Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City press. (Oregon City, Or.) 1896-1??? | View Entire Issue (Feb. 9, 1898)
wiii'wiirw m 1 i K 5L . A MAIL SKKVICI!. j S'iioilulo foi' Ai'ilval mid DeltM'lili'i) ot 1 Mails, I Jliy Southern Pacific Hrt-lvd fium IliB koutli at 8:40 n. 111. and 8SJO i III. fl'OM io norili nt 0:24 a. in. liilJ OiM p. HI. Depart for south 8i5 it. III. Iln'l IJHO p n., fur the north 810 a. Ill, kllJ 1'iOd J), By Kk'ctric cltr find) HwllivoOil ami Mi! fcankie 8:13 a. in. fl'olll I'm 1 lUl) i. in. i' part wr Beittvnuu iimu nm in :15 a. in.) for lVrilrtlld Ul JlMIO p. Ill, ii Hcceived from WllsollVllle, tlrulittill Blallunl and Willamette ltt 10 :l!u a Itl.i -.. . ..... i ... ti-ti . . . . i . . .. ........ i " 1 r " nsouviiie, inanain, oiuuoru nd WillniUctto ttt 1 1 ::S0 in; Hecbivrtil fioin Molullu, Lilml'ali Mli ' liuo.t'ariis and KIV at II ill!) a. in., depart for Molalla, Liberal, Muliud, Cuiud anil fcly at ll in. T'll-WKKKI.Y RKUVK'H. Received from Viola, Lonim ilud tiUd Jiiud at 12 in. Oil Monday, Wednesday Juid Friday, leave for Viola, l.oiiiln hnd licdlulldut 1 p. In. Munduy, Wednes day mill Friday. Hei'eiVed fl'oiu Simla al 8 p. Hi. Mmi Vltiy , Wedncsdiiv illid Friday, depart for Tilone at 10 a. ill. Monday, Vednciduv anil Friday. "i Uecelved (loin MiiHno, Union Mills, MeinloH brook, (Marks, Mink, Heaver t'roek, and Kly at 4:30 p. in. Monday, Wednesday and Friday, depart for Mir lino, Union Mills, Meadouhfonk, ('larks, ilink, UeiiverCiPek ttiid Fly al 8 !t. m. vjii Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Loil!i" IMrt-floKV. A. O. U. W. meets every Saturday velilliL' III tni! A. O Hi Mi leliiilei lino. K Ciilill', secicLiiy. liebeceas vVi'luiinttn lielieeeii l.nlue No '1 ilieelf second ami fourth Kiinnvof tMich nionlli at 1 O. (). F. Temple. Vlara Milli l'j Beerelury. i''Courl lioliiu lliioil No fl, Foresters of America, im-cls lust anil n'coii'l Mommy In Ihu month in Willamette Mull. F, 'f. ItoirelSj Kei ivtaiy ; 1. Wi MosiUr, chief fliuger. Meiide Post Noi 2, i. A. U . Ineels ft mi. Wednesday in eileh Inontli al Wil luiiietin Hull. Mi L. Moure, coin winder. Clackamas Clniplii1 No. 2, U-. A. Mi, iiieem on t he third Monday (if each month In Mainie Hull. II. S. Slnlne, mtiB tiirv. 4 l'ii neer C!lmitcr Sn. 2S. Oi Is. S., (neelri Ihe Ret il and foiinh 'l'llefl nH in 'di monlli ut Ma-Oiue Hall. JIib L. JloiieH, Kei fetary. On'B-n Lo.l.o No 8, I. . 0. V., nioelH A-'evi'iy Tuelav in Od l Fellows' Hull. C, T F. Uyau, e'edvwiy. 1 . Falln F.n.'iin'pnieiit. No. 4. I. fi O. F. I VneeiH lirt and third 'l'liepday in each, SpVjiiionih --J. A. Steward, teiletiuy. J J liedinell Wfteliell.i Tiilie No. 1:1. Imp T 0. U. M., Illeels Kill in'diiy eveiiini,' 7.-:!0, VI l'opeH Hall t'l uh. lvi lly, B cretary KrneHl MaBs, Hae'neili. t' JIulliiomiUi l.oilue No. 1. A. F. A. M., hneetH lil'St nti i Ihild Siilnldiiys in eaeh Inon h at M Sonic Hall T. F lij'an, 'eereiii'v. Mei d Ci'l)H No. IS. Wi It. C., llleetH Second and fouilh Wcilnenlay in each 'liionlli at Hie WiMiiiiii lie Hall Mis. riioniuH Miller, President. AtifaiiP mvetH lil'm, feittnd alul folntji fliiiradnvh in eaeli month al A. t. U. V. 'iall. J. T. Heald, gecrelul'y. ' Catholic KlliuditH of America Si. .Iiilm's tiranch No. 047, met Is every Tue.iduv of llhe nionlli. t Tu:ilat;n 'lVnt, K ). T Rl., liieOls in A. (). U. W. II dl, ui'pev SevenMi hlreet, tin fei otiil and fouri.! Mondays. i li. jUimiek, l'.'coid keeper. luirell iri'Cior.Vi lii-iil (ii'Vinaii C'linhil " .ndiiy mo-nine , Sunday Hi lio. f: John l:vi inu oV Pel IPVi . iited col-nei t'lvich .,1 at 10 Yolllll! .nil at. p in- ice meets first Silndny n inon'li. Ciiiil'eh xllii i anil M.idisnii. j Methodist Cliulvh. II. Olielir, pas tor. Sunday nioininu clai-R mt-oi inj at 10 a. in-, pfe.ithinu' at 11 a tn. fnn . xlay school nl 12 o'clock, Junior l.eunue t t"4 P m., FpwoiMli l.eas.'i.e at 7 p. m , ' Vieachini! at 8 p. m", player uiwelinu at ' p. in. Thursdays. SI. Paul's ChntVli, l'liisnpal. W D. Williams, 1). I i minister in charge. Sunday school 10 a. in.. Service 11 a. m. and 7::i0 in in. Fridays, evening prayer nnd address at 7:30 p, in. rVimriwaliona! Church. Kev. tlutler bustor. Pieachim; at 11 a. in , Sunday school nt 12 o'clock, Junior Society at 4 in., Senior Society at 7 p. m., sermoti it 8 p. m , prayer meeting at 8 p. m 'Thursdays Catholic Church. Snlnlav school at 9:30. First Sunday Masses rtt 810-3 xj'clock, sermons at each Second Snn dav Mass at 10:30, with sermon. Third fend Fourth Sundays, Musses at 8-10-3 to'clock, with sermon at each Fvery Sunday eveninir devotion or vcspvrs ser mon aild benediction. Week days. Muss t8a. m. Meetini! of Altar Society very second SundaV after Hiiih Muss Kev. Father llildebrand, pastor. P.nplist Church. Rev. Manx pallor. Preiichini! at 10:30 a. in. i Sunday s diool t 12 o'clock, Junior Knileavol iit 5 p. m., Senior Kmleavor 0:15 p. m.,preai lnn at 7:o0 p. in., prayer meeting T:30p. m. i'liursduys. United Brclliren Church. ftpv. J. Viro pastor. Sunday school nt Mn. nl-, preaching at 11 R m., preaching 8 p m. jiruyer meeting at 8 p. m. Tlmisd.iys. Preebyleriftn Church. Rev. A. .1. ontnoinery pastor. Sunday school at 10 a. M., preaching at 11 a. m., Junioi Endeavor at 5 p. in., Senior Kndeavor at S p. in., preaching at 8 p. m. I LOCAL AND PERSONAL N ! The county court convened in rex11'"'' I el'm today We keep lclnl:u(l, tliO l'Veilllh llllistuld In bulk, Murr & Mull' t J'oti love tsootl f yrUp try H lull or bucket from UuiTin' giUcely. Misl trail Wol, u( I'ol'llullil, ttllH ll ' u,kJBl hf L,,rt .'U last Iteelt Atioi'iiey J, li. Marks hits besn Raleill ScU'lltl illlyBOil legal Inlslliess. Unly hlgll t'HIIU BctVlllg IIUtllilneB for $9.!) lit Ilulloiny A llitu'li's, tin easy terms. Lirflnj! Walsh, a Hut! vd of Amtriit, took out Ins flrSt eiliif jiiBliip papjrS o:i Satuf (lily. John P; dole, of Anl'ofa,wns in Oregon CitV sevel-al days this wtick on it business il'ip. fltmnel KrickS'in, a native of Norway, una grunted full citizenship papers on Wednesday. J; M. LawrtincO wits in Oregon Cllv Wednesday, shaking hands with his I niiiiiv fnrit Is. Mrs. S. D. Ilolinaii.of McMinnvillo, Is in the city visiting the fitoiily of bet- son It. L, I lul ma n . Last year's patterns of wall papel' at ritducud piicvs on 5c and 10c counters at Pelloniy & llusch's. Theie aro others, but the gunpowder tea for 25 cents, at Illti'ria' grocery can't be matched in the stale. There will be a woman's inei'ting in the Presbyterian church at 3 p. in. on Sunday. All women are invited to attend. Oil Monday Silas Hedges a prominent l-epublicun of Salmon River (Jounty was calling on bis many friends hi Oregon City. For trade Four lots, w ith good house and lain, in Canliy for Oivgon City properly. This olliea. Pr. J. W. Norri.s' offico is now in Chaiinaii's block, rooms 5 and 0,-Jn same floor with laud ollice. March 14 has been set for a final heal' lug of the administratorship of Ihe Sarah McCue estate. The property is valued lit f'.)00. The best Vesefve sugar corn can be had only from Marr & Mail', who have sole tigem y It is tho best corn put on Ihe mniket. The entertainment to ba uiven by tho Cuneinah Literary Society and set for February llili, has been indefinitely postponed. Tbcio a IV many kinds of teas, but our Knglish breakfast and Spider lep In inds ate very popular. They have a peculiarly pleasing llavor. Marr and Muir. Mrs. Hairy Watkllis, of Porll.iml, was in Or. gon City, II. e guest of her brother's family, R. L. Ilolinan She was accom panied by Mis. Ci Ion O. Ilolinan. Call on Dr. J. II. Miller, dentist, for tl no dehtal work, at'tistic gold crowns and bridge work. Ollice on Seventh street near Southern Pacific Depot. Roy, the oldest sou of L. V. Shank, of Canby is veiy low. He had an ittiack of measles and suM'ered a relapse. The other trto children lire threatened with IlKasles, Mr. Shank has gone to Alaska. Marl' & Muir are making a specially of Klondike supplies. They have a full stock of evaporated vegetables, fruits and meats. An out lit for one year costs about IfllOOO, and weighs 1,200 pounds, All goods are uncased ill till oi' vtulerpmofi MUs Jennie (iiillith) of The Lilacs, near Salem, is the of her sistciy Mrs. R. A. Miller. Miss (Iiillith has made a great suecesR of hti.-ihg China pheasants, and last season disposed f about 100 hi Caiilorni.t puopb' interested in stocking that sta.o. Fred Nelson, nn estimable young llhin well known in the city and county, left on Monday to j liu the navy He expect' ed to be stationed on the Oregon, now at Port Orchard dry dock. The battle ship will soon leave foi a two-year cruise in eastern waters. Fred is n bright boy and w ill make the most of bis two yeur'a train ing. Party having bicycle combination cou pons from packuics SODA MINT GUM f Can have choice of wheels without delayi Inunire particulars al C. G. Huntley's Drug Store. On Monday ovening President Steel's private car was run to Oregon City lo ex' periineut with a new electric headlight. The arc light used is of 0,000 candln pow er, and throws a light many bundled yards in front of a car. The F.ast Side company contemplate putting the lights on all their ears, considering it economy to thus ward against accident i und hold ups A long suffering public, w ill Kindly welcjino the iiinovath .n. C. F. Ilennings, the Seventh street baker, is pivpnled to furnish all kinds of cukes, pies, etc., at short notice. The merchant swore by all the go, Is be- nath the starry skies That, though he lived a thousand yenrs, he'd never Advertise. But ere ft year, de.-pite the beast he con fidently flaunted, He ran an ml. beneath the head of "tit' uatiou wanted." The lightning crayon artist and car toonist, G. C. I!u-linell, will be at the Congregational Church on Friday even ing the 11th. hist. Don't fail to see Ih' pictures and t it it uuns that wiX 11 jw from his ban 1 like lilitglt'i Dried Fhiit KBt'9-i5iil' customers mbiill have the best uttho price of the cheapest, at Iliti I'is' gl'ory. Wood wauled M this oflico, a few cords will be tlien on subdcrip'.ion. Highest poSiT'ln gl'.i do at the lowest possible priceMocha and JavucoflVc, at Harris' gjoiiy. Iloine-niade bread, lialies and pies can be ol-deid from Joseph Fgle, the baker, back y Shively 's thrill ro. All orders will receive prompt attention. Thomas Killeu, onu of Clackamas uoitnly's substantia! c.itiz ins, ivnfl i i Oiu gon City Tiles lay, coiiKiiliiug n physician. Mr. Killeu has a throat ailment Unit is Causing him some trouble William Gibson, employed on the bark' Ing machine in th V. P. it P. coinptny's saw mill, had the lips of three fingers of the left hand badly lacerated on Sunday by gelling caught in tho machinery. Members and friends of tho M. E. Church are requested to be prcsant at a roll call, to be answered to bv a familiar (notation, after which a conundrum lunch will bu served Monday night Feb ruary 14. The Wwillit'i' ut fjioveriimoiit ('aiii)ii O. U. V'ocuin, vi'hmlury observer at iroverninent caiiiii felevalioii :.:!K0 1cet) near Mount Mood, furnishes Ihu follow- ing report of tho weather du' lng month of Juilil try Maximum temneralure on the 4 h. 51. Minimum tempcra'.uruon the 10th and 21th, 2. Mean lumperature, 28.0. Total ii or i j it nt i on , 11.40 inches. Granted precipitation in any 24 hours, 1 50 inches, on Hut l!)ih. Total hiio .v fid!, 81 inches. Depth of sno.v on gruiinj, on the 15lh, 0 inches. Depth of snr.v at end of nionlli, (10 inches . Number of clear days, 4 1 partly cloudy, 11 cloudy, 10. On 22 days more than .01 p.oipitation fell. Prevailing Wind, u. w. Precipitation for Jan. 1807, 0.30; snow, 33 inches. Precipitation for Jan. lS'JU, 14 02; snow, 30 inches. Tli Alaska Pi"t'Cr. There has been some ah dement of the Klondike talk this week, but it is only beoiiusB eleven enthusiasts shipped on the Filler Saturday. They wero: S. II. Dooliitle, George lieihvay,!. L. Iletrniun, j Mr. and Mrs. George liiltimr, George and L. Iladolf, James Cox, W. Arthur, 11.11. ICiistiuan, George Tucker ami I). ' K. Ilenderson. There are a scoieor inolV j of men ptepuring to sluit, siuio Ibis week and some later. Mr. Collins, who walked out from Dawson, is not inlend- ing lo sturl for fully a mouth ye', lid . h.ivs Unit will L'iee him iiiiinhi liiuu lo i puck Ins oullit lo llie heail ol tho lakes , and get his boat r.'iuly bef. re Hie ico breaks up. Ile t onsitlcis it fcllv to think J of alteinpting to go in before then ; a man j , , ..... . : l I... oiini not uiho in inuiu iiiuii imiii-ij enough to keep him alive on the trip. Win-It on it uii Hnleliery. Thomas llrowii. who has ihe contract for building Ihe new salmon hiilcherv on thu Salmon river, ciiiuo lo Ihe city Mon day for supplies. Ilu reports Unit the dams have all been put in, nud woik on the new hatchery building is untlel' way. The old hatchery, w ill! a capacity of 750, 00.) eggs, will be used until Ihe new j building is completed. The spawning season wid not cominenco lor alioiil iwo weeks. Only a few smou uiu running in Ihe Salmon river now. Tin; new build ing will bu 24x80 feet, with a capacity of 5 0:0,1 00 eggs . Fari-ncil tinier Hutu (nine. After four months of bard, judicious work iu Oregon City, Ensign J. K. Os borne and Lieut. M. Sengei'tii rger w ill farewell Sunday evening, February 15, or a now fluid of lab r. The public are invited to attend tile farewell meeting. Republican Central CinnmiHce of Cluck nmns County. A meeting of tho Republican Central Committee of Clackamas coUntv will be I...I.I .. tl.n ,.r...n II... ort,.,...t.,-i, tn dm. IIU Ml III LUC Ulllt.C Ul I III! ri...l ,tlJ..i j gon Oily, on Siituniuy, ftlareli u, l'.i, ai tho hour of 1 :S0 p. in., for Ihu purpose of fixing dales for holding tho mhiniries and cotinlv convention. litiportiiimVi'tit of delegatus, and the transaction of i other business that may bo brought fjfe the meeting. All members of tho committed are ur gently requested to attend this meeting. H. M. Ramshv, Chuiimaii. Tims. F. Ryan, See'y. Wantkd To engage cupiibla lady or gentleman as local representative. Guar anteed salary $"0 per month. Address J. 1 Hicks, general delivery, Oregon eily-. Jllnri-iiiKQ l.lceiiNm. The follow ing marriage licenses have been issued by County Cleik Dixon: Elsiu Drayton and W. II. Blood. on Ihe 7th inst. BORN. Stranoe In Oregon City, on the 8th inst., lo ihe wife of Prof. II fi Strange, a son. DIKD. luisn In rark place, on tho 7th inst., A. W. Ir'eb, uued OSycnis. TYPEWRITER CHEAP A Dougherty typewriter in good eon ditiou. Apply at this office. be' V A WATERY GRAVE Boat Containing Five Men Goes Over the Falls. f OXE LIVES TO TELL THE STORY Dense Fog and Unuiually Swift Cur rentThe Bodies Not Recovered. Five men were caraied over the Wil' li'ineltu falls Tuesday morning, and futir of them perished. They wore: (ioorgo I'Vecinan, aged 61; left a w idow and six children. George Fiecinani, aged 20; unmarried. James Ff.seman, aed 18. Lon 1. Shannon, aged 37J left u widow and four children. Hurry l'reeman, Ihe only one of Ihe pally ho escaped. Many men w ho work In the p ip . r mills live in Cuneinah and go to and from w ork by el'ossdi.,' Ihu river in row boats above the falls. Til s saves a 1 JUi walk around by t ie bridge, and only in linns of ex treme high waim or d.msu fog is tilt! iu any daugcl, as the current at the ordi- j ,lal'' "" "f water is not swift, and the distance ucro.-s is less than half a mile. J lie log j uesuay inornin wassoneuse imuoi.jects only a tew lent uwuy were noi visible. During the past three days the rains catned n big raise iu the upper river, until it registered about nine feet above low-water mark Tuesday, having risen seveial inches during the night. This made a cm rent of about 25 miles an hour. For some veal's it 1ms been the piactico of George Freeui.iil to ( x over lo the mills accompanied by his sons, and Tnes' day morning they slur e l, about 0:45 as usuil.with Iliuryand Jainesat the ours, mi I accoinpanie 1 by L. I. Slumnon, un employe iu Ihu Willume te mills, where the elder l'r;C:nan ivuiked. The boys worked iu the Crown niilh All knew the danger they Were exposed to, and kept as good a lookout us possible, hut before I hey they had bjcu out long they realized j t.;mMl lh;n t0 (lo all ,,.t.omniend thai wcie not gilii' rigid, and Marry,, .. ,i,ii,i,,l i,.,tf ,tlt i,iv f.- changed seats with his b.other George, Inking the bow, while George fjwed. Hurry, who al-me lives to (ell the lale has as yet only a vague idea of what hap- j wit, lH i1:lt ne,v elosais are in the iu paiied, l ut says they hid cluing-d poi' , of j,......,.. v. ...onilitv and health Hons only about three minutes before thcy u'eie on the dam built urou-id tin) edge of the falls, Ihu middle of Hud just above the main fulls, when tieorgu exc'uiiu id ; "I s all up wit.'i."ll' boys j cling 10 the boat," ami the lirst drop of about six feet was nude with ut mishap, Halt a ilonon yaws lurtlioi' mi the boat plunged over the main fall, 'J . I , i. i ..1 1,,.. I i.,.!,,.; 1 ; uillking the dr. .p. ami reai i)-ared l,0ttum t-i ht up, with George and Harry elinging to it Hurrv says ho was In the bow when . . . ' . . . iiio boat wont ilolin. am w hell it (lime up be l ad bold of the stem, ami his brother Geol'ge was clinging lo tin) bow. While under water what seemed an in- terminable pi rfod, he let go of the bout, and when he reached the sin face grabbed it again. Iloth shouted for help, ami tne boat whs caught in swift current and carried across the liyer to the west bank, just back of mill C, of the Willametto Pulp & Paper Company, where theie is a strung e Idy. Gib Pnlter, who was coing to work, walking along Ihu locks, he.ti'.l the b iys, shouting, and surmising what had hap pened, rushe I to the river bank und saw Ihe bout about 20 feet from shore, with two men clinging to il. By Ihu Iimu he gut a boat to assist llie drowning boys Hurry had reached the shore, too exhaus ted und benumbed with cold to move further Willing hands soon pulled him out of the wuter and applied restoratives. Potter got to the unturned bout as Vooil as possible, and turned it over, but i:,..,, i..i ,i:-.,,,n,,i i T..n ivii'ii- i stand Ihe teriilile Hlruin, ho slipped into j the water when help wusalmost at band. Hurry Freeman, who escaped, cinne near going over inn lulls annul a your,"11' .....t.. ... ago in n boat with his father and another elally anil itilislicully, anil Miss Bracken ,.,;mi,..,i 'I'i,,... o.,vn,l iii,...,ci.lvi.J il, in, is llie recipient of unslinled pruirO for by clinging lo thu diiftwing unlil he leached them. SPECIAL SCHOOL MEETIXf, evy a Sjieclal Tux Jor Scliotd riirpnses. On MoiiduV eSuiing n special stdiool meeting was held luHpeB Hall, which was not verv well attended, and it was voted to levy a special lux of 7)ii mills for school purposes. The following report shows estimated cost of maintaining the schools for the coming yeul : Oiikoon Crrv, Fob. 7, 1808. To Ihe Tiixpnyei-8 of School District No. 02, Clackamas Cuiintv, Oregon : Ladies and Gentlemen : We, your hoard of directors, herewith submit an est mute of Ihu cost of maintaining the ecbool in the district for the ensuing year, as follows : Salaries of teucherfl . Salaries of janitors Salaries of clerks. . . . School supplies, etc. Janitor supplies Fuel Repair lit furnaces. . . ' ltepair to desks. .$0,710 AO . Hot) 00 . 100 00 . i.T,0 00 2." l 0 . 18 100 2.') 10 35 00 Ip x i v X Heldl puir to 100 00 It!!) 01) 7-0 0.1 50 50 4!i 00 Repair lo Interest on b inds Interest on Homing Water lent Total if!) 000 00 The above estimate is made an the Sup position 1 1 ut L wo can get along w ith Hie same number of teachers us last year, should however, the number of tuelnrj b.! increase 1 it will bo necessary t ) em ploy an additional teacher, lit up a room und the neces-ary desks aiii furniture, thus entailing considerable extra exp.uise. We hope however to get lliroiigh this year with Ihe present mini h ! of teachers. We estlni ito our income from el ite and county apportionment to be as fol lows : $inoo :iuo.) County Tot ul ifdOOO us against If 4, 732 lust year. This is owing to Hie fact that the taxable properly iu Ihe county in les.s than lust year. And llie fuither fact that our census shows a les.s number of children of school age in the district, bjing about 10D0 us against 1 100 lust year, Assuming our estimate lo be correct il will ivipiire a tax luvy of 7 mills to nioet Ihe iicluully nece.-sary expanses of con dueling t!io s.diools for the next year. A 7 mill levy this year will raise less money ih in (j m ills did lust year, owing to the fuel Unit Ihe assessable properly in the district only amounts to $743,00 ) as against $8Sj,000 last jnar, a dill't'rencc of $142,000. Iu ilu above estim ile we lulvo p'net'd only the amount that v.o (ousider ab solutely ne. es.-ary lo be met in Ihe con duct ul the schools, and we now lake this occasion local! lo your attention Ihe de sirability, we might also say the necess ity of providing new closets at Ihu Kiot- iimu C 'l.ndt tib IIwko nniv tiwtn ul.i lint ' ,- Iul. i,,,,,,,, t not to lllt,,ltiull , n,,.:,. 1I;,saniaiy condition, which cannot tjj VMIU,it.,j Wu ,.u-e investigate I Ihe malterof new ..,,..,, n,.,, .,, ...,.v oll,8 :,:. l it- to Ihos j iu use at the 1'aivl iy building, which have proved very mlishiclory iu use, en be built fur about $50.). Wu consider this a very necessary and de- this purpose. Wo feel m re that if you will it-it the Bchool grounds and invest- ' i Lute for vourselves that vou will ai:i'ee iind not besilale to piovid j us with the necessary funds to nuiku Ihu chungo. Rc.-peclfully submitted, ,.1.W. Nom is, . .j 'W. :. Caui i., Ciiiii.i;s II. C.u'n:!i.rii Directors. On motion of Geo.A. Harding a levy uf 7,'j mills was lu idu to meet expuisvs. There was some discussion on Hip legali ty ,of the tux not having been made in strict accord willi the legal requirements. RilNteril Mftt-M I'llftM-lfllll. On Tuesday evening the ladies of Pio neer Chapter No. 28, Order of laislern SlnrSj, l-.nileleJ the following musical program : Piano duel Miss F. Campbell, Miss Veda Williams Sob) Miss Sadie White Solo William P.uckbard! Violin solo Air. Snrrybiie Vocal solo Ml-s. J. II. Strickler Piano solo Mis Spancler Trio. . . Miss N. K. Clinrninn, Mrs. Wur- liel', Mtss Y isliart, Miss Spungler, Mrs. Wiggins. Mrs. Madeline B. Colliding, worthy grand matron of the Oregon Older ol Ftistem Stars, Hindu a short nildress on the aims and objects of the older. Mrs. Murguict I.ulke, worthy associate grand mat i on, also made a few appropriate re marks. After the speech milking, all joined iu a social hour, light refreshments being served by the ladies, i Parliplace Eiileiltiininciil The people of Park place filled the school house on Saturday evening to bear the milertaintnent in-ranged by Miss , Bracken, the object being to raise funds j to pay oil' Ihe indebtedness on the organ. the able manner in which everything as coiittui teil. The leeeiplHwill more than pay ofTtbe organ dub', and the balance was placed to 1 1 i is credit of the library fund. Anliit J ISeiihl'liiler 1 11 1 CM I xt e. Mr. Miscnheimcr, icplvseiitiiig Ihe Boys' and Gills' Aid Society, was in Ihu eily Monday, investigating some report ed cases of ciuclly lo rhihlion, and to get Minnie Phillips, whose father, who resides al Vermilion Grove, 111 . , instruct ed tho society to take charge of hci and send her lo him. Thu child will make I in long trip alone, but agents ol the so ciety w ill see that she goes through all right. 1 l,-l WIHIn Mill. On Tues lay Daniel A. Cal ler was in Oregon City lo file un application for a homelcad entry on a quarler seciion near Silverton. Mr. Carter was born in Oregon City SO years ugo and claims lo be the first white child born Iu the county. Mr. Curler is now living at Hillsboro. A SNAP. Another idiot going to Klondyko and mint sell Gladstone properly nt once. Apply to Will L. Miller. Hi tiiur to blackboards hull ImV' debt THE GERMANIA 1 3 MARKET, Lower 7th Street, ,pt?a;vwy. sw&XWZfl WSSCWiJ-i 35?; THE Til? CITY j iJL aitL Jim rn,h Published Twice a Week AND All the News While it is News Subscriptions $1.50 a Year. ROLLING OF 7 Is no easier limn niiikinii; "ood bread and pastries from our " PATIvXT" brand of (lour. Most of the ood cooks use it, because it makes the light est, sweetest and most wholesome bread. I'uy it once and you will use no other brand. For salo by all the grocers. Portland Flouring Mills. Improves the appearance of a room, makes homa inviting for the husband, keeps the wife in good humor, and the cost is so small. I have a large stock of new paterns. - Caskets and Shrouds Carried in stock, at very low prices. Funer als receive personal attention. . L. IIOLMAN, Einbaliner. 1W t Clll i 25 SO A llSni. ITF.f.Y finfiRJNTri' D ,',('llrP v. u.. ...... . uuu ipo. neter nil-mill lioiiHIrl fr, Ail. KTKIII.IMI l;i;llJlV TkKMKNDO'JS SALE OF WALL PAPER Some of the fined lo be fiiind In Ihe city, at hitherto iiuhcuri of prices. New and pre'ly p ilicuisctf'ra dunce goiH. Wall 1'iip.M' from 7ca double roll nt). Do not in i -s to ask for lust war's patterns, which we sell at sacntice prices. BELLOMY & BUSCH Tho House Fut'oislicrs, OPPOS1TK COURT HOUSE. Carry a full line of all Meats. Live and Dressed stock bought. Call on the new Proprietors. & Co. 1 A L ALL DRUGGISTS i-Lycawof rnnslinallnn. rnsmrrtu nrp Un. Moul Uta- L-np nr eniio. nui mi!- ri-i) i-iiuriil rrr.i.ltg. t.11111 0.. ('Iiirnint. Slimlli ni. ('in:.. i,i Ni.i lurk. nil