Independence monitor. (Independence, Or.) 1912-19??, July 06, 1918, Image 3

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    War Savings Stamp Meeting
Friday evening.Juiie 29, a War
Savings Stamp meeting was held1
at the Lsis theatre in the interest J
of the drive for the Indnjnidenee'
quota. !
C. "Y. Rarriek acted ns eliair-'
man of the meeting and delivered
a very effective appeal for the:
war cause.
Miss Gladys Irvine sang .sev
eral solos in lier usual irtistie'
and patriotic manner. Kev
Yarnes spoke favoring the e;mse
and the editor of the Monitor
gave a few statistics on the state
and county activities in recent
war drives. Mr. Frank Dickson
and II. 8. Wood had charge of
signing up of pledge cards for
money. Several Independence
people have swl'serihed the $1000
limit. i
The state and county hav
again gone over the top and our
record is good. The percentage1
of people taking bonds has not
been as hicrli in Polk ns in some
counties, but our amounts 'in:
cash subscriptions have been well
to the frotii in totals, thus many
have given more than the average :
gives in the state.
Family Reunion in City Park
A surprise was given to Inde
pendence Sunday when the G. A.
Wells relatives of Huena Vista,
came to this city and held a re
union in the city park. The re
union was in honor of H. F. "Wells,
.Tr. Clifford Wells made the trip
from Jersey City to be present
and participate and is on d 38
day furlough, at the expiration of
which he will return to the Pre-,
sidie and enter the officers train
ing camp.
Those present were Mr. and
Mrs. V. L. Wells and children,
Roy, Lawrence and Genevieve of
Ilalsey and Elbert of Imperial
Valley; Mr. and Mrs. C. P. AVells
and sons, Perry and Marion ; Mr.
and Mrs. 0. A. AVells nti-fl daugh
ters, Alma and Etta, vA son,
Clifford; Mr. and Mrs. John E.
Wells and daughter, Leona of
Portland; Mr. and Mrs. J. F.
Wells, Jr,. and daughters, Mir
celline, Josephine and Mebcl- of
Modesto, Calif.; Mrs. Sarah
Wells Collin-! of Dallas; Mr. and
Mr-- T P. CT?!i, Mr. an.! Mrs.
Eston Bevens and daughter,
Othed, Mr. and Mrs. F. P.
Ground and son. Pay, Mrs. Sarah
Olagg-'-M Yo'inf. Mrs. G. W. Con
key, Mrs. T. IT. Tngratn, Mrs. V.
A. Hcith. Mrs. G. W. McLnugh-
d.-pendenee Friday evening and
out again atuSrday niorumg.
Guess he was afraid he would be
There will be a meeting of the
Civic Improvement Club next
Tuesday afternoon at 3 o'c'ock at
the home of Mrs. 0. D. Dut'er for
the purpose of electing new of
ficers. All members are" requested
to be present at this meeting.
A jolly hunch of the (i.Vrs
made up a Fourth o July pieoic
party that crossed the Willamette
and cainp.'d out in the foothills of
'Missouri bottom. The old veter
ans had a day of pleasure to them
selves and enjoyed a lunch at
Mrs. C. L. McNary, wife of l
S. Senator MeXary, was killed in
an auto accident July 3 rear Dun
dee. She was well known in In
dependence and the news eme as
.-..! ' '" t'l.'O'v friends of
M r. and Mrs, McXary.
On July 15 another school elec
tion is to be held to elect a direc
tor iu place of W. E. Craven
who did not wish to (piali'.'y.
There should be a good attend
ance of taxpayers and citizen:' al
the meeting.
W .J. Kirkland, a former Inde
pendence resident and a son of
J. W. Kirkland of this city, died
at Albany Friday, week, at the
age of 64 years. lie is survived
lc two brothers, A. P. and P. M.
K'l-kland. The funeral services
were held at AlbanyS unday.
Dewey Burright was a Satur
day passenger to Portland. He
,!. "'ml befor? going, and Sun
day he retruned on the train with
Miss Brown, Miss Jones and Miss
Smith. Nothing strange about
1 in. Mr.
s. J. K. Xeal of
Puena Vista and the Misses Ula
Dickinson and Opal Ilcweft.
E K. Pini . i. Lawyer, Lianas
Ore., ProLat'nsr of Wills an
Settlemext ef FMttcs a Sp-eial
A. V. T? Snyder of Dallas was
in It--1-- ; V"e,. Tuesday adjust
ing the fi-e b". on the E. E.
Trio"1 r-r lonon. Mr. Sry.'r
while i- t' 'y played wth the
Polk en:" - '.-irid at the eon-ert
Tues,,u' t v, nil -r in the prrove.
l"'t. though.
I)..!,. p.oivM'oy of Mabel was in
the city Tuesday for a short visit
with his wife and relatives before
going to Portland wher he is
.r-itherivg a crew to take back
with him for the Coast Range
Lumber Co. Mrs. Pomeroy came
down a day or two before Dole
reaelied here to visit relatives.
Mrs. James who is in chargo of
I the circulation of the Normal In
structor, spent two d,?ys this
; week in Independence and Mon
mouth in the interest of this
journal. She spoke at
'nial Summer School and l'roru
'onmouth went to Ellensluirg.
Mrs. W. Clark H?id son were
' isc n.'.'fs on the red ear Wrd
; osday mortoner for Portland
where they will visit vs nnd
:! e " pa'adilUU " of progress
- ' i iJc she is a tbtnsoc fnro.hrdsh
'while she is absent for on day
Albert Lewis of Loom Vi.fa.
near I.akeview. is Mx-ndoicr the
in Oregon and AVahir;g-
ton. He is a son of Alec Lewis
of Lewisville and In a f've
booths' leave of ahs.o,.f ! r.:!ll i;js
i .nesfr nd. Wl-ile out vocalion-
:- - he U n-frkEr at tie logg't'S
e.vnps but deei 'i 1 to spet:.' bis
i-'.-oirth in Polk county.
e p.o
of 1-tt
1 the s.vlier
ov.'i11, roHeer
. . t,..i, ?U.,,1, . .(.
!, the finpliy of the
1 sailor boys have ten and
twenty days lertv frr fl i'- pp.v,
' ' pit is a g'.od i.e. It gives
Has Kept Faith
The Republic Company has
kept faith with tire users.
When we tell you that
Republics last longer we
are sure of our facts.
We have to be. To persist
in them otherwise, would
be folly.
And the Republic Stacgard
Tread affords maximum
non-skid with minimum
friction. '
Republic Black-Una Red Inner
Tubes hare a reputation
lot freedom from trouble
The Republic Rubber Co.
Youngatown, Ohio
A lire hmM for
HJhht a a I I av
Still! PIES
Republic Tires
L . :cJ-..
Zc&m&s&3iTs . raMg:agaaiBaaiiiiii iiii 1 1 1 iihiiiiiiihi mw
Your Liberty Bonds are just as ne
gotiable as money.' If through fire,
carelesssnesa or theft, you should lose
them, you would be out that amount.
FARMERS TA?E BANK service is offered
you. Bring in your bonds we will
issue you a receipt and keep your bonds
in our BURGLAR PROOF SAFE , subject to
withdrawal at any time.
No carce for this service.
s Male
life of Hi.- sohii. r is not ko had t M'.-n.i.' tc for Or' ut Falls,
fift-r all. Monliii 1, li-re she wi'l vwit
othfi- r 1 a'iv.-s In-fore retuniif.g
. Mrv Major V.'a!t..!i, wl.o l,.i 1 r I ..-i r .! m. -Vir-'ifi aecotn-
,ccn visiting Mr. : Mr. ,l.-l r I;.-r m w Porilnrel unA
Vir;.'in mid oth-r frirtids i'i Jndc- will visit l,.-r si--.f.-r HuTe v.hile ;c r'i iori ''(l ifo.O