Oregon City press. (Oregon City, Or.) 1896-1???, October 05, 1898, Image 2

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T '7
..! -.Jl
V -.-
Published Every Wednesday.
Maurice E, Bain,
- Pummhiikii.
Entered at the postodioe In Oregon City,
Or., as second-class matter.
One vear (in advance) $1 00
fiix monll.s " " f)0
Three months ' " 25
If not paid in advanno 50 i-cnts nil il imml
p ill lie charged for cost of It i 1 1 vr Hie
account und lo make good (hp t-Hc
that are sure to occur with deferred
The Slate Fair just cloned is said o
liave been n Utile the worst one
ever held, that In fioin the numbers In
attendance and the quality and quantity
of exhibits. Had management is as
signed an the cause of the failure. The
slate press was ignored by the mana
gers and in turn the fair was ignored by
the press. The fair was run as h Salem
fair, not as a state institution, The at
tendants ware nearly all .Salem and
Marion county people. Under the cir
cumstances the appropllatioii of $5000
annually by the slate should be discon
tinued or the appropriation exleuded to
other counties throughout the state.
Oregon fs an agricultural stain and is
capable of holding a fair which would be
creditable to any -state, but this will
not be accomplished until politics and
sectionalism are eliminated from the
management. One of the greatest kicks
is Jheard regarding the distiibu
tion of premiums, the exhibitor and
not the exhibits received the premiums.
This of itself is sufficient to kill any ag
ricultural show.
Marriage Licenses.
The following marriage licenses have
been issued by County Clerk Dixon :
Thtolosia Edith IcKee and Jesse
AugnntusEverliart on the 28th.
J.eila May Garrison and Herman Nass
on the 28th.
Mai t ie E. Gnd'rey and Frank A. Mc
Camdaiid on the 1st.
Nora I'.nriiett mid (J. K. 8. Kani
inerer on the Int.
Mary E. Hamilton rind Alvin P. Can
non on l he ."il.
Mary I'll slier and J. K. Kh hardsell
on the "rd.
Marv Cmupliell and William Graham
nil I he Urd.
A la M. Randall and Arthur W. Drown
on Ihe 4' h.
Nephron's Uriel cr and Win. K Child
i n the 4th .
Haiti. Jj, Phillips' and Aleck M.
Hobinseii on the 4lh.
residence o( Ihn lirnie s mollier, Mrs.
Godfrey, on Third and Jlluff street,
on the 1st inst., Mies Mattie Godfrey
ami Krank K MoOausland, Rev. A.
Montgomery olhciating.
Mr and Mrs. McCaiislund will reside
in the Evangelical chinch parsonage,
CHI LDS G R E ISEK-On the 4th Inst.,
at 1 1 in Presbyterian parsonage. Miss
Soplironia Grieber and Win. K.
Childa. Hcv. A. J. Monlgomery
You can tell the successful farmer by
looking at his life's fruit cans in the
closet. I You can tell a dry goods box
statesman by the patches on his pants
You can loll the poison serpent by the
bluntiiess of his tail. You can tell the
alouchy woman by the shoe buttons and
hat. But the easiest of all you can pick
out the enterprising merchants of the
town by looking at the home newspapers.
This is not divine revelation, but its
business gospel and 'truth. Coquille
City Bullitin.
Tut It down at the start that 0J per
cent of the different advertisements
that come under the head of schemes
are "fakes" of the rankest sort. The
small advertiser should not touch any tf
them with a forty foot pole. The fw
good oneB that pass will never be
missed. Charles F. Jones, advertising
l ung yon nanl an. I JujivoT
neap y0ll c,, blIy jt 0iHUIV,,0.e
latronize our home merchants. Thcv
spend their money at home riiiI are de
serving of your patronage.
CREHORE In this city, on the 2nd
Inst., at tlm residence of his daughter,
Mrs. I). I. Davidson, lleiijamln Irank
lin Crehore, aged 68 years, 4 months
ami 28 day.
Mr. Crehore was a nativa of Boston
and came to Oregon City w ith Mr. and
Mrs. Davidson about ayiarao For
the past 12 years hp. ha been afllcled
witli paralysis. He leaves two daughters
and one son.
The deceased was sent b irk to Boston
on Monday, where lib will he buried.
MATTOON At the Oregon City Hos
pital, nn the 3rd iust., William II.
Mattoon, ageil 40 years, 4 months and
25 dsys.
The fun em I was held on Tuesday from
Holniaii's undertaking p ulors, Rev. A..
J. Montgomery ofliui.it in
I'AISK In this rit . on September
80th, 1808, at hi--' bile residence, Dr.
D. I.. I'aiiie, aged 63 years, 3 months
and It) day.
The funeral services were held Hun
day from the residence, conducted by
members of the A. O. U. W.
Notic to Tax Payer.
' Notice Is hereby given to the tax
payer of Clackamas county that the
Equalization Board for said coiin'y ill
convene on the 24th day of October,
1898, and continue in S'sa'oii for. one
week.. All pr iperty owiieM arj re
quested to np. ear before the Boar I and
examine the assessment roll so that any
eirura in axse'Siiient may he, corrected.
L. Stiii t.
County Assessor.
.Speaki ig ol
There. are. no companies .better, few s
giaal, a the
nil prnetlee In Mil the eonvtn of the mtnt
Canflelil Jtloek.
Oldest Bank In the City.
'You Owe It to Iter."
If you are the
mother of a vouni
girl who is ap
proaching . the
time when girl
hood merges into
womanhood do
not hesitate to
speak freely and
frank It with her
about the things which most closely con
cern her future happiness. If she is sub
ject to any weakness of the delicate, spe
cial organism of womanhood, make it your
business to see that this Is properly cor
rected, and that she starts upon woman
hood's career with full womanly strength
and capacity. She will bless you for it all
her life.
There is no need of 1 ' examinations " and
"local applications." Sound professional
advice may be obtained free of charge, by
writing lo I)r. R. V. Pierce, chief consulting
fihysieian to She Invalids' Hotel and Surg
cal Institute, of Buffalo, N. Y., whose
thirty years' occupancy of this position
has made him recognized among the most
eminent of living specialists in the treat
ment of woman's diseases.
livery case submitted to him by mail re
Ceives careful consideration. Efficient and
inexpensive home-treatment is prescribed
whereby delicate, feminine complaints may
be promptly alleviated and cured. Dr.
Pierce's Favorite Prescription is the only
proprietary medicine in the world designed
fur this special purpose by a regular phvai-
r-ian an educated, experienced expert.
bottle. off! ",,cr U""K "re.
- , any , miu cured.
Comity Judge Rvan was called
Woodburn Monday on business.
County court is in session this week.
John Nordhousen, of Marks Prairie,
was in Oregon City Wednesday on
Jim Church is down from Albany this
week visiting relatives and friends.
Forbes Pratt is home from Enger this
There was quite a phenomenal runa
way In Gun by last rmluy morning.
The team belonging to Mr. Itaniingcn
started from the depot down the road to
ward home, but (ailed lo make the turn
in front of the. blacksmith shop, so went
through the fa ice, run upon the. track
and down it for nearly two miles, turn
ing over the wagon and breaking loose
from it, but when the wagon and hoiscs
were gathered together it was found
that the wagon was hardly scratched and
the horses not hurt a parti, lu. Mr.
Haunagen considers himself quite fortunate.
ami the
All of them, TIME TRIED and FIRE
TESTED. ... H. L. Kki-i.v, Agt.
eld up Gmh falllMl
IU'im ...
$.10 1)00
$11 oim
The Shirt Maker
Gents' Shirts and
Ladies' Shirt Waiiti to order.
Gnodnnugh Building, Room 207,
Fifth street, opposite I'oHlotlice.
Portland; - Oregon
Capital, -.- - ilOil.OlH).
Loans made. Bills discounted. Makes
eollectiens. Buysiiiid m'IIh exchange on
all points in the United Stales, Finope
mill Hung Kong. Deposits received sub
to check Bank open fiuin '.) A. M. to
I M.
I). C. Latoi'iibttk .. President
F. J .Mkvkii Gashicr
F. E. Donaldson, Agt
1'. M. C. A. Notes.
On Satnrday evening the Y. M. C. A.
will give a fan drill at the Armory by
the ladies. There will also be a basket
ball game between the Portland and
Oregon City V. M. C. A. boys. An ad
mission fee of 10 cents will be eh rued
On Thursday evening the gymnasium
class will open at the Armory for their
winter meetings .
ltev. Oborg will speak on Sunday at
the Y. M. C. A. meeting.
The Y. M. C. A. Inter-tate Conven
tion will convene at Seattle on Friday.
For your Green Prunes or
will Dry ihem on Shares
Apply at
Oregon City Woolen Mills.
I) II. J. If. MILLElt,
J) icy TI ST.
flam Dtmlml Work. A i Utile Ooltl Crnn-ns und
JMdf HVi.
Officii on Svrrnth St., nrarH. P, Vrpot.
New Aurora Hotel
. H. WILL, Manager.
Dining room receives personal
supervision Tables well sup
plied with season able doltcauios.
Rooms are all newly furnluhod
nd 'first-class.
A wt!l-stocked bar Is conducted
for the accommodation of the
Assignee's Sale of Houses and Lots.
The fiillnwiiig property 1 oil", red fur
h.w.k and mi- T hk roi.n o a to cl 'he up
the c-lnte of 14. E. Williams insolvent
dc.tur. Any icao'iuble i,ffer HI !
eccepled fur the lede of said pn ifi iv
or any pari of mini-:
llnii u and lot 7, I I k 14!) of Oivgou
C tv.
Lot 0 of bha-k HI of Orenn City.
Lot 1 of block II, Fails View Addition
lo Oregon Cilv.
limine and lot 11 of block 8 of Willam
ette Fal's.
Lot 11 of block "II," Chickauins
For terms, prices and particulars call
on or address, Thos. F. Rvan,
Ascignee of estate of 14. E. Williams.
Who does not like to hear a witty
story, a flux song, speeches by famous
men, music by Sousa, U. S. Murine and
(iilmore's Grand Concert bauds? Buy
a graphophone and you can orler them
out to play and sing at your own
pleasure. You can buy a fine Eagle
graphophone, the latest mndel for f 12,
at Buriiieister A Andreen 8 jewelry
store. Slop and hear it. .
Aurora Hotel :
and Restaurant.
The merchandize business of Thomas
(barman fc Son having been sold, all
persons knowing themselves lo he in
debted to Thos Charman & Son, or
Thomas Charman personally, will call at
(J , E. 11 A YES,
Hpeclul ultentlon given to I'lohnto Jimiick.
opponlto - Ihmlli'y's
i'p MuIi-h. ,,
Hook Sioro
A line of new stoves w ill be sold at
very .low prices have been received, ill
the Oregon City Auction House.
lACOB Giksy,
Rales $1 Per Day and 1'puanls
Livery ami Feed S'alile in CnnnectiiMi
With ihn llniise. Ilorses mid Busies
to Let ul iteasniialile Rat s.
Har supplied with the linest wineH. li'
quors unit cigars. Weinhardt lleer on
lly Trenmirer'n Nollee.
Notice is hereby given that, there are
sudicient funds nn hand in I lie general
fund of Oregon City to pay nil outstand
ing uamiiits endoiHcd piior lo Septem
ber 1, 1.SU5. Interest cease with the
date of this nolle .
II. E Stiiaiumt,
City Treasurer.
Oregon City, Oregon S ipteinber 10,
Notice of Final Settlement.
In the inaiier nf the es a e of Cn n le T.
I'ilster, deeeiiced.
N,,lic i heiehv uiven lluil I have
tiled lev linal n port in rajil i siate in
I lie County Ciillil of Clai'kaiinis Cniinty,
Oi'C'kO s Hint Hie. Ceiir! Inn fixed Mon
day, October 24, 18!W at the ho roflO
o'clock a. in., a a day ami time lor the
hearing of objections Id said report if
any tin re aie, and for the eeilh nient of
said es'ate. IIknky Tkook, "
Executor oi i-itid FBln'e.
II E. Chors,
Altoinev for the Estate.
TT nrthv
For Thomas Cliarmam.
so, una.
I ninntite our biisiiii ss in their own itnd
. s 1 t nnirip"
T .tw .w.. I, li. fij;ieii.
an accounts will be given our attorneys I nm vnrth n in iifftn",?' Vi , ,rn.i.. "..miier. It is in-iinl v elli.e
tocollleet. Jamkh P. I.ovktt cuit n,i .,. ,......., i"7""1'
unrf Dim vie t Court.
IjiitrJ Miitr.
' Oflleo' over hank of Oregon City.
OnlKlllile. in, ,
"""" fi.i. iieierenci
lira seu-aiiiiresse I
In the Circuit Court, of the Slate of
Oregon, lor the County of Che kamiis,
Deborah A. Bowen, plaintiff
Jtiniei Shaw, Bettv Shaw, J-ime
Shnw and .Mrs. .Iiiiiies W. Slia', hi
w ife. Ileni v (iaiis, Sidnev S oil h, T
Dt I I
lleiheil K II.. J 7;'"' ,p
,,. .c , i reel..
Dept M
lo J. llley Shilw. ilefelld.ini
In tlie name o! ihe Stai of Ore-on
you are heiehv ieqni., ., ,,..,. ',,
answer It,,. coinpli 111!Mln , vn
jii II e above entitled came be the liisl
day of the next trnn of Court after the
expiration of the publication of this
summons, to-wit: by Monday, Novem
ber 7, 1808, nnd if you fail to answer, for
want thereof the plainiifT will apply to
the Court (or the tulief demanded in Hie
complaint, lo-w il : tor judgment against
you and a decree of this Court against
James fHuttv; first, that p'sin'iff have
and recover from the defendant, James
Slunv, fL'OOt), with Interest thereon from
fietiti nit of March. I Will, at 10 per
c 'lit i'T annum ; and Ihe further sum of
4400. being the amount due on four un
paid inter, ol notes, and interest on $100,
from the litti day of March, lrfild. and on
$100. fi out ihe '(lib dav of Septemlwr, V
lSOfl. mid n 4 1 00 liniii' the (ith day of
iiareh. 1 S! ( 7 ami on ih O.froin ihe'flih
ihi' of Si'iileml.er, H!I7, and on $100,
from ti e Itlh dav of March, 1808, at the
rale of I, u per cent p"r milium, and for
Ihe further sum of U'Of), hm iilloruey'ri
fees, all in I'. S, i o'd coin, together
with the costs and disbursements of this
suit, nn ! lor a decree fore.'losieg plaintiff's
morl.jii.'e upon" the following described
prop r:y m Clackamas County, Oregon,
lo-w it. :
That e rta:n real properly sitnalo in
Seetion lliirH-uio (,'12 j ill Tow nship two
(2) South of Iwiii.o two (2) I4asl anil
S clion five (5) in loHiwhip three. (3)
Sonlh of Raiit'i.' two (2) linsl of tho Wil
lamette Meridian, in the Countv of
( laekamnH and Stale of Oregon, and be-
iiil' par's of Hie l.iiinl (Jliiim oi W illiam
Holmes and George P. Newell, and
bounded ai,d dusciibed as follows
wit: beuinuing at the norlheast con '
said Willinm Holmws Donation
Claim nnd from thence running
erly along tho nortli boundary li ,
said William Holmes Claim, tweni
(2(1) chains and filty (50) links; thence
south twenty-five (2.1) chains and seventy-two
(72) links more or less, to the
north boundary line of Oregon ( ily
Annex, according to the duly recorded
map or plat thereof; theife easterL'
along said north boundary line of said
Oregon City Annex, thirty-three (X!)
chains and ninety-three (!Ki) links, more
or In", lo I ho iiorlhenst corner of said
Oregon City Annex; thence southerly
along the east bouiuhiiy line of Oregon
City Annex, eighteen, (IS) chains anil
eiiilil (8) links, more or less, to a point
ilue oat of the norlheast corner of the
.Masonic Bun iug ground, as referred to
in Ihe deed from James Clnik and wife
to Patrick Dully, n riled in Book A,
pate 177. of the Records of Dei tls of raid
Chickainas County, Oregon ; thence e tst
twelve (12) chains ami seventy four (74)
links, to ihe east boundary line of ?aid
Georue P. Newell Claim ; thence north
erly along sai I end. himndarv linn of
said George P. Newell Claim; llilrtv
our (.'!4) chains and eichty (SO links), to n
point in tl e H' lilb boundary line of the
F..ra Fisher Donation Land Claim;
Mienee weMerly along the south hound
iirv line of said Either Claim, tiftv (50)
links, to the re entrant corner of said
George P Newell Claim ; llience north
erly nlong Ihe east hnundiiry line of said
George P. Newell Claim, nine (0) chains,
to l ho northeast corner thereof; thence
wes'erlv along the north boundary linn
of said George P. Newell Claim, nineteen
(1!)) chains ami sixty-seven (fi-7) links,
more or less, lolhe place of beginning.
Excepting and reserving, li nvever, from
the ntiova described premises a strip of
land in the imtiIimisi corner 'hereof
deeded bv -Pat rick Dufrv toT. P Randall,
for a public road hv deed reeonleil ill
book S'2, page 4411. of sai. I Records.
Anilfort.be sale of Ihe said p-nperty
f o Mil ifv sai, I judgment and barring and
foreclosing ou from all right, claim, or
equity of redemption in the mortgaged
premises, nnd every part thereof, end
f ,r such oilier and further relief as to
t ' ip court, nniv seem meet and eiiuitnhle.
Xui&Duld eati'tn it made by order of
l'.d,m of the ahove iihledConrtlulv
"'"ieu oil Hie Ul ,y 0(
in ide and
Jul) , 1808.
Kmv,nn N. Dbadv,
Attorney for PI liuiifT.
Of Thomas a,ana 4 Son's Stock of General Merenandlse
Best American light and dark prints .
Best American Indigo prints
Wide German Indigo prints
Heavy Onliug Manuel . .
Heavy quality Apron Ginghams.'.'.','.'.
!t7-inch Percales " '
Checked anil Striped Whi'tu Apron 'Good's '
Heavy Cotton Flannel
Heavy Shaker Flannel '.
Cheviot Shirting
Best quality Cretones. ..!!!!
Heavy Bodticking .....,'.
Eine White Wool Flannels!!'.'.'.
Navy Ulna Flannel
(10 Inch wide Bleached Tahlo Dn'nYiiVlj'
M-inch wide Turkey Rod Table Llnon
llO-innh wide Turkey Red Table Linen
Heavy Crash Roller Toweling
4-4 Bleached Muslin ..
Cabot W Muslin .'..'.'.'!
40-ineli Pillow Case Muslin.','.'.'
Double Width Sheeting '.
(Sheet Wadding !! !'. !
Cotton Batting . .' .'. .'.......
10-4 Grev or VVhiln BlunLuiu
Bed Comforters ,','
Best Marble Tabln Oileloil,
Curtain Scrim ..!!....
Best (iuality Silesia Dress Lining!!.!!.'
Kest Quality Cambric !!!.!. !
Rest Crinoline. . , !..!!,,
Dotted Suits
Nottingham Curtain Net !!!!!!
lace Curtains (Jo, 75, $1, $1 L'b! II
20x30inch Towels
1'ure Linen Damask Knotted Fringe Towels. '. ,
" v
New riaid Dress Goods
29-inch J US,Y -., all colors '.'.'.
Having purchased the above stock at a great sacrifice, we
have placed the same on sale for tho next thirty days at price
never before heard of. The reputation of the firm for Lt
class Pools ,8 so long and so well established it is unnec
essary Torus to call attention to it.
Following is a partial list of the Bargains to
Per Yard
5, 7 anil 8o
f and H'j'u
1) anil 12"j,(s
18, L'O, -Jo and S0o
10 and 2'h!
l!) and 2;lc
-o per sheet
4o per roll
45 and olio per pair
fiOc, 7oc anil f 1.00 each
.00 and 1.73 er pa'r
Per Yard
10c, 12V, lot;. L'ou
Fancy figured Silks
A V'r if WW "riiimlH ' in
n.1 3 78 wr 'nai;; -0' :, m W.28
large stock ol Black and nl.r,l 9... ... .. '
nets Hair. Miv .7. : " T. , " I AUwitas,
MM. ...
oiis is a c innci! iv in, i mn
stock remaining on ,and at the end of thirtv hv-ni l
oved This is tlie time for you to s cur J the Che 3i" t K,T
gams while the stock is complete. Uioicest J?ar-
be found in this Stock
i'oc and 500
Black and
vuia OHin,
. 25c to r,.-,t:
...25c to $2 00 each
5c each
Velveteen D,m.. rti.,.i:....
Corduroy Dress liiudiim
Skirt Braids
J'elding's 100-yard Sawing Silk
Holding's Button llule Twist
Clark's O N T, Hpuol Cotton! ::;'.!!!""
BestS)oolof Lluen
Crochet Cotton
Crochet needles '.
Corset Clasps .'.'!
Dress Shields ',..'..,
Thimbles ,
Tooth Brushes...'.!!!
Salety Ping !!!!.'..
Hooks and Eyes. .!!!!!.!!.',!
Hair Pin8..,,f .'.'.'.'.'
Hat Pins '.'. .'.'.'.', .'.
Metal and Bone Buttons
Best Quality Knitting Col'ton." .'.'.'.'.'.'.',' " .',',',
Turkey Re,l Handkerchiefs .
Metal Back Combs...
Erench Horn Combs....'.'
1 ablets
Lead Pencils. ! ..,
Carter's Black Ink."
Tacks, 8 and 10 o.. '.'.'.'
Best Toilet Soap.'.'.'.
3c, fie
..4c per yard
. , .5c Ger yurd
. . 2o per roll
. . 5c per spool
lo per spool
.He per spool
4c t,er spool
3c per spsiil
4o each
. .tic per pair
lu each
ami 10c each
...lo per paper
. 2o per paper
. le per paper
and 3c per box
2 lor lc
. . . .flo per box
. . .4c per ball
4c and ftc
le, 3c anil 5o
.. lc per yard
. ,3o.
and 10c
large and complete" slock of LiV ,, .,
4e. S
.oc, 4e and 5o per pkg
5c and 10 per do
3c per buttle
-o per box
4o per bottle
So ii ml 5c oake
" " '"0, s,w,( , inclutling ,he ew s,lapeg
Boys' Hats
Men's Hals '.'.' '.
Balance of our 20o"a'iid 25e sYra'w Hats.'.'. .'!.'.'
No; 2, Satin and Gross Grain, all Silk, per yard ,V
No 5, Satin an, Gross (in.iu, Silk, per a d" 4, "
No. 7. sat,,, nn,l (iross-Urain, all Silk ,e t
No. Saun and Gross Grain, all Silk, per v , r 7o
o. Satin ami Gross (imi,,, all Silk, per vard 8c
No. 1.1. Sat,., and Grs Grain', all Silk! Vyanl 10.
Heavy Bone Corsets 35o. each
J'.xtra long va.t heavy Sail,, Bone Corsets 45c each.
f'M Ki'' Armor-
C h,l. .en s Heavy Kihhcd Semnleas Hose 10c per tn.r
if .
.nd,es Knit Vests 5c. 10, and 15n !,!,.
I.atlies Knit esis long sleeves '3e 2r.e r. ,l cn
I . lies' Cnion Suits, 5(1. 05, L'We " ' 5': MC,,
ad,e, Ms , Draw.-r. 25c, 35c. 50c and 60? . nob
La. hes' lute Skins W , 75, H f0 and 1.50e,",
Nhiht Gow ns 50c, 55c, Kw, 75c and $1.00 each
theinise40c,60o and 75c each.
men 8 uu.liipl Standnr.lU bite Shins -'I:
: ',xr W Sateen Shirts -Men
s Heavy Wool l'iPrnenr
Men s Heavy I'ndenvenr Shirts and Drawers
Men's Heavy Shaker Socks...
Men's Heavy Seamless '.'.'.
Men's Neekties . . .
M n's Celluloid Collars"
Men's l.inen Collars..!',
Men's Mackintoshes
Ladies' Mnckiiilosl.es
10c, 1
Afen 8 $b Suits for . . .
Men's $1 7 GO Suits for
Men's $20.00 Suiis for
Men's $25 00 Suits for
Men's $8 OH Overcoats for! .""7' "
Men's $15 00 Overcoats tor
Men's Pauls "
Boys' $2.50 Suits for.
Boys' $3 suita for
Boys' $4 o0 Suiis for
Boys' $6 Soils for
-Jo, loo an'! 2.c each
10c each
. . . .5o aiwl 10o each
$4.0;l. $5 00 lo$(!.60
$2 50 to $5 00
.50c and upwards
....$1 45
....$2 45
....$3 40
A large stock of Ladies', Men's. Bovs' Gir
i.iuiies j j oo Shoes for , ,
Ladies' $3.50 Shoes for. V1
La lies' $4 2i SIiob I. fl-
f0c each
40o each
50 each
10 and 25 each
15" per pair
5c per pair
l.ldi -s' 5.0)Slw.ea "
M n's$2Shoes for .
Mois$2 50Slioesf,)r. '.
M-ii'k $3 25 Shoes for
Men'o $4 ()) sin es for "7"'l
Men's $.i no Shoes for
Men's $3 75 Bonis for
Men's $4 51 Hoots for
Men's $5.5 ) H ,ols lor
J Wor(iirls'$ 25 Shoes for
Bovs or Gills' $2 25 Sh., for
Boys orliiils' $3 00 Slmes for
45 per pair
85 Per nair
... $2 05 per pair
$3 15 per pair
$1 15 per pair
$1 35 per pair
$1 85 per pair
$2 35 p.-r pair
- $2.85 per pair
$2 35 per pair
$2.85 per pair
75c per pair
- 85c per pair
tl 20 per pafr
$1 75 per pair
Portland fitei-ft "' "WTTTTU! ""rtrwnrvo-- im.
, - ' . . vuim xjxv, xo
Xana 176 becoiid St., Comer Yamlull St.