Leading 0fthe lJaper.. county V0L IIL OREGON CITY, OltEGON, OCTOHJSll 5, 1898. : - NO. 7. DOINGS OF HIE WEEK What Has Happened In the Civilized World. GIVEN IN THE PRESS DISPATCHES a vompiete KOTlew oftlie Nrnrt of th Past Seven Day In This anil All I or.djjn Land a. The aged Quoen Lou i bo of Denmark died at Copenhagen. American aim tipanisli onniin lesion oio uiuit Him UIOUKIIIHtOU together in - l'aris Thursday. in Colorado, forest and prairio firm have done truniondons damage in Jiontt coiintv, along tlie Koaring Fork river, aim uown in tlio Mini Juan region. In addition to tlio troops already or- aerou to go to (Julia not l.itor Hum Oo luuur mere win ioiiow lour mora divisions, three of Infantry and ono of cavuiry. secretary A lor lias rotiirnod to Washington, after his inspection of the army oamps. Ho says tho troops did not tiiko caro or tlioniBelves, which no counts lor their present condition. A man lias boon arrested at Orsova ' charged with complicity in a plot to assassinato tho king of Iionmania. The polico received timely warning and tho attempt was frustrated. A phial of poison, a dagger and sevoinl other won pons woro found in the man's pos session. Striking union conlminora and im ported negroes engaged in a pitched battle in tlie main street of Puna, 111 bevoral hundred shots woro fired. No one was wounded in the ranks of tho union men. The negroeH, it is bo- lioved, had soveral wounded men, and one died after reaching the stockades, An uprising has occmrod on tho coast of Jamaica, and the Maroons have seized rich propoitics belonging to English prospectors. A general rovolt is suid to be imminent, and the resi dents of tho threatened district are fleeing for Biifoty to Kingslou. The government is preparing to tako vigor ous measures to quell tho uprising in its incipioncy. ' A dispatch to tho New York Herald from Panama, Colombia, enya: It may be stated with entire confluence that Colombia bus not defied Italy by declining to pay the Cerruti claim. The dispute with Italy is regarded as Bottled so far as the award of President Sixty pounds sterling has already been paid to Ernesto Cerruti for personal damages, and ihe payment of the lia bilities of Cerruti & Co. has been guar anteed. The Dominion government has taken stops to relieve the destitute prospcotors on Ashoroft trail. Tho government at Madrid reconsid ers the matter of tho repudiation of Spaniards in Cuba and decides to give thoin a free passage home. Tho sailing of the battleships Oro gon and Iowa has-been temporarily do layod, in order that tho eight-inch guns of the laltor may bo tested. Tho transport Massachusetts has ar rived at New York from Santiago. On board woro Captain McCoy, Second United States volunteers, and a num ber of clerks and atovcdoios. . Joso Congosta, one of tho Span peace commissioners at Havana, dares that the leconcentradoes ar dead. He blamos Toral for having surrendered Santiago de Cuba. A total expenditure of less than 100. 000.000 will bo neces.-ary, to build tho Nicaragua canal, according to the fiiruies ol tho eight government en gineors who have been engagod on the survey. Jiidue Showaltor, in the United States circuit court at Chicago, upheld tho constitutionality of the provision in the war revenue act requiring brok ers to file a memorandum of sales. The American peace commissioners have begun their sittings at Paris. Gau lois claims to have information that the members are divided on the ques tion of disposal of the Philippines. There has been a distinct broach of the protocol terms in Cuba. The Spaniards removed a rapid-fire gun fiom Havana, and tlie American com missioners promptly filed a protest with the Spanish commission, to which an unsatisfactory reply was returned. The mattor is still open. Tho New York republican stato con vention nominated Theodore Reosovull for governor; lieutenant-governor, Tim othy L. Woodruff, controller, William ,1. Morgan; secretary of state, John T. McDonongh; state treasuier, John B. Jaeckal; Btate engineer, Edward A. Bond; attorney-general, John T. Davies. An explosion of powder in a St. Louis rporting goods atore, sot the place on liro, caused its destruction, and ro Fiilted in injury to a number of peo ple, several of whom will die. The fatally injured are: Kate Weldon, Kate Gaul, Pauline Bonder and Flor ence Higbce, employes of the McCain Company. Those seriously hurt aio: Firemen Joe Detter, Frederick Bohly, Geley, Gus Janaen. Minor Now Itema. The North Atlantic squadron is to be reduced from a force of about 100 ves lels to 82. A boiler burst at a sawmill near Evergreen, Ala., and End Archer, the m.rinpfir. his wife and child anil his wife's sister were instautly killed. A special train on the Chicago & Northwestern railway established a lie record between Chicago and no ahn. makirB the run of 493 mile LATER NEWS. A report from General Otis to the department states that the total niim her of deaths among the troops at th Philippines in three months was 87. Tho stato department has issued circu'ar instructing tho United States consulates to half-mast their flairs memory of the Into Ambassador Bayard A warrant Is out for the arrest of United States Senator Quay. Himself and son and other prominent Petinsyl vanians are charged with having used state moneys from the People's bank to speculate in stocks. Thirty miles from Murfroosboro. Tenn., four prominent men were nssns sinatod by John Hollingsworth and several of his friends, who fired upon mem lruin ambush. Hollingsworth was later captured and shot by a posse. General Fiuhugh Lee's corps will go to Culm this month. The general health ot his command is exce lent Ihe camp at Jacksonville, Fin., is well watered and in splendid sanitary condi tion. Uilia, tho general thinks, will uo divii ed into military departments. llio steamer Fastnot has arrived at Vancouver, B. C, from Skagway with half a million in dust, and with news that a million more was on tho wharf when tlio Fastnot left. There will bo but one more boat fioin Dawson, the Columbia, which will bring down a largo amount of treasure. Captain Dreyfus, whether guilty or innocent, has certainly caused a verita ble oyclone of passion to bo let loose. and Paris was in a turmoil all Sunday. Crowds, scufllo, uproar and arosts was tho programmo of tho day. About a score of pcoplo aie eaid to have been seriously wounded in the various free fights. Secretary Long, upon advices received at the stato department, which show tho existence of threatening conditions in China, has ordered Dewey to send two warships immediately from Manila to a point as near the Chinese capital as possitilo lor a warship to approach. The vessels selected are the Bultimore and Petrel. iiortha Boilstoin killed her mother in Pittsburg, Pa., and later put severnl Pin lots into her own body, from the effects of which she cannot rooover. The only explanation the girl has given for her torrible deed were these words: "I was tirod of life. It held no pleas ure for mo. I wanted to die and did not want mother to live and fret over my death. For that reason I killed hor." Gorman exports to America are said to be decreasing. In Wisconsin it is estimated that 60QiPQO,000.. jiine trooa havebcen.dfl- Spanish foices are preparing to leave Cuba. Marching orders Have oeen given at several points. An authentic roport recoivod at ban Francisco, says the seal henls ol the northorn waters aro being rapiuiy ex terminated. It is roliablv reported that tho ulti matum of tho powers to Turkey regard ing the island ot Creto, has been pro seutcd to the sultan. Advices from Van, Turkey, say fight ing occurred at Alnshgord netwoon Turks and a number of Armenians from Russia. About GO Armenians wore killed. A Oueheo speoial says that Skagway or Dyea aro to bo placed under British administration, and that Canada will be nllowcd acocss to the Yukonmy way of Lynn canal under the treaty now be ing perfected at Quebec. It is estimated that the total hop crop of Washington this Benson will bo between 27,700 and uu.uuu uaies. a considerable portion of the crop has boen alroady contracted for on a basis of 10 and 11 oontB por pound. The Btory of the loss of the fishing schooner Bolla has reached beanie. The captain of the vessel was washed overboard and drowned. A member of the crew was also washed overboata, but rescued. The wreok has been beached by the Farallon. Fire, supposed to have originated from forest fires, burned half of Cum berland, Wis., causing a property loss estimated at f226.000. About 25 families are homeless. Five children are reported burned to death. A large saw mill is among tho buildings burned, throwing many out of employ ment. Bain saved tho entire city from being burned. The steamship Gaolio has arrived in Kan Francisco from Hong Kong and Yokohama via Honolulu, bringing the nnmrrflsflinniil commission from the lat- tor place. In speaking of the work of the commission Senator Cuiiom saiu. "Wb have done as much as was possi bio in the time at our disposal, and we l.p covered tho around thoroughly, wi.nn wn meet in Washington we will go to work at once on a report." Senor Agoncillo, the Philippine rep resentative who has gone to Washing ton to ask that the insurgents be heard hv tho nence commissioners at raris img moiln nnldic a translation of the Pliilinnine constitution, which Aguin aldo was to have proclaimed at Mnlo Los. By this constitution Aguinaiao formally renounces the title of dictator, ami assumes that of president of the revolutionary government of the Phil ippines. Rev. E. Fullorton, who has been ap pointed United States consul at Naga saki. Japan, is a Methodist missionary, The American Indies company has been formed in New York with a capi tal stock of $18,000,000. . Its objecUis . ,iav..inn ilm resources of Cuba and Porto Eico. Pmsident McKinlcy and as many members of his cabinet as can do so will attend some portion of the peace Jubilee which begins at the Omaha e posuiim C 10. PUT OUT OF THE WA Death ofthe Emperor China Confirmed. of VICTIM OP FRIGHTFUL TORTURE It ! Ollliilully Announced a a Suicide -Alltl-Kngliah Feeling I Spreading. London, Oct. 4. A snoclal dlsnatoh from Shanghai says: The announce ment of tho death of tho emperor is confirmed. Tho reports as to the means employed in his taking off differ. One story has it that he died of poison, and another that death was caused by strangulation, while a third stntos that ho was subjected to frightful tortuio, ledhot iion being thrust through his bowels. Another dispatch from Shanghai says: '.telegrams furnished by tho tal or local governor, to a Chinese papor allege that the emperor commit ted Buicido September 21, after signing a decree which placed the dowager em press at tlie head of affairs in China. This, it is added, is understood to moan that the emperor has also been an nounced souii-ofilciallv. All the Lnglish-speaking secretaries and the principal members of the Chinese for- ign office, it is further announced. ave been banished. The British foreign office today re ceived a dispatch from her majesty's mlnlstor at Peking saying Mr. Morti mer, a member of the British legation, returning homo yestordav with a ady, was insulted and attuokod by a mob, which stoned him and covered nn with mud. Later in the day, the ispatch adds, some American mis sionaries wore Blmilarly attacked, as was the Chinese secretary of the United States logation. Tho hitter's ribs were' broken. Sii Claude McDonald, the British ...... ... . ivjiuua niim iiiura is a dangerous fooling abroad. Execution of Alleged Conaplratnr. Washington, Oct. 4. Minister Con gor has cabled the following to tho state department: Feking. Six alleged conspirators wero cxeouted by order of the empress yesterday. Kang, the leading reformer and advisor of the omperor, escaped in a British vessel. Ordor and quiet pio vail here. Trouble is feared at interior points." DISORDERS IN PARIS. Paris, Oot. 4. Tho Dreyfus demon stration organized by M. Pressenoo, one of tho leaders of the agitation, for this afternoon, was proventod by tho closing of tho Salle Wagiam. M. Pressenco and his friends tried to force an en trunco, and an uproar resulted. The police then intervened and arrested M. Piessonce, M. Vaughn, editor of the Auroro, and Deputy Mory, amid shouts . i...t. r.1 "Viuft i-nviuinnl" anu couniur-Biiuma ' "Vivearmoel" "vivo Zola 1' and a has les juifsl" and tho crowd was dis persed. The persons taken into custody wero subsequently loleased. Disordera, most of them in tne vicin ity of the offloes ol the Libre Parole, ooourred during tho ovonmg. Many persons woro slightly Injured, tliougn Btioks weio the only weapons used. Bevoral arrests were made. An ugly statement is made ny tne Potite Kepubliquo to tho effect that Colonol Picquart, who had previously tnkon oxoroise in tlio courthouse yard of the jail, had not left his oell sinoe TVini-oilnv. when he waa Beizod with symptoms of ociebral congestion, iui lowed by coma. There is no means, however, of verifying the statement. : . . ... .i The disorders have created intonse alarm among the foreigners at me hotels, and it is probable that an exo dus will occur, the gucBts foaring grave developments. Tho working class, bo far, has hold nloof, but the leaders of the rival par tioa are doing their utmost to atir them tip. nnd it is beliovod that tlie disordors will be repeated. Lo Matin publishes a dispatch Horn Cayenne atating that tho French ortiisel Dubordieu is lying off the Salut islandl waiting to bring Dreyfus away. A SPANISH THREAT. . Troopi to He Bent to the Philippines ta Protect the Vliajrai manna. Id. "Oct. 4. The cabinet has dooided to authorize General Rios to giant reforms in the Visayas islands, on the lines demanded by the Inhab itants, and to concentrate his forces at M imlnnnn. na there are only 4B0 men garrisoning the Visayas. The Spanish ministers also deoided to protest to the government at Wash ington against the refusal of the Amer icans to permit Spanish troopa to be sent to the Visayas, while It Is claimed the insurgents are constantly receiving arn.s and cannon ' with which to attack other islands, "which the Americana permit without even pretending to in tervene." The Spanish cabinet, it Is added, will acquaint its Paris commissioners with theae contentions, in order that they may be used In the peace negotiations. Finally, it is announced that the gov ernment will inform the government at Washington Miat it has decided to Bend reinforcements to the Visayas, and has ordered several batteries of artil lery in Andalusia to get ready to start for the Philippine Islands within 24 bonis. In addition to this, tho cabi net will repeat its protests against the insurgents continuing to hold Spanish prisoners in the Philippine islanda. A Russian does until be is 26. not become of agf TORNADO AND FLOOD. Coaata or Georgia and South Carolina Swept Property I.oaa Ilevy. Savannah, Ga., Oct, 4. For 15 hours, from 8 o'clock tliis morning until 6 o'clock tonight, Savannah has been in the grasp of a West Indian tor nado. During the day the wind blow steadily from 60 to 70 miles an hour. Whilo the city escaped with compar atively little diimno'0, the loss of prop erty among the sea islands of the Geor gia and South Carolina coasts is be lieved to bo heavy. For inilos in evory direction around Savannah tho towns along the rivers aro Bubmerged. Only one fatality has so far been reported the drowning of negro while attempting to reach tlie land from a small island near Thunder - bold hut hoav,y loss of life is feared on the South Carolina eea islands, whore such fearful loss of life occurred during tho great tidal wave of 1893. Tho conditions now arc similar to those (luring Unit storm. Owing to the sub merged country and the isolatod loca tion of tho islands, no news can be had min thorn until the water subsides. For eight miles north of Savannah the entire country is a lake, with only the hummooks visible. At noon the water was eight feot above the highest tide. Driven on shore by tho northeast storm, it filled up on the islands, swept over banks, and dams, carrvintr awav the remnant of tho rice ciop that was left by tho August storm, and had not been gathered, and wiping out farm crops, iho loss to ricegrowors alone will be from $50,000 to 176.000. Of tho entire rioe crop along the Savannah river, valued at 1250,000, all but about 5 per cent was lost in this and the pre ceding storm. . n i. j i t t t . . me u.imiigo to snipping is consu era bio. The sohooner Govornor Ames. Inch was on her way to sea with a oargo of 1,500.000 foot of lumbor, went irift In tho harbor, but was secured Barely. The whaivos at tho quarantine sta tion, at tfio entrance to tho river hero, wero partially cairiod away. The telephone, polico, light and fire alarm wires are down, and the city is in darkness. On Hutohinson's island, opposite Savannah, and separating the city from the South Carolina shore, many negro families wero rescued' by boats from the revenue steamers Tybee and Bout woll. . . - :' : . ANOTHER HOURQR SHIP. Surgeon 1'rotontl Agnlnst Overcrowding on the Ohdain. Santiago de Cuba, , Oct. 4.' Surgeon Major Soanian, of tho transport Obdam, dcolares that there will be a repotition 9Q.be an fnl horrors i'liH li'ivn rharae onboard tho TCSsel Tot trMHiHlVitti.- to New York. Ho says that when the Obdam loft Porto Rico many on board wero sick, yet tho first quartermaster refused lo furnish wlno for thoii ubo, but supplied them with hardtack and canned food, Baying that he had no authority to furnish wine. Surgoon Seaman aaid ho would hold hlin re sponsible should any deaths occur, and finally succeeded in obtaining euitablo food for those who wero ill. He asserts that tho ship has every man that she can carry, and that if she reaches Now York without any deaths occurring, she will be lucky. Hearing that a number ol other sick soldiers woro to bo font aboard her, the surgeon-major mado a protost. and Btatod that ho was informed by General Lawton that bis protest showed lack of discipline, and that an officer had beon appointed to aee how many additional men the Obdam could carry. Surgoon Seaman says ho will oable to Surgeon- Gonoral Steinberg a pioteBt, disolaim I ing responsibility for whatevor may Happen. Mayor MoCleary, of Santiago, Is en deavoring to compel tho morchants to sell necessaries of life at reasonable rates. MILLION DOLLAR FIRE. Serious Blow to the Town of Colorado Springs Hlght ihooki uuruou. . Colorado Springs, Colo., Oct. 4. Thisoity had a visitation of fire thia nttornoon which threatened for four hours to destroy tho entire business distriot; The wind was blowing at the rate of 45 miles an hour from the southwest when the fire started at the Denver & Kio Grande lreight depot, at the foot of Cucharis street, at 2:10 P. M., and the flames spread with great rapidity. A atrip four blocks long from north to south, and two blocks wido from east to west, has been burned over, but at this hour tho conflagration is believod to be under oontrol. The flames are Btill leaping high over the burnt district, but the wind has died down, and there is no doubt that the fire entrines. which have come from Denver and Pueblo in response to ap peals for aid, will be able to confine the flames within the present limits. The Antlora hotel, one of the largest in the West, three lumbor yards and two blocks of business houses have been destroyed. In round numbers the loss is estimated at $1,000,000, and inaur ance at one-half of that amount. San Juan de Porto Kico, Oct. 8. The meeting of tho military commis sion yesterday was private, and no news was given out rogarding what transpired. . The American troops now ocoupy fully two-thirds of the island. New Steamihlp Line. Vancouver, B. C, Oct. 4. The Canadian Paoific railway will estab ai.h ru,H.r trans-Pacific line. The steamers Tartar and Athonian, of ovei k r,no tons, will run between Vancou ver and Vladivoatock, the termini of Ithe trans-Canadian and trans-Asian nectivelv. The Athenian Will sail first, loading here and then proceeding to Seattle and Portland, where grain will probably be placed on board for Russia. - PHILIPPINES ARE OURS1. Not Only Luzon, But the En tire Group. SO SAYS SENATOR MARK IIANNA And He Undoubtedly Exprcaae tin View of the I'Tealdcnt Hpalu' Soverelcnty Mint UiiU. Cloveland, Oct. 8. The Leador has from its Washington correspondent the ! following intorview with Senator Hanna concerning tho Philippine question, which is believed to represent tho views of President MoKinley: "I do not know what the instructions given to our peaeo commissioners are," said Mr. Hanna, "but so far as con cerns the negotiations which will be instituted in Paris tomorrow, I can see no ottior result than that Spain will have to relinquish her sjvoreignty over not only Luzon island, but the entire Philippine archipelago. Spain has no reason to expect to be ablo to retain any portion of t!' group. Sho went into tho war and lost, and now ought to be prepared to suffor the conso- quencea wnicn bucii a defeat implies. I regard the Philippines as lost to Spain, and, being a foregone conclu sion, in my opinion the problem which next confronts us relates to Iho form of government which wo will givo tho islands. When the Plulippino question fi st presented itself, there was a Btrong sentiment among conservative, fai-sce- ing and thinking men in this country, which favored the retention by the United States of merely a naval base and coaling station in tho islands this baso presumably boing Manila and tho bay contiguous thereto. Sinco thon, howevor, this sontimont apparently has undorgono a very niarkod change, nnd it now appears that, (or tho most part, theso aanio men who at llrst believed wo should oooupy Manila alono two ad vocating tho termination, of Spanish rulo in the whole group. "Aside from the fact that the general sentiment ol tne country seems to '( against returning any of tho islands to Spain, tho United States Is under obli gation to tho insurgents to establish a stablo and enlightonod form of govern ment throughout the entire archipelago. When tho war broko out, tho Philip pine insurrectionists bpcamo, in a cor- tilin BitTian ila nllina r, t t!w A ...n..lrt.. nnd it a. tliorof.rn. nni ...... UU..UU, t..w uinug iud llloi llJltim. I see to it that they w " UitflSi'l' DMrrflv'trtwMTr to con sider tho Filipinos our wards. "During til is transition period tho United States will bo called upon to exeroise a primitive, or rather arbi trary, form of control ovor tho islands, nnd continue it until congress dually evolves a system of government. In other words, it seoms to niu wo will have to maintain a temporary protec torate over the archipelago, and this will bo accomplished by. means of the army and novy now in tho Philippine wnters. "What will bo the nltimato fato of tho islands Ih, of courso, a problem of the future, v Whether tho Philippines will become nrl independent nation or a colony of tho Unitod States, or whether a long-time American protec torate will be established, will be a subject for congress to decide. "It Is well understood that Spain muBt abide by the.vordiot of our peace commissioners, whatever that may prove to bo, for Bho is iu no lit condi tion to renow the conflict which has re sulted bo disastrously to her. . Sho has no reason to expect that our commis sioners will agree to any proposition which contemplates the continuation of Spanish control over any part or all ol tho group. 1 fool. confident that we will have no further trouble in an armed way with Spain., The only ob staelo with which wo may havo to con tend is the opposition of tho insuigonti to our plans." A REIGN OF TERROR. Pana Looln for Another Moody Ituttle llotween Striker and Deputlea, Pana, 111., Oct. 8. Last night was terrorizing one for tho peoplo of Pana. Two-thirds of the residences were unoo oupied. Eaoh house occupied contained groups ol families. In some oasos, all the reBidonts ol an entire diock spein the dark hours in one homo, arinod, terrorized and awlilting attacka expect ed to be made on their homos by the negroes imported from Alabama. All night the striking union miners, reinforced by brothor minors from othei towns, armed with shotguns and rifles, naraded tho streets or lay in ambush on housetops and in nlleya awaiting the com ins of blacks from the Spring' nifla and Penwell stockades, who had announced their intention to march into the olty and drive out the whites. But tho deputy sheriffs wero successful in keeping the negroes within the stockades. Many shots were flrod in tho vicinity of the minus thioughout tho night, but with what result oould not be asoer tainod. Many visiting . miners, heavily armed, arrived today, and lator, with 200 local minors, left the city for Shelby county, three miles east, to in tercept a train said to bo oonveying 60 negro miners to Pana to take union men's places. Sheriff Coburn, in wiring for the troopa last evening, ropoitod one black killed in Wednesday's riot, and soveral wounded Mayor Penwell, son of Operator Pon- well, spent last night In the stockade. yet and shot McKinnon, who was a He 6aid ho was afraid of being mobbed brother of Sheriff McKinnon, of Ilar by tho miners, and his father and ney county. Sheriff McKinnon, with mother have left the city. ' a posse, is in clone pursuit of Weaver. WILL COLLECT DUTIES. Hum Mill Take Poaaeaalon llouae. of Havana Custom Washington, Oct. 8. Tho oablnot meeting today was devoted largely to mattora of dotail in connection with the formation of the army which will he sent to Cuba. Keports wero read to the Bffect that by October 18 danger from follow fever willjiuve passed, and it is understood tho movement of trnnnn win uo ucgun anout tliat time. The conduct of tho Spanish customs .:n i . - officers at Havana is vory unsatisfactory to the presidont, and it is said to be docided to take possession of tho cub-toma-honae there at an oarlv dato. ami administer affairs under the regula tions proscribed by this government. There was also some consideration of the subject of inusteiing out a com paratively large number of genoral ofllcors of the volunteer army, to moot mustering out of regiments already or dored. Instructions wero given to the two commissions now sitting in tho Wost Indies to provide, it ia Btatod, for tho aotual occupation of Porto Rico in ad vance of Cuba. - A Military Telegraph Line. Santiago do Cuba, Oct. 8. Captain Brady, of the United States signal corps, has . been ordored to begin the constiuotion of an overland telegraph lino from Guantanamo, via Santiago do Cuba, to Munaanillo. The line is to bo usod principally for the transmis sion of government dispatches, although commercial mossagoa will bo accoptcd. The preacnt cost of transmission of mossagoa by tolegraph from Guantana mo to Santiago is 20 conts a word up to 80 words, and 13 cents for each ad ditioiial word. Schools were opened today. The at tendance will be compulsory. English will bo taught. Thirty toachors at a salary of $0 a mouth oaoh, and tho su perintendent, at $125 a month, have been engaged. ACCIDENT IN A MINE. Thirty Men Mlraoulntmly Egcapo Death In Idaho. Wallace, Idaho, Oct. 8. Thirty men working the night Bhift in No. 4 tun nol of tho Morning mine had an almost miraonlous eaoape from death early this morning, when 850 pounds of dynamite in a magazino exploded. The flrat re port to reach here was that eight dead anu wounded had beon recovered, and that Binoko whs Btill too thick to per mit tho roBouors to got farther baok, where it was feared tho imnn'soned men wore all dead, nlilu r f "' " .. ... 1 ' 1 1,1(1 . ftIt--"M B - " " " used to haul out the ore. MoBt of the men walked out, although some ol them wero bo Btunned by the explosion or overcome by smoke and gas that they had to be helped. A number of them wero stunnod by tho concussion, and one, Cnptuin Wooda, foil onto his oandlo, burning his faco Boveiely bo foio ho recoverod consciousness Biiffi ciently to got from over tho flame. It is not known what caused tho explo sion, no ono being noar the mngazino at tho timo. That no ono was injured was purely a piece of luok. BRUTAL CRIME IN TEXAS. Wonian, Aided by Hor Parninnur, Mur- - dora Her Old llimhaud. Fort Worth, Tex., Oct. 8. Word has boon received hero of an atrooioua murder recently committed on Portor's oieek, near El Campo, Tex. The mur derod man was Otto Harmes, nn old Gorman farmer, who, it is claimod, was murdered by his wifo and Julius Harmos, his nephew. The information comes that Julius bocamo infatuated with Mrs. HarincB and thoy decided to put the old farmer out of the way. It ia said Julius hit him on the huad with an ax one night whon lie was sleeping, and, assisted by Mrs. Ilarmoa, draggod the body to a cornflold, piled brush ovor it, and start ed a fire. Tho story furthor Bays that Julius and Mrs. Harmos returned tho next morning to find tho tiro had gono out and Harmes was alivo, but unconscious, and that thoy then piled cornstalks over him and burned Id in to a oiinp, alter which thoy buried his remains. Both have since boon arrested. Terrillo Storm In Japan. San Francisco, Oct. 8. The Bteamor Gaelic, from China and Japan, brings news of a torrifio storm, which swept over Japan September 0, doing niuoh damage to shipping. Heavy rains fell, and tho rivers became raging torrents. A summary of tho loss of life and property follows: Deaths, 2B0: housos Bwont awav. 104; houscB ovoithrown, 1,195; partially wrecked, 1,400) houses inundated, 15,577; river banks broken, 78. The heaviest loss of life occurred in the nrofocture of Kofu. Thia soction also showed other losses greator in comparison with any other, but Aiohi r jfooture suffered greater loss oi prop erty. ' Coming of the Obdam. Washington, Oct. 8. Tho lollowlng was received at tho war department: "Ponce, Oct. 8. Obdam Bailed to day with 101 convalescents, 104 dis charged soldiers and teamsters. "BKOOKE." Shut and Killed by a Friend. Baker City, Or., Oct. 8. Wednesday niaht Jack Wcavor flhot and killed William McKinnon, aged 21, at Burns. McKinnon and his companion bad at tempted to play a joke on V eaver by leading him out of a saloon as though he needed to be escorted homo. Just as they reached the door, Weaver, with- out a moment's warning, drew a revol- INSULT TO TOE ARMY Volunteers Not Responsible for Their Condition. MILES CHAMPIONS THEIR CAUSE State Troopi Did Not Suffer Th rough Their Own Fault-DUeane Carried Off More Than Uullete. Chicago, Oct. 1. The Daily News' Washington special says that General Miles, at the reception given at his house last night to his comrades of tho Medal of Honor Legion, denounced as false the claim that volunteer officers and soldiera were theinflolvea responsi ble for the aicknosa in the campa. "The voluntcor troops of tlie United Slates in the war with Snain." said' ho, "wore as brave and as patilotioa body of soldiera as ever took the field In any campaign the world has ever scon. Tho battlea thev foiiL'ht wero won as gallantly as any recorded in history. And yet tho peril which our soldiers had most causo to dread was not bullets but disease, which swept ovor our oamps and destroyed hundreds whore bullets killed ono. Our sol. diers entered into the fever-stricken camps as they wont up the hill in the face of the enemy with a courago and devotion that must opon to them the glorious pages of history. "Those who sny that theso men sickened and died booause they wished to; Uiobs who blame the soldiers and officers of our army for difwftse and death that devastated the camps and thinned the ranks; thoso who nsaort that our soldiers suffored through their rwn fault, insult 250,000 of the brav est men that evoi carried arms bonoatli the sun. "Theso men did not suffer and die bocause they liked it, and whoever says they did insults onr armv and the men who offoied It. It ia an affront to reason. I havo nothing to say of tho blame for the doath of thoso brave mon," ARMY OF OCCUPATION. ' Flrat Divlalon to Oarrlaon Cuba Una lloon Formed. vvasiungton, Oot. 1. The nnblin order forming tho First division for tho oocupation of Cuba does not disignato tho mnjor-gminral whowill command dent adus. " Tho division is of threo brig- as f.,w. Cavalry brigado, composed of tho Sovonth and Eighth Unitod States cav alry, to be coinmandod by Brigadier General L. II. Caipentor, United States volunteers. Tho First infantry brigade, composed ol tho Fifteenth United States infantry and the Fourth United States volun teer infantry, to bo commanded by Brigadier-Gcnoral Sinioa Snyder, United States volunteers. Seoond Infantry brigado, composed of tho First Unitod States infantry and the Sixth United States voluntoer in fantry, to be commanded by Brigadier- General B. E. Williston, Unitod States volunteers. Theso troops, with the exooptiou of the Fifteenth infantry, are under or ders to go to HuntBville, Ala., and tho Fifteenth will probably bo expected there sottn. It has been gonorally sup posed that the diYiflion would he com- niandod by Genoral Wade, who is now in Cuba ns chairman of the military commission. The following Is the ordor as isBuod today: "Adjntant-Genoral's Office, Wash ington, Oot. 1. By direction of the seoretaiy of war, tho Fourth United Statos volunteer Infantry dotachnicnt from the Seventh army corps will be placed in roadinosa for immediate serv ice in Cuba, pursuant to gonerai orours 140. ourrent aeries, from his omco, and piocoed, fully arinod and equipped, to tako Btatlon at Mimzanlllo, the com manding offioor reporting his arrival by telegraph to Majot-Genoral Wado, United States volunteors, Havana, who will givo instructions as toita duty and disposition. "By oommand Major-Uonerai Miles. "II. O. COKBIN, . "Adjutant-Gonoral." Newfoundland' Troublua. St. John's, Nowfouudlund, Oct. 1. Tho British commissioners, Sir John Bramston, Sir Jamos Ersltine and Lord Westmoath, to investigate tho French treaty rights in Newfoundland, have comploted thoir inquiry into the opera tion of the French treaties on the noithwest coast of the island. At Bonne bay they will begin an investi gation of the trouble arising in connec tion with the lobster and herring nsn- orics. Tbey report thitt extreme (Iib- trcss exists among the fishormen on tho noithoast coast, owing to tho failuie of the fisheries. p Rear-End Collision. Seattle, Oct. 1. A rear-end collision between an extra freight and a work train occurred thia morning on tho Northern Pacific at May wood siding. Engineer Boanmont, of the freight train, was killed. America' Friendly Offer. New York, Oot. 1. A dispatch to tho Herald from Montevideo snys: It is officially stated heie that tlie United Slates minister offered to Uruguay the protection of his government for the maintenance of neutrality in case of a war between Chile and-aVrvent.im. An American Hvndicato esiamimivu for the exportation of cattle 1ms an nounced that an American commission will soon arrive to study various ques tions, principally tho Montevideo bar. bur. in nine hours and 29 minutes.