THE 1NDEPDENENCE MONITOR A REPUBLICAN NliNVbrVkPtK. Published Weekly at Independence, Polk County, Oregon, on Friday. Entered is SecorU Aufcu.t I, 1U t the rost Ollice t Ind 1 iSLSrPolk County. Oregon, UncUr the Ad of M.rch 3, 1879. HURLEY & DODGE, T" PROP1UEIUHS G. A. UUKLEY, EDITOR SnMcriDUoa Rfttesj One Year $1.50 Strictly In Advance ?SSS? kSc MATE 15c. per inch lor one imertion, 12 1-2C for two oi "JffiKw.""1 Muuer-. 1 at .word. Independence, Oregon, Saturday, May 18, 1918 many Instruments needed in equipping fighting PLANES Below an airplane can be put into military .crvwe it must be equipped with at leubt niuu delicate aeronautic iuntrumeiiuj, some oi wliicli are absolutely eawjulial to exact Hying, and all contribute I tLe successful operation ol a pmue. Uue give the pilot ins location M to lieigliU auil dirtcliouf otlieia tell 1m peeU through the an lk speed oi liia propeller, the amount ol guolino carried, water temperature, operation of the oiling uyUsui, and guide uu "'bank ing' ou turns. Another necessary article is the oxygeu-aupplyiiife upparatua, without which an aviator could not clmiu to any great height. . 'or operation oi actual eombat planes, such as observing, plio .ograpumg, bombing and liglilmg planes, other complicated and ei peuaive uihtruuienU and sets oi apparatus are necessary. They are machine guns, gun mounts, bomb racks, boinb-dropping device bomb sighU, radio and photographic apparatus, electrically heal.,u Clothing, lights and Hares. These bring th's total eosL ol e.iuipmeul J or au airplane to several thousand dollars each, depending upou liie type of plane. FAEMEES MUST SELL ALL WHEAT Jbarwera holding any .lock oi wheat at present had better hustl; 10 get out oi the way ol the Hoover Law. Under Food Administration orders all iainieis must dispose ol all Wheal not required lor their own neons, ou or belore May lo. W. 11. Ayer, Federal Food Administrator ior Oregon, lias passe a me word along to ail county administrator and promptly aiUi My ii any larmer caulil lioarumg any wlieat will uo a suuject lor drasUe uelion. He may not no an alien .jietuy, bui, Lis act on will uoiue- pretty near to uiaaing him iooa. like one ,evcu ll he were Uoru ;.uder the alar and set ripe. Max LL liouser, head oi the grain corporation in Portland, is in nation to requisition such btocas or wlieat, aud 1 shall lmmcUiateiy bringing to light any hoarded wheat. bays Mr. Ayen "rull authority rests with the Food Admiuia the matter and hn 0U100 will share iu the work ol ierreting out and proceed to carry out my instructions upon receiving advice iroia Air. liouser ' oiiice. In lj win the war. Every man and Woman in America must help. If every one gives a little it will not hurt no bad as it might and every one has a uuty to do and should do it. Keep your eyes open for the slackers ar.d the money slacker is just as mean as the slacker of the otlier sort. We must buy Iiondn and Stamps, and subscribeliberall) to the Ked Cross and this week is the commencement of the K"d Cross subscriptions and you must get out the old purse and dig way down deep to get what is required from you to measure you up to our full duty. MAKE EVERY ACRE PRODUCE WELL A ood pair of reading Q TITD WHflPX UU I I Lit 11 1 in i v glasses .'or $1.00 at 0. A. Kreamers. AT TriE Smith Brothers Billiard Hall MONITOR uFFICE : Yamoreg Collection Agency Production is the great problem that confronts the man ana wo man who is not fighting in this war, as your labor is to get the sup plies to the front that the fighters need. We are wasting much laml in Oregon. We are not producing as much as we should. There lire many acres of land in Oregon that are not in crop and it i hiuld be in or ready to be put in long .before this tune. Organize your community to farm every acre. Do it now. It is necessary. It is imperative. It is urgent. Nearly 2,000 types and sizes of farm implements which have been gradually developed by manufacturers during peace-time coin peti tion have been recommended for elimination during the war by co:u milteeM of the National Implement and Vehicle Asociation. The jeet, according to a statement by the Council of National Defense, is to conserve materials, labor, capital and manufacturing facilities for war use. BUSINESS ITEM NOTES REACHING OUT FOR BUSINESS A aueceaaful town is one that cultivates the i'rieudship and good will oi its fcurouudmg country. The people who ure adjacent to ydu appreciate the kindness oi your consideration and support and ,wheu Uiey need anything that has merit they should have your whole, nouied suport to get it. Portland followed the old policy oi squee.e the country dry and build Portland ior many years and the result was that California, Waahhiglou aud Idaho pulled trade away Irom her that was rightfully hers. It has only been lor the last two or three years that alio has had any consideration lor the outlying country and she has not euough of the i'oresigbtedesa yet to do all she siiould d, hut she ia awakening. The same principle holds good in thu small towu. Build up your farming 'community. Uivu them good loads, make it easy ior them to market their crops, and help them to grow aud develop aud i'roui a scllish standpoiut you build up your lowu. Therefore it behooves indepeudeuce to get the spirit. STAND BY YOUR CANDIDATES The Republicans of Oregon have chosen their representatives to represent the party as their choice for different offices now to be voted upon, it is hoped the party will bo united and will do its ut raost to elect the candidates they have selected, it yiu believe 111 Uo publican principles you should vole for Republican, candidates They can better represent the parly thau the Democrats aud we say tow lay your prejudices aside. If this campaign has made you i little bitter to think some favored candidate 1i:ih not wyn, now jour time to be patriotic as a party man and forget it. The old rul is that the will of the miuority must be subservient to that of the ma jority. We must give up a few of our desires and wishes that there shall be harmony and we trust that this election will prove the rulo Vhat when the people of a great party chos a man the w hole party will unitedly back him and elect him. QET OUT THE PURSE AND SUBSCRIBE LIBERALLY The Red Cross drive is again here and more money is needed to THE INDEPENDENCE NATIONAL BANK Established 1389 A Successful Business Career ol Twenty rive Yean INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS OFFICERS A ISP PIRl:C'l'ORS H. HlrKChberii, Pres. D. W. Sears, V. P. R. R. DeArmond, ashler W. H. Walker, I. A. Allen, 0. D. Butler a)MMM tH". i. r-. (). P. Iloff, Republican, for State Treasurer. If end the Po litical l'uzzlc, pages 20 2', elec tion pamphlet. (Ill Ad) FOR SALE: Superior po a- t planter, regulator to drop fel every 16 inches; does excellent work. Trice $70 Tlioe who have ho ground t grow choice o latoes this is the year to J p'atit; cheap' beid nitann high priced potatoes this f 11. A. 11 ( raven. .Mon mouth, Ore jon, 0' call on Craven & Huff, Indepen deuce, Oregon. Real Estate: TartieularB about the 010 acre homestead lnw at this office, FOR RENT: Goal room for one or two persons. In quire Monitor office. FOR SALE: . First clang large house, cent rally located at a bargain. Inquire at this (dlice for particulars. For Trade: Two ami a half horse power gasoline en gine for electric motor. In quire at Monitor ollioe for particulars. FOR SALKi Two com and bean planters; two four-row beet cul tivators; two 1 1-2 horso power gas engines. For particulars, in iuquire of Geo. L. Rose, Inde pendence,, Oregon. For Sale: One 2 1 2 horse power international gasoline sprayer, mountad on truck, ste 1 wheels, 200 gallon t.eel lank. Second hand hut as looiI an new. Only used for hreo years. Extremely low puce. One six-fcorse power International stationery hop per, eooltd, gas engine at f'J:l5.0v) will hum distillate. Oil" 1 1 2 horsepower Inter. irtioi,ai iis engine, second hand at $.'.. Tw. GO speed tJilsou engines at $50 each. Sloper llros. it Cockle, Inde pendence, Gran )n. FOR SALE-Eight room, mod ern house, in Independence. Inquire Mrs. E. A. Morgan, owner. 3t No. 12 1:45 p. m. No. 14 4:05 p. m. No. 18 4:55 p. m. ORVILLE TO PORTLAND No. 2 2:49 s. m. No 10 9:26 a. m. No 14 1:29 p. m. No 16 8:40 p. m. No 20 5:12 p. m. No 22 7:29 p.m. PORTLAND TO OTRVILLE No 1 8:52 a. m. No 6 10:32 a. m. No 7 1:10 p. m. No 9 4:33 p. m. No 13 6:59 p. m. No 21 2:20 a. m. T Independence auto stage meats all trains but No 2, 20, 21. Notice to Creditors MONMOUTH MOTOR Tralm Leaves Independence NO. 1 tev IndeJemience, at 6:50 a. ro. srrivra Monmouth 7:00, connect with train for Airlie. No. 3 7;35 No. No. No No. Nov No. No. 5 8:45 7 10 35 9 11:50 11 1:30 13 2. to 15 3.50 17 7 .00 a. m. . m. a. n. m. in. m. m. m. Ictves Monmouth for Independence No. 2 7:06 a. m. No. 4 S:;i0 a. m No. 6 9:06 , m. Nd. 8 10:50 a. m. No, 10 12.00 M. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been duly ap pointed the administratrix of the estate of O. Li. Suver, de ceased, by theCouuty Court of the State of Oregon for Polk County, and has qualified. All persons having claims against the said estate are hereby notified to present the same duly verified, together with the proper vouchers therefor, to the endersinged administratrix at her residence in the town of Su: ver, in said county, within six months from the date of this no tice. Dated aud first published May 11, 1918. Edna Grace Suver, Administratrix of the estate of (. Li. Puver, deceased. Swope & Swope, Attorneys. F. P. 5-11. L. P. 6-8 McMInnville, Oregon Hpflrlnnarrers for the De5iinviBa,xvuau, ; THE BLAME X Candy and Confectlonsjj We Deal In H.des, Pelts, Wool Furs, Mohair, Caseara Bark, Veal, Pork, Beef, Poultry, Butter, Eggs, Farm Produce, Wood, Dry Goods, Groceries Furnishing, Shoes, etc. OCR POLICY. TO PLEASI Max Goldman INDEPENDENCE, OREGON Yon are welcome always INDEPENDENCE, OREG. VISIT SAM'S PLACE For a Big Mug of Magnus Root Beer. Candies, Cigars, Ice Cream, Soda and Sandwitches. "TLe Palace" Main Street Independenne I C. ST. BARBERSHOP Wyland 6 Taylor, proprietors Baths In Connection. Oldest Barber Shop la Polk Co. INDEPENDENCE, OREGON PROFESSIONAL CARDS D. E. ELETCHER C. W. BAR RICK FLETCHERS BAKRICK Attorneys at Law Cooper Building Indedendence B. r. SWOPE CECIL SWOPE SWOPE & SWOPE Attorneys at Law I.0. O. r. Building Independence E. K. PIASECKI Attorney at Law 5 1-2 per cent Farm Loans Dallas Oregon DR. L. E. BAKRICK Dentist Cooper Building Independence I. U HEWITT f. G. HIWETT I 111 Office Thone 93)1 7tiU Residence Phones 3622 HEWITTS HEWETT Physicians and Surgeon. Cooper Building Independence ELIZABETH LEVY TEACHER IN VIOLIN 563 Court Sreet, Salem Giving lesaon in Independence to beginner and advaitced student. Beat of nnethoda. Prices reasonable. In qui Monitor office or wtite Mias Levy. KAISK Ml l.KS. The Mam mouth Kentucky Jack. Sure Paymaster No. 427.1. will niak. the season at the Gilbert and Pat terson farm at Kola. ADVERTISE f I Buy Independence Bread "Always Good and Fresh" A GOOD BIG LOAF MADE TO CONFORM TO THE FOOD LAW REQUIREMENTS HOME INSTITUTION BIGGER LOAF; COSTS NO MORI I support Independence Enterprises and desire the patronage of Independence people in return The very best of Cookies. Cakes, Pies, Doughnuts, Crackers, Lunch Goods Etc. Always kept on hand AskFcr "Liberty Bread" For Sale at the Following Mores Calbrealh & Jones, Conkey & Walker Johnson & Collins Max Goldman J. M. Larson, Suver i Independence Bakery TJ. S. Food Administration License No. 20709 Independence Oregon "A great net of mercy drawn through an ocean of unspeakable pain" "Fm afraid that's all I can spare 99 You're a regular, red-blooded, true-blue Ameri can. You love your country. You love that flapping, snapping old flag. Your heart thumps hard when the troops tramp by. You're loyal 100! You intend to you want to help win the war in a hurry. "Sacrifice? Sure," you've been thinking. "Just you wait. till they really need it." And you've hon estly thought you meant that too. But look yourself in the eye, now, and search up and down in side of your heart did you mean it? Did you really mean "sacrifice"? Listen : You feel poor. This third Liberty Loan, the high prices, the Income Tax you've done your bit You feel that you've given all you can spare. What? Then what did you mean? What's that you said about loving your country? What did you think the word "sacrifice" means? Surely you didn't mean, did you, to give only what you can spare T What about our boys who are giving their lives in the trenches? Are they giving only what they can "spare" ? How about those mothers and little "kiddies" in the shell-wrecked towns of that war-swept hell: hungry ragged sobbing alone? Giving up their homes, their husbands, their fathers. f, While we over here with our fun and our comforts we hold up our heads and feel patriotic because we have given what ? Some loose bills off the top of our roll. "fVe've given all we can spare!" Come, come ! Let's quit fooling ourselves. Let us learn what " sacrifice " means. Let us give more than we can spare let us 'give till the heart says stop." Every cent of every dollar received for the Red Cross War F und goes for War Relief. Vh. Am.rlean HJ Croaa Is tha lrss and moat erssntiatloa tor th rll.f of u(Trtnit that tha World has .v.r aa. H t mad. up almoat .nttr!? of volunteer worK.ra. Um hlsh.r .iruttva txlna without vn:k'n n en ac lunoirrJ to large ajaira. who ar. In aiir.ool aii cumm glrtns tholr mtvIc without pay. It la supported antlraly hf Its mmbrhK tetm and ay voluntary coatrlbutlona. It la today brlrflnf rllf to auffrrlnc nuiranlty both military and civil, in .very War t rn aiai oun;ry It plaits tomorrow to boip to lh work of rvMora lioa throughout tb. world. It tii and cloth. ntir population la limes of aroat ca.amity. It is ther. to help your aoldler boy ta als tint at need. With Its thousands of workers. Its tr.mendoua a:or. and s-n-w.h runnlnf trar9;.orta:ton facilities It ts serving- as America s advance guard and hetpirg to win the war. Congress authorizes It. Pr?s.rfMit Wtleon heaJs It. The War Department audita Its accounts . .r Arny. your Navy and your sntknaS attcj.iy endorse it. Truy-lwo BiulloB American, kav. Joined H.