Oregon City press. (Oregon City, Or.) 1896-1???, February 09, 1898, Image 2

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r iif;r w.K'Si.
opt'i'.Kl iMgiuivutrpil.
m In (hi' ll.uvl-iy nut's, ' : Till unl , !
(in Chicago Collrgil of Jtrlllill nvgevy,
' iTilln inetlo llltirk.
IlOIIXl'LL .6 CAMl'lillLL,
la nricns.
Till pmetlee In nil (ho court tho utula
Cun field lllurk.
Xotnry l'liblic,
Vttleeln Vntitichl lUnclt.
lvJ7i l'p-To-D:ilB 0'iillcry.
' Vortmlt In Ctnyon, Oil unit I'ltntol.
Main St., (Ilvgim City,
Oldest Bank In t
tittup CliWi Otplltt'
lipiit .
. 000
fit 000
lino ono.
if, Bills discounted. Mllkl'S
.' Buys and m'IIh exchange on
s in tlio Vniled Stales, Eniopo
ong Kong. Deiiosila received sub
to check. Bunk open (rum I) A. m. to
, F. Mi
, President
New Aurora Hotel
HjJMLL, Manager.
pi In
Illllt'S 1
initio (I
ell wij-
Kiwly fiiniiriliid
A w'l-Htoi'kod liar Ih condiirtiMl
for tho itccoiiiiiKiilatioii of tho
iurora Hotel
and Restaurant.
Ann m'MtivtivLl
) Jacob (iiusv.
Itatesl lVr Pay and I'pwards.
j l.ivcry nnd Feed Staliln in t'riinrction
With die IIoiiho. llorsrx and l!nj.-;n'H
to Let at KcitHoimbit) Kid 8.
v I Bur supplied with
the llnest wineK, li
Weinliaidt lieer on
IfuorBuiul cigum.
ATTT?rx?A nTJTcnnw
L .
TVe have nearly .i'.WO worth
nf Shoes and Itubheison hand
tompriKini! u coinplei assoil
men t of
'Patterns and Sizes.
W propose lo reduce our
stock and as an etra iioliice
hirnt have mitrked all hhoes
mid Kulibem to tell at yle
ssilo CoHt.
"Do not miss this
Charman & Son,
20 21
23L24 23 26
MAi:itifK K. Bain, - - l'riii,isin:ii.
lOtitc-reil lit the postollico in Oregon City,
Or., us second-class matter.
Ono your (in advance)
Sir iiiiinll.H " "
mouths ' " 40
-iiiiil in advance () cents additional
charged (or cost of keeping the
Hint to make good Ibe losses
.re hiii o to occur with deferred
ao person will lio asked to pay for the
x'ri'HH who (loos not subscribe (or It. It
ought not to be nocuHHiicy to niako this
iinnoiincomoiit, hut the prurtlco ot
HOI! 10 plipi'l H SODIUM td lllllko tllO btlltO
ltmnt advisable. The I'ross works on
bimiiiHHO principles and iiolthor plunders
not' blacx mails.
T j run it nt'Hflpnpi'r tvilhout occiiHion
nil v puhlinhiim mi ilmii t i in t IB luuxiict
or nivinn otli'iiHt", icoiuiks an cxcIiiiiiuh,
in liku running u railroad without having
uti'idi-iitN o hiihihIhuh. It can't bo done.
No man on tliuuarlli ho much iniposud
upon iih llio liior nf a iiHUHpapur,
I'iikIicvI with work coutiiiiiully, liu iimt
inly on Nccoiid iiuil tliird pirtio for in
(oriiiiiliou iib to llio bVcnlH Unit tmnnpiro.
I' rcipionlly HlaU'inunl.H aru I'wcoivod from
loliiibly pi
" which are Biilwa
ju without foiiiulii
id ii'inler, you Ibid
Mine Btiilu'iiont in
i tin) fart in your
lie handle, hut go
for a roirection,
it. II i II j cines out
..... just one, you will
to thu cdib
anil lakn o
of Iimi, if yi
lui received pnliti ly and
lii.ido n itli pleiiMirc.
tho correction
The My itki I'irc'k Knleipriso iu of llio
opinion Hint w lion II man liojjinn to talk
of lii.s friendship for llio iikih-os it iH s.ifo
to tiKminm lliat lir iH prrparini! to run for
nllirr. There are I hone, w ho will uci ioiiB
ly object to lliis construction bein' placed
on their lovn fi r Hie people.
M. ). I.nwns laic of I.nlayellii u'ves it
us his vxpciicncc that hit H.ivnl tint p.ist
season 511! per cenl of his apples with four
s ra ins, and Ho per rent hy live uprny
in,'s. Ol her nr overs lolily to eipuilly
(jnod resulls from caring for their or
i'IuimIh. Real Estate Transfers
(Tint Clackamas Abstract & Trust Co.
which furnishes this report, in Hie owner
of the copyright to the Thornr Hysteni of
nhslrarl indexes for ClnekaniaH eounlv,
and bus the only couiplelrsel of iibslrnets
in tho roomy; ran furnish inhumation
as to liiln lo laud a I. once on triplication.
1 1. laiiH, investments, real est do, abstracts
elc. Olllcuovcr Hank of Oregon City.
! V .1. Mack to Al,r,d HiBol. a
in 1'. I.ee Clin $ 1!5
V S to A tt.-buin, K'a of K'a Sms
2 S II H V
V .1 W Mctioid toK W A K llaiiiOB
,r ii M M McCarvcr elm
A II Shaver lo W A Shaver, 5)0 a
Sec 21,5 H' K
.1 llamford to ,S A liel, NW4' of
N 10 1 ,4 Sec 7 2 S II K 1500
S II Calill'tby sherilt) to I. A Noble,
l.ts 5, ('., Itk I t;!, ( Cily '-'51
t) Uonld lo I' this, SW'i; Sec U
;i S l W 218
Snnsol l.d ColoS A Scoll, l.otlfHk
14, Sunset Cily ISO
VV ei A I. I'ner lo t, lWeii, UT acres
Claim '.'S 750
J it (I I'liiterson to (i A Kinzer 1-0
of 1 20 a s;t.' 4 S 1 K 400
I' II Marley lo T lbilCy, NV'4 of
si:'.,' Sec i, '.'s i k i
It A Miller to S ii Miller, f-olg 1, 2,
lilk 8, (ibidstone 1
Will imctle l.d Co to V 11 Condit,
Trad I and l.'.'O iw ics hi Tract
5, c'ruiblnle ."00
lloii'l TotiiH'eo Sjiit unl Siiikti Vmir I Ifti Auhj.
To iptlt tob.ireo oiiNlly tuiil forever, te iiuifr
netlc, mil of life, nerve unit vlxnr, tnko No Ti
tine, tho wonilor-worher, thut inalo's wenlt men
Klrmig. All ilni!:i:isl8, Win or tl. t'urc Kinu..ie
lectl Hoohlet uiut B.unplo free. AUOress
hterlint; lieuioily I'o., Clileutio or New York.
Uipaua Tubules cure constipation. J l
Calling the Clilckeni.
In England the calls chuck, chuck,
or coop, coop, prevail; iu Virginia,
coo-clie, coo-cho; in PcnuBylVaniu, peei
peo. This latter call is widely em
ployed, being reported from Germany,
tipaiu (ns pi, pi), Bulgaria, Hungary,
Duvaria and the Tyrol. Iu the Austrian
province tho term iH nwd in combiua--tion,
thus: fulla, pi, pi; the efflT pul
lelc, pul, pul, iilko oeetiTH there.
Iu kome-"parts of Germany the poul
try are called with tick, tick; in PruB
eiu, put, put, and young chickens with
tuk, Ink (Grimm), and scbip, ichip,
tho latter bring an imitation of their
own cry. In eastern Protein liens are
called with kluckschcD, kluck, kluck;
also tippcheu, tipp, tipp. Grimm re
cords also pi, pi, uiid tiet, tiet. Woiu
bold rcportB from Buvaria bibi, bibeli
bidli; pi, pi, and pul, pul.
In Denmark tho call is pootle; in
Holland, kip, kip; in Bohemia, tyoo;
iu Bulgaria, tiri, tiri. American An
thropologist. A Sfo Plsee.
Father Hugh Lagan of San Rnfael is
a pious priest and au tizcellcut racon
teur. His reverence relates that he was
called iu recently to uduiiuister the last
rites of mother church toadying sin"
uer, who, like himself, was a native of
the Emerald isle.
"I have bet one request to make,
father," gasped the dying penitent.
"What is it, my sou?" inquired the
"That when I am dead, futher, you
will put uie to rest In the Hebrew
"And what for?" asked Father La
gan. "Becaufio, your reverence," moaned
the sick man, "it is the last place ou
the fuce of tho globe where the divil
would lcok for an Irishman. "Loudon
What Blie Wouldn't Do.
At Hawick the people used to wear
wooden clogs, which made a clanking
uoiru or. the puvenuut A dying old
woman had somo friends by her bedside,
fe bo Hiiid to her:
" Weel, Jenny, ye are gauu to beaveu,
and gin ye see ony o' oor folk ye can
toll them wo'ro a' weel."
To which Jenny replied: "Weel, gin
I should see them I'se tell them. But
ye mnuua expect mo to gang clank
climkiu through heaven Iookiu for your
folk." Scottish Nights.
An t'nconMlodt Kebafl.
The Rev. H. R. Huweis, author of
"Music and Morals," tells a good story
Iu his book, "Travel and Talk," of au
uucouHcious rebuff he ouco received in
a railway carriage:
Au old gentleman who sat opposite
hod been eying mo over his oveuing pa
per with what 1 fancied was a look of
recognition. Preseuily he handed me
the paper mid pointed to an urticio ou
a musical subject "I thought, sir," he
said politely, "you might like to sea
this article." '
One glance was sufficient. I recog
nized an almost verbatim chapter of
"Musio and Morals." Disgusted at tls
fraud, I bunded the paper back, re
marking that I was quite familiar with
the contents. "Iu fnfl," I rashly added,
"it is a chapter out of 'Music and Mor
als.' You may know the book?"
"Indr'l, sir, I never heard of it Who
is it by?"
"Oh," I said, "a mau named Huweis
a parson, yon know. "
"Oh, really I I uever heard of hirul"
"Haven't yon?" said L
"No, " said lie.
"Ohl" suid I, and the conversation
dropped. So of whomsoever it may be
aid or snug, '"Edun know where '
are," in the long run "most everybody"
finds his level.
Chewing the Hotel Mat.
Maxwell Soimiierville, in his book
"Siiini ou tho Mciniun, From the Gulf
to Ayuthiu," says that, the chewing of
the betel nut being a common habit, at
every little distance as you go through
tho bazaar rf Bangkok may b. seen
petty merchants busy niuking and sell
ing the preparation so universally mas
ticated. ,
"Tho leaves in which tlio prepared
mixture is wrapped are from a viun
known as tho chavica betel. The tint is
from tho uricii betel palm, which
reaches a height of abr.utGO feet, whose
branches bear several largo bunches of
nuts, which harden and redden as they
ripen, and which reseinblo Bomewbat
thu Imnclieit of fruit ou the date bearing
palm. The drillers rut tip their green
leaves into the proper triangular form,
crack the nuts, and with woodeu spatu
Iiih work the tumeric stained jo ire into
a paste. It is amusing to sco how skill
fully they form tlin pieces of greeu leaf
Into pointed, cone shaped cups, into
each rue of which they pluce a portion
fit the, ingredient "
Miss Elliel lUtliiiwcll was visiting in
town this week.
A little, dmighter lins lately entered tlio
home, of Mr. and Mrs. B. M. Fisher.
Mr. 11. A. Adams, of Pomerov, Wash
ington, is thu giiet-t of Mr. K. Scott's
The miirriinjo of Miss Annie Uesloy
Scott to Mr. llarriH Allen of 1'oineroy,
Washington, will take place' February
Wheat sold at $1.10 in Chicago last
week. And yet there lints been no free
cniniiije of silvor.
All purchasers of tickets sold by the
l-ndics Society of t lie Ev. l.uth. Zioni
Congregation are herewith ii((oril that i
not withstanding it being advertised in
three dillerent papers tliut No, JOS was I
the lucky number the purchaser of that
i icket imido no application (or the quilt.
Therefore the next number namely 15)8
is entitled to
the quilt after February
W, BuesXKit-. '
Meeting of Comity Central Committee
in Pope's Hall.
At a meeting of the people's parly
centrbl committee Saturday the resigna
tion of W.B, U'Ki'ii as ehairiiiar was ac
cepted, and Henry Thiesseii of Mil
WAukie, was elected to fill the vacancy,
The question of fusion is to be settled at
the primaries,
The date (or holding the county con
vention was set (or March 20. The con
veiitiou w ill elect only delegates to the
state convention. The nominating con.
venlion will be held later. The dale for
holding the primaries was set (or March
12. The apporiioiniient will be one dele
gate (or every M voters or majority frac
tion thereof oast for congressmen, and
one delegitte-at large for each precinct.
The following resolution was adopted:
"Resolved, hy the people's parly
county central committee of -Clackamas
couniy, Oregon, that a referendum i lec
tion be held at the people's primaries iu
this county on March 12, 1S5J8, and I he
members of the people's party be re
quanted to vote on I lie following qnesiion t
"Are you in favor of a union of the
people's party, free-;ilVor democrats and
free silver republicans in this state on
one state ticket, providing satisfactory
arrangements can be made through a
conference of committees appointed by
regularly elected delegate conventions,
ohcIi parly indorsing not less than the
following in its state platform :
"First For the iiiiliative. and referen
dum system uf lawmaking in its optiomil
form, and the submission hy eonuless of
all important national questions lor ttu
uilvisory vote mil i 1 such time as the na
tional conslituiion shall baVi- be n
amended so as lo provide for direct legis
lation. "Second For the iinlwpeinlenf dee
coinage of both gold and silver al the
iHtio of 10 to I.
"Third For the ubolitiou of all priui "
mid corporate banks of issue, and ! I' toe
issue of all money by the general novel n
inuni alone, all money so i- so il lo b a
nil legal touilvr for all d bis pnbl.c aiel
private? Yesii' no?"
W. 8. C'Hen, in teinleiliiif hi rena
tion asebairiniin of tie- coiumiitee, woieh
was accepted, Miid tUal, after io ..ciion
l iliHMale rennul roniinitli'e, r. l irioy
m ma tor ol liiBiuii lo com t' conitot
h only, hti -ikiiu ut ad run rence t
I stiuclioiii of voters in precincts, he
as convinced that ihe purpose was lo
ake a fusion lor ulllee, wiiliout uiiieli
"uanl to principles lie s.ii i he knew
ow (OIllinittei'H coll Id be and ha I been
rked, and auppo-ed fu' '
nude on old 1 i no- and foiigl
Man of his old Iriends, he
that, us chairman, ne shot
s nul and filent, and leave
p e, but be con-i lercd him te
people, anil could not be il-
is "f ko much importance lit
hi Mppeamiice ol room for dis-anoi.,.,..i)n
among his friends, l.o preferred lo do his
mirk in Ihe iiinkH,
The dale of the next meeting was set.
lor March 15). A vole of thanks was ten
dered the retiring chairman for bis elli
eiont Borvlces. So'iie iiilimnted U'Ken
nolild Htain be railed lo Ihe ehairiuan-
There were some dilb rences of opinion,
nil it imijoril;' nppari ntly favored imion
on Ihe lines laid down.
Mr. C'lten will sooll begin u Ktuiiipiiiii
tour of the county, speaking on party
orineiple- and the logical me. lie favors
onion, if ii is it cominend il. lt direci
C. 'II I III' hue- In do a ,,
olie. is I i'. i-iv II ll.nt tle ie ,.
illicieut IhiiiIn . n b.n d u ibe uenei d
111 ! of Oiveon Ci' v t" M all ootsiand-
u e winraiits endoised pom to Aiiril
i. 18(1. Interest reuse wiili the date of
tttis notice. .
11. K, S riiAiiiirr,
Citv Treasurer.
Oiegon City, Oregon. Jec. ,'! , (W
Evervltody 1lt)'H Ro.
CnscaretsCattilv Catlnirl'e, the most won
ilerful medical iliseoverv of tlio age, p eas
ant, and refivnhiinr to the tasic, net. geiiily
and positively on khlirfiys. Ilvi r anil ln.'.vels,
cleansing I lui enlirs syst -in, illspi I celib:
cunt lieailiiiilie, lever habitual cfiiisiiitntion
anil hiuousneis. Please Ituv and trv a hex
Ot (i. V. (5. to-iliiy; H, ffii, Ml'eeffiH. holilunej
giiiiranteeil to cur.' by nil druggists.
nipans Tabnles cure hitd breath.
K. locale Vanr llowelt Willi ritsettft'lH.
Canity ritiliiu'tic, f lire ronsiipat ion f.irc.er
ite ".'s.' Ift'.c I' f;til, (IniiiuiMs ri'tnevl mkhh'v
Ripans Tabnles; fur sour stomach.
Ripans Tubules cure indigestion.
To Cure CoiMttfiiillan Vnrevvr.
Take I'i.scuii'is ('uiir('iitmc lac erac
It U. O. C. fail lo cure, ilrirRKittst refntia inoiiuf
Ripans Tabnles: gentle cathartic.
Ripans Tuoales cure biliousness.
KillH'Hla Your Hwel Wlllt ien.t.
Cinitly I'ltttetrtle, euro constipation fortvr,
lOo, I'&o. If I', c. 0 fall, ilrniMisi8 refund ntonoy.
Ripans Tabules: t ne gives relief.
Ripans Tabules: plearant laxative.
To Cum CoiiHtlpntlon FirroVAr
Take CatH'iitfttg Cuntlv Ciithsrilc. ft orl
It O. C. C. ftl tocare. AruffKifM fefimil aioney
Wanted-An Idea
Who e$M IhinV
of nonie imph
ProtN?t your IiIcm: tnT may bring ym wettltli
write jumn wruirratmiKN s w.
Hatonl Attor
neys. vnlHii(ito, D. t
fur thftr ai.fta) urtftS odf
ftud IImK ut two Luudre4 luTemloim wauirU.
Ku-To-ltae for Fifty Cents.
Guoruntot'd totmcco habit euro, makes weak
nou uvug, biwU pure. 50c, II. All drugtjisbs.
But what lougth of lime has elapsed
and what weal' has endured between the
first and the last of the shoe. Did they
last a year or a mouth? An extra
month's wear on shoes means a great
deal to you. Oul' shoea have the largest
possible period between the shelves and
the wasle basket)
F.E.Donaldson, Agt
Speaklnu of
There are Ho eritnpiinim better, few
Coiid, ii thi'
and i lie
All of thrin. TIME TRIED and Fllil
TESTED. 11 I.. Kki.i.v, Agl.
Oregon City Market Report.
Wheal No. 1 lnerrliunltiblo, 74c per
IToiii 1'ol'tlund. in qr sacks, $4 10.
" -Dayton, " " $4 25
" llottanl, $4 10
" Fisher, $4 10.
Il.i Is in sacki. Wliite, BO.' per iiufdiel ,
i;ra , 30c ps-r liusli.
Ihnii$l8 50; nhoris, $10 50.
Butter Ranch, MJH'ic per roll
Egs 18'- per dozen.
Potatoes 'New , 33 lo 40c.
Dried Appl' s lileachnl, 5c; tin
bleached, 4; prunes, ;i(l."c; plums, 3
Baron -Haiiis 8(II0e; sides, 8,'ait; j
slioilldefs, 5Mic, lard, 7c.U!. '
Livestock and Dressed Meals Beef,
live, 2,a(i2:),1c; hogs, live, .Iwll'.jc; ooch
ilressetl, 45aC"ir; sheep, $2 o0;3 oO per
heatl ; veal, dressed, SJaffitle.
Poultry Chickens, $2 50$3 00.
East Sid Railway
7 :05 A M 7 :00 A M
7 :50 7 :45
8:35 8:30
(1:20 0:15
10:i '5 10:0d
10:50 10:45
11:,T ll:3(i
1 12:20 v M 12:15 r m
' I o.i 1 :00
; 1 :5n : 1 :45
1 2:;I5 : -:i;0
A:'.0 3:15
) :i i5 4 :00
4:50 ! 4:45
5:35 5:30
6:20 li:l"
7 05 7 :00
7:51) 7:45
H.-Jl 8:30"
!):lf 0:15
l30 I0::i0
12:50 11:40
" Only t(t Mil-waukie.
7 :00 A m
8 :20
1 1 :2D
6:80 a m
7 :50
1 1 :40
12:45 r M
I ;h i
II :25
4 :20
5 :4H
1 2 :05
1 : 0
2 :20
4 :0.l
4 :55
'Dill r lavs ii ii t
Stiihlat s only.
Soutflern Pacific RR
0:27 am 8:4' I a m
6:52 i' M 3 :3t! r M
A gootl meal, including meal, vegetables,
bread, butler mid coffee 15 cents.
Lunches from 5 cents up.
All articles served are choice, best cuts
of incut, fresh vegetables.
Oysters in all styles at all hours.
Separate compartments for ladies
Open all niulit.
(p;iosite Omnium's & Co. ding store
Wanted-An Idea
tOio ean thtaM
of eotae mmplfl
tblDg to patent?
&mttt vnnp trtpin thAT mnT brlna vou wealth.
Write JOHN Vi KDBftKUllRN CO., Pten attor.
UtL Whlntnti, 1. C, for their ai.sut prlw OB
ami lui ( two iMiaiUM Invent tot waaied
Rlpaus TabulM cure torpid liver.
The Press is only $1.50 a year and is
kstwj twice a weukv
Pure Whiskey
If you must drink whiskey,
either us a beverage or a
medicine, yon shoulj be
careful to use only
' The celebrated whiskey is ,
noted for ils purity and
fl ivor. Cun be had only at
Capt. Woods' Saloon.
City View
Apples. Pears, Cherries, Pin in and
Primes, Italian and Petite, Nectar
ines, Almonds and Peach Trees.
Wholesale and Retail .
Write for Prices.
J A COX & SON - Proprietors.
SIZES and '
To Suit Purchaser
Successor of the "UnctltrUhjetl"
The One Great Standard Authority,
Ko v.Tltrt Hon. 1. .1. ;rwer,
jiutlco U. ti. Buurt'iiio CoutL
of tlio IT. fl. (lov'tlVlnt rft
OHlua, tho l!. '" MiiuiAiiii (
ronri, an vns .., nn-
ftienio Cunrls, lanluf uenr
y all tlieL.liuolbooks,
hi PtnM Ruirrliilii'lintt (
if 8t'luoli, 'ollftr) I'rt'iil- (
diMtUi.aiMothei'l.iliiriitora Z
aiiuoat Uliout liuwbor.
In Dm i"tisfli"M. ntnl lo (
tlin lj-ii'!ii.i- Hfliolnr. nro-
ffBf.iuiiiil mini, liiid aclC- (
It Is easy to find the word wanted.
It Is easy to ascertain tho pronunciation.
It Is easy to trace t!ie growth of a word.
It Is easy to learn what a word means.
' Tho Detroit Free Vresn snys
1 'rim l 'imlu'Mui'il linn lima twit tliPdliitKlnnl finmnir
tllOrW HlUklllU VOIIHUHlt lino ol' u Ui'llonniy. l lio
. luiKrtiiiMiiiifir In iMinilil frlr.nd nml ntiiinl-liv fptImiI
j nntl rxiiunlf(l lonippttlio ilfiimmls ofoin growin
. UtllfT'lliUR niHI liilVJUM IMW t ivtlinu'll. ' I liu
Hliueli:w bri'h inmlloicflecl tlioHcUliliflctlioi.aht
of tltfliltiy, fiml the l.ift'Htuncl Inf tliwirstiUho Jn
i gwxuo tliut now mc tides lliu uluOc uv. 11, IBM.
1 Tho Chicago Tlmea-Herald j
1 VclHtT' lnlv nfllloiuil iilrllonntT in ttnrrfwtit
form Hdlisoh' i iiuiWiriiy on ovirvi1iinti iktiIiiImk
I to our l-m-.. iiiko In .tl'i? nnv of oi HioHratiliy, onlio
i ci.'.r -Jiii'Mtuv. mi'" (lefliililon. rmm It thei-e ti no
. hW.iU It ton iiPifm'tiiHhiiiiitUl ttIurtAUUct)oltti
' BhlpcuQ maiioit. Dec- u, ib-x,.
KSduAlmati Hiniie inl nil rm1liBtifin tn
G. C- C. MICttRIAM CO,, ltthlishera,
i .. 1. 1 i r it o A
Io uotlniyctieniirpprlntsof niicli'iitP(lltion.
ir -'
mm mm
rfiL Bicycle
Tor Lightness, Swiftness and
Strength it is Unsurpassed.
You can team oil itsnjl It
fey tddrtMing
Hamilton Kenwood Cycle Co.
203-205-20 SXanal St., Chicago.
J v?Tl Trade Marks
t, ? -a HFEilPUE.
Copyrights SlG.
AftfOrtc sptnilne ft nketoh Biitl denrilotlon mnT
quickly aaceft.iin our opinion free whether ah
hivfiitliin t prohndly riitontrible. roniiuunirii.
tioimstrU'tlyconrtitonfitil. IlAntlbnokon 1'ntiMitt
op mi irro. innoM nirpncy TorsomrniK pnientH.
IMtontft taken tlirouuti Miinn A Co. receive
special notice, without clwrire, In the
Scientific American,
A handsomely illustrated weektv. I-nrtMt r-tr-ruhitton
of nny PcientiHc luurtml. Terms. H
yi;ir; fonrmonths.fi. Sold by nil newmteAlern.
iyiUNN&Co.36,BNew York
Hraucb Olllct) IBS P St., Washington, 1) U.
The modern stand
ard Family Medi
cine : Cures the
common every-day
ills of humanity.
M ,Jt- ataaa
In the County Court of I lie Slate of Ore
gon, fur I bo County of Clackamas.
In tho Mattel' of the Estate
. of
Surah McCue, Deceased.
To George Feiiimoiv, J. Et Fenihiorei
and all others interested ill tlio above
enli'led entuie:
In the nallieof the Stale of Oregon. Volt
are hereby filed and rtquin d to be and
aptear in the county court of the Mate uf
Oiegon for the county c( Clackamas, at
tint court room thereof, at the city of
Oregon City in suid county of Clackamas,
on ihe Mtli day of Muicli, 18518, at 10
o'clock a. iu. of that day, then and there
to show cause if any you have, why the
prayer of ihe petition of Ihe cxecnior o(
said estate, filed in mid court on ihe 8th
day uf February, 18518, should not be
granted, and the real estate belonging trj
said estate be sold in accordance lheie;
wllbj Uiesnld real property beiim situate
ill the county of Clackamas, i-tutu of Ore
gon, and described us follows, to-wit:
All ol the following parcels ol laii'i bii-
Ualo in D. L. C. ol William Holmes and
M, A. L. C. Holmes, in See 22. Tp, 2 s.
Range 2 e, of WillauictiU meridian, 111
Clackamas count v , Oregon.
Commencing at s. e. lOrnProf lot No.v
blin k 5) of Mount I'd lisaiti, and running
thence couth :;0 feci, thbncii wbsl 210
feel, thence north EOfiei. I hence east
210 feel lo place of beginnili j. All of lot
1 in block I) of Mount I'leasint, accord'
iug lo the Mirvev uf L. F (.'urn e, except
ing that por'ioti thereof sold lo Martin
Heed llud desciibeil as follows The
northerly and fractional put t nf said lot
1, liuinx a parcel of bind 105 feet nidd
and 210 feet in leniflh, eXfell ling raster
ly and wesleily oil I null the Hurl lolly
piirD of said li't 1. bhs k ft.
- Witness, Ibe Iloiu Oordoli E Haves,
jiulge of the alsive entitled colli t, this1
8tli duvof Eeltitlllrv, 185)8.
Attest : El.jli.li DixoS, Clerk .
I'lildisbed liv Ihe ordeh of Ihe Hon.
(ioodoti E. Hayes, judge uf thu above)
entitled court. D.ued this 8ili day of
Ft bruury, 185)8.
In the Cneiiil Court, ol lie Ht.ite o(
Oregon, lor Clarkumas 1'iuiiity
. iro. Ji C 'u Ii ill, a linini'-lrtitor of I lit! es
lire of il. Weliilieiiii) uecea-edj
I l.iintilT
Fred Stulliu ami l.uuis fStnlke, tie'
ft ndaiiis.
To Louise Millke, "tin of uoove mimed
llefellllailts I
In the name of the Blulu of Oregon,
loll lire hemby reipiesl e l to npl;ar and
.lustier to Ibe complaint in tho above:
entitle I suit, on or belore Ibe I.Stli day
t.f April, 185)8, w hich said day is the liist
tlav ol Hie legiilai Item of Ibe above en
titled Court, next following he expira
tion of six consecutive publications of
this rjtiniinulisi and you an hereby
Hither nolilied. tbat if you fail so toap
I ear and niiPwef the Said complaint I'o
said pliiintitl' will muve tlu said court for"
a ib fault in said cast and foi a do. re.i
a.ninsl von upon Ibe pr ntissorv note!
executed by Jim lo wit: For thu sum
of 1)800 in I' S ifold cum logetliwr
- ilia int reft IliereUu at the nilu of
eight per cent per altiium from ami
alter lite 21st day of October 18S0, less1
$1211 paid at diverSt tidies on said in
terest, ami foi twenty decafs atioinc) '
fees and tor tliej ujts an I dishur cmeuta
of Ibis Bllill
And you are hPrelty fuilln f nolilicl
that on your failure lo a pear ami
answer the said complaint in I he I iitttf
aforesaid, Ibe Bald plan. till' will take a
tin ther decree ajainsl you lor the. (ore'
closiiKi of tl.e mortgage mentioned ill
said rompliliol, wliii'li i n made to se
cure the piiyni.mt ol said n da and inter
est tlieri'on anil tint a torory's leu there
in provided, in rusH suit be instituted tor
force Ihe piivmeiit HierC !, Ahieh saitl
mortgage was executeil by you on tho
21st day of October 181, ami is ou ilitf
following described land lo w t: Hittl
ale'm i:iilt:kauuis County, fi'ale of Oie
gon, tind beginning at (he SE. corner of
N'a t f the D. h V, of Jobn II Child
and wile, T 8 H 4 E.. W. M in se -lioi.
No. 5.0, 7 and 8, rilnuiiu thence.
V. 01 roils, illeneeN. along center of
couniy road 73 rods. Ilienee E. 87 roils,,
thence S 73 to pi ice o' bejlllllilli;, coll-
talninii 40 ib h s more nr less ; al-o a piece
i f land h.'giniiing at thu SE . orner of
IK'o of Mil l 1 1. I.. ('.. ilieoiv runiiluj
S "Mb 1'4 rod--. ilienee W. 10.1 r ..Is It
Ine t eutur of Ihe eouii'V
' il Do nee
i N itlonu ct filer o: count v f'
d 24 r .tls,
: thence Iv (i rods to pi ice
eonlailiiiiL: 1 3 ai r-i-t iooi
.f tiejinnin
..i I. -s III
Cla. kaiiiiis t oiiiitv. Or- gon.
. Yon are hereby lutilicil that Ibitf
summons is served if p ut you by publit a
lilm in IheOreeOn (!ny Press in accord
ance with and pUrsuail W H e order"
of I lofi T. A. Mcl'-nde, ,lud-e of Ihe
above named ('out, which Slid order"
of the s iid Judge heaf's ditte of January
14, 189". l.ivv Srii'i',
Allot nev .fof I liiunifl.
ASSItiNEE'ii Ntri'lCE.
Ill IIim rin.nrl l nt f II. u t.. I
I gon for Clackanlns County.
! In the mat tef of the estate of E E. WN
! hams, Insolvent IM.lor
j Nolicn is In rehy tiven that the nnder
Isiiii.ed has been duly appointed assignee
I of the wsinle of Ihtt afw.-e named insol
vent debtor" under and bv virtue of utf
i act of the legislative assembly of the
Stale of Oregon, entitled "Aii Act to
secure lo creditors a fust tlivision of
the estates of debtors w ho convey lo as
signees f.ir the heirelit o( creditors" ap
proved October 18, 1878-aifd S:tnendnlenl8,
thereto. All fiersous having claims'
against srtitl estate are hereby nutiliud
t i present' the same to me at my ollice'
on Main Street, Oregon City, Oregon,
duly verified us by law required, wiihiir
three niofitl S from Hie date lioieof.
Datetl at Oregon Cflv, Oregon, tli ia
2tllh day of January, 185)8.
Titos. F. Hyan,
Assignie of o9tateof E. E. Williams,
Ii Solvent Debtor.
Sotice is befeby niven flnft the
nership heretofore eiistiiia between
11. Ilestow nd K.tt. and V. C. Aiulrews
is hereby dissolved by mutual consent1
E. B. and K C. Antlfewa tt'ithdrawingr
from the hnsinessiid (t. 11. Bestow corf--tinueiiig
blisiness ami collectinu all
accounts And .paying all tlepts of i lie firm.
by G. II. Bhsrow, E. B. & F G,