PROFESSIONAL CARDS Z,, L. PICKENS, DENTIST. JUUbliihcd In Orrfon City right yenre. All epermtlont guinnntood. Oflet In f Bercley tlld'g, Cor. 7th end Muln, DJl. J. W. WELCH, DENTIST. 01 the Ckleego College of Ventel urgcry. milemette Mock, J)R.J. II. MILLER, DENTIST. flue Denfl Work. ArtMIc tlold Crown uml Bridge H oi k. Office en Herenth HI., near H. V, Itcpot. JJROH'NELL .6 CAMMEIJj, LAWYERS. Will practice In 7 the courte of the itnte Centlcld Jllock. Jt E. MARKS. A TTORNEV-A T- LA W. Notary ruhllc. . , Office In Caaflcld Jllock. E, L. DAVIDSOX, Prop.-) COLUMBIA STUDIO, The UpTo-Date Gallery. fertnlte la Crmyen, Oilt end Veetxt . Mel St., Oregon City. "BANK of OREGON CITY Oldest Bank In the City. reld mp Cei i Vtpltnl ' mrphu , . ,$M OOO $i ooo j COMMERCIAL BANK, OF OREGON CITY.' Capitul, .... $100,000. TRANSACTS A OKNKRAL HANKINfl IH'SINKSH. Loans made. Bills disrwinted. Makes collections. .Buysand sells exchange on II points in the United States, Europe ana Hong Kong. Deposits received sub ject to check. Bank open from 9 a. u. to 4 p. M. D. 0. fiATovnms President F.J .Mxvus Cashier 1SS New Aurora Hotel H.WILL, Manager. Dining- room rooolvos personal supervision. Tables well sup plied with seasonable delicacies. Rooms are all nowly furnished and ilrat-cliiHu. A well-stocked bar Is conducted (or the accommodation of tlio public. i mur Tur urur uiiiAfieucMT i tdiai I Aurora Hotel and Restaurant. Jacob Giksy, ritoi'iiiKToa. Ratea $1 Per Dny and' Upwards. Liver and Feed Stable in Connection With the House. A-Horsed and Buggies to Let at Reasonable Bars. Bar supplied with the linest wines, !! iiura and cigars. Weinharilt Beer on draught. 'v-1 AURORAOREQONi , ELK j THE RESTAURANT knd LUNCH- COUNTER ' A Rood meal, iticliiiingmeat, vegetables, bread, butter and coffee 113 vents. Lunches from 5 ceiitaMip. All articles served are choice, Wt cuts of meat, fresh vegetables. Oysters in all styles at all hours. Veparaie compartments for Indies. Open all night. E. C. MADDOCK Opposite Cliarrnan's ot Co. drug store. OREGON CITY PRESS WEDNESDAYS and SATURDAYS Ma chick E. Bain, PlJIIMHIIKH. Entered at the poslofllce in Oregon City, Or., as second-class matter. .TERMS... One vear (in advance) $1 50 Six months " " 75 Three months ' " 40 If not paid in advance GOccntsaddilional will lie charged fur cost of keeping the account and to make good the losses I hut. are sure to occur with deferred payments. No person will bo asked to pay for the Prats who does not gubscrlbo for it. It ought not to be necessary to muko this announcement, but tho practice- of some papnrs soonis to make tho stuto mcnt advisable. . Tho Press works on business principles and neither plunders nor blacx malls. OREGON CITY, MARCH 10, 1898. It is claimed a prehistoric man has re cently been discovered in Utali whose legs Were unusually long. He was evi dently the victim of the political grafters of tils duy. AN OFFICE-SEEKER REBUKED. To tub Editor: Something like the following dialogue is reported, on the streets hs having recently taken place betwten two of our prominent citizens, whoss names, to avoid wounding any one's' delicate sensibilities, we will give asMr. Papsucker and Mr. Frankman: : Papsucker Good morning, Mr. Frank man. Allow me to congratulate you on your recovery from your recent illness. Frankman Thank you, Mr. Pap mcVer. Disease has loosened Its grip on me, and I am truly glad to see) you have so far recovered from the stiffness of that game leg of yours. You must have suffered immensely with a pain traveling over such a length of limb. Papsucker Yss, I suffered; but (hat is neither here nor there. The suffering of'fndrl'al flesh is nothing compared with the suffering arising out of blasted hopes ml.disuppoinled ambition. lain ambi tious, Mr. Frankimin. I would fmn climb to tiie very pinnacle of Glory's temple and guther from thence wreathes for my brow that even lie of the nasal twang and slippery elm tongue might envy. But I cannot climb alono. I need boosting, and your expressions of sympathy make me flutter myself that you will join w ith the fellows down on the street in giving me tho necessary boost, Cuul I I but stand on your brand shoulders I'd become, in tho words of Erin's swsetost singer, "A light, a landmark on the cliffs of fame," While lessorlights would bow their heads ' in Bliamo. Frankman Hold on, my friend, and take breath, and while breathing think of some iiood reasons besides your lofty ambition why I should permit you to stand on my ahoulders. j- Papsnckvr Well, the fact is, the boys down town kuep talking to me, and ask ing me to become a candidate for the legislature, and that is evidence that I am qualillod for the posish. Frankman Ah, Indeed I If that is so pray give me some of the names of those who are soliciting you to keep your hand in tho public crib, I want to know the sort of company I am to havo while help ing to olevato a man of your liuight and towering aspirations. rapsucker. Oil, lucre's lots of 'em. Ii'b no use to run through a long list, Frankman Now see hero, Papsucker; Isn't it a fact that instead of any one talking to you about becomlrg a candi date for qflleu you have only been talk ing to yourself 1 Instead of being Solic ited you have been tho shameless and persistent solicitor? If this isn't so give me names at once. Papsucker Well er you've got me there. I B'pose I may as well own up, But you know it is tho way of all who obtain olllcsv. We have to solicit names and get ourselves Invited to accept a nomination. If we can only get 'Mr, Snuff," whb is a man of wealth and influ ence, and public spirited withal, to'head the list the entire tribe of Sneezers will add their names, and thus we go through sometimes. Frankman I rfon't know any such tact, as you have stated it. But I do kAw that men who have not sought of fioe, and have preferred not to be bur dened witli it, have been called out by their fellow citizens lo serve lliem. And I also know there is an honorable and manly way of rising in tho esteem of our fellow men. It is a way of which you sein to ho ignorant. I need not point it out to you, for I doubt if you could com prehend it. But I will tell you it is not persistent, self-seeking and lying and hy pocrisy. It is the converse ol all this. The path you are pursuing is trodden only by men of little bruins and less honor. I bid von good day, With this dismissal poor Papsucker wandered back to his quarters, " like a wounded snake dragging his slow length along," and wondering what it all meant. As the outline of tho foregoing came lo the writer by way of the underground telephone, lie cannot testify that it is I verbally anil literally true; but the reader, as he recognizes the characters, will readily admit that the sentiment tlia( each one uttered is faithfully drawn, Dknnib, Jb. Ninotepii and one-half miles of track uio'yet to be laid on the grade of the A. fc C. R. R., says the Astoria News. Su perintendent McUtiire, who has been at the front for a few days past, returned yesterday, and Btstes that belore tho ex piration of a month Astoria an 1 Port lurid will be connected by bunds of si 'el. By Saturday next the tracklayers will reach Westport, buiiiK within three miles of that place at present. A hire force of men is engaged at each end, while a third force has been put to work laying ties midway between tho com pleted portions of the road. THE COUNTY COURT Report of vlewors on road petitioned by Lewthwaito et al, postponed until April term of court because viewers' re port has not been tiled. Adolph Kasper road ordered opened and damages to he paid by the county. Petition granted and Slanber road or dered opened, expenses and damages to be paid by tho county. G Wallaco roud petition denied. Leave granted to work roads in dis trict 35, Supervisor Erb, but mm must wait for money until some comes in.. V Deputy Surveyor Isom Instructed to survey Barlow and Bilverlon road. ' ' ' II A Webster appointed to fill vacancy n justice of the peace office in district No 3. Supervisor Erb ordered lo build bridge in bis district No 35. Warrants for $IS lo be issued to Ore gon City in payment for lots for paupers. In the matter of claim of Oregon City vs Clackamas county for road money,. Brownell & Campbell to ask supremo court for rehearing of case and receive' no fees except necessary expenses if un successful. . . In the matter of Hie claim of. M L Moore, treasurer, against Clackamas county for $233, claim allowed on order from circuit court and order drawn on treasurer for I he amount. .... In the matter of planking Highland road, county to furnish all material' 'if the people will do the work. ; R Talier to be notified that there is an offr to keep D R Tuttle, a county 'charge, for $7 per month. . One ton of Mclntyre powder, a now kind, contracted for at DJ4 cents per pound, . Couiitv to furnish half of money if the peoplo will donate the other half in grading and graveling a mile of road in district No' 1, costing about $30(1, Contract of planking Highlutid road awarded to Beoson & Sons for 30,000 plank at $5 per 1000 dolivered or ?3 75 at the mill. The foil wing claims wero allowed G V Ely, witness $ 4 -10 Coast Agency Co 1 M W R Garrett, sheriff 3 00 K 8 linker, clerk 10 00 A Hunter, insano 1. 1. Porter, district attorney. . Snpt Hla kwenlher, et al W M Robinson, cir ct M K Knndle et al, j p Water commissioners, c h M I1' McCown, reform echo 'I.. C Schuebel, j p, Wyland caso i n,i 5 0) 42 00 2 'JO 7 0) If) 00 13 75 1)0 H5 (I 1)0 11 110 11 85 57 25 Ina Chaso, clerk I. l-toiil ct al, assessors. ....... . Grace Ely, clerk. , , Herald, printing. . . . ',' stationery 22 00 112 80 1!) 00 li 45 ft7 55 12 (it) 7 CO V II Isom, roads and bridges.. J A Randolph ct al, j p P Nehrun, prisoners' hoard... T II llankins, sheriff 22 84 40 (SO 1. L Porter, dist atty 5 CO II II Johnson, f.ssessors 00 00 O Kchuolitd et id, j p 35 Ol) Irwin Hoilsmi Co, stationery 53 0) (; Schuebel et ill, In .4 00 IS A riouiiner, coroner 4 00 I'.MU'KB ACCOUNT Bee Ilivo Store.....' ...V 3 00. Red Front Trading Co (1 75 ,1 T Strife , 2 50 E J McKittrick 1 15 FT llailow 10 35 Douglas: county..... . 13 24 Kuril A Soniineis 07 50 Oregon City hospital 8 40 II Straight... 8 15 KELSO. Stormy weather. Prof. Vincent was seen in our town Our merchant, Joel Jarl, is making quite frequent trips to Portland. The debating Bociety is doing nicely. The question at the last meeting was Resolved, "That the Credit System Should ho Abolished." It was decided in favor of the nogative side. The question for the next meeting is Resolved, "That Devotion to Fashion is Moro Detri mental to the Human Family Than tho Tobacco Habit." . Mr. Nelson lust one of his horses last week. . Joel Jai l sold one of his horses last week and iiiteudM purchasing another one. Our school commences Monday with Pref. Vincent as teacher. Mrs. F. W. Canning is in Portland. Her daughters are attending school there. Charley Prost was out from Portland and spout a few days with his father-in- law, G. J. Erickson. Miss Daisy Rains is staying with Mrs. Chaso at Sandy. Win. Myon and John Epperson were seen in our town lust Sunday. March 13 Black Eves. -. r i. SANDY. , Contracts have been let by the county court for cutting the planks for three miles of the Sandy and Orient road. Contracts for cutting planks for two miles has been let to Johnson & Com pany at (3.05 per 1C00. Over $200 in labor has been subscribed to lay said planks. The contract for cutting the planks for the other mile, beginning at Meinig's store running west has been lot to J. A. Weaver. J. Crisle and Herman BnuiBwill haul and lay tho plunks for this mile voluntarily. The building of this road will caustf this section of the country to boom. Every thing seems to take new life, men w ho hud lost nil hopo of ever gutting a good road are now con vinced that it is a fact and are doing their uttermost lo help the thing along. The people of Handy and vicinity should be greatful lo the court for tho powder and planks, Casper Yonker, a progressive man from Portland, has purchased the Sandy hotel from Mrs. Hamer for $1030 Mr. and Mrs. Yonker intend to furnish hotel accommodations that cannot be excelled. While plowing Mr. Nelson's team be came unmnmipihle and started out on a deail run, resulting in cue of his horses breaking its neck. Robert Johnsrnd, our young liluck stuith, has got hinisejf a cook. I Jwo of 'our young-men from across twelver must nave sorneinirig very at tractive 'it Cherry vilTe, lis it" takes them all week to make the seven mile trip and they generally come buck with a kind of a barn door smile on their faces. Ml' , The smiling face of fair Miss Minnie Brans, of Portland, is in Sandy to stay witli her folks for the present March 14. ' ' SAtMON. , Spring is here and everybody is en joying the' fine weather.' Flowers are coming into bloom and the frogs are singing their morning and evening songs. Mr. Wakley is plowing and putting in spring crops, also Mr. Hamann. Wa had our annual school meeting and oleclvd one director -and re-elected tlie swne clerk.- The school board has iio,w four, staunch rcptiblicans. The di rectors are W. Welch, T. Huc'ges. W. Rosalhky and'S. Wakley clerk. School begins the first of April. " We ''have huiY'bad news here from SJoigVay'. Mr"'.'- Wclutyre, ono of our popular ' republicans! hnS 'lost through sickness (spinal meningitis) his second son, Roy Mclntyre, All the dis trict fuels sorrowful for the parents. Itoy w-fis very p'ii)ilnr 'and had many friends. It is a severe i-liock for the parents. Our prospectors. Mr. Hawking and Mr. Miller and brothers, have left for their homes at Ihi field on business for awhile, They, feel in very good spirits. Thuy nro about 24 feet down already and are striking vorv good quartz. We si i ill I have our Klondike all to ourselves out hero before long. Success to tliue gentlemen. Mr. Brown has had a very hard and husy lime with his fish ruck lighting the high water. Hu hail to renew all ol tho rack,but is now ready for any fish. Mr. Hall is very busy erecting n b u n on his ranch. He has jin-t completed a Hue house, being built out of split lumber. W. Welch is busy drying vegetables and putting litem up for tinvel packing, lie is going to lttivo us soon for Klon dike. The district will lose a jovial citizen and a staunch republican, who was always ready to slay by the standard, Mr. mid Mrs. Bell, our Litest settlers, gave on the evening of the 8tn to all the district a very pleasant party, the occa sion being a house raising. Mr, Bell liad all his timber ready and the young folks helped Ib'set it, and in the evening cutiui to u dance-, given in the house that they at present inhabit. It was the largest party' 'that has beon together for a good while and was a perfect sue-j cess1, nil's. Hukley kindly lent lier or gan and tho music was excellent, Mr. Wukley, F, l.ievers. and Mrs. Birdie Klein playing tho violin and Mrs. Wak ley, Miss Nola Wukley and O. Lehmann relieving one another playing accom paniments, Mrs. Wakley doing the lions hare. O, Lehmann was Hoor manager and was relieved once in a while bv T. Stone. The floor was flue and every body enjoyed themselves, keeping it up until 0 o'clock in the morning. At 12 o'clock a splendid supper was furnished and sndr a supper. Plenty of every, thing and how they did store it away, but we had the finest cooks out of the Harriet, yes and out of Clackamas county that did tho cooking. They were Mrs. Bull, Mrs. Wakley, Mrs. flail and Mrs. Underneiher. There were cukes, and tarts of every kind, and by the pleasant smiles any one could see how they were enjoyed. T.' Brown Hiid W. Welch kept the crowd in a steady roar of laiigliter, Thoe present were Mr. and Mrs. Wakley, Mr. and Mrs. Hall, Mr. and Mrs, Riggs, Mr. and Mrs. Shangler, Mr. and Mrs. Undernoihi r, Mrs. Kaiser, of Sandy, Misses Nola Wakley, Else and Dora Ware, Bella Crone, Bella Bell, Messrs. W. Miirngg, W. Siegles, O. Leli- munn, v. welch, r. urown, i. Dione, Louis Ware, B. Klein, S. Siovers, W. Waring, A. llanuicker W. Rosaleky, C. I Knmphell. Great credit is to b-J given to the host and hostess, who were un tiring in their efforts to try to make each guest comfortable,- and to their credit must we all say, that we enjoyed our self very much and will remember the evening for a good while. THE SANDY ROAD It may lie supposed by manv not familiar with tho facts that Canity but an isolated part of Clackamas county nud that any appropriation of hinds by the county for plank roads are unjustifi able. To thoso we would say, and with out fear of contradiction, that there are few roads in the county over which moro traffic is conducted during all sea sons of the year than the one it) ques tion. The settlements of Sjyer-t, Cherry villu, Cascades and a part of George pre cincts U80 tins road, there are nine i school districts included in this territory, in each of which 25 to 00 schohus are enrolled upon the several registers. When it is known that this is the main thoroughfare from Eastern to Western Oregon, that very nearly all the I raffle carried on between these com muuities is, by reason of the concentra tion of roads at. Sandy, thrown upon this road; the nature of the soil, the very little assistance had from tho county no wonder will exist that the farmers without regard lo politics have coniu lo the front. They have only been wait ing for soino one to start to circulate petition and solicit subscriptions When over a $1000 had been pledged by the responsible farmers of the com inunity. the county court was notified to attend a public, meeting at Sandy on February 5, The enthusiasm muni Tested by the people lit this meeting was unbounded und when a vots was taken not a dissouting vote was given Speeches "were, made bv II. McGngin K. A. Feneyke, C. II. Johnson, L Vaer- etti and others of our solid tax payers in favor of the Improvement. The county court after being com pelled to walk, while a good team wallowed through the muck and mild arrived at the meeting, realized that the people were determined in their efforts agreed to furnish some material, using the road fund of this precinct for thai purpose if the people would clear, grade and build the road. Bids were atkel for and received and contracts were awarded to J II. Weaver for plank at $3.60 per 1000 for one mile or as much of as the people would build, and to Straus & Johnson for plank at $3.65 per 1000 for two miles on the same condi lions. F. A. Muinig has agreed to clear, grade and build one half mile of road at a heuvv cost, nnd 11. Brims, J. II. Weaver and others have agreed to add another half mile. The following are the names of those donating and amounts given : J II Revenue, labor $50 00 C S Chaw " Robert Joneitid " R Raiser " 25 00 25 00 0 CO 15 (0 Janu-8 I'helan " Ciilherl Jonsrud " ............ 25 On 50 00 Nels Nelson " Dennis Jerger " M Dickenson ' . 30 01' 15 00 John I. Kri " 25 O 25 00 I' G Jonsrud " A Kliegel " Anton " B F lloytlston " Joseph Alliel " A Bankers " John Straus " 0 II Johnson " Victor Johnson " Uoht llooitseh " Frank Ritler " 1 II Maybee " T II Anderson " Conrad Slrasser " Fred J t-'uko " M Zoeit " 40 on 75 0 ) 25 00 25 CO 25 00 tb 00 30 00 30 00 30 00 3 00 6 Ol 3 00 20 U0 30 00 20 00 J II " 0 0!) John Gibbons " llenrv Wldner " J R Duncan " E A Revenue " lan-t'H Vaerctli " Fred Zogg Henry McGngin " .15 00 20 00 . 35 00 . 25 00 . 30 00 . 50 CO . 25 00 . 4 50 3 00 20 50 5 00 9 00 , 25 00 10 00 James Dunmire '' J W Kyler " K H Pen Eyke " Geo Hoffman " John ravelli F Revenue " F E McGugin " F R French " Jas G De Shazer " E Kopper " E E Wendlund " Hugh Fitzgerald " Joel Jarl " O Rainbow " OlufMikkelson " A Gunderson " George Beebe " II Beebe " Joseph Meyer " R J Thorp " Joseph Willig " Anton Malar " Jacob De Shazer TKoennocke " Lehmann Bros " Frank Wasco " Frank Hannel " J A Stafanson " John Bosholm " J A Strowbridge " Frank Parks " H Ridderbnsch " J MSlrowbiidgo " 10 00 20 00 500 5 00 1 60 45 00 1 50 0 00 JJ 00 10 00 7 B0 00 t 00 IS 00 SO 00 10 00 7 50 00 0 00 6 00 21 00 9 00 3 00 1 50 3 00 40 00 ..T. E. Stone A Bros, Mr. Ericson, Ole Lind and others have expressed their de sire to assist. R. Jonsrud, J. II. Reveni'e, C. S.Cuask, J. R. Dcnkis, Nels Nklson, . -Committee. First publication March 12, 1803. ' Summon. In the Circuit Court of tho State of Ore gon for the County of Clackamas. Kate A. Hunshro, plaintiff. vs. II. II. Hunshro, defendant. To H. H. Hansbrn, defendant: In tho name of the Stale of Oregon, yon are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint tiled against you In tlie nltovo entitled suit, on or before the first day of tho next term of Iho Circuit Court of said county and stale, which wdl beiiin at the court house in Oregon City, Oregon, on April 18, A. D., 18118, and if you fui lo answer (or want thereof the 'plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in his complaint, which is for a decree dissolv ing tho bonds of matrimony existing be tweon plaintiff and defendants, and such other and further relief as is just and meet in Hie premises and for her costs and disbursement. The order for the piihlicucnlion of the summons was mad" on Alurch 10, 181)8, by the Honorable J. It. Chdand, Judge of the Circuit Court of Multnomah County, Oregon, in lhe absence of the Iho presiding judge of Iho court ol this couniy. Manninh & McCoi.i.ocii, Attorneys for l'hiutilf. First publication March 5, 1898. Summon. In the Circuit Court of the Slato of Ore gon for the Count v ol Clackamas. Gilbert Ward, Plaintiff. vs, Etta A. Ward, defendant.-. To Etta A. Ward, said defendant: In the name of the Stale of Oregon, yon are hereby required lo apiKlir anil answer the complaint filed againftyon in the above entitled sub, -on or More tlio flrsl day of the next term of the Circuit Court ofSHid courdy und stu'o, which will heL'in at lhe court house In Oregon, OityO'-eiion, on April, 18, A. D., 1894. and if ynn fail to answer for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to lhe court for the relief demanded in I. is complaint, which is for a decree dissolv ing the bonds of matrimony existing be tween plaintiff and ileleiiilmrt and all property riiihls or claims of defendant avaiiist plaintiff und such other and further relief as is jn-t und meet in tlio premises and fur his costs and disburse ments. The order for the publication of this summons was made on March 4, 181)3. by the Honorable Alfred . Senrs, jr., Judge of the Circuit Comt of Multno mah County, Oregon in iho absence of lhe presiding judge of the court of this county. C. II. Dvk, Attorney for Plaintiff. Summons. In the Circuit Court, of the State of Oregon, for Clackamas County. Geo. J. Currin, jidiuiuisirutiir.of Iho es tate of 11. W.ehi'hcim, ileceni-ed, plaintiff .''" vs. Fred Stulke and bonis Stulke, de fendants. . To Louise Stulke, one of above -iiaitvd defendants: In the name, of the Statu of Oreunn, VOll are heieby requwie.l to epp araml answer to the complaint- in the above entitle I siii', on or before 1 1 in IStii il.iy of April. 18118, which suid. day is lhe llrst dav of lhe regular twin of the above en titled Court, next following the expira tion of six consecutive publications of this summon-1, mid yon are hereby hither noiilied, that if you fail so to ap pear Hiid answer the said complaint l: e said plaintiff w ill move Hie said court for a default in said case and for a decree against jnii upon the promissory note executed by yon to wit: Fur the sum of $800 in U. S gold coin together with interest thereon at the rate of eight per cent per annum from and after the 21st day of October 1889, less $120 paid nt divers- limes on said in terest, und for twenty dollars attorney's fees and for tho oMs and di-diur-euiunls of this suit. And von are hereby fnrlber notified that on vour failure to appear and answer the said complaint al lhe time aforesaid, lhe said plaintiff w ill take n lurtlier decree against von lor t'i '"re- closure of the mortiiage menlinued in said complaint, which hum iniiihi to se cure tlie payiiMiit ol said mite und inter est thereon and the nitorne 's lee there in provided, in case mil 'be ins'iinl.fil to force lhe pavun nt tliere-f, which said mortgage was rxecu'ed bv you on t he 21st duy of October 18S9, and is on the following described land to wit: Situ ate in Clackamas County, State of Oin gon, and beginning at the SE. corner of N of the D. j. C. of John II Childa and wife, T3.S.. R. 4 E., W. 51., in sec tion No. 6,6, 7 and 8, running tlience w. ui rods, uieneew. along vcnier oi county rbad'7;i rods, thence E. 87 rods, thence' a. 73 to place ol beginning, Von tabling 40 acres more or less ; also a piece of hind beginning at the SE, comer of N!,; of said I). L. C, thence running S. 30 ,24 rods , thence W. 103 rods to the center of the comity rond thence N. along center of county road 24 rod. thence E. 01 rods to place of beginning containing 13 acres more or less in Clackamas Comity, Oregon. You are hereby .no titled that line summons is served upon yon by publica tion in the Oregon City lVess in accord ance with and pursuant to tlie order of Hon, T. A. Mcllride, Judge of the above named Court, which euid order of tlie said Judge bears date of January 14, 180S. i.ivv STin-, Attorney lor 1 lainiu. ASSIGNEE'S NOTICE. In the Circuit Court of the State of Ore gon for Clackamas Count v. In the matter of the estate of E. E. Wil liams, insolvent I'ebtor. Notice is hereby given that the under signed has been ilulv appointed assignee of tlie estate of the above named insol vent debtor, under and by virtue of an act of the legislative assembly of the Stale of Oregon, entitled "An Act to secure lo creditors a just division of the estates of debtors who convey to as signees for the benefit of .creditors" up proved October 18, 1878and auiendnieins thereto. '.All -persons having chums against said estate are hereby notified to present the same to ma at in v office on Maiu Street, Oregon City, Oregon, duly verified us by law required, within three months from the date hereof. Dated at Oregon City, Oregon, this 2(Hhday of January, 1S9S. luos. K Ryan-, . istignoe of estate of E. E. Williams, Insolvent Debtor. BEFORE AND AFTER rrm But what length of time has elapsed and what wear has endured between the lirst and the last of the shoe. Did tlicy last a year or a moiiili? An extra month's wear on shoes means a grent deal to yon. Our shoeH have the largest possible perioil between the shelves and tho waste basket, KRAUSSE BROS. Shoes and Rubbers. We have nearly $0000 worth of Shoes and Rubbers on hand comprising a complete assort ment of Patterns and Sizes. We propose to reduce our stock and as an extra induce ment have marked all shoes and Rublieis to Bell at ole side Cost. Do not miss this Opportunity. Charman & Son, PIONEER STORE, OREGON t'HY. Summons, In the Circuit Court of the Slate of Ore gon, for the Comity of Clackamas: James W. Smith, plaintiff. vs. William Jack. Unley M. Gribb!, -William S. tirihhle, Ravmond A. Grihble, Andrew A. M Unhide, Walter J. L. Urihble, Elmer W. J. (iribbhi, Clar issa E. lirilihlc. Catherine E. Uribblo,' ami .Mniliii II. J. (tiibble, defendants. To William Jack, 1 1 nicy M. Uribble, William S. Uribble, Ravmond A. (irintilH. Andivw A. M. Uribble, Wul ler.l. L. (inblile, Clarissa K. Urib ble, Cailieiino E. Uribble and Martin II. J. Uribble: In lint nttirio of the Htate of Oregon, you sin! e-ioii of yon are hereby noiiltel ami leiinir.'il to im and npitrnr in tho above eutilled court on or before the fir-t dav of the next regular lerm there of, t' nit: i n Monday ihelHili day of April 1898, to make answer lo plaintiff's couipiaint, til'-'l in the aliove infilled muse; and if .vo'tfuil so to appearand answer, plaintiff w ill apply to tlie court for the relief prayed lor in Ids com plaint, namely : for n decree declaring plainiiir Hie owner and vesting in him lhe title in fee HtiiplelTf tho following Piece or parcel of hind situate and being in lhe County of Clackamas and State of Oregon, bounded und described as fol lows, lo w it : Beginning on lhe line between sec tion 15 and 22. T. 4 .V, R. 1 E of W. M. 18 82 chs., W. of H. E. comer of said seel ion 15 ; rontons thence N. 20.58 chs. ; thence W. 55 50 chs. lo the center of i-oii'i'y road; thence S. 2(1 (leg. K. along said comity rnul 22.07 chs:; thence E. along section lin 45.50 chs. lo place of beginning containing 103 1)2 ucrts. And for 11 further den re that the above named defendants and each of them Is) forever debarred from inserting any claim w I ml over in or to mill land or premises adverse to the plaintiff and for such other and further relief as to equity shall seem meet. This summons is published by order of the Hon. Alfred F. Sears, jr., Judge of the Circuit Court of the Slate of Ore gon, for lhe Comity of Multnomah, acting ill the absence of Hon. T. A; McBride, Jjidgeof the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon lor Clackamas County and by reason of bis inability lo act, said order being made under date February 20th, 1898. Hkikiks & Ubikkith. Attornevs for Plaintiff. Summon. In the Circuit Court of the State of Ore gon, for Clackamas County. James E. Buiucs, Plaintiff. vs. Flora L. Edwards and William II. Ed wards, defendants. To Flcra D. Edwards and to William H. Edwards, the above said defendants: In the name of tlie State of Oregon, you are h irehy required to appearand answer Ih'i coinpla"t filed against you in the aliove entitled suit oil or before lhe first judicial day of the next regular term of the above named court, being the third Monday in April, 1893, and if you fail to answer or apar for want thereof, the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief ptajed for in the complaint, to wit: for a judgment against you for the Bum of $150, with In terest from January 13, 1808, and for the sum of $50 attorney's fee and for costs and disbursements of this suit a"hd for a decree foreclosing a nortgage ex ecuted by yon on the 13th day of Janu ary, 18!Hi, in favor of the plaintiff on lots 54 and 55, Pruneland, Clackamas County, Oregon, and thai said prnparty be sold by the sheriff of Clackamas County, Oregon, as real property is sold on execution of the satisfaction of such judgment. Publication of this summons is made by order of the Honoiablo Alfred F. Sears, jr., Judge of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Multnomah County, in the absence of the Judge for Clackamas County. Dated March 5, 1898. J. F. BooTir, " Attorney for tlie Plaiutiir,