon; thence east
twelve (12) chains and seventy four (74)
links, to 1 he east, boundary line of sniil
George P. Newell Claim ; llience north
erly along nut I eaf boundary linn of
I said tieorge P. Newell Claim; Ibirtv
' our (34) chains and eigliir (80 links), to a
t'oint in the south houiiiliiry lino r.f Ihn
Ezra risbcr Donation Land Claim;
thence westerly along the s mth honnd
nrylineof said Fiher Claim, fiftv (50)
links, to the re .entrant corner of said
tieorge P Neaell Claim ; Iheuce imrlb
erlv along the east boundary line of said
Georae P. Newell Claim, nine (9) chains.
I to the northeast corner thereof; thence
I wes'erlv along the north lioundarv line
of said George 1. Newell Claim, n noteen
(III) clniiiis an. I sixty-seven (IP) links,
more or less, in the place of beginning.
Excepting and reserving, however, from
the al.ova den-rilied premises a strip nf
land in Ibe north we' corner beieof
deeded hv Patrick DuflV toT. P Randall,
for a public road bv deed lecoided im
book 32. pngel4(l. of sai l Records
And for the sale of Ihpsaid property
In satisfy said judgineiit mid barring nnil
foreclosing vou from all right, claim, or
enuily of redeniptioii in the mortgnged
premise', and every part thereof, nnd
f ir such other and further relief a to
the court, may seem meet and equitable;
This p'lhl'eation ih made by order of
ihn lloniii'iihli Tlioma-i A AlcBiidi,
Judiie of the above enli'led Court, duly
made nnd entered on Ibe 1st day of
Jul), 18118.
FnwAiti) N. DKAnv,
Attorney for I'laiuliff.
Of Thomas Gharman & Son's Stock of General Merchandise
Having purchased the above stock at a great sacrifice, we
have placed the same on salo for the next thirty days at price
never beforo heard of. The reputation of the firm for first
class goods is so long and so well established it is unnec
essary for us to call attention to it.
Following is a partial list of the Bargains to be found in this Stock :
This is a chance wind mnv lioi'fiv nnnnv ntMtn ?,- Ua
pie of Oregon City and vicinity to secure for a short time first
class goods at less than one-half their value. Any of this
stock remaining on hand at tlio end of thirty days will bo re
moved. This is the time for you to secure the Choicest Bar
gains while the stock is complete.
Pest American light and dark prints
Best American Indigo prints ,
Wide German Indigo prints
Heavy Outing Klaunel ,
Heavy quality Apron (iinghains
37-inch Percales
Checked and Striped White Apron Ooods
Heavy Cotton Flannel
Heavy Hhaker Manuel
Cheviot Shirting
Best qnalitv Cratones
Heavy Heillicklng
Fin While Wool Flannels
Navy Blue Flannel
60-inch wide Bleached Table Damask
64-incb wide Turkey Red Table I.lnen
C0-inch wide Turkey Red Table l.iuen
" Heavy Crash Roller Toweling
4-4 Bleached Muslin
Cabot W Muslin
40-inch Pillow Case Muslin..
Double Width Sheeting
Sheet Wadding
Cotton Batting.
10-4 (irev or White Blankets
Bed Comforters
Bust MarbUi Table Oilcloth
Curtain Scrim
Best Quality Silesia Dress Lining
Best ("mility Cambric
Heat Crinoline
Dotted Swiss
Nottiughani Curtain Net
Lace Curtains 05, 75, $1, $1 25, ft
20: ft inch Towels ,
J'tire Linen Damask Knotted Fringe Towels. , ,
IJew Plaid Dress Goods
29-inch India Silka, all colors
Per Yard
Hoe and 50,!
Patterns in Black and
75, J.'l.OO, !f:i,:5,
I.tl'ii, 8.1,0
5, 7 and 8c
5 ami 8 ' ., 0
II nnd lL'h'.o
..18, 20, 25 and H)e
........ I'.) nnd 25i!
It) and 2;!c
2c per sheet
4c per roll
45 ami oflc per pair
f)0c, 75c and $ 1 .00 each
Fancy figured Silks
A llamli-ome Line in Notehiesi ami Dress
Colors, $1.25, 16(), fl 75, f.' 25, 2,
1 tul t'A 75 ner ikiIIpiii
A largo stuck of Black and Colored Serges, Henriettas, Alpacas
iiniirm linn, mixtures auti 1J roil 1 licml Worsteds
nt Sacrillce Piiees during this sale.
elveieen Dress Binding
Boys' flats
Men's Hats
Balance of our 20c an, I 25c Slriiw Hats.
25c to 6'h!
.2oe lo $2 (10 each
5c each
Cordtitoy Dri'i-8 Binding
Skirt Druids
Beldiiig's 100 yard Sewing Silk
Belding's Billion Hole Twist..,
Clark's O. N. T. Spool Cotton. .
Best Spool of l.iuen
Crochet Collon
Crochet needles
Cursol Clasps
Dress Shields
Tooth Brushes
Salely Pins
Hooks and Kyfs
Hair Pins
Hat Pins
Melal nnd Bone Buttons
Best Quality Knitting Cotton. .
4ii per yard
.5c tier yard
Her roll
5c per spool
her siioo!
per spool
4i: per spool
oV per spsol
' 2c each
4c each
tic per pair
oV, 5e
.50 and $1.75 per pair
Per Yard
.. IOc, 12'8e, 15c, 25c
! each
and 10c each
. lu per paper
. M per paper
..le per paper
and 3c per box
2 lor le
. . . .5c per box
. . . .4c per ball
4c and 5c
. . le, So and So
. , . lc per yard
Turkey Red Handkerchiefs
While nnd Colored Border Handkrrchiefa
Silk Baby Ribbon ""
Melal Buck Combs
French Horn Combs
Knvelopes. .V."
Lead Pencils
Carter's Black Ink
Tacks, Sand 10 oz
..est Toiiet soap::::;. ::;:;:;::;:;;:. . .
, , ,iats-
A largo nnd complelo stock of hats, including all the new shapes
3c, 4c, 5c nnd 10c
4c and 5c per pkg
5c and 10 per dux
3c per Isittle
2c per box
4e per boil hi
We have bv far Ihe largest slock of Laces, Embroideries mid
Kihlioiis lo select from 111 tow 11, all al Bargain Price's.
Laces from lc per yard upwards F mhroid ries'all widths from
lc to 50o per yard. Our Ribbon slock in plain .Moire and fancy is
complete: '
No. 2, Satin and Gross Grain, all Silk, per yard 2i.;c
No. 5. Satin and Gross (iraiti, nil Silk, per mii.I 4",!.
No. 7. f-stin and tiross drain, all Silk, per yard 5c
No. II, Satin and tiross Grain, all Silk, per yard 7c '
No. 12, Sat iu and Gross Giain, nil Silk, pervard 8c.
No. 10, Satin and Gross Grain, all Silk, per' yard 10.
Heavy Bone Corsets 35o each.
Kxtru long waist heavy Satin Hone Corsets 45c each.
We are abo showing Ihe G. I) , Warner's Kid Fitting Ariuor
stile, anil other len ing make of Corsets.
Children's Heavy Ribhed Seamless Hose 10c per pur
Bovs' Heavy Ribbed, Fast Bine, Bicvcle Hose l-'c'perpiir
Ladies' Fiwl Black I lusa Hose 5c per pair.
Ladies' Kxlru Heavy, Fast Black Seamless Hose l"i.;,. p..r pair
Ladies' IVt lilack, 40-guage, double sole Hose Die ir pair
Ladies' Fast Blnck extra heavy Ribhed Wool 0.e 10c wr mi.
Ladies' hast. Black, Wool Hose l(!c per pair, ,
Ladies' Knit Vests 5c, 10c and 15o each
Ladies' Knit Vests lonv sleeves 23c, 25tr. 35c and 50c each
1 adies' I nion Suits, 50c, 65. 75c and $1.00 each
Ladies' Muslin Drawers 25c, 35c, 50c and tiOc ach
Lndiea' White Skirts W , 75, !fl CO and $1.50 each. '
Night Gowns 50c, 55c, line, 75c and $1.0;) each.
Chemise 40c, 50o and 75c each.
Men's I.nnnilried Standard While Shirts
Men's Fxtra Quality Black S.iteen Shirts
Men's Heavy Wool I'mlerwear
Men's Heavy Underwear Shirts and Drawers
Men's Heavy Shaker Socks
Men's Heavy Seamless "...
Men's Necktips
M-n's Celluloid Collars.
Men's Linen Col'nrs . .
Men's Mackintoshes . . ,
Ladies' Mackinloshcs. . .
Men's $15 Soils for
Men's $17 50 Suits for
Men's $20.00 Soils for
Men's $25 00 Suits for
Men's $3 On Overcoats for "
Men's $15 00 Overcoats lor
Men's Pants
. . .10c, 12je, lflc anil 2"ri encli
10c each
00 and 10c each
2 00, $4.0il, $5 00 lo$H 50
$2 50 to $5 00
$15 00
. .sue ami upwards
Boys' $2.50 Suits for
Boys' $3 Suits for
Bovs' $4 50 Suits for
Boys' $(i Suits for ... '.
A large stock of Ladies', Men's. Boys' Girls' and Infants
Shoes ill he rinsed out at a ureat sncriflVn
Ladies' $2.50 Shoes for
Ladies' $3.50 Shoes for
Ladies' $4 2i Shoes for .'!!!!!!
I.sdi-' $5.0 I Shoes lor
M-11V $2 Shoes for
Men's $2 50 Slnv s for . ::. . . . . . . . . .
MeiiV $;i 25 Shoes for . ' '
...$1 45
...$1 65
...$2 45
...$3 40
fOc each
40c each
50 each
1!) and 25 each
15 per pair
5c per pair
Men'- $4 0) Sh es for
Men's $5 00 Shoes for
Men's $3 75 Boots for
Men's $4 5) Boots for
Men's $5.5,1 B.kiIs lor
Bovs' or Girls' $1 25 Shoes for
Boys' or Girls' $2 25 Shoes for
Boys' or Girls' $3 00 Shoes
. . .$1.45 per pair
. . $1.85 per pair
. . $2 65 per pair
. . $3 15 per pair
$1 15 per pair
. . .$1 35 per pair
. . .$1 85 ppr pair
$2 35 per pair
$2.85 per pair
$2 35 per pair
$2.85 per pair
75c per pair
- 85e per pair
$1.20 per pafr
$1 75 per pair
A lar-r; and well ass jrted slock of choice Fresh Groceries which
we nre closing out at the same reduction as 011 the balance ol the
Cnr Portland Store, WHITE CORNER, 173
and 175 Second St., Corner Yamhill St.