Oregon City press. (Oregon City, Or.) 1896-1???, September 14, 1898, Image 2

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2)1!. J. H. MILLER,
flat Vrmtal Wink. Arllnllc Ooltl Crown mill
liiidgn Hoik.
Ollice on hrvmih St., ueur S. V, Depot.
if III practice In nil the court ntllic alula
Cunllelil Mock.
Special attention given to Violnito HttMuew.
Of:ke opposite Huntley' Jluok H:orc
Vp Stllll'rt,
local pnper helps every industry ; it is
always working for I he best interest of
home, If you ure interested in your
lioine (own, cvon if your local news
paper is not us big a some of thu bit:
Eastern Blit-t (s, in not llin homo piper
worthy of your patronage?- Ex.
n !
vwwlvr;7ytAfrVM; I
fy-i j 2 $1 '
jit 7i?pj "m is ro lri
m 799d2i22 23 24"
Maiiuii: E. Pais, - - l' in.csiir:ii.
Th.i calling of a sp -cial session of Ihe
1'K il.i i 1 let by (iovernor J old ilidii ates
that Senator Corbel I him eeured suf
llcieiit pledges to insure his i-lei tioii.
1'hu records show that the newly elected
I iiit-iii ix-i-h me nircaiiy pnjing oil
mortgages. Ah lo whether there in im
connection between Ihe two facts is,
of curse, rohlcinat nil. Of ontt t liinti I
le iiicinbcis tniiv reft asssuiud, an I
lliHt in, I Imt Iheir net will he lies lv
W ilcli J I nil I given to the public. Tneio
is n giand opp itmiiiy for r.for.n legi.-la-t
' II ill I niiliibcis i-hiiill I ha 1 1 4 1 I ripinh'y
r Hjioiiii-!o fa sins of omi-sinn as IIkmo
of comuiisinu.
Ileal Estate Transfers.
Tlie Chiekanias Abstract & TriiHt Co,
which furnishes this report, is the owner
Assignee's Sale of Houses and Lot.
The following property is offered for
H.u.ie mill jii'Vr he rou so ns to close up
of the copyright to the Thoriic system of the estate of K. K. Williums, insolvent
iibHtraet indexes for Clackamas eoiinlv, i lelor. Any reasonable offer will he
and lias tlio only complete set of abstracts occeptcd for Iho w hole of aid pmpcily
in the county; can furnish infoi ination i or any part ol (fame
us to tille lo land at once on application,
r.naiis, investment', real et;ile, tibxIiiirlH
ele. Ollice over Hank of Oregon C'ily.J
S V, W'hilehead et a' to Clei" Han
h'in et ill, n of Hie II I, ('
A 'inula Itulifll. exe !it land al
ready Hld, o s, I! o f ISO)
Hubert DeshnZ'r to II II McNeill,
Uni t ", " C lin liiiinaK river 1
I' K Kriicp lo .M !' Slime. ii' res
Oldest Bank In the City.
I jileieil at Ihe poMoM'ice in Oieon ('ily.
Or., as KiM'oiid-ehiSN nialter.
fald up Caxk C'upltitl
Mi-pint , , .
$.', 000
$Vi 000
One vear (in advanci') tl 00
Six inonll.B " " 50
Three inoiilhs ' ' 23
If lint paid in advance flOccnlsaddilional
ill he churned for cost of keeping the
account and lo make good the losses
that are sure lo occur with deferred
pa vinents.
Several firmer have had narrow is
enpes fnnu hiiinin- Iheir huildiiiKH ihe
just week a:nl i nc or two hav.i lost iheir
Ijiain that had not 11 .'en tlue,-lnd and
some tlieir buns and fences.
Boiiiiu Iidinson and wife have Kono to 'lllia M''ervi- to r I' Ihiniii, Its 9
Missouri on a short victit. They have j 10, blk ' (ila,lflt " '
rot lieeu hack there for -II years. ''' K, ?",s", ,0 " C. Kl'"fll'' ,;0 ,"'re!,
1 we eis.er, sirs. Mowletl, 1' iMiitqiiuiu lo J W Djors, nw!4,
who iihh oeen nero on an exieuileil visit,
iie'4 ol s . 0, ; , I i'
K I'', Kruse to I1' A Km-e, e'j of n'a
of ne1', nee (i, 2 s, 1 e
F K Kniso to(i i Km-e, 31! Jj
neic, e'4, sec (i, if, le
J V McKuv to J It I lauiiey, '.;, It
3, bill l,"(iieiii J'oinl
T I' Itvan t II To MpUes, 13 77
acres in I) I) l'.nnpkins elm
J li N S.dlwoo I to CniH Uichler, it
1, t'lii't (i'J, Oak (iioie
K I, M -1 1 I si lo Norri D.ivis,
30 '11 a r 's, s. c -1, 2 h, J n
N lloylan In School I i H ii-f No 54,
1 kj in in, to cor, mm: l'.l, 4 s, 4 e,
M . Cmivirt i ta1 'o I' ra.ldock, It
I'D, C'lacl ainas Park
Capital, .... flOO.000.
Loans made. Bills discounlcd. Makes
collections. Buvsaud wdls exchnnL'e on
II points in tho United Htales, Europe OKIXiON CITy.HIM'TEM liEIt 11, 1803.
nu iioiiK lvoiiK. J'enosiiH received biio-
to check Bank open from 0 A. si. to
V M.
D. C. Latomiettb President
F. J .Mkvuk i.'HHhicr
New Aurora Hotel
H. WILL, Manager.
Dining- room receives porsonal
upervlHlon. laljlus well sii
piiod wltliseasonublo delieuuios.
liooms iiro all nowly furnished
Ild fll'St-clllMS.
A we'I-stolikod bur Is conducted
for tho accommodation of tho
Aurora Hotel
and Restaurant.
The retention of the Philippine by
the United Slates will mean much to
Oregon. It would insure eastnnr I ex
tension of Ihe Orcyon Pacific, which is
now promised; it would mean that the
Kiotirande railway system, and peihaji
the Burlington ami Northwestern us
well, would build exleiis'ons wi stwar I
lo tide water. It would pile us a mar
ket in the islands for hundreds of ear-
goes not only of nlu at b it of its iiianii-
facluied products. Modtr.i methods for
landliug thu products of the islands
w on I.I lie introduced, thus creating a de
mand for ca no and Manila svorkiug
machinery, for electric plants, curs, en-
ttincB, etc. the possibilities are so
varied and vast that speculation is an
id'e waste of time. The isles of the
orient would of ni eerily lo ik lo U.b
coast of thu Occident for sininlies of
many kinds and wise commercial slate.i
mauship would iliclatale that wo retain
thu Ulaiids. Salem Sentinel,
Jacob Gmsr,
Rules $1 Ter Day and Upwarda.
Livery and Feed .Stable in Connection
With iho House. Horses mid Busies
loi.ciut lieasonulile lint's.
Bariupplied wilh Iho finest wines, li
quors and cigars. Weinliardt Bcur oil
High Llglifs.
Take timo lo hlle or you w ill run out
of timo to work.
At county fairs, ns in life, the side
eliows cost tlio most.
One dressy women in a block will inn
dozen innocent men in debt.
The happiest girl is ono who thinks
her father the best limn on earth.
Zeal and duty aru not slow; but
curiosity gets theto before either or
If you want a short, cut lo fine
ness tako hiuU from other people's ex
perience Ago is only a question of how much
we are alivo mid how much we are
Vi'e nrowell tiff when wo don'i have
all tho miseries other people think wo
We inn our own architects; ideas are
Hie bricks and per.-e vera nee is the
Women are seldom cynics: tl ey de
cline to let it get out that they have
drawn a blank.
Alan feels a generous glow when he
denies himsell something hu can't raise
the money to buy.
The Life of Man.
Man's life is full of cio 8,.8 and h inpla
fcions. lie comes into this world wilh-
out his ceiiM'iil and goes out against his
Will, mid his trip between the two
eter.iitics is i-xeeedingly rocky. The
ru:!s of contrariness abide wilh him
during his trip. When he is little the
grown girls kiss him and when ho is
grown the little girls kiss him, K he
ru'ses a large family he U called
Blimtard, hut if hu raises a cheek he is a
t'hii'f and a fraud and is avoided like a
Pago willi Iho seven j ear itch,' If he is
pour hu is n bad manager, if he is i ieh
lie is disln net-t; if he is in polities it's
for pie; if ho is out of politics yon do
not know where lo place him and he is
no good lo his country; if h does an
act of chin :ti it is for policy; if he wont
give to charity he is a Klingy cuss and
lives only for himself ; if he diis young
theia iva- a great future ahead of him ; if
l,n l!-oi t.. . i.i ...... I... It., a I l.t. ....11
..d v yiii Ufcu nn linn uiiDlii IIIH l ull
.Wii,iK. j;, jH intiodneuj jo tiiiu world bv
luri'M..... .....i . . .i w '
'"Tp Verilj', thu road is a rough
- Xfiu lik'S tu travel it.
Every ohsurver has noticed that tho
thei iiiometer does not give a correct
record of Ihe temperature as lo effect on
one's feelings. For example, we may he
very much ilepversed at 78 decrees by
u HiilmucHS ol I .ti! air at one time while
at another that same degiee may lie
felt by us as quite cool. Formerly
such an iiHseriion was ridiculed. Of
Into it has been acceplo I as lino, giving
one inoio iiiHtaiico of the accuracy of
public opinion as opposed to thu flexible
laws of science. U is now supposed that
there is some peculiar ray of sunlight
that causes (his sensation in us at times.
The British encyclopedia asMtits that
several degrees beluw zero am equaled
lo zero on our sensation ol the col I as
betwet u Centra! Nebraska and St. l.ouis,
City Treasurer Straight has made a
call for win rants issued prior lo Septem
ber 10, lMIKi, bringing them djwu lo two
yuiis. U hen the present mayor took
charge of the affairs of tile city the war-
runts w.'io over three jeais behind.
This is eerlainlv a lenuukahle show itis
for an administration of only i'O mouths,
it does not require much of a
malhematiii.in to llgiire out how long it
will lie necessaiy lo keep Mayor Can
Meld iu power to clear up thu indebted
ness ol the city . i'uring tlie past two
years theie has been the iMial amount
of work required to keep the streets and
public properly iu repair, and the usual
amount of new improvements have been
In everv community inn found per
sons eager to condemn ami gnify the
failings of otheis. They are watchful to
an al, inning ixli-nl to nolo and n -li
on the downfall of neighbor. For LI, is
Iherj aie doubtless good reasons. Thev
indulge in gossip because thev have not
Ihe education to enjoy intellectual con
vi rsalion, and, then, they desire to di
rect public gizn from Iheir own shell
coinin.s. To miiiiii tlie thought, is a real
pleasure and consolation that there am
otheis guilty of as great or greater errors
than tlu iis, and they gloat over the fact,
a. id thu greater the other sinners can
lie made to appear the mute nngtlic do
they become in their mind.
will reluMi to Jackson county this week.
Miss Nellie Ccoko will accompany her
aunt. She expects bo away about a
J. C. Elliott and S. E. Tong have
returned from Yaquina and report
having had an enjMiile timo. Mr.
Eliutt shot two deer and Air. Tong
seared a largo bear. Fishing wi.s
II t Tl . I . t ...
viiuriey inoipo anil r.ral long have
left for the coast. They will go to the i
same place the other hoys were at.
The rustling people of tho Hock Creek j
u..l.....l ,lii..l I !.... .i .... .
m.,,ui i mo ii-in nig in uie glOIIII'l i 'pi
I ii .1 ..ii... , ,
inuiimi ton scnooi no ifh ami lavimr n
new (kor. SjIiooI will commence next
A. C. Newell will bo out all week can
vassing. He re oris having had good
success wilh his war book.
Messrs. Tong and Newell, who are
picking hops, upoit that they are doing
WjII. The hops are good Ibis ear.
see 6, U s, z o
T W Fran is to C W AI, Kitlriek, 10
ueies, ex-ioa Iway, see 5, s, 2 u.
House and lot 7, bl .ck 119 of Oregon
Lot 0 of block 81 ol Ore .'on ('ily.
Lot 1 of block !l, Falls View Addlliin
tu Oregon C.ly.
I louse mid l"l 11 id block S of W.ll. in
cue Falls.
I...t 11 of l.lo.k '11,' Chieknnias
For lerniH, piiceu nnd p irlicu'iiis t all
on or address, Tims. I1'. I!van,
As-igueo of e late of K. E, Williuuis.
Summer Floor Dressing.
Made of finest China and Japanese mattings,
ihan, c'ol, comfortable, smooth anil easily
kept ch an.
We have litem in largo vnrcly of Japanese
wiiium and colorings. Hummer all over Iho
luiiiMtwilh these ideal (h or dressings.
V.'e have a few remnants of high grade
liiatliiigp Hoi' we will n II al reduced prices.
The Jlnuse Euroishers,
Issued by (lio Wrntlicr Hmvnu lufor-
inallo!! (J leaned by Corrosuonilents.
In some of the larger hops yards pick
ing is maily completed. Baling of hay
continue. Prunes are now ispidly (hup
ping iroiii the trees, and drying is in full
opcraiioii. The prune rmp is larger
Ihan usual; there aie not enough dry
ers to handle tho iti p. Small hits of
wheat iind oils are vet lo he ihr vi'd
grain crop is, lion ever, pratieally
secured. Poti t diggh g has com
menced; the potato rrnp l io nise' to hn
vol y large. Coi n is maturing Apphs
me biii g picked. Pi ache', pears,
....!.... i I : I :.. i . . ...
j in.-iwiir,, clu , my inrii.g Riii:ieij hi iaig
, quantities. Fail n'cding has com-
I menceil. In nn wolk of all kind is will
advanced, and soon the farm r will n si
afer a inoit ainvosful crop year and
Land O.'i'ii'K at (imams Cnv.
' OlilaloN, August !Hh, 1 K!S police is
hereby given' Ihat the lollowiiig-nained
sillier has lileil no'ice of Ins n. bullion to
make final proof in summit of his claim,
ami nn l Saul pmoi w ill lie m ule liefmv
i tin HcgiHcr in. ii liecicvi r at Oregon
l ily.Ogn.,ou Si'iilem la-r 2.'! I ISMS, viz
(ienrge E. Iiib'.le, II . V.. S77'l. for Ihe
e1.., ol lie1 ami i h, of se l.f of ,ec 10, tp 4
h, r4e. lie names the foil ih ing wit
nessis lo prove his colli inn, 'lis r. sidence
upon and ciillivatioii of said land, viz:
Eugene Woodwiir.l.nl Oregon Cny.Ogn.,
Charles Nihecker of Siuingwater, Ogn ,
Lawrence Baker, of Elwm d, Ogn ami
Jack (.iriustaff, of Elwnod, Ogn.
Ciias. B. Aloomis, liegister.
Notice to Creditors.
In Ilic Circuit Court of Mm Slate of Oic-
gon, for tlie County of Chickanins.
In the in ii 1 1 11 r of the insigumeiit of
Josenliine Mining Company, for Ihe
iienelil ol its cieoitors.
Notice is hereby given that the under
signed has been duly appointed and is
now the ipialilied and acting assignee of
the Josephine .Mining Cuinpanv, nn in
solvent corporation and all persons hav
ing claims against I lie said insolvent
corporation, are hereby notilied lo pre
Foul iheir claims under on' l. lo him, al
tl... ..ill. I 11. ..I...... e. i:i. ....
i.ct win, it in in-'iui-i viiiniio, wreu'ou j
C'itv. Oregon, within three months from '
Ihe lirst publication of this notice
T. W. Si i.i.ivax,
Assignee of Joseptiine Mining Coinpaiiy,
an insolvent debtor,
Pnted at Oregon City this 27th day of
July, 181)3.
m urn
Jltu 0
iv lite lV.tcnt process, is a ncrft'cl flour.
Wheat is not thoroughly iniitureil until it has
gone through a " sweat " in the hin. It does
not make a strong flour, is, in fact, immature.
The wheat from which " TATE NT " flour is
made is all old stuck. Ask your grocer for
PATENT hrand, made hy the
Portland Flouring Mills.
Yon can tell tlie best CSiliuy even if you can't play
a note.- Siinjily look in the so:ind hole of tlie instru
nieiit anil if you nee tlicro tho nnnic George AViishlmrn
burned upon the wood, you may feel confident tlmt tho
Ci uih.ii' is the be.-t made. We are always glad to show
Washburn (iiiilars and Mandolins. They arc so
wonderfully reasonable in price besides being beyond
question the best instrument made, that they practically
cell themselves. Fur sale by
Burmeister & Andrescn, - Jewelers
(begun City is very much overrun
wilh our dogs. A f,,w ,m, p;,y licenses
lint the majority do not, This is an in
justice, tlie oMliuaiiie should 1m either
enforced or repealed. The law iu re
gard to piling boxes and goods on the
sidewalks is also a dead letUr. On
Saturday a harrow was lying on the
sidewalk where peopleeoiihl hnrdlv pass
iviil..,,, r..n;... .. .'. .
" K "er n. r evcnii Indus
stumbled over it, tearing their dresses.
Of course the merchant has as much
tight lo pile a harrow on the walk as
another has to pile coal oil cans, bed
st nil's, boxes, etc.
Il Is a nntical'lo fail that when nuv
inhumation is desired abort a town or
counliy where Ihe inquirer is not ac
quainled the first thing thought ol is to
send ami get Ihe local newspaper
Everybody knows Unit this is a fact.
We do not know of a b Iter way. If
you want to do business iu a strange
town, the local newspaper Is sought
for. It is a reliable index tothobusi-
John Sehmitt, who is employe.! in
lluiras' shiugld mill, at Liheial, has his
linger come in eonla :t w ilh a knol siiw
and it is iu u ha 1 condition.
A boy named Cross fell 13 feer at
('has. Wilson's hon-diier. near Aurora.
last Thursday ami died the next dav.
lie was buried at. Ilutteville Saturday.
In Ji.e MilleiV hopyaid, near Aurora, ! i
lamily's tent and all their Ihings
weie burned on Molid iv of last week
Tnu woman was singeing a bin! when
the wind carriul a p;ce of lighted
paper lo the tent and started Ihe lire
Loss, if:;o.
Fire got biyond control on Mayor
Lee's place, near Can by, last Tuesday
and spread wilh such rapidiiy lb it the
town of Canby was for a time endan
goied. Citizens turned out and fought
the liie back. A strong wind was blow
ing from the iitrih.
Fire leaped the Willamette at liocky
Beef on Tuesday of last week and started
for i. W. Shank's place, near Canby,
Willi tlio as-istanco nf residents of the
co unity he sucieided in checking its
progress. In a ditch he plowed furrows
and then started a back lire.
On Sunday evening of last week Ir.
Ii. F. Uiesy, of Aurora, wan called to
liond s liiipvard, where he extracted
two largo splinters, each six inches in
length, fiom between tho scalp anil skull
of a woman. She had fallen against a
dooijam fiiled with splinters. Tim two
taken out by Or. Oiesv followed the
turn of the skull and did not break.
John Jlolan's house, near Canby,
was burned to thu ground
Tuesday Tho lire camo from Smith's
place, where brush had been ignited.
Flu! barn, containing wagons and fann
ing implements, was also consumed.
.Mr. Molzau is in Eastern Oregon, ami
no one was home but Mrs. Molaiu and
hltlo children, Iho other chihhen be
ing ab. cut in a hopyard.
Milinti llosford, ol Canhv, this sea
son shipped nb nit ,"0.) boxes ol apph s
and pears. At Iho oreh ird of James
Evans he did not liml a wormy tipple,
Very few in (i. W. and A. U. Shank's
orchards, none in a New Era orchard,
and in all there weie no scabs on (he
apples. None of tlie orchards had been
itprajed. The further up Ihe river be
went the more wormy were the apples.
A lire on the west side of the Willam
ette on Tuesday of last week, says the
Canby .Independent, dsl roved Pete
Warner's woodshed covered wilh valu
able grapevines bearing fruit. One of
Ins hogs was badly burned. Tlie lire
then crept toward James Evan's place
where it burned fences and got close to
the bouse before il could be subdued.
The (iro started on tho place of Mrs,
While threshing at Scheule's, live
miles south of l'.utleville, last Thursday
morning at 11 o'clock a spark from Jos.
Schemer's engine set lire to live slacks
of grain The separator mis also burned
to Ihe ground. l'espiynito attempts
were made to save the separator by
Clarence Sclieurer, Alfied (Ireenleaf,
Clay Barclay and others, but it was so
..1 -i
miMiiinea wun 011 nun it tut rued in a
few minutes. No one was injured,
although a few had narrow escapes.
Slofles A!) nit Mark Twain.
Twain is tlie in xt famous per
be "anecdotaliised" by The
Homo Joiirna1, and tho humor-
son to
ist's closest fr.'ends have Sent to the
magazine for its next number some
20 0 Id stories about him, none of which
have been printed. They are, of eour
lot the droll sori. but not moro fiiniiv
tan the "snap-shut" niet iivs of Ma
which Ins friends have also loaned the
magazine. Tlusj, t have never been
Covei uor Lord Calls the Oregon Leh
la! ure to Meet September 2(.
(i, 181)3 Governor
a proclamation c:
Salem, Or., Sepl
Lord today issued
mg an oxtra session of thu Oregon legis
lature lo meet at Salem September 2li
tireat interest is taken iu this event all
over the sta'e. The question ;s, what
is it for, and what will il do?
The Oaily Capital Journal at '25 cents
ft month will give more anil better in
formation on this subject than any
othor paper. H.'sidcs it will give i 1-
depemlout comment on important mat
ters before the holy. S old In your
order at once. A idres-i llofer Iirothers,
Editors, Salem, Or.
Notice of Final Settlement.
In the nialter of tlio es a'e of Cli trio
Pilster, deceased.
Notice is hereby given Ihal I have
tiled my linal n port in raid estate in
I ha County Com I of Clackamas Counly.
Oregon, and the Court has lixed Mon
day, October 21, 1HIM. at the ho r of 10
o'clock a. in., as a day anil time lor Ihe
hearing of objections to said report if
any Micro are, ami for the settlement of
said estate. IIkniiv Tnooio,
Executor of mid Estate.
II. K. Cuoss,
Attorney for tho Estate.
worthy persons in this
nianiiL'e our hnsimss
stalo to
1:1 their own and
nearby counties. It is mainly ollice
woik londieled at homo. Salary
stiaighl ,f!ll)() a year and expens.'S
delinita, honall le, 110 more, no less
salary. Monthly $75. Iteferences. Fn
cIosh self-address;! I staiuiKid envelope
I Helmut E. lie., Pivst., Dept. II.
Are you interested in h pew rilers? We
have the I'lickensderfer, acknowledged
the handiest and be-t made. The price
is if,'!,"), the writing visible, 110 libbonis
used, pinning direct Irom the type, mak
ing a clean print. The weight is hut six
pounds, making it handy loearry around
with you. Call at the Press ollice and
examine it.
0 S $ 1
X v ci jg
t ! S
'' S 5 b
g K g 0 i
o o : oo y
In the Circuit Com I, of the State nf
Oregon, for Ihe Counly of CliKkanuiH.
D borah A. Powen, plaintiff.
James Shaw, P.elly Shaw, Junes W.
.-haw and Mrs. James W Shaw, his
wife. Henry (bins, Sidney Smith, T.
P. Itiinilall ami L. E. Sehub, defend
ants. To James Shaw, defendant :
I In tho name of ihe Sialo nf Oiegon,
you are hereby leipiired lo appear ami
answer Iho complaint liled iiL'ainst you
in li e above entitled cau-e, bv the liist
day ol tlie m xl ti rm of (!, iirt after tlie
exp'ration of ihe p dilicniinn of tliis
summons, lo-wit: by Men lav, Novem
ber 7. IS 18, and if you fail lo answer, for
want Ihi'reof in idanuilf will apply lo
the Court for Ihe iclief ili'inai.ded hi the
eompl.iint. lo-wit : tor jiidrment agnin.-t
von ami a decree of this Court luainst
James thaw: first, (hat plain ilf have
and recover from tlie defendant J nnes
Shaw, t20()',), witli interest ther from
t'iPCt'i my of March, l,L'()(l, at It) per
e nt p"r annum ; and Ihe fui" her sum of
flOO, being the irimunt due on lour un
paid interest notes, and i 1 , t . rest in 1 00.
from the (itn dav of M uch. li i ami on
$100. from Ihe Clli dav of September,
1 H!H. and 011 1 OK from the (ith dav of
'larch, bi!!7. and on "O, from the'll'h
lav of September. 1S;)7. and on 41 Oil.
r the (lib day of March, 1S!)S, at the
rale of ti 11 per emit p,r annuui, and for
ihe further sum of iLD:i. a iiiinrnuv'u
fees, all in C. S. 10'd coin, toeelber
Willi Hie costs ami ilisliiirsemenls nf this
suit, an ! for a decree fnieelosh u plaintill'i
ni'irtgavu up 111 the following deser'bed
property in Claekaiuas County, Oregon,
1 o- w 1 1 ;
1 nai eeriam real prm erlv hi iiale in
Section tbirtv-iwo (,'J2) in Towi ship tw
(2) Soutli of lianee two (2) East and
Section live (5) in lown-hip thr e (.'!)
South ot Itmige two (2) Fun nf ihe Wil
lamette alcrnliii'i, iu the ( ouutv ol
( l.iekainas and Sim,, of Oregon, mid be
ing par's of the Laud Claims ol William
lines and (ieorje P. Newell, and
haiiilelai.il desciihed as follons; to
wit : lie.jinning at the norlhcist corner of
sunt U ill am Ito'mus Donation Land
Mainland Irom thence riiniiitor wn-l
Ily along Ihe mirth houndnrv inn nt
ml Uiliiam Holmes Claim, twenty-six
'n) chimin anrMill v f.'.Ol Ihibs. ili.ni,..,
ulh twenty-live (2.1) chains and sev- WfiRklV Drfifrnr.lfl n TOT 9,9. fl. vfifl.1
. w r
Reading Matter
At a Reduced Rate.
We want to double our Subscription List before
January 1st and are prepared to make the following
liberal offer to induce you to subscribe :
We will furnish the Oregon City Press for $1 a
We will furnish the Oregon City Press and the
Notice is hereby given that there are
sullicient funds nn hand in the general
fund of Oregon City to pay all ontstaml
ing wairants embused piior to Septem
ber 1, LSI'tl, Interest cease with the
date of this iiolie ',
IL E. Stk uciiit,
City Treasurer.
Oregon City, Oregon, September ll),
Never forgot that of the word unsaid
yon are master; of thu word striken von
are slave.
People who have nothing to do lead a
dog's life hunting entertainment.
A snob recognizes as his superior only
ncjs tnj :ui!y of most any town. The j the man who has more money.
Notice is hereby given that the under
signed, has been duly appointed execu
tor of the estate of .Margaret Will, dc
ceiu-el, and all persons having claims
against said deceased, lo present them
to me wilh proper vouchers at my place
of residence, near liarlow, Clackamas
county, Oiegon, within six mouths from
Ihe date of this notice,
Executor of the estate of Margaret
Will, deceased.
O. B. Dijii. k, Attorney for Executor.
Dated this 3 day of August, LSS.
nly-two (72) links more or less, lo the
orlh bnnnihuv line of Oiegon itv
Annex, according to (lie duly record d
map or plat thereof; then e easier!
along said nnrih boundary line of said
Oregon Cilv Annex, thirl.v-lhren Ci:!)
bains and ninety-throe (ii:!; links, more
less, lo iho uoi'ili asl. cornerif
Oregon City Annex; theme soutln r
along ii o nasi nominal V 1 1 re nl I cgnn
( l'y Am ex eighteen (IS) chains ant
eight (f) links, m 'ie or less to a point
one easi 01 iro noMheasl corner ol
niasonic mm ing ground, ns le-erred li
in Ihe do -d from .lames ('hp k and wifi
to Pair elt Dally, recorded in Hook A
pate 177. of the Kccnls of D-i ds of f aid
I iae!;ain,is County, Oregon ; thence e"st
twelve (12) chains and seventy four (74)
links, lo i lie cat b 'tindarv line of "aid
Oeoreo P. Newel ( hum ; thence noitl
eny along said east boundarv line ot
said Oeoige P. Newell Claim; thirty
our i-i; cnams ami eigni ' (Ml linus), to n
enint in the south boundary line of tin
Ezra Eisher Donation Land Claim
thence we-terly along iho south bound
ary line ol saill'isher Claim. I fh (.10)
links, to the r '-entrant corner of mi
( leorge 1 . Ni well ( hum ; Ihenee north
erly along Ihe east boundary line of said
Oeoi'ije P. Newell Claim, nine (!)) chains
to Ihe north, rst corner thereof; thence Urrafph i vnrlT.
westerly along the north boundary line Wcll'l-,-u i;a J UUio,
oi said Cieorgo I . Newell Claim, n not i
(I!)) chains and sixty-seven (tP) links,
more or less, to tho place of beginning
r,eepini'4 ami reservnii:, n 'Wtver, ll'.nli
the al'ova described premises a strip of
land in the iiorlhnesi corner 'hereof
deeded bv Patrick DullV toT. P liiindall.
for a public road by deed recoi.led in
IiomI; ;i2, page 4 !ii, of said Keeor Is
And for the sale of the said property
In satisfy said judgment an I barring anil
foreclosing von frmn all right, claim, in
equity of redemption in the mortgage 1
piemises, nml every part thereof, end
lor such other and further relief as to
the court may seem np et and eoju;tabh.
This publication is ma le by order of
the Honorable Thomas A McBride,
Judge of the above entitled Court, duly
made and entered on the 1st day of
Edward N. Deadv,
Attorney for Plaintiff.
We will furnish the San Francisco Weekly Ex
aminer and the Oregon City Press for $2 a year.
On Nearl 7 every periodical published we can
save you from ten to fifteen per cent.
For the Asking.
That is what we mean. We will give a nickle
watch FREE to everyone bringing in three new sub
scribers to the Oregon City Press at $1 each. Just
ask a few friends to subscribe for the Press and the
When in need of printed stationery
call on the Press.
S S '
88 8 8
8 8. a ,8 8